Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Hey all. Snopes and flavio are back, to help me introduce a new cast of characters I hope you enjoy. To spill the beans a little, if you like short muscular guys, you're going to want to read about rico and his submission. Ok, as one of my favorite authors once wrote: "on with the story! On with the story!"

Snopes had been skeptical about letting flavio add boxing to his gym routine. He wasn't worried about flavio picking a fight with him: flavio knew better than that. Little by little, Snopes had introduced flavio to some of his friends in the tickle DOM community, and flavio knew that while he might get away from Snopes for a while, the escape would be limited. No, Snopes was concerned that in boxing, something might happen, and his boy's handsome face might be damaged in some way. Yes, it wouldn't impact how ticklish he was (and it seemed to Snopes that the more he tickled flavio, the more ticklish he became), but Snopes never got tired of seeing how people reacted to this older, somewhat out of shape man being out on the street with his hot former model lover. Since he always made flavio keep his hands behind his back when they walked, there was also no doubt who was on top. Had Snopes been able to read flavio's mind, he would have known that he didn't have to worry about the sub trying to escape. He never came to truly enjoy being tickled, but flavio found being taken care of -- to be honest, being a kept man -- very hot. Being tied up made him horny, and when all was said and done, Snopes was a damn good top. There was no question that he had pushed flavio's limits little by little, and their sex was always great. That, and the gifts that Snopes brought home: the Rolex, the designer clothes, you name it, put thoughts of trying to escape out of flavio's mind. But there WAS something else going on in flavio's mind, and again, IF Snopes had been able to read minds, he'd have known that flavio had developed a wandering eye. He found out through a friend in the community. Late one afternoon, Snopes took a trip over to the gym where flavio worked out. He felt like having a good meal with the sub at a fine restaurant where he could show off his prize, and then taking him home for a thorough tickling and fucking. When he got to the gym, he walked around the main workout area and didn't see flavio. He thought that was odd. Then he saw one of his friends, Rob. Rob had a sub named jason, and the two subs had become friends, frequently working out together. Snopes gave Rob a wave and walked over. They did the hand and fist bump ritual and started chatting. Like Snopes, Rob was there to pick up his sub, but also to keep an eye on him. Jason had been broken very recently, and he had more than a bit of a wandering eye. Rob was doing his best to stop that. After some small talk, Snopes asked "Hey, Rob, have you seen flavio?" Rob gave a bit of a grin. "Oh, he's in one of the studios. He's having a private boxing lesson with one of the new trainers. Guy's name is Rico." "Rico? Hmm. That's not a name that flavio has brought up. He must be very new." "About six weeks. He and flavio hit it off right away." The way Rob said hit it off right away' set off an alarm in Snopes' head. "Hit it off right away? What's that mean, Rob?" Rob looked down for a minute and then looked up and lowered his voice. "Seems that Rico has taken a shine to flavio. I mean, he's a pretty bad assed, smart mouthed arrogant guy, but when flavio comes in, he sort of acts like an ice cream cone in the heat." Snopes laughed. "Oh, he's got a crush on flavio." He's not the first one who has." Rob gave Snopes a look. "Well, I think it's reciprocated." "Hmmm. I'm glad I ran into you, Rob. Anything else I should know?" Rob sighed. "Well, Snopes, remember how you told me once you had fucked any possibility of topping out of flavio? I think you may have missed a spot or two." Snopes began to laugh. "Now, THAT's funny. You weren't around the last time I gave flavio a chance to top someone. He couldn't do it." "Wellllllllllll, Rico may have changed that, Snopes. Jason told me a few weeks ago that flavio had told him that if he had the opportunity, he thought he'd give it a try. And Rico seems to spend a lot of time staring at flavio's crotch." Rob saw the anger building in Snopes' face. "I'm sorry, bud. I REALLY TRULY thought you knew, and you were good with it because, well, he wasn't doing anything." "I didn't know, but I'm glad you told me, Rob. You know, I had had plans for what flavio and I were doing tonight, but I think I have to have a come to Jesus' moment with flavs." He stopped and then asked, "This guy -- what's his name -- Rico -- is he hot?" "Decide for yourself. Here they come." Snopes heard flavio's very distinct bass baritone voice, and then he heard one that was slightly less deep. He looked up. Flavio was taller than average, and walking alongside Rico they sort of looked like a comic book duo, except Rico decided to take off his shirt at that moment. Snopes saw muscles all over his hairy, rock-hard body. He was wearing shorts that were probably the shortest they would allow at the gym. Flavio didn't see Snopes: his attention was totally on Rico. Had he known Snopes were there, he wouldn't have given Rico the hug he did, or adjust his crotch. Snopes' mind began working. Flavio came over to the section of the gym where his DOM was standing and smiled. "Sir! I didn't know you were here. What a nice surprise." Flavio smiled and put his hands behind his back. He was sweating all over. "I just finished boxing class, Sir." "That's what I just found out. Good class?" "Yes, Sir. Very invigorating. Did you want me to get ready to leave, Sir?" "Have you finished your workout?" "No, Sir. I have some weight work to do. But I could do it tomorrow." "You should finish it tonight. There are few things I enjoy more than seeing you pump iron." Flavio blushed. "OK, Sir. I'll add two reps in your honor." He walked over to the weights and began his lifts. "His biceps ARE stunning. His arms have REALLY developed." Snopes was thinking, as he became aroused. His arousal was cut off though, because he looked to the side and saw that Rico was staring at flavio in the same way he was. Snopes was standing behind flavio, so he could see the furtive glances and the little smiles flavio gave to Rico. "Me thinks we're going to have to find someone to pair with Rico," Snopes thought. "And it's NOT gonna be flavio." The gym was close enough to their apartment so Snopes and flavio walked back after flavio had showered and changed. Flavio didn't know that Rico had begun walking toward the shower a few minutes after he had, but he saw Snopes standing at the side. When he looked at Snopes, Snopes gave him a look and Rico had gone off in another direction. Now, as they were walking home, Snopes spoke: "you look really sexy in that outfit, flavio. I'm glad you're paying more attention to what I like." Flavio had dressed in a tight-fitting black polo shirt, and a pair of light gray, European style beltess slacks. Of course, flavio kept his hands behind his back as they walked. "Thank you, Sir. I'm glad you like the outfit. I remember when you got me this shirt." Snopes laughed a little. "Yeah, it was loose fitting on you, especially at the cuffs." He gave flavio's bicep a squeeze. "Look how big they've gotten. Probably too muscled to model, but REALLY sexy." Well, thank you Sir. I think you're right about modeling the way the scene was when I was modeling. Now, there's all kinds of clothes being made for really muscular bodies, and there's a shortage of models. I know someone at the gym who moonlights as a model for one of them." Snopes grinned. "Really? Is it someone I've met?" Flavio knew the way Snopes operated well enough to know he had just fallen into a trap. His face reddened. "He's one of the trainers, Sir. His name is Rico. There's a clothing line that caters to fit, shorter guys and he models for them." "Rico... Is that the guy who teaches you boxing?" Flavio gulped. "Yes, Sir." "You like that boxing class. I'll have to see about inviting Rico over for a meal or something in the future. Would you like that?" Flavio began to sweat. "Uh, that's not necessary, Sir. We're not that close." Snopes saw flavio sweating. "You shouldn't have hurried your shower, flavio. I would've waited. " "I think we're starting in the chair tonight, flavio. No need to strip." "Yes, Sir," flavio gulped. Snopes was usually so horny they went directly to the bed. If he used the chair, it meant flavio was being punished. Flavio took his place, and felt the ropes go around his wrists. He winced because Snopes seemed to tighten them more than usual. He knew enough to point out his chest, and to spread his legs. "Nice. Really nice, flavio." "Am I in trouble, Sir?" flavio asked. He was truly confused. "Well, let's find out." Flavio could hear Snopes' breath behind him, and he felt Snopes' hands pass over his shoulders, and then park at his pits. He didn't mean to, but flavio tightened his arms closer to his chest. "You've gotten so much stronger, sub stud. But you know, your triggers are the same as always." Flavio felt Snopes' thumbs press against the point where his shoulders were tightest to his torso. He jumped and began to giggle. That was all Snopes needed. His fingers were buried in flavio's pits. He got to work. "So, tell me about Rico." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHA. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. There's nothing to tell, Sir. He's just a trainer. OH, SHIT OH FUCK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. "Snopes was burying his fingers in deep, and he wasn't stopping. "You're not telling me the truth, flavio. And I'll get the truth. You know that." He began tickling flavio's side. "SIR. NO, I AM. I AM. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAHA. AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGH." Snopes had pulled up flavio's shirt and his fingers were directly on his skin. He felt Snopes put his mouth over his ear, and then Snopes' fingers stop. "I don't belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve you sub." The tickling started again, and flavio started screaming with laughter. "NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. SIR I'VE BEEN FAITHFUL. I SWEAR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." Snopes kept tickling as he said "How interesting. I didn't ASK you if you had been faithful. "After a pause, Snopes spoke again. "You like this guy?" Flavio didn't answer, and he felt one of Snopes' hands tighten around a nipple, while the other began playing with his navel. He whimpered and giggled a little. "DO YOU LIKE THIS GUY?" Snopes' fingers dug into flavio's ribs. Flavio couldn't catch his breath. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. YES SIR. YES. I DO." Snopes stopped. He began massaging flavio's shoulders. "Now, you see, flavs? That wasn't hard. All you had to do was tell me the truth. But now, I want the whole truth. "He whispered. "Do you want him to fuck you?" When flavio didn't answer, Snopes went back to his pits. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG. HAHAHAHAHSHSHHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAAHAH. OH, SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. NO SIR. NO. I DON'T WANT HIM TO FUCK ME." The tickling didn't stop. "HUH? You mean you want to TOP him?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. YES, SIR YES SIR. I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT BUT.... "Snopes moved a hand over flavio's mouth. "I don't EVER want to hear the phrase `I want to top..." come out of your lips ever again. You understand me, BOTTOM?" "MMMMMPH." Flavio shook his head yes. "Now, I'm gonna have to do something to get this all in order, but that can wait. What can't wait, is my cock. You get to the bedroom. Undress and lock your ankles in the stocks. This indiscretion totally deserves some serious foot torture." "Please, Sir, please. Nothing will happen. Nothing." "You're right. Nothing will. Now do as you were told. I have to make some calls. There MUST be someone out there who can use a muscular pocket gay sub." Flavio knew what he had to do to get ready. He got his clothes off and he looked at his hard cock. He assumed, correctly, that this was going to cost him at least a week in the cage. He hoped that Snopes would give him release before he locked him up. The ankle stocks first. He opened them, put them over his ankles and then pressed until he felt the lock catch. This made it difficult to do what followed, but he had enough experience to shackle one of his wrists. Then he waited. He could hear Snopes' voice on the phone. Then he heard his DOM's feet walking toward the bedroom. He saw Snopes look at his rigid cock and smile. "Good boy. Glad you didn't forget ALL the rules." Flavio felt Snopes' strong grip on his free wrist, and he heard the lock turn. He was spread eagled, and he knew punishment would follow. "You're usually so compliant. What is it about this guy that made you disobey?" Snopes was sitting at the side of the bed and was massaging flavio's nipples with the back of his thumbs. Flavio didn't think he could get any harder, or more aroused, but he did. "I really don't know, Sir. He was just...well, "flavio didn't finish because Snopes pressed his lips down on his and kissed him, before taking his mouth with his tongue. "I don't know either, flavio. I just know this is pretty serious. And your punishment is going to continue until I get done what I want. And you're helping. But for now..." He got up and flavio saw that Snopes had taken the bottle of "massaging" oil he used when he really wanted to punish flavio's feet. "A variation is always good, muffin," Snopes said, as he took a small paint brush and began applying the oil. The oil was enough of a stimulant on its own, as was the brush. Together...flavio's laughing started right away. When Snopes began pushing the brush between his toes, he broke. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" Snopes smiled. "We're only getting started, young man." He picked up the stiffer brushes and flavio muttered "oh fuck." Usually, Snopes used one brush at a time. Not tonight. He had a brush in each hand, and he drew each one across flavio's feet. First slowly, which provoked what sounded like a string of raspberries from flavio, then shorter, faster, harder strokes. Flavio started laughing and he was laughing so hard he was having trouble breathing. He gasped out "PLEASE SIR, PLEASE. I CAN'T...BREATHE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Snopes reduced the intensity. "But flavio. I'm only beginning. How about... up here." The brushes were coated with oil now, and one went into each of flavio's pits. This was one of Snopes' most devious ways of torture: flavio's instinct was to pull his arms into him and if he did that, the bristles dug in further. And with the brushes at his pits, Snopes could dig his fingers onto flavio's feet, which he did with gusto. Before he rubbed his chin against the sensitive soles. "NO MORE SIR PLEASE. NO MORE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHA. I FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA DIE. PLEASE. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." "Hmmm. Your cock seems very much alive flavio. Although let me tell you: you may wish very soon that it were dead." "I know, I know, Sir. I deserve to be locked up." "You're right. And you will be. But first." He stopped tickling flavio and gave him a look. "Who's your man, flavio?" Gasping for breath, flavio answered "You are, Sir." "Do I take care of you?" "Yes, Sir." "You need any other man except me?" "HELL NO, SIR. I don't deserve you." "You're not just saying that, so I'll jerk you off are you sub boi?" "NO SIR. It's the truth. It is. It is. I'll help you with anything you want about Rico. I will." Snopes smiled. "Good. Because we're gonna set something up tomorrow. For now, though." He put his hand around flavio's cock, and he began stroking it. Some of the tickling oil was on Snopes' hand and flavio felt a mild tickling sensation as Snopes edged him. He moaned, softly "Thank you, Sir." Snopes asked: "This from me, or Rico?" Flavio disappointed Snopes by telling the truth: "Both, Sir." DAMN, he thought. "He didn't give me another chance to punish him. "I think you've learned your lesson, flavio." Snopes put his finger on a part of flavio's hole that always set him off, as it did that night. A howl, half Portuguese, half Spanish, came out of flavio as he came. "Thank you, Sir. Please, may I ask you to take my worthless hole, Sir?" Flavio saw that Snopes had a very thick erection. He knew what was coming, and the stocks opened first, after which Snopes lifted his legs in the air, taking his ankles. "I bet Rico says he's versatile." "He does, Sir." "Yeah, he's versatile like you: he takes it from the front and from the back." Snopes plunged into flavio and the bottom yelped at the suddenness of all that meat in him. Then he moaned. It had taken him time to enjoy Snopes' fucking him so often, but if you asked him, flavio would have said he was addicted. Snopes pumped flavio's ass: first slowly, then faster. He increased the speed, and flavio could tell that he was getting wetter and wetter because he heard the sloshing as Snopes pumped him. "OH GEEZ," he thought. "He's taking longer than usual. I don't know: do I want him in or out of me?" He knew he didn't have anything to say about that, but it felt so good. He felt the kiss on his forehead that meant Snopes was close. Then he felt the explosion. "DAMN I don't know how many times I've fucked you, boi, but each time is amazing." "Thank you, Sir. It IS always amazing." Snopes was smiling. "I'm gonna have to take some steps to make sure everyone knows you're spoken for. You'll find out what they are in good time. For now, though, you're going to pay attention. Rico is going to be very busy soon, satisfying his new DOM." Snopes set out flavio's part in the plan. "Yes, Sir." he answered as Snopes explained each part to him. And after Snopes released the wrist restraints, and had put the cage on flavio's cock, flavio texted Rico. "Hey. Sir is out of town tomorrow.

He keeps a room for business guests who visit. Join me? I'll ask his driver to take us." The answer came back: just an eggplant emoji. Flavio showed it to Snopes, who gave him a big kiss before wrapping him up in his arms for sleep. Joseph was about 45 years old, and ridiculously wealthy. He had made his money, ironically, in the "rag trade," only in the women's clothing market. His blond hair was aging, and he wore a pair of tortoise shell glasses. He was incredibly fit, and he was also covered, head to toe, with tattoos. When Snopes had sent him the pictures of Rico that flavio had on his phone, his simple answer to Snopes was "I'm drooling." Snopes gave him the address of his business hotel room. The next day, after their boxing class, Rico confessed to flavio: "I wasn't really into it today, flavio. I kept on thinking about this afternoon." He made a face. "GOD, why do you stay with that guy? I mean, I know he pays your bills, but..." "It's a long story, Rico. Very complicated, but it works. Share a shower?" Rico smiled. "You don't need to ask me twice. Doing our part to save water." Flavio finished first and he waited at the exit to the gym. He felt very odd: he was betraying a friend, is what he thought, but he was also saving what he thought of as his "marriage," even though Snopes had never given him a ring. "We should go," he said to Rico when he came out to the exit. "He looks cute," flavio thought blue athletic pants, a tight-fitting yellow t shirt that had a picture of a bear on the front. It was too small, and part of Rico's six pack was visible. He had a big smile on his face. "Ready?" He asked and followed with "Hey. Is there anything to drink at the hotel room?" Flavio had to think fast. "Uh, yeah. Mr. Snopes drinks scotch so I know there's a bottle. And there's a bar downstairs. I've got cash. Can't put it on the card. He'd know." While flavio and Rico made their way to the hotel, Snopes was busy with a few things. He had meant it when he said that he intended to make it clear that flavio was HIS. First, he bought a ring. A simple platinum one. Then, he made an appointment with the jeweler, so that he could get flavio's nipple pierced, and get a black banded tattoo around his right bicep. Finally, he stopped at one of the local clothing boutiques. He had taken the black polo shirt with him, and he was leaving it off to get flavio more shirts that fit the way that black one did. "Who the hell is that?" Rico and flavio walked into the hotel room and Rico saw Joseph sitting at the foot of the bed, a drink in his hand. He also had a collar and leash along side of him. "I'm your new DOM, Rico. Call me Sir, or Mr. Joseph." "FUCK THIS. FLAVIO YOU FUCKING SKUNK." Flavio had grabbed Rico's arms and pinned them. He wasn't strong enough to hold him long, but he could for long enough: Joseph got up and, even though Rico struggled, Joseph's experience prevailed, and he locked the collar on Rico. Then he smiled. "Someone, or more than one, has worked those nipples, rico. "He squeezed and rico moaned. "Put your hands behind your back, boy." Rico fought it, but he said "Yes, Sir", in less than three minutes. "Tell Mr. Snopes I'll talk to him tomorrow, flavio." Flavio answered "Yes, Mr. Joseph."

Next: Chapter 14

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