Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 10, 2022


Flavio hated it when Snopes came to the gym and watched him work out. If Snopes were always horny (and flavio felt that he was), he was exceptionally so after he'd pick up flavio at the gym. The last time Snopes had shown up, flavio was having a boxing class. He had taken off his tank top and he was working out his frustrations. He had many of those. The one that was always foremost in his mind, though, was how he reacted when Snopes tickled him. It had been going on for a while, but flavio STILL hated being tickled. But what complicated his feelings was how horny it made HIM. If he was "on the fence" about getting fucked before Snopes tickled him, he was RAVENOUS for cock after a session. If he was NOT in the mood, tickling always put him in that mood. As flavio boxed, he caught a glimpse of Snopes every now and then. He stood there, arms folded, just gently smiling and every now and then, he'd give flavio a once over, and lick his lips. If flavio denied he would get a hard on from when Snopes did that, he'd be lying. Or the best he COULD at a hard on since Snopes kept him locked up for at least 3 days at a time now. He had caught flavio masturbating one evening and flavio was still paying for it. Snopes had already fucked flavio when he caught him, and instead of tickling flavio himself, he fastened the vest Jacques had made to keep flavio in a constant state of ticklishness, and he had secured it tightly. "You sleep in this tonight, bitch boy. Maybe you'll learn your place." "PLEASE SIR, I'M SORRY. I just couldn't help myself. You told me no every day for the last four and..." "And now, I'm gonna tell you no for another three." Snopes locked the cage. Flavio was in the vest and caged, so as he was turned on by the gently massaging of the inside of the vest, his trapped cock got angrier, and angrier. Flavio remembered that while he was finishing up his boxing class. When he was done, and catching his breath, Snopes came up to him. "Let's go " "But Sir, I'm sweaty. Let me shower first, please?" "NO. If you're sweaty, you're nice and lubed. I can get in easily." Flavio forgot himself and said, "You never seem to have any trouble getting inside me!" As soon as he got out, he felt like he should regret it. But he didn't. Now, he'd get punished with tickling, and Snopes would be even harder when he fucked him. And it was true. Snopes must have been in an exceptionally horny mood because he didn't even bother tying down flavio: he just dug his fingers into flavio's ribs and, while he laughed helplessly, Snopes maneuvered him to the bed, rolled him on his belly, and went to work on flavio's navel. Flavio shrieked for Snopes to stop. He hoped that he'd get a bit of a reprieve from the neighbors' banging on the wall, but they must have been away that night. Snopes was having his way with him. Flavio could feel his face getting redder and redder, and he could feel his ass twitching. In between heaves of laughter, he forced out: "Fuck me Sir. Please fuck me. Fuck me hard." Snopes dug his fingers into flavio's ribs. "You sure about that boy? Cause I could keep on going." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. I KNOW. I KNOW SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. BUT I'VE WANTED YOU TO FUCK ME SINCE YOU CAME TO THE GYM." Snopes sneered and twisted flavio's ankles together. "Now, THAT is a lie, and lies get you punished." He began running his tongue over each of flavio's feet, one after the other. The licking didn't tickle very much, but it made his feet even more sensitive and when Snopes nails started... flavio had to struggle not to wet the sheets. THAT would mean a MAJOR punishment. Snopes flipped him over. Flavio saw how fat, red and dripping Snopes' cock was. "OH, YES SIR. YES. DEEP IN ME. PLEASE. PLANT IT. PLANT IT IN ME." Flavio screamed when Snopes pushed all the way in, all at once. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK SIR YOU'RE SO HUGE. OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK." Snopes began piledriving flavio's ass. Since he wasn't tied down, flavio pushed back, trying to slide onto Snopes' cock as much as he could. He began to moan: GOD he LOVED being fucked. He wasn't sure if he'd like it if someone else were doing the fucking: Snopes was DAMN good at taking him to the edge and then, sometimes, pushing him over. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. TAKE MY JIZZ BOY. TAKE IT." Streams of cum flew into flavio. He sighed and Snopes actually saw him smile. In a weak, but sexy voice, flavio whispered. "Kiss me, Sir. Please. Kiss me. "When Snopes shoved his tongue into Flavio's mouth, he encountered no resistance: flavio sucked it up and moaned for more. That had been the week before. Now, flavio was working out. Today was back day, and he was on one of those machines when he felt Snopes' eyes checking him out. He knew that they would be trying out some new additions Snopes had put into the bedroom. There had always been restraints at the corners of the bed, but now Snopes had added a restraint in the wall right above the headboard. He had gotten it, he told flavio, to immobilize his arms when he shaved his pits, but when he told him that, flavio knew he wasn't telling him everything. He had a feeling... He finished his workout. "May I shower tonight, Sir?" This time, Snopes smiled. "Yes, waiting will do me good. But make no mistake about it, boy. My cock will be in your ass tonight." "Yes Sir. I understand." Flavio went off to the shower, cleaned up and got dressed. It had been coincidental that he had worn one of Snopes' favorite outfits that day: a loose-fitting shirt with broad vertical pink and white stripes, and a pair of tight, faded jeans. Dressed like that, he was a contrast to Snopes' middle aged businessman attire. "I'm gonna make every red-blooded man and woman jealous tonight." As they walked out of the gym, he put his hand on the back of flavio's neck. "Now, everyone will know, you're spoken for, and I'm the one who's doing the speaking." When they got home, Snopes confirmed flavio's thoughts. He ordered flavio on the bed, and then he cuffed his wrists above him. "Sir, I got shaved last week." "Yeah, I know. And THAT's the last thing you're gonna say for a while, boy." flavio saw that Snopes had a roll of white duct tape. He ripped off a few pieces and gagged flavio tightly. Now, flavio was confused: Snopes used tape to gag him for other things, but not for tickling. Still, it was clear that tickling was on the menu, as he locked flavio's ankles into the foot stock at the bottom of the bed and pulled off his shoes and socks. The restraint immobilized flavio's arms even more severely than the side restraints did. He saw the evil look on Snopes' face. "Some people say that the more you get tickled, the more insensitive to it you get. You agree, boy?" "mmnnmphf" flavio shook his head no. He had heard the same thing, but it seemed to him that he had gotten MORE ticklish since he became Snopes' sub. Now, as Snopes barely touched his left pit with his index finger, a muffled squeal came out of flavio and he involuntarily pulled at the restraint. "That could be a mistake flavio. See, I don't want you dislocating your shoulders, so..." He took the stock off of flavio's ankles, but he gathered them and locked a shackle on them before he attached it to the base of the bed. There was almost no slack and now, flavio could barely move. "Time for the attack of the marauding fingers!" Snopes chuckled as he ran his nails down each of flavio's pits. The squealing got harder, and louder, muffled almost completely by the tape. "Let me get a few things." Snopes came back with three electric brushes. Some Velcro attached one each to flavio's feet, and he lay one on flavio's belly, right above his navel. "If that falls off of you flavio, I'm adding ten minutes to tickle time." He dug back into flavio's pits and flavio laughed, helplessly. This new restraint was going to change his life, and not in a good way. Snopes continued to dig into flavio's pits for about ten minutes, before he slid down, picked up the electric brush, and dug it into flavio's navel. "How's my baby like that? Tickle boy like that? What a good pair: robin and tickle boy: superbottoms." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" flavio kept laughing and remembered: Jacques and robin were supposed to come over that night. It was the night before robin's surgery, and he understood that Mr. Snopes and Jacques had a competition planned. He remembered the last one and had made up his mind he wasn't going to lose this one. But now, he was bucking, harder and harder trying to escape the brushes, Snopes' fingers, and just get the tickling to stop. He wanted COCK. Today was a day Snopes hadn't caged him, and there was no doubt what flavio wanted, from the size of his bulge. "You're gonna have to wait tonight, sweet cakes. You'll find out why. But for now: you like the new toy?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph" flavio shook his head yes, and Snopes laughed. "Liar. Ok, I'll put that on the list. Now though, I need to get us ready for the boys."

"BON JOUR MON AMI BON JOUR!" Flavio was sitting in a chair in the bedroom, tied up and gagged, when he heard Jacques' voice. "It is time for a little celebration, no? But where is your boy? I SO look forward to seeing that beautiful face and of course, I will not lie, that beautiful body -- such a contrast to my lovely, but naughty robin, but so equally valid!" Snopes noticed that robin was not wearing a white shirt like Jacques usually required: it was a bright red one: "robin red breast!" he explained to Snopes. "And one has to admit, it DOES bring out the lovely overtones in his cheeks. AH, Snopes, were it not for the entertainment tonight, I would have had his legs split and filled his sweet hole not more than ten minutes after I dressed him. Instead...what did I do to you, lad?" Robin had his head bowed down, and his hands behind his back: "he tickled me, Mr. Snopes. He tickled me for thirty minutes." Snopes thought he saw a brief smile flit across robin's face. "So he's getting to like being tickled as well. Good."

"But where is beautiful flavio, Snopes?" "Come this way. I wanted him displayed in the most beautiful way I could imagine." They walked into the bedroom: not only was flavio bound at his wrists and ankles, but he was also gagged, and his shirt was open, showing his magnificent torso. "By all means, feel his luscious skin, Jacques."

"I shall, monsieur. And you should feel free to open another of robin's buttons and have a bit of fun with his. They are growing more and more sensitive under my tutelage."

"Is that true, robin?" Snopes looked at the former boy wonder. "Yes, Sir. Sometimes a breeze goes across them, and I get hard."

"Well, I assume that you've been caged for tonight so...I will be the judge of that." Soon, two subs were moaning as the fingers of men other than their DOMS were playing with their nipples. Each one missed the touch of his primary Master, but both had been trained so well that the sensation went right to their dicks.

"Always a pleasure to enjoy your boy a bit, Jacques. If you'll excuse me though, I need to get the `toy'" Jacques smiled. "AH, OUI, OUI. Part of robin's work tomorrow will be converting its dimensions into centimeters.

"If you would release flavio from his bonds, that would be much appreciated. Better yet, have robin do it." Robin smiled: he did have a thing for flavio, even if flavio hadn't been able to fuck him. He knew flavio felt something for him, too. He smiled as he approached the chair.

"Hey flavio. I guess we'll have something else in common in a couple of days." Robin's surgery to insert the tracking devices was scheduled for two days from the day.

"It'll be ok. You're not gonna get away even without the trackers, and maybe it'll just make him a little less aggressive about keeping you close by. Sir allows me to go to the gym on my own -- he shows up sometimes, but I have more freedom than I did."

"You still get punished for, well, you know? The tickling I got this afternoon was because Jacques thinks I looked at another man."

"Well, did you?" flavio asked? Robin lowered his voice "yes." Flavio laughed. "I hope he was worth it. I still get that too."

"What are they going on about?" Both robin and flavio could hear Snopes and Jacques laughing like loons. "I have no idea," flavio said. "I haven't any clue." The two DOMS came into the room. "Ok, the two of you will strip. Completely. Nothing. No socks, no nothing. Just your cages. Then you come out to the main room, and we'll get started." Snopes put his arm on Jacques shoulder, and they walked out.

"I wish you had come with me in Spain, flavio. We might have made it."

"We wouldn't have, robin. Trust me. Snopes knew what you were going to try before you did it. So did Jacques." Robin's eyes got big.

"He did? HOW?"

"The other models knew. They like working in Jacques' shows, so..."

"MERDE!" Robin laughed. "I think that's the French word I know best." Flavio saw that robin had been recently shaved. His hair was even shorter than flavio's were, and flavio had been shaved recently too.

"LET'S MOVE ON, BOYS" Snopes yelled. Each sighed and walked out. They both saw the huge two headed dildo at about the same time.

"See, this, studs? This is going to be a test of which of you has learned to take cock better. It is 14 inches long and, as you see..." Snopes showed it to them. "There's a bright red line right down the middle: at precisely 7 inches. Now, both of you get on the mat, on all fours." Snopes and Jacques had put a large cotton mat down on the floor. Space yourselves. Back-to-back and about a foot between your butts." The two looked at each other. They both had an idea of what was going to happen. "Jacques, you're the guest. Would you do the honor?"

"But of course, but of course." He took the dildo and rested it, horizontally, between robin and flavio, with a head pointed directly at each of their butt holes. He had them adjust themselves until their butts were holding the toy still.

"Now, here's what will happen. When I say `GO' each of you will start pushing back to take your half of the dildo. The one of you who gets to the red line first will get a reward and the other... a punishment." Robin gulped. He had been a sub for less time than flavio, and his understanding was that Snopes was bigger than Jacques. Did he have any chance at all?" "GO!" Snopes yelled. Robin could feel the movement as flavio began backing into the dildo. He did the same. It was a BIG head: it was impossible to find one that big without big heads, and he was moving slowly.

"ROBIN, FASTER!" he heard Jacques yell. "You only have about an inch inside of you. Your friend is, I believe, up to three."

"Good work, stud bottom?" Snopes was in front of flavio, smiling. He ran a hand through flavio's short hair. "Make me proud. Show them how much you LOVE cock."

"Yes sir. Yes. Thank you, Sir." Flavio winced as he pushed back further. He knew he was winning because he could feel the dildo's movements, and he could hear the little moans of pain that were coming out of robin.

"I have no idea what the punishment is, but...AGGGGGGGGGGGH" robin screamed as he pushed back quickly: too quickly. He had taken too much and now he had to adjust, and he could feel the toy moving as flavio backed up, slowly and steadily.

"What is it, Jacques? About 5.5 inches to 4? I do believe your boy is going to lose."

"HE IS SIR!" flavio yelled out, pushed backward, and got to the 7 inche mark. He looked up. "Do you want me to take more, Sir?" Snopes smiled. "Go for it. Let's see if you can get it all."

"I though he was my friend, FUCKER" robin cursed to himself. What could he do? It was both of their jobs to be able to take cock, either by ass or by mouth. He had lost. Flavio backed up until his butt was touching robin's.

"Now THIS is a picture for the ages, Jacques. Let's get it on film. We'll have to come up with a title."

"Oh, YES. And before robin and I return home, we shall have to try it without their cages. I imagine they will BOTH become erect, and drip."

"Move forward, boys. Time to get this out and move on to the reward and penalty phase." Robin freed his ass from the toy first. He wanted to turn around and push the entire thing into flavio, but instead, he asked "Sirs, should I help remove it?"

"Twist it first. THEN remove it," Snopes instructed. "Yes sir," robin grimaced and turned it especially hard before he pulled it out of flavio's ass.

"Now, it's time for the next phase. Jacques, should we administer punishment, or reward first?"

"Oh, I think punishment. Absolutely!" Snopes smiled. "Jacques looked at robin: "Monsieur Snopes prefers to take his boy from behind. You get on the bed. And you listen to him." As robin got into position, reluctantly, Snopes saw flavio ball up his fists. He looked at him. "None of that flavio. Your reward is going to be wonderful. But for now... give me your wrists. I'm going to chain you to the chair until we're ready."

"Yes Sir," flavio was cuffed and then put back in the chair. "Feel free to use his nipples, Jacques. Chew them too. I have been wanting this ass for a while. You want my dick, boy bottom?" Robin hesitated and then answered. "Yes Sir." He felt two strong fingers push his cheeks apart, and then he felt a glob of Snopes' spit hit his ass. He could hear flavio moaning. Jacques knew what he was doing when he tortured nipples. He listened but then, he was distracted by the feeling of Snopes' cockhead piercing his ass.

"OH JACQUES. I don't know what you do to this boy, but he is still so tight. So LUSCIOUS." He shoved in, thinking about how Jacques was really very small, and much prefrred torment to fucking. Snopes like them both.

"OH FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK SIR" Robin moaned, knowing he'd be pissing off Jacques. He pushed back to take more of Snopes cock, and he tightened his glutes.

"MY MY. Who taught you to do that?" Robin grunted "flavio, Sir. I watched him when you fucked him."

"OH DAMN. If you ever get kicked out by Jacques, just come and join us."

"Over my dead body" flavio muttered. Jacques heard it and laughed. "Indeed." Meanwhile, Snopes grabbed a big handful of robin's hair and pulled back his head.

"TAKE MY LOAD YOU FUCKING BITCH." Robin felt the jizz filling him. It was more than he had ever gotten from Jacques.

He hated it.

"And now..." Snopes pulled out and cleaned off his cock with a cloth. "It's time for flavio's reward. Time to change positions on the bed. Flavio, take the position that you did earlier. I'm chaining you down exactly the same way.

"REWARD?" flavio thought. "I'm gonna be TICKLED?" As Snopes locked him in place, he smiled. "Now, flavio..." he opened flavio's cage. The THREE of us are gonna tickle the shit outta you, until you cum from nothing but tickling. There's your reward. Robin, you start at the feet. Jacques, ribs, and belly. I'm starting with my favorite spot. Fifteen minutes before we switch.

Six hands began working over flavio's body. "OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. "His feet were so sensitive that even though robin was clumsy, he was feeling it, and Jacques, well, Jacques was diabolical. He'd run his finger over the top of a rib a few times, then switch to the middle and then just dig in before he attacked flavio's belly. And of course there was NOTHING worse than Master Snopes working on his pits.

"Fifteen minutes. Time to switch. You like pits, don't you Jacques."

"I do. I do. ""Very well. I'll take my boy's feet and robin, you get the ribs."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAH. OH NO. OH NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Snopes did feet as well as he did pits, and while robin's work was giving him a rest, he knew that that's where Snopes was going next. He was rock hard: the time in between jerking off and now, plus the tickling, was driving him crazy.

"I know. Robin: MILK HIM. You pick the tempo. Fast or slow. Edge him for as long as you want. Jacques and I are just going to watch, unless... Jacques, you need to dump a load?"

"OH, I would love to. That beautiful chest. OUI!" He moved to flavio's nipples and pulled out his dick. Flavio heard robin whisper "I'm gonna make you pay, fuck boy" and he began sliding slowly then more slowly. Every now and then he'd speed up.

"I want you BEGGING pretty boy. Pretty ticklish PIG" Just then, Jacques moaned and a small pool of jizz fell onto flavio's chest, just as he began to moan.

"OH GOD. OOOOOOOOOOOOH. PLEASE ROBIN, PLEASE. FINISH ME OFF. PLEASE. PLEASE." Then it happened. He couldn't stop it: lashing after lashing of jizz poured out of flavio. Robin was disappointed. He wanted to keep it going for at least another fifteen minutes. It had been twenty.

"OH GEEZ. OH GEEZ. Thank you, Robin. Thank you."

"Kiss him the way we do in France, my sweet. Show him there are no hard feelings." Jacques gave robin an order, and he did what he was told. His tongue was down flavio's throat and flavio responded hungrily. Robin may not have been an expert tickler, but he WAS a good kisser.

"We're going to have to have them enjoy each other some more after the operation, Jacques."

"Oh, Monsieur, I could not agree more, but..." he looked at his watch. "We really should be getting back. I would like to have another session tickling my little lovebird, and I'm sure you will need some time with your beautiful boy. "He smiled. "Flavio, you've bulked up. I think I need to sew a few more shirts for you, so that your beautiful physique can be displayed more. Just as with my robin. Please get dressed my sweet. I think tonight I am going to take out the brushes and focus on your private parts." As robin dressed, Jacques asked: "Have you ever thought about marking your boy, Snopes?"

"For about a second, but he was modeling at the time and that would have been a no no. You could not have used him in your show if he had been tattooed."

"That is true. A fair point."

"I'm not sure if I'm going to let flavio model anymore. I'm planning a short vacation and we'll consider it when we come back." Flavio's eyes got big. A vacation? He had no idea? He hoped it was someplace warm with a beach.

"Then we will see you after the surgery, Jacques. We'll be at the hospital with you. Perhaps robin will want flavio to hold his hand."

"Fat chance," robin thought, but also thought he'd probably do it.

Next: Chapter 13

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