Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 14, 2022


Jacques and robin were arriving in NYC the next day. "Gotta make sure you look your best, flavio." Snopes was walking back to the bed where flavio was spread eagled. He was carrying the material he used when he was giving flavio a complete shave: the bowl with the shaving soap in it, the electric clippers, the towels, everything. He had already put a couple of electric toothbrushes, and his textured gloves on the bed table: he wasn't going to miss a chance to tickle the shit out of his boy when he was most sensitive.

flavio knew that he'd get Snopes to enjoy it more, and maybe have an easier time of it, if he put up a fight. He pushed at the ropes that held down his wrists. He was a little surprised: the ropes moved. They didn't move much, but they did move. Snopes heard flavio grunt and saw what had just happened. The bonds were secure enough to keep flavio in place, but he looked at flavio, smiling

"Looks like the upper body workouts are paying off, flavio. I DID notice," and indeed, he did. flavio's upper body had always been strong, but more like a swimmer than any other athlete. Now, it was filling out with muscle. "Guess I'm gonna have to switch from leather to metal. Make sure you stay in place..." He put on a glove and rubbed it over flavio's stomach, which made flavio twitch, and giggle just a little bit.

"Nah, the serious tickling gets done after I finish cleaning you up." It had been a week since flavio's last shaving, but Snopes knew from chatting with Jacques that he had made sure robin wouldn't need shaving by having electrolysis done to him. Jacques was gleeful as he told Snopes about how much robin complained and struggled, and how he had to gag him and then tickle him while he was gagged to keep him still. Even so, the only way he got his boy to calm down was by threatening to use the process on the hair on robin's head.

"Call me old fashioned," Snopes had thought after that call, "but I LIKE shaving my stud muffin." He began, pressing harder than he might normally because there wasn't that much hair. Flavio wondered what he was going to feel when Snopes got to his pits: he'd have to shave more intensely, and all the tickling hadn't made him more resilient to it. If anything, he was more sensitive.

"Which first, babe? Should I uncage you and do your pubes? Or your pits? Whatcha think? flavio knew he didn't have a choice in the matter, but he didn't know what Snopes was going to do first. He heard the key jingling in Snopes' hand.

"Let's get those little boy pubic hairs gone, stud. Save the best for last." As he went over flavio's balls, and the rest of the area around his cock, he whispered "I wouldn't trade you for robin, flavio. You're too much fun." With his cock out of the cage, flavio was hoping that he'd get a chance to blow a load: it had been five days. He moaned as Snopes handled his cock and purred "Thank you, Sir."

"How about we do a before and after test, sweet pea. Let's tickle those pits BEFORE I shave you, and then AFTER. See if there's a difference." Flavio was sweating and his pit hair was slick with the moisture as Snopes fingers started scratching gently. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Flavio always felt more ticklish when he needed to cum. He just hoped that Snopes didn't play one of the games he did, which was to use a paintbrush on his balls while he jerked flavio off. Snopes' fingers began to dig in. "You seem especially frisky tonight, flavio? You been thinking about your ex-boyfriend?"

"No Sir. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "You thinking about how good it feels to get fucked, then?"


"OHHHHHHHH. I know what you're frisky about. You're looking forward to game playing with robin."


"Well, Jacques and I have some REALLY fine games lined up. There'll be lots of playing because after robin gets his surgery, his feet are off limits. "Snopes stopped the tickling for a minute. "But Jacques will make up for it. The way I did with you. One more time!" He dug his fingers in and when he could hear flavio's breathing begin to get labored, he stopped, and pulled out the razor.

"How could anyone give up this treat? DAMN I was hard when I started and now, I'm dripping. "He looked at flavio. "And look who else is hard? You wanna shoot flavio?"

"God, Sir, I do. I really REALLY do." "I need to."

"Ah, flavio. Bottoms NEVER need to cum. They just want to. Let me just finish that other pit and then the experiment and then, let's see if I can stimulate you to shoot when I'm fucking you. "

Flavio answered, "yes sir, thank you Sir," even though he knew that meant there would be no physical contact with his cock. It wasn't as satisfying as when he jerked off, or when Snopes jerked him off, or even better, when Snopes brought in someone to suck flavio, which he did on special occasions. But now, flavio stopped thinking because.


"You know, flavio, I think this is the FIRST time I dug into your pits immediately after a shave. "


"Oh, I will have to remember this. Not tonight, but next time... I wonder if the brush on your balls will work the same way after a pube shave." He stopped.

"Who wants to get fucked?" flavio gulped. "I do Sir."

"GOOD. Then you'll get your wish." He untied flavio's ankles and pushed up the big strong legs. "Nice development in your calves too boy. I may have to just..." He began licking at them, which brought out more screams from flavio.

"Ok, handsome. Now, I take what's mine." Snopes slid his cock into flavio. The bottom was already exhausted from all the tickling, and fighting against the ropes, but Snopes' cock was so familiar to him, and it felt so good. When Snopes moved his hands up to his nipples, flavio came close to exploding.

"One of these days I'm gonna put an end to your modeling, flavio. And then... you're getting a tit ring. You need it. "He bent over flavio and didn't kiss him, but ran scruff over his lips and mouth, and that's when flavio exploded.

"I can't hold it in, Sir. It's been so long." His hips bucked and the cum started flooding out of him. That seemed to inspire Snopes, and flavio felt the thick jizz that Snopes produced when he was really excited fill him. While it was happening, flavio wondered: he had caught a little bit of the conversation with Jacques and thought he heard something about fucking the boys in front of each other. He thought that seeing robin get fucked would be hot as hell, but he didn't want to have either robin OR Jacques see him get fucked. He wondered what else would happen, because Jacques and robin would be in town for two weeks.

"Hmmm. Seems I'm not the only one making my boy bulk up." Snopes spoke to flavio as they waited for Jacques and Robin to get closer. "Interesting how we present our boys differently too." Snopes had made flavio wear very loose, flowing clothing: his pants were billowy light fabric and his shirt, though high fashion, was a size too big, and untucked. Still, Snopes had made flavio leave three buttons opened, so everyone could see the slave necklace." I want people to know you're owned. I don't want them admiring your ass," is what Snopes had said. In contrast, robin's white oxford was snug enough so that you could see his nipples protruding. His jeans were very snug, and his ass got more than one look from flight attendants and others. You could see HIS slave necklace too, even with only two buttons opened, and you could see his biceps almost trapped in his shirt sleeves.

"He's pretty. You're gonna make us look SO good, you two." Snopes joked as he put his hand on the small of flavio's back.

"Monsieur Snopes, how good to see you!" Jacques threw his arms around his friend.

"flavio, my sweet boy, you look like an Arab princess." He turned to Snopes. "Is this because he is wearing my tickle girdle? "Snopes laughed. "Not today, mona mi."

"AH OF COURSE. After all there is the... OOPS. I nearly, what is it you Americans say, `let the cat out of the beans?"

"Yes, Jacques. Something like that. I'll explain later." He looked at robin and sneered.

"So, I guess you haven't gotten away." Robin looked down. He wanted to make a smart remark, but he knew he'd pay.

Jacques answered for him. "Oh NO, since that one foolish attempt." He gave a wicked smile. "I hired Benoit to serve as his `guardian' when I'm not around. I will pay him a large severance when we get back because once the surgery is completed, I will not have to worry."

"You will not. Is that correct, flavio? You tried, how many times?"

"I think five, Sir."

"And I found you each time."

"You did Sir. And you made me pay for it." Snopes looked at Jacques. "We speak of one of them as `the night of the 15-inch dildo."

"OH, such a GOOD way to make a boy understand his place. But Snopes, should we be going?

"Yes, of course. I assume you will want a nap and then we can meet tonight and begin to get reacquainted. And have our first tournament."

"Heh heh. Yes, that is one where one thing is certain. You and I, Snopes, will be the winners."

When they got back to the large SUV Snopes had rented and robin and flavio had loaded the luggage into the trunk, both Jacques and Snopes cuffed their boy's hands behind his back, and they had them in the back seat of the car while they sat in front.

"You have an idea what he meant by tournament?" robin squirmed as he whispered to flavio.

"Not a clue."

"PRETTY ONES. NO TALKING PLEASE. I doubt anyone would notice, and Snopes and I will have no problem in gagging you boys. Understood?" "Yes Sir" was the reply from both of them. There was silence until they got to the hotel where Jacques and robin were staying. Jacques uncuffed robin before the valet could come to get the luggage. Robin knew well enough to stand at attention with his hands behind him. Jacques had a hand on his ass as he spoke with Snopes.

"We'll see each other tomorrow, no? Some fun before this one gets tagged."

"Indeed. So, the cage goes on at 9 tonight?"

"9 sharp." Flavio tried to suppress a groan, but Snopes heard it and gave him a look. "You have a problem with that, flavio?"

"No Sir."

"Ha ha. He lies, Snopes," Jacques said. "Why do they always lie? Do they think we can't tell, or do they just like getting punished?"

"They're young mon ami. And I suspect that if the truth were known, we'd find out that they LIKE getting punished."

"C'est vrai. OK, I have just a few days to work on my boy's feet before I have to stay away from them, so, merci for the oil and the idea."

"At 9:15," Snopes gave Jacques a wink, and flavio wondered what was going on.

He found out starting at 9 that night, after Snopes had him strip, and then locked the chastity cage on him. "Just for one day, flavio. It comes off tomorrow when Jacques and robin come to play. Now, you know the position. On your back."

"Yes, Sir," flavio answered, wondering what "come to play" meant. This meeting was raising so many questions: were he and robin going to have sex together? The thought got him slightly aroused. Or was he going to have to give himself to Jacques while HIS man took robin? Or something else?

"Now, let's make sure those ankles are NICE and secure." Snopes checked the restraints he had put on flavio. "Jacques is going to have to stay away from robin's feet while they heal -- just like I did for you -- so they're going to get their fair share of tickling between now and the surgery. And Jacques and I have agreed, you'll both get the same treatment." Flavio saw the look of triumph on Snopes' face as he pulled out the tube of warming oil. When he pulled at the restraints, flavio wasn't doing it to arouse Snopes. He hated the heat treatment, and when he saw the stiff bristled brushes come out, he began begging Snopes not to use them, while Snopes just laughed.

The same scene was playing out in the suite where Jacques and robin were staying. The difference was that while Jacques had certainly worked over robin's feet, he had never used the warming oil, nor the stiff brushes: just the electric toothbrushes.

"Something I learned from that very wicked man, Snopes, my boy. OH, when you feel this." He rubbed the oil on robin's soles. Robin began to squirm almost immediately. He saw the brushes and figured it out.

"NO SIR. PLEASE..." then the torment began. At both locations. The tickle bottoms squirmed and howled but got no relief. The only difference was that robin's right foot was more sensitive, and for flavio, it was his left. Both Masters knew that and acted accordingly. Each of flavio and robin begged, pleaded, and offered complete obedience to Snopes and Jacques, but it did no good. The Masters knew that their boys were helpless, and just continued. The agreement was half an hour. When they were done, flavio fought to catch his breath. Snopes looked at him.

"No, it's not going in your man pussy. Even I'm not that mean. But my cock is." He untied the ankle restraints. "Spread your legs and bend them at your knees.

"Yes, Sir," flavio complied and when he did, his soles touched the bed, and he felt another wave of the heat run through his feet.

"FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" slipped out of flavio's mouth and Snopes laughed. "Yup, that's what I'm gonna do." He ran his thumb around flavio's hole. "You'd best be glad I didn't touch the oil, flavio. Otherwise." He plunged in. Seeing flavio cuffed next to robin made him exceptionally horny, and flavio soon knew it.

So did robin. This was the first experience with that form of tickle work Jacques had, so he did not make robin bend his knees. He just split him the way he had since day one.

"I am going to miss these feet while you heal, handsome. But I will make up for it. You can be assured of it." Jacques was more patient with screwing than Snopes was but he, too, was overly aroused by seeing the two bottoms dressed up and bound. He thought about how hot the next day was going to be. Snopes was a genius at developing these games. There was no question about it.

Snopes usually didn't choose flavio's outfits for him before he went to work, but the next day, he did. A blue oxford buttondown, light colored trousers, and a necktie that Snopes had worn when he worked at an office, before the stock trading had made him his fortune.

"You'll find out why, sweet buns. Oh, and you're keeping the cage on until tonight. Trust me, sweetie, it'll be going off." Flavio smiled. "You promise, Sir?"

"Have I ever not kept a promise to you? When I told you I'm fucking you hard, I always have. I told you that if you tried to escape, I'd catch you and make sure you never got away again... I could go on."

"It's true, Sir."

"Get to work. Jacques and robby are coming over tonight. Don't get too excited."

Since they were essentially "tourists," Jacques and Robin spent the afternoon touring the city -- they spent the morning in bed, with Jacques tying up robin in various positions, and teasing him about how his life had changed. "And after this week, it will change some more, my wondrous boy. You will NEVER be able to escape from me again. Not that you could, but now, you of the empirical mind, will understand why." Jacques sighed. "I just wish that I could have this done without recovery time. I have learned SO MUCH about foot torture from Snopes. I cannot wait to put what I've learned into practice." "mmmph" was all robin could answer at that moment. Jacques had stuffed a sock in his mouth and taped it in, while he was gently rotating the clamps he had put on robin's nipples. If he DID decide to fuck his bottom, it would have been the fourth time in 24 hours.

"Allors, boy wonder, now it is time to get ready to meet our friends." Jacques chose what robin would wear, every day, so robin didn't think twice about the blue dress slacks and the clean white button-down Jacques chose. The rep necktie did surprise him, however, because he knew that Jacques liked to see the slave collar on his neck. Of course, with a necktie, he couldn't.

"When we get to Snopes', I will remove your cage. Then we will have some fun." Robin's thoughts went along the same lines that flavio's had. He didn't know whether he'd rather be fucked by flavio or fuck him. He hoped it didn't mean that Jacques would turn him over to Snopes. Flavio had told him at one point that he had gotten used to being Snopes' bottom: he knew he wasn't the most attractive man in the world, but Snopes knew what flavio liked (even the tickling), and flavio liked the sense of surrender he felt every time he begged Snopes to take his mouth or ass. Robin didn't think he'd be able to get there.

When they walked into Snopes' apartment, robin saw that flavio was dressed in exactly the same style he was, only in different colors.

"Ah, gentlemen. Right on time. Jacques, would you like some privacy to unlock your boy? I unlocked flavio five minutes ago."

"Yes, I can see that, ho ho." It was true. Flavio's slacks were just snug enough so that his bulge was showing. He was horny. "But no, there are no secrets amongst friends. I shall unlock robin so that all may see."

"Fair is fair, flavio. Drop your pants so that they can see yours as well. And don't worry. You'll get the zipper back up or I'll have Jacques do it for you." The two of them laughed as flavio blushed beet red. Still, as he pulled down his pants he thought "I should be the one fucking robin. My cock is bigger."

When the preliminaries were taken care of, Snopes pulled two chairs from the dining table and put them in the middle of the room, back-to-back. "Each of you, get in one. Now." The game began to make sense to the boys. Snopes pulled flavio's arms behind him and tied his wrists at a point just above robin's mid-section, while Jacques did the same to robin. Then they looked at each other and shook their heads in assent.

"We've tied your wrists securely enough to keep you under control, but loose enough so you can each hold one of these." Snopes had two identical hitachis in his hands. "We'll turn them on at the same speed and intensity, and then, you'll try to bring the other one to climax while we watch. The one who holds off the longest will get to choose: tickle or be tickled by the loser, and fuck or be fucked by him? Let's begin."

There was some squirming from both flavio and robin. There was no question: each had fantasized about sex with the other, but they had spent so little time together, they hadn't established a "pecking order." Each also thought the hitachi was going to make it very difficult for him to win: each was "hair trigger" with climaxes if the right spot were found.

Flavio had an advantage because his arms were longer, but his hands were not as skilled as robin's. Robin had become very dexterous from his time with Batman, and then having to repair garments at the last minute. So, one would say that the field was quite even. Neither one wanted to admit that the other had "scored a point" so to speak, but every now and then Snopes and Jacques would hear something like "oh God, not there," or "yes, more of that" in a very low voice. They could also see the faces of their bound boys and relished the looks. Each was trying to avoid bucking hips, but neither one succeeded one hundred percent.

"Why don't we make the vibrations more intense?" Jacques smiled gleefully, as he dropped a hand to his cock. Snopes and he had planned to screw their boys when the game was done, but he wasn't sure he could wait. Neither was Snopes.

They turned up the intensity and then Snopes suggested: "Let's take off their ties. Maybe open some buttons. Let them think their tits are next. Because they might be."

Both robin and flavio had sensitive nipples, and this was NOT something either one of them wanted to hear. They could each see that there was pre-cum forming in their pants: there was a stain at each crotch, but neither had reached climax.

"Close your eyes. Think about screwing or being screwed by the other guy. Think of what that will feel like. And on the other hand, think about getting to use your cock for the first time in a LONG time."

"Bastards," was a thought that robin and flavio both shared. They were weakening, and when the hitachi was turned up to the next level, the situation began to be dire for both of them.

"I can do this. I can do this "flavio thought to himself, but he couldn't. He was over the edge, and he began to scream in ecstasy as his orgasm took over. He was in tears as it happened. How much did he cum that night? Who knows. What Jacques knew was that robin was grinning ever so slightly, as he popped his own nut.

"Flavio, you disappoint me," Snopes shook his head in disapproval, not unhappy at all.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I let you down."

"Well, I guess we let robin decide. IF that's ok with you, Jacques."

"Oh yes, of course. "He stroked robin's hair. "And what would my sweaty red breast like?"

Robin had given it some thought during the challenge. He knew. He had seen flavio's cock.

"I want to tickle flavio, and I want him to fuck me."

"Interesting choice, Jacques, don't you think?"

"Non. It does not surprise me. I have always thought that robin is the ultimate bottom. Even more than that superman character turned out to be."

"Well, this is what I would suggest," Snopes continued. "The most sensitive part on flavio's body right now, are his pits. Let's get him strung up and then, boy wonder, you can get to work."

Robin had just ejaculated so he didn't show any hardness, but this was interesting him a great deal.

"Open your mouth, flavio. You'll have one chance to perform tonight, and you'll need some help." Snopes gave flavio something to help him get erect again. Then he had flavio strip and brought him over to the support that ran along the ceiling so that he could cuff his wrists above it. "Just high enough so that he can't bring down his arms." Since he wouldn't need his dick, Jacques relocked robin. "Now, let us see what I have taught you. What would you like to use to tickle your subject?"

"My fingers, Sir. Only my fingers."

"A classicist. Just like his Master," Snopes grinned. They brought robin over. He poked one finger into one of flavio's nips, and flavio recoiled.

"Ah yes, let me lock those ankles. Keep him still. I don't need them because he knows better. THERE we go. Have some fun robin.

Robin did. Flavio began laughing almost immediately. Robin was nowhere near as skilled a tickler as Snopes was, but flavio was extremely ticklish. He began to shake with the laughing. Then Snopes handed robin a feather. "Use it on his balls. "

"FUCK!" yelled flavio, and that became a sustained laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAHA. Robin, when I get the chance, I'll."

"You'll what flavio?" He dug his fingers back into flavio's pits and the laughing started up again. "NO! NO! I thought we were friends. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." "Oh, so you don't want to fuck me, flavio?" "I didn't say that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. AND YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME TO."

Both Jacques and Snopes were getting very hard from watching their boys at work, and then it was time to get to the next part of the game.

"flavio does get to choose: back or belly?"

"On his back, Sir. I want to see his face when a BOTTOM fucks him."

"You heard, robin," Jacques said. "On your back. Show your flexibility." Robin gulped. He was getting what he wanted but...when it happened, he was disappointed. He thought that perhaps flavio remembered something from his "past life." Maybe he and one or two boyfriends had switched roles and he knew something about topping. He didn't. He missed robin's hole completely a few times and when he finally got in, he was so stimulated that he came almost immediately.

"I hope this teaches you, boy wonder, the value of a good Top." "And I hope it teaches you, flavio, that you will NEVER be a Top." Snopes looked at Jacques. "Would you like the spare room to take your boy? He certainly didn't get all he needs tonight, and I know MY boy didn't either." "I'll take him on the floor. You take the bed mon ami. Let's fuck them and show flavio how it SHOULD be done." They did, as well. There will be more fucking to come, so to speak. Patience, gentle readers, patience.

Next: Chapter 12

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