Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 10, 2021


Flavio gave one more pull to the ropes that bound his wrists. No give. The same result as the last twenty times he had tried it. No give to the gag either: a seriously tight strip of black duct tape. "I see what you're trying to do Flavio, but it won't do any good. Even if you get out of the ropes, that chain...." Roscoe pointed to the cuff around Flavio's ankle, attached to the floor of the back of the van. "That chain is gonna keep you here. I don't have the key. They have it up front. " All Flavio could do was give Roscoe a dirty look. Roscoe was the one who had surprised the gang by figuring out how to capture Flavio. Now helpless, Flavio was off to... he had his ideas, but he wasn't sure.

Flavio was a tall, handsome, dark haired guy with a gorgeous chest, long, strong legs, and a full head of black hair. After he had left home, and set out on his own life, he had taught kick boxing for years. He was very popular at his gym, and he was always booked solid. He also competed, and had a wall of medals for the tournaments he had been in. He carried himself with more than a bit of a swagger, which actually complimented his look, and his bright smile.

Harold Snopes, who didn't attend the gym, but had a house four buildings down, was obsessed with him. He'd wait, behind his door, when Flavio would get to the studio in the morning, or early afternoon, whenever he started. Eventually, he figured out his schedule too, so that he'd see him leaving. Sometimes, if Flavio were taking a break, he'd step out of the gym, shirtless, to just get some air, or to make phone calls so that he could keep up with his "other business."

The other business: escorting. After he had been teaching kick boxing for about six months, another instructor, who taught boxing, approached him. "Hey. How much do they pay you for a client? Is your cut the standard 35.00?" "Yeah," Flavio had answered. "35 for a private client, 70 for a class." The boxing instructor laughed. "My name is Chet. Let me give you a card." Flavio looked at it. "Check out the website . You name your terms, your price, and of course you pay something to the site. Overall, I'd say I make about 200 per session." He smiled. "You'd probably do as well. " Flavio had an idea of what the site was: he had been approached to do "modeling" before and had turned every offer down. It seemed "cheap" to him. Now that he had been teaching for a while, he had a different point of view. He saw all the men advertising on the site. "I'm WAY better looking than any of them," he thought, and he saw the different approaches the "models" took. "Hmmm. Sure seem to be a lot who do muscle worship. I could get into that." Flavio smiled: no sex, unless maybe the guy jerked off watching him, but lots of flexing and posing. He could do that. When he signed up with the website, he posted a lot of photos of himself doing leg splits, and other exercises that featured his long legs and flexibility. He was popular. VERY popular. Soon, he had money to move into a better apartment, had a better wardrobe, and could afford to go out more. And with time, his client base became mostly regulars: guys with money, who would pay him to pose for an hour, or two hours, or to dance (Flavio enjoyed dancing and was good at it). Sometimes, he'd do a strip tease, getting down to the spangly jock strap he had bought to show off his package. He was making enough money to cut back his hours as an instructor/trainer. He never went completely nude. Ever. Nor did he ever climax for a client. Sometimes, he'd offer a kiss to a client's cheek, but that was as physical as he got, no matter how insistent the clients were. And one of them was VERY insistent.

That client was Harold Snopes. He saw Flavio's photo when he was skimming the website where Flavio advertised. Harold didn't think it was Flavio, but just someone who looked like him. Then, the first time he booked him, he recognized the handsome guy who worked at the gym down the street. Since Snopes had been stalking him, but hadn't been to the gym or studio, Flavio didn't recognize him. Soon, Snopes became a regular. Flavio would go over to his place after work, for one, maybe two hours a night, twice a week. That is, he DID until Snopes became too insistent. "I'd REALLY like to bed you, Flavio," Snopes told him one night, after Flavio had finished his set and had dressed to leave. He saw that Snopes had left a 200.00 tip. "Thank you Mr. Snopes. I'm flattered. But it's a rule for me. No sex with clients." He smiled. "But again, I'm very flattered." He came over and kissed Snopes on the lips. "I hope I didn't disappoint you and I didn't change things between us." Unfortunately, he did. Snopes became insistent and finally, it became physical. After one session, he wrapped his arms around Flavio and tried, futilely, to pull him to bed. "JUST A BLOW JOB, FLAVIO! PLEASE. JUST LET ME BLOW YOU!" (Snopes had something else in mind, but he figured that even if Flavio agreed to sex, he would not take the bottom position). Flavio was way stronger than Snopes and pushed him off. "I TOLD YOU NO. THAT MEANS NO." He looked at the money on the counter and turned to Snopes. "KEEP IT. THINK OF IT AS A GOING AWAY PRESENT BECAUSE I'M NOT COMING BACK. " This had been the most physical Snopes had gotten, but at every appointment, Flavio had to be firm, but polite, in making his boundaries clear. Snopes didn't want to accept them. And the rejection just made him more obsessed: he had to have Flavio. The thought of Flavio performing for other clients enraged him, and he decided that, in reality, he was the only one of Flavio's clients with whom Flavio wouldn't have sex. He watched, a few times, when Flavio finished up at the studio, and headed home. Eventually, Snopes started following him. Flavio didn't know that Snopes had a car, or what the car looked like, so he didn't think anything of it. Also, he was usually on the phone, talking to a potential client, or to a friend. He just didn't pay attention to the small black car that was following him.

Snopes began to think about how he could get Flavio for himself. It was clear to him that he'd have to abduct the handsome man, take him some place where he couldn't get away, and then, train him, little by little. When he had Flavio subdued enough to consider himself Snopes submissive bottom, they could return to city life. Until then, Snopes would take however long it would take. He began to equip a house he had about an hour from the city with what he would need: heavy chains, a reconditioned cell, restraints on walls, everywhere. One day, when Flavio was at work, Snopes waited outside his apartment ( a small, nondescript place in a building without a doorman: Apartment 3G). He was scoping the apartment: he was almost ready to carry out his plan. All he needed, was to find the right "agent."

It wasn't as hard as you might think. Snopes had been a tenant at his building for many years. He knew all the staff. He spoke enough of what he called "street Spanish" to understand when they spoke to each other. That's when he heard one guy telling another that he was in debt way over his head, and he didn't know what he was going to do. A few days later, Snopes approach Juan. He spoke in Spanish.

"Juan, excuse me, but I overheard you talking about your money problems. " Juan looked at him. At first he denied that he had them. "Your Spanish isn't as good as you think it is Mr. Snopes. I didn't say anything about that. My finances are fine." "Oh. I apologize," was Snopes answer. "The only reason I approached you is because, well, I have a job to do that needs a few strong guys, and it pays well. I just thought you might be the right guy - you and some friends. Again, I apologize. " Snopes began to walk away when he heard Juan. "Hey, wait. Maybe I can help you. How much money were you thinking about paying?" Snopes smiled. Since Flavio had stopped coming, he had a LOT more disposable income. "25,000." Snopes saw Juan's eyes get big. "I must have misheard you. I think you said 25 THOUSAND?" "No, you didn't mishear me. That's the number. " Juan had a past. He knew that if that kind of money was involved, there was probably something illegal involved. He'd have to be careful. But 25,000?" "What did you have in mind?" He asked Snopes. "Why don't we go to my apartment and discuss it? I'd rather no one heard."

When he and Juan got to his apartment, Snopes explained his plan. He wanted someone to abduct Flavio. To bring him to a location and then, the abductors would leave and Snopes would take over. The "agents" as he called them, wouldn't be able to tell anyone where he was taking Flavio, because they wouldn't know. (He didn't tell Juan that part of the plan involved changing vehicles along the way, so that any car he used couldn't be identified). "I think you probably need at least 3 guys Juan. The target is VERY fit, and VERY strong. " Juan smiled. "I have someone in mind Senor Snopes, but for a job like this... 25000 now seems to be a low number. Snopes expected that. "I can go to 40000. I'd pay it directly to you, and you decide who gets what. 20000 up front, and the rest on delivery?" Juan smiled. "Let's pick a date. I have a few guys in mind." Juan had a VERY big, VERY muscular friend he had met in prison: his nickname was Tiny. No one knew his real name. They said of Tiny that "his muscles had muscles." Then he had a second friend: Jorge was nowhere near as strong as Tiny was, but he WAS strong. He spoke to the two of them and they were in. Tiny asked for a favor. "I have a cousin. His name is Roscoe. A runt but... he could serve as the lookout, maybe even be the bait for this guy because... he looks helpless. Very small, very thin, Geeky. Juan had his doubts, but he agreed. He didn't want to lose Tiny. "He can come. He just has to stay out of the way."

Snopes gave them the address of Flavio's place. It was easy for Juan, with his porter skills and what he had learned in prison, to jimmy the very insecure lock to Flavio's apartment. Then they just had to wait. Their plan was that Roscoe would be sitting at Flavio's table. That would distract him, and then Tiny, Juan and Jorge would come out of hiding, grab Flavio and bring him to the meeting place to hand over to Snopes. "SHHHHH. I hear his key." Flavio had come home after a day at the gym. He had an appointment that night in two hours, so he figured he'd clean up, switch into a posing jock, put on some new clothes and be on his way. "WHAT? Who the hell are you?" He saw Roscoe at the table. "Hi there. I'm Roscoe." "Get the hell out of my apartment." Then Flavio felt Tiny's huge arms encircle him. "WHAT THE FUCK!. GET OFF ME." Flavio began to struggle in Tiny's grip. Juan and Jorge came out with ropes and handcuffs. "You got to calm down, stud. You're coming with us." Flavio began to gather his wits about him. "THE HELL I AM" He had VERY big feet, and he knew how to use them. He brought down a foot on Tiny's, so hard that the big man screamed and let go of Flavio. As soon as that happened, Flavio whirled and snap kicked Tiny to his gut. The big man doubled over in pain, and then Flavio turned to Juan and Jorge. He knew Roscoe was there, but he figured, he wouldn't be a problem. "You got ropes? Well, I think we're gonna be using them on you." He started approaching the two men, and their eyes were wide with fear. Flavio was between them and the door, and Tiny was in no condition to help. Roscoe saw what was going on and his mind snapped into action. "It can't hurt. He's probably going to kick my ass anyway." Flavio was advancing on the other guys and didn't notice Roscoe coming up from behind him. "I hope this works," the little guy thought, and then.. he dug his fingers into Flavio's pits. "HEY. WHAT THE...." Flavio began to laugh. He was EXTREMELY TICKLISH. "STOP YOU LITTLE PUNK. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Roscoe wasn't stopping though. As he tickled this big, handsome man, he was getting a hard on. Roscoe NEEDED to tickle whomever he was with to get aroused, and he was getting aroused big time. "STOP IT YOU PUNK. STOP IT. " Roscoe didn't. He dug in further, deeper, and Flavio laughed harder. He began to have trouble breathing. He felt weaker, and he went to his knees. "DON'T LET UP ROSCOE DON'T STOP." Juan yelled at Roscoe, but he didn't have to worry. Roscoe was like a bulldog with this prize prey. He kept on tickling, and Flavio got weaker, and weaker. He gave almost no resistance when Juan grabbed his wrists, and tied them behind his back. "Who's got the gag? He's got a big mouth?" Jorge tossed it to him and now, Flavio was bound, gagged, and helpless. He tried to scream through the gag, but a muffled "mmmmmmmmmmph" was all that came out. "GOOD. I think we got him after all. " He turned to Roscoe. "Nice job. Go pull some of his clothes, we'll dump them in the car trunk. You other guys, get him in the backseat. Smack him around if you have to."

In less than ten minutes, Flavio was struggling in the backseat, sitting in between Tiny and Roscoe. Juan was driving, Jorge beside him. He called Snopes. "Yo. We got him. Meet us in fifteen minutes." "mmmmmmmmmmmph!" Flavio had no idea what was going on. What the hell did these guys want. "Juan... would it be ok if I tickled him some more?" Roscoe asked from the back. "Ha ha. SURE. You're the MAN Roscoe. Do whatever you want." Roscoe smiled and looked at Flavio. "It's ok, handsome. I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna enjoy you a little." He went back to Flavio's pits, and Flavio's face went from anger, to fear, and to laughter in just a few minutes. "You have any other ticklish places guy? OH, you're gagged. Never mind. " Roscoe's fingers worked Flavio's armpits, more gently than they had in the apartment, but he kept Flavio at a low level of laughter all the way to the house, where Snopes was waiting. "Let's get him out. " When Flavio saw Snopes, he began struggling again, and trying to scream. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Now, though, Tiny could handle him. A big strong hand went on the back of Flavio's neck, and began squeezing. "Calm down. Or... it won't be tickling," he said to Flavio. "Hello sweetheart" Snopes came over and smiled at Flavio. "Ready to take a little trip?" Flavio began to struggle again, trying violently to get away from Tiny. "Do your magic, Roscoe" Juan smiled. Roscoe came over and started tickling the prisoner again. As Flavio calmed down, Snopes smiled. "Well, well, well. Isn't THIS interesting." He looked at Juan and then at Roscoe. "How'd you like to be his trainer, young man? Be the one who keeps him in line?" Roscoe blushed. "I'm... I'm not strong enough to do anything like that." "Oh, don't worry, you wont' need strength. " He smiled. "Flavio here is gonna be tied up a lot until he learns proper behavior, so while he's tied... you can just help reinforce the lessons he's learned. Roscoe looked at Tiny. "You gotta learn sooner or later. You wanna go? You go." The thought of having a chance to tickle a handsome guy like this, regularly, was tempting... too tempting. "Can we tie up his ankles, and then I can tickle his feet too?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!" Flavio had very sensitive feet. This little runt had taken him down already and now... "That sounds like a plan. " Snopes came over and looked Flavio directly in the eye. "I am gonna have SO MUCH FUN watching you suffer. And then I'm gonna have so much fun... doing EVERYTHING I want to you. Starting tonight." He pointed to a van. "Put him in the back. Roscoe, you ride with him, keep your eye on him. Let's unload the rest of the stuff." Flavio's clothes went into the back seat, as Roscoe got into the back of the van. Juan and Tiny had already installed Flavio, locking his ankle. "You want us to take off his shoes, Roscoe?" They smiled . Roscoe thought about it. "I think I wanna do it myself." "Go for it stud. You did good today." Juan handed Roscoe 15000 - more than his share. "You earned it." He smiled. "I bet your belly is ticklish too. And some other parts. I can't wait to find out." "Neither can I" said Snopes, as he got into the van. Soon, it disappeared into the distance. "They'd driven for about 90 minutes before Roscoe asked. "You want me to take off the gag? You want some water?" Flavio was desperately thirsty. He shook his head yes. Maybe... just MAYBE he could talk this kid into helping him. "Thank you.. Thank you so much." he drank deeply from the bottle Roscoe held to his mouth. "Where are we going? What... what are you gonna do to me?" Roscoe shrugged his shoulders. "Where are we going? I dunno. What is Mr. Snopes gonna do to you? I don't know either. What am I gonna do to you?" He smiled. "I'm gonna tickle you whenever Mr Snopes gives me a chance. Your body is so hot, and your laugh is so sexy. DAMN. I'm getting hard thinking about what I did to you. I'm gonna have to do it again. " He smiled as he pulled up Flavio's unchained leg. He pulled off the sneaker, then the white sock. "DAMN you have a sexy foot." Roscoe began running his finger over Flavio's sole. Flavio struggled until he realized that the ankle restraint on his other leg meant he couldn't move very much, and it hurt if he did. He started laughing: long and loud. In the front seat, Snopes smiled and thought "this is gonna be even better than I thought."

Next: Chapter 2

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