
By Selena Anders

Published on Jun 24, 2001


A lot of Rachel's friends wanted to see Lilith Fair, and she got to be the one to stand in line for the tickets. This is her story as she told it to me...

"Everybody knew that Lilith Fair was going to be sold out, so I got to the box office extra-early, like 7 o'clock, when the place wouldn't open until 9. There were already over a hundred people there, so I just got in line behind a really pretty woman. At least she was pretty from behind.

A bit shorter than me, her spike heels made her just my height. Her long slim legs looked great in fishnet stockings, which disappeared under a black leather miniskirt. She wore a black see-through blouse that was so sheer I could read the label on her black bra. Her black hair fell in a mass of thick curls almost to her bra-back. I wanted her to turn around so I could see what she looked like from in front, but she just looked straight ahead, and I kept on admiring her sexy figure, and wishing I had the money to dress that nicely.

The line kept on growing behind me, and at the street corner there was a real crowd. It wasn't until almost 9 that the riot started, and I never knew what caused it until I read the evening paper. Someone started a rumor that a big company had already bought all the tickets, so there wouldn't be any for the people at the end of the line. There was a rush toward the ticket place, of people who wanted to jump the line, and people who wanted to get away from the fighting behind them.

I and the lady in front of me were swept along, and she slipped and started to fall, but I put my left arm around her waist to steady her. We ended up right near a ticket wicket, but the crush of the crowd meant we couldn't move. I could hardly breathe. The lady in black was breathing heavily, and my arm was still around her. "Sorry," I whispered in her ear, "I can't move my arm."

"That's OK. Thanks for catching me." She told me over her shoulder. Her soft sexy voice could only have been heard by me, in the midst of all the shouting. Then she managed to maneuver her left hand to close on my wrist. I thought she was going to try to force my arm away, but instead she just pushed up a bit on my wrist, and my hand closed on her breast! Without even thinking, I began to massage her, right through her thin shirt and lace bra. "Yes, thank you!" she whispered.

A zillion people were crushing us together, and my pelvis was pushing against the right cheek of her firm ass. The jostling of the crowd made me sort of grind against her. I could feel her left hand doing something in front of her, then suddenly her bra went slack. She had unsnapped the front closure of her bra! Somehow I managed to wiggle my hand inside her shirt, and I started to pinch and caress her hard nipple. The lady in black started to moan. I guess anyone else who heard her must have thought she was in pain, but I was pretty sure she was enjoying my little massage. Her chest, with my arm, was pressed against the back of a big guy wearing a lumberjack shirt, and he didn't seem to notice what was going on behind him, touching him. So I thought, hey pretty lady, whatever turns you on!

The woman's right arm was trapped, hanging straight down. Then she started to inch it behind her, in between my hips and her ass. She started groping the crotch of my jeans. Somehow she managed to undo the button at the top, then pull down the zipper. Moments later her hand slid down inside my satin panties. "Ohhh!" I moaned as her fingers started to play with my cunt lips. I knew I was starting to get wet down there, as her fingers slid deliciously smoothly up and down between the folds of my juicy twat.

I wished I could do more for her than play with her nipple. I wished I could spread my thighs to give the Lady in Black better access to my sex. I wished..., and then I stopped wishing as a long middle finger slithered up inside my vagina. I gasped. Slowly the wet finger withdrew from my hole, and began to gently circle my clit. This woman must have had amazingly long and supple fingers to do the incredible things she was doing to my dripping pussy.

The crowd pushed forward, and I moaned in the ear of the Lady in Black. She turned her head just slightly.

I still couldn't see her face, but I could stifle the sounds of my passion by nibbling on her earlobe and groaning into her ear.

There was a jostling in front of us as the person in front of the man in the plaid shirt finished buying her tickets, and had to struggle her way out of the crowd. The commotion let the Lady in Black slide my hand from her breast all the way down to the hem of her skirt, which I barely had time to lift before the press of the crowd pinned my arm again in the new position.

Meanwhile, she started to rub my clit furiously, trying to bring me off before it was her turn at the ticket wicket. She succeeded, and I bit her ear hard to keep from screaming as I came.

The man in the plaid shirt must have only needed one or two tickets, because all too soon he shoved his way away from the ticket window. I could see over the shoulder of the Lady in Black, and there was a pretty blonde girl saying, "Can I help you?" She stared at the near-naked breasts of my Lady in the unbuttoned sheer black blouse and unfastened front closure. The Lady in Black finally had to pull her hand out of my dripping pussy to reach into her purse for a credit card to buy her tickets.

I tried to slide a hand down to zip up my jeans, but the press of the crowd jammed my crotch hard up against her leather ass. The wide-eyed blonde kept staring at those tits as she ran the credit card through the machine then issued 2 tickets. The Lady in Black spun around to face me. I was stunned by the brilliant green color of her eyes as she lifted the fingers that had just given me a wild orgasm to her lips, licked them, and said, "Not bad!"

Then she slipped away into the crowd, leaving me there in front of the ticket window with my jeans hanging open. I stepped right up, so the blonde wouldn't be able to see my wet pants below the edge of her window.

I made a big show of reaching down into my jeans pocket to get out my money, but only after quickly zipping up my jeans. I was supposed to get 6 tickets together for me and 5 friends. But instead I told the blonde, "I need a block of 5, and a last seat right next to the ones that last woman bought."

Next: Chapter 2

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