Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Sep 26, 2016


Tiberius and Anik

by Nifty Boy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 7: The Olympic Games

After having been up all night, Tiberius and Anik collapsed at their bedding place. Tiberius took off his loincloth but kept his tunic on. They managed to greet the girls from Naxos who were just waking up, but as soon as they reclined and huddled together they fell asleep within seconds. Not even the shouting and noise managed to wake them up. People walking by looked amazed at the two sleeping youths. Quite a few stopped to look at them and enjoy the sight of the two lovers. Anik was nestled against Tiberius and had one leg draped over him. His knee had pushed Tiberius' tunic up to his waist and exposed the firm buttocks of the Roman youth. They managed to snore softly, their arms around each other despite several philosophers holding forth close by on top of their voices.

It was early afternoon when Anik's eyes fluttered and he slowly woke up. Once he managed to open his eyes he saw Tiberius face close before him. He moved his head and lightly brushed his lips against Tiberius'. Anik felt the slow and even breathing of his lover, still deeply asleep.

Anik started to caress the back and arm of Tiberius, lightly and carefully so that he did not wake him and his lips barely touched those of his lover. After a few minutes Anik felt the cockhead of his stiffening phallus brushing against the pubic area of Tiberius. He felt the coarse pubic hairs of Tiberius against his sensitive glans. Tiberius had started to shave his pubic hair but unlike Anik he let a small patch remaining. Anik did not move but it seemed that the gentle touch of his cockhead started to stimulate Tiberius too. Slowly his member swelled and after a while both boys were fully erect.

Tiberius' breathing quickened and finally he yawned and tried to open his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Anik whispered, then wiggled closer until their erections pressed against each other.

"No..." Tiberius groaned and closed his eyes, obviously unwilling to wake up just yet.

Anik playfully let his tongue slide along the lips of the Roman. Even though Tiberius pretended to be still asleep, he parted his lips to let Anik's tongue in. The Greek boy let his tongue glide along Tiberius' teeth before he pressed it deeper in. He moved even closer and clung to his lover while his tongue explored and caressed and wiggled inside the mouth of Tiberius.

Finally he gently but persistently pressed Tiberius on his back and started to kiss him more deeply.

Tiberius kept his eyes resolutely closed and feigned to be deeply asleep. Anik was half lying on top of Tiberius and rubbed his knee against the erection of the Roman.

He shifted and sat up and sat astride on top of Tiberius. He felt the hard cock of his lover under him and rocked slightly back and forth, his balls gliding over the cockhead of Tiberius.

"Are you awake now...?" Anik whispered again.

Tiberius started to snore softly and shook his head and clenched his eyes shut.

Anik looked down at Tiberius and sighed. He glanced around but nobody was watching them right now. He lifted his hips and reached behind to grab the hard member of Tiberius and pressed down. Anik winced when he was penetrated and pushed down quickly until the phallus of Tiberius was fully inside him.

Tiberius gasped and opened his eyes wide.

"What are you doing, Anik?" Tiberius whispered nervously and glanced around.

"Oh...so you are awake finally" Anik smiled mischievously.

He grinned at Tiberius and clenched his buttocks playfully.

"But Anik, we are surrounded by people..." Tiberius whispered.

"Oh, but nobody can see your erection now. It is well hidden inside me" Anik replied and tightened his sphincter.

Anik reached down and pushed the tunic off his lover. He was sitting on Tiberius with his thighs spread wide. He lifted one foot and held it close to the Roman youth's mouth. Tiberius sighed and glanced around, then he lifted his head and sucked at Anik's big toe. Anik began moaning softly and squirmed on top of Tiberius, further stimulating the Roman.

Just then the group of girls from Naxos arrived and greeted the boys.

"Ah, the sleeping beauties are finally awake" Chloe laughed and walked over to them.

She patted Anik on his shoulder and stroked his hair. Tiberius looked up at her and blushed.

"Are you fine, Tiberius? You look hot" she inquired concerned.

Tiberius just nodded and tried to be look nonchalant but then Anik shifted slightly and he felt the slippery wall of Anik flexing around his shaft. Without conscious volition he clenched his buttocks and pressed his cock deeper into the boy and a moan escaped from his lips.

Chloe looked at him quizzically, then she stepped back and let her glance slide down along Anik's back and buttocks and finally realized that the Greek boy had been impaled by his lover.

She giggled and reached out to squeeze Anik's shoulders.

"You two boys just get on with it. I know that boys are always horny after they wake up" she said.

She giggled and quickly reached under the arms of Anik and bounced him up and down a few times before she walked back to her girlfriends.

Anik smiled sweetly down at Tiberius and let him suck his toes for a while before he pulled his foot back. He closed his eyes to concentrate on the sensation of the thick phallus inside him. He spread his legs wider and gently stroked Tiberius' sides with the soles of his feet. Every twitch and movement sent ripples of heat through his body.

Tiberius closed his eyes too and whimpered and twisted under Anik. Anik felt the tenseness of his lover which seemed to him subtly different.

"Anik...please...we cannot do it now..." Tiberius whispered.

"Why not? You seem close to seeding me" Anik asked curiously.

"It is not that. I...I cannot breed you...I...I have to....to...let water..." Tiberius finally admitted.

"But you cannot go behind the bushes like this. Just let go first and breed me afterwards" Anik replied.

Tiberius stared at him, shocked but becoming even more excited. Anik reached down and lightly stroked Tiberius' abdominal muscles and pubic region and tried to make him relax.

Tiberius looked questioningly into Anik's eyes. He felt a desperate urge to let go but waited for confirmation from his lover. Anik smiled and nodded.

Tiberius closed his eyes and started breathing deeply. Then suddenly he felt the tenseness leaving him and he sighed loudly. The girls from Naxos glanced over when they heard the sigh but Tiberius was beyond caring.

Anik felt a hard stream of piss shooting off inside him and cried out, surprised by its force. Tiberius smiled blissfully now that he finally found relief. Anik stared down at Tiberius and felt the stream hitting his wall and filling his rectum. After quite some time he felt the stream weaken and then it finally stopped.

Tiberius moaned happily and smiled gratefully at Anik.

"I was quite desperate..." he said sheepishly, his cock still erect inside Anik.

"I thought so...you were really tense" Anik replied.

The girls had stopped chatting and were staring at the two boys.

"But now..." he added and grinned and started to twist slightly on top of Tiberius.

Anik had his thighs still spread wide and the soles of his feet were placed flat against the sides of the Roman youth. This afforded Tiberius - and some lucky others - a perfect view of Anik's raging erection and his heavy balls. Anik was completely unconcerned by this and smiled beatifically.

Anik closed his eyes and began to rhythmically contract his sphincter, squeezing the shaft of Tiberius again and again. Tiberius began moaning and reached out and wrapped his hand around Anik's erection. Their orgasms slowly built up and after a few minutes they both convulsed and arched their backs and came simultaneously. Anik's seed splattered all over Tiberius while the Roman youth shot off deep inside Anik's wet rectum.

Anik's penis became slowly flaccid and rested on a big glob of semen on Tiberius' abs. Anik glanced around, then he lifted himself up, expelling a gush of water and semen over his lover's crotch. He fetched an amphora with water and wiped Tiberius clean.

Tiberius quickly put on his tunic and they went to wash themselves. There was no public bath but fortunately since the construction of the new aqueduct there were a number of fountains. They still had to queue, and Tiberius felt very self-conscious. He was acutely aware that from both Anik and him emanated more than a whiff of the scent of semen. Soon Anik was talking animatedly with some men in the queue who asked them if they were just coming from a visit to one of the many brothels. Anik denied and told them that he had been riding Tiberius just before. Tiberius squirmed and his face reddened while the men laughed and clapped them on their backs.

But finally it was their turn to clean and they stepped into the fountain. Tiberius took off his tunic and sandals and the two youths wiped each other clean. There was more laughter when the men around them saw the traces of semen all over Tiberius' chest and crotch, making him cringe again. But then Anik squatted and pressed and let out a big flow of water and semen from his hole which caused roaring laughter and took at least the attention away from the Roman.

Soon they were clean. Tiberius washed out his tunic. He put his wet tunic on, knowing that it would dry within minutes in the heat.

The sky already darkened and after strolling aimlessly around they went back to the group of Naxos and chatted and laughed until deep into the night. Everyone was excited since the next morning the Games would commence.

When they all woke up in the morning, the level of noise was even higher than usual. Everybody was preparing for the opening of the games. People oiled their skin and put on their best tunics and their jewelry. At the Olympic Sanctuary, the priests were preparing too. Oxen and sheep were brought out to be slaughtered and the priests chanted.

Anik and Tiberius rubbed scented oil on each other too until they were both gleaming. Anik put on his jewelry while Tiberius dug out his best tunic from his large bag and wiggled into it. Soon they were ready and together with their friends from Naxos they followed a huge crowd that made their way to the Olympic field. After about an hour they arrived and found a place to sit down, slightly up a hill with a decent view. The hills and the plain below were full of people. The places close to the Olympic field cost money so were only affordable to the well-off. And only the rich could afford the places just surrounding the field with an unobstructed view.

Soon, a procession of priests walked out of the sanctuary and ambled slowly towards the Olympic field. Their chants were barely audible over the bleating and moaning of the animals that were accompanying the procession. Once on the field, the priests began with their elaborate rituals, as they had done since hundreds of Games and since times immemorial.

The two youths were too curious to remain at their place and slowly made their way closer to the Olympic field. They walked down the hill and then began squeezing through the crowd. There was quite a lot of grumbling but the two boys were undeterred. Once they were about one hundred paces away from the field the going became easier. There people were dressed elegantly and guards employed by the priests watched out. Two guards with nasty looking sticks approached the boys, obviously with the intent to kick the two intruders out.

But one of the guards recognized Anik as the winner of the marathon race and held his colleague back.

"Let them pass, they deserve to have a good view" he said and smiled at the two lovers.

Anik and Tiberius smiled gratefully and continued on their way until they were so close to the field that they had an unobstructed view.

They held each other's hands and watched the priests walking several times around the field. After the slaughtering of the animals and the singing of chants, finally the head-priest stepped on a podium and with a loud voice called out the participants.

Everybody turned their heads towards the sanctuary where the competitors appeared and walked slowly towards the Olympic field. Each one was naked and glistening with oil. There were burly wrestlers and muscular boxers, slim chariot racers and skinny short distance runners. They came from all over the Greek world: from Athens, Delphi, Elis, Syracuse, Croton, Alexandria, Crete, Agrigento, and Rhodes and from many more places.

The first group of competitors were the men, followed by the groups consisting of youths, aged sixteen to about twenty. Anik and Tiberius screamed and shouted like everybody in the crowd did to greet the participants. The noise that emanated from the crowd was beyond belief and echoed from the hills.

Some of the contestants waved back and smiled while others looked down as they walked slowly, deep in contemplation.

The group of young participants came closer. Among them was one particularly beautiful boy. He was skinny and was likely a short distance runner. Like Anik, he had waxed his pubic hair which made him seem even more naked.

Anik, being naked, was not able to hide his excitement and when Tiberius glanced down he saw that the penis of his lover pointed out jauntily. Anik noticed that Tiberius was glancing at his semi- erection and smiled sheepishly. Tiberius just grinned and squeezed his hand.

The youth glanced over to them as he approached and saw Anik's erection too. He smiled and seemed to be as stuck by the beauty of Anik as was Anik by his. At once his phallus started swelling and lengthening. Anik and Tiberius watched as his member began rising and rising until it was pointing up. There was a lot of good-natured yelling and laughing by the spectators. The boy's face reddened but then he grinned too and winked at Anik and Tiberius. The two boys laughed and winked back and then watched the cute boy walking away from them towards the assembly place.

"I guess you really liked the boy" Tiberius laughed and slapped Anik's erection lightly.

"Ah, he is cute and has a nice body" Anik replied.

"My body lusts after his, but my love belongs only to you" he added, smiling but still very serious.

Tiberius nearly had to cry and kissed Anik deeply and wrapped his arms around him. Then he took the hand of the Greek boy and guided it to his crotch to show him that he was hard too.

"I thought he was gorgeous too and I will not be angry if you want to play with the boy" he whispered.

"I will only play with him if you do too" Anik said softly.

They kissed passionately and it took a long time before the two were able to disengage and to concentrate again on what was happening on the Olympic field.

They watched as the Olympic Games began with the stadion race, a short sprint along the length of the field. First the men raced and the event was over in few heartbeats with the victory of a competitor from Sparta. Then the youths stepped onto the track, among them the stunning boy. The youths stood erect and tense, their eyes fixed on the priest. The priest raised his hands, then quickly pulled them down and the race started.

The youths were running so fast that it was nearly impossible to see their movements. They watched as a boy was racing ahead, his speed beyond belief. The race was quickly over with the beautiful boy having won easily. There was a loud roar from the spectators and the boy was smiling happily.

Anik and Tiberius were also yelling and shouting enthusiastically. But soon the audience became silent when the next event was about to start.

While most spectators watched the horses getting ready for the chariot race, Anik and Tiberius saw the boy who just won the race walking towards them.

"Hello, I am Xenon" he said and smiled at them.

"Hello Xenon, this is Anik and I am Tiberius" Tiberius replied.

"You are as quick as a leopard, I could barely see your legs, so fast did they move" Anik gushed.

"Of course I know of Anik. You are the boy who goes naked and did win the marathon race. Everyone talks of you and your beautiful lover" Xenon replied.

Anik nodded and took the hand of Tiberius to show his pride in having been claimed by him.

"And I am glad that you don't cover your body with clothes, your beauty is truly extraordinary" Xenon added and reached out and put his flat hand on Anik's chest.

Xenon felt Anik's heart beating quickly and his body showed his excitement at once. His penis swelled and his became rigid and hard within moments.

"And I am sure your beauty is extraordinary too" Xenon added and put his hand lightly on the arm of Tiberius.

The Roman felt a tingling and his member stiffened quickly too. The lust that Xenon radiated was like a physical force hitting the two lovers.

"My lover and I wanted to celebrate my victory by making love on the hill under the stars. We would be honored if you two were to join us."

Tiberius and Anik just nodded.

"Then meet us soon at sunset outside the Olympic compound" Xenon said.

He grinned and let his hand slide down and wrapped his hand around Anik's throbbing member.

"Do you like to mount or do you prefer to be mounted?" he asked the whimpering boy.

"I...love to be bred...." Anik gasped while Xenon slowly stroked his phallus.

"So do I...I look forward to have the seed of your lover inside me..."

Xenon stepped closer to Anik and continued stroking him. Anik reached down too and began rubbing his flat palm against Xenon's erection and both boys moaned softly. The two youths masturbated each other slowly and unhurriedly. Their breathing quickened and their cockheads were soon glistening with precum. They came nearly at the same time. They moaned and their cocks started pumping white semen over each other.

Xenon stepped back and rubbed Anik's cum over his abs and crotch and then licked his finger.

"I have marked myself with your semen. I can barely wait to drink it this evening" Xenon whispered.

Anik grinned and smeared Xenon's cum also over his crotch and penis and balls and then licked his palm.

"Your seed tastes nice too. I want you to spill it all over me and coat me with it" Anik said softly.

Xenon kissed Anik and Tiberius, then he quickly walked to the Sanctuary.

The two youths remained for a while to watch the chariot race, but they were too excited to concentrate. They made their way to the Sanctuary and just when they arrived, Xenon and his lover came out and waved at them.

Xenon's lover was a few years older, in his early twenties. He was tall and muscular and his hair was the color of corn.

"This is Vercingetorix, my protector" Xenon introduced his lover.

Vercingetorix smiled at them and shook their hands.

"Hello Tiberius, hello Anik. Xenon already told me about you and I can also barely wait to make love." Vercingetorix said.

"Vercingetorix is from Gaul. He was here as a trader, but once we met he decided to stay in Greece" Xenon explained.

Tiberius stared at the tall Gaul. He was at least a head taller than both Anik and Xenon and quite a bit taller than Tiberius too. His arms were as thick as thighs and his legs as thick as logs. But he was not fat at all and seemed to consist of hard muscles and sinews only. Tiberius wondered if his cock was as thick and muscular as the rest of his body and how Xenon could possibly take him in.

Anik must have wondered the same but as usual he was not shy at all to ask what was on his mind.

"Can your cock even fit in Xenon? Do you not split him apart with your phallus?" he asked curiously.

Vercingetorix laughed loudly and shook his head.

"It was difficult at the beginning, but now he cannot get enough of it" he replied and Xenon nodded and grinned.

They made their way up the hill. The higher they went the less people there were and once on the top of the hill, they walked for a few minutes until they arrived at a beautiful field of grass, surrounded by pine trees.

They walked to the middle of the field and then sat down. They took off their tunics and loincloths and the two couples started making out. They glanced at each other, watching what the other couple did and getting even more excited by this.

Anik in particular was in heat and soon pushed Tiberius on his back and began licking and kissing his throat and neck. Tiberius sighed and closed his eyes and savored the feeling of Anik's warm tongue gliding over his chest. Then suddenly he felt a second tongue sliding over his other nipple and then a third wiggling along the inside of his thigh.

He lifted his head and saw that the three boys were all over him. Anik and Xenon licked his chest and kissed each other from time to time while Vercingetorix was between his legs, his tongue now moving over his balls. He moaned loudly when he felt the Gaul starting to suck his cock and within a short time he shuddered and ejaculated. The Gaul sucked him until he was spent. Then he moved up and kissed him hard and fed him his seed. Tiberius's eyes were wide when he was kissed roughly and possessively by the powerful Gaul. Anik and Xenon had been pushed aside by Vercingetorix and were now making out with each other.

Then Anik and Xenon went on all fours and continued kissing each other.

Vercingetorix grunted and lifted his body off Tiberius and kneeled behind Xenon.

He grabbed the waist of the boy and started to press his thick cock in. Tiberius stared at the huge cock. It was not much longer than his, but nearly twice as thick and he could not imagine that the slim boy could take it in. But he watched the ring of Xenon stretching and stretching until the flaring cockhead plopped in.

Xenon winced but clearly enjoyed it and his cock was rock hard while he continued to make out wildly with Anik.

Anik pushed his hips up and demanded to be mounted too. Tiberius got up and kneeled beside Vercingetorix and pressed his phallus into his lover.

Anik moaned happily and Tiberius started to squeeze his cock in and out. Vercingetorix turned his head and kissed Tiberius. They both pounded into their lovers, then the Gaul bellowed and thrust all in and clenched his buttocks as he unloaded his seed into Xenon. Tiberius continued hammering into Anik but then he came too and slowly collapsed on top of the boy.

After he caught his breath he slowly pulled out. Vercingetorix did the same and Tiberius watched in awe as semen flowed out of the gaping anus of Xenon. The boy's sphincter slowly contracted but more and more semen continued to bubble out of his hole.

"We haven't made love since a week..." Vercingetorix gasped.

"Xenon's trainer did not allow us to meet and I did not masturbate since then" he explained.

The Gaul's cock was still erect and glistening with cum and the boy's juices. Tiberius bent down to lick and suck him clean. The Gaul moaned happily and caressed his hair. Then Tiberius felt Anik's head next to his, wanting to suck the huge cock too.

Tiberius sat up and let Anik wrap his lips around the thick cock. Vercingetorix moaned again and placed his hand on the boy's head and pressed him down.

Anik groaned and gagged and retched. The Gaul was too excited to notice and continued to press Anik's head down until his cock was buried deep down the boy's throat. Vercingetorix grabbed Anik's hair and began moving the head up and down roughly. Anik moaned and retched and started twitching and trying to pull back. But the Gaul was too excited to notice and continued to fuck Anik's mouth, his thick phallus ramming down his throat again and again. Xenon and Tiberius stared, not knowing what to do. But then Vercingetorix screamed loudly and pushed Anik's head down and convulsed. Soon semen started to ooze out between Anik's lips. Once the Gaul was spent he lifted Anik's head of his phallus and the boy gasped for air and collapsed. He was on his back, gasping and wheezing, he cheeks and chin covered in cum.

"Are you fine...?" Tiberius asked anxiously and went to his lover and cradled his head.

"Y...yes...he...was so thick..." the boy whimpered and coughed and expelled more semen from his mouth.

After a few minutes he had recovered and sat up. He stared at the Gaul's cock which was half hard but still huge. He had a strange expression on his face; part excited and part nervous.

"Tiberius...are you fine if...if Vercingetorix were to penetrate me...?" he whispered.

"Are you sure...? He is so big...he might hurt you..." Tiberius replied worriedly.

"I want to try, but you have to be beside me..." Anik smiled at him.

Tiberius nodded and gently pushed the boy on his back.

"Vercingetorix...Anik would like to try to take you in..." he told the Gaul while he kneeled next to his lover.

The huge Gaul nodded and Xenon came over and kneeled next to Anik. Tiberius and Xenon each grabbed a leg of Anik and lifted and spread them.

"Tell us when it hurts too much. I could not take him in at first even though I had been mounted by men before" Xenon whispered.

Tiberius reached down and gently caressed Anik's ring and tried to relax him. Vercingetorix kneeled between his spread legs and positioned his cockhead at the boy's anus.

Tiberius swallowed when he saw the size of the glans. It was purple and flaring and slick with cum and Xenon's juices and Anik's saliva.

The Gaul looked into Anik's eyes who smiled nervously and nodded. Vercingetorix started pushing. He pressed the tip of his cock in and Anik's ring began expanding. The Gaul pressed more and Anik started to groan.

Xenon reached down and caressed Anik gently.

"Just relax and breathe deeply" he advised.

Vercingetorix pushed again and Anik cried out, his ass lips expanding and stretching. Sweat began breaking out all over his body and when Tiberius pressed his palm against the boy's chest he felt his heart beating like a hammer. The Gaul gave Anik a few moments to get used to it, then he resumed his pushing.

This time Anik screamed and Tiberius could barely hold the boy's leg, so much did he try to kick.

"N...no...I...I can't...I am sorry" Anik gasped.

The Gaul smiled sheepishly and pulled back. Anik sighed while Xenon and Tiberius gently caressed and calmed him.

"Do not worry, it took me long to get used to him" Xenon said soothingly to Anik.

The Gaul stretched out on the ground and grabbed his stiff member and Xenon squatted over him. Then he started pushing down. Tiberius and Anik watched in awe as they saw the ring of the skinny boy expanding around the huge cockhead. Xenon pressed down and suddenly the Gaul's knob breached the ring and was buried inside the boy. Xenon whimpered but continued pressing down and slowly, bit by bit, the huge phallus entered the boy.

Even Xenon struggled and his body was glistening with sweat. Then he started to ride his lover and moved slowly up and down. Soon both of them were moaning and gasping. Tiberius and Anik watched for a while, then Anik crawled over to the two and went on all fours and took Xenon's erection into his mouth. Tiberius could not just watch and kneeled behind his lover and pressed his penis into Anik's anus. Anik moaned loudly, not in pain this time but in ecstasy. The four made love like this for long minutes, slow and unhurried. It was already dark and the stars shone brightly above them. From far away they heard the noise from parties and celebrations and closer by the soft moaning of other couples that came here to make love too.

Finally their pace increased and then they expelled their seed nearly simultaneously. They pulled out of each other and licked each other clean. Then they reclined and whispered and talked softly until deep into the night. But eventually they became too tired and snuggled against each other and soon they all snored softly.

In the morning they woke up and realized that soon the competitions would start. The quickly made their way down the hill to be on time for the wrestling matches and some foot races.

The next four days went by quickly. Anik and Tiberius watched the competitions and in the evening they went to the many parties and celebrations with the girls from Naxos. Every night they met with Xenon and Vercingetorix at the field on top of the hill to make gentle love together.

But all good things end and after the final competition and the ceremony of the priests to conclude the Olympic Games they bid a tearful farewell to their friends and made their way down to Pheios to catch a boat to bring them back to Agistri.

The hike back went by quickly and they arrived at the harbor in the early afternoon. There were many people at the harbor and the boys were anxious and unsure if they would be able to find a passage back home.

They stood at the harbor and tried to find a boat. But every captain they asked declined since their boats were already full.

But miraculously they were approached by a captain.

"I overheard that you are looking for a passage to Agistri. I will go there and still have space" he told them.

Both Anik and Tiberius had a strange feeling. The captain did not look very trustworthy but the boat he showed them was fine. It was not big but looked very fast and seaworthy. But there was something strange about the captain. If the two boys had not been so desperate to find a passage they might have asked themselves why the captain had approached them and not some of the much richer people who were equally desperate to find a berth on a boat.

Instead Tiberius reached into his bag and produced a gold coin to give to the captain. He took it and led them into the boat. Tiberius and Anik realized surprised that they were the only passengers and apart from the captain there were only five sailors who all looked equally disreputable.

The two boys stood at the stern of the boat and held hands and watched the land receding. Soon they forgot their anxiousness and chatted excitedly about all they had experienced.

A seaman came by and offered them an amphora with water. The boys accepted it gladly and drank greedily. But soon they felt dizzy and they had to sit down.

"I...feel so tired..." Anik whispered to Tiberius.

"Me...me too...we...did not sleep much..." Tiberius replied.

He felt his eyes closing and just before he became unconscious he saw Anik lying down and the captain watching them coldly, like somebody observes an insect.

But then Tiberius collapsed too and he fell in a deep sleep.

The following days went by like in a strange dream. Later the boys could only remember dimly that from time to time they had been woken up and had been fed and cleaned by the sailors. They were given regularly from the water in the amphora and once they drank from it, every time they fell back into a dreamless sleep. It went like this for days and only later did they learn that they had been drugged for ten days, as long as it took the fast boat to sail to Crete.

But eventually they were given normal water and they slowly recovered. Once their mind began working normally again, they realized that both were naked with their wrists tied behind their backs. They were already close to a beach and above the beach on a cliff they saw a huge sprawling villa. Standing on the beach were four Roman soldiers. Neither the captain nor the sailors talked to the confused boys. The sail was taken in and the anchor was dropped. Then a sailor pulled them up and carried them to the beach.

Anik and Tiberius watched confused as one of the soldiers walked around them to examine them. "They are not harmed and we even cleaned them for you" the captain said grovelingly.

The solider nodded curtly and gave the captain a small bag with gold coins. The captain bowed and thanked him profusely.

"I am sure Marcellus will have lot of fun with the boys. And I am always ready to supply him with more boys and girls" he told the soldier.

"Marcellus is easily able to get all the boys and girls that he needs. But these two are special" the soldier replied.

He nodded to the captain. Then two soldiers grabbed the arms of Anik and Tiberius to lead them towards the villa. Both boys had a terrible premonition. But after having been drugged for ten days, they were too weak to think about resisting or fleeing.

Anik and Tiberius were led up a seemingly endless sequence steps hewn into the cliff towards the villa. Each boy had a soldier walking beside him with their hand clamped around their arm. Nobody talked. They had not been hurt yet, but they felt treated more like cattle than like human beings.

Tiberius was too nervous and afraid to be concerned about his nudity. He glanced back at Anik who was walking behind him. But the soldier squeezed his arm hard and he quickly looked ahead again. But when he managed to glance quickly at Anik he saw that the boy was as afraid and confused as he.

His heart beat quickly and he wondered if today would be the last day of their lives. Every sensation he felt seemed magnified, from the fine gravel under his bare feet to the hot wind against his skin. It was like in a nightmare where his body felt disassociated and moved by itself with his mind helplessly trapped inside.

They finally arrived at the garden surrounding the palace. They walked across the dry grass and then entered the palace. After being led through a number of antechambers, one larger and more luxurious than the one preceding it, they entered a huge room.

The soldiers stepped aside while the two boys stared at the splendor surrounding them. The walls were gleaming white marble, so bright that it nearly hurt the eyes. The floor was marble too, but deep black. The ceiling was painted in a bright blue with paintings of Roman and Greek gods seeming to float like in the sky. In the middle of the room there was a good-sized pool and everywhere they looked were couches and chairs and other furniture and works of art. But despite the magnificence of the room, the space was filled with an indescribable air of fear and horror and desperation.

They saw a number of girls dressed in luxurious tunics and fabrics but they all looked fearful and many were trembling and seemed to be too afraid to look up. One girl in particular was shaking hard and sobbing softly.

Then a youth raised from a throne-like chair and smiled at them. He was clad in a purple toga and looked resplendent.

"Ah...Aniketos and Tiberius...so we meet again...." he greeted them.

"Marcellus...what...?" Tiberius gasped when he recognized the youth.

Anik pressed against his lover and Tiberius wrapped his arm protectively around the boy.

"Yes, it is me, Marcellus. And now you are mine, for me to use as I please."

"Do not worry. I will not flog or crucify you. I have a death in mind that is much more fitting. Yours will be a death by ecstasy" Marcellus said softly and smiled at them cruelly.

Next: Chapter 8

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