Tiberius and Anik

By Nifty Boy

Published on Sep 20, 2016


Tiberius and Anik

by Nifty Boy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 6: The Tent of Appolonius

Tiberius and Anik approached the tent. Calling it a tent did the construction a disservice. It was large and sprawling, with a colorful and gaudy fabric that gleamed in the midday sun and easily big enough to house a hundred people comfortably.

A guard was standing outside the entrance of the tent and barred their entry.

"This is Anik and I am Tiberius. Appolonius told us to visit him" Tiberius said, somewhat cowed by the grim demeanor of the guard.

"Ah...the naked boy and his lover. Yes, I know. Please enter..." the guard grinned and stepped aside.

The two lovers stepped into the tent. They entered a sizeable vestibule where Tiberius took off his sandals and they washed their feet. Once clean, they continued into a large area where quite a number of people were already present. In the middle of the large room were couches on which older men, Appolonius among them, reclined and talked animatedly with each other. In the corner were three musicians who played flutes and the harp. Two boys and two girls, all very scantily dressed danced slowly to the music.

Tiberius and Anik stood beside the entrance and watched for a while. The dancing boys wore diaphanous loincloths and the girls wore very short, sheer tunics that left one breast bare. One of the boys was already excited, his erect penis visible through the nearly transparent material of his loincloth. One of the girls noted that and started rubbing herself lasciviously against the excited boy. She reached down and the boy's loincloth dropped to the ground and he started grinding against the girl. Soon she dropped on all fours and the boy kneeled behind her and started thrusting into her.

They were obviously professionals and the boy thrust slowly in and out, keeping both of them just at the edge of an orgasm. One of the men looked up and flicked with a finger. The boy moaned and thrust in hard, then both of them shuddered as they came simultaneously. He pulled out and the girl pushed her hips up so that the watching men could see the semen dripping from her vagina, showing that they had done the act.

They bowed and left and a servant waved at Tiberius and Anik. They walked towards Appolonius and his friends. Under their feet was a thick, soft carpet and in the air was the scent of myrrh and a slight whiff of semen.

"Ah... Aniketos and Tiberius...everyone talks about you..." Appolonius said and smiled when he noticed the two youths.

"The naked Greek boy who won the marathon race and his Roman lover..." he explained to his friends.

"And at least the Greek boy is easily excited..." one of the men added and chuckled while he glanced at Anik's semi-erect penis.

"Don't be afraid, step closer" Appolonius told the two youths.

"It seems that Aniketos enjoyed the presentation just before..." he laughed.

Anik smiled back, not at all embarrassed by his stiff member.

"They say that the youths from Elis are the most beautiful of Greece, but that is obviously not true" Appolonius said after he looked at the two youths for a while.

"I am glad that you came. And I will keep my promise and introduce you to the art of making love."

Appolonius got up and pointed to an entrance, leading to another room.

"Come, let me show you how much more you can feel and experience."

Appolonius walked into the other room, followed by the two youths and Appolonius' friends.

The room they stepped in was large and filled with the scent of myrrh and incense was strong and sweet. There was also a table on which some instruments were laid out.

Appolonius clapped with his hands and four slaves appeared, two boys and two girls, all beautiful and naked.

Appolonius lifted Anik's chin and looked at his face. He was stuck by the beauty of the Greek boy. He had an unlined and boyish face and wide, slightly almond-shaped eyes with deep-black pupils and long eyelashes. His hair was equally black and straight rather than curly as was usual in Greece. He had a rather small snub nose which looked very cute. The boy's nostrils were flared due to his excitement.

Appolonius sighed. Anik was really perfect and he felt a ting of regret that he had already been claimed by Tiberius. But he accepted that and saw it as his duty now to instruct the two youths in how to reach new heights of love and lust.

Appolonius let his finger slide along the boy's nose down to his full, luscious lips. He pressed slightly and Anik parted his lips at once for him, revealing bright white, even teeth.

In Appolonius experience, the fact that Anik parted his lips so quickly and so willingly was a sure sign that he enjoyed submitting. Appolonius smiled since this would make the coming experience even more enjoyable for everyone involved. But Appolonius was not overly surprised. The fact that Anik went naked was already and indication that he liked being exposed and that it was quite likely that he enjoyed to be helpless.

Appolonius slowly slid his finger over Anik's chin and down to his throat. Anik tilted his head to bare his throat. Appolonius smiled as his guess was confirmed.

Reluctantly Appolonius ceased exploring the boy further and went over to Tiberius. The Roman boy was equally beautiful as Anik but in a different way. His face was more angular, with an aquiline nose and narrower lips. His hair was as black as Anik's but slightly curled. Again Appolonius slid his finger down to Tiberius' lips but here, not like with Anik, he felt a slight resistance before the Roman youth parted them for Appolonius. Tiberius obviously preferred to dominate rather than to submit. This was born out when Appolonius let his finger glide over the Romans' throat and Adam's apple and he felt the youth tensing.

Appolonius stepped back and looked at the panting youths. They were truly a perfect fit for each other. But he felt that they might still hold back when they made love. In his experience, young lovers rarely went all the way to fulfil their deepest desires. It was the older, more experienced lovers who were able to let go of their inhibitions. He wanted to teach the two youths to let go of their last traces of shame and to do the acts together which they did not even knew themselves that they had been dreaming of.

He wondered how far the two would go. He had a lot of experience and he felt that Tiberius and Anik - once unleashed - might have very few limits in their desires.

He flicked his fingers and pointed to Anik's jewelry and a slave girl stepped forward. She kneeled down to take off the boy's anklet and bracelets. The girls smiled when she reached up to unwind the chain around Anik's cock and balls. She took quite a bit longer than was necessary and her fingers slid and brushed and glided along the boy's hard member.

The girl took off the waist chain but continued rubbing Anik's glans who then started whimpering and squirming.

"It is enough" Appolonius said and smiled at the girl who reluctantly got up and stepped aside.

She was beautiful and one of his favorite slaves, but also quite cocky and playful.

He glanced at the other girl who then went to Tiberius and started tugging at his tunic.

"What...why...?" Tiberius asked nervously.

"You both have to bare yourself, Tiberius. And everyone here has seen hard members before" Appolonius explained kindly and pointed to the slaves and his friends who all watched excitedly.

He understood the reluctance of Tiberius and his shyness, but it was essential that he was able to break out of his shell and Appolonius therefore had to insist that Tiberius undressed.

The girl stood close to Tiberius when she took off his tunic and then reached down to pull off his loincloth. Tiberius blushed and tried to cover his erection with his hands.

"Put it away" Appolonius ordered the girl and pointed to the discarded clothing on the floor.

She took the clothes away, out of the room while Tiberius stood there nervously.

Appolonius took Anik's hand and led him to the middle of the room. A slave boy came and attached cuffs to the boy's ankle. The cuffs were attached to thick ropes which were fastened to winches situated at either side of the room. The slave boy started to wind up the ropes until Anik's legs were spread wide. The other slave boy held Anik around his waist to help him balance.

The first slave boy then attached cuffs around Anik's wrist that were attached to ropes dangling from pulleys hanging from the ceiling. After he wound up these ropes too, Anik was spread-eagled, his arms and legs stretched and every part of his body was freely accessible.

Appolonius took Tiberius' hand and led him slowly around his lover.

"First pleasure your boy...it will be easier for him if he can spill his seed at the beginning. You two have many hours of learning before you..." Appolonius said to Tiberius.

Tiberius swallowed and nodded. He glanced nervously at the people watching, obviously reluctant to start while being observed.

"Do it..." Appolonius said, his tone still kind but brooking no hesitation.

Tiberius stepped before Anik who stared at him, panting heavily. Anik's penis was rigid and glistening with precum before him and Anik tried to push his hips forward eagerly. With a last glance at Appolonius, Tiberius bent down and took Anik's member in. He sucked noisily and it took only a few heartbeats before Anik ejaculated into his mouth.

Tiberius sucked and swallowed and then got up.

"Good, now we can begin" Appolonius said.

"You are both young and not experienced yet and might not even know yourself what truly pleasures you. Some like to be tied and helpless, and we can safely say that this is the case with Anik." Appolonius smiled and pointed to Anik's phallus which was still hard.

"Others enjoy pain or being chocked" Appolonius continued and slapped the boy's buttocks and then pressed his finger against Anik's Adam's apple.

"Still other derive pleasure from toys..."

With this the Greek nobleman took a wooden phallus from the table and pressed it against Anik's crack.

"...while others moan and ejaculate when they are coated by their lovers' water...".

Appolonius reached out and pressed with a rigidly stretched finger against Anik's bladder, just above the root of his penis. He hooked a finger around Anik's phallus to pull the cockhead away from his abdomen, then he pressed slightly stronger and rotated his outstretched finger.

The boy cried out surprised when he suddenly lost control and a hard stream of clear urine shot from Anik slit.

As soon as Appolonius ceased pressing the stream weakened and ceased.

Tiberius stared with wide eyes at Anik. It was as if Appolonius had near magical abilities that allowed him to play with the boy's body as a musician did a flute.

"Other boys in contrast like to push their phallus as deep into their lovers as they can" Appolonius turned towards Tiberius and let his finger slide along his erect penis.

He wrapped his hand around Tiberius cock and led the youth over to his lover.

Appolonius placed his hand on the back of Tiberius and nudged him closer to Anik. This caused Tiberius' hard cock to press against Anik's ring.

The Greek nobleman clamped his hand around Tiberius buttock and pushed. The youth's glans to breached Anik's ring and youths moaned surprised.

"Some boys like to ejaculate into their lover...." Appolonius said and lightly tabbed against the vein of the shaft of Tiberius.

Tiberius moaned louder, then suddenly he shivered when he felt semen shooting out of his cock and into Anik's anus. The orgasm ceased as soon as Appolonius stopped with the tapping.

"And some like to expel other fluids into their lover."

With this he pressed his stiff finger against Tiberius bladder and twisted, causing the Roman to lose control and shooting a stream of piss deep into his lover's anus. The stream stopped once Appolonius pulled his finger away. Tiberius was shocked but strangely never even thought about pulling away. His cockhead remained buried inside Anik's wet hole.

The monotonous and calm way Appolonius talked put both boys under a spell. They were like in a trance, both rock hard and excited but calm at the same time.

The friends and slaves watched in awe as Appolonius did his magic. Appolonius was famed throughout the Roman Empire as an advisor of the emperor Mark Aurel. But he did not teach him solely about philosophy, but had also introduced him to the secrets of love. There had been many rumors that after having learned from Appolonius, Marc Aurel had been able to satisfy his many lovers and slaves in ways few could.

Appolonius put his palm on Tiberius' head, who was standing there with his glans still buried inside Anik's anus. The Roman youth stared at the Greek man with wide eyes.

"Having claimed your boy is not only a pleasure, but also a responsibility" Appolonius said softly to Tiberius.

The Roman youth nodded and continued staring into the Greek's eyes, nearly lost in them.

"Anik has offered himself to you. It is clear from how he behaves that he gave you his body and his spirit willingly. In return, you have to care for him and strive to offer to him that what he lusts for. What he truly desires might surprise you both, but a true lover will offer it to him willingly and joyfully."

Tiberius nodded again, under the spell of Appolonius. Anik moaned softly and Tiberius felt the boy's tight sphincter quivering around the ridge of his cockhead. Soon Tiberius shivered, then he started ejaculating again. But despite his orgasm, he continued staring at Appolonius. He otherwise didn't move but his balls pulled up and the audience could see his shaft pulsating as he expelled his seed into Anik.

The Greek smile gently while Tiberius orgasmed, then he ruffled his hair.

"Good, now you can concentrate better" he said gently.

"Demecus and Adonai will help me with my teaching. I have trained them already in the secrets of the human body."

With this he turned towards Anik and gently stroked his thigh.

"Are you comfortable, Aniketos?" he asked.

The boy nodded, his eyes gleaming and wide.

"Good, we only tied you so that you are comfortable and it is easier for Tiberius to explore you if you cannot move. And being tied makes every part of your body accessible to your lover."

Appolonius reached down and pulled Tiberius' cock out of his lover's anus. Both boys moaned and white semen mixed with urine dripped out of Anik's hole and down along his thighs.

The Greek man reached out and lightly squeezed and twisted Anik's nipples. The boy whimpered and his cock started to twitch.

"Observe Tiberius. Not all boys are sensitive there but Aniketos very much is."

He continued playing with Anik's nipples until the youth was close to climaxing.

He dipped his finger in a jar with olive oil and stepped behind Anik. A slave girl approached and spread the boy's buttocks. Appolonius rubbed the tip of his finger around the boy's tight sphincter. As soon as he felt the muscle relaxing slightly, he pressed in.

"There is a spot inside, after you breach his inner ring, which when touched will push your lover into ecstasy."

He pressed his finger all in, then bent it. At once Anik moaned lustfully. Appolonius began sliding his fingertip over the spot. Anik moaned louder and tensed his muscles. The Greek nobleman continued pressing and rubbing his finger against the boy's gland and soon Anik was close to spilling his seed again.

"If done correctly, you can make your lover spill his seed using just your finger."

Demecus and Adonai stepped forward. The slave boy placed his hands on the shoulders of the girl and sucked at her finger to wet it. The girl then reached under him and inserted her finger into his anus. Demecus began moaning while Adonai expertly rubbed and pressed the tip of her finger against his gland. Soon the youth convulsed and expelled his semen all over the girl's abdomen and crotch. The girl removed her finger and Demecus sucked it clean. Appolonius nodded approvingly and the two stepped back.

"But there are more spots of pleasure" Appolonius continued and rubbed with his finger against the inside of Anik's thigh. Soon he found the right position and began sliding his finger up and down along the thigh. Anik whimpered and tried to squirm. Once his penis started twitching, Appolonius ceased with the caressing and the Greek boy slowly calmed down.

Appolonius glanced over to his slaves.

"Lysander and Nike, show them please" he said.

The other couple came forward and Lysander laid down on his back and lifted and spread his legs. The girl kneeled down and began caressing his thigh. The boy moaned and soon curled his toes. He arched his back and ejaculated all over himself, while Nike continued stroking his thigh.

Once Lysander caught his breath they both got up and went back to the other couple.

It went like this for hours. Appolonius showed the different places which stimulated Anik. There were some which both youths would never have imagined would be erogenous. There was a spot at the sole of Anik's foot which, when pressed, made him moan loudly. His testicles being pulled made him scream in ecstasy and caressing him lightly along his sides also caused him to shudder.

During all these hours, the slave boys came multiple times but Anik and Tiberius were not allowed relief. The sweet scent of semen was heavy in the air, making the boys even more excited. But finally the lesson ended and the slaves untied Anik and gently put him down on all fours.

"Now you have deserved your relief. Tiberius, try to let go of your inhibitions."

Appolonius took Tiberius hand. The youth was hot and sweaty and trembling from being hard since hours.

The two slave boys were on either side of Anik, caressing and calming and steadying him. The Greek led him over to his shivering lover.

"Try mounting Aniketos with vigor. I think that he desires that now".

Tiberius nodded and glanced around nervously. All eyes were on him and everybody was obviously excited. Demecus and Lysander both sported erections while Adonai and Nike were flushed and panting and caressing each other. The friends of Appolonius were lying on their couches, their hands all over naked youths - both male and female - which snuggled and writhed against them.

Tiberius took a deep breath and squatted behind Anik. He reached out and gently patted him and leaned forward to whisper into his ear.

"Are you ready, Anik? I want to penetrate you."

Anik nodded and moaned, then he turned his head and kissed Tiberius hard.

"Yes...impale me...i want you deep inside me..." Anik whispered back, his voice hoarse.

Tiberius felt heat rushing through his body, and his lust was nearly unbearable when he heard the desire in Anik's voice.

He pressed his cockhead against Anik's quivering ring. The moist muscles wrapped around his knob and then sucked it in hungrily. His penis entered Anik's anus, already slick and wet with his juices. The feeling of warmth and wetness combined with the urgent flexing of Anik's muscles all around his cockhead was too much for Tiberius.

He grabbed Anik's shoulders and shoved his phallus deep in. The Greek boy cried out surprised but Tiberius was just hearing the roar of his blood in his ears. He tensed all his muscles and grunted and tried to thrust in even deeper. The tip of his cock finally brushed against the bend of Anik's rectum. Tiberius pushed even more as he tried to press his phallus as deep into the boy as possible.

Tiberius leaned forward while still squatting and put his hands around the sides of his lover and started to pound into him, his heavy balls slapping loudly against his lover's. His phallus moved like a piston, and his hands started to move roughly over Anik's chest. Soon and his breathing became ragged.

Suddenly Tiberius roared and ejaculated. His balls pulled up but despite his climax he continued hammering and pounding into Anik.

Everyone watched in awe, realizing that Tiberius was not sated by breeding Anik once. He seemed to be even more in heat, and both boys were glistening with sweat while Tiberius continued to hammer into his lover.

Tiberius clamped his hands around Anik's neck and went on his knees and continued thrusting deep into the boy. Anik gasped for air but Tiberius continued to thrust in harder and harder. The boy's face reddened, then a shudder went through him and he shot off. Tiberius felt the tightening as Anik's sphincter contracted and pulled the upper body of the boy back. He let go of his neck and wrapped one hand around the boy's spurting phallus while his other arm went around his chest to press Anik's back against him.

Anik screamed while Tiberius shoved up again and again and continued stroking his lover's cock even though he had spilled his seed already. Tiberius was kneeling while Anik squatted with his thighs spread wide. Their position was such that the spectators had a perfect view of the Roman youth's rock-hard cock squeezing in and out of Anik. Anik had his head thrown back and sweat ran down his body. This time it took longer until Tiberius climaxed. He grunted and moaned while he jabbed into Anik with short, hard thrusts. Finally his second orgasm approached and he shoved Anik forward hard so that he was again on all fours.

Tiberius grabbed Anik's hair and pulled his head back. Anik's mouth was wide open. Tiberius leaned forward and kissed Anik hard and spit into his mouth. Anik moaned loudly and swallowed. The Roman continued pumping his hard member into Anik's rectum. He groaned and kissed Anik wildly. Then he arched his back and juddered. With one last violent thrust he buried his phallus up to its root in the boy and began ejaculating his seed.

He slowly calmed down and sighed and collapsed on top of Anik. His member began softening and semen started to flow out of Anik's hole.

The Greek boy was utterly exhausted, the weight of his lover pressing him down. Tiberius cock' slid out of Anik's anus and a huge amount of cum oozed from the hole before the boy's ring contracted and closed.

"I...I don't know what happened...I lost control...." Tiberius whispered into Anik's ear and smiled sheepishly.

He felt Anik's body shaking under him, still overwhelmed from the pounding he had just experienced.

"Do not be sorry...this is what I desired..." Anik smiled weakly but happily at Tiberius.

Tiberius smiled relieved and then slowly lifted himself up. He reached out and helped Anik getting up. The Greek boy clung to him to hold himself up. Both youths were sticky with semen and sweat.

The four slaves were lying together, naked and sweaty and stroking each other gently. They all climaxed minutes before and had been watching Anik and Tiberius in their act.

"Please clean our guests" Appolonius ordered the slaves gently.

The four slaves got up, themselves messy too. Lysander pulled his member out of Demecus, who himself had just penetrated Adonai from behind.

The four came with damp sponges and wiped Anik and Tiberius down. Soon they were clean and gleaming. The two lovers smiled gratefully and walked over to Appolonius.

The old Greek reached out and patted their heads.

"This was just the beginning. Now you have to experiment for yourself. But you can always come to me if you desire more guidance."

The two boys bowed deeply before Appolonius. They went over to the slaves and embraced them and thanked them. Tiberius put on his tunic while Nike helped Anik to put his jewelry on.

With one last bow they left the tent of Appolonius and stepped outside where they realized that it was already morning.

Next: Chapter 7

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