
By Darth Moomin

Published on Aug 2, 2004



by Darth Moomin


This story is based around the characters in the 2004 motion picture "Thunderbirds". All characters portrayed herein are copyright and trademark United International Pictures / Universal / Working Title. This is fiction (duh...) and consequently is not intended to state, imply or infer anything about the lifestyle or sexual preference of any of the characters mentioned or the actors and actresses that play them.

Usual rights are given: distribute this story in any way you see fit as long as this file remains totally unchanged. Enjoy :-)


This is a continuation from my previous story "Fermat's Last Theorem" - it helps if you've read it, but it's not essential :-)

Also, let me say a huge, massive CHEERS! to everyone who told me how brilliant I am. I don't believe a word of it, but it makes me feel all fuzzy inside :-P Thanks!

Chapter Two: Alan's Education

As Fermat and Alan walked back towards their residence on Tracy Island, both boys relived what had just transpired. Neither of them could quite believe what had happened, yet they were not at all upset with the turn of events.

They'd started walking side by side as they had done many a time before, but soon this became a lot closer with them bumping shoulders from time to time. This too then progressed to them holding hands and finally to Fermat not being able to take it any more: He hooked his arms around a slightly surprised Alan's neck and pulled the Blond's mouth to his own.

When they eventually came up for air and started walking again, Fermat decided to ask the question he'd been wanting to ask since they completed their earlier love-making.

"Alan, where did you learn all of this stuff?"


"You know, the sex and how to.. umm... make me feel so good..."

Fermat didn't know why he was blushing after what they'd just done, but nevertheless he was doing so.

A smile crept on to the edge of Alan's lips.

"So I did good?"

"Really good," admitted Fermat, squeezing Alan's hand.

Now it was Alan's turn to blush. He didn't really want to recount his sexual history to Fermat, but he also knew that he wouldn't be judged by his friend.

"I'll tell you when we get inside."

They carefully padded up by the side of the swimming pool, up the stairs on the outside of the building and into the living area, both of them shivering as the air con whisked round their still wet skin.

Alan led Fermat down the corridor far more confidently than Fermat had managed earlier that evening and strode into his room, securing the door behind them. He turned to face Fermat who stood shivering in front of him. With his trademark grin, he knelt down in front of Fermat and pulled his shorts down his thin legs before planting a quick, playful kiss on the end of his cock. He then stood up and removed his own shorts, throwing both pairs through the open bathroom door into the shower.

As if Fermat weighed little more than the shorts he'd just removed, Alan scooped him up effortlessly and gently laid him out on his bed before lying down beside him.

"So," began Fermat as he ran his fingertips up Alan's powerful thigh until they wrapped themselves round his testicles and massaged them gently. "How did you get to know all this?"

Alan sighed due to a mix of the wonderful feelings Fermat was giving him and in resignation to the fact he was about to tell his best friend every sordid little detail of his sexual baptism.

"It was during Christmas break at the end of last year I guess this all started. Dad had me cleaning the fan traps in Firefly - you know, after that fire in the shopping mall on Boxing Day."

Fermat nodded and gasped as Alan's fingers absent-mindedly teased his dickhead, gently rolling his foreskin back and forth.

"Well, I was just about finished with the traps and covered in ash. Gordon and Virgil were in Thunderbird Two itself uploading the collected mission data to the mainframe, so I went to tell them that I'd finished and was going to take a shower.

"When I got close to the cockpit, I heard a kinda grunt. I thought at first either Virgil or Gordon had managed to hurt themselves, but as I got closer I could hear the grunting was quite rhythmic. Before I even got to the door, I found I could see Virgil and Gordon's reflections in one of the instrument panels. Virgil was sat tucked round in one of the crew seats at the back of the cockpit, and Gordon was sat on top of him, riding him for all he was worth."

"No shit?!" giggled Fermat, squirming as he imagined the second and third youngest Tracy brothers connected with one another in the most intimate way possible.

"Seriously - and they were really going at it too! Gordon had a foot on each armrest and was bouncing up and down while Virgil sat underneath and fucked up into him. Virgil then reached around Gordon and started to jerk him off."

"Were you enjoying watching?" asked Fermat, knowing all too well the answer he'd receive.

"Are you kidding? I nearly bust a hole in my overalls!"

"Did you start jerking yourself off?"

Fermat was getting quite excited at seeing how Alan was responding to his recollection of events.

"Man, I so wanted to but that dust from the fan traps is nasty - I was itching real bad already and I didn't want to go giving myself a rash on my dick! I'd never have lived that one down. Anyway, with Virgil's cock up his ass and his dick being nearly beaten to a pulp there was no way he was gonna last. He was moanin' and groanin' now, so much in fact that one of his feet slipped and he dropped down onto Virgil. Virgil's dick going so deep must've really done it for Gordon 'cause he started whimpering and then was pumping cum all over the place... As Gordy started to calm down a bit Virgil hugged him real tight - his muscles were bulging and everything and Gordon was loving every minute of it. I guess that's when Virgil came too..."

Alan suddenly noticed the tell-tale signs of Fermat's impending orgasm and quickly released his dick, causing the younger boy to cry out in despair. Alan stroked his cheek and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "Not just yet," he smiled, gradually letting Fermat cool down before he allowed himself to touch his younger friend again.

"Anyway, as Gordon opened his eyes he must've seen my reflection as I could see his. He looked a bit panicked at first, but he suddenly smiled this totally evil grin like before he comes to kick my ass, so I ran off back upstairs to my room to get a shower.

"I get to my room, tear my overalls off and I'm straight in the shower. I'd stayed hard since I first saw them and I needed to cum really badly. I washed all the dust off, lathered myself up and came within seconds - man I was horny..."

At that moment, Fermat hugged Alan ferociously, thrusting his dick against Alan's. He shook as, without being touched, he began to shoot all over Alan's stomach. Alan kissed him as he rode out the wave of pleasure, having to concentrate quite hard on not cumming himself as he felt Fermat's hot sperm begin to dribble all over his midsection.

"S... Sorry," he panted as he felt the last few droplets of cum get squeezed from his dickhead by Alan's fingers. "I just got a vision of you jerking yourself off in the shower and I... and mhmmmf..."

Fermat couldn't talk with Alan's tongue in his mouth, so he gave up trying and enjoyed the feeling of Alan's steely hard dick nestling comfortably along side his slightly softer one.

"Don't be sorry," grinned the older boy from behind his scruffy blond fringe. "Just do whatever feels right."

Fermat thought for a moment before rolling Alan over so he was on his back. Using Alan's earlier trick, he scooped some of his own cum up from Alan's chest and pressed it into his now well lubricated and exercised arsehole. Alan swallowed as he looked up at Fermat playing with his backside, only to gasp as he felt his dick being positioned where Fermat's fingers had just been.

With a sharp intake of breath from both boys, Alan felt his nob slide positively into Fermat's backside once again. Gradually, Fermat lowered himself on to Alan until Alan's pubes were tickling the back of his testicles. After taking a moment to get used to the feeling of Alan's comparatively huge cock invading his insides, Fermat carefully leaned forward until he was resting on top of Alan.

Fermat smiled to himself as he felt Alan shudder underneath him as he clenched his muscles around Alan's dick. "Go on," he whispered into his hear.

"So, I'd just hosed the wall of the shower with cum when I hear slow clapping coming from the bathroom door. I spin round to see Gordon stood there with a big wet spot on the front of his jumpsuit.

"'Looks like my little baby brother's growing up' he leers, and starts to unzip his suit. I was kinda frozen to the spot - I even still had my dick in my hand! I guess right then I realised how hot he was. Gordon's always working out and preening himself - you know what a fuss he made about his highlights when he got them - and seeing him totally naked for the first time really turned me on.

"'There room for two in there?' he asks and climbs into the shower anyway without waiting for me to answer. I can't help but look him over and see that his dick is growing real quick and bouncing with his heartbeat. He reaches forward and over my shoulder to get the shower gel and when he does his dick rubs over my hand. I can SMELL him Fermat - he smelled really kinda sweaty, but in a clean way...

"He squirts a load of gel over himself and soaps up, all the time looking me in the eye. When he's covered in suds, he starts to wash me - starting at my chest and then working down my abs. The fucker totally skirts my cock and washes my legs before asking me to turn round. He does the same thing with my back, starting at my shoulders and working down my spine until he reaches my butt. He gets some more gel on his fingers and washes my buns but then starts to work his fingers into my crack.

"I dunno why but I get even harder when I feel his fingers start poking at my chute - I'd never done anything except shit with the damn thing so it gets me really excited when he gets a finger up me."

Alan by now had started gently pumping into Fermat's tight arse, the younger boy's imagination doing somersaults as pictured the two youngest Tracys fooling around in the shower, covered in soap suds.

"Gordon stood closer to me and pushed my feet further apart with his feet. He squeezed another finger in next to his first and started fucking them in and out. I was wincing a bit, but it felt really good. I guess Gordon remembered his first time 'cause he started whispering how he'd be really slow and gentle and all I had to do was say 'stop' if I wanted him to. He started feeling my chest with his free hand, squeezing my nipples and then pushing my hand away from my dick as he started to jerk me. I swear it was the most intense feeling of my life up until that point feeling his hand wrapped around my cock and tugging on my balls..."

Alan wrapped his arms around Fermat and pushed his hips up much more firmly than he had been doing, prodding Fermat's prostate in the process.

"'I'm gonna put another one in - make like you're gonna take a shit,' says Gordon, so I do. He gets a third finger up me fairly easily then and jokes that my ass muscles could break his fingers if I wasn't careful. Ahhh..."

Alan groaned ans Fermat proved that his own arse muscles were just as powerful, and hugged Alan back.

"So after a couple of minutes of him finger-fucking me, he gently pulls them out and quickly lines up his dick. It's not as thick as mine, but it's quite a bit longer. I could feel him pressing against my hole and I kinda got cold feet, but he wrapped an arm around me again and promised that he'd be so careful... I relaxed again and Gordon reminded me to push out. As soon as I did that his dickhead slipped right into me.

"It hurt some, but nowhere near as bad as I thought it would. Gordon really groaned, saying how tight my butt was. He pushed in to me bit by bit now hugging me with both arms. I could feel my guts kinda rearranging themselves as he pushed deeper and then he must have hit my prostate or something because I gushed a shitload of precum all over Gordy's hand. Anyway, I suddenly realised he was all the way in me and he started to rub and massage my stomach. As he moved behind me I could kinda feel his dick stirring my insides and it felt so good I came again without him even touching me. My knees went all weak and I'd have collapsed if it wasn't for Gordy holding me up from behind...

"'Shit little dude you nearly brought me off then as well,' he grunted. I realised my ass was going fuckin' AWOL around his cock and tried to ease it up a bit. He felt me start to calm down and after a moment began to pump me. He started with little strokes at first..."

Alan began to thrust more rhythmically into Fermat.

"...but he soon began to pull all the way out and then shove it right back in again. His balls started slapping the back of mine, dude - it was awesome - and he started to whimper and moan like he'd done with Virgil on Thunderbird 2. The harder he fucked me the harder I wanted to be fucked until I was moaning and grunting as much as he was. He pulled my head back and started kissing my cheeks and ears and running his hands through my hair."

Alan was now pumping for all he was worth into Fermat who was gasping and shuddering under the anal onslaught.

"Just the thought that flashed through my mind of another guy having his cock... up... my.... nnAhhhs...."

Alan shuddered and planted himself as deeply as he could into Fermat, hosing his insides with cum once again. Fermat loved the feeling of Alan's dick in him, presumably as much as Alan had loved that of his brother up his own backside. Alan was hugging him extremely forcefully as he emptied his nads, however it just made Fermat feel all the more loved. His tired testicles surprised him by conjuring a far more modest load than his previous one and spewing it out of his cock in between them once again, causing him to try and suck Alan's tongue out of his mouth.

The boys collapsed into one another again as their bodies relaxed.

"So was that it?" panted Fermat. "Did Gordon just hump you and leave?"

"Oh no," smiled Alan, brushing Fermat's hair from his eyes. Fermat yawned, which of course caused Alan to yawn sympathetically. "He taught me a lot more..."

Alan yawned again, this time passing it back to Fermat.

"Alan? Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Alan had stayed fairly hard since cumming and was still lodged in Fermat's backside. He flexed his pelvic muscles and pushed into Fermat again, shivering at feelings the from his friend's hot, slippy bum.

"Of course you can," he replied with his dopey smile. I promise you can do me tomorrow, and I'll tell you some more stuff about my brothers that'll make your toes curl."

Carefully, Alan pulled out of Fermat causing him do almost cry out with the loss of intimacy, but Alan deftly rolled him over until they were spooning. Fermat's arse had been worked so well that Alan found he could squeeze his half-hard dick back into him, which hardened him up a little more in the process. He reached his left arm under Fermat's shoulder, allowing the younger boy to use his bicep as a pillow, and cradled his genitalia with his right, coaxing the last couple of dribbles of cum from him. They were smelly and sticky, but neither boy felt any need whatsoever to do anything about the fact.

Fermat grinned and snuggled down against Alan's chest. With the older boy's powerful arms wrapped tightly around him and his backside once again in its favourite state - filled with Alan's nob - he felt as content, safe and protected as he could ever remember. As they drifted into unconsciousness, both boys smiled as they anticipated the day to come.

End of chapter two, peeps - let me know whatcha think :-)

See yaz,

Darth Moomin

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