Thug Cash Master

By Skorpio

Published on Mar 22, 2006


This story is pornoGRAPHIC fiction!


Part Fifteen: Night of Reckoning

"Come in, Aaron," said Brad, smiling. He was barefoot, in jeans and a tee-shirt. "My Master and his friends want to meet you."

Aaron was surrounded by three shirtless thugs with muscular, tattooed bodies and grim faces illumined by wavering candlelight. They circled like wolves.

Reese sported a black bandana; the other two wore black nylon do-rags. Their pants hung low on narrow hips, boxers exposed. Dre and Aaron stood eye to eye, but Reese and Malik towered by several inches.

It was warm in the dark apartment. A window fan stirred a sluggish breeze heavy with jungle humidity. Although Brad and Aaron perspired, the thugs did not mind the heat. Their bodies glowed and smoldered, but did not sweat.

Malik bolted the door. Dre stood by, absently rubbing his crotch. Reese snapped his fingers. Brad dropped obediently to his knees.

"Sup, yo!" said Reese, shaking Aaron's hand. "Heard a lot `bout chu, man! Have a seat!"

"I don't think so," Aaron demurred, withdrawing his hand in disdain. "This was all a mistake. I'm not sticking around."

Reese growled: "I said, sit the fuck down!"

The fist to Aaron's solar plexus came so fast he did not see it coming. Aaron doubled over from the blow, with the wind knocked out of him, and toppled backward into the armchair.

"That's better," snorted Reese, nostrils flaring. "Next time I tell you to do somethin', you better do it, boy! "

"I'm nobody's boy," Aaron glared defiantly.

"Don't talk back to me! I got a beef wit' chu, boy! I hear you been gettin' up in mines."

"If you mean Bradley, I'm real sorry about that," said Aaron hastily. "My bad, okay? It won't happen again.

Look, I didn't know what you guys had going on. I didn't know. For real."

"Not what I heard. My property says he told you he was owned! Says you made him suck yo' dick, anyway."

"So what if I did?" said Aaron, exasperated. "He wanted it. Come on, he's a cocksucker! He asked for it! He's the one you should be mad at!"

"Know what I think?" said Reese. His panther eyes narrowed menacingly.

"What's that?"

"You a stone pussy, that's what I think! I bet you been waitin' yo' whole life fo' the right man to come along an' pimp yo' ass, ain't that right, faggot!"

"No, that's not true, that's all wrong," blustered Aaron. "I'm not a bottom! I'm a top, like you."

"You think that's what I am? You think I'm a top?" Reese guffawed. "Bitch, I ain't no fuckin' top! I'm a man, bitch!"

"I'm nobody's bitch!" Aaron retorted, temples pounding with indignation. "I'm a man!"

"You sure `bout that, 'cause when I look at chu, I don't see a man. Mal, what chu see?"

"I see a scurred whiteboy who needs his ass kicked," said Malik.

"Dre, how `bout chu?" said Reese.

"I see a cocksucker with pretty lips," said Dre.

Reese and Malik chuckled.

"Nigga, you got a one track mind!" said Malik.

"I'm serious, y'all!" said Dre. "Da bitch got sum sweet pink lips. I'm just sayin'."

"Yo' turn, worm," said Reese, turning to Brad. "What chu see when you look at this cat?"

"Sir, I see a little worm just like me," said Brad, repressing a smile.

"Looks like you out-voted," Reese declared, stretching out his muscular arms in a gesture of regal judgment.

"I don't care what you think," said Aaron. "I am a man and you can't take that from me!"

"You suck dick, don't chu?"

"Well, yes, sure, sometimes," Aaron admitted, hesitantly. He was not sure why he said that. His eyes shifted apprehensively.

"Then, you a faggot," said Reese, matter of factly. "That's all there is to it, chump."

"Fuck you!" said Aaron. "I'm not a faggot and I'm nobody's chump!"

Reese frowned. "How much time you need?" he asked Malik.

"Five minutes."

Reese nodded: make it so.

Malik snatched Aaron by his white linen shirt with one hand and bitch-slapped him with the other. At the same time, Dre grabbed Aaron by the wrists, roughly forced his arms behind his back, and frog-marched the struggling captive to the bathroom.

"You bastards can't get away with this!" Aaron cried at the top of his lungs. "Let me go now and I won't press charges! You've made your point! I won't fuck with your slave again. He's all yours. C'mon, guys! Look, there's cash in my wallet. You can have it, okay? Take it all and just let me go, okay? Okay?"

Dre tossed Aaron into the pink-tiled bathroom. The door slammed shut behind Malik. There were sounds of a struggle, followed by a shrill scream, and then there was silence.

"I don't like his attitude," said Dre.

"Word," said Reese. "This won't take long."

"You think he can be pimped?"

"Good question." Reese scratched his chin, thoughtfully. "I was just gonna slap the bitch down and set him free, but I don't care fo' his attitude none neither."

"He's an uppity cracker! But I bet chu he can suck a dick, cuz!"

"Worm, what chu think? Would you like a slave brother? Think yo' boss can be broken?"

Brad recalled the lesson from his last beating: speak the truth, not what the Master wants to hear.

"Yes, Sir, I would like a slave brother because you are God and you should have many worshippers. But, I'm not sure if Aaron can be broken. I don't know if he wants to be broken."

"He wants it," stated Reese, decisively. "You think he's been punished enough or should we take it the next level?"

"I don't know, Sir. I hate him and I would love to seem him punished, but I have to work for him every day."

"Know what, worm? You got a point. We gotta deal wit' this knucklehead here and now."

From the bathroom came the loud gurgle of the toilet flushing and then a second flush. Malik's angry voice shouted something. There was a cry of pain. The toilet gurgled once again and then there was silence like the ominous calm before a storm.

A moment later, the bathroom door burst open as if blown by a tornado, and Aaron stumbled out, falling on his face. His curly brown locks were dripping with water and his face was wet. His shirt was torn.

Malik seized Aaron by the hair and jerked him back to his feet. Fear distorted the whiteboy's face. He was breathing frantically and there was blind panic in his beady eyes.

"Yo got somethin' to say?" demanded Reese.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm a faggot, Sir, I'm a faggot," Aaron blubbered.

"You sure `bout that?"

"Yes, yes, Sir," Aaron babbled. "I'm your bitch. I'm a faggot, Sir!"

"This took five minutes?" cracked Dre.

"Nah," Malik shrugged his shoulders, "'bout a minute. Had some fun."

Malik forced Aaron to his knees and then he kicked his ass like punting a football. Aaron sprawled on his face before Reese, who lifted his foot and placed the heel of his sneaker on the back of Aaron's neck.

"You gonna mess wit' my property again?"

"N-no, noooo, Sirrr," burbled Aaron, squirming with his lips pressed to the floor.

"I believe you, faggot." Reese released his foot. "But chu still need to be taught a lesson. Get yo' clothes off. Right now!"

Without hesitation, Aaron peeled off his white shirt, kicked off his dockers and shucked off his black leather pants. He kneeled before the three thugs in snug gray boxer briefs with a conspicuous banana bulge.

"All of it, toad" insisted Reese, contemptuously. "That's gonna be yo' name from now on: toad!"

A few moments later, the toad was completely naked on his knees. Thick, dark hair matted his chest, stomach, arms, and legs. His ruddy penis was fully engorged.

Malik plucked a wallet from Aaron's pockets and rifled through it, lifting the driver's license, cash, and credit cards.

"Now, you," Reese addressed the worm. "Get out them clothes!"

Brad removed his tee-shirt and jeans, folding them neatly on the floor. Then, he resumed a kneeling position, naked save for the steel and plastic chastity belt which caged his penis.

"Get that shit off, too!" said Reese, tossing the key.

Brad unlocked the tiny padlock and slipped out of the restrictive device. Free for the first time in a week, his small pink penis resembled a steamed shrimp and his fuzzy little nuts were no bigger than acorns.

Malik remarked, "Dayumm, Reese, looks like you got yourself two white pussy boys!"

"I want my dick sucked," said Dre, rubbing his crotch.

"There gonna be time for that," Reese assured.

"Dayumm," scowled Dre, impatiently. The print of his member was visible even through baggy jeans.

Reese loomed over Aaron, who was shivering on his knees.

"You ready to take orders, toad?"

"Yes, Sir," said Aaron, frightened out of his wits and prepared to say or do anything to survive this ordeal.

"Put on the belt, li'l white toad!" said Reese.

Aaron hesitantly reached for the chastity belt and reluctantly stepped into it. His swollen penis would not fit into the plastic tubing. The more he struggled to stuff his erect cock into that confinement, the harder it got.

"Hurry the fuck up, toad!" Malik growled. "Don't forget what I told you!"

"I'm trying," Aaron, scared out of his wits. "It won't fit."

"Worm, get that dick soft!" said Reese. "You know what to do."

Brad kneeled before Aaron and sucked his rigid pole with all his might as Dre cheered him on.

"There ya go!" said Dre. "Suck dat nasty dick! Suck it right!"

"One cocksucker doin' another cocksucker," Malik observed sardonically. "Like the blind leading the blind."

"He just doin' his job," said Dre. "Check him out! Look at him go! Whitebread just doin' what he was born fo', know what I'm sayin'?"

Although this conversation made Aaron very nervous and self-conscious, Brad's mouth felt heavenly. Closing his eyes to focus on the sensation, he willed himself to relax and enjoy it. Maybe this would demonstrate to these thugs that he really was a top.

"Keep yo' eyes open!" barked Reese. "Look at me while he sucks yo' dick!"

Aaron felt pinned and penetrated by the lance of Reese's gaze. The handsome young thug's countenance had the aspect of a wood-carved African mask, inscrutable and indomitable. It was more than Aaron could endure.

Suddenly, abruptly, he ejaculated into Brad's mouth. Sperm swelled his urethra in the same instant it gushed volcanically from the tingling head of his cock.

Aaron's deflated cock was wrinkled and red.

"Lock it up," said Reese.

Obeying without thinking, Aaron stepped back into the metal chastity belt and inserted his flaccid member into the plastic apparatus.

Reese snapped the padlock and pocketed the key. Aaron was a prisoner of the chastity belt.

"Did you like gettin' yo' dick sucked?" inquired Reese. "Now it's yo' turn. I can't hold back this crazy nigga no mo'!"

"Over here, cocksucker!" Dre called out. The tall, molasses-colored thug with three gold teeth unzipped his jeans and lowered his boxers, releasing the dragon.

Aaron had never sucked Black cock before. He never understood the mystique. But as he wrapped his mouth around the mahogany head of Dre's baton, he found the scent of the thug's body made him delirious. It was like sniffing from a bottle of poppers.

"Get it all in yo' mouth!" said Dre. "All da way. Yahh, there ya go. All da way down yo' hole. Ohhh, yahhh, dat's right! Unnhhh, yah... like dat... mmmmm, dat's right, up and down, up and down! Work dat tongue, bitch!"

Aaron thought he would choke until bullets of hot sperm suddenly shot down his throat. He felt pleased with himself. Never before had he enjoyed sucking cock so much as now.

"You ain't done yet," said Reese. "Mal, you up?"

"Yah, why not," said Malik, unzipping and revealing his turgid dick. "Fix it, toad!"

Again, Aaron went down. His throat and jaws were sore, but he craved more. Now that his pump had been primed, he could not get enough. His head bobbed up and down on Malik's shaft like a yard bird pecking grain.

"Suck my dick, you dumb piece of shit!"

Before long, the brother's churning nuts busted lava down the whiteboy's throat. At the same time, Malik expectorated with contempt. His saliva struck the whiteboy's forehead hard and streamed down his face.

Spittle landed on Malik's shaft as it pumped. Spit and sperm foamed on Aaron's dark red lips.

Aaron did not know how much more he could take. He grasped how Brad fell prey to these hoodlums, but that was not going to be his fate. He was not going to let it happen. A faint voice from within goaded: you're a man, don't take this shit, stand up for yourself!

But it was drowned out by another voice that screamed: you're a pussy, admit it, you're not a real man, do what you're told!

Malik knocked the toad away. Dre snickered.

"You a decent cocksucker, aiiight," said Reese. "And you takin' orders like a whiteboy should, but I ain't sure you learned yo' lesson yet."

"He ain't learned shit," said Malik, stuffing his cock back into his pants.

"C'mon," said Reese. "Everyone to the worm's room. I want the li'l white toad to see the altar."

Reese snapped his fingers and Brad followed. Malik said something to Dre which made him laugh. For one split second, all three thugs' backs were turned and in that instant, Aaron made an impulsive break for the door.

It was a foolish, desperate effort. By the time Aaron touched the bolt, Reese flung the naked man across the room like a rag doll.

"Worm, fetch some rope out the closet," said Reese. "We teachin' yo' friend a lesson."

Dre gagged Aaron with a long white cotton athletic sock. With nylon cords, Malik bound Aaron's wrists behind his back. Reese lifted the punk by the hair and set him on his knees.

"Spread yo' legs!" said Reese.

Aaron's beady eyes widened with alarm.

"I said, spread `em!" shouted Reese.

Aaron nervously parted his thighs. The chastity belt encased his penis in a plastic tube and left his big balls exposed. They dangled between his hairy thighs like a boxer's speed bag.

"Where did you think you was goin'?" hollered Reese, shaking his head. "You got some big nuts for a cracker, know dat?"

With one swift, savage blow, Reese kicked the whiteboy in the scrotum.

Lightening lanced Aaron's testicles. He wanted to scream, but could not because of the gag. He wanted to comfort his balls, but could not because his hands were tied behind his back. It was like his nuts had been driven into his stomach. Tears welled in his eyes.

"Did that hurt?" laughed Reese. "Yo' gonads sore? You want the pain to go away?"

Aaron nodded with muffled moans and pain-filled eyes.

Reese whispered something into Brad's ear, and at once the worm dashed to bathroom and returned with a small tube of Icy Hot from the medicine cabinet. Suppressing a smile, he squeezed the white ointment into his palm and lavished Aaron's swollen scrotum with it.

Aaron did not know what to expect. At first, his scrotum experienced extreme cold as if dipped in ice water. For a moment or two his chilled scrotum felt numb, and then, the iciness began to burn until his nuts were on fire!

Aaron flopped helplessly on the hardwood floor like a fish out of water.

"Dat's the funniest shit I ever seen!" laughed Dre. "Look at `im wiggle!"

"Tight," said Malik, grinning malevolently.

"You too, worm," said Reese. "Rub that shit all on yo' nuts and under yo' arms."

A minute later, Brad hopped up and down in excruciating anguish, flapping his arms like a flightless bird.

Wriggling on his back, Aaron wanted the agony to end, but it only grew more intense. His nut-sack felt radioactive. Tears gushed from his eyes. He never felt more humiliated in his life.

Malik and Dre howled raucously and slapped high fives.

Reese remained silent, yet his feral cat-eyes glinted with dour amusement. There was entertainment in whiteboys suffering, he realized. Maybe there was profit, too.

The afflatus of kingship surged through Reese's body like a physical sensation, filling him with strength, power, and vitality. He was a god to these wretches. They did his bidding and endured pain at his command. They were his to rule. It was good.

At long last, when their twitching and flopping eventually subsided, Reese dismissed the two whiteboys. Brad assisted Aaron, whose wrists remained tightly bound behind his back, to his feet, and side by side they limped away.

"Get some shut-eye," hollered Reese. "You punks got a long day tomorrow!"



Next: Chapter 16

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