Through My Eyes

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Jan 21, 2001


Hey Peeps! You may remember me as the author of Leo and Jase. I'm back! Here's my new story and I hope everybody likes it. And as always, please feel free to email me with comments and stuff! Thanks to everyone who emailed me wanting to read more of my work. Well, now's ur chance! :) Here you go!

Through my Eyes Chapter One

Life: small word that packs a big punch. Life is a precious gift to humanity given by God and yet humanity shows little or no appreciation for it. People lose track of why and how they came to be in the first place. Because of the hatred and resentment for the things we go through as we live our lives, we sometimes lose our way. Life has so many trials, so many times when we come to a fork in the road and must choose which path to take. Free will gives up that choice. Which path to choose? When you look down one path, you see darkness and pain. And when you look down the other, you see comfort and contentment. But the way you view the paths as you stare back and forth, trying to decide, is through blindness. We are blind much of the time because we only see what we want to see or what we've been taught to see as the "right" path to take. So begins my story...

My name is Jackson Cole. My family calls me Jack, but my friends call me JC. Either one suits me just fine. I've lived in the same city all my life, good old Charleston, South Carolina. That seems sarcastic, but I really do love the city. Only, after you've lived in one place for so long, you're ready to get out and explore new places. So anyway, I come from a fairly large family. Three brothers, all older than me, my parents, and my grandmother lived with us until we moved a few years back. My Dad's older and had two of my brothers while he was married to his first wife. They're both out of the house and have their own families and my other brother, James, is a senior in high school. He's the black sheep of the family. The bad seed, I guess you could say. Ever since he hit puberty, he's been sneaking out and going for joyrides in my parents' cars, getting trashed and coming home at all hours of the night, that kind of stuff. We've never gotten along; probably because he was always too busy calling me a sissy and beating up on me to ever get to know me as a person at all. I hate him. I mean, I love him because he's family, but I loathe him because he's, well, him. My Mom is an independent, intimidating sort of woman who got to where she is on her own and has become highly respected for it. My Dad is quiet and laid back. He worships the ground my mother walks on. It's cute actually. I feel bad because he doesn't really know how to stick up for himself, but then neither do I, so I guess we share a common bond in that way.

So I guess besides my brother, you'd think I had an awesome life! Big family whom I love for the most part, nice house and everything I could ever need and then some. You'd think I'd be able to appreciate that, and I do, but something's always been missing...

It was my first year in high school, I was a freshman and completely terrified of the place. All these huge people walking around, knowing where they're going and me stumbling around like a tourist, staring at my schedule and trying to find my classes without being late. First period I had P.E, and if you knew me, you knew I was not the most athletically inclined person in the world. I played soccer for three years and baseball when I was little, but Art had always been my thing. Sports never appealed to me, which got me picked on and resulted in my constant insecurities about myself. Everyday, I'd go through school grudgingly. I got myself into a circle of friends through a couple of people I already knew that had been in high school for two years already. I thought I was cool hanging out with juniors. You see, I had always been short, a curse my mother had given me. I felt like a little kid when I was with them. Soon, I met a girl my age, dated her for about three months, and got into her group of friends. She was a sweet girl, but it never clicked with her. She wasn't really my type, but I liked her well enough and I needed to boost my confidence a little bit. Through Charly, that's the girl's name (short for Charlotte), I met the most incredible girl. Jessy... I have to smile when I think about her and how much she impacted my life. She was an amazing person. She cared about everyone but herself, was beautiful, my entire family adored her, and there was something about her that lifted me up to levels I never knew existed. Ok, ok, I know you all are getting bored with the formalities, so I'll get into the actual story now...

It was Friday and thank the Lord because it had been the longest week of my life. Exams killed my brain to the point of exhaustion and I seriously needed the summer vacation that stood before me just two period away. So close, yet so far away. I sat at FCA at lunch. FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes that's held at our school every Friday. I'm not an athlete as I said before, but I am strong in my faith and it felt good to be there, to have an escape from the shitheads that overcrowded the school. The sad thing is, that's the future of our world. Scary thought. I listened intently to that week's speaker and took a sip of soda. I shifted in my chair and looked across the room at Jessy. She was staring at me already and smiled her award-winning smile at me. I smiled shyly and bit my lip as I always do when I get embarrassed. She seemed to giggle and then looked back up at the speaker. I began listening once more, not really paying much attention. Soon, my eyes began to roam around the room once more. I stopped at some girl who was picking her nose. I twisted my face in disgust and moved on. Then I spotted a guy and a girl whispering to each other sweetly. I smiled to myself and sighed, still roaming with my eyes. Then I stopped on someone I hadn't seen before. For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was listening to the speaker, lost in the words. His eyes were so intense looking, slightly darker brown than his hair which was cut pretty short with slight sideburns. I was mesmerized by him for some reason. Suddenly, the bell interrupted my thoughts, startling me. I looked around to make sure no one had noticed me staring at this boy. I gathered my stuff and headed out the door. A hand slid into mine. "Hey there," Jessy whispered sweetly in my ear. I looked over at her and she was smiling that bright smile that got me every time. I gave her a little kiss on the cheek. "Hey Baby, wassup?" "I was going to ask you the same thing." She replied. Her tone caused me to get defensive. "What do you mean?" "Well, you seemed distracted. I don't think you heard a single word that man said up there." I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm wiped out from exams, Jess and I think I bombed my social studies." "Yea, I flunked my French exam, but I've got an A in that class, so I'm ok. Are you sure that's all?" She asked, a touch of concern in her voice. I smiled at the way she seemed to care. She's too good to me. I gave her a smile and threw my arm around her shoulders. "I'm fine, Jess." I gave her another quick kiss on the cheek before heading to my next class. I said goodbye to her and we went our separate ways. I looked down at my watch to see how much time I had left. I didn't even see that I was heading right towards someone, about to hit them head-on. Wham! Books went flying and I hit my butt on the floor and my head throbbed in pain. "Shit!" I groaned. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!" someone said. I continued to rub my head. "It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention." I shook my head and started to get up. A hand reached out to me. I looked up and there he was, the guy from lunch. "Are you gonna get up, or what?" I was startled out of my thoughts. Was I staring? Oh gosh, be cool Jackson. I took his hand and immediately, I felt a wave of electricity shoot through me. I swallowed as I stood up and avoided eye contact with him. He kept my hand longer than was necessary, but soon let go as he bent down to pick up his books. "Here, lemme help you," I offered, bending down to help. Our heads bashed together again. "Ouch!" He groaned this time. "Geez, I'm sorry..." "Cody," he groaned, rubbing his head in pain. "I'm so sorry..Cody. I'm such a klutz sometimes." I stuttered. I felt like such an ass, but why did I care so much? I wasn't gay, I had a girlfriend for cryin' out loud. "I didn't catch your name." He interrupted once more. We stood up and I handed him his books. "Jackson. My friends call me JC, but my family calls me Jack," but you can call me anything you like. I shook my head, shocked at myself for thinking such strange thoughts. "Well, it's good to meet you, JC." He said, flashing a grin that made me almost have to take a step back. "Same here...I mean, nice to meet you." I stumbled with my words. He waved to me and then headed off to class. I took a breath and shook my head. What the hell is your problem, Jack? What's gotten into you all of a sudden? You're just blowing it out of proportion, you're just tired. I dismissed all the thoughts for the moment and headed two my third block.

I stared out the window, up at the crystal blue sky. A few seagulls flew by every now and then. I tried as hard as I could, but my mind kept going back to Cody. What was it about him that had me so taken? And why would a new kid transfer on the last day of school? I mean, I had never seen him before. I really must be tired if I'm thinking about another guy like this.

Before I knew it, the bell was ringing and soon thereafter, fourth block was over and I was out for the summer. I huge sense of relief washed over me. I walked to my locker and took out what little I had left in it and stuffed it in my backpack. I closed the door and jumped when I saw Cody's face appear in front of me. I grabbed my chest. "Dammit, you scared me!" I breathed out, locking my locker up. He laughed. Oh, that laugh. What is with me? I shook my head. "You know, you really should watch that mouth of yours." He joked. I rolled my eyes. "Bad habit." I replied, beginning to walk. He started walking with him down the hall. His hand brushed mine as we walked and I don't think my face could've gotten any more red. "So, we didn't get much time to talk earlier." He started the conversation. "Yea, sorry bout bumping into you. I need to pay more attention." "It's no big deal." "So, why'd you transfer here on the last day of school?" I asked curiously. He shot me a strange look as if I was an alien come to take him away. I'd like to take him somewhere, but we won't get into that. "What?" I asked defensively. "I've been here since the beginning of the second semester, JC." He said, sounding somewhat hurt. I looked at with surprise. "You have?" I asked, still in disbelief. "Yea. I've seen you in the halls and stuff with Jessy. We never have any classes together and I just recently started going to FCA, so it's understandable." He smiled once again. How could I have never noticed him before? How could I have never noticed that smile before? "I'm sorry, I'm really spacey in the halls. I don't pay much attention, I just make sure I get to where I'm going on time." I apologized, feeling like a retard for never even realizing he was there before. "It's alright." He assured me. I smiled and nodded my head. He looked away quickly. Just then, I felt two arms slide around my neck from behind and hug me. "Hey Baby! We're done for the year!" Jessy squealed excitedly. She kissed me on the back of my neck and then moved to my side, sliding her arm in mine and holding onto me tightly. "Hey Cody!" Jessy greeted him cheerfully. "Hey Jessy. How'd you do on that Science test today?" He asked with another smile. I looked away, not wanting to get lost in that smile again. My girlfriend was there for God's sake! They chatted for a few seconds. I wasn't paying attention to the conversation. I was too busy trying not to be attracted to this guy. "Jack?" Jessy tapped me on the head. "Huh? Wha?" I shook my head as if waking up. She giggled. "Come back spaceman! I gotta go, my Mom's gonna kill me if I'm not out there soon." Jessy rolled her eyes. "Ok, I'll call you later." "Ok, see ya Cody." Jessy gave me a quick hug and kissed me before she jogged outside. I started to walk outside with Cody still at my side. I looked around for my Dad's car, but he obviously wasn't there yet. "So..." Cody broke the silence. I looked over at him, leaning against the wall. "Sorry, man. I'm completely wiped out from studying so much. I feel like I could sleep forever." I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "Yea, I know what you mean. So how long have you and Jessy been together?" He asked rather bluntly. I thought for a second. "A few months. Maybe four." I said, shrugging. "Cool." He suddenly became quiet. I chewed on my lower lip, trying to think of something to say. "So, uh, what are your plans for the summer?" he beat me to the punch. "Well, my Uncle has a house in Myrtle Beach and I'm gonna go spend a month with him, but for the rest of the break, I'm just chillin." I explained, looking around again for my Dad. I saw him pull up into the circle and I picked up my backpack off the ground. "Well, my Dad's here. Maybe I'll see you around town sometime." I said. "I hope so." He said in a strange tone of voice. I gave him a smirk and then turned around. What had he meant by that? Chill out, Jack, you're hallucinating. I got in the car as my Dad pulled up and looked up at where Cody had been standing. He was gone. I looked around for him, but there was no sign of him. I sat back and glanced one more time out the window before we headed home.


Next: Chapter 2

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