Through Anothers Eyes

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jun 3, 2001


Disclaimer: Official Disclaimer: I do not know the celebrities mentioned in this piece of fiction personally nor do I know their sexuality. Whines and looks at somebody offstage Can I go now? I can? Ok, bye, peeps! Walks off stage P.S. This is copyrighted. Take it and I'll hunt you down and stick an electric buzzer down your pants. sweetly ok?

Author's Note: I'm trying to figure out what Nimm's got cooking in her Microsoft Word folder. NIMM: what the hell are you doing?! LUM: oops. I'm running.

Part 5: "Falling, falling No one to catch me Falling in the darkness So dark I can't see But a silver light breaks through And holds me Pulling me up Dragging me to reality Taking me back to the bliss of you and me."


White surrounded him. Then black. He held a silver rope in one hand and a golden bell in the other but was confused on how to use them. Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of someone crying. Right away he knew it was his Nicky. He put the bell into his pocket and held onto the rope. He ran quickly in the direction of the sound.

"Brian..." he heard the soft, familiar voice whisper with love and confusion. His speed picked up as he launched into a full on bolt towards the sound.

I'm coming Nicky, he vowed, just hold on!

~The Lost Part of Nick's Mind~ Nick sighed. He had long ago given up on trying to call for help. It just kept getting colder. He sat down and hugged his knees, burying his face. He didn't want to be lost anymore. Nick's mind drifted back to when Brian became his savior...literally.

~1999, England~ Lou Pearlman evilly advanced on his bleeding prey.

"NO! STOP! STAY BACK!" he wailed. Tears streamed from the innocent blue eyes. Bloodstains were visible on the bed sheets. Angry, red welts burned on the young boy's back. He backed up on the bed. "PLEASE, MR. PEARLMAN, NO!" he screeched as Lou grabbed his arm. He tried to struggle and free himself but only felt the sharp cut of the whip on his back.

24-year-old Brian Littrell walked in silently and almost gasped in horror of what was unfolding before his eyes.

"NO!" screamed the 19-year-old as tears streamed down his face and the large man rammed his 10" cock into the bleeding asshole. "STOP IT! STOP!" he cried.

"SHUT UP!" Lou cracked the whip onto his back.

Brian didn't know where he found his courage...or strength but the next thing he knew was Lou Pearlman; their FOUNDER, their MANAGER; sprawled on the floor holding a chubby hand to his bruised check.

"How dare you!" he got up and raged towards Brian who moved out of the way and tripped the older man. He grabbed Lou by the head and smashed his face into the wall repeatedly. When Lou stood out, he delivered a flying kick to the man's nose; breaking it for days on forward.

Nick watched in amazement, clutching the sheets around him. He never knew that Brian could fight like that. He knew his best friend could fight. He'd seen him fight. But he never fought like this.

Once Lou was out the door, Brian glared so hard; Nick swore he could've burned holes into the door. "Brian?" he whispered.

"Nick! I know you're not feeling so good, huh? Here, let me help you with those wounds." Brian got a cool washcloth and began to doctor Nick's wounds. Tears sprang to his eyes as he started to struggle from Brian's grasp. "Shh...Nick, it's ok. It's just me; Brian." He continued to squirm. "Shh...Nick, it's gonna be ok. I'll protect you. I'll always protect you."

"Promise?" he asked; sounding like a lost boy.

"I promise."

~Meanwhile~ Brian pushed against the strong winds of the demons. He knew he needed help. He struggled to get the bell from his pocket. Please God, he prayed, send me help so I can find Nicky. He rang the bell. It's sweet sound seemed to cut through the darkness, sending a ray of light upwards. Brian felt a small tugging on his hand.

A small girl, dressed in a rather large, white robe with a golden chord wrapped around her waist, smiled at him. She could be no more than 5 or 6 but her dark eyes held wisdom that Brian knew the Arch Angels posses. She wore no shoes but a soft halo encircled the top of her head. She tugged on his hand patiently. You must save Nickolas, she told him. But her lips never moved. You rang Angelia, the golden bell of angels, and it called me. She, along with Brian, faced into the wind. She drew out a flashing sword and cut at the wildness like vines in a jungle. 'MOVE IT!' she seemed to command.

Brian trudged forward when Nick reappeared in his mind. Small, dark demons began to form. The little angel sliced them in half before they actually formed. Brian was close behind her as she slashed her way through the darkness.

They reached a clearing. A large, dark, shapeless monster formed with glowing red eyes. I must go. Brian turned to her. She became the ethereal creature he was brought up to believe. Whenever you need help, just ask. She disappeared in a ray of light. The broadsword she used was still there. He picked it up and charged at the monster.

"NICK!" he screamed.

~Where Nick is~ Nick's head moved up. He blinked. Had he heard Brian call his name? Or was it an illusion? "Brian" he screamed. He ran and tripped over something. He extended his hand and saw a silver chord shot out from his palm. He gazed in amazement.

~Brian~ A chord shot out of the dark and connected with Brian's half of the rope. A dove appeared and connected the cut ends.

Nick, he prayed, climb the rope. I can't fight this thing alone.

He felt the tugging on the rope as Nick climbed against the winds. It wasn't long before Nick was back in his arms. They both faced the monster as a twin sword appeared in Nick's hand. They joined hands. When they felt their love become strong enough to be a shield, they separated and began to attack the monster. Finally, after many defeats, Nick and Brian formed a plan. They kissed for the last time and went to work.

Nick ran up the wall, though he didn't know how he did that, and threw himself at the back of its heart.

Brian leaped and plunged himself through the front.

The Darkling screamed with pain. Nick and Brian held onto each other's hands as they felt themselves slowly die. "BRIAN!" Nick screamed. "I LOVE YOU!"

"NICK! I LOVE YOU TOO!" Brian screamed back as their lives ended.

~Real Life~ Brian was in the same room as Nick. Kevin watched in amazement as Brian's hand suddenly flew from his bed, over the short distance and held onto Nick's hand. He gasped softly as he saw blue electricity glow around them.

Kevin clasped his hands together and prayed that they would survive whatever they were going through. He didn't notice the blue light that emanated from him. Dear GOD, father of Jesus, please let Brian and Nick stay on this earth. They have not experienced life enough yet to go.

~Heaven~ "Brian, I'm scared."

"It's ok, Nick. If you go to hell, I'm going with you."

"Thank you, Brian." He hugged his soul mate tight.

"Nickolas Gene Carter and Brian Thomas Littrell!" called out a young voice. They walked up to the podium in front of the golden gates. A small girl peered over the top. "Hey, I know you two!" she smiled. She flipped through the large book. "Nope, not supposed to die yet."

"How's that possible? We both died in that battle." Brian replied.

She stepped down and walked over to them. "You rang the bell, Angelia, in so doing that, you asked for the Heavens to help. This, however, was a supernatural being and did not belong in Nick's mind. Therefore, it took over Nick's consciousness and tried to rule his body. But it failed and now is destroyed. Mortals are so simple: you're born, be loved and love others, grow old, and die.

"When it's put that way, you might think I don't like mortals. On the contrary, I like helping mortals. The bell Angelia exists because of your strong love. You needed help and you asked. We've answered and we've helped. But now, you have to go back to earth." She looked at them. "Am I clear on this?"

"Partly." Nick replied.

"You haven't grown old yet. Now be gone!" she shouted as they fell back to earth.

~Earth~ Nick's eyes flew open. "Brian?" he whispered. He turned to his side and saw Brian hasn't waken up yet and was still holding his hand in a death grip. "Brian, wake up!" he shouted. "Brian, I can't loose you!" he shouted. "Brian, sweetie?" he whispered. He sighed and gently kissed Brian's lips.

Brian's eyes slowly opened. "Nick?" he drawled.

"BRIAN! You're alive!" he shouted and hugged his lover. "I thought I'd lost you." he cried.

"You can never loose me." Brian was crying too. "Be grateful we're alive." They kissed. A cough brought them out of their reverie. "KEVIN!"

"Congratulations you two." Kevin smiled.

"On what?" asked his cousin.

"Why, your engagement of course." They blushed and murmured 'thank you's.

~A Month Later~ They danced under the moonlight as a star twinkled high above them. Their wedding picture held genuine smiles. But if you look closely, standing in front of them is a little girl in a flowing white dress smiling widely since she earned her halo because of these two.


LUM: It's been very nice working with you, Nimm. NIMM: It's been very nice working with you, Lum. BOTH: Bye, y'alls!

Next: Chapter 7

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