Through Anothers Eyes

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on May 29, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know them. I don't know if they're gay or not...c'mon, if 2/5 is married then what do you think?

Author's Note: Hi y'alls! It's been a while, huh? Once I'm done with this story, I'm going to go in Hiatus for a while. Why? I can't tell you...shhh!

PS: only about 1 or 2 chapters more until it's done!

Part 5: "People say God looks out for the working man I sure hope he's lookin' out for me..."

--A hymn (doesn't know which one)

Everything went by as a blur. Brian wasn't surprised. He should be used to it by now. He should be used to it by now. But this was a different cause...or was it the same? On the ride to the hospital, he wondered if God really existed. If HE did, where was HE?

Then, his mind reminisced to the very fist time they kissed. And the very fist time they came out to each other.

~Paris, France~ "Isn't the view beautiful?" asked Nick. Brian forgot his fear when he looked at the breathtaking view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower.

"Absolutely breathtaking." Brian sighed.



They turned to each other. Their faces were merely inches apart. "I---I- -"

"Shhh." Brian put his finger on Nick's lips before closing the space between them and connecting their lips. Nick kissed back as fire and lightning coursed through his body. He was sure Brian had felt it too. They stayed like that for few minutes before they realized that air was a good thing to have.

"No fancy words, love. I love you. Plain and simple." Nick whispered. Brian didn't reply, just kissed him again and mumbling the same words. ~End of memory~

His eyes began to water at the first time they had made love. It wasn't planned; totally spontaneous.

~After a hard game of Basketball in the rain~ They both dashed towards Nick's empty house. As soon as they were at the door, Brian pulled Nick into a sensuous kiss. They continued to kiss as Nick opened the door and they stumbled in. They finally broke apart and looked at each other. Both looked like drowned rats...and have never looked hotter.

Nick sauntered towards Brian and kissed him seductively as he took off Brian's shirt, tossing it on the floor. Brian's hands slowly peeled Nick's clothing off of him before lightly licking one nipple. His tongue swirled around the colored skin, making Nick moan and gasp in ecstasy. When Brian was satisfied with Nick's reaction to his torture, he moved to the other one; gently tugging, sensuously licking, and deliciously biting it. It wasn't long before he felt something poke against his thigh. He looked up with crystal blue eyes.

Nick stared back. His face was partly flushed from the kiss. His eyes like a blue wildfire. His hair slightly mussed up from the storm. Without a word, he picked up Brian and carried him into the bedroom. "Sweetie..." Brian whispered; his voice rasp from the anticipation. "Are you sure?"

Nick ground his hips into Brian's. Brian gasped as he felt the lump of hardness against him. "More than sure, darling. Are you ready?" Without another word, he kissed his way down from Brian's mouth; pushing him to lie down on the bed. He barely brushed his lips against the scar over Brian's heart. When he got to Brian's crotch, he looked up. Brian stared back at him with nothing but lust in his eyes. Their eyes stayed connected as Nick lowered his lips and gently kissed the outline of Brian through his wet shorts.

Brian gasped as the slight pressure poked him in the most sensitive places he's ever known. He shuddered as Nick released him from the confines of his shorts and underwear.

Nick stared at the massive organ that sprang from Brian's crotch. His tongue lightly dragged over the slit that oozed the clear liquid known as precum. He felt Brian's stomach sink. He took in just the head; suckling it like a baby to mother's milk. His tongue flicked over the slit as the organ grew harder from his touch. Brian clutched the satin sheets in his hands, almost cutting through the fabric as he felt Nick take more and more into his mouth.

This was the time where Nick decided to let his hands come into play. His long fingers slightly parted Brian's ass-cheeks and rubbed against his hole. He finally poked a finger in and snaked it inside Brian until he tapped his prostate. Brian's eyes shot wide-open and grabbed Nick's head. "I love you!" he screamed as he came forcefully into Nick's awaiting mouth. He gasped for air as Nick licked his mouth clean and kissed his way up. "That was..." Brian gasped as Nick kissed him powerfully. "Absolutely breathtaking."

"Want me to show you something else that's like that?" Nick whispered in his ear. He felt Brian shudder from sheer excitement. "Sure you're ready, love?" he asked gently. "I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do." Brian looked into Nick's eyes which held nothing but sincerity.

Brian pulled Nick into a long and passionate kiss. "I'm sure. And I'm glad that this, my first time, is with you, Nickolas." Nick smiled and kissed him again as he reached for the bedside table for a condom. He spread Brian's legs and knelt between them. Brian smiled in the kissed and reached under the bed, producing whipped cream. When they parted, Nick stared at him. "I know you keep food under your bed. And I know you don't have lube."

"I have SUCH a smart lover." He slipped on the rubber and coated it as well as Brian's opening with the whip cream. "Remember," he whispered in Brian's ear, "It will hurt at first." With that he thrust in. Brian winced in pain but Nick covered his face in kisses and murmured sweet nothings in his ears to soothe him. The pain gave way to an intense pleasure Brian had never felt before. Nick was ravaging his body, his mind, and his soul. He felt cherished and loved.

Nick groaned at such tightness and fought to hold onto his sanity. He began with slow, measured strokes; driving both him and his lover mad. "Please..." gasped Brian. "Please, faster." Nick needed no second word as he increased his speed.

Brian gasped and moaned every time Nick gently touched his prostate. "Bri, I'm close!" he warned.

"Nicky!" Brian screamed as he was, again, sent into Nirvana.

Nick let loose a howl and emptied himself into Brian's bowels before collapsing onto the smaller man. "Brian..." he panted softly as he gathered his breath. "I want you to wear this." He took out a silver ring and slipped it onto Brian's finger. "So that you'll know I'll always love you just like you'll always love me."

Brian's eyes were wet with tears of happiness. "Oh Nick." He kissed the blonde passionately; leaving him breathless. He smirked evilly. "Would you like me to repay the favor or wait 'till morning?"

Nick smiled and growled while nipping Brian's neck.

~Back to reality~ Brian began to weep. They had something magical. He looked at the engagement ring they had gotten. He still couldn't believe it.

~February 25, 2001~ They had settled on the beach after dinner at Denny's. They laughed as they counted the stars and walked along the tide.


"Yeah, babe?" he asked.

They stopped and Nick got down on one knee. "I know it's been pretty weird but we've been through it together. You're the other part of my soul, Brian." He took out a small velvet box and opened it for him. Brian gasped. It was a silver band with a diamond set inside the band. "Brian Thomas Littrell, you make my life whole, would you marry me?"

"Yes, Nicky, oh god yes!" he smiled as Nick stood up, kissed him fully on the lips and slipped the ring onto his finger. ~End of Memory~

"We were going to get married after the last show." Brian murmured to himself. He drifted off to sleep; the salty tears sealed his eyes shut.

Kevin walked out of Nick's room. It seemed that the kid was getting into so many sorts of trouble. He sat down next to his cousin and saw tear streaks that ran down his fried-stricken face. He looked at Brian's hands, which folded into a prayer. A silver glint caught his eye. He saw an engagement ring upon his finger. He had never seen his cousin in so much pain. This was far worse than his heart problems; he was losing half of his own soul. Then, her got up to get a cup of coffee.

Whew! There ya go. It took long enough but I finally put in a sex scene. If it stunk, so what? You could've skipped it. It's not really a sex scene, I like calling it a 'making love' scene but we all have different opinions. I say this thing is a lot longer than chapter 4. You know the drill:

At LEAST email me:

Nick pout pretty pweeze?

Next: Chapter 6

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