Through Anothers Eyes

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on May 12, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know them. I don't know if they're gay or not...c'mon, if 2/5 is married then what do you think?

Author's Note: OMG! Look-it all the emails Nimm raked in! Nimm's STILL literally raking in little envelopes that represent emails. Looks up and smiles at the camera Thank you guys so much! Gives everyone a pretty red rose

Part 4: "Past Memories Haunt the future and the now For all time..."


The next couple of days went on without accident. It was almost as if Nick DIDN'T had the accident.

He was as curious as a puppy; asking what's what and who's who. But mostly, he stuck to Brian like a shadow.

"Brian?" he asked one day while knocking on Brian's hotel door.

"Hi, Nick!" Brian greeted.

"Tell me what happened with my family?" he whispered. "Please?"

"Are you sure you want to hear this?" he sighed. It wasn't the first time he asked. It was, to his count, the zillionth time he's asked.

"Yes, Brian. I want to know." He looked at his friend with pleading blue eyes.

Brian let out a heaving sigh. "Ok. This is what you've told me and what I've gathered. It started since you were 10. Money was tight and the babysitter made off with your family's life savings." Brian's eyes were filled with fire when he got to his LEAST favorite part of the story. "Your mother had the bright idea of selling your body. She rented you out for about $50 a night to men."

"What would they do?" he asked, barely a whisper.

"They'd play with you. Make you strip. Just about do sadistic things to your body." Brian held back the anger. "For just about 3 years she did that. Then you joined the Your mom tried to sell you out a couple of months ago like she did when you were young. You stood up to her and said no." Brian smiled as he remembered that day. "She was shocked. Then she went to your father and they went to the courts."

"What happened after that?"

"They disowned you." he stated simply. "I'm sorry, Nick." Brian wrapped his arms around the shocked blonde. "You wanted the truth." he gently reminded.

"Yes, I DID ask for the truth, didn't I?"

"It'll be ok, Nick. I promise."

~Flash~ "I promise it'll be ok, Nick. Just stand up to her." Brian smiled. "I'll always be here. Whether you like it or not." ~Flash~

Nick held his head again as his breathing came in short gasps. Vivid colors and pictures ran through his head. "W-what's happening?" he shuddered.

"Nick?" Brian wrapped his arms around the convulsing blonde. "Nick! Talk to me!"

Nick couldn't see. It flashed white. Then it was black. So many scenes. So familiar...yet, where were they from? A blonde woman shouting at him. Strange men smiling evilly.

~Flash~ "Look! Our little boy pussy is here!" shouted a burly man. Nick winced but did his job anyway. He felt like he wanted to barf. "Look! He's trying to play innocent!" he felt sick to his stomach. ~Flash~

Rejection at school.

~Flash~ "Look! It's Icky Nicky!" echoed a taunting voice as the entire 7th grade laughed at him. He could do nothing as he bowed his head and walked off alone. ~Flash~

Loneliness. Many attempts of suicide. It was like his whole body shut down.

Then, a bright light pierced through the darkness like a lifeline. He grabbed hold of it. He looked at the other end and saw a kind face.

~Flash~ "This is my cousin Brian from Lexington, Kentucky." Kevin announced. Nick sat to the side while introductions and things were discussed.

"Hi, what's your name?" asked a voice. He looked up to see Brian. "I'm Brian."

"Nick." He smiled for the first time in his life.

"Nice to meet you, Nick." Brian replied with genuine kindness. ~Flash~

Smiling; laughing with him. Sharing secrets and dreams. Happy times that overshadow the sad.

~Flash~ "Hey, kid!" shouted Brian. "Wanna play Nintendo?" he offered. The rest of the guys were out but Brian stayed back at the hotel...just for him.

"Sure!" Nick smiled as he ran to set up the game console. ~Flash~

Sharing their first kiss.

~Flash~ "Isn't this beautiful?" asked Nick as they looked out to the beautiful city of Paris. Brian clung to his arm.

"Absolutely breath-taking." Brian replied as he turned to face Nick.

Nick looked at his older friend, knowing they were close. They both leaned in as their lips touched each other for the first time. Electricity ran through his veins as he deepened the kiss. Brian responded. He kissed back and with as much passion. They were like that for a few minutes before they slowly drew apart, realizing that air was also important.

They both smiled as they regained air. ~Flash~

Then, everything went black.

Sorry to cut this short, guys! My fingers are killing me after writing this chapter over and over again! But I DO promise that the next chapter will be better. In fact, it should follow this one soon.



Until then, fare thee well!

Next: Chapter 5

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