Through Anothers Eyes

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Apr 20, 2001


Disclaimer: not real. don't know them. not sure if they are as straight as they say they are. FICTION!

Taps the glass Hey! Hello out dere! What's so special about N Sync? Scratches her head I mean, yeah, I'm a bit partial to Lance but I still love reading BSB fics. Sometimes it's the storyline, not the characters that draw readers. Give the story a chance.

Hey Aaron: Let's just keep it between us, k? ^_~*

Hey Nike: Words can't express what you did for me. Thanks a lot. Hat's off to you

Hey NCfan: If you're reading this, then you finally got a break from your job! ;)

And, of course, to Sophie V: You were the one that helped me start writing. You were and still are my very first fan. Thank you very much.

Now I know I haven't been shamelessly plugging in stories but I need you guys to check out 'Watching You Without Me' If you look past the initial shock, you might find something good in there. It's worth a look.

Also read any fics by NCfan and Sophie V. Those two are the best authors I know.

And let's not forget Carter's 'Open Arms.' It should be updated soon enough. At least I HOPE so. (Carter, you lied to me!)

P.S. I'm co-writing this with Lum; a buddy of mine.

Part 1: "Memories last a lifetime Love can last forever If one is lost Can the other still live?"


"GUYS! LET'S GO OVER IT ONE MORE TIME!" shouted Fatima Robinson. "5, 6, 7, 8!" she shouted as she watched the five men onstage dance to the music.

"Fatima, can we have a break? We've done this for...what?...9 years? We SHOULD know the steps by now."

"AJ, how long have you known me?"

"about 8 or 9 years."

"Have I ever given you a break?" AJ paused a while to think. "Don't hurt yourself thinking. Fine, you guys'll get a break for once. But don't expect this from me ever again, ok?"

Nick plopped onto the stage. Brian stared down at him with an amused smile. "Tried a lot lately, Frack?" he asked. "Guess what's today?"

"April 1st, why?" asked Nick.

"Oh nothing, c'mon, let me help you up." Brian reached out to grab Nick's arms. Nick tried to lift his arms but they were stuck to the stage. "Quit foolin' around, Frack, and give me your hands."

"Honey, I would if I could. But it seems that someone put superglue on the stage." Nick playfully glared up at his lover. Brian smiled and bent down and passionately kissed Nick. When they finally parted, Nick's lips were swollen red as he felt himself getting hard. "Damn you." he playfully grimaced. He struggled and finally ripped out of his clothes. "Ha! Ha! I got out of the superglue!"

"In you underwear!" shouted AJ from the sidelines.

"It's a nice view, though." Brian remarked.

Nick threw Brian over his shoulder. "That's it. We're going somewhere and you are not coming out until you can't walk straight." They head the rest of the guys laugh as he slammed Brian into the Janitor's Closet. Nick's tongue challenged Brian's tongue to an erotic duel as his hands made quick work of his shirt.

~Outside~ "Hey, Nick the Nympho!" shouted AJ. "We got a rehearsal to actually finish!"

They all heard Nick groan out, "In a minute!" which was followed closely by two screams. A few minutes later, Nick and Brian emerged from the closet with disheveled clothes. Nick's hair pointed in all different directions while Brian walked a bit strange.

"I can't walk straight." Brian replied to the silent question.

Nick scooped his lover up. "Well, then I guess I'll have to carry you back to the hotel." Nick nuzzled Brian's neck.

Everyone else rolled their eyes. "You'd think that after a few years, they'd stop that." Kevin laughed. "Fatima gave us the day off since we're so tired. So go play basketball or something." Nick grinned and ran out of the stadium and towards the park that was right next to it.

"Oh, shoot. Honey, I left the basketball in my bag. I'll go get it." Nick put Brian down and ran towards the stadium. He looked both ways of the street, like he was taught when he was little, and walked. What he didn't see was a car carrying a drunk driver.

"NICK! LOOK OUT!" screamed Brian.

Nick turned and saw the car as he froze. Everything seemed to go into slow motion as the brakes were slammed and a body sailed through the air and landed unconsciously by the sidewalk by Brian. It wasn't long before Nick's world turned black. "Brian...I love you." he murmured as he drifted out of consciousness and his beautiful blue eyes closed.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo!" Brian wailed; fearing the worst. His hands immediately flew to his cell phone and dialed 911. He ran to Nick's body before anyone else could; sobbing as he ran.

"Ok, sir, we have ambulances on the way." the operator replied.

Brian held Nick's head in his lap. He held Nick's large, cold hand in his. "C'mon, Nick. You can pull through this." he whispered over and over. Tears blurred his vision as he heard sirens nearing. "Please God, please pull his through this." he prayed.

Pedestrians and onlookers sent their hope to the strange man weeping over the limp body.

Brian watched on as paramedics carried away his love. He followed them and held his hand throughout the ride to the hospital. "You're gonna make it, Nick. I know you can." He was forced to move away while the doctors did what they had to do. He waited anxiously in the waiting room.

"Mr. Littrell?" someone called out. Brian opened his eyes to see the doctor in front of him. "I'm Dr. Albright. Nick appears to have a head concussion that might've affected his brain. He's in a coma right now but when he wakes up, I have no doubt that he will be suffering from slight amnesia."

"What do I do if he does?" he asked.

"Surround him with familiar things. He'll get it back faster if ordinary things trigger the memory."

"Ok." He walked into Nick's room where they hooked him up to an IV. He watched as the blonde beauty slept on before him; his beautiful blue eyes shut from the word and the sunlight bouncing off of his blonde locks. "Nicky..."

~Inside Nick's Head~ When Nick woke up, he was in a strange dimension. "Where am I?" he asked himself. Everything seemed to swirl. Like he was caught in a time warp or something. "Is there anyone here?" he called out. "I wanna go home." He sat down and pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged them. He felt truly alone. He began to cry as the world stopped where he was. "Brian. I'm lost." He felt himself drop out. "Brian." He felt himself disappear from existence.

~Outside~ Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. The monotonous sound of the heart monitor shook Brian out of his slumber. He watched as doctors and nurses rush in and tried to get his heart starting again. After a few unsuccessful tries, they finally got his heart beating.

Brian resumed his post and prayed for his best friend to pull through. He jolted again when he heard a voice whisper his name. It was brief and disappeared the next second. "Nick. Pull through this, man. You can do it."

Out of the small sliver of his eye, he saw a hand move. He pummeled the nurse's button.

"He's awake!" he alerted. He rushed to his best friend's side and held his hand.

Nick groaned and opened his storm blue eyes. Who was he? Where was he? Who was this handsome man holding his hand.

"Nick, you're awake!"

He looked at the strange man with question. "Who are you?"

Brian gasped. Nick didn't know who he was. He felt his heart breaking into pieces as the empty shell of a human stared back at him. MAIL ME!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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