Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door

By Alex Wellens

Published on Apr 27, 2020


Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door By Alex Wellens

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This story is inspired by "Inside My Little Brother's Throat" by Swallows It All. It has nothing to do with that story, but I wanted to acknowledge where I got my inspiration.


Chapter 5

It's been about a month since I started dumping loads in my neighbor, Victor. He's been a good sport about it. It took some time to groom him into being a perfect cumdump. At first, he usually offered up resistance right before I ravaged his body. But after a couple weeks, he finally did whatever the fuck I told him to without question or pleading.

I'm the happiest I've ever been. My balls are rarely ever full anymore now that I can empty them at a moment's notice in a (somewhat) willing hole. I usually fuck one end of Victor at least once a day, and I rarely ever miss a day. Now that summer vacation is just a few days away, I'm looking forward to having my bitch around all the time.

Of course, our parents noticed us hanging out more. It's not like we spend loads of time together, but when we are toghether, I'm dumping loads! When my dad asked about it I said I was taking Victor under my wing. I said he didn't have many friends, so I took it upon myself to guide him and be his buddy. I have no idea if he actually has any friends, nor do I give a shit, it was just a good excuse to use. So, neither of our parents bat an eye when Victor stops by for a visit. Sometimes it's a quick ten minute visit ("just stopping bye to say 'hey!'"), and sometimes it's for an hour or two. No matter how long the hangouts are, they're only for one thing - to get my nut.

I was laying on my bed playing CoD with my headset on, bullshitting with my friends while we played. We had been at it for a while and I was starting to get bored. Then I had an idea. I pulled out my phone and opened the message thread I had with Victor, but the contact name instead said "cumdump".

I sent the eggplant emoji. That's the only thing I had to do. He knew exactly what that meant: Get over here now.

Seconds later he responded: "Yes, Sir."

I continued playing with my friends online while I waited, which didn't end up being long. A minute later I heard the front door open and Victor yelled out, "Hey, I'm coming to hang with Carter!" Immediately, my mom responded from somewhere downstairs, "Okay, sweetie. Have fun!" Victor rushed up the steps and came into my room, closing the door behind him.

Without looking at him I pointed at the bulge in my gym shorts. Again, he knew exactly what to do. He shucked off his hoodie and got on the bed, laying on his belly with his face above my crotch. I heard him take a big whiff as he pulled down the front of my shorts. I didn't have that strong of a scent at that point, but it seemed like he got enough to get him going.

His mouth felt like heaven on my cock. Victor slowly engulfed my thick shaft all the way to my pubes. I grunted with pleasure as his tongue licked around my sensitive head.

("Who was that?") Max asked over the group chat mic.

"Me," I answered. "I'm getting a beej." Victor suddenly looked up at me with his mouth full of my cock. I smirked at him.

("No shit, man, really?") Jake asked, laughing.

"Yeah, feels fucking good, too. Just wish it was a little faster." Looking down for a second at Victor I saw him attempt to crack a smile.

He took the not-so-subtle hint and sped up his head bobbing. My breathing increased and my friends heard it. They kept egging me on, jealous that they weren't getting the same treatment.

"Just concentrate on the fucking game, assholes." I continued to lay there playing the game, while my bitch worked on my big cock.

Whenever I got the chance that I didn't need both hands for the game, I forced Victor's head down until my cock head poked through into his throat. He barely had a gag flex anymore, much to my delight. At one point after my character died and I was waiting to respawn, I grabbed the bitch's head with both hands and pushed down as I thrusted up. I bottomed out in his throat, keeping his head locked in. I heard him trying to control his breathing through his nose as I made short, quick thrusts in and out of his throat. After half a minute he snorted and managed to pull his head out of my grasp. I wasn't happy. He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes, trying to apologize.

"Hey, guys, gimme a minute." I said through the mic.

They all laughed and told me to take my time.

I got off the bed and stared at Victor. "Get on your back, head towards the pillows, mouth open." He did as I commanded, of course. I got back on the bed in the opposite direction of him. It would've been a 69 position, if I was going to suck his dick - but that was never going to happen. "I'm gonna fuck your throat. No teeth and don't get loud. Don't need my mom coming in here seeing what's up." With that I shoved my hard cock down his throat to the hilt. Victor gagged and snorted for a few seconds, but regained his composure quickly. I picked the controller up and turned my mic back on as I started slowly thrusting in and out of the fags mouth.

"I'm back," I spoke into the mic.

("Have a good nut?") Brent asked, laughing.

"Not yet. Had to switch positions."

("Fuck, who is this chick? I gotta meet her.") Jake demanded.

"Don't worry about it. Just fucking play. Stop thinking about my dick, you fags."

("Alright, alright.")

We got back to the game. I was still fucking in and out of the bitch's throat. It felt so fucking good, like warm, wet velvet. I don't think I'll ever go back to pussy. Not that any chick would ever do this anyway.

I lasted pretty long, considering the amazing work being done on my cock. Though, between concentrating on the game and chatting with my friends, it was a wonder how I was able to keep up with my thrusting. It was time to cum, though. I hadn't given Victor a brutal throat fucking in almost a week, so it was overdue.

"Guys, I gotta fuck this bitch's throat. I'll be back in a few." Without waiting for a response, I threw down the controller and ripped the headset off. Then I looked down between my legs, barely seeing my sex toy. "Remember what I said, be quiet."

I got on my knees and craddled Victor's head in my hands. I could see the bulge in his throat where my thick cock intruded. It only made me hornier. I pulled out all the way until I heard a pop, then I forced my cock all the way back in. Immeditately, I pulled out and hammered back in agian.

There wasn't much oppurtunity for him to get air. Every few thrusts I heard him expell whatever air he had in his lungs and try to get in a breath, but it didn't always happen. Because of this, Victor's face and neck started to turn red. This part always turned me on even more. The only thing between this slut and life-saving breath was my giant cock nestled in his throat. That thought made me crazy.

I hammered away at the fags throat like never before. My hips were a blur as I buried my cock in his throat five times a second. The obnoxious sound of my crotch hitting Victor's face was getting loud, but I didn't care at this point. All that mattered was that I bury my cock as deep as possibe in this cunt's throat and drown him in my cum.

Once again, Victor went limp. This was the fourth time it's happened while I fucked his throat. It was good news/bad news. The good news was there was no more resistence from the fag, meaning I could go harder and faster without him trying to push away or scrape his teeth on my cock. The bad news was it could only last a couple of minutes. If I went too long, it could do a lot of damage. I may be a douche, but I had no desire to kill him.

So, I began moving his head back and forth over my cock as I continued thrusting in and out. I was getting so close and the feeling was so intense.

Suddeny, there was a knock at my door. I didn't care, I kept fucking Victor's throat without pause. "Yeah?" I manged to yell out, fighting to steady my voice.

"Everything okay? I heard a thump a minute ago," my mom asked through the door.

"Yeah, everything's fine, mom!" I was still pistoning in and out of Victor's amazing throat. "I just threw my controller down when I lost. No biggie." In and out, in and out. Fuuuuuuuuuuck, I was so close.

"Is Victor in there?"

"Mom, we're in the middle of a game! Can you go away?" I asked, exasperated. I was about to blow a huge load down this fag's throat, and I wanted to finish before he went into a coma.

"Sorry! I'll leave you two alone." I heard her walk back down the stairs.

'Finally,' I thought. I gave Victor's throat a few more hard thrusts, before pushing my cock in as deep as it would go. My jizz shot out of me like a fucking foutain. Each shot sent waves of pleasure through my body, my eyes rolled back into my head and my toes curled as I filled Victor's belly with my seed.

The whole orgasm must've lasted close to a minute. It was the best to date. He defintely earned kudos for this one.

I got off the bed on shakey legs and leaned over Victor. His mouth was slack and his eyes were half open, but I still saw shallow breaths coming from his chest. I reached over and shook his shoulder. Nothing. I grabbed both shoulders and shook harder. Still nothing. I made my decision and brought my hand down in a hard slap across his face.

Vitcor's eyes shot open and he heaved for breath. Releived, I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to recover.

He layed curled on his side trying to catch his breath for a couple of minutes. I looked at his face and saw tears. Again.

"You gotta get used to this, dude. You can't keep crying and amlost dying everytime I fuck your throat," I told him.

Vitcor looked at me, not with malice, but with disbelief. "I haaaaaard," he sobbed.

I put a comforting arm on his shoulder and spoke softly to him. "I know, man. But I'm not gonna stop, and it's not gonna be gentle most of the time. You've gotta work harder to just take it and not be a little bitch about it." I gave him a peck on the forehead and ran my hand threw his hair. "I ordered something a few days ago. They're smelling salts. It'll make waking you up easier after you pass out. I won't have to slap you every time. See, I can be nice."

"But do you have to fuck me until I pass out every time?" He asked, pleading in his voice.

"Dude, that's the best part!" I explained, excitedly. "When you pass out, I can go as hard as I want! It's the most amazing feeling in the world. I wouldn't give it up for anything."

Vitcor frowned and began to sit up.

"Listen, you did really good tonight. Amazing, actually, so I'm gonna give you a treat. Did threw the hamper there and you can take anything you want. My gift to you." I smiled at my generousity.

He looked confused for a second, then looked over at my hamper. A second later he stood up and walked over, reaching into the pile of dirty clothes. He rifled through my sweaty underwear and dirty shirts, then picked up a pair of athletic socks balled together. They were white Nike crew socks I had worn the day before when I played ball with my friends. He crumpled them up and stuff them in his pocket. "Thank you, Sir." He said, meekly.

"So you like feet, huh?" I laughed. Victor blushed, but nodded his head. "Good, you can massage them next time. But now it's time for you to go. You were a good boy tonight. Enjoy those," I said, pointing to the bulge in his pocket.

Victor picked up his hoodie and opened my bedroom door. Just before leaving he looked back and gave me a half hearted smile. Then he was off... He was a good kid.

I picked up the controller and put the headset back on. "Sup, bitches?"

Thanks for reading! I've gotten a lot of emails regarding this story. Most of you really enjoy it, and I'm glad. I really can only get off to rough and raunchy stories like this, so I'm helping out anyone else who's the same way. However, I would NEVER do this or want it done to me (I'm submissive). There was one reader who really didn't appreciate the name calling and torture or abuse. I take artistic liberty to create this story. I would wish nothing but the shooting squad for someone like Carter in real life. Please just enjoy the story as you jerk off. Never do any of this in real life. Also, if this isn't your kind of thing, DON'T READ IT! Thanks again!

Next: Chapter 6

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