Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door

By Alex Wellens

Published on Apr 7, 2020


Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door By Alex Wellens

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This story is inspired by "Inside My Little Brother's Throat" by Swallows It All. It has nothing to do with that story, but I wanted to acknowledge where I got my inspiration.

Chapter 4

It was Monday morning, and I was sitting in my bio lecture listening to my professor drone on about cell division. I was barely paying attention, as my mind replayed the events of the last few days. My cock was hard as a rock, snaking down my thigh while I imagined what'd I'd be doing to Victor in just a few short hours.

My last class of the day ended at 2:15 that afternoon. As soon as the prof dismissed us, I was out the door and on my way to my car - making it home in fifteen minutes flat. I crossed my fingers as I opened the mailbox. 'YES!' The package had arrived. As I opened the front door, I threw the other mail in a pile on the table by the door and began texting Victor.

'Got something in the mail 2day. When you get home grab your poppers and handcuffs, then come over right away.' My fingers were a blur as I typed the message. A minute later I got a notification.

'Yes, Sir.'

I made my way up to my room, kicked off my shoes, and fell down on my bed. School didn't let out for Victor until 2:45, so I had a good 45 minutes to wait before the fun started. I decided to fire-up my xbox and play something to keep my mind occupied. It was hard concentrating on what I was doing. After a while I realized it was no use trying focus on anything except the anticipation of using Victor.

At 3:20 I got another text.

'Just got off the bus. I'll be there in a few. What did you wanna do?'

'None of your business. Grab the shit and get over here ASAP,' I responded. My whole body was shaking in anticipation.

'Yes, Sir."

I loved how he always capitalized "Sir" when he texted me. He knew who was in charge, and I wasn't going to let him forget it.

A few minutes later I heard the front door open and close, then the sound of footsteps running upstairs. 'He must be as ready to get started as me,' I thought. Victor strode through my doorway carrying a drawstring bag in his right hand, and he had an excited look on his face.

"I'm here, master." He bit his lip and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I can see that. Took your fucking time, too." I rolled my eyes. "Give me the bag. Take your clothes off."

Without saying a word, he handed me the bag and quickly began stripping his clothes off. Ten seconds later he looked just like he had the day before, when I'd pumped a load into his tight ass. He stared as I opened the bag and pulled out all the goodies. I pulled the mouthpiece that had arrived in the mail from the pocket of my jeans. I tossed it to him.

"What's this?" He asked, a confused look on his face.

"It's gonna keep those fucking teeth away from my cock. I'm gonna be able to fuck your throat harder than any pussy or ass I've ever fucked."

Victor gulped as he looked at the piece in his hand. "What about the handcuffs?" He timidly asked.

I grinned before explaining, "You might as well come to terms with what's about to happen. You're gonna put that in your mouth, so you can't bite me. Then I'm going to cuff your hands behind your back, so you can't push me away. I'm not going to go slow. I'm not going to be gentle. I'm NOT going to stop for you to breath or swallow. I'm going to rape your throat, and there won't be anything you can do about it." I stated with finality.

The excitement fell from his face and he looked petrified. He still seemed to think this situation was a two-way street. It wasn't. I didn't care if he enjoyed it, or not. Frankly, it'd be hotter if he didn't. What was most important was that I got what I wanted. Hopefully, this would finally get that through his head.

I stood up and pulled my shirt off. I just had on gym shorts and black Nike crew socks. Towering over him, he looked up with those puppy dog eyes as I stared him down. My eyes went from the mouthpiece back to his gaze. Finally, he brought the piece up to his face. I watched as he fit the ring in his stretched mouth, then buckled the strap behind his head. "Turn around," I told him. I grabbed the cuffs off my bed and slapped them on his wrists behind his back. I walked in front of him to get a look at my slave. He looked pathetic.

"Go kneel, back against the wall, over there." I pointed at a section of wall that didn't have furniture in front of it.

Victor walked over, bent to his knees, and scooted back against the wall. I sauntered over, pulling the front of my shorts down as I did. My dick was half hard already. I reached my hand down and gently caressed my slaves cheek with the back of my big hand. "Relax. Just focus on pleasing me. Forget about you being comfortable, it'll only make things difficult." I smiled down at my bewildered fuck-toy. "You'll get through this, I promise." He just closed his eyes as I pulled my hand away.

I used my hand to grasp my hardening cock and guide it to Victor's waiting mouth. I slid in easily, without any scraping or biting. As I pushed more of my cock into his mouth, Victor began to gag. But there was no involuntary biting. I was already thrilled with my investment. "Shhhh," I cooed, not giving a shit about him gagging. I pushed in further.

Victor let out a loud, guttural noise I'd never heard before as I pushed through into his throat. He started snorting and breathing rapidly. I was almost all the way in. I could feel my cock sliding down his warm, wet throat.

Suddenly, Victor started to move erratically. I looked down and saw his face was turning deep red from lack of oxygen. That wasn't my problem, though. I used both my large hands to grab his head and stabilize him. Then I started slowly thrusting in and out of his throat. I felt his throat muscles trying to force my invading cock out every time I pulled back, but there was no way I was going to lose this battle. I lurched forward and buried every last millimeter into the fag's throat.

I felt the pressure, and heard Victor let out that unearthly sound again. Suddenly, he shot mucous from his nostrils and started making a scene as he begged for air. Deciding a dead fag was no use to me, I pulled back.

The instant my cock left his throat, Victor gasped and drew a deep breath. He began coughing and spit out all sorts of fluids from his open mouth. His cheeks were red, his eyes were watering, and his face was covering in spit. He looked up at me, cowering.

I pulled the bottle of poppers out of my pocket and brought it down to his nose. "This might help. Take a big whiff and get in as much air as you can now, because in a few seconds I'm going to shove my cock down your throat and fuck it mercilessly until I cum," I told him in an even tone.

Victor let out a yelp and he started crying. I grabbed his hair with my right hand and forced him to look me in the eye. "Take a hit and a deep breath, and get ready." I released his hair and put the poppers under his nose again. He took a long drag in each nostril. I gave him a few seconds to catch his breath. I wouldn't be that generous again until I got my nut.

I took a hit from the poppers, grabbed his head with both hands, and slammed my thick cock all the way down his throat until my balls were almost in his mouth. I moaned loudly at the intense pleasure. Meanwhile, the stupid bitch gagged and twisted around beneath me. I bent me knees and leaned into him more, so his head was pinned against the wall, and he couldn't move. My hips took over and I began slam-fucking Victor's throat. It was still so tight, and warm, and wet. The fact that I knew how violent and dangerous this was for him only turned me on more. My moaning was getting louder as my pelvis slapped against Victor's head two or three times a second.

Every time I used this boy, things got better and better. I didn't know how I was ever going to top this. My swollen cock felt so fucking good sliding in and out of Victor's throat. His crying and groans only spurred me on, as I kept up the relentless pace. I didn't even bother looking down to see how he was holding up. It didn't matter. I was only concerned with the intense pleasure I was getting from raping his throat.

I noticed after a couple minutes that Victor was now quiet and had stopped trying to escape. Looking down I saw his face was purple and his body was limp. The whore had passed out. What was it, seven minutes without oxygen caused brain damage? Couldn't have been more than a minute or two since he passed out. I took advantage of the free pass.

I let Victor's limp body fall to the floor, face first. I got down on my knees in front of him, picked up his head, and thrust my leaking cock back into his bruised throat. I had to hold his head up the whole time, as I used it like a fleshlight. In this position I was able to go harder than any time I'd throat fucked him before. It felt unbelievable. I was getting close.

Victor had been passed out for nearly four minutes already. I was so close to cumming, and I realized my time was almost up.

"TAKE. MY. FUCKING. COCK. FAGGOT!" I bellowed, as I had the most intense orgasm of my life. My white-hot cum shot from my cock like a bullet, filling Victor's belly. "Holy fuck!" I kept cumming for almost 30 seconds before I was drained.

I dropped Victor's head and it fell to the carpeted floor with a "thud". I leaned back on my knees, breathing heavy and trying to steady my vision. I looked down at Victor and saw he was still passed out, but his face had regained some of its color. Now that my orgasm was over, and the animal inside me was sated, I began to worry.

I leaned over Victor and rolled him over. Bending down so my ear was next to his mouth, I registered short, shallow breathing. The kid was alive. Good. For a second, I was worried I'd have some explaining to do. I started lightly slapping his face and calling his name. "Vic... Vic..."

Victor's eyes slowly opened, but only slightly. He was struggling to breath as he laid on his back. I rubbed his arm as he recuporated from my abuse.

"What happened?" He asked, hoarsely.

"You passed out a few minutes ago. I really let you have it. Best fuck I've ever had!" I congratulated him.

"I - could've - fucking - died!" He yelled between gasps.

"Yeah, but you didn't. I made sure to finish before you went brain-dead," I laughed, as he struggled to sit up.

"It's not funny!" He croaked.

I glared at him debating whether or not to knock his lights out, but I decided he'd had enough abuse for today. "Watch your tone. You gave me one hell of a nut, so I'm going to let that slide. Don't let it go to your head."

He clutched his head with both hands and groaned, "My head is pounding."

"Well, it was banging around all over the place. Just give it some time and it'll feel better. Now I'm gonna shower, but I'm exhausted, so you're gonna scrub me down. Let's go." I got to my feet and pulled off my shorts and socks. I grabbed my towel off the floor and waited for my slave to get up.

Victor shakily stood up and swayed as he regained his composure. He took a moment to steady himself before finding my gaze. The look he gave me was full of contempt. It was also unacceptable.

I raised my hand to deliver a wallop across his face, but I stopped myself. Thinking for a second, I realized there was a better punishment for his insolence. "Follow me, faggot." I walked off down the hall into the bathroom.

I was getting the hot water running when I saw Victor's shadow enter the room. "Hop in," I told him. He peeled off his socks, threw them on the floor, and stepped into the shower. "You've got 30 seconds to wash yourself, then you're washing me." Victor grabbed the bottle of body wash and quickly squirted some into his hands and began scrubbing himself all over. I watched the little twink clean off as much of the evidence from our escapades as possible. His face was still flush, and he had some small bruises on his body, but it was nothing that couldn't be covered up.

I stepped in the shower and told him to start scrubbing me. I handed him my scrub brush and waited as he poured soap on it. He started with my chest, scrubbing gently in circles. I closed my eyes and relished the sensual feeling of someone rubbing my body. A strange feeling came over me as I opened my eyes and looked down at Victor. The animal took over again. I leaned down and brought my lips to his. He was as surprised as I was. He stood still, not sure if this was a trick or not. It was no trick. My lips brushed against his and my tongue pushed through. It was different feeling the inside of his mouth with my tongue, instead of with my hard cock. I began to suck Victor's tongue, elicting a moan from him. He knees bent and I grabbed his arms to keep him from collapsing. The kiss got more intense as Victor and I battled with our tongues.

After a few minutes of intense and sensual making out, we broke apart. "Fuck," I uttered. He grinned and began scrubbing again. I turned around so he could get my back and ass. Then he used his hands to soap up my crotch and ass crack. My dick was a little sore, but his fingers sliding in and out of my crack felt amazing.

When he was finished cleaning me, I looked him in the eyes. "For the most part you did great today." I cocked an eyebrow. "But I didn't appreciate the attitude you gave me when it was all over. Get on your knees," I commanded.

Victor pouted, but obeyed. He stared up at me, waiting for whatever punishment I was about to deal out.

I grabbed the head of my dick and put it up to his lips. "Put the head in your mouth." He did as instructed. "I'm gonna piss, and you're going to swallow every last drop. Don't even think about spitting it out or letting any spill." His eyes grew big and I felt his lips quiver, but he kept my dick in his mouth. "Here it comes."

Victor wrapped his lips tight around my cock head just as I released my bladder. I hadn't pissed for hours, and I'd had to go badly since I pumped my load down his throat. His mouth filled with my hot piss, and just before it felt like he could take no more, he gulped it all down. I kept the stream going full force as Victor struggled to keep up. He started taking short breaths between the gulps. I pissed for nearly a minute, savoring the high that making this faggot drink my piss gave me. He truly was my slave. He'd do whatever I wanted from now on. I was sure of it.

My piss stream turned into a dribble as my bladder emptied. Victor swallowed the last mouthful before I pulled out of his mouth. He panted as I looked down at him, proudly.

"You're mine."

"I know, master." With that, he bent down and began kissing the tops of my feet, sensually. The slut had finally accepted his fate.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoy. There will be more to come with Carter and his bitch, don't worry!

As always, thoughts are welcome!

Next: Chapter 5

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