Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door

By Alex Wellens

Published on Apr 5, 2020


Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door By Alex Wellens

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This story is inspired by "Inside My Little Brother's Throat" by Swallows It All. It has nothing to do with that story, but I wanted to acknowledge where I got my inspiration.

Chapter 3

It was just after 10am Sunday morning when I woke up from a very restful night up sleep. I stretched my long body and groaned as I felt my muscles burn. They were still sore from the intense workout I'd given them the day before. It was nothing compared to the workout Id given Victor, though. I smiled and grasped my morning wood as I thought about what happened.

My parents always go to 10:30 mass on Sundays, then go out to lunch with their friends afterwards. They stopped dragging me to church years ago, so I always had the place to myself most of the day Sundays. I realized I could take advantage of the situation.

Grabbing my phone, I looked through my contacts until I found Victor. I opened our text history and saw the last message was from him wishing me a happy birthday six months ago. I had responded by just sending the Thumbs Up emoji.

I opened the camera app, pulled my cock through the fly of my boxers and snapped a pic. I sent it to Victor and added 'Cum sit on it'. Then I opened a porn tab and began lazily stroking my dick while I watched the video.

Ten minutes went by without any reply. Pissed, I opened the text and saw "Read 10:08am" under the message I sent. I was fuming when I sent a follow-up text, 'Now." A few seconds later I saw another "Read" receipt and the three dots appeared, telling me Victor was replying.

'I'll be right there, Sir.' That was all it said.

I smiled again and went back to my video while I waited for the little cumslut. It was interrupted a few minutes later when I received another message.

'I'm at your front door, Sir'

Rolling my eyes, I quickly typed back, 'I'm not getting out of bed until my balls are drained dumbass. Door's open. Upstairs second door on the right." I set my phone down on the bed next to me and put my hands behind my head. An instant later I heard the front door close, followed by footsteps in the upstairs hallway. I heard him knock at my door.

"Get in here," I said, loud enough for him to hear me through the door.

Victor slowly opened the door and walked in; his head bowed again. He was wearing a black t-shirt, red checkered pajama bottoms, and slippers on his feet.

"Did I wake you?" I asked him.

"No, I've been awake a little while. I was just hanging out in bed when I got your message," he responded, blushing. His voice sounded hoarse.

"When you IGNORED my message," I corrected him. He saw the displeased look I gave him.

"Sorry, sir. I was kind of hoping yesterday was just a one-time thing..." he trailed off, looking at the corner of my room, instead of at me.

"What the fuck gave you THAT idea?" I demanded, incredulously. "When I told you you would be doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, I wasn't kidding. I've got access to a cumslut with two perfectly good, willing, holes right next door. Of course I'm going to take advantage of that."

Victor looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes. "Please, Carter. I'll suck you off whenever you want, but what happened yesterday was way too much. I've never taken dick like that before. I seriously thought I might've ended up in the ER." His voice was quivering.

"Come here," I spoke softly and patted a spot on the bed next to me. I gave him a reassuring smile.

He seemed to relax a bit and came over to sit where I had instructed. We looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds while continuing to give him a comforting look.

Then I slapped him hard across the face. Victor brought his left hand up to his ear and opened his jaw. It looked like he'd temporarily lost hearing in his left ear and he was trying to bring it back. He looked at me with tears in his eyes again. 'Christ, does this faggot ever stop crying?' I thought to myself.

"You don't seem to understand what's going on, faggot," I started explaining. "You are going to drain my balls whenever I fucking feel like it. When I send you a text telling you to come over, you fucking come over. Don't EVER ignore me again. Understand?" He pouted, but nodded in acceptance. "Good. And when you and I are alone, you will NEVER call me Carter. I'm Master or Sir or whatever the fuck I tell you to call me. The ONLY time you may call me by my name is when any of our parents are around. And by the way, when they are around, you and I are just regular friendly neighbors. I don't need any of them getting suspicious and ruining the fun." He looked up at me and gave one final nod of deference.

I smiled and gently grasped his chin in my right hand. He winced as I touched his still throbbing jaw. "You're going to be a good boy from now on, aren't you?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes, master." He croaked.

"I know. Now take your clothes off and grab the lube from the top drawer of the dresser over there," I pointed.

Victor get off the bed and slowly started to strip down. Too slowly for my patience.

"Hurry, faggot. I wanna bust a nut before my balls turn blue."

He quickly kicked off his slippers and dropped his pajamas to the floor. Once he'd stepped out of them, I took a good look. I'd obviously never seen Victor naked before. The closest had been when he'd come swim in our pool over the summer and he'd just be wearing swim trunks. He stood about five and a half feet tall, he was slender with creamy skin, and pretty much only had hair in his pits and crotch. His dick was chubbed up and looked like it'd be proportionate to the rest of his body when hard. When he turned around to walked over to the dresser, I got a good look at his ass. It was a perect bubble butt. Pert and tight. I was like a kid on Christmas morning looking forward to playing with my new toy.

Victor walked over to the bed holding the bottle of lube. I laid back down and put my hands behind my head again. "Lube me up and sit down on it. I'm gonna relax while you ride me."

He climbed onto the bed and straddled my lap. The only clothing we were wearing, were my blue boxers and his black ankle socks. I laid there with my eyes closed and a smile on my face as I heard the cap pop on the bottle of lube. Seconds later I felt Victors wet hand stroking my large shaft. "Mmmmm...," I sighed. He slowly stroked my big cock for a minute or two as I enjoyed the sensation. I was so riled up I was afraid I wouldn't last too much longer. But I was going to bust my nut in Victor's tight ass today, nowhere else.

"Alright, bitch, sit." I opened my eyes and saw him position himself over me.

A moment later I felt my fat cock head push up against Victor's tight hole. I was losing patience, so I suddenly thrust up."

"OH, FUCK!" Victor yelled through gritted teeth. "Please, sir, start slow. I've never taken one this big in my ass before."

In my infinite kindness, I decided I'd show him some mercy. But not much.

"You've got 60 seconds to get used to it. Don't waste it," I generously offered.

Victor let out a big sigh and leaned over to grab something. I hadn't noticed he had set the bottle of poppers on the edge of the bed. I didn't even know he he them with him. He unscrewed the lid, held it up to his one nostril and inhaled, long and deep. He moved over to the other nostril and repeated the ritual. His faced flushed and for the first time today his lips went from frowning to a slight grin. He capped the poppers and let the bottle fall next to my hip.

I felt the head of my cock slide further into his chute as he lowered his body onto me. The look of pain was still evident on his face, but he was being a trooper. Thirty more seconds.

"Ahhhhh," Victor let out as he impaled himself on my cock. His eyes were shut tight the entire time he was adjusting. He now had half my thick cock in his tight ass. Twenty more seconds.

"Almost there, sir." Victor opened his eyes and actually smiled down at me with pride on his face. Ten more seconds.

He reached down and grabbed the poppers again. Five more seconds.

He took another big hit. Three more seconds.

He dropped the bottle again and closed his eyes. A huge smiled breaking out on his face. Times up.

I grabbed Victor's hips and pulled him down as I thrust up. Hard.

"AHHHHH!" The bitch let out a shriek. "Fuck, please, just one more minute!" He begged.

"I gave you more than enough time, bitch. I don't care if you enjoy this, but I going to do whatever I can to make this the best fuck I've ever had." I held his hips still as I began jackhammering into his ass.

It was the best feeling ever. Better than any pussy I'd ever fucked. Even better than when I raped the kid's throat the day before. His hole was incredibly tight, hotter than a volcano, and the yelling he was doing was sending vibrations down my shaft.

"UGH, UGH, UGH..." That was the only sound Victor was capable of making as I rearranged his guts.

After a few minutes of going hard, I slowed down. "Ride me."

Victor didn't dare take any time to catch his breath or recover from my assault. He immediately began bouncing his bubble butt up and down, his cheeks slapping against my thighs.

"Fuuuuuuuck," I moaned. Once again I put my hands behind my head and let the slut ride my big dick.

After a few minutes of him riding me I noticed the grin return to Victor's face. His eye were only half closed and they had a glazed over look. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, looked down at me, and bit his lower lip. His left hand moved behind him, and I felt him start fondling my balls. His right hand rested on the middle of my toned chest.

Victor smiled before opening his mouth. "Fuck my boypussy, sir."

My cock twitched. That was the hottest thing I'd ever heard.

"Oh, yeah, faggot? You want my load deep in your cunt?" I responded with the same enthusiasm. I thrust my cock up as he was coming back down.

Victor's eyes rolled back as I felt my cock head slide through what felt like another hole. I didn't know what just happened, but I knew I loved it.

"Take my fucking cock, you worthless slut!" I yelled. Thank god nobody was around. At this point neither of us were concerned about how loud we were being.

I quickly sat up, grabbed Victor's hips, and pushed him flat on his back. Now that we were in the missionary position, I was in total control. "Get ready," was all I said before slamming my cock as deep as it could go.

Victor moaned like a whore as I felt my cock head slide through that second hole again. I pulled back out and quickly thrust back in, feeling the tight hole like a vice around my thick shaft.

I kept slamming into him hard and fast. My moans mixing with his. I lifted me head and looked at the rag doll. He looked possessed. His mouth was slack, his eyelids half closed, only revealing the whites of his eyes. The constant "ugh, ugh, ugh" sounds coming from him every time I forced my cock in to the hilt.

I'd never been more crazed. I was about to bust.

"Take my load, faggot!" I shouted as I began thrusting faster.

"OHHHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDDDD!" I heard Victor yelling. His body convulsed, his legs clamped behind my back, and his hole clenched tight around my invading cock.

"MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I roared, as I unloaded in him. Every wad of cum that shot through my cock was like a new ecstasy extending all over my body. I didn't even know how much I shot. I didn't care. I all cared about was making this last as long as I possibly could.

I began slowing my thrusting. Hypersensitivity was setting in. Finally, I withdrew my swollen cock from Victor's demolished hole. I looked down to see it was still wide open - at least two inches. My copious cum was leaking from his hole unto my sheets.

Glancing up his body to his face, I saw Victor still had his eyes closed.

"That was fucking amazing, fag." I waited for a response, but there was none. "Hey," I tried. Still nothing. Then I realized he was asleep. The experience must've been too much for him and his body went into sensory overload. I let out a short laughed before extracting myself from him.

I stood up next to my bed waiting for my legs to stop shaking. Deciding it'd be best if he were to get dressed and go home before my parents got home, I leaned over him and spoke into Victor's ear. "Wake up," I said loud enough for him to hear.

His eyes opened and blinked rapidly. He took a big gulp a air and released it. "Oh my god, that was the best thing that's ever happened to me." He brought his left hand to his forehead as he laid there in disbelief.

"Me too. You finally ready to accept being my cumdump at my beck and call?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir. I can get used to this," he giggled.

This stupid bitch had no idea what he was in for, but I'd let him learn that for himself.

"Get up and get dressed. I don't want you here when my parents get home, and I need time to shower and clean up."

Vitcor looked down at himself, seeing all the cum, lube and tears covering his body. "Can I take a quick shower before I go? I'm a mess and smell like I just got fucked." He laughed again.

"No. Get out." I said with finality.

His smile fell and I heard the pleading in his voice again. "Please, sir! My parents are home. If they see me walk in like this, they're going to ask all sorts of questions!"

"Not my problem," I said, as I bent down to grab my towel off the floor. "Just don't let them find out what's going on, or you'll regret it. I'm going to go shower now. If you're not gone by the time I get back, you're in for a world of hurt." I sauntered off down the hallway to the bathroom, still reveling in the euphoria of the best sex I'd ever had.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoy. As always, thoughts are welcome!

Next: Chapter 4

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