Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door

By Alex Wellens

Published on Apr 4, 2020


Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door By Alex Wellens

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This story is inspired by "Inside My Little Brother's Throat" by Swallows It All. It has nothing to do with that story, but I wanted to acknowledge where I got my inspiration.

Chapter 2

I woke up with a rock-hard boner. I desperately wanted to rip off the sheets and jerk my big dick, but I decided to be patient. The memory of seeing Victor getting his throat destroyed the previous night stuck in my mind. I needed to get in his throat, and I was pretty sure I could do it without much coaxing.

After I got dressed and snacked on a banana for breakfast, I made my way out the back door. I slowly walked over to the hedges and listened for any sounds that might give away Victor's position. I heard nothing. Following the hedges to the front of the house, I looked in the driveway and saw it was empty. Victor's parents must've left for work. They were realtors and often met with clients on weekends.

I made my way to the front door and rang the doorbell. It was close to a minute before I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs, and a moment later the door opened. Victor's eyes went wide for a second before he regained his composure and said, "Hey Carter, what's up?" He bit his lip and blushed.

"Hey, Vic. You alone today?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. Mom and dad are out for a few hours. Why?"

I grinned and brushed passed him as I invited myself into his house. I felt his stunned gaze as I stood in the foyer looking around and getting a feel of the place. "Where's your room?"

Victor stood with his mouth slightly agape for a second before he snapped back to reality and pointed up the stairs. "First door on the left. I've got a PS4 if you wanna play..."

"Nah, I'm just here to fuck your throat. Come on," I said without looking at him, as I began to climb the stairs. I was already standing in the middle of Victor's bedroom for a few seconds before I heard him making his way upstairs. A moment later he slowly shuffled into the doorway, his head down and hands stuffed in the pocket of his hoodie.

"What the hell did you mean by that?" He quietly asked me, without looking up.

I let out a quick laugh before throwing myself onto his bed and making myself comfortable. "Long story short - I saw what happened last night, and I want in."

"What're you talking about? Nothing happened last night," he said, unconvincingly.

I dropped my grin and quickly stood up before grabbing him and pinning him against the wall. "Don't you dare ever lie to me again. This is your only warning." He whimpered as I slowly ran the back of my big hand against his cheek. "Understand, faggot?" I asked his softly.


I drew my hand back and gave him a good slap across his already red face. "Don't give me attitude. I get enough drama and shit from chicks. When I'm around, you do whatever I say without question or sass."

"Yes, sir." He said, defeatedly.

"First, a few questions." I stood up straight and backed off a few steps. "How long have you been sucking cock?"

Victor slowly raised his head until he met my gaze. "About two years, I guess... Sir" he added, quickly.

"Shit, I could've been having my balls drained for a long time." I was annoyed it took me this long to figure out the situation. "Okay, next. How many guys have you sucked off?"

"I'm not really sure, maybe 30 or 40. I didn't know most of them. I just post on Grindr asking if anyone wants a blowjob. Sometimes they'll pick me up and we'll go to a parking lot, or we sneak out to the backyard. A few are regulars, like the guy from last night."

"So, you're slut." I stated. "No wonder your throat was able to take a pounding like that."

"It took a lot of practice. There's an older guy a few blocks away that started training me for throatfucking last year. He has me come over every Friday after school, while his wife is still at work and before his kids get home from practice. After a couple months he was able to slide his whole cock in and out of my throat. I've almost passed out a couple times."

I was pitching serious wood listening to this fag tell me about some dad fucking his teen throat. I needed to feel what I'd been missing out on for years. "Two more questions, before the fun starts. First, what's the biggest you've taken?"

"A few of the guys with about 9 inches," he blushed.

"Good, then you'll have no problem taking my thick 8 inches. Last question, what was that stuff you sniff last night?"

"They're called poppers. After you sniff it, your whole body relaxes, and everything feels 10 times better. Makes it easier to take dick."

"You still have the bottle?"

"It's in the nightstand," he pointed at the little table next to his bed.

I sat back down on the edge of his bed again and reached over to open the nightstand. In the drawer there was a bottle of lube, condoms, a dildo, handcuffs, and a tiny brown bottle with a black cap. I made a mental note about all the stuff I saw in the drawer, then pull out the bottle. "Get on your knees," I commanded, while still looking at the poppers.

Victor shuffled over and knelt down between my legs. I could see him staring at the giant bulge in my jeans.

I pulled out my phone and laid flat on my back with my legs hanging off the side of the bed. "Get to work."

It was the fastest I'd seen him move all morning. His hands went to my crotch, quickly undoing the button and pulling down the zipper. As he pulled my pants down, my boxers went with them. My thick 8 inch cock stood proud as I laid there with my pants around my ankles.

I opened up Pornhub on my phone and started browsing through videos I could watched while the fag serviced me. After a few seconds I clicked on one that looked hot, but noticed my dick was still dry. Sitting up, I saw Victor kneeling there looking at my cock with wide eyes, and biting his bottom lip.

He was caught off guard when he felt my palm hit his face agian.

"Do I have to tell you what to do every step of the way?" I asked, frustrated. "Get on my fucking cock, bitch!" I slapped him again before laying back down.

An instant later I felt the familair wet warmth of a mouth on my cock head. I sighed, victoriously. The video began playing on my phone while Victor started swallowing more of my cock. It felt amazing. Most of the time chicks weren't that good at sucking cock. They would only suck the head, or they'd forget to cover their teeth. Not Victor, he was a pro. He already had most of my cock buried in his mouth and throat, and I didn't feel any scraping from his teeth. I Could get used to this.

After a couple minutes of getting the best head I'd ever gotten, I ran my free hand through his hair. Grasping it, I was able to start pushing his head down more and hit the back of his throat. He started gagging as I forced more of my thick cock into his throat. "I thought you were trained to take it in the throat," I warned. I felt him relax and let air out through his nose. An instant later I was buried to the hilt in his throat. I kept his head down as I reveled in the pleasure. It was the best feeling in the world to have my entire cock stuff in his tight throat. Then I felt the teeth.

It only lasted an instant before he realized his mistake and regained control of his actions, but it was too late. The damage was done. I yank on his hair until my cock was out of his mouth, then slapped him harder than I had all day. He lost his balance and fell sideways.

"Fuck!" I yelled. "What kind of cocksucker bites the cock he's sucking?" I demanded.

With tears in his eyes, Victor raised himself back into the kneeling position. "I'm sorry, sir. I panicked when I couldn't breathe. It happens sometimes. I didn't mean to do it," he pleaded.

"We'll fix that later." I stood up and faced his bed. "Get on your back. Hang your head over the side of the bed." I stared down, daring him to refuse.

Coming to terms with what was about to happen, Victor got on the bed as I instructed.

In a moment of mercy, I handed him the poppers to help him with the coming assalt. He leaned over and took a long sniff in the nostril before handing it back to me. "Open."

He opened his mouth wide as I bent my knees and slid my rock hard cock into his mouth. I kept going. I felt the head of my cock slide across his tonsils, under his uvula, and finally force its way into his throat. Victor took a sharp breathe through his nose, but kept himslef from biting down. The poppers must've been helping him stay relaxed.

When I finally had my cock buried as deep as it could go, I unscrewed the poppers and took a long hit. I had never flet anything like it. My entire body flushed and it felt like every nerve I had was set to "extra sensitive". I felt like a god.

Then the animal inside me took over as began throatfucking the boy next door. I pulled my cock out all the way before slamming it all the way to the back of his throat. I let out an unearthly moan as Victor fought to keep from puking or biting the assalting member. I kept going, ignoring the gagging and snorting sounds beneath me.

This tight warm throat felt better than any pussy I'd ever fucked. I was going to fuck this throat every chance I got. I didn't care what'd I'd have to do to keep this tight fucking throat wrapped around my big, thick cock 24/7.

As I continued raping his throat, Victor was trying desparating to survive the assalt. His body was twisting and his face was turning deep red. I saw tears flowing from his eyes and mucous running from his nose. What a disgusting whore. I fucked harder.

A few seconds later I felt his teeth bite down on my shaft again for an instant. I stopped thrusting and looked down at him. I glared into his eyes, seeing if he understood the fatal error he'd just made. I saw primal fear in his eyes.

"If I feel those teeth one more fucking time, I'm going to beat the ever-living shit out of you. Then I'm going tell your dad you're a little cocksucking faggot." I could see the tears flowing evermore freely from his eyes. "You stay perfectly still until I finish. Understood?"

With my cock still lodged deep in his throat it was difficult for him to nod, but he managed.

I started thrusting in and out of his throat again. I took another hit of poppers. The extacy took over again. My moaning and thrusting were uncontrolable.

To his credit, Victor stayed perfectly still as I stood over him, fucking his sweet throat. After a minute I saw his eyes galze over and felt his body start to shake. His throat tightened harder around my cock and the vibrations traveled from my cock to my balls. I was at the point of no return.

Suddenly, my knees gave out and I fell forward, burying my cock impossibly deep into Victor's throat. I began shooting huge, thick loads of jizz direclty down his gulet. I shuddered with every load that blasted out of my cock. Those ten seconds lasted an eternity.

I slumped backwards, my cock slipping out of Victors mouth. I heard a huge gulp of breathe as he quickly sat up. I laid on the floor listing to Victor cough and gasp for a few moments. The euphoria I was experiencing was like nothing I could describe. Nothing in the world mattered at this point.

When the intense feelings started to wane, I sat up and looked over at the teenager I'd just used. He was sitting up, head down, breathing heavy and wiping the various fluids from his face. I had to hand it to him, he took it like a champ, but there were things he needed to work on. I'd see to that.

"Good job," I said. I stood up, pulled up my underwear and pants, and walked out of his bedroom. We both needed time to process what'd just happened. Plus, I was done using him for the time being.

I made my way back over to my place. When I got to my room I stripped down and grabbed a towel for a shower. The hot water fell over my body and relaxed my overspent muscles.

When I got back to my room threw on some gym shorts and sat at my computer. I did a quick google search on ways to help Victor take my cock without anymore issues. A few minutes later I found what I needed. It was a mouthpeice that I could strap around him that kept his mouth open and unable to bite down. I found one that was wide enough to handle my girth, entered my credit card info, then hit the "order" button. The receipt said it'd get to me in two days. I figured I could be patient enough for that. In the mean time until the package came, I could use Victor's other hole. No chance of that biting me.

Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long for Chapter 2. I've been having issues with my sex drive for a while, and haven't really been in the mood to write. I'm only 28, so I hope it doesn't last long haha!

Email me for thoughts and feedback

Next: Chapter 3

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