Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door

By Alex Wellens

Published on Sep 17, 2019


Throat Fucking the Boy Next Door By Alex Wellens

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This story is inspired by "Inside My Little Brother's Throat" by Swallows It All. It has nothing to do with that story, but I wanted to acknowledge where I got my inspiration.

Chapter 1

My name is Carter. I'm 19 years old, tall, cute and athletic. I graduated from high school the previous year and now I attend school at the local community college. I spent four years in high school on the lacrosse team, giving me a lean and toned physique. To keep up with my fitness I stop by the gym a few times a week to run and do some light resistance training.

One late night I was on my way home from the gym, driving through my neighborhood, when I spotted someone slipping through the hedges of our neighbors' backyard. I was concerned that the guy might be casing the house to break into when my neighbors weren't home. It was close to midnight and all the lights were out in most of the houses nearby. I decided I'd go scare the crap out of the asshole, and hope he wouldn't come back.

I quietly parked my car in the driveway of my house and crept around the back of the neighbors' house and through the hedges. I didn't see the guy at first. My eyes darted around the backyard, before finding my target standing on the back patio. Standing up to my full height, I began walking over to the would-be burglar.

When I was less than 20 feet away, though, I noticed he wasn't just standing there. He was bending his knees and thrusting his hips back and forth. Caught off guard, I stopped and remained quiet. A moment later I noticed there was a third person in the yard. The 16-year-old neighbor boy, Victor, was kneeling in front of the stranger, enthusiastically sucking his dick. I was shocked.

I had suspected Victor wasn't completely straight for some time. Whenever I was out mowing the lawn or tanning in the backyard, Victor always found something to do outside at the same time. After a while, I noticed the furtive glances he would give me. I chocked it up to a teenager looking up to a slightly older peer. I never expected to catch him gobbling down on some strangers dick.

Not even in the dirtiest of pornos had I ever seen someone take cock like Victor was taking now. From my vantage point I couldn't really see the size of the assaulting member, but the speed and sounds of the throat fucking confirmed the boy's talent. The guy doing the assaulting looked to be in his mid-twenties, in decent shape and of average height. I had never seen him before, but I also didn't know many gay guys.

Trying to be as quiet and inconspicuous as possible, I slowly made my way to the side of the house. I was probably only 10 feet away from the action, but it was dark and the two of them were too preoccupied to notice anything going on around them. Spying on them got me hard. I could feel my 8 inches throbbing in my gym shorts. My hand gripped my hardon and slowly began stroking through the fabric. I was unbelievably turned on. I had never watched gay sex before, but the scene in front of me was too much to pass up.

The older guy spoke for the first time, "Get ready faggot. I'm gonna go hard before I bust."

Victor was still sucking up and down the guy's dick at a speedy pace, but gave a quick nod of acknowledgement. A second later the guy put both his hands behind the boy's head and thrusted hard. Victor gagged and coughed, but continued throating the guy's cock. It wouldn't have mattered if Victor protested, because the guy immediately thrusted deep again... and again... and again. The speed and ferocity with which the stranger fucked the boy's throat would have had most people begging for a reprieve. Not Victor. The boy wrapped his arms around the guy's legs and held on for dear life as his throat was mercilessly fucked by the older boy.

This went on for almost a full minute before Victor pushed hard off the guy and gasped for breath once the dick left his mouth. He breathed hard for a few seconds before the older boy grabbed the younger's short hair and stuffed his mouth full of cock again. The thrusting commenced immediately, ravaging the teenager's well used throat. Tears began running down Victor's cheeks as he resigned to his fate. The teen's face was flush with blood and his eyes were half closed as his face was fucked relentlessly.

The older boy fucked for another minute or so before he pulled out of Victor's mouth. "You have the poppers?" he asked. The teen nodded and reached into his shorts. He pulled out a tiny bottle and, after unscrewing the top, held it to his nose and inhaled. A second later he got a relaxed look on his face, then handed the bottle to the older boy. The guy mimicked Victor's motions exactly, then grinned as a look of serenity overcame him.

"You're not gonna like this," the older boy said. He grabbed Victor's hair again and forced his cock down the teen's throat to the hilt. He let out a moan of pleasure, then commenced thrusting harder than he had during the whole ordeal. The sizeable cock thrusting in and out, in and out, in and out. Not stopping for a break for almost two minutes.

Victor's face was going from bright red to dark purple as he ran out of oxygen. The only thing he could do was kneel there and let the abuse happen as the older boy moaned louder and louder.

I think Victor realize that the noise might wake his parents (and I don't think he could go much longer without air). His eyes shot open and he started pushing against the older boy's thighs. It did nothing to release his from the assault on his throat.

"Almost there, fag. Just another second and it'll all be over." The stranger continued to mercilessly fuck the teenage boy's throat, despite the protests from below.

Suddenly, a light came on from the second floor. Victor's parents must've woken up to the sounds coming from the backyard. The older boy noticed and grinned.

"Looks like your parents are gonna catch you chocking on some cock, bitch." The guy sneered. Victor tried prying away from his assailant as he realized he was moments away from utter humiliation. "Better not get caught fucking a teenager's face, though." As he finished the last word, his voice got higher. He closed his eyes and raised up to the tip of his toes. Suddenly, he pulled Victor hard onto his crotch, the cock disappearing completely into the teen's throat. "AHHGG!" the guy moaned as he blasted his load into Victor's gullet. The orgasm last almost ten seconds.

Another light came on on the first floor. The older boy pulled out of Victor's throat and stuffed his deflating cock back into his pants. "Thanks, fag. Can't wait for next time." He bolted as he finished the sentence.

Victor jumped up and ran to the kitchen door on the far side of the house, wheezing the entire time. Seconds later, a light came on in the backyard and the patio door slid open. Mr. Hardy slowly stepped out, holding a baseball bat.

I slid back through the hedges into my own backyard as I heard Mr. Hardy yell, "Who's out here?!" I ran back to my house and up to my room within seconds. Peering out my bedroom window, I saw Mr. Hardy looking around his yard, looking for an intruder. After a minute of searching he went back inside and turned off the light.

Laying in my bed, catching my breath, I noticed I was still rock hard. The excitement and vulgarity of what I had just seen had my shorts around my ankles and my hand around my cock seconds later. I relived the incident that happened only minutes ago in my head. Stroking my big cock, I imagined it was me thrusting into Victor's mouth and throat. My precum had my thick cock slick and noisy as I increased the speed of my wanking. I could feel the impending orgasm as I tightened my grip on my cock and held my breath. My toes curled and my back arched as I felt the first spurt of jizz fly out of my dick. I groaned ask my cock continued to fire volley after volley of hot, teen jizz all over my shirt and face.

After the last spasms faded, I laid there in a state of euphoria. My breathe was heavy and my mind was in the clouds. I was still trying to process the last 20 minutes.

When I caught my breathe and relaxed, I fell back into my clear state of mind. I thought about the possibilities of having an expert cock sucker next door. The kid was only a few years younger than me, and I guess he was cute. Neither of those thigs really mattered, though. All that mattered was that I had a readily available cumdump less than 100 feet away from my bedroom. No more chasing after girls and hoping they'd put out after investing some time in them. I could dump a load whenever I felt like it, without having to lift a finger.

The only thing left to figure out was how to inform Victor of his new responsibility.

Thanks for reading! It's been a while since the last time I wrote anything. I'm just getting back into the groove of storytelling. Hopefully, this will flow a little better in the coming chapters.

Let me know what you think!

If you're interested in my writing, I have another story in Gay/Highschool called High School Cumdump. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 2

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