Three Wolf Brothers -- science fiction or fantasy

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jun 18, 2024


Three Wolf Brothers Chapter six: Three Brothers Two, Scene 5 By Evan Andrews ©2024

This is a not really a fan fiction, but...

"Three Wolf Brothers" is part of a larger cycle of stories related to my Hunters and Hunted series. This is not your typical werewolf story any more than Wolf Station was. This part deals with the Brothers adjusting to their new home in America. (The reason they left was hinted at in Wolf Station. There're issues coming to head in Sydney which I've started in on but can't finish satisfactorily.) In fact, it's mostly a set up for the next set of stories which will look at the werewolves across America.

I apologize for all the mistakes I'm going to be making about porn shoots. All I know is from DVD bonuses.

As always, I had some faces in mind as I wrote these stories. The Brothers are played by the three Hemsworths: Luke, Chris, and Liam, because—damn it have you seen these men?! Other actors will be mentioned as they enter (and leave) the story. In this chapter we're adding porn star Jake Bass and re-introducing Lee Marlin into the brouhaha. This story should not be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters they play.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Luke and Liam, wearing little more than white laborer's overalls with muscle shirts underneath, flirted outrageously and suggestively with their employer, the lady of the house, a June Cleaver MILF sort.

"Oh, Liam, you're outrageous," she tittered as her (home from college for the summer) son came into the kitchen. "I don't know what Mr. C would say if he heard you!"

Liam knew, as did Luke, but they just smiled their easy "let me be your gigolo" smiles.

Sonny Boy (He had a name, but Liam was too busy getting felt up to bother remembering it) turned red with fury. How dare these nobodies make a move on his mother?! It was disgusting. They were preying on her, and she was... well, Sonny Boy didn't want to think about that.

"Mother!" he said accusingly before storming back outside in a huff. Maybe a long run would mitigate his fury.

"Oh, I should probably go talk with Jake..." Mrs. C said. (Oh, yeah. His name was Jake.)

"Don't worry, Ma'am," Luke said with a wink to his brother. "Let us do that, and we'll get everything straightened out. You'll see."

"Well, if you really think..."


Sonny Boy, Jake, wearing nothing more than running shorts and sneakers, came back to his room after many grueling miles. And it was only the sun going down that drove him home. There, in his room, Jake found Liam sprawled seductively across his bed—his bed! Liam's muscle shirt hung over the footboard, and his unfastened overalls were gathered around his waist showing off his bare chest. In addition, it was obvious that he had an alarming erection hidden in those overalls. (The same erection his mother had been copping a feel of.)

"I wondered how long you'd be," Liam said teasingly. "I almost started without you."

"You!" Jake spat.

"Me," Liam agreed amiably.

"And me," said Luke, likewise bare chested, stepping up behind the boy.

"What are you two doing here?!"

"We just came by to give you a chance to say all the things you didn't want to say in front of your mother," Liam said.

"You keep your hands off my mother!"

"Our hands, sure," Liam said, "Easily done, but you clearly weren't paying attention. Didn't you notice who was doing all the touching?"

"You're disgusting!"

Liam got up off the bed and took a few steps to the irate Jake.

"Really? Is that what you think?" the Brother asked as he reached down to cup Jake's also-erect cock and boy-balls through his shorts, "'Cause this is telling me another story entirely."

Jake half turned to leave, but instead he ran into Luke's bare chest. The eldest brother reached down and made his own assessment of Jake's family jewels.

"Yeah," Luke said, "Jake here seems to have liked what he saw just fine."

"I wonder if he'd like more?" Liam said.

The youngest brother shucked the boy's shorts down over his hips and let them hit the floor. Groping the boy's eight hard inches, he took Jake's right hand and put it on his naked chest. Jake, in shock, did not pull away.

"Yeah," smiled Liam, "I thought so. He does like it, Luke."

"Then I bet he'll like this even more."

Luke pulled Jake's t-shirt over his head, and turned the boy sideways, sandwiched between him and his brother. While they took turns working over Jake's shaft, the boy himself ran his hands over both their chests, his mouth hanging open and his eyes fixed on the muscular pecs and dimpling nipples.

The brothers smiled at one another, nodded, and then, dropping Jake's cock, let go the snaps at the waist of their overalls. The garment fell to the floor revealing their own prodigious packages of man-meat barely restrained by jock straps. Each took one of Jake's hands and ran it down his body towards the distended pouch. The Brothers cocks escaped the barely containing garment, and, as the young man stroked his first hard dicks, the Brothers wrapped around him and began to rub again his body with their dicks and to nuzzle his body teasingly.

"Ah!" Jake moaned.

Fuck,' the boy thought. I thought that one time at college was...'

But he was interrupted. Luke dropped the first full kiss on the boy, and Jake responded hungrily to this heretofore forbidden contact.

"Yeah, you are a sweet boy," Luke said when they broke the kiss at last, "But one thing you should know. A thing an "only child" can't realize. Brothers always share."

With his blue eyes burrowing into Jake's soul, Luke easily pushed the young man to his knees. Both brothers then presented their beasts to his face. No matter what Jake'd thought earlier, he was clearly no longer disgusted by the brothers--or (especially) their cocks. The boy grabbed both shafts and tasted, first Liam's cockhead, then Luke's.

"That's right," Liam prompted. "Like that."

Jake traded the Brothers' meat back and forth, swallowing more and more cock with each change. At the same time he started pulling on his own pud. Noticing Jake had fallen entirely under their spell, the brothers gave one another a discrete high five.

Jake was deep in his dick sucking trance when they all heard a howl from the next room. The boy cocksucker started and let pricks fall from his mouth.

"What's that?" he said nervously.

"Sounds like our middle brother," Luke said.

"What? But wait. That's Dad's room!"


Luke lifted Jake to his feet and caught him up in a bridal carry. The three of them then stepped out into the hall and to the door of the next bedroom. Liam opened the door with no fanfare, and Jake got an eyeful of his father sprawled, naked, on his back with his head hanging over the edge. Another hunky naked man straddled his head, reaming the older man's mouth with his fat cock. Dad (being played by Lee, because if you could write yourself into a scene with the brothers, why wouldn't you?) was beating his meat like a crazy man.

Chris looked up and, pulling out, sighed, "Pops, I told you to keep it down. Now we've got company."

"You were the one making the noise," Luke said.

Lee, shocked, looked up greedily at Chris, but, hearing Luke, he glanced at the doorway and saw his (so sexy) son with his throat fucker's two very naked and erect brothers.

While still fisting his tube of fuck-meat, Lee said, "Oh, good. You've met. What are you three waiting for? Get those asses over here! Now!"

The two Brothers and the hot-as-fuck monkey boy joined the other two men, and Jake and Lee quickly found themselves in oral pig heaven. The three brothers explored various ways they could face fuck father and son. Usually Jake and Lee were dealing with just one dick at a time, but occasionally, two brothers would try filling one mouth or the other with two cocks at once. Then Chris started to finger Lee's asshole. Daddy Dearest wriggled on the intruding digits and growled around the cock in his mouth. Chris dug deep and found the older stud's prostate, right where God had put it. A couple of intruding fingers rubbed over the gland, and Lee's head fell back into the mattress.

"Oh FUCK! Yeah!" Lee moaned, "Work my hole, Chris. Stretch me so you can fuck me!"

Jake, in the meanwhile rode Liam's fingers, and in short order the cocksucking father and son were ready to try it up the ass as well. Lee rolled onto all fours, and the brothers, climbing onto the bed, got onto their knees. After taking careful aim (and making him beg for it) Chris plugged Lee's fuck-hole full of Aussie cock. For a while, Lee writhed in exquisite torment on Chris' big dick, and during that Liam, Luke, and even Jake enjoyed Lee's frantic oral ministrations in a spit-roasting extravaganza. Then Jake went onto all fours alongside his father.

"Fuck me, too! Please!" the young man begged. "Liam, please fuck me!"

A bizarre lazy Susan of sodomy ensued with the brothers working clockwise, going from one hole to the next, one mouth to the next. Sometimes Lee had two cocks inside him; sometimes Jake did.

Eventually Jake graduated from spit-roasting to full double penetration. Parking himself on Liam's shaft, Jake leaned down over the youngest brother's chest and waited for Chris' shaft to stretch his boy-bung wide and plow him into fuck craziness. Luke and Lee watched. Then Lee forced his head between Liam and Jake and started sucking his son's stiffy. Luke took advantage of dad's position and began to pound Lee's butt cunt again.

In the end, father and son were laid on their backs, their heads hanging over the edge of the mattress, and the bothers made a half circle around them. Jerking off, the monkeys beat the brothers to the orgasm.

"FUCK!" Jake screamed as his piece shot ropes of white gold across his belly and chest. Lee just grunted, but his cock put on just as valiant a show. The brothers' hands went into overdrive, and in short minutes, they painted the two monkey-boy faces with their own thick white sperm.

When all ten balls were empty, they all collapsed onto the one bed in a pile of satiated masculinity.


Much later that night, the brothers snuck out of Lee's room, leaving father and son filled up with sperm and wrapped in each other's arms. Cautiously, Chris closed the door behind them, and they tiptoed down the hall to another door.

It opened, revealing Mrs. C—no longer dressed as a housewife but rather as a dominatrix.

"Sounds like you boys were having quite the party in my husband's room," she said. "You'll need to pay for that. Come in, and let's get started."

Wearing shit-eating grins, the three hunks stepped through the door—which Luke pulled closed behind them.

The air broke with a crack, the sound of a whip, and a throaty very masculine moan, and...

The camera faded to dark.


And that's a wrap, people!


A few days later, the brothers returned to Lee's office where he handed them an envelope. Luke took it, pulled out a spread of bills, and quickly counted it.

"Cash," Lee said. "I know you and your brothers don't much like checks."

Luke got done, and Chris said, "Is it all there?"

"What we agreed on and a bit more."

"Is that going to be a problem," Lee asked.

"No," Luke said. He'd not been sure about this, but the experience had been novel. They'd been able to provide input not only during filming but also during the editing process. In the end, film looked pretty good.

"You have my card," Lee went on. "If any of you want to do more work for the studio, call me. All your co-stars were enthusiastic about wanting to fuck you again, and given one or two of those personalities that's an achievement."

"Thanks," Liam said.

"And if I have another project, I can call you—where?" Lee" asked.

You can get word to us through Al," Luke said.

"Yeah," Lee smiled. "When he's not breeding that blond stripper of his three ways to Sunday."

"What else should he do with an eager bitch like that?" Luke asked.

Lee knew he was missing something here, but he just smiled and said, "Of course."

Shaking hands, the three Aussie brothers went on their way, intent on discovering more about their new country.

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