Three Wolf Brothers -- science fiction or fantasy

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jun 12, 2024


Three Wolf Brothers Chapter five: Three Brothers Two, Scene 4 By Evan Andrews ©2024

This is a not really a fan fiction, but...

"Three Wolf Brothers" is part of a larger cycle of stories related to my Hunters and Hunted series. This is not your typical werewolf story any more than Wolf Station was. This part deals with the Brothers adjusting to their new home in America. (The reason they left was hinted at in Wolf Station. There're issues coming to a head in Sydney which I've started in on but can't finish satisfactorily.) In fact, it's mostly a set up for the next set of stories which will look at the werewolves across America.

As always, I had some faces in mind as I wrote these stories. The Brothers are played by the three Hemsworths: Luke, Chris, and Liam, because—damn it have you seen these men?! Today we are reaching into the Wayback machine for the supporting face and pulling up classic porn cop Clint Lockner. This story should not be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters they play.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Luke, the oldest brother, was sitting in a bus stop shelter out in the country in the middle of the night. As if that weren't bad enough, it was also rainy and cold. He had his leather jacket hugged tight around him.

"What next?" Luke muttered to himself.

At that point a county sheriff's car came around the blind curve and rolled to a stop alongside the shelter

"Rural American cops. Wonderful."

The passenger side window rolled down.

"If you're waiting for a bus you're going to be here a while. The bus only makes two trips a day and doesn't run at night at all," the deputy said.

Luke unfolded from his slump and approached the patrol car. Bending over, he sized up the man he was dealing with. The deputy had a handsome face--strong jaw, and, OMG, a real 70s porn mustache. Luke smiled and turned on the charm.

"Where're you heading?" the sheriff asked.

"The nearest bus station, Sir," Luke said, "My last ride dropped me off a ways back, and once the rain started I decided that it was better to hole up here than get wet through."

"Well, I can give you a ride into Hooterville. There's not a lot of crime on a night when people would rather stay inside where it's dry."

The deputy hit a button and the passenger door unlocked.

"Hop in," the mustache said.

"I really appreciate this," Luke said as he climbed in, but he took note of the deputy's assessing look and his lewd smile. "I'm Luke by the way."

"Clint. Now, buckle up."


About a half hour later the cop car pulled into the outskirts of a medium small town. Instead of heading to a bus station, though, or anywhere Luke thought a bus station ought to be, the deputy pulled into a factory site on the outskirts of town.

Luke shot the deputy a look as the lawman pulled the car around back and up under a canopied loading dock. The long arm of the law turned off the ignition, pulled off his gloves, shot Luke a frank look, and got out. Luke watched as the lawman walked around to the passenger door and opened it.

The two men stared at one another for a full minute, knowingly, then the deputy unzipped his pants and pulled out a 10 inch dick with a truly fat cockhead. Luke hesitated a moment. One thing was sure, he was not going to blow this guy, and given that...

He reached out and took the deputy's tubesteak in his hand. Slowly he worked the rod of man-meat to full erection. Precum moistened the piss slit, and the Brother's thumb spread the salty slickness around the spongy cockhead. The deputy hissed at the sensation, and Luke chuckled.

"Yeah, that's what I like to hear from a man," the Aussie smiled.

Luke knew that if Lee'd been working with a different model, this scene would be going the absolute opposite direction—with the deputy taking advantage of his hitchhiker. His character would definitely being sucking and even deep-throating Clint's length, and he'd probably have taken a mouth full of cop cum too. Then, depending on the director's mood the cop might have fucked the hitchhiker over the hood of his cruiser—that was always hot. But this time, Lee was dealing with Luke, a Brother, and this scene was going to go the way he wanted it to go.

The Aussie stepped out of the patrol car and pulled open his own jeans.

Luke's fat cock was a worthy match to the deputy's, and he took the lawman by the wrist, pulling his hand down towards his piece. The two engaged in a few minutes of mutual masturbation, then Luke dropped the deputy's cock and, releasing the dom side of his animal magnetism, pushed Clint to his lawman knees.

"Suck it," Luke said.

The deputy found himself pressing his face to Luke's crotch like his cock was a magnetic pole--rubbing against it, letting his lips caress the silky length, before opening his mouth and swallowing Luke's sex. (And considering this was the first time Clint had let this side of himself be filmed, Lee was not about to put a stop to the action, even if it was off script.)

Luke drilled Clint's skull for a few strokes before pulling out and slapping the cop's face with his shaft. Then he rammed his meat back into the desperate lawman's open mouth. Strings of saliva and precum oozed from the deputy's mouth and slid viscously down the shaft of Luke's cock.

The Aussie at length lifted his cocksucker and bent him over so he could brace himself against the door. The Brother whipped the deputy's uniform pants down over muscular thighs before forcing his now-slime-dripping cock into the lawman's body.

"Fuck!" Clint cried out as his guts were rearranged.

Yeah,' Luke thought, Someone didn't expect to be bottoming today.'

The deputy's ass was tight and hot, and Luke pounded away as if he hadn't had his balls drained in a few days—which was true. Clint, for all his tough-guy façade, kept howling out his passion as Luke did his work. The Brother didn't care (and wouldn't have cared) if they were caught, but he figured Clint had chosen this place for a reason. Truth be told, it was probably the safest place for the cop to nab a quick fuck (or get fucked.) The plant was closed for the night, and any houses were on the other side of the building.

Luke lifted the deputy's leg, forcing him to balance more precariously, and changed the angle of his penile assault. Clint had a "fuck me harder" sex face mixed with a healthy dose of "fuck, what have I been missing out on?" Eventually Clint's cock and balls succumbed to their ordeal, and after the deputy's shaft pumped out streamers of precum, the big moment arrived.

"Oh fuck! Cumming!" Clint screamed, and his cock shot out a succession of cum wads. The hot white goo hung in the air for a moment before falling onto the wet pavement.

"Fuck!" Clint kept crying. "And I didn't even touch myself!"

Luke looked on, enjoying the deputy's most expressive face, and the cop cunt spasmed around his dick. When the cop was done emptying his balls, Luke pulled out of the hot hole and whirled deputy around. After pushing Clint back to his knees, Luke flogged his cock unto he shot hot salty cum in the lawman's open mouth. Clint then made a show of getting tasing out every least bit of Luke's orgasm. Reaching up, the lawman played the jism around his face and into his mouth with tongue and fingers. He missed a bit in his mustache, but Luke didn't mention it to him.

`And that's what a happy cum pig looks like,' Luke thought as he caught up another wad that Clint'd missed and presented it for the cop to lick off his finger. Whatever Clint's usual film persona was, this time he sucked the jizz-coated finger into his mouth and sucked at it as his body slid into afterglow.

Luke watched the lawman zoning out, and in any other circumstance he'd have left him to enjoy it. But it was still raining.

"Hey, deputy," Luke said as he pulled his finger from the lawman's mouth, " Bus station?"


Clint's patrol car pulled away from the brightly lit storefront that served the town as a bus station. Luke just stood there watching it to make sure Clint had really left. It had been a hot fuck back at the factory, but the Brother had no desire to pursue a relationship with the cop any further.

Instead, Luke adjusted his junk in his jeans and headed inside.


"Cut! Print! That's it for today, boys and girls!"

Next: Chapter 6

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