Three Wolf Brothers -- science fiction or fantasy

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on May 29, 2024


Three Wolf Brothers Chapter three: Three Brothers Two, Scene 2 By Evan Andrews ©2024

This is a not really a fan fiction, but...

"Three Wolf Brothers" is part of a larger cycle of stories related to my Hunters and Hunted series. This is not your typical werewolf story any more than Wolf Station was. This part deals with the Brothers adjusting to their new home in America. (The reason they left was hinted at in Wolf Station. There're issues coming to a head in Sydney which I've started in on but can't finish satisfactorily.) In fact, it's mostly a set up for the next set of stories which will look at the werewolves across America.

I apologize for all the mistakes I'm going to be making about porn shoots. All I know is from DVD bonuses.

As always, I had some faces in mind as I wrote these stories. The Brothers are played by the three Hemsworths: Luke, Chris, and Liam, because—damn it have you seen these men?! Other actors will be mentioned as they enter (and leave) the story. In this chapter we're adding porn star Tyler Riggz—and if you know the actor you can guess the scene. This story should not be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters they play.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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The three brothers, in boots, jeans, and plaid shirts, bid good-bye to the newlyweds, and walked away from the house.

"You know," Luke said, "I love you guys, but I need some alone time."

"Ditto," Liam said.

"Okay then," Chris summed up, "I guess I'll see you all when see you."


"Right," Lee said. "Chris, Luke, I'll give you a call when I'm ready to shoot your scenes. Tomorrow, Liam, we're taking a road-tip to get some location shots. Then we'll come back to the studio."


Liam had his thumb out on the side of the state highway, hoping that somebody would eventually stop for him. After an hour or so, a van pulled up and the driver rolled down his window.

"How far you need to go?" the mountain of muscle asked.

Liam rested his hands on the window and looked at the driver. The guy was mature, a daddy, with a mop of shaggy hair and maybe the heaviest natural stubble the Brother had ever seen. Added bonus, he was devastatingly handsome.

"As far as I can go," Liam said.

"Hop in," the drive said with a smile.

Liam clambered in and parked his ass in the shotgun seat.

"I'm Tyler," the driver said.


And with introductions complete, the van drove away.


Hours later the sun set and the rain that had started earlier turned the road into a glare factory.

Tyler rubbed at his eyes and said, "I need to pull over. My brain hurts, my eyes ache, and I really need a nap."

"Oh," Liam said, "Okay."

Tyler pulled the van into one of the few remaining truckers/no facilities lay by rest stops. Finding a place out of the way to park, he pulled in and turned off the engine.

There was a mattress in the back of the van, and Tyler crawled between the seats. He pulled off his boots and lay down.

After a second he looked up and said, "You know, there's room enough back here for two. And it's way more comfortable than sleeping in that seat. Trust me; I know."

Liam crawled back too and lay down by the side of the hunky driver. It was better than sleeping in the seat, and things might develop back here.

They lay like that for a while, then Tyler rolled over on his side, turning his back to the hitchhiker. Slowly he squirmed his butt back until it was grinding against Liam's thigh.

Okay,' the young stud thought, grinning, I can take a hint.'

The young Brother rolled onto his side as well and spooned up against the driver, letting his fat cock nestle between the muscleman's ass-cheeks.

"I told you, just enough room," Tyler smiled. "Fuck, you've got a big dick!" and the two began to grind away at one another through their clothes.

Liam could only do this so long before throwing an arm over the stud and turning his handsome face into a passionate kiss. They turned towards each other, still kissing. Hands roamed over bodies and bit by bit clothes started to open and come off, starting with shirts.

Tyler rolled the bare-chested Liam onto his back and started a labial journey down the hot young body. When he got to Liam's belt he got up on his knees and skimmed the young man's jeans off. Liam's cock tented his boxers, and Tyler took great joy in using his mouth to tease the fuck-rod through the thin fabric.

"Oh fuck," Liam moaned, "Suck me, Tyler. Do it now!"

"Not until I'm ready," Tyler said, "You're not desperate enough yet."

Liam's body clearly thought otherwise, and it writhed under the muscle-stud's calculated caresses and oral worship.

"Come on, Tyler, my cock really needs it."

Tyler sucked away where the tip was clearly outlined through the cotton. He used his tongue and tasted Liam's salty precum.

"Okay," and with that the driver tore open Liam's remaining garment.

The hard cock sprang up, and Tyler caught the shaft in his hand.

"Ready and eager," Tyler grinned. "Just how I like my men."

With a skill that Liam expected but was still taken aback by, the driver swallowed the Brother's pole to the root and used skilled throat muscles to massage the weeping shaft.

"OH! FUCK!" Liam cried.

Tyler pulled off and proceeded to tease Liam some more, alternating between sliding his lips along the shaft, nibbling the head and frenum, and swallowing his length whole.

Finally Tyler slid his own jeans off and clambered over top of Liam. Without a word, he straddled the younger man, positioned his ass, and sat down on Liam's shaft, slowly engulfing the fuck-meat, taking it into his hot muscle body.

"Fuck yeah!" the driver moaned as his ass cheeks made contact with Liam's pubes.

They fucked this way for a while, and then Tyler turned around acrobatically so Liam could watch his cock plowing in and out of the driver's tight hole. Thence to scissor fucking.

Finally, Liam pulled out and rolled Tyler onto his back. He held the muscular legs apart and buried his rigid need bone deep in a single thrust.

"YEAH!" Tyler screamed.

All the gentleness Liam had shown up to now he cast to the wind, and he concentrated on pounding Tyler's hot hole furiously. Tyler, despite all the noise he was making, was not objecting in the slightest.

Liam fucked with primordial passion, but even with that he eventually felt his balls signaling the end of the sex.

Throwing his head back, Liam screamed out, "I'm gonna cum! Oh! Fuck!"

The wiry young body jerked and spasmed as his cock filled Tyler's guts. Then he rolled onto his back, and gasped. Meanwhile, Tyler took his own meat in hand and jerked it hard.

"Fuck! Hot! Cum!" Tyler grunted, then with a cry, the driver tensed, and fired off a massive jet of sperm. The first blast rained back onto Tyler broad belly and chest, but he changed aim with the second shot, so that the rope of jizz landed on Liam's chest. A third bolt let loose, and a fourth, and a fifth. And the ret was silence.

Tyler scooped the goo from his body and shaft and licked his hand clean. Then he lay down alongside Liam again. The young Brother still smelled his seed leaking from Tyler's man-cunt, and he joined in with Tyler in sharing the salty goodness of the driver's passion back and forth.

Spent, the Brother and the hunky monkey huddled together and fell asleep to the sound of the rain beating on the roof of the van.


"Cut! Print! That's it for today, boys and girls!"

Next: Chapter 4

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