Three Weeks Sober

By brittany martinez

Published on Jan 23, 2007


This story is completely fictional. Any similarities to any person or events past or present are purely coincidental. This story is rated M for drug use, violence, relationship between two young men and self harm. If this material is offensive to you, or it is not legal for you to be reading this type of material please don't read any further. Comments are more than welcomed that way I know what needs to be changed or altered. A/N- Hello guys, how are you? Well this chapter definelty didn't take very long for me to update which is a good thing! Anyways, tell me what you all think k?

Three Weeks Sober

Chapter Two

Adjusting to a New Life

After school I couldn't wait to get home; when the bus stopped in front of the apartment complex, I grabbed my bag and quickly jumped out of the bus. I let out a soft sigh, glad to have my first day of school behind me. I walk up to apartment 5C and open the door, my mom's sitting on the couch reading when I walk in. She looks up at me and puts the book down. "Hey Honey, how was school?"

"It sucked." I answer going into my room and close the door before she can question me any further.

"Honey." I throw my bag down next to my bed and lay down, I'm not in the mood to listen to my mother go into overprotective-mother-mode. But I know if I don't talk to her, she won't stop bugging me until she gets something out of me, even if I lie to her that'll satisfy her. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" she says worriedly as she opens the door and walks into my room.

"Can I be alone, please?" I say sitting up and rolling my eyes.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" she walks over to the bed and sits down next to me. I roll my eyes again and reach over for my backpack pulling up on to the bed.

"Just... please. I don't feel like talking right now." I answer getting aggravated.

She looks at me worried and then places her hand on my knee. "I know moving is hard and adjusting to a new town and all is difficult but will you please give it a shot honey?"

I look into her light brown eyes and roll my eyes again. (I think I do that a little too much) "Don't you think I have been Mom?" I say losing my temper.

She looks down at her hands trying not to look hurt but I can tell that she is. "Your father and I just want what's best for you Jay." She says smoothing out the wrinkles in her apron.

"If you wanted what's best for me then you wouldn't have made me move here with you guys, I mean for Christ's sake, I'm eighteen." I snap.

"You know perfectly well that we moved here because of you." She says angrily standing up and looking at me.

"Whatever." I say unzipping my backpack and pulling out my geometry book. "Dad just coincidentally happened to get a job here too huh?"

"Jamie, I know you're not happy with the move and having to leave your friends behind but will you please give Silverplum a chance? It's really not that bad."

"Fuck if it's not." I say looking down at the book. She's really starting to piss me off now.

"Language." She snaps looking at me; I can tell I really pissed.

I look at her and let out a heavy sigh. "Sorry."

She walks back over to me and kisses me softly on the forehead. "Please Jamie, just give it a chance. Please?"

I roll my eyes and take a pencil and my binder out of my backpack. "Okay, yeah sure."

"Thank you sweetie." She says as she walks towards my bedroom door.

"Can I do my homework now?" I ask still kind of pissed off.

"Of course honey." She smiles and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

I let out a heavy sigh and shake my head. I understand that my mother wants me to adjust to living in a new place and all, but she can't expect it to happen over night. I'm too stubborn for that.

I try to do some homework but my mind can't seem to stop wondering. Angrily, I slam the geometry book shut and toss it aside. Maybe I'm over reacting -- maybe I'm blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but don't I have the right to be upset? I stand up and walk over to my closet, taking my lap top out of its bag and putting it down on the bed. I sign on to messenger to see who's online, as soon as my contact list pops up I get an IM from my best friend Kevin. (rockNrolljunk_e)

rockNrolljunk_e -- Hey J-man. How are you? Dark_poet77 -- I'm Alright. Urself? rockNrolljunk_e -- Doing alright. How's Arizona? Dark_poet77 -- It sucks. I want to move back to Cali. rockNrolljunk_e -- Lol well, you know the door's always open 4 ya. Dark_poet77 -- Thanks... that means a lot.

"Jamie! Dinner!" I hear my mother shout from the kitchen. I sit up and roll my eyes.

Dark_poet77 -- I g2g -- Mom's being a bitch. rockNrolljunk_e -- Okay Jamie. Talk to you laterz. Call me.

I log off and walk into the living room, my mom is setting the table as my older sister sits on a bar stool text messaging. "Hey fag." She says without looking up from her phone.

"Bitch." I answer rolling my eyes.

"Jamie, Jennay stop it now. I will not tolerate that type of language in this house."

I sit down and shoot a glare at my older sister. "She started it."

Jennay closes her phone, putting it in her pocket as she sits in the chair across from me. Mom sits at the edge of the table and looks at us -- Sometimes I feel sorry for her, I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with -- but Jennay's twice as bad. "Will dad be home for dinner?" Jennay asks as she scoops some Sheppard's pie on to her plate.

"I don't know honey. I put a plate aside for him just in case." Mom answers forcing a smile.

I roll my eyes. "He's never home anymore." I snap.

"Jamie -- sometimes the hospital gets busy and they need him. He can't just not show up."

"Whatever, that's no excuse." I say moving my peas around my plate with a fork.

"Someone's in a pissy mood." Jennay says taking a sip from her coke.

I slam my fork hard against the table. "Will you shut up?"

"Mae me!" she answers angrily.

"Will you two please stop fighting?" Mom says softly, it's obvious that she's upset.

I roll my eyes and stand up. "Can I be excused?"

"There's a good idea." Jennay answers smiling. I clench my fist trying not to lose my temper.

"Yes sweetheart." Mom says looking at Jennay disappointedly.

I shake my head and walk back into my room, pissed off beyond reason. Jennay and I use to be close when we were younger -- no we can't stand each other. Nor do I think we ever will.

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When The People We Love Are Taken From Us, The Way To Have Them Live On Is To Never Stop Loving Them... Buildings Burn, People Die... But Real Love Is Forever... -The Crow

Next: Chapter 3

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