Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Apr 19, 2013


I'm running out of creative ways to post this header yeah... email me some creative ways you want to see. ^.^

So here's the usual boring version:

Everything's mine, don't steal, go make your own, etc. Also, don't read if you're under 18 (Refer to prologue's header), can't read at your place (Refer to chapter 2 for loophole), or you're one of those bigots who hate me and this website T_T (seriously, what are you still doing here?!)

And now, a poem, by yours truly. Insert clearing throat sound

I once posted a story here for free, But only due to people's generosity. While I thank thee for sacrificing, I'd like others to keep donating.

For if we all help this wonderful site, I'd be able to publish with all my might. So please, don't be cheap, or else karma just might bite you in the beep.

end of poem => copy paste => donate! :D

NOTE- yes again...but I "have" too. I'm mentioning a movie and there "might" be copyright issues, so I'm posting now saying that I don't own it not does the movie have anything associations with this work. (DON'T SUE ME!) link ->


Chapter 4 "First Wall Broken"

I wake up feeling something unfamiliar in front of my chest. It didn't feel like my usual pillow that I usually hug to sleep with. No, this item felt heavier, hotter in temperature, and more life-like. I nudge my eyes open. After adjusting to the light, my eyes gaze upon a beautiful boy snuggled in front of me. I panic a little, but then remember last night's events. After realizing that last night was no dream, I calm down.

"So, it wasn't a dream..." I whisper to myself. I look at the little boy in front of me again, and I smile. My smile turns into snickering and my body gets all bubbly. "It wasn't a dream! It's real! I finally have Chris as my boyfriend!" I whisper loudly.

Chris moves slightly. I quickly hold my breathe and stay still. Chris sniffles a little and snuggles deeper into me. I lie still for a few more moments, making sure that I didn't wake him up.

After feeling his rhythmic breathing going again, I let out my breath and relax. I turn my shoulders to see the alarm clock on the night stand. 6:30 it reads. Why did I wake up at 6:30 on a Saturday I'll never know. I turn back and hug Chris to back to sleep with a huge grin on my face.

A few hours later, I wake up again feeling Chris's butt rubbing on my morning wood. I open my eyes and yawn. I free my arms to get rub my eyes and glance over at the clock again. In a somber red light, it blinks 10:34. A much better time to wake up don't you think?

Anyways, I rub the sleep off my eyes and look at Chris. Damn can this guy sleep; he's still knocked out. But for some odd reason, he keeps trying to scoot his butt towards me. I laugh silently at his unconscious actions and lie back down to cuddle him. With one final scoot from Chris and my arms wrapping around him, Chris lets out a sigh. I giggle at him and wait for him to wake up.

He doesn't and his breathing pattern goes back to same rhythmic pattern. Curious as I am, I glide my right hand down to his groin. Sure enough, he also has the accursed wood for the morning. I rest my fingers on it, exploring the piece of meat and what it feels like. It felt smooth, velvet-like, and...just perfect. I lean over and see it standing at attention and decide to release it from its agony.

I pull the covers aside to see my very special boy in the buff wrapped up in a ball. I wrap my hand around his beautiful piece of steel and stroke it slowly. As I'm pleasing his tool, Chris starts moaning and bucking his hips. I turn both of us to the right so that he's lying on top of me. As Chris's moans become louder, my strokes get faster and harder.

"Ohhh...Dylan...hmm..." he moans out. "Oh...Mmm...ahh..." By now, Chris is obviously awake now, and is pushing his hips like a madman. "Oh! Dylan! Faster! Oh! Hmm! Ahh...I'm gonna cum...Ah!" He bucks his hips forward once more and lets loose his goo. Wave after wave, his cock spews out a white mess. Damn can this guy let out a load. After his fifth spasm though, Chris's dick stops producing cum, but he continues twitching.

Finally, after his seventh or eighth jerk, his body goes limp and he's breathing heavily. After a few moments, his breathing calms down and he opens his eyes.

"Good morning sunshine." I tease.

"Mhm, it felt awesome!"

I scruff his messy hair and free myself from him. I get in front of him and clean up the mess me made. I start at the base of his stomach and slowly lick up and down his delicious tummy, sucking in all the white cream for myself. I finish his stomach and wipe the tip of his dick with my tongue. Chris flinches from his oversensitivity and giggles.

"That tickles Dylan."

"Oh does it now?" I part from his crotch area and straddle his chest with mine. I then grab both his ribs and squeeze it menacingly. Chris responds by squirming around, trying to break free.

"Dylan! Stop!" he laughs out, "I'm very ticklish!! Hahaha..."

"I know you're very ticklish, why do think I'm tickling you?" I reply with a grin on my face.


I reluctantly restrain my hands from further torturing him and hug him. I pull myself up and give Chris his morning kiss.

I part from his lips and say to him, "So, how does an omelet sound for breakfast?"

"Can you teach me how to make that too?"

"Of course I will, now hurry up and go relieve your morning word."

"What's a morning wood?" he asks innocently.

"Oh that's right, you're not completely corrupted yet." I realize once again, "A morning wood is a boner in the morning. It usually goes down after you relieve your bladder from the long night."

"Oh ok...Dylan, just wondering. You never explained it, but a boner is when your...dick gets hard right?" He hesitates on the last part of the sentence. Still shy about saying these things...Oh well, only time will get through to him.

"Oh I'm sorry Chris. I should've explained it. But yeah, you're basically right. The official name for it is called an erection."

"But no one calls it that right?" Chris remarks.

I scruff his hair playfully again, "Getting smart are we?" He flashes a smile at me. I continue, "Well, you're right. They're usually called a boner, hard on, piece of steel, woody, stiffy, or anything else resembling those."

"Why are there so many names..." he complains out.

I chuckle, "I don't know, but anyways, I don't know about you, but I'm famished. You go use the restroom first and I'll get some clothes on. Then we'll swap places. deal?"

"Deal!" Chris gets off the bed and runs towards the restroom buck naked. I stare at his cute bubble butt and shake my head.

I get out of bed too and get out some cloths to wear. It's going to be warm today, so I decided to put on something light. I put on a pair of black boxers, blue basketball shorts, and a green T-shirt. Satisfied with what I have on, I turn around to see Chris walking back in.

"Hey there sexy," I tease at him.

His face blushes into a pinkish pigment. "I'm not sexy..."

I walk up to him and kiss his forehead, "Of course you are. You'll make all the guys jealous of your looks and make all the girls jealous for being with me."

Chris blushes deeper and I snicker at his actions. I pat him on the back and leave his room towards the bathroom.

I reach the bathroom and use the toilet. Thank god my boner went down somehow. I relieve myself, flush, and turn on the faucet. I grab my toothbrush, smother toothpaste on, and brush my teeth. Cupping my hands, I gargle some water and spit it into the sink. I then put my head under the sink and soak my hair to get it down. Turning off the faucet, I grab my towel and dry off my hair and combing it with my hands. (The one thing about California, the humidity is fucking dry most of the time. Don't need to use the hairdryer as the wet will evaporate in a matter of minutes.) With one last look at the mirror, I walk out the bathroom and back into Chris's room.

I enter Chris's room and see him standing at his closet naked, deep in thought. I tiptoe up behind him and drape my arms over his shoulders. He tenses slightly.

"What's on your mind?" I whisper in him ear.

He relaxes and falls into my arms. "I don't know what to wear..."

"What do you mean?" I open his drawers. "You have so many clothes here."

"Yeah...but..." he trails off. "I wanna wear something that you'll like..." he says in a soft voice.

I lean forward even more and kiss him on the cheek. "I like you for who you are, not by what you wear. As long as you're naked with me in bed at night, I'll be fine with anything you wear."

I smack his butt and he yelps, "Hey!"

"Now hurry up and get dressed. I'm getting hungry," I scold at him.

Chris quickly puts on some boxer briefs, a red pair of board shorts, and a light blue shirt. He looks at me and gives his cute smile. I smile back due to reflex, and we're off to see the kitchen, the wonderful kitchen for food (HINT HINT).

We arrive at the kitchen. I tell Chris to get two flat pans. While he's doing that, I grab out eggs, ham, bacon, shredded cheese, a tomato, and some spinach.

"Why do you have spinach Dylan?" Chris asks me as I put the ingredients on the countertop.

"Because it tastes good, and it's healthy for you. Now help me rinse them." I say as I hand the bag of spinach to him. He turns and walks towards the sink. While he's doing his business, I put oil on one of the pans and turn on the stove. I leave the pan there and get a bowl to crack the eggs in. After cracking the eggs, I use the egg beater and whip the eggs into a pool of yellow mess. I set that aside and bring out the cutting board and knife.

"Dylan, I'm done."

"Ok, just set them aside and come here." He sets them next to the bowl of eggs and walks over to me.

"I need to you dice up the ham into little squares. Just cut them into strips, then cut the strips one more foe cubes. Think you can do that?"

"Sure," he says and grabs the knife to begin cutting.

I head back to the stove and to check on the fire. Sure enough, the oil's been heated. I throw down the bacon and let it sizzle there for a few minutes. I grab a few plates and a spatula and set them next to the stove.

Once the bacon strips were done, I set them on one of the plates and reapply some oil on the pan. I turn around to see how Chris is doing.

"How you holding up Chris?"

"Almost done, just one more strip of ham."

I grab another bowl and walk to where Chris is. I set the bowl down and take a look at Chris's work.

"Not bad, you're getting better, and only two lessons."

Chris beams his chest out and smiles. I use the knife and bundle the diced ham into the bowl. I bring the contents and throw them into the pan to cook for a bit. I clean the board and knife and quickly dice up the tomato.

Once those were done, I pour the ham back into the bowl and reapply oil again to both pans this time and turned on another flame.

"Chris, grab a spatula." I call out to him.

Shortly after, I see a mosh of blonde hair next to me. I look at Chris and see the excitement on his face.

"Ok Chris, the secret to cooking anything with oil, you have to make sure that the oil is heated."

"How can you tell?" he asks.

"Put your hand right above your pan." He sets his hand to feel the heat. "Good, now feel mine. See how mine is hotter?"

He nods his head. "So how do you know when it's ready?"

"That's just a feeling. Rule of thumb, when you start feeling a slight stingy feeling from the heat, that's when it's ready, like now. Ok, now the secret to cooking eggs, set the flame on low."


"Because eggs are annoying to cook. If you set the flame on hi, it'll burn it before it gets cooked thoroughly."


I pour half of the egg liquid onto his pan and the rest onto mine.

"Now we let the base to condense. Use your spatula and nudge the sides to see if it's solidified."

Chris does what I say, and I see that his is ready. I grab the spinach, tomato, and ham and toss them into the mixture. I quickly break the bacon into bits and toss that in too. Lastly, I sprinkle some shredded cheese.

"Now comes the hard part Chris. Slide your spatula under the egg and fold it in half. Be careful not to rip the egg."

Chris nods and tries to fold his egg pie in half. I quickly do mine and help Chris. After a couple of tries, Chris manages to compress it without only one tiny tear. I flip both omelets to cook the other side, and then I put them both onto the plates.

"Here, so put them on the table. I'll go get some utensils to eat it with," I tell Chris. He nods and grabs the plates, heading towards the dining table. I go into the drawer and grab a fork and knife and walk to where Chris is. I sit down in front of my omelet in front of me. I proceed to cut a piece off of my omelet.

Chris looks at me and asks, "Where's my silverware Dylan?"

I stab the piece that I cut off and put it in front of Chris's mouth. With a big smile on my face, I tell him, "Open wide."

"But that one's yours. You made it," Chris protests.

"So? I made it for just you. Now open wide and lemme spoil you." Chris opens his mouth and I feed him. "'s it taste?"

As Chris is chewing, his eyes grow wide. He quickly swallows it down and says, "Wow Dylan! It's amazing!"

"I'm glad that you like it," I reply to him. "Here the next bite."

Chris opens wide and I stuff him with another piece of my (or now his) omelet. "'s so good. Dylan, can you always make me food?"

"I'll try babe, I'll try." I say and kiss his forehead.

Chris withdraws and blushes. "You've never called me that," he whispers softly.

"Called you what?" I ask while cutting another piece.

"...babe..." he croaks out.

I set down the knife and fork. "Oh, do you want me to stop? Sorry..."

"'s not that. It's just...up until Thursday, I've only dreamed of someone like you in my life. But in two days time, I've changed from being a loner to someone who feels loved...I still think that it's a dream and I'm still in bed, waiting to the alarm clock to go off or something..."

I scoot my chair closer to him and hug him. "Well, if it were a dream, then I'd also wake up and the first thing I will do if rush over to his house to confess my love to you again."

"Do you really mean that? I feel like I don't deserve you," he starts tearing up.

I squeeze him tighter, "Nonsense, if anything, I don't deserve you. I feel like crap for not having the balls to ask you when I first met you. I mean it must've been shitty for you the way you described how your life was like yesterday."

Chris sniffles and wipes his tears away, "Yeah it was...but you entering in my life for the pass two days make up for it."

I give Chris a peck on his forehead and give him one final squeeze. "Feeling better?" Chris looks at me and smiles. "Now then, back to breakfast." I feed him another bite, which he happily chews and swallows down.

After I finish feeding Chris, I wolf down the other omelet and bring the plates to the sink. We bring the plates back into the kitchen quickly scrub the things we used earlier and rinsed them off. While I washed the plates, Chris dried them and put them on the racks. In about five minutes, Chris puts the last pan on the rack and dries his hands with a paper towel. We head to the living room.

Once we enter, I plop my body on the sofa. Chris follows close by and lies down on his stomach on my back.

"You smell nice Dylan," he says while hugging me.

"Pervert, smelling another person." I said while turning around to hug him.

"Not my fault that I like you so much," he replies and then rests his left cheek on my chest, still refusing to let go of me. He lets out a big sigh, and I follow suit.

"So Chris, what are we doing today?" I rub his back affectionately.

"I don't know..." He pushes himself up to see me. "What do you usually do with your friends?"

"Usually we go to the mall to see if there's a new movie out. Otherwise, we just go somewhere and chill."

"Oh...I've never been to the movie theatre..." Chris sulks sadly.

"Well then, to the movies. Let's check online first and see what they have." I tell Chris, who's face immediately lights up.

Unable to contain his excitement, he jumps off and runs to his room. Less than a minute passes by before he comes running back with a laptop in hand. I sit up and Chris jumps onto my lap. Unfortunately, he smashes a rather tender area.

I grunt, and Chris looks up at me. "What wrong?"

"You hit my balls when you sat down."

"Oh...sorry Dylan."

After a few moments, the pain subdues. "It's ok, careful next time Chris."

I drag him closer to my body. Chris opens props open his laptop and waits for it to load. After the usual start menu crap, the laptop finally shows the login screen.

Chris quickly tells me, "Close your eyes Dylan."

"Aww, why Chris?"

" passwords embarrassing...I need to change it."

"Aww com'on, tell me what it is," I jokingly whine out.

I inch my fingers towards his hips. Chris notices my movements, but a mere second too late to react. I grab hold on him and start tickling him.

"NO! STOP DYLAN!" Chris cries out, "STOP IT! I'M NOT TELLING YOU!"

"Fine!" I pout out and stop squeezing his tender sides. Chris takes in deep breathes to calm down.

"Ok, cover your eyes Dylan."

I grin at Chris and "cover" my eyes with my hands. He squints his eyes, making sure that I don't peek. He then turns around and begins to type his password. Little does he know that I left a tiny crevice between my fingers to see what he typed in.

He rapid types in i-l-o-v-e-d-y-l-a-n. I drop my jaws. He wasn't kidding last night when he confessed his love to me. Now I feel even worse for not telling him sooner.

I hug him tightly and whisper out, "I'm sorry..."

"For what?" he asks in a bubbly voice.

"I should've told you how you meant to me sooner...I'll never be able to forgive myself..."

Chris sulks. "...You peeked didn't you..."


Chris sets his laptop to the seat next to us and frees himself from my grasp. I look up him and he kisses me on the lips. This time, instead of him melting, it's me who turns to goo. I open my mouth to let him have access. Chris gets the message and pushes his tongue into me. He wiggles his tongue and roams around my mouth for a few seconds.

He then parts his lips and rests his head on my chest again. "Apology accepted."

I return the embrace and hug him back. He goes on, "And don't blame yourself for not telling me sooner. You didn't know."

I rub his back again, "When did you get so mature?"

Chris lets out a grin, "I don't know. Anyways, what movie Dylan? I have no idea what to do."

He breaks free from my hold and turns around again. This time, he makes sure to position himself so that he doesn't crush my balls. He sets the laptop on his lap and clicks on the web browser. I reach over and type in the website. A few seconds later, the screen pops open. I type in our zip code and click on the theatre closest to us.

"Nope, nu-uh," I mumble out as I scroll down the list of movies, "Too boring...saw that... too young to watch... nope, nu-wait, this seems interesting..."

I click on the link and the movie description window opens. "So Chris, what do you think, wanna watch it?"

"Sure, what times does it start?"

"Um...let's see...there's one at 1:40; it's 12:52 right now. So how's about this, we'll go to the mall and hang around there until it's time for the movie. Sound like a plan?"

"Ok, lemme use the restroom first."

"Sure, just meet by the front door when you're done."

Chris shuts the laptop and puts it on the coffee table. We both get off the couch and head in different directions. I go his room to grab my wallet, phone, and keys while Chris goes to the restroom. I enter his room, grab my stuff, and head down to the main door. I put on my shoes and see Chris sliding on his socks towards me. He drags his weight down and stops right in front of my back for a quick hug.

He lets go so that I can stand up. Chris quickly puts on his shoes and grabs his house keys. We both exit and Chris locks up his door. I get in the drivers seat with Chris next to me. Inserting the key, I start the car and held towards the local mall.

In 15 minutes, we arrived at the mall. Being a long weekend, parking was a bitch. In the end, I got lucky and found one relatively close to the theatres. I turn off my car and Chris and I get out. I lock the doors and head indoors to the wonderful, air-conditioned mall.

I look at my cell phone for the time, 1:04. "Chris," I call out, "Let's get our tickets first. Then we can look around."

"Ok, which way do we go?"

"Just follow me." I grab his hand and lead him to the escalators. We step on and Chris retracts his hands away from me. I look at him, confused, and he just blushes.

"What if people see?" he says timidly.

I smile at him. "To hell with them. In fact, I'd love to show the world my special boy." Chris blushes even redder. "Now come on, the line seems pretty long." I hold out my hand, and Chris hesitantly takes hold of it. I smile at him reassuringly and we both walk hand-in-hand to the ticket booth line.

Halfway through the line, Chris realizes something.

"Oh yeah, Dylan, here." he lets go of my hand and reaches in his pockets. He pulls out a fifty and hands it to me. "For the movie."

"Whoa! Where did you get this?" I look at him, shocked at the amount of money.

"It's from the stack of money my mom left for the weekend. Don't worry, she always expected me to use it all."

I look at him, deep in thought. "How much did she leave Chris?"

"About 300 dollars."

"Three hun..." I stop my mouth and look around. Making sure I didn't draw attention, I speak in a softer soft, "Three hundred dollars?! Is your mom crazy?!"

"It's 100 per day, I don't why she does that though every time she goes out of town though ...I mean, pizza's like twenty bucks at most, and I eat cereal or toast in the mornings."

"Are you sure she won't mind?"

"Of course she won't. In fact, I think she'd be glad that I'm going out more often now. You know...away from her..." he remarks sadly.

I give him a side hug, "Don't say that Chris. Like I said before, she does care about you."

"How?" he asks in a demanding way. "Both my parents never have time for me. It's always just me and that lonely house. The only time I do see them is in the morning before going to school. And now I can't even have that with my dad since he's in New York for some business trip." Chris's eyes start tearing up. "You're the first person to enter my house and actually care about me!" he half screams out and starts sobbing.

I take the money off his hands and hug him. "Shhh Chris, everything's going to be fine."

"How?" he chokes out, trying to fight back the tears.

"You can't see it right now because you're too caught up in your emotions. For a person like me, I can perfectly that she does care for you, just in a different way."

"Like what?"

I look around and see eyes glancing at the two of us. "I'll tell you later today ok? We're making a scene."

Chris lifts his chin and looks around. He then shrinks and blushes. "Ok, but you promise."

"Of course, when have I broken a promise to you?" I smile at him. "Ok, make yourself presentable. It's almost our turn to buy the tickets."

Chris wipes his tears away with his arms and lets out a sigh. He then looks around frantically for something. He looks at me, about to ask a question. I sly my lips and wave the fifty. He sees it and relaxes.


"Oh Chris, we're up." We walk up to the cashier. "Two for Oz The Great and The Wonderful please."

"1:40?" he guy asks.

"Yes please."

"Ok, that'll be twenty-two dollars please."

I hand him the fifty. He puts it in the box and takes out the change along with the two tickets. "Enjoy the show."

"Thanks" I reply while grabbing the money and tickets.

"Next!" he calls out and Chris and I walk away from the line. I shove the tickets into my wallet and hand the money back to Chris.

"Keep it Dylan."

I sigh and put it in my pockets. I'll be using it again later today for him. "You feeling better?" I ask him.

"Yeah...sorry about that."

"Don't be. That's what I'm here for right?" I scruff his hair.

"Hey!" he starts giggling. "So, now what?"

"Hmm...Let's see, we can go get something at the food court."

"Sure, I'm thirsty."

"Ok. Have you ever had boba before Chris?"

"What's that?" he bluntly asks.

"Gasp You're dead to me Chris," I say jokingly.

"Aww, why?!"

"Because, you never tried boba!"

"Well excuse me for not going out of my house that often."

I grab his hand again and tug him gently, "Come on, you can redeem yourself." We walk back to the escalators and head down to the food court.

In the middle of the seating area, there's a little stand that makes boba. Chris and I walk up to it and the employer a perky sixteen year- old asks, "Welcome, how may I help you?"

"Two medium boba milk tea please," I say.

"Sure thing, that'll be six dollars please." She then yells to the other worker, "Joyce, two boba milk tea!" I grab the change I got from earlier and pay for the drinks. "Thank you very much."

"Sure, no problem," I return.

"So...who's the quiet guy next to you?" the girl asks, looking at Chris. I look at Chris too. "Not much of a talker huh?" she directs to me.

"He's just very shy," I say in response.

"Is he your brother? You two don't look alike."

"Nah, he's a friend." I tell her.

"Ah, well I'm sure he gets all the ladies huh?" she said to no one in particular.

"Hands off sister! He's mine!" I glare at her with my mind. "Yeah I guess," I say out loud.

Then, the Joyce (girl in the back) pops up, "Two boba milk tea!" she calls out. Joyce looks at Chris. "Oh, we got a cutie here," she smiles out. Chris backs up slightly and blushes.

"So tell me, what's your name cutie-pie. I'll give you something on the house if you do," Joyce giggles out. I roll my eyes and shake my head slightly. I catch Joyce's partner look at me and follows my example. Chris looks up at me, wanting a way out. I shrug my shoulders, "Just tell them your name."

Chris dips his head down and whispers out, "I'm...Chris..."

"Wow, shy and cute. A perfect combination!" Joyce bubbles out. "Well, a promise is a promise. Wait right there for three minutes. I'll get you guys something." Joyce quickly turns around and does something that I can't see.

Sure enough, Joyce comes back in three minutes with a bag of candy in hand. "Here you go Chris!" she smiles.

Chris walks up and takes the plastic wrapped bag, "Thank you..." he whispers out.

"Don't mention it. Just come back here more often! I don't get to see a lot of cuties like you."

"...Sure..." Chris quickly turns around and walks away.

I try to hold my laughter and grab the drinks. "Well we have a movie to catch. Thanks for the candy."

Joyce cuts off the other girl before she can say anything, "No problem! Just come back and visit time to time!"

I beam a warm smile and walk away from the stand with Chris following close behind. I pick a table and set the drinks down. As soon as we both sit down, I start laughing like crazy.

"HAHAHA...Smooth Chris! Real smooth!"

"Shut up..."

"But you were so funny! The way you acted, priceless! I'm...Chris..." I mimic him.

Chris blushes and shrinks into a ball. I manage to come down.

"So, this is where I tell you 'I told you so!'" I tease him.

"For what?"

"The girl back there even liked your looks. So in turn, you are sexy," I giggle at him.

"No I'm not!"

"According to that girl there you are." Chris gets quiet. "Anyways," I change the topic, "what kind of candy did she give you?"

Chris undoes the string and opens the bag. In it contains a dozen Ferrero Rocher.

"Wow Chris, she must've really liked you. These are some expensive chocolate." I say as I punch the straw through the cup to get a drink.

"Well, she can keep dreaming about me, cause I'm taken by someone."

I gulp down my boba. "Aww, that's sweet of you Chris. Now be amazed at what you've been missing out on." I push his drink in front of him.

He punches a hole in his drink and takes a sip. As he sucks up the contents, his eyes grow big in bewilderment. He then proceeds to chew the boba and then swallows. "Wow! This drink is amazing!"

"See, told you," I said in a told-you-so voice. I take another sip of mine.

We finish our drinks and Chris offers a piece of his candy to me. I refused it at first, telling him that it's his, but he insisted and wouldn't take no for an answer. Reluctantly, I give in and eat it. It did taste good. I glance at my phone. It read 1:30, so I tell Chris to pack things up as the movies starting soon. He ties the bag up again and throws his trash away. We then walk back up the escalator to the theatres.

We show our tickets at the entrance and head off to find seats. We pick two seats right in the middle. After some small talk, the movie starts.

Halfway through the movie, Chris leans his body against me. I wrap my arms around and give him a little squeeze. We stay like that for the rest of the movie.

After two and a half hours, the credits start rolling. Chris and I stand up and walk down the stairs to the exit. Chris pushes the twin doors open, and I immediately squint my eyes from the blinding light. Minutes later, my pupils shrink so that I can open my eyes.

Glancing over at Chris, I ask him, "Do you need to use the restroom?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah."

We enter the restroom, and I go up to a stall. Chris follows close behind and uses the one next to me. I finish first and flush. As I'm drying my hands, Chris comes up and wets his hands. Quickly scrubbing down, Chris rinses his hands and then grabs a few paper towels. He pats his hands hastily and catches up to me at the door. We walk out of the theatres, head down the escalator, and into the parking lot. We get in the car and I start driving back to Chris's place.

The drive took longer than expected due to traffic. But nonetheless, we finally reached our destination. I park my car and we enter into Chris's home. Chris quickly pops off his shoes and runs into the kitchen fridge for a drink.

"What do you want for dinner Dylan?" he calls out.

I shout back while taking off my shoes, "I don't know. What do you want?" I walk into the kitchen and sit on the countertop. Chris sets a coke in front of me. "Thanks."

"Mhm," he gargles out while taking a sip of his own.

I prop it open and take a sip. I gulp down half the can and ask, "So, what do you want for dinner Chris?"

He parts from his can, "Can we order pizza or something? I don't wanna do dishes tonight."

"Fine by me, but aren't you sick of pizza by now?"

"You get used to it." He picks up the phone and dials some numbers.

"Hello? Yeah, I'd like a pepperoni, sausage, and ham large pizza please...My name's Chris Tanner...Yeah, that's the address, twenty minutes? Ok, bye." He hangs up the phone and walks up to me.

"What's up?" I ask him.

He gives me a massive bear hug. "I had fun today Dylan, thanks for coming into my life."

I return the embrace, "Sure thing buddy...sure thing..."

His body parts from mine, "Dylan, I've been wondering again..."

"Oh boy, what is it this time?" I tease at him.

He gives me a look. "Well, remember yesterday when Brandy came to your table?"

"Our table Chris," I corrected him.

"Ok, our table. Anyways, why do you hate her so much?"

I sigh deeply in response. "We might as well get comfortable in the living room then. It's sort of depression. Not to mention complicated..."

We down our drinks in a couple of gulps and head towards the living room. I lie down on the love seat, motioning Chris over. He gets the message and lies down on top of me on his back. I pull us up slightly and brush my fingers gently around his stomach. I bury my nose in his hair and smell him again. I love his smell. The lingering scent of his own boy musk is simply erotic. The slight fragrance of last night's strawberry shampoo only amplified his smell. I can't seem to get enough of it.

"You're so beautiful Chris..." I trail off.

"But I'm not..." Chris protests softly.

"Oh but you are..." I whisper into his ear, "You are the most beautiful person I've ever met. The sexiness and cuteness is a plus. Every night and day, I dream and daydream about you. Since day one, you stole my heart and never gave it back. Don't worry though. You can keep it, 'cause I got something of equal value in return."

"And that would be?"

I place my hands dead center on his chest, "Your love."

Chris turns crimson. He turns around and rests his cheek on my chest. "I wish I could be romantic like that..."

"What? That wasn't romantic at all!"

"Maybe not to you. But to me, it was music to my ears...I will always love you Dylan... forever and ever." He snuggles into me.

"I love you too Chris...I love you too..." I kiss him on the forehead.

"I just wish we could've been together sooner..." he sighs out sadly.

I stroke his back tenderly, "Well why didn't you say anything?"

Chris lifts his chin and rests it on my chest, " know...Brandy."

I wince at the last word and blow out a long strand of air. I squeeze Chris tightly.

"It all started back in seventh grade, when Brandy transferred from some schoolout-of-state. At that time, she seemed shy, being new and all. Bryan and I felt bad for her. So we went up to her and welcomed her. Well, she was nice and greeted us. Eventually, she became more and more acquainted with us, particularly with Bryan. The two kept seeing each other during lunch and after school. In about two months, the two sealed the deal with a kiss. I felt happy for them, even if did felt like a third wheel. But as long as they were happy, it was alright with me. At least until that faithful day.

I was walking down the hall after school, and I saw her walking up to me. I greeted her like usual, but something seemed off about her. I asked her where Bryan was. She just grinned and took my hand, leading me somewhere. I was confused, and didn't know what she had planned. We turned into the back wall of the music room. Then, she attacked me and groped my ass. I was shocked, and tried to get away. But she wouldn't have any of that. She leaned in even closer and whispered in my ear that Bryan didn't matter to her. He never did; she said that she always wanted me. My heart tore up into two pieces. I didn't know what to say. She tried to lean in and kiss me, and I pushed her away and made a run for it.

I ran into the boys bathroom and cried from the mix of emotions. I didn't know what to do; it felt horrible. Part of me wanted to tell Bryan what had happened. But the other half reminded me that Bryan was my only and best friend and I didn't want to lose him.

In the end, I made up the decision to tell Bryan this the next day. He didn't take it well. He thought that I was after his girlfriend, and told me off. I grew up a lot of that day. For the first time in my life, I truly felt lonely. I lost my best friend, and it was all because of Brandy's actions."

"That's horrible Dylan!" Chris gasps out.

"I know...but there's more to it." I shift my weight and sit up. I turn Chris around so that his back up against me. I wrap my arms around his stomach and chest.

I continue on with the depressing story, "As it turned out, I heard from someone the very next day after my confrontment with Bryan, Brandy broke up with Bryan. Feeling bad about himself, he wanted to apologize to me for everything, but he couldn't, not with the way he treated me. For the next two weeks, I sat by myself and did a lot of thinking. I thought a lot about life and love and why did Brandy do those horrible things to break up my only friendship.

Soon, a rumor spread about Brandy hooking up with another guy. That rumor made my blood boil. Not even a week, and she's already seeing another guy. But I couldn't do anything. I didn't know who the guy was, and I couldn't do anything without getting in trouble.

Then one day, as I was walking down to another lonely lunch, I saw Brandy getting angry at another guy. I felt sorry for him, and extremely angry Brandy. I decided to walk up to them to tell her to knock it off. Once I got to where they were, the argument became clearer. The guy was her boyfriend, and she was bitching about him. The guy seemed so helpless without a means of escape, scrunched up into a ball up against the wall. Brandy just kept rambling on and on. I finally had enough of her shit. I ran right up to and slapped her across the face, in public. The sound of my hand meeting her face resonated like bells. The entire school went silent. Time seemed to stand still. Nobody moved an inch.

After an eternity, Brandy turns her face forward again. I knew for a fact that I saw red in her eyes. She didn't say a word and just stormed off. After that, those around me started whispering among themselves, but I didn't care. I was worried about the guy up against the wall. I turned around and I see Bryan talking to the poor guy. I look at Bryan, and he looks at me. No words were exchanged between us. We both knew that the third guy needed more help. Our problems could be discussed later."

Chris interrupts me, "Sorry, but who's the third guy?"

I get silent, not sure if I should give him the answer. "The third guy who Brandy attacked on was Matt..."

"You mean..."

"Yeah... After Brandy left, Matt broke down and cried. All Bryan and I could do was shield Matt from others looking and wait for him to calm down."

"So that's how you guys met Matt."

"Yeah..." I said, "Well, I'll cut the rest short. Bryan and I made up, and Matt eventually stuck with us. My history with Brandy got worse after that day. I think she still likes me, so if she can't have me, no one can. Over the years, she's been spreading rumors about how she got in my pants. That made all the girls coo over her and be with her for advice, tips, and all those other stuff. That's when the group of girls came. And if a girl were to come up and talk to me, you can bet your money that Brandy's somewhere nearby, waiting for the right moment to strike and ruin the girl's opportunity."

"Wait, so she didn't do stuff with you?" Chris asks.

"Of course not! I hate her, so why would I do anything with her?"

"So your still a...I mean you haven't-"

"Yes Chris, I haven't done anything with anyone yet, if that's what you're asking" I hug him tightly.

"Oh..." he states out.

A dreadful silence fills the room. If I were to drop a pin, the neighbors next door would probably hear it. Finally, Chris speaks to break the silence.

"Brandy's a fucking bitch," he states out bluntly. I giggle at him. "What? She is." He turns around and looks at me with his puppy eyes.

"I know she is. It's just...this is the first time I've heard you cussing."

"Oh...sorry Dylan."

"Nah, it's ok. Just don't make it into a bad habit. One Caleb in our group is enough." I give him a kiss on the neck. Chris giggles from my touch and hugs me.

"I love you Dylan."

"I love you too my sweet angel," I respond.

He snickers, "I really like you saying that, it's a dream come true."

"Well then, I guess I'll have to say it more often then." I poke his ribs playfully. He laughs and pulls away.

As soon as he stands up, the doorbell rings. We both walk up to the front door to answer it.

"Who is it?" Chris asks while looking out the peek hole.

"Pizza delivery for a...Christopher Tanner."

Chris opens the front door and gets the pizza. I take out the money still left in my pockets and pay the man.

"Wait," Chris starts, "I didn't order bread sticks."

The guy hands me the change. "Those are on the house, since you've ordered at our place ten times. Anyways, enjoy." He goes back to his car and drives away.

I close the door and go into the kitchen where Chris is. He's already brought out two paper plates and munching on a slice of the pizza. He walks to the living room with his and turns on the T.V. I grab two slices for myself, one more for Chris, a few breadsticks and sit down next to Chris.

Before we knew it, the clock flashed 10:00. We both stand up and stretch. Chris runs upstairs and turns up the shower. I throw our plates into the kitchen trashcan and catch up to him upstairs. I stop by the bathroom doorway to see Chris in the buff, waiting for the water to warm up.

I sneak up behind him and drape my arms over his shoulders and reach for his balls. He closes his eyes and leans into me. I kiss him tenderly on the cheek and give his dick a few playful tugs. I then quickly separate from him and turn to brush my teeth.

"You tease!"

"Of course, I'm getting you horny for later tonight. I mean, we do have another lesson don't we?"

Chris doesn't say a word and quickly jumps into the shower. Through the curtains, I see him rapidly and hastily scrubbing himself down with soap and shampoo. I couldn't help but laugh at his actions. I return to brushing my teeth. Right when I finish though, he jumps out and grabs a towel to dry himself off. He wraps the towel around his waist and gets his toothbrush. I strip and enter into the shower. I decide to take my time and tease Chris a little.

Chris finishes his business and leaves the bathroom, only to come back in and set a towel on the rack for me. So thoughtful. It makes me feel bad about teasing him, but then again... Anyways, I stay in the shower for five more minutes before coming out. I dry myself off and put on my old boxers on again. I then wrap the towel around my waist, making sure that the boxers don't show.

I walk back into Chris's room and see him already in bed under the sheets. I toss my dirty cloths into my bag, and slowly walk up to his side of the bed. I can hear his breathing turning rasp and see him licking his lips.

"So Chris, you curious as to what's under this towel?" I tease at him. He reaches for my towel, but I step back. "Ah ah ah, no touching the merchandise." He pouts and I laugh at him. "Are you ready Chris?"

"Yes! Oh my god Dylan, just take it off already!"

"Ok," I tease out, "but try not to be too disappointed." I slowly flick out the corner of the towel tucked inside. I glance over at Chris and see him staring right at my crotch. In one swift moment, I flash him my boxers. "Surprise!" I start laughing like crazy.

Chris stares at my boxers confused. Then, he realizes what happened. "Fuck you Dylan!"

I keep laughing, "Oh my god! You should've seen the look on your face!" I mimic is look, but end up laughing again. I walk up to him and wiggle my groin area in front of his face. Chris gives me a smug look and pulls down my boxers. I step out of them and join him under the bed sheets.

I pop my head out and proceed to make out with him. He rolls himself on top of me and I kiss his sweet lips. It tasted refreshing and minty from the toothpaste he used. My hands start roaming around his back, eventually resting on his butt. I give each cheek a hard squeeze and spread them apart. Chris moans and opens his mouth wider, allowing me more access to his hot mouth. Then, Chris does something that surprised me. His hands start roaming about my back and stroking it lovingly. We switch positions so that he can have more access to my body.

I part from him and stare into his eyes. "I love you," I whisper. He just stays silent for a moment.

"I love you too," he finally whispers back. I roll off him and we both sit up against bed's wooden backboard.

I give his knees a shake. "So Chris, I'm going to teach you what a blow job is. But the thing is, if we do go down this path, you'll lose your virginity and give it to me."

"What's a virginity?" he wonders while looking at me.

"Oh boy. Ok, being a virgin means you've never had sex. This term is used very loosely. Some might say that we are no longer virgins since we jacked each other off, but some might claim that only when you actually do enter someone."

"Ok, so you think that if we do blow jobs, I'll lose my virginity?"

"Kinda, I'm a very complex person. I think each person has four virginities: One when they jack each other off, one when they do oral sex, and one when they enter someone else and when he himself is being entered." I explain to Chris.

"So according to you, I've already lost one virginity to you."

"Sorry for stealing that from you..." I apologize to him.

He tugs me, "It's ok, I would've given it to you anyways." He lets go of me, "You said that when someone is being entered, what do you mean by that?"

"That is the ultimate form of making love. For guys like us, we can do something called anal sex or fucking. That's when a guy sticks his dick up another person's butt hole."

"Eww! That's gross!" Chris grimaces.

"It sounds gross, but it's suppose to be the most amazing feeling ever. But with something feeling that great, the partners have to have absolute trust in each other. It's the equivalent to enter your dick into a girl's vagina."

"Ok...but I don't feel ready just yet about doing that kind of stuff..."

I rest my hand on his shoulder. "It's ok Chris, no one's pressuring you. If you feel that I'm pressuring you, tell me ok?"


"And we'll only do it if you feel ready ok?"

"But what if I never feel ready?" he asks.

"Then we won't do it. I need to gain your trust first before doing anything that might hurt you later on."

"Ok, so about blowjobs..." Chris trails off.

"Oh yeah. So, remember yesterday when you licked my dick?"


"Well. Today, I'm going to show you the right way of doing it. Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, I do trust you Dylan."

"Ok, then lie down on your back and spread your legs apart." Chris does what I tell him to do. I kneel in between his legs and pump his dick to get it boned up.

"This is my first time too, so let me know if it hurts or anything." I tell him.

"I'm nervous Dylan..."

"Don't worry, me too. Just one more thing Chris."

He raises his head, "What's up?"

I grin at him, "Don't be afraid to express yourself ok? If I'm going to make you feel good, you're gonna have to tell me what feels good and what feels bad."

"Alright..." he says and rests his head back down on the bed.

I lick my lips to get it wet, and slowly reach for his mushroom. I wrap my lips around his pole and slowly take it in deeper in my mouth. Chris gasps loudly and lets out a resonating moan. I lick around to see what his shaft tastes like. Like he said, not much taste, but the texture of it felt amazing. His penis resembles a polish dog, but not as hard. It feels softer, firmer, smooth, and hot. Very, very hot. I start bobbing up and down on his pole, taking in as much as possible.

Chris continues moaning and bucking his hips. "Oh... Dylan... Fuck! Oh god keep going! Hmm!"

I swirl my tongue around as I'm bobbing on his dick. Chris reacts to this and pulls his legs slightly up.

"Uh...oh...phmm...tss! Oh! Dylan! I'm...I'm gonna cum soon..."

I rest my hands on Chris's hips and push down to stop him from bucking so much. I start bobbing faster, and I pressed my lips harder.

"Hmm! Uh! Uh! Dylan!" Chris screams, "Oh! I'm...I'm...I'm gonna...Ah!" He doesn't even finish the sentence as he spews his boy juice into my hot mouth.

The first wave surprises me as it hits the back of my mouth. I quickly swallow it down, but as soon as I do, another shot enters my mouth. I desperately try to swallow everything down, but some oozes out the corners of my mouth. With one final twitch of his dick, Chris's body goes limp. I continue sucking on him, trying to squeeze out that final drop he always makes. Sure enough, he twitches once more and a little bit gushes out. I happily lick that up and with one final suck, and leave his now sensitive dick alone.

I scoot up next to him with him breathing heavily. He opens his eyes. "That... was... intense!" he says in between breathes. I smile at him and give him a kiss, feeding some of his own cum into his mouth.

I leave his lips. "Did you like it?"

He sits up and hugs me, "Of course I enjoyed it! It felt amazing! Thank you Dylan!" he starts shedding tears.

"Aw come on Chris, aren't you sick of tears now?" I say while rubbing his back.

"I am, but I can't stop crying. I'm so happy right now!" he hugs me tighter. "Oh Dylan! I want to make it up to you somehow...I'll um...I'll suck you off," he offers.

"Sex isn't about replaying each other back Chris. It's about trust and showing how much you love the other person," I remind him.

"I know, but I want you to experience it too. Don't you trust me?"

I sigh, "Of course I trust you, but are you sure about this?"

"Sure I'm sure! Now lie down. I'm going to eat your cum either way. It tastes delicious!"

"Oh, getting kinky now are we?"

"What?" half paying attention to what I'm saying as he repositions himself.

"Oh nothing..." I said as I reposition myself. I lean against the backboard and spread my legs apart for Chris to snuggle in between.

"Ok, so what do I do Dylan?"

"Just cover your teeth and do what feels right. That's how I did it."

"Thanks, that explains sooo much," Chris replies sarcastically.

"No problem," I reply with a smug look on my face.

Chris sighs. "Ok, here goes everything."

He lowers his head and wraps his mouth around his lips around my mushroom. I gasp sharply and pull away slightly from the sensitivity. Chris ignores my reaction and takes in more of my dick. I let loose a loud moan and relax my body. Chris takes in four inches of my cock before he retreats back to my scarlet mushroom. As soon as his lips meet my foreskin, he quickly slides down again. This time though, he's able to take in five inches of my pulsing shaft. Chris repeats the bobbing motion slowly, driving me crazy. My hands are clenching onto the bed sheets and my body's squirming around uncontrollably.

"Uh! Chris, suck harder!... Faster! Oh!" I groan out. Chris takes my advice and puts more pressure on my cock. He then starts to suck faster. "Hmm! Fuck Chris...Your mouth is so fucking hot! Hmm..." Chris's motions gradually become more rigid and robust, moving his head faster and faster.

"Oh fuck! Chris!" I grunt out. I release my right hand from the sheets and grab onto his hair. I push his head down and start pumping against face.

"Oh god! Uh! Phmm! Ah! Chris! I'm gonna cum!" I hump his face harder and faster than ever. With one final thrust, I shove all seven inches down his hot, wet mouth and shoot my load. Chris gags, but couldn't move away since my hand's holding on to him. Without a way out, he just starts gulping down my hot seed as fast as he could, but he couldn't keep up and chokes out some of my jizz through the corners of his mouth. I let out six shots of thick, gooey cum into Chris's burning mouth and then completely go limp. My hand falls from Chris's head, and he continuous to suck on my now sensitive piece of meat. My body spasms once more from the touch and dribbles out a droplet of cum; Chris eagerly that sucks up too. He bobs down once more and up to suck up the saliva on my dick and leaves the tip of my dick with a pop sound.

I open my eyes and see him scoot up to me. He leans in and kisses me vigorously. The first thing I feel is my slimy batter on his lips. I suck those remains up and then push my tongue into his hot mouth. But Chris wouldn't let me have that. He start's pushing back, and we start a tongue fight. My hands though, are another story. They're either groping his plump ass or stroking tenderly on his back and hair.

After about three minutes of making out, he parts from me and gasps for air. I reach over and kiss him again. I can still taste my cum in his mouth. I straddle him and drive my tongue into his mouth again. He stifles out a moan and liquefies into goo again. God, what's gonna happen to him when we start kissing in public?

Eventually, I part from his lips to refill my lungs. I close my eyes for a split second, and I feel a warm body tackle me. I reopen my eyelids and see a beautiful angel hugging me from the left side.

"Did you enjoy it Dylan?" Chris looks up and whispers out.

I reach over his left shoulder and scoot him closer to me, "Of course I did Chris," I whisper back and kiss him on the forehead, "It was amazing."

"...Why are we whispering?" he whispers out.

"Because you started it," I murmur back.

Chris sits up and playfully shouts, "OH YEAH HUH?" I give Chris a "the fuck?" look. A moment of silence passes by and we both crack of laughing. I hug him and kiss him on the forehead.

"Huh..." he sighs out, "I love it when you do that..."

"Do what?"

"Kissing me on the forehead. It makes me feel special, something that no one else can have."

I give him a squeeze and kiss him on the brow again. He giggles and enfolds his arms around me again. We stay like that for about five minutes before I get out of the bed to turn off the lights.

Once the illuminations were off, I snuggle underneath the blankets that Chris pulled up and lie next to Chris. Unlike yesterday, Chris immediately scoops him butt up against me. I wrap my hands around his body gently pat his abdomen.

"Good night my sweet angel," I whisper into his ears.

"Good night my knight in shiny armor," he coos back.

I continue soothing him and softly rub his stomach before we both slowly drift off into the realm of slumber.


So...yeah...for those of who feel that the story's moving too fast, I apologize for that. But then again, not really.Anyways, send me emails if you can.


AND: Please donate... (I'd type it in different languages, but simple text can't read them unfortunately...)

Next: Chapter 6

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