Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Jan 18, 2014


So... as I've told some of you, I've been off these few days. Long story short, I feel utterly powerless and useless right now. I can't shake the feeling of not being able to do anything to help a fellow guy out after coming out to his parents, who obviously, didn't take the news well... But regardless, I do hope he finds someone in his life. If his parents think Christian school is free of "faggots" and "gays" (or whatever they decide to label us as), they've got a lot to learn! (NO OFFENSE TO YOU AWESOME CHRISTIANS OUT THERE)

Anyways, enough of little depressing story, let's move on to an even more depressing story :D (Not really, lol). And no, this part of the story well into my thoughts before the incident came along to "influence" the story, but I digress...

Remember, this story is mine, don't steal, just ask, all that good stuff.

And please, please, PLEASE, donate.


Chapter 25 "Live"

Da-da-da-da-da...du-du-du-du-du... (think T-mobile) Fuck! Who the hell is calling this early in the morning?! I trudge my ass out of bed and slump over to the desk where my phone is. Whoever is calling me better have a good reason for separating me from my snuggly Chris...

"Hello?" I mumble into the phone, not sounding too happy.

"Dylan! You need to get to the hospital right away!"

"Wait... what?" I yawn into the phone while rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

"It's Dad!" Jasmine yells into the phone, "He's had an accident and is at the hospital right now!"

It takes a minute to comprehend that into my mind. Once the news hit my head, my eyes snap wide open. "Oh shit! What the fuck did he do?!"

"We don't know much yet, that's why you need to get to the hospital ASAP! Mom, Teresa, and I are already on the way."

"Ok-ok... I'll be there shortly. Keep me posted."

"Sure, but hurry!"

I shut the phone off and scramble to get my clothes on. While doing so, my mind begins to wonder. How the fuck did my dad end up in the hospital? He was suppose to come back soon from his fishing trip, unless...

"Nnn... Dylan... where are you?!" Chris whines in his sleep as he scoots his butt closer and closer to my side of the bed. Fuck... should I bring him?

"Chris, wake up..." I shake his shoulder, "We have to go to the hospital."


"My dad's in the hospital, and I have no idea why," I explain to him.

"Hospital... OH SHIT! YOUR DAD'S AT THE HOSPITAL?!" he jerks up.

"Yes, so hurry and get your butt out of bed if you wanna come with me."

"Oh... sure, sure... man, what did he do?..."

"Come on Chris!..." I nag at him as I rush into the bathroom. No time to waste, gotta pee, brush teeth, and quickly make something quick to eat.

By the time I finish peeing, Chris comes into the restroom. He takes my spot and I cursorily brush my teeth. No time to fill up a cup as I scoop some water into my hands to rinse out with. I dry myself up and rush downstairs.

"Oh hi Dylan, what are you doing up so early?" Wayne asks while brewing coffee.

"My dad's at the hospital for some reason, and I need to get going! What do you have that's quick for breakfast?" I answer as quickly as possible while looking in the pantry. Bread, that'll do.

"Oh my god! What happened?" Betty asks, horrified.

"We don't know. My mom and my little sister's are on their way to the hospital right now, and WHAT IS TAKING CHRIS SO LONG?!" I shout so that he can hear me.

"I'm coming I'm coming!... Sheesh!..." he replies groggily at the stairs.

"Wait... you're taking Chris with you?" Wayne asks, "Is that such a good idea?"

"If I know him, and I think I do, he won't take no for an answer. He'll probably just nag and pester you until he gets a ride over there."

"Yep," Chris replies while grabbing some coffee into a to-go container. He pulls open the fridge and gets some milk and sugar on the side.

"Ok... that doesn't explain the coffee though," Betty wonders, "And do you want us there too?"

"No, it's fine Betty. You guys have work, and I wouldn't want to impose on you guys. Come on toaster... work faster!" Shit! I've never been so rushed before. It's scary how I have this much potential.

"The coffee's for later Mom, who knows how long we're going to stay there," Chris describes, thinking ahead. Wow... such a nice boy. I think I'm rubbing off on him guys.

The toaster dings and pops out two pieces of bread. I grab both of them in one hand and Chris's hand in the other.

"Ok! Bye guys! I'll phone in on you when I get some answers!" I shout at the doorway. I slip on my shoes and go unlock my door.

"Here Chris, a piece of bread for you." I give him one, shove the other whole into my mouth, and start the car. As I'm pulling out onto the main road, I chew like I've never chewed before and swallow down the dough. Thank god I had practice swallowing heavy stuff.

I think I've set the new record for getting to the hospital. I was cutting corners, swishing past cars, yeah... don't look up to me as a good example for driving... I park in the designated spot and dash into the hospital's main building with Chris hot in my trails.

"What room is Gregory Wolfe in?" I demand of the receptionist.

"Um... he's in surgery right now. If you want, you are allowed to wait by the main door at the benches if you like," the girl responds.

"Thank you... Oh!" I stop in my tracks after two steps, "Do you know what happened to him?"

"Let's see..." she punches in something on the keyboard. "Ah, he had a nasty fall and requires surgery to relocate some of his bones."

"Oh ok..." So my hunch was right... he fell... "Come on Chris, let's go look for my mom..."

For the first time since I woke up, I've managed to slow my pace down and calmly walk over to the waiting area. There, I see my two little sisters and mom sitting on one of the benches.

"Hey Mom..." I answer weakly.

She sighs loudly and couldn't help but chuckle. "Did you hear why he's in there?"

"Yeah... he fell..." I mutter out, trying not to laugh along with her. Hey! This is a serious moment!

"I swear, once he gets out of there, I'm going to kill him..." my mom shakes her head. "How clumsy can he get?!..."

"How is he doing?" Chris asks.

"You just missed him," Jasmine answers, "He just went inside with a goofy grin on his face."

"Typical Dad..." I mumble to myself. I sit down next to her and pat my lap. Chris, hesitant at first, slowly reaches over and sits down on top of it.

"Coffee?" he offers to me.

"No thank you... one sip, and I won't sleep at night..."

"I'll take some of that." Jasmine snatches it out of Chris's hands and takes a few gulps. "So... you two are together now..."

Chris blushes and looks away.

"What do you think? He's sitting on my lap, and I have my arms wrapped around his waste," I roll my eyes at her.

"Shame... he was cute..."

"Well too bad. He's way too old for you. And besides, he's all mine," I shot back.

"Dylan..." Chris protests.

"What? It's true... Snuggle Bug," I whisper the last part into his ears.

"Oh my god Chris, stop squirming!" I hiss into his ear. As if I didn't know what he's doing... making me horny because I called him Snuggle Bug in public.

"I'm sorry," he giggles.

"Come on Chris... be serious. We're at a hospital."

"...Sorry..." he mutters.

"And besides... now is not the time to be making me horny," I continue whispering into his ear. He blushes a little and looks down. Busted!

"Mrs. Wolfe?" a man, probably in his late 20s, calls out the door.

My mom stands up and rushes over. "How's he doing?"

"He's just finished surgery and he's waking up now. Would you like to come see him?"

"Yes, of course," my mom gasps, "Lead the way."

The doctor holds the door open and Mom gestures us over. Chris gets off of me and takes my hand as we walk towards the door, only to be stopped by the doctor.

"Sorry, immediate family only," he states.

"What do you mean?" my mom asks.

"Mom," I intercept, "I'll handle this. You guys go on ahead."

"Ok... what room doctor?"

"Room 189, just down the hall," the man replies.

"Ok, thank you... come on girls."

I wait until they turn the corner before I stare at the doctor. "Ok listen bud. I had to rush out of bed this morning, get through a shit-storm of morning duties, weave around traffic, all just to get my ass over here. So if you think you can just come out here and not let my boyfriend go in with me, you've got another thing coming."

"I'm sorry sir, but the policy is-"

"I don't give a fuck what the policy is. You tell them to come to me," I sneer, "Now if you'll excuse us..."

"But sir... you can't just-"

I stare at him with my blood-draining eyes again, and he shuts up immediately. Some people just never listen do they?... Jeeze, making me show this soul-reaping, death glare at him. I grab Chris's hand and lead them down the hall, making sure not to look back in fear of Chris seeing these horrible eyes.

By the time we reach my dad's room, my eyes turn to normal again. Wow, I think I have better control over them now, and just in time too.

"Hey Mom... is Dad awake?" I whisper, fearing that he still might be asleep. Is it bad that I hoped he's still asleep? I mean, rest is good, right?

"Of course I'm awake!" he rasps, only to cough uncontrollably.

"Honey! You shouldn't be shouting like that!" my mom scolds, "You just got out of surgery!"

"Yeah, you're probably right..."

"Hey Dad..." I stutter, walking into the room.

"It's fine Dylan... It'll take more than a nasty fall to stop your old man," he wheezes.

"Not that..." I trail off, rubbing the back of my head.

"Ohhhh... that... Can you guys leave for a few minutes. I need to talk to my sons," he requests.

"Ok honey... come along girls, let's wait outside," my mom pushes my little sisters out the room. Chris decides to follow them, but...

"Where are you going Chris?" my dad asks,

"You said you needed some time with Dylan right?"

"No, if I remember correctly, I said I needed to talk to my sons, with an s."

"You mean?" he asks, eye's shining brightly.

"Get o'er here!" my dad gestures the two of us.

We both look at each other and Chris pounces him, forgetting for just a second that my dad's actually injured. I, on the other hand, hold back since my dad must be in pain by now.

"Ow... I should've thought this through... Sss..." he groans. Yep, I was right...

"Oh, sorry Mr. Wolfe," Chris blushes again.

"It's ok Chris..." he readjusts himself, "Now, before I get into the details, I just wanted to say I'm sorry Dylan, for making you worry. After leaving, I decided to go on a fishing trip to reflect on my life."

"Mhm... you always do that whenever you need time alone," I point out.

"Naturally... ow... still a bit tender here..." he grimaces, "Anyway... after fishing and thinking, I realized why I couldn't accept you at first."

"What was it?" Chris asks.

"Grandchildren," he grins, "You know... the two of you can't physically-"

"I get you Dad... sheesh..." I stop him right there and sigh. "So all you wanted was grandchildren from us?"

"Simply put, yes... It's weird, the moment I thought about my kids growing up, it hit me. All I ever wanted was to have more children in my life, and since you mom and I can't have any anymore without risks... Naturally, Dylan's next in line."

"Ok, so all we have to do is adopt or something, right Dylan?" Chris smiles.

"We'll see Chris, we'll see..." I sigh again. Jeeze... all this worrying for this! I'd punch him if he weren't lying on the hospital bed right now. And what's this about kids?! I'm fucking 17 right now!...... He should be proud that I haven't knocked up some girl at a party or something, not that I'd do it anyway.

"Anyway... I was so excited that I found the answer, that I slipped off a wet rock... And you know how fragile and uncoordinated old people can be..." he trails off.

"I knew it... you fucking fell into the river didn't you?" I jab at him with my sarcastic tone.

"Language Dylan... sheesh."

"Sorry Dad... but still, it's pretty funny."

"Regardless, I've found the answer, so now, you have to deliver," he scolds us, but couldn't control his lips curling up.

"I get it... Chris and I will make a bunch of babies for you," I tease, "Chris does make a great bottom."

"Not you too!" Chris whines, "You're just like my dad!" This causes Dad and I to crack up laughing, only to have him cough from the pain.

"So how bad is it?" I ask him.

"Not too bad... I broke my hip bone, sprained my ankle, and dislodged a shoulder. Had to have surgery to fix up the hips... Don't know why though... I was unconscious with the meds when they pulled me in to hear anything. But I should be out of here soon."

"That's good..." I sigh a breath of relief for the first time. "And thanks Dad... for finally accepting us."

Something's off though, they wouldn't do surgery on simple bone fractures usually... just what did he do that forced the doctors to open him up?

"No worries Dylan... you act mature for your age, not many boys have that. I guess I should be lucky that you aren't out knocking up girls left and right."

"Yeah, aren't you glad Chris?" I tease. God, stop putting the spotlight on me Dad...

"Anyways... call back your mom and the girls. I wanna talk to them a bit more before they kick you out."

I open the door and let the girls in. The 'rents talk for a few more minutes, and we say our goodbyes. True to my dad's words, the doctor soon comes in and kicks us out since he needs his rest.

Being sneaky and subtle, I glance over at the clipboard in the doc's hands. Too bad the handwriting's so bad that I can't decipher any of it. God damn it... just what happened to him? It can't be a simple fall.

On the way out, the very same doctor at the door attempts to give me a scornful look, but I scoff at him. Maybe in a thousand, no... a million years will he be able to scare me just by looking at me. You got nothing on me bitch!

"Well that turned out for the better..." Teresa remarks.

"I'm hungry now Mom..." Jasmine whines.

"Well we can either eat at the cafeteria, somewhere near here, or head back home and I'll make something."

"Let's just find a place close by to eat," I offered. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm emotionally drained from this... I just want to eat and go back home to sleep."

"Yeah let's do that..." Chris pipes in. "And I gotta call my parents and keep them up to date."

"Ok! So uh... where do we go?" Jasmine asks.

"Let's just ask the front desk if there's anything nearby," my mom says, while walking towards it.

After hearing the possibilities from the front office, we decided on something simple, like In-N-Out. So, with me following my mom close behind with Chris right beside me, we managed to find the place. Thank god it's a school day; no one's here. After placing our orders, we sit in the big table in the corner.

"Ok, I think it's safe to say that we won't be going to school today," Teresa points out with gleaming eyes.

"I second her idea," Jasmine joins in quickly.

"I don't know..." Mom trails off.

"Oh come on, please?!?!" Teresa whines, "It's already noon, so by the time we go to class, it'll probably be all over."

"This is what you sound like at times," I whisper into Chris's ear.

"Do not," he huffs back quietly, puffing his cheeks a little.

"Look, you're doing it now," I tease.

"Ma'am? Your order is ready," the waiter calls at the cashier registrar.

"I'll go get it," I offer.

"Ok... a single for Mom, a double-double for Jasmine and Teresa, a 3x3 for me, and for the challenger, a 4x4 for Chris," I announce as I pass out the respective burgers. "Oh, and here's the malts and animal fries."

"Jeeze, slow down Chris, it isn't a race," my mom scolds him.

"Mmm er mm phmm!" he muffles out.

"What?" I ask, which causes all of us to laugh, as he tries repeating himself again after swallowing.

After finish up our meal, we headed back home. Since it is already half past noon, there isn't a point in going to school. We can thank Teresa for nagging about it nonstop for the entire time. And I highly doubt any of us have the energy to pay attention in class after that emotional rollercoaster we've been through.

So, after a quick meal at In-N-Out, we all hopped into our respective cars and made a one-way trip back home. Once inside the house, the first and only thing I do is drag Chris into my room and fall onto my bed.

"I'm exhausted..." I groan as I stretch on the bed, "Come here Chris, I need a cuddle buddy..."

"Give me a minute," he yawns, raising his arms high to stretch too. He then scoots over and lays on top of me.

"Today's been a long day huh?..."

"The day's still going," Chris sighs again sleepily. "Are you ok?"

"What do you mean?"

"You were thinking about something at the hospital. I just didn't want to say anything about it in front of everyone," he explains.

"...Reading me like a book huh?"

"Well a boyfriend's gotta be able to tell right?"

"Such a good boyfriend..." I rub his back, "But yeah... I think my dad's lying about the injuries. Why would you need surgery for bone fractures? Unless it's a major fracture... But that would mean heavy sedation."

"He probably just doesn't want you to worry any more than you have to. And if you want, ask him later after he heals," Chris mumbles, nuzzling his face into my chest and hugging me. "I'm tired..."

"We'll see... and how can you be tired?" I pat his butt, "You had coffee."

"Yeah, like a sip before your sister stole it from me."

"I see... well coffee isn't good for you anyways."

"Mmm..." he struggles out.

"Love you," I whisper into his ear and close my eyes for rest. But deep in my mind, I'm still pondering on a lot of stuff.

The most prominent thought that pops up though, is Chris. I know you're probably sick of me telling you this by now, but thank you for showing up in my life. I honestly don't know what I would if you hadn't invaded my personal bubble. Of course, fate gave me a huge favor by placing us in the same class; it's no accident that you bumped into me earlier this year. So, thank you... I will.. always... love.... you.....

"Pst, hey Dylan," someone rubs my shoulder.

"Nnn... what is it?" I groan, struggling to pry my eyes open. It was my mother.

"I called the doctor a while back. I don't trust your dad when he said he fell, and I know you caught up on that too," she whispers.

"So what did they say?" I grimace, pushing myself up being careful not to disturb Chris.

"Shh... I don't want the others to worry; I just thought you should know."

"Know what?"

"...The fall was actually worse than your dad described it. Apparently, he fell off a small cliff and some of his bones snapped completely. He was actually unconscious all the way to the hospital. He was pretty damn lucky when some hikers found him going down the river..." my mom explains to me.

"Fuck..." I rasp out, "So that'd explain the surgery."

She nods.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Only you and me. You're father, being stubborn, didn't want you guys to worry, especially since you had that minor conflict with him..."

"Well he's good now right?" I hush out since Chris moved a little. He scoots his back unto me and I wrap an arm around him.

"Yes..." she begins slowly, "but he'll probably be in the hospital for more than just a few days."


"Well, just thought you should know," she gets up to leave. She closes the door completely and I slump back down to hug Chris. Huh... so my hunch was, once again, correct. So just how long is Dad going to be at the hospital?


Ok, for all you non-Californians or west coast people, In-N-Out is a private, fast-food restaurant chain that sells the most amazing, mouth-watering, scrumptious burgers known to man. If you ever get the chance to visit California, I encourage you all to try one of their burgers. Remember, the 4x4 is on their secret menu! (meaning it's not listed on their official menus).

Other than that, I have nothing else to point out really. Just remember to donate, and if you want, send me emails about the story, or just to say hi.

Next: Chapter 27

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