Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Dec 17, 2013


Every part of this story is mine, don't steal, you know the drill.

With Thanksgiving over and Christmas coming soon, I hope everyone's bought their presents for family, close friends, and/or potential future boyfriends. ;)

As always, donate... Remember, the joy of giving! If a college student with 30k in debt can donate, you have no excuse!

And if I don't get my next chapter out in time, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!


Chapter 22

November seemed to fly by us with December hot on its trails. Well, "hot" in quotes. Anyways, for those of you curious, that night eventually led to me pounding Chris's ass right there in the living room. He wouldn't admit it, but it was written all over his face during his dinner that he wanted me inside of him. Ah well, point is, we had fun, not to mention the hot, steamy sex behind it.

With that moment locked away into our memories, Thanksgiving break came along. I have to say, this year's Thanksgiving was the best since Chris's family was part of the group. See, we left the official day for the family traditions. But every year, all of my friends' immediate family get together on Friday to have a big party. This time, it happened to be at my house. So every family brought something over as a potluck sort of party.

Well, the usual happened with Bryan and Joey watching sports with the adult males, Carrie and Heather off to the girls room talking about makeup and boys, the old hags (shh, don't tell them I said that) gossiping away about their lives and husbands, and lastly, the four gay boys in my room.

Now before you start thinking about naughty stuff. No, we didn't do anything of that nature; Chris and I made a deal to hold off on messing around with others for a while. I mean, we haven't even finished exploring each other yet, let alone others!

So what did we exactly do? Games, lots and lots of video games. But, we did make things a bit more interesting. We first started with free-for-all games. Whoever came in dead last had to be teased by the other three. After a few rounds of that, we switched it up to teams. Winners get to watch the losers make out for a while.

Needless to say, by the end of it all, all four of us were sporting hefty boners. Nonetheless it was fun having three other guys grope me whenever I lost on purpose. I seem to recall Caleb taking extra attention whenever he got a chance to touch my cock. Hmm, curiosity killed the cat I guess.

Well that week and the next flew by, and here we are, midway through the second week of December. It's funny how Southern California's weather can change drastically from the low 80s to 60s in one month's time. I mean, what the hell, 80s in November?!... And that's during the daytime! God knows what happens during the night! (40s and 50s) Ah well, we are too spoiled with our weather... but that's up to you to decide.

Oh yeah, I should point out that I've finally submitted my college applications to UC's. Well, no turning back now... Let's just hope they accept me since I don't have the money to go to a private. I think that's it; there's really nothing else interesting to catch up on. So-

"I give up..." Chris grumbles to his peers halfway through his English class.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend to help then?" Joseph, one of his team members teases, thinking that I wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, when you get laid," I shoot back, not even bothering to look away from my sketchbook.

"Aw come on," he complains, "We've been at this for hours! Isn't a senior suppose to help the underclassmen?"

I sigh and set down my pencil. I guess I can have a little fun; the sketch of Chris can wait (shh, he doesn't know that I'm drawing him). "Tell you what, I'll help you, but only if you give me a blowjob."

"What? No!" he blurts out, blushing at the tip of his ears. This causes the group of four boys to snicker. I take this time to look at Chris and give him a wink. He nods and goes along with it.

"Why? Afraid that my senior cocks going to overshadow your tiny little thing?"

"Ohhh!" the group hollers in unison.

"N-n-no," he stammers, "I just don't want to uh... make Chris jealous. Yeah, that's right."

"Oh don't worry Joseph, I won't mind. In fact, while your at it, you can give me head too," Chris pipes in, leaning towards Joseph and brushing his hand up Joseph's inner thigh. Joseph, in return, jolts a little and pushes Chris away, embarrassed and uncomfortable by the conversation.

"So? Do we have a deal?" I tease.

"No!" he blurts out.

I smirk, "Then I suggest you finish your analysis. It is due in less than ten minutes." When he wasn't looking, I glance down and see an obvious bulge underneath Joseph's pants. Oh god, this is just too good.

"Dude, you got owned," one of sophomore boys whispers to Joseph.

"Shut up," Joseph grumbles. I look at Chris and he looks back. He smiles at my nod to him and returns back to his group essay outline, or whatever the teacher told him to do.

In short, the last ten minutes of class came and went like a sudden breeze in stale air. Chris and I pack our stuff fairly quickly and head towards the door.

"The offer still stands Joseph," I wink at him, causing him to blush again. Ah the joys of puberty and youth... I should probably stop huh? I already have enough enemies to worry about.

"What are you two giggling about?" Joey asks me as Chris and I sit down.

"Oh nothing, Dylan was just teasing some sophomores is all," Chris replies on my behalf.

"Exercising your seniority I see," Bryan points out.

"What? No, no... Yeah, it was," I scoff humorously.

"Oh man, did you see the look on his face?" Chris laughs.

"Yeah I know, priceless," I join in the giggling. Everyone at my table just rolls there eyes and go back to whatever they were doing.

"So, what do you want for lunch?" I ask Chris, "Since the lunch line's probably long as fuck now."

"I don't know, surprise me," he grins back.

"Ok, I'll see what I can do." I place my backpack next to him and squeeze out the table. "See ya bitches and Chris!"

"Bring something back or don't come back," Bryan shouts at me.

"In your fucking dreams!" Before he can say anything else, I dash towards the parking lot and get into my car. I'm feeling pizza; thank god Little Caesar has those $5 ready-to-go pizzas.

In about ten minutes, I arrive back at school and stop my car. With a pizza box in hand, I grab my ID from the lunch lady and head back to my spot.

"Fuck off Brandy!" Ah shit... again? I sigh and run over to my table. And lo and behold, there's Brandy by the table.

"What? Think you can be all high and mighty without Dylan here? Face it, you're are nothing without him."

I was just about to come into view when I see Matt stomp up and viciously look at Brandy. Oh shit, shit's about to go down. I stay hidden with the pizza still in my hands.

"Oh really?" Matt sneers, stepping forward. Wow, that rarely happens. "Why do you always gotta harass us huh? Are you that dispicable?"

"Dispicable? How am I dispicable?" Brandy accuses of Matt.

"Oh! Ok, let's see. Hmm, you've used and tossed three of us like nothing back in middle school. I do seem to remember you pushing a frail, shy guy up against the wall every fucking day! And for every fucking day, you'd scream and bash on him for no apparent reason! And if that wasn't bad enough, apparently you had do it in public. You know, where everyone can fucking see! Is that enough, or shall I go back further in time when you almost ruined Bryan and Dylan's friendship?"

Wow... for a seemingly calm and unfaltering man, Matt sure lost it. It seems like he's trying to single Brandy out for all she's done.

"Look, we can continue arguing, but that's not the reason why I'm here now is it?" Brandy states coldly. "Just tell me where Dylan is we can all go our happy ways."

I inspect the situation, and notice Chris clenching his fist, fuming in the ears. No doubt he was the one who told Brandy to fuck off. I take in a deep breath.

"Hey guys, I'm back," I greet, trying to be as normal as possible. Deep down, I want to explode and tell Brandy off. "Here's the pizza. Oh hey Brandy, come crawling back to me I see."

I walk up to my boyfriend and hand him the pizza. As I give him a kiss on the cheek, I quickly whisper, "Calm down, I'll handle this."

"So Dylan, you've finally shown your face."

"What's to hide?" I ask, putting me right in front of her, separating us from my friends. "Well?"

She looks startled at me being so close to her. Good, feel that awkward tension Brandy, feel it and squirm to my delight. "I'm giving you one last chance to leave Chris behind."

I peer to the left and right. Huh, her group of follower's shrunk in size. I see... "Empty threats mean nothing to us Brandy."

"I mean it Dylan; this is your last warning, or else-"

"Or else what?" I butt in, "See Brandy, threats only work if you can back it up. What do you have huh?"

She tries to speak, but falls short on words.

"See, my threats were effective on you. Do you want to know why? Well, I'll tell you anyways. Deep down, you fear me. I've already confronted you once, what makes you I won't again. Yeah that's right, remember back to that day."

Brandy looks at me, startled once again.

"Remember how I stood up against you to help a person in need? You see, even though you attacked me- per say- from that day forth, you only did it just so you could be higher than me. In fact, if I didn't any better, I'd say you're jealous of me. While here you are, trying your hardest scheming and thinking of ways to ruin my life, I'm here enjoying it."

"Jealous?" Brandy spats.

"Why else would you harass me?" I sigh deeply. "Look, just let it go and find something else worth your time. There certainly isn't anything worth obtaining here Brandy," I tell her and turn around to walk away.

"Stop Dylan!" she shouts. Oh come on! Just give it up already.

"What?" I question, turning around.

"You claim my threats are empty. Even if it is true, what if they aren't meant for you?" she smirks, crossing her arms.

"What? Oh, you mean the messages you sent to Chris. Don't worry, you can keep them coming. I'm sure the principal and police will love concrete evidence."

The smug look on her face disappears.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pizza to eat, and shouldn't you be somewhere recruiting more people? Is it just me, or did you group get smaller by, oh I don't know, about 20 people?" I 'innocently' ask.

"That's none of your concern," she replies quickly.

"I'm sure it isn't, so you might wanna leave before 'I' start snooping around. Wouldn't want that now do we?"

And with that, I turn around once more and sit down at the table. I try my best to ignore her as she kept calling out to me. In the end though, she gives up and leave, partly due to a lunch lady telling her to stop being so disruptive. Thank god for that.

The moment she's out of view, I let out my breath from before. "Man is she persistent... Nobody got hurt right?" Everyone shook there head in disappointment. "Ok, what's wrong?"

Everybody looks at Chris. He sighs, "Brandy's threats may not be so empty anymore..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Rumors about Joseph have already spread..."

"Ah fuck... let me guess, she's going to spread rumors about me being a slut or something."

"Not quite," Carrie says, "she actually wants to spread rumors about other boys that have been sleeping with you and how Chris is just a cover up so people don't find out."

"Yeah," Caleb continues for Carrie, "She said something how like you're too much a goodie two shoes to let this slide and how you won't let these innocent bystanders get in the way."

"Fuck," I swear under my breath.

"Wait, there's more," Joey adds on, "She then said how this'll hurt Chris because people will start giving him the dirty looks and stuff."

"...We know what she's saying will eventually come true. It's only a matter of time," Carrie sighs.

"...There's no way out of this huh..." Matt sulks.

"Hmm..." I trail deep into thinking.

"Ah shit, Dylan's thinking again... that must mean only one thing," Joey points out.

"What?" Chris asks.

"That's he's serious about this. Oh boy, I wish you good luck Chris," Bryan states, scooting towards Joey and away from me in the process.

"I don't get it..." Chris states in a state of confusion.

"Aha! Chris, give me your phone for a sec."

"And the games begin..." Matt whistles, "For the record, this is the 3rd time he's serious about something."

"4th Matt, 4th. Really, you should keep better track of these things," I grin at him. I grab Chris's phone and open up his Facebook account.

"So uh, what's the plan?" Heather asks.

"Wait, I need to see if the bait's ready." I open up Brandy's profile page and unblock her on Chris's page. Sure enough, about twenty messages from her and her group pop up into the inbox. "Aha!"

"What?" everyone asks, leaning forward.

"I've thought of a way out of this," I grin at them. "We fight fire with fire."

For the rest of lunch, I explain my plan to my friends. To say they were surprised doesn't even begin to explain the looks on their faces.

"There's no way your plan will follow through completely," Bryan states.

"Of course it will," I argue back.

"But what if they don't believe you?" Caleb asks.

"Trust me, they will," I reassure them.

"...If you say so..." Matt replies.

"Anyways-" the bell rings. "Look, just trust me alright. Now I believe we have class to get to."

I grab my stuff, tell Chris to hurry up, and walk off to class before anyone can protest with my plan. It was a good plan, just you wait and see. I give Chris a quick kiss on the forehead and see him off to German. As soon as he disappears from my view, I scurry into my economics class.

"Mr. Phillips, can I have a word before you start class?"

"Sure Dylan, what's up?" my econ teacher replies.

"I need to skip this class today; I need to go to the office to do something."

"I'll have to mark you as truent. You realize what that means right?" he asks.

"Yeah I know... I was hoping you can forgive me this time..."

"Well, if you get a note from office, I'm sure they can remove it."

"I'll try. Well, just letting you know. Bye."

I leave the room and dash over to the office. You know what they say, he who strikes first, wins.

"Shouldn't you be in class right now?" the secretary asks me.

"Yes, but I have an emergency," I reply, "Can I speak with Mr. Davis?"

"May I," she corrects.

"Sorry, may I speak with Mr. Davis," I reply, trying my hardest not to unleash my inner annoyance at her.

"I'll see what I can do," she replies, pointing to the same benches I sat last time.

Well, with nothing much to do, I pick a seat in the middle and flip through Chris's phone. Shit does he have a lot of games on it. Maybe about ten minutes in, Mr. Gray's door opens.

"Mr. Wolfe?" he requests. I close the game I was playing and head into the room with him. "So, who do I owe the favor to this time?"

"Relax, I'm only going to involve the police this time," I sigh and sit down at the chair.

"What?" Mr. Gray replies, slightly startled at my comment.

"I'm joking, I'm joking," I hastily correct myself, "I only hope they don't get involved..."

"Ok, what's been going on?"

"Someone's been harassing my friends and I," I project, trying to sound as professional as I can. Notice my correct usage of grammar as composed to 'me and my friends"?

"Ok? So?"

"So, what can you do about it? I mean, we were this close having a fight at school," I tell him, slightly annoyed.

"Ok, ok... tell me the story and I'll see if there's anything I can do."

"Hmm..." Mr. Gray hums, deep in thought.

"Well, that's basically the story. Listen, uh, I have to take Chris home, and he's probably waiting at my car now," I bring up.

"Oh, of course, of course... Listen, Dylan... What she did is of horrible offense; I'll see what I can do."

"Ok, that's all I ask." I thank the man and walk out of the office. "Oh by the way, can you excuse my absence for my 6th and 7th period today?"

"Sure... I'll drop a note by Mrs. Castro."

"Ok, thanks." With nothing else to do, I towards the exit of the building.

"Tsk... this actually might involve the police..." Mr. Gray mumbles to himself.

"What took you so long?" Chris asks me, standing by my car.

"Sorry, but that took longer than I expected," I apologize, "Forgive me?"

"You know the drill," he grins.

"Ok, we'll do it your way," I sarcastically complain. "Now get in the car so we can leave this place." We sit in my car and I fire it up. "Oh yeah, here's your phone."

"Thanks. So, how'd it go?" he asks me.

"So far so good. I heard Mr. Gray mumbling to himself about involving the police, so that'll give us an advantage."

"You really think this plan will work?"

"I hope so Chris... I hope so..."

A gloomy silence fills the car as I drive down the road.

"Let's talk about something else," I say to change the subject. "Have you thought of Christmas presents yet?"

"No... you?"

"I have a few ideas," I state while making a left turn.

"What did you get me?" he pries.

"It's a surprise, duh."

"Fine... you're no fun..." he pouts.

"And besides, you have your own present to worry about."

"Hey, cut me some slack; this is my first time buying presents for people."

"Ok, but my present better be the best out of everyone's," I remind him.

"Hmm," he grunts, "We'll see."

We continue our talk about presents, and I enjoyed myself laughing at Chris whenever he strains into thinking of a gift. Ah... I'll never get tired of him... Eventually though, we find our way back to Chris's home. He shuts the front door behind him, says a quick greeting to his folks, and tries to drag me upstairs to "repay" him from what I did earlier today. But, I stop him for just a second.

"Betty, Wayne, can I have a word in private later today? I need to get something approved before I do it," I ask politely.

"Sure Dylan," Betty agrees.

"I'd do it now, but as you can see, somebody's urging me to go upstairs."

"Hey! You said you owe me!" Chris defends himself.

"Alright-alright. We'll talk after dinner or something. Try not to have too much fun up there," Wayne teaches.

"Ok bye!" Chris shouts and reattempts to drag me up the stairs again. "Ok, Dylan. I want a blowjob and you to fuck the shit out of my ass," he demands as I soon as I close the door behind me.

"Jeeze, calm down Wonder Boy; I haven't even set my backpack down and here you are, stripping in front of me."

"What? I can't hear you over my clothes being thrown at you," he says, holding true to his comment.

"Why you little-" I toss aside his soiled clothes he threw at me and tackle him onto the bed. "Just for that, I'm gonna take my sweet time with you. Starting... with this!" I immediately jab my ten fingers into his hips and squeeze.

"HAHAHAHA! STOP IT DYLAN!" he squeals.

"What? I can't hear you over your screaming," I smirk back.

He tries to shield himself by pushing my hands way. Too bad I glide my fingers up and squirm them at his armpits. This causes his screams of mercy to raise in pitch. He clamps his arms next to his sides, in hopes of them stopping my fingers. But I merely pry them aside and continue jabbing at his tender skin.

"DYLAN STOP, PLEASE!" he begs again while rolling onto his stomach, away from me. I take this chance to remove my backpack off me and straddle him.

"You know, you just made it worse for you."

Since he's on his stomach, his arms have restricted movement. I easily grab hold of them and raise them together over his head. With his sides exposed completely, I dab my right hand's fingers up and down his sides, causing him to squirm and jolt from the tortuous touch.

"Shivering I see," I whisper into his ear. I gently brush three fingers across his ribs repetitively.

"Sss... Oh god!" he jolts, but unable to do much since I'm on top of him.

I move off to the side, only to straddle him again after flipping him around. With his arms still held up high, I bend down and kiss him deeply on the lips.

"Hmm...Phmm!" he jumps again when I invaded his armpits once more.

"Now what do we say?" I ask from him.

"...Sorry..." he grumbles, trying to sound mad at me.

"Good boy... Oh, I see someone's already excited," I tease, groping his head piece of steel.

"Uh... suck me please..." he whimpers. I go through his drawers and pull out the vibrator and lube. I hide it from his view and put it behind my back.

"Turn around," I instruct, lifting my body up so he can move around. He struggles to, but manages to turn with my legs around him.

"Now, the compromise is, I'll suck you off and fuck you, but in return, I get to rim this ass of yours, and choose the position, ok?"

"Ok..." he rasps out.

I waste no time in lowering myself and spreading his cheeks. I eagerly dive down and begin eating that plump cherry of his. God how I loved it... the smell of his musk mixed with sweat... Some might call it gross, but to me, it was simply erotic... Oh the taste of his sweat mixed in with his...

"Ohh... fuck Dylan! Oh! Stick your tongue in deeper," he pants.

"Go into doggy position and lower a pillow then," I tell him quickly and squeeze my face back in between his bubble butt.

With superb coordination, he raises himself up onto his legs with my mouth still eating his ass away and pushes his pillow down to where I am. I position the pillow and tap his right cheek twice, signaling him to lower himself down again. Now with his butt elevated and a bit more spread out, I have an easier time penetrating.

Still hungrily slurping up his ass, I unbutton my pants and awkwardly pull them off of me. I finally separate my mouth from him to remove my shirt, only to go back down and kiss his pucker once more.

"Uh... new deal Dylan..." he grimaces, "Forget about sucking me off, just fuck me... Now!... Please, I need it!"

I lift myself up to pull off my boxers, freeing my 7 inches of wonder who's straining for some relief. "Now, now Chris... we had an agreement," I tease as I grab the lube and vibrator from the side.

"Ugh..." he groans.

"But I guess I can be a bit lenient this time. Tell me, have you ever used your vibrator before?" I ask, rubbing lube over the 6 inch toy.

"Yeah... I use it to jack off whenever you aren't here to help me..."

"Ok, this won't be hard to use then."

"What do you meaaan-Ah!" he yelps as I push the toy into his ass. "Ah... Sss..."

The toy slipped in manageably well; I guess it's because I've loosened his ass up with my tongue. "You ok?" I ask.

"Yeah... just warn me next time you do that, jeeze..."

"Sorry... here, I'll make it up to you," I grin as I reach for the wireless controller. "Here, lift your butt so I get rid of the pillow and turn around."

"Ok..." He awkwardly pushes his butt up while I throw the pillow underneath him aside.

"Wow Chris... that plug up your ass is making me extremely horny... I don't know why, but it looks so hot."

"Really?" he asks, wiggling his butt at me.

"Yeah, now turn around so I can repay the first favor."

He eagerly flips around, exposing his thick, scalding steel rod. "It waiting Dylan," he giggles, flexing his dick by clenching his sphincter muscles.

I shake my head at him with a smile and grab hold of his dick. With my free hand, I press the button to activate the vibrator (the first intensity of many).

"Mmm..." he moans from the pleasurable strokes I give him with my hands.

Unable to resist any longer, I bend down and engulf his cock whole. To this day, I still love his dick in my mouth. It was like, I was born to be his cocksucker. The touch, the taste, the texture of the cock itself. Simply bliss...

I love how his mushroom tip bulges out whenever it decides to leak out some of its sweet, delicious precum. And don't get me started on the shaft itself; those throbbing veins and the burning temperature the whole thing emits whenever I'm near it. God I can just be here and worship it as a god or something.

"Mmm... faster Dylan..." Chris requests, to which I happily oblige to. I up the speed of the vibrator and wiggle it with my finger, trying to push it in deeper. "Ah... Oh..." he pants, bucking his hips upwards.

I force his body back down and open my throat, taking in the thing whole. When my nose hits his soft, golden pubes, I nuzzle them for a bit, teasing the tip of his cock snuggled deep inside my throat.

"Ah!... Sss," he sharply intakes the breath of air. "Mmm..."

I up the vibrator another knot (top speed now) and begin bobbing my head vigorously. Every time I go up, I press my lips firmly together, stimulating a milking machine trying to milk every last drop of delicious cum out of my sexy lover's joystick.

"Pmm! Ah!... Faster Dylan! Uh... Uh!..." he groans. "Mmm! Oh yeah!... Push it deeper in my ass!...Mmm!" he grunts as I follow his instructions.

I stop my motions briefly at the top and swirl my tongue around his foreskin, causing him to squirm and shudder uncontrollably. I then slowly spiral my tongue down his shaft, and back up, only to go back down again.

"I'm... not gonna... last much longer!" Chris grimaces. "Oh!..."

I return back up and lap at his pee slit a couple times, licking up more of his precum. Yum... Feeling that his testicles have been neglected, I expose his dick to the open air and suck in both globes with no effort. Of course, not wanting Chris to experience blue-balls, I slowly swirl my index finger around his purple mushroom head.

"Mmm..." he purrs, "Oh I love it when you do that..."

Aww, such sweet words to hear... I tug my head back a little a couple of times, bringing stimulation to Chris's pleasure. With every last drop of his sweat on this balls replaced with my spit, I return my attention to his majestic shaft. I swallow the whole thing full and give it few licks before Chris loses it.

"Hah!..." he pants out like a dog, "Oh Dylan! I'm... I'm gonna cum! Oh shit!"

True to his words, he fires hit first shot, hitting the back of the throat with his sticky nectar. No time to lose; by the time I swallowed it down, two more shots come down with more after that.

"Phmm! Mmm! Oh fuck!" he gruffly swears out while spasming, "Hmm! Fuck yeah!..." With one last thrust, he flops down onto the bed, completely lost in Cloud 9. I press the button one more time, stopping the vibrator in his tunnel. I quickly polish off his dick until its shining from my spit and lick up his stomach to his mouth.

"Did you like it?" I swoon as I give him a quick kiss.

"Oh very much... best blowjob so far," he compliments.

"I aim to please... Now about your second favor..."

"Give me a minute..."


While he's recuperating, I hug him, pull him up, turn a 180, and flop back down so that I'm the one who's know slouching off the wall. Chris wraps his arms around me and rests his cheek on my chest.

"Do me another favor yeah?" he whispers. "Take out the dildo."

"Sure thing." I splice his ass open with the help of him scooting his knees up towards me and slowly remove the sex toy out of his ass. Good thing he cleans his ass every so often. Otherwise, I'd probably see shit sticking onto the blue silicon mold.

"Ok, how do you want to do it?" he asks.

"You're gonna ride me cowboy," I grin at him. I place his hands on my shoulders and guide his ass to where my dick is. I spread apart his cheek once again and slowly push him down when I matched my dick with his butt hole.

"Mmm..." he half sigh/half moans as he slowly sinks down

"Now raise your arm up and do a lasso while bouncing on my dick," I tell him. He hesitantly raises his right arm and begins riding on my cock. "Oh fuck yeah... ride 'em cowboy."

Feeling embarrassed at this, he rests his hands back on my shoulders and forcibly pushes his ass up and down.

"Uh... hmm, I love your cock up my ass Dylan... it's so thick and juicy..." he smack talks. "Fuck yeah..."

"Chris... lean back and rest your hands next to my legs. It'll give you a better position to ride," I instruct him to do.

Still bouncing, he pushes back and follows my instructions. I carefully pull his legs towards me so that he's now in crab-walk position. With his body entirely exposed, I grab hold of his re-hardened dick with my hand. The good thing is I didn't need to do anything since he's doing all the work.

"Oh fuck yeah..." he mumbles as he's fucking my hand, which in turn results in me fucking him. "Tighter grip Dylan..."

I squeeze tighter and tell him my next set of instructions. "I want you to slow down now... every time you go up, clench your muscles. And every time you go down, loosen up as much as possible."

"Like this?"

"Oh god!... Fuck yeah Chris... you're a natural at this..."

"Mmm..." he moans in agreement.

He continues to ride my cock slowly for a while before I decide it's time to switch again. It's amazing how experience can help you last longer than the average man. I lost track of time, but I think we've been at this for a good twenty minutes now, and that's excluding his blowjob time.

Anyways, the new position requires me to be at the edge of the bed. After carefully shifting around, I have Chris kneeling with my dick still inside him and me sitting straight up. I have Chris hug me tight as he continues riding me as I wrap my arms around him. I nuzzle my chin in between his shoulder and neck, nibbling at his ear and whispering dirty thoughts into him.

"That's sounds hot..." he gasps as he rides my dick faster than ever.

"There's more. I want you to cum again all over our bodies," I grit into his ear, "Then I want to rub it all over ourselves as we make passionate love for the next hour, or until it dries."

"Uh... Ah..."

Oh fuck it. I can't take it much longer. Holding him tight, I stand up, turn around, place him on the bed, and fuck him hard. With our bodies still slow touching, Chris beings digging his fingers deep into my back. I look at him deep in the eyes and plant my lips on his, hard.

"Mm, mm, mm!" he tries to speak through our kiss, "Mmm! Phmm!" I feel some hot, sticky liquid squirt onto my body. I'm guessing that his cum...again...

But more importantly, with him cumming, his sphincter muscles react violently by contracting around my dick. The feeling's too overwhelming as I shoot my seed deep inside him.

"Oh fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I cuss as my body loses control. It goes on auto-run as I continue pumping my cock deep inside of Chris. "Hmm..." I sigh when my orgasm subsides and I fall down onto Chris. Ever so slowly, I pull out my dick from his ass, hoping my huge load won't ooze out; I still need that for something.


"Yeah?" he whimpers back.

"We're not done yet." Using my remaining strength, I get off of him and kneel by the bed. Being careful not to let Chris's cum drip onto the floor (it's already sliding down my chest), I raise his legs and try my best to suck out the cum I filled his ass with.

"Shit! Oh god! What are you doing Dylan?"

Taking as much cum as I can into my mouth, I spit it out onto Chris's stomach and repeat the process two more times. With most of my cum out of his ass, I go back up and kiss him passionately on the lips. Chris moans through it and wraps his legs around me. Clumsily, but trying our best not to spill the cum onto the bed, and roll our way back onto the bed with me on the bottom.

"What a waste of cum..." Chris pouts, looking at my stomach and chest, which is smeared with both our cum, spit, and maybe some anal fluids.

"Shut up and kiss me," I urged. He wastes no time in attacking my lips and rubbing his body up against mine, spreading the cum evenly around our chest and stomach area.

"I love you so much..." he croaks in between kisses.

"Love you too..."

Well, that's one more fantasy to check off; having Chris ride me. It's like... than intense version of a blowjob. His tunnel is a perfect fit for me; it's tight, yet it loose enough for me to intrude. It clenches on tightly, yet has the room for me to slide.

"Dylan... I'm worn out..." he pants, slumping his body onto mine, with his head off to my right. I loosen my grip about his back and instead, cradle him by laying them in a V-shaped manner.

I kiss him on the cheek and whisper into his ear, "Should we shower?"

"We should... but..." he mumbles.


"I like having your cum all over me," he sheepishly smiles.

"Of course you do... but we should rinse it off."

"Carry me..." he coos, nuzzling his face closer and closer to my body. I subtly shake my head at him and pull us out of bed.

With one arm under his knees and the other around the back of his shoulders, I awkwardly open the door and make a run for it to the bathroom. Thank god that door was open. I set him down and quickly shut the door behind me as our lives depended on it.

Sighing a breath of relief, I turn around and walk towards Chris, who's humming a Christmas tune while waiting for the water to warm up.

"Oh hey Dylan," he smiles at me and turns around to feel the water. "Oh, it's hot now. Hop in!"

I chuckle at his still childish ways and accept his offer. I quickly wet myself under the hose and grab the shampoo.

"Hold still Chris," I struggle, trying to lather up his hair.

"Sorry," he snickers, smiling and swaying side-to-side as I massage his scalp. Once I finish washing his hair, I place him under the spray and quickly lather my hair up after restocking on liquid gel. Meanwhile, Chris completes his time under the water and grabs the body wash.

"Wash my back?" he beseeches with those puppy eyes of his.

"Oh, I'll be doing more than just your back alright."

I cursorily rinse off the suds and snatch the bottle out of Chris's hands. After squeezing out a healthy dosage, I smear it evenly across my hands and begin gliding them around the back of Chris's shoulders.

"Gotta make sure we wash away the evidence right?" I hum into his ear as I glide down to his stomach area.

"Mmm..." he purrs in response.

I won't go into details, since it's pretty much the same every time we shower; I give his entire body a completely rub down, and he returns the favor. We then step out of the shower and quickly dry ourselves off, comb out our hair, and head back into our room in our birthday suits.

"That was fun," he states.

"You find anything with sex fun."

"Because it is," he grins back.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "You have homework to do?" I ask, changing the subject to something more appropriate.

"Yeah... I have history and English."

"Well then, better get to it," I mutter out, raising my hands up in the air to stretch my body. "You want the bed or the table?"

"Bed," he replies without hesitation, "Because I want to stay naked and the bed's more comfy."

"Alright, but I do suggest you keep a pair of boxers by your side. You know, in case someone decides to barge in later."

"...Good point," he agrees after realizing what traumatizing events might happen if his mom barge in. He goes into his drawer. "Here, I'll even wear your favorite pair," he grins, pulling out the pair that hugs his skin, showing a great big bulge if he were to wear it.

"Sure... whatever you want," I shake my head once more. I reach for a random pair, slip it on, and toss the tarnished clothes into hamper in the restroom. I return into the room only to see a naked Chris posing on the bed with papers scattered around.

He looks up at me and smiles. "Hey Dylan."

"What?" I ask, closing the door behind me.

"Draw me like one of your French girls," he jokes.

"Hmm... nah, you're not French enough," I tease, walking aside to pick up my backpack.

"Ok~... but this is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity," he sings, urging me.

"We'll see... right now, you're too stiff. And besides, you have work to do."

"You're no fun," he pouts and returns back to his work.

While he's muttering to himself about world history, I sit at his table and goof around on the internet using his laptop. Which reminds me, I gotta reblock Brandy from Chris's Facebook again, not to mention mine. Of course, she's made the error of messaging Chris again... God, when is she ever going to learn?

After halting her from sending any more nasty messages, I place the laptop on my lap and turn around to rest my feet on the bed. Yeah I know it's bad for my babies, which is why I keep them away from my family jewels.

Around twenty minutes later, I get bored and glance over at Chris. He's still naked on the bed, working diligently on his homework. Hmm... I guess I can draw him naked... I mean, I've always wanted to.

I set aside the laptop and pull out my "special" sketchbook. I take a memory photograph of the pose he's in (he's on his side with his boy bits flashing at me) and start making an outline for the picture. Of course, I'm going to have to make a few modifications, like covering his privates with a pair of sexy Speedos.

Once I have the rough outline in place, I begin with the details. Every stroke, every line has to be perfect. I have to capture his splitting image onto paper. He can't be too fat, nor too skinny, but rather, just right... I perfect the curves on the side, symbolizing his hips. Oh those curves... they're... they're so sexy!

I industriously poured my body and soul into this picture that I lost track of time. It wasn't until a knock on the door snapped me out of my trance.

"Hold on, I'm not decent!" Chris shouts, shuffling around to get his undergarments on. "Yes?" he asks, opening the door.

"Chris!" his mom gasps, "At least put on some pants."

"Sorry mom, but it was either this or come at you naked," he grins.

"...You know what, I'm not gonna even ask. Anyways, dinners ready. So get some clothes on and come down. And no, what you're wearing isn't enough," she nags.

"Ok... I'll think of something," Chris devilishly grins.

"I mean it, no funny business," Betty replies before closing the door.

Chris turns around and notices me sighing and relaxing my muscles. "Whatcha been doing?" he prances.

"Oh nothing, just taking up on your offer about drawing you."

"You were drawing me and didn't tell me?!"

"Duh. Man... I've been at this for the past two hours or so..." I complain, swinging my arms to relieve some tension.

"Can I see?" he asks.

"Sure, but it's not quite done yet."

He takes the sketch book from my lap and looks at it. "Hmm..." he moans, staring at it. "I like how I'm in a seductive pose, with me on my side and flashing a flirty smile..."


"But..." he continues, "Why did you put a pair of underwear on me? Why not just draw me naked like the way I was on the bed?"

"Because I wasn't sure if anyone might find this book and you know..." I trail off, since the rest was pretty obvious.

"Yeah that's true... Can I make a request then? Draw another one for me, but this time, I have to be naked in the picture."

"Sure... but maybe sometime later, and I get to move you around to fit my needs. Okay?"

"Deal," he agrees. "Now let's get some clothes on and go down for dinner."

"I wonder what we're having tonight," I ponder as I throw on a shirt and pants.

"No idea," he replies.


So... what will happen Brandy? What is Dylan's plan exactly? What will the pact for each other for Christmas? What's Dylan's special surprise? What's so important that he needs to talk to Chris's parents? Omg... so many questions, so few answers...

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Next: Chapter 24

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