Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Dec 1, 2013


So yeah, Thanksgiving got the better of me. But nonetheless! I finished, and that's all that matters.

Anyways, sorry for the short chapter; the title was either "Unexpected Surprise(s)" or "Lazy Day"... guess what I picked :D

As always, this story is mine! So don't steal!

And if you're not allowed to read this or hate this kind of story, Bye!~ (Or at least don't get caught reading this...)


Chapter 21 "Unexpected Surprise(s)"

"Mmm..." I moan as I wake up to a extremely pleasant feeling in the morning. There I am, lying on my bed, with someone really special in between my legs. "Oh!... Ah!...Fuck!" I buck my hips forward and my legs begin spasming around in a seizure-like manner.

Chris slurps up my cum and polishes my tool quickly before scooting back up to hug me. "Good morning Dylan," he sings, kissing me on the cheek.

"Shit Chris..." I pant out from that awesome blowjob, "That was some wake up call..."

"Mhm," he giggles back, "I just wanted to properly thank my big brother again for last night."

"Really?" I beamed, having calmed down from my sexual high.

"Of course. Well... that and because your prick was poking up against my butt. So I thought I could take good care of it," he grins.

"Oh so that's what it was."

Chris raises his head and kisses me on the lips, sharing some of left over cum. "Man you should've seen it. You were dripping and oozing out so much precum... It was delicious."

"Pervert," I shake my head.

"What ever you say," he taunts.

"Anyways... what time is it?"

"10:40 in the morning," Chris pipes energetically.

"Ok, so that means I have to time to do this!" I cross my arms around Chris's back and squeeze hard on his hips. He squeals in response and squirms around, trying to break free of my hold.

"Oh my god Dylan!... This is the thanks I get for give you a blowjob?!" he screams while cracking up. He did have a point... So I stop and flip us around so that he's the one who's on the bed now. I raise myself up and pin my arms on his shoulders.

"Why did you... do that?" he stammers with his chest rising for air.

"So I can get you into the mood," I smirk at him while gliding my hand down his chest, causing shivers and goose bumps to run down his body. I scoot my butt down to where his legs are and sneak my hands onto his crotch.

"What have we here?" I croquet as I fondle with his family jewels. "Looks like somebody here was excited while giving me my present huh?"

"Mmm..." Chris moans while his eyes closed. I squeeze my legs in between his and he unknowingly spreads his legs apart.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one who's been dripping everywhere," I tease, bending down to lick up the little puddle on his stomach.

"Suck it Dylan," Chris whispers hoarsely.

"Sure thing my little snuggle bug," I smile at him and then engulf his cock whole. As much as I wanted to edge and tease him, something in the back of my mind said otherwise. I guess it's because I tortured him enough yesterday. Or maybe it's because of the fact that I wanted to slurp up his cock really badly. I don't know, and I don't really care at this point.

"Mmm... Oh yeah... that's the spot..." Chris sighs. "Dylan... Ugh!... You're suck a great cocksucker..."

Thanks, I think. Whatever, I'm too busy pleasing him to be thinking about this. But man oh man is his cock delicious. I don't know if it's because of the weather or something, but man... his dick is leaking out precum like a broken faucet. I hungrily devour it all, longing for more. I close my mouth more, consequentially sucking on my lover's dick even harder.

"Oh!... Ah!... Oh fuck yeah... Suck it harder..." Chris commands. He lowers one of his hands down and ruffles my bed hair a little. That little fucker... I'm the one who usually does that.

So as payback, I pick up my speed, and suck harder every time I go back up, creating a suction force made to milk the cum out of Chris.

"Ah!... Sss! Mmm! Oh shit!" he hisses, "Fuck... Nmm! Shit! I'm cumming Dylan!" He forces his dick deep down my throat and spasms his legs uncontrollably. "Mmph! Ugh!... Ah!... Mmm!"

With one last shot of his yummy cum, his hips fall back down and his hand drops down back to his side. Just like him, I continue sucking his dick to clean off any remaining cum I've might've missed. Due to the oversensitivity, his body spasms once more and that last bit oozes out. I eagerly slurp it and suck up the remaining spit that I left on his dick. With that done, I scoot back up and scoot back under Chris.

"Thanks Dylan... even though you didn't have to do it for me."

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't return the favor?" I sigh, wrapping my arms around him.

He scoots his butt up to and sighs. "Can we turn around so that I'm back at my own side?"

"Sure thing snuggle bug." I flip us around, with his body flattening my body in the process.

"Thanks," he sighs and closes his eyes. "You're the best..."

"Of course I am," I agree with him.

While we're lying there, my right hand gently pats Chris's stomach while my left rubs on his right sides. We continue to loathe on the bed for the next fifteen minutes. You know, like those moments where you just stay in bed, not wanting to do anything but think about life and random crap.

"Chris! Dylan! Are you two awake?" Betty calls while knocking on the door. "Come on you two! It's almost 11," she scolds.

Chris signs deeply and opens his eyes. "Ok mom! Be out eventually!" I start to get up before Chris stops me. "Wait... can you cuddle with me for just a bit longer?"

"...Sure thing bud." I lie back down and wrap my arms around him.

"I don't know why Dylan..." Chris says out of nowhere, "but I feel so warm and happy today. I've never had this feeling last so long before... What is it exactly?"

"That feeling, my little snuggle bug, is called love."

"Oh... well that explains a lot then," he smiles profoundly.

"Is this your first time feeling it?" I ask.

"No... I've always felt it. It's just... it was really noticeable this morning... Does that make sense?" he asks innocently.

"Yeah... I think I know what you're talking about," I reply and kiss him on the back of his neck.

"We should get up huh?" he brings up, "Before my mom breaks down the door."

"Why do I get the feeling she might?" I snicker silently.

"Because she actually might," he joins in on the giggling. We share another kiss and hop out the bed.

Peeking out the door and sensing no one near us, we make a mad dash for the restroom in our birthday suits. Making sure that the door's closed and locked, I turn around and see Chris struggling to relieve himself. He groans a little and a slow, miserable stream flows out. Giving him his privacy, I turn away and grab my toothbrush.

He finishes pissing and flushes the toilet. He then comes over and grabs his toothbrush while I scoot over to give him some room. He starts brushing his teeth and I go back to the sink to rinse out my mouth before heading over to the toilet.

I finish emptying my bladder, style my and Chris's hair, and run back into our room with Chris hot behind my tail.

"Now then... what to wear today," Chris says to himself while staring at his closet with his hands on his hips.

I walk over and pick out his clothes. "This, and this," I said while tossing onto his face.

"Wait... what about boxers?" he asks.

"I'm feeling naughty today," I smirk at him while reaching inside the closet for a pair of basketball shorts and a T-shirt.

"What do you have in mind today? Both my parents are staying home, so it's not like we can do anything."

"Oh you'll see," I hint at him.

He rolls his eyes and quickly puts on his navy blue athletic shorts and gray shirt with a white band right through the middle. "Come on slowpoke!" I grab his hand and lead him downstairs.

"Well it's about time," Betty scorns us as we take our representative seat at the table.

"Sorry, we had a bit of a struggle getting out of bed this morning," Chris yawns, trying to play innocent.

"Now-now honey. Don't you think you're being bit too harsh on Chris?" Wayne butts in. "It is the weekends after all. Plus, they surely still must be tired from Homecoming yesterday."

"That doesn't give them an... Wait... did you just call me honey?" Betty asks, all flustered and stuff.

"Well it certainly wasn't the wind. Why? Does it bother you?" Wayne inquires, concerned.

"No... it's just, you haven't called me that in years... Why all of the sudden?"

"Chris isn't the only one who's been seeing things differently," Wayne chuckles.

"Oh honey!~" Betty swoons and hugs her husband.

"Moommm... Daaaaddd... not in front of Dylan..." Chris whines as he gets in between the two to break them up. I merely shake my head, roll my eyes, and take another bite of my scrambled eggs.

Chris eventually manages to get pry in between his embarrassing parents to make them stop being all mushy and gushy. By that time though, I've already finished my breakfast and am walking towards the kitchen.

"Oh yeah Dylan!" Wayne calls out. "You have a moment later?"

"Sure!" I yell back, continuing my adventure to the sink. I rinse off my plate and fork and put them on the dish rack. Chris then comes marching in, not feeling the greatest after the incident.

"Sorry about my parents..." he mumbles while turning on the water.

"It's not your fault. And quite frankly, I can care less," I smile at him.

He sigh's a breath of relief. "I should feel happy for them that they're still together, but still..."

"It's ok. We'll manage," I smile again and walk away towards the living room.

As soon as Chris finishes his plate, he joins me on the couch and rests his stomach onto me with his cheek on my chest and hair nuzzling against my chin.

"So, what plans do we have today?" I ask my little snuggle bug while stroking his hair.

"Hmm... I don't know..." he yawns.

"Tired?" I whisper back.


"...Did you finish your homework?"

"Mhm... I did it all Friday afternoon in study hall," he purrs as I gently stroke his back.

"Hmm... what to do then?..."

"Don't you have to talk with my dad today?" Chris reminds me.

"Yeah, but I have no idea what it is. Plus, I doubt that's going to take the entire day."


"Speak of the devil..." I sigh and sit up. I set Chris down on the sofa and walk towards the sound.

"...I'll be in my room then..." Chris sighs and slugs towards the stairs.

"Ok." We depart our ways and I find my way into Wayne's studies.

"There you are. Come in, come-come," Wayne gestures towards the sofa. "Don't worry, I'm not mad at you or anything."

"Ok?..." I sit on the sofa. "So what am I in for?"

"Dylan, I have a proposition for you," he begins.


"You're graduating this year right?" he asks.


"Then what I'm offering you is a paid internship at my company."

My eyes bulge out a little "Whoa... that was... unexpected."

"Yeah... so, you interested?"

"Um... hold on... this is all of a sudden..." Wow, for a guy who usually doesn't get surprised, I was surprised. "What's the catch?"

"Excuse me?"

"You said proposition, meaning you'll probably gain something from this," I explain.

"Ah, I see you've caught on... Yes, there's a 'catch' if you will," he replies with air quotes. "You see, there's this unofficial friendly competition every year to see who's intern is the best."

"Ok, I see where this is going," I butt in. "Lemme guess, there's this really annoying coworker who always manages to win and brag about it every single day."

"How did you know?" he questions, startled at my analysis.

"It's written all over you face," I comment.

"Oh... so, you interested?" he inquires, with a hint of pleading.

"...Can you explain what the intern job entails?" I ask for clarification.

"Tsk how stupid of me. See, I am a statistical analyst. So basically, I look at data, spreadsheets, stuff like that and make decisions for the company, like what to invest in, what to buy... all that jazz. My company requires people like me to recruit interns at least once every two years. So, here we are. Now, we have two routes in terms of hiring. You can either go through the regular process and recruit through potential interview process."


"Or... we can search around for potentials and take them under as a type of apprentice, after applying of course. This way, you get more hands on experience with the company, rather than going on coffee runs," he chuckles. "Anyways, I'm sure you want to hear the incentives. Well obviously, you get experience. But in addition, you can also get letter of recs for applying to future jobs, college, and scholarships. Plus, it's also a paid internship."

"Hmm..." I ponder on the thought. I do kinda want to do it, but you know me... I'm lazy.

"So, how about it?"

"Sure, why not," I confirm my decision, "I don't have a lot of stuff to do anyways."

"Great! I'll just go ahead and get the application process going, and we should be good to go sometime in Spring."

"Spring?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you? The internships usually start during the summer, when students are out of school. But interns can start as early as April."

"Oh ok... So you want me to beat everyone else and give you bragging rights?"

"Heavens no; I just want to shut that guy up. Excuse me, but he's fucking annoying."

"I see... well, I'll certainly try my best."

"One thing you should know though; you'll most likely be competing with college students, but I think you'll do just fine. You may not think it, but you have a very sharp mind, always attentive to details," he compliments.


"Anyways, I believe you have a future husband to attend to," he smirks, "I'll leave the fill out forms with Chris or something when it gets approved."

"You know, if Chris were here, he'd probably whine nonstop."

"Yeah, but he isn't here, now is he?"

"Fair enough." I then stand up to slip out the door. "Oh by the way..." I stop at the doorway, "I'm curious, when is Chris's birthday?"

"His birthday's in March. Why do you ask?"

"Let's see..." I mumble to myself and do some calculations. Hmm, it's November right now, and March is roughly three months away. "And he's 15 right now right?"

"That's correct."

"Then shouldn't be getting ready to drive?" I bring up.

"Wait..." Wayne swishes his fingers around. I guess he's writing numbers in the air. "You're right Dylan! I'll bring it up with Betty."

"Ok, cause honestly, I really don't know how you can survive here in LA without a car."

"LA? Try the entire US of A..." Wayne rebuttals. "Trust me, I know."

"I'll take your word for it," I smile and squeeze out the door and then rush up the stairs. "Oh Chris~" I sing as I open the door. "What are you do-"

Upon entering, I see Chris on his bed, hugging Snowflake really tightly. A concerned look pops up on my face as I sit down next to him.

"What's wrong?" I shake his shoulder a little. He shrugs me off and hugs his teddy bear even tighter, staring down.

"Is it about me?" I ask.

He shakes his head no.

"Is it about you?"

Again, no

"Your parents."


"Then, talk to me, what's wrong?"

He looks away from me and motions his eyes to the left, where his laptop is. Curious, I sit down at the table and see what he was doing. It was a simple text file on the internet. Without a second thought, I give it a read.

"Oh my god!..." I grimace in disgust when I finish looking at it. Apparently, the site opened contained photos of extreme fetishes and BSDM. There was stuff ranging from bondage to heavy slave/master role play. There were posts displaying demeaning terms at the bottom of each photo, gif, or videos. "Where did you get this Chris?"

He just looks away and closes his eyes. I hear a sniffle, but I didn't have the luxury of comforting him right now; I need to find out where did he get this. Why? Because I seriously doubt he's into this kind of stuff. Someone must've sent him it. Sure he likes being spanked, but it was always safe, and private. Nobody, and I mean, NOBODY knows about it except me and Chris... and maybe Betty.

Well, it didn't take very long to find out how. I mean, all I had to do was click on the other tab open: his Facebook account. On the bottom right corner, there was a message from none other than Brandy. The message included the link and a message beneath it:

"Here, I hope this will make you think twice before making fun of me in public. I will personally make that you receive this kind of treatment from someone, maybe even from Dylan himself. On top of that, I'll personally make sure that you'll be exposed to this every single day."

Fuck her! I close the messaging bar, go to her page, and block her entirely on Facebook on Chris's account. I then shut the laptop and rush over back to the bed.


He scoots over to my side of the bed. I sigh and sit down next to him. Shifting around, I managed to squeeze behind Chris and wrap my arms around him. Not easy when you have someone being a dead weight, refusing to cooperate with you.

"You know... the first time I stumbled upon something like that, I felt horrible... It was like my heart was tugging back and forth about the idea."

Chris loosens his grip on Snowflake and scoots his butt closer into me. He looks up at me with watery eyes.

"For the first time in my life, I felt confused."

His eyes light up at the mention of confusion. Knew it... he's just like me...

"Part of me said that the idea was wrong, but the other have had a strange attraction to it. No matter how much I tried to forget about it, my imagination ran the scene on repeat... This is how you feel right now, right?"

Without saying a word, he simply nods slowly.

I sigh again and continue, "Ok then... so first off, I need to know that I will never, ever to something as crazy as that to you. The last thing I want to do is hurt you in any way. Secondly, that awkward boner you have right now? Just let it happen."

He looks up at me funnily.

"Don't worry, I won't judge you for thinking about stuff like this. You know that I'll always love you right?"

"...Yeah..." he speaks meekly for the first time.

"Oh, so the voice found its way out huh?" I tease at him while ruffling up his hair. "Anyways, if you do, for some odd chance, want to try something like that... Well, let's just say I'm not against the idea."

"...I don't know Dylan... It's like what you said... I'm really confused right now..."

"Don't worry about it," I reassured him, "Remember, you can always talk to me about this."

"Ok... But how can someone get pleasure from doing stuff like that?" he asks innocently.

I sigh deeply, "It's like asking why you like being spanked..."

"Oh... a fetish, right?"

"Mhm... Which reminds me; it's like that time when I showed you that kinky porn stuff. Remember that?"

"Oh yeah... I remember it," Chris recalls.

"Basically, it's like that, but some people enjoy a more extreme version of it."

"Oh... ok..."

"So yeah... I hope that helps," I reply, scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah, it does..." he smiles at me. "And thanks Dylan... for always being there for me..."

"No problem Snuggle bug," I grin back.

"I'm still scared Dylan..." he whispers.

"Hey... don't worry about it... give it some time and you won't be bothered by it anymore."

"No, not that... I'm scared about Brandy and the threats she's making..."

"Oh her... I wouldn't worry too much about it," I wave aside.

"...What do you mean?" he asks timidly.

"Stooping so low as to make threaten you just proves how desperate she is at getting me back. And now, we have proof of her explicitly hurting you."

"I don't get it..."

"Blackmail, bribery, etc," I explain in fuller detail.

"Oh..." he blushes, realizing it was something as simple as that.

"And besides, you have me to protect you; what are you so worried about?"


"Anyways, let's watch some T.V. It'll get your mind off of this for a while," I propose, changing the subject entirely.


I grab the remote from the night stand and flip it on to a random channel. We shift ourselves around a bit and eventually settle in the same position, only this time, the blanket's over us. Turns out, the channel we were on was showing a marathon. So, Chris and I loathed there for the remaining of the day. Well, at least until Chris fell asleep in my arms halfway through the first movie... Poor guy, must've been exhausted from yesterday's dance still and from today's little drama.

Switch point of view because I am the writer and I can.

I open my eyes suddenly, confused. Still a little hazy, I rub my eyes and get accumulated to the darkness surrounding the room. That's right, I fell asleep while watching the TV with Dylan... I reach over to open my lamp light; thank god the door wasn't closed completely,, allowing a sliver of light through the miniscule opening.

I squint my eyes from the sudden exposure to the light, and cover them with my hand. Ever so slowly, I reopen them and realize that Snowflake's next to me. So that's what I was hugging... I glance down at the clock; 7:00... So I've been asleep for three hours... Wait, there's a sticky note on top of my clock.

Hi Chris! So, you fell asleep while we were watching the movie. Don't worry, I'm not mad, in case you were wondering. A boy needs his sleep right? Anyways, I'll be downstairs, using your laptop to correct my personal statements. When you decide to get out of bed, just be sure to fix yourself up somewhat ok?

Love, Dylan.

P.S. You were so cute when I placed Snowflake by your side. You just swooped it up subconsciously and turn to your side cuddling it. Sorry, but I took a picture of you. Teehee.

That bastard... taking pictures of me in my sleep... I yawn and stretch un-shamefully and hop off the bed. Taking Dylan's advice, I head into the bathroom to 'fix myself up,' as he would say. I pee, rinse my mouth at the sink, and splash some water onto my face. Feeling more awake, I brush my hair cursorily and head down the stairs.

There, I see Dylan sitting by the kitchen countertop with his back facing me. An evil smile creeps across my face as I tiptoe over to him. Payback for taking that picture! Oh the possibilities I can do to him.

"Got you now!" With one final step, I leap forward and pounce onto Dylan like a tiger in a jungle. Little did I know though, Dylan was prepared for this right from the beginning.

He turns a 180 with the help of the stool, smirking really widely at me with open arms. Oh great... I fucked up... Since I'm in the air, I really couldn't do anything to change my direction. So here I am, falling right into the trap Dylan laid out for me. I fall right into his arms and he clutches my waist, wrapping his arms around my back.

"Really Chris? Who's got who exactly?" he smugly replies.

I struggle with all my might to try and escape... no dice, he's caught me good.

"So, what do I owe the honor to for this very delicious boy I now have in my arms?" he states while tapping his ten fingers on my waists.

"If you let go of me, I'll tell you," I propose to him, in hopes of escaping.

"Mmm... nah," he replies. Great... "I have my ways of finding out. Now then, let's go." Without much effort, he picks me and drags me over to the living room. Once there, he tosses me onto the couch and straddles me with his legs.

"So, want to tell me why you tried to attack me?" he asks.

"Over my dead body," I grunt back, trying desperately to escape my torture. It's not like he doesn't know why I tried to attack him. Hmm, not that I think of it, he probably set all this up just so he can do this. Again... that bastard.

"Very well..." He bend down and kisses me on the lips.

"Mmm..." I moan and completely relax at those sweet lips of his... I open my mouth to let him invade. He responds and lashes his tongue all over the inside of my mouth. I am in heaven...

But suddenly, he withdraws his tongue and I feel a sharp jab at me sides. I jolt tremendously, but not much since Dylan's straddled me and try to suck in some air. However, Dylan's mouth was still over mine, making it hard to breath. Another jab strikes at me hips just then. Fuck! God damn it, he's tickling me isn't he?!

Dylan then places his hands at my hips and starts squeezing them mercilessly. I try my best to plea, telling him to stop, but his kiss is still preventing me from talking, let alone taking in breathes to laugh. I don't know, it's a very weird experience.

Since my arms are free, I try to push him off, but he anticipates this and grabs hold my wrist as soon as I touch his chest. He pushes them down onto my chest and holds them there with his left hand while continuing to tickle me.

Poor me... can't even stifle out a plea for him to stop... At least he stops after what seemed like an eternity (five minutes).

"So... ready to talk?" he interrogates me.

"I... I want insurance..." I pant back.

"Insurance? Ok, I insure that you'll be getting more tickling if you don't me."

"Wait... that's assure-Ah!!" I squeal as he dances his fingers under my pits. And boy did I scream. I begged, pleaded, beseeched him to stop tickling me. "Dylan! Please stop! I'm gonna pee!"

"Then tell me why you tried to attack me."

"Because... the picture!" I manage out. At soon as I say that, he stops tickling me. I breath really hard, "You planned this didn't you?"

"Maybe..." he teases while getting off of me.


"To cheer you up a little. Come on, you're dinner's ready." He grabs my hand and leads me back to the kitchen. After gesturing me to sit down at the countertop, he goes into the fridge and pulls out my dinner. It was mac-n-cheese made from scratch (we don't have the instant ones that come from a box).

"So uh, what did you mean by cheering me up?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to sound like an idiot in front of him.

"It was to take your mind off of what's been happening lately. You know... Brandy..."

"Oh..." I trailed off. He did this all for me... Me...

"Anyways... we all need a good laugh now and then. And I say my plan was a success if I do say so myself," he grins, feeling accomplished.

"Yeah, you did..." I reply back, smiling. Even though the tickling did kind of hurt, it did take my mind off of everything... not to mention that good feeling in my heart's coming back.

"Oh, your food's done," Dylan realizes after a couple of beeps from the microwave. "Hot, hot, hot," he hisses as he quickly places the bowl in front of me. "Bon appetite!"

"Thanks Dylan. By the way, where are my parents?" I ask with my mouth full.

"I told them to go out for the night. They're probably halfway through a movie by now," I answers looking at the microwave clock.

"Oh, any particular reason why?" I ask while taking in another bite.

"No, nothing in particular," he says nonchalantly.

"Bummer..." Damn... and here I thought, he was going to have sex with me tonight. Hmm... I do kinda want to have some sex with him... last night wasn't enough for me truth be told.

"Unless you want to do something," he hints as he nudges my knee.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I'm not coming off as too desperate am I?

"Oh I don't know, you do kinda owe me for falling asleep on me. But I guess I can forgive you since I got a picture of you," he brings up. Oh yeah... the picture... "Want to see it?" he offers.

Before I can answer, he whips out his phone and scrolls down his gallery, eventually stopping at the picture of me sleeping on the bed, all curled in a ball with Snowflake inside.

"Aww... you're so cute Chris!" he squeals, messing with my hair in the process. "I think this is back ground screen worthy."

"Oh please don't..." I beg of him.

"Why? Oh!... my wittle Chris is embarrassed."

"No I'm not!" I protest back, "It's just... what if someone else sees? Someone like Brandy."

"Then you just act all high and might, making her jealous of you."

"Fine..." I give up trying to argue with him.

"Now hurry up and finish your dinner. I thought of something we can do."

"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow, "And might I ask what is it?"

"It involves us being naked in the living room, with you panting and begging me for more," he meows flirtatiously.

I didn't need a second invitation as I quickly gulp down the last few bites of my food. I toss the bowl into the sink as I swallow my last bite. The dishes can wait, I have a more important mess to make and clean up, if you know what I mean.

I wipe my mouth with a tissue and briskly walk into the living room where Dylan is, stripping off my clothes with each step I can.


Sorry I didn't go into the sex scene! I'l just let your imaginations run wild with the endless possibilities.

Next: Chapter 23

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