Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Nov 15, 2013


So a lot of you guys have been worrying about this story going into college. First off, relax guys, the story's only in like what? November? We have plenty of time before Dylan graduates. Now with that in mind, I've already come up with the solution for the two year gap in between Chris's final years of high school. So again, stop worrying lol. Just enjoy what we have now. :)

This chapter's a tad longer (being at 21 pages in length). Think of it as a celebration story for finishing 5 midterms and 3 quizzes in a week.

Of course, if you can, please, please, PLEASE, donate to nifty. It truly is a wonderful site, and I don't how we'd all live without it.

In addition! Don't steal from me! >:o

And finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FELLOW READERS! I won't put your name up here to prevent some blushing cheeks. (Think of this as my birthday present to you lol) AND HAPPY LATE VETERAN'S DAY AND THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!


Chapter 20 "Homecoming"

"Oh my god Dylan, I'm so nervous!" Carrie panics as she paces back and forth the ASB office.

"Oh please Carrie, we all know that you've won," Heather comforts her.

"I know, but... Ah! I'm going to win!" Carrie squeals back.

I shake my head at her and look around the room. All the Homecoming nominees are in their little corner with their dates. There's ASB, running around like maniacs, panicking about every little, possible detail that they might've forgotten.

I glance over at where Matt and Caleb are standing. I'm glad the two talked out their problems and are back in problem. Someone calls Matt aside, leaving Caleb all by himself. I walk up to him and couldn't help but snicker at his little outfit.

"What?" he asks, hearing my rather loud giggling.

"Oh nothing... it's just that I've didn't know that you could clean up that well."

"At least I look cute. Well, according to Matt anyways."

"And that's all that matters, right?" I reassure him. "And besides, it's better than what I'm wearing..."

"True..." he replies with a straight face, but then cracks up laughing. "Oh boy... the thing ASB thinks of..."

"Don't remind me..."

"I mean, why do you have to dress up as a prince?" Caleb asks to no one in particular.

"I don't know," I complain. "I feel all poofy and gay."

"But you are gay," Caleb giggles.

"Fair enough... but I'm not the flamboyant kind of person," I sigh.

"Well, at least you get Chris next to you in the same outfit. I don't get Matt next to me, let alone in a suit..." Caleb sighs too.

"So... about you and Matt..." I whisper softly so that others can't hear, "Are you two, you know... good now?"

"Huh? Oh... yeah..." Caleb mumbles back. "We talked it out last night." He then looks in Matt's direction. Seeing that he's busy, he motions me to get closer. "He told me not to tell anyone, but he said that we have a lot of catching up to do tonight," he giggles.

"Oh... Oh!..." I realize after what he meant.

"Yeah..." Caleb blushes, "Just don't tell him."

"My lips are sealed." I do the 'locking up my lips and throwing away the keys" gesture.

"So... what about you and Chris?" he asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you know what I mean," he smiles wickedly at me and nods.

"Oh same old same old... He slept at my place last night. Nothing much really."

"Bummer... if I were him, I'd be all over you by now."

"Well... you're not him," I grin back.

"Hey Dylan!" Chris calls me.

"Speak of the devil..."

"Have fun," Caleb winks and walks off to where Matt is.

"Yes Chris?"

"I can't get this freaking zipper up..." he grunts.

"Here, turn around..."

He turns around and I pull up the zipper to enclose the flap on his back. I give a reassuring pat on the back and he turns around.

"Damn you look beautiful in that..."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better," Chris pouts.

"No really. You look like the prince of my dreams," I giggle.

"See! You were just trying to make me feel better."

"Ok fine. You got me there," I chuckle. "At least you look cute in it. Unlike me... who looks awkward in it."

"One minute!" someone announces to the entire office.

"Showtime," I crack my neck to relieve some tension. "Matt, Joey, Andrew, Billy! Start heading out with the castle. Caleb, bring the chair out too with them."

"Mmkay!" Caleb replies and waddles with the chair out along with the other four.

"All princesses, on your way out, cover yourself up with a jacket!" I holler across the room, "It's pretty chilly outside. Everyone else, let's go!"

And with that, I reach for the script on the countertop, ask the adult members for the envelop containing the winner, and head out the door with all the princesses. As I pass by Brandy though, she gives me and Chris a death glare. Sheesh, what's with her... and who is her date?! Man, it's been chewing me out since yesterday at practice! I've never seen him before nor have I ever hear of his name... Hmm... just who is he?

Ah well, I have my own problems to worry about; I can always figure it out with some snooping around. And besides, why should I care about who she's going with?

"Hurry up Dylan! Or we'll be late!" Chris shouts from the door, snapping me out of my daydreaming, or in this case, night dreaming.

"Coming!" I reply back and rush up to him and the others. We walk across the quad, pass the auditorium, through the JV practice field, and finally, reaching our destination, the football field. The security opens the gated door and lets everyone though.

I glance over at the score board. Ah jeeze... a whopping scored of 34 to 6... We've utterly destroyed the other team...

"Brrr... It's freezing out here Dylan," Chris chatters his teeth.

"Didn't I warn you to bring a jacket or something..." I roll my eyes.

"Did you?"

"I think I did..." I shake my head. "Here..." I pull off my jacket and hand it to him.

"But what about you?" he asks.

"I'll be fine... if anything, I'll steal Brandy's," I snicker. Chris takes my jacket and pulls it on carefully due to his costume. "Better?"

"Much... thanks Dylan... I owe you one."

I lean over and whisper in his ear, "How's about later tonight?"

"Oh, naughty-naughty," he smiles, "Deal."

"Touchdown by number 82, quarterback Evan Hatch!" the announcer, well... announces. The band plays the fight song, the cheerleaders rush over to the goal post, and the crowd cheers even more at the extra point gained from kick.

"So this is what happens at all the games?" Chris asks.

"Pretty much. Exciting isn't it?" I reply.

"Yeah... shouldn't we be going soon? It says six minutes on the goal post," Chris points out.

"Nah... that means we have about 10 minutes since the timer constantly stops," I explain to Chris.


"Yeah, and at the five minute mark, the band will come down and get ready with the rest of us."

"You mean like now?" Chris asks.

I glance at the time and see that it's dropped down to 5:15 mark. "Yep. See? They're starting to come down."

Soon, the 150 piece band crosses pass me, forming a wall that's nearly impossible for the two of us to cross.

"Might as well wait..." I sigh. Once the band passes through, Chris and I walk across the dusky track and onto the west goal post, where everyone else is. I look around and see that everything's running smoothly. The group of five with the castle prop is ready to go, Heather's by the lamp post where the lighting is, and all the princess's are all prettied up and ready to go.

"Ok places everyone!" I shout.

The band lines up with Nick in the front and everyone else removes their jacket, putting them aside on the table provided. I squint my eyes and spot the Heather climbing up the ladder. She waves her arms frantically at my general direction, signaling that she's ready.

"Show time!"

"Ladies and gentleman. Tonight, we are proud to showcase, this year's Homecoming!" Heather states through the microphone.

"Band 'ten hut!" Nick commands, to which every member replies with the word pride. "Mark time hut!... Resume... Hut!" The band marches forward, with the castle right behind them, and the nominees right after that.

"And as always," Heather continues, "this wouldn't be made possible without the help of our school's very own marching band... Choreo... Chorus... and of course, Activities Student Body. So, without further ado, this year's homecoming of 'Far, Far Away!'"

"Band... Halt!..." Nick yells. "Band parade rest... horns up."

Chris grabs the mike and I nod at Nick and he begins conducting the music. Chris clears his throat and begins, "Once upon a time, there was a kingdom far off into the lands. There lived a king and queen, who did everything they could to ensure peace and happiness on their land."

On cue, two members of ASB come out holding hands and greet the imaginary audience, just how a king and queen would do.

"But then one day, a neighboring land waged war on the peaceful kingdom. The king, growing weary and old as time went by, could not bare to last another war. Just when all hope was lost, the five princesses of the kingdom came up with a plan to help end the king's suffering."

"These five, brave princesses decided to sacrifice themselves and each marry a prince of a neighboring country," I pick up where Chris ended. "In doing so, the surrounding kingdoms and lands would gain eternal peace and happiness. In the end, the five courageous princesses were married off into other kingdoms. They were... Princess Mandy Ellington and her prince, Randy Hernandez."

The two couple step out of the castle prop's gate and walk proudly onto the field. She gives a few waves and then backs up to the left side.

"...Princess Gloria Fenn with her loving prince, George Layman."

Gloria and her date walk out much like how Mandy did. She twirls around, showing her imaginary dress for the time being, and takes her date's hand and walks over to the right.

"...Princess Brandy Parr with her date, David Anderson."

Again, Brandy walks out of the castle prop with her date. She does her strut and walks up next to Mandy.

"...Princess Alice Eve with her prince, Howard Baker."

Like the girls before her, she timidly glides out and walks down the imaginary walkway. At the end, she bows shyly and walks over to Gloria's side with her date.

"And finally... Carrie Taylor with her prince charming, Bryan Harris."

Carrie walks out of the castle prop and slowly reaches the walkway, taking every moment to wave and smile at everybody. I glance over at Brandy, who's fuming at the sight of Carrie taking her sweet time. Oh Brandy... Carrie eventually finishes and walks over next to Brandy with Bryan by Carrie's side.

"With the marriages bound and sealed, the kingdom maintain peace for many years," Chris continues again. "But then one day, the old and weary king grew ill and passed away."

The ASB member who played as king shows up again and flails around dramatically. Since it was our first time watching it, we hadn't grown an immune system to it, so we were all trying to contain our laughter. He finally falls to the ground, and the queen runs over and weeps on the body.

They then quickly stand up and get out of way as Caleb walks forward with the throne chair. He places it right in the center and gestures his hands at it while walking off to the side with the crown in his hands.

I quickly regain composure and continue the story, "With the king's funeral ending, his reign came to an official end. With no rightful heir to the kingdom, the princesses decided to nominate one of them to become the future queen of the land. They all worked hard and endlessly, trying to gather as many votes as possible for the citizens..."

Nick stops the music for dramatic effect and cues the drums to do a quiet drum roll. I tear open the envelope and smile secretly at the name written on it. "With final vote counted, the decision was made... This year's homecoming queen for 'The Kingdom Far, Far Away' is none other than... Carrie Taylor!"

The drum rolls ends with a couple of loud cymbal crashes as Bryan leads a 'shocked' Carrie up to where Caleb is. Caleb gestures Carrie to sit on the chair and he stands behind it. He tiptoes and gently places the tiara on Carrie.

"Pew-pew," the fireworks sound off as they spew their colors majestically into the sky. While everyone is distracted by the amazing show, Nick tells the band to march off the field.

"Congratulations, once again, to Carrie Taylor. And thanks to all who made this possible," I speak into the mike and jog up with Chris to where Carrie, Bryan, and Caleb are.

Once there, Carrie jumps up and pounces me again. "Oh thank you thank you thank you Dylan!"

"Remember what we said about crushing me?" I wince out.

"Sorry," she quickly says and lets go.

We all wrap our arms around each other's shoulder and bow to the crowd. Carrie and Bryan then walk over to each of the couples to hug them and shake hands. Wow how I wish I could've been Carrie right now... watching Brandy squirm around like a worm, infuriated at the fact that she just lost Homecoming. After that's done, the remaining people clear everything off the field and back by the entrance.

"So, how was Brandy's face?" I remind Carrie.

"Oh rest assured, it was priceless," she smirks, then smiles uncontrollably. "Oh my god I'm homecoming queen!" she squeals.

"Carrie!" Heather waves as she runs over. The two hold hands and jump around like little girls.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" the two hoarse out due to the pitch being too high for them. The two jump off to the side; Joey catches up to where Bryan is and couldn't help but laugh at his dress attire.

"Oh shut it..." Bryan punches him in the arm, but smirks regardless. "At least I look normal, unlike SOMEONE!" He points Chris and I out.

"Carrie! Bryan's making fun of me!" Chris tattletales in a boy-like gesture.

"Bryan!" Carrie gasps, "I don't believe you! Making fun of poor Chris like that."

"Aw come on babe... you know I didn't mean anything like that... right Chris?" Bryan asks for confirmation.

"I'm sad now," Chris pouts.

"Shame Bryan... For shame!" Carrie scoffs.

"Carrie!" Alice calls out to her.

"Alice!" Carrie replies cheerfully and walks over to her.

"Aw come on Carrie! Don't be like that..." Bryan groans as he walks over to her.

I look at Chris and see his frown slowly transforming into a smile. He looks at me and flashes one of his cute grins at me. I shake my head at him. "Evil Chris... just evil..."

"What?" he giggles, "It's not as bad as what you did to Brandy."

"Fair enough... come on, let's go back and take off these poofy outfits."

"Right behind you."

I grab my jacket and lead the way with Chris right by my side. We pass the practice field, bobbing and weaving around the cars that were parked there, and made a sharp turn around one of the buildings. Right as I turn though, I spot something intriguing and stop Chris from walking forward.


I cover his mouth and hold a finger up at my lips. "Shhh." I remove my hand from him and gesture him to peek around the corner. We inch out towards the wall to see Caleb and Matt going at each other, hard.

"Mmm... you should dress up more Caleb... you look really cute like that," Matt compliments in between kisses as he gropes Caleb's crevices and full moons.

"Less talking, more kissing," Caleb gasps as he pulls Matt in for another kiss.

Chris and I cover ourselves with the wall again and giggle silently. "Let's go around them," I suggest.

"Yeah... they just couldn't wait... can't they?" Chris questions with stifled snickers.

"Well, they do have some catching up to do," I wink and take hold of Chris's hand. I then lead him around the building, avoiding Matt and Caleb.

We soon arrive back at the ASB office. Chris and I grab our clothes and head behind the blinds. While Chris is stripping off his costume and trying his best to put on his clothes, I stand by the opening, keeping guard. Hey! Can't have someone perving on my little angel now can we?

Anyways, he finishes up and I switch places with him. I pull down the zipper and toss it aside. I reach in my backpack and quickly put on my jeans, T-shirt, and jacket. I slip back on my shoes and step outside.

"So uh, now what?" Chris asks.

"We have three options. One, stay and watch the game."

"Nah... I don't get the game, and it's cold outside," Chris waves aside, "Next."

"Two, we can go somewhere to eat or just go home."

"Hmm... what's the last option?" he asks. I smile wickedly at him. "Oh I know what you're thinking about..." he realizes, "Matt and Caleb?"

"Matt and Caleb," I nod.

"Let's do it," he grins.

We quickly dash out the office and back to where Caleb and Matt were. Sure enough, the two were still making out when we peeked out of at the corner.

"So... what should we do?" Chris asks softly.

"Just follow my lead." I sneak up on the two and gently place my arms under Matt's armpits, tugging him away from Caleb..

"What the..." he gasps and instantly moans as I squeeze his nipples. Meanwhile, Chris rushes up to a dazed Caleb and gropes his little family jewels.

"Whoa!" Caleb quips as he snaps back into reality.

"Don't you think you guys have been going on for a bit too long now?" I whisper into Matt's ear, gently chewing the lobe softly afterwards.

"Uh..." Matt moans out as I rub all over his body. "We had... some catching up do to..."

I let go of him. "Why not wait until you guys get back home then?"

"Because... Caleb couldn't wait that long."

"What?!" Caleb whines, "Nu-uh, you just attacked me when we turned the corner." He tries to move, but suddenly realizes that Chris's hands were still on him.

"Oh sorry," Chris quickly removes his hands and blushes.

"Well... be glad that we were the ones who caught you and some homophobic person," I state.

"Yeah-yeah... I expect that you'd want a thank you too huh?" Matt asks.

"Well... a blow job wouldn't hurt," I smirk jokingly.

"Haha, very funny," Matt scoffs. "Anyways, we should get back to the game."

"After I change..." Caleb shakes his head. "I mean, that's why I walked all the way here in the first place... until you attacked me and invaded my body."

"Ok..." Matt states nonchalantly. Funny how he doesn't even deny anything. Regardless, he takes Caleb's hands and leaves before we can say anything.

"Well that was weird," Chris states to break the moment of silent.

"Yeah, rather unexpected..." I agree with him. "So, how was the feel?"

"You mean Caleb's?" he asks, "Nothing much. It's a bit small now I think about it." We share a laugh at his comment.

"Well, I hope Matt can fix that 'little' problem of his," I snicker.

"Yeah. Hopefully, it won't be such a 'big' deal," Chris joins in. We continue laughing for a while before managing to calm down. "So what now?" he asks.

"Wanna just go home?" I suggest.

"Yeah... I'm getting tired," he yawns.

"I'm dropping you off at your place right?" I ask to make sure as we head for my car.

"Yeah... I have to get ready for the dance tomorrow, so I can't stay with you sadly..." he pouts.

"Well, one night without me won't be so bad," I reassure him.

"Yeah... it's just... I've waited all week to be with you. You know... some alone time."

"Ooohh, some alone time eh?" I tease as we reach the parking lot.

"Oh you know what I mean," he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah I know..." I sigh, "Just teasing you is all..."

"I know..." Chris yawns again. We get into my car and slowly, I drive us out onto the main road.

Saturday Afternoon

Boom! Crash!

"What the heck?" I think to myself as I'm walking towards Chris's house. Cautiously, I turn the knob on the door and slowly creep my head in. "Is everything alright in here?" I ask slowly.

"Is that Dylan?" Wayne replies as he walks to the front door. "Come in, come, come... Chris! Dylan's here!"

"What?!?! Oh that's just great!..." he screams from upstairs as he runs downstairs in nothing but boxers. "Dylan! You said you weren't coming until 6!"

"Yeah, but I couldn't resist waiting that long. And I have to say... I got what I wanted," I wink at him.

Chris looks down at his naked body and blushes. "Let's go upstairs, bye dad!" He quickly drags me up the stairs before Wayne can say anything and shuts the door behind him.

"So... what's wrong?" I ask.

"Ohhh... everything's wrong!!" he groans as he tugs on his blonde hair, twisting around in circles and eventually falling onto his bed.

I toss my bag of my clothes aside and lean up to butterfly kiss his beautiful, lean body. I slowly work my way up from his belly button to his chin and give him one final long, passionate kiss on the lips.

"So... wanna tell me?" I whisper in his ear.

"I don't know where to begin..." he sighs, unaffected by my kisses.

"Well, let's start with why are you naked?"

"Nearly naked," he corrects me.

"Sorry, nearly naked," I redeem myself. I get off of him and we both sit up with him cuddled up to me.

"I was gonna go shower, so I stripped down to my boxers. I then thought of picking out my clothes, so I dragged everything out, hence the pile of clothes everywhere."

"Hmm, that does explain why your room is so messy..."

"Our room..." he sighs again.

"Ok... our room. Anyways, what's after that?"

"I really don't know what to wear! Do I wear the black slacks with the blue dress shirt? Or should I wear khakis with the polo? And what about ties?! Bowtie? Argh!" he groans in frustration. "And you weren't suppose to see me until this was all perfect and ready..."

"Aw... it's not so bad... I mean, I did get to see you half-naked right?" I calm him down by rubbing his stomach.

He sighs deeply, "I was suppose to wash Snowflake after my shower too... And I just realized that I need to ask my dad for some cologne... Why does all of this have to happen today?! And throughout this entire afternoon, my stomach's been doing nothing but churning like hell and filled with butterflies..."

"Aww... my wittle Chris is nerwous," I baby-talk to him.

"Shut up..." he blushes, "It is my first dance after all..."

"Relax Chris... just be yourself and you'll be fine," I reassure him and gently dance my palms up and down his sides. He shivers at my touch and coos softly. "Ok Chris... go hop into the shower and let me take care of the rest."

"...You'll do that for me?" he asks.

"Of course! I'm your big brother before anything, right?"

"Thanks Dylan... you're the best..." he sniffles.

"Hey now... no time for tears," I scold. "We have shit to do."

"Ok..." he wipes his tears away with his arm. "Thanks Dylan..."

"Anytime snuggle bug... anytime... Now go. Oh, and make sure your extra clean, if you know what I mean," I push him off the bed and swat his ass playfully.

He lowers his boxers and moons at me, that bastard... Well, at least he skimps off feeling better than before I guess... Man, it's only a dance and he's all high strung over it... What am I going to do with him?

I shake my head and get off the bed too. He claims it's a lot, but really, it's only four things that he needs: clothes, cologne, and wash Snowflake and himself. And he's already doing the last one, so really, only three.

I rummage through his pile of dress clothes and pick out the classic black slacks, long black socks, and grey dress shirt. I contemplate on whether or not if he should wear a tie. Yeah... oh wait no- Yeah... he needs a tie, a sexy one at that.

I look around his closet for one, but couldn't find any that matched the clothes I chose. I'll have to ask Wayne for one then. Anyways, I quickly fold everything back up neatly and put them back into his closet. Of course, I remember to take out a fresh pair of boxer briefs for my sexy beast to wear. I'm such a nice boyfriend aren't I... As they say, anything for your love.

After shoving everything back (and I have to say, the room looks so much cleaner), I grab Snowflake from the bed and his clothes and head downstairs to where the laundry is. Once there, I toss Snowflake into the washer and the clothes I brought down into the dryer. I set the timer for the dryer to ten minutes and pour some detergent into the washer. Sorry Snowflake, but Chris wants you clean. I close the lid and press start on both machines.

Ok, now to look for Wayne... Now where can he be? Hmm... I wander around the house and eventually find him in his study.

"What brings you here?" he asks while busily looking over his papers.

"Chris wants some cologne, even though I don't think he'll need it."

"Ah yes... my little boy is growing up now isn't he..." Wayne ponders for a little bit. "Tell you what, here." He pulls out a new box of cologne from his drawers. "Tell him it's a present for reaching puberty."

"Sure..." I pull my chin back a little, startled at the fact that he'd have cologne in his study. "Oh, he needs a tie too."

"Go into my closet and look for one. Just make sure you don't ruin anything my wife has or she'll have your head," he chuckles.

"I'll keep that in mind," I respond as I head out the room.

"Oh Dylan?"

I stop at the doorway. "Yeah?"

"When you have time, can I talk to you?"

"Why not now?" I ponder at him.

"Because I don't wanna bother you right now, and this kinda needs to be more of a man-to-man kind of thing."

"Oh ok... how's about tomorrow?"


With that settle, I guess, I go back upstairs and make a sharp left at the end. I open the closet and poke around for the ties... Where could they possibly be?

I peer around for a few minutes before spotting them all hung up on a special tie holder. So the fancy... I pick out a blue-green striped one and head out the room. On the way, I tiptoe up to the bathroom to hear Chris still showering. Good, that'll give the dryer some time to finish. I toss the tie and box of cologne onto the bed and head back downstairs to check up on the laundry.

I arrive right on time as the dryer and washer beep off simultaneously. I take out the clothes, toss Snowflake into the dryer, and press start on the dryer again before leaving the area. Hopefully, for the last time, I go up the stairs and lay out Chris's clothes on the bed just as he's walking in with a towel over his head.

"So... you like what I picked out?" I ask him. He looks at the selection and nods, smiling. "I'm glad you like it."

He walks over to the clothes and tosses the towel aside. "Why is it so warm and toasty?" he asks while putting on his new pair of boxers.

"Because I put them in the dryer for ten minutes beforehand."

"You're the best!" he bursts out and pounces on me.

"Sure... don't mention it," I grimace out. Sheesh, what is it with everyone and crushing my ribs lately...

My naked little angel lets go of me and quickly puts on the rest of his clothes. Meanwhile, I grab my stuff and cursorily put them on too. Strange thing was, I finished before Chris could even put on his dress shirt.

"Here... let me help you," I sigh as I reach over to him. He drops his arms down and I finish buttoning up his shirt. Of course, I couldn't let this chance slip by as I give his cute nipples a few squeezes.

"Hey!" he withdraws and pouts, "No touchy... yet."

"Ohh... yet he says," I tease and poke his hips, "That does imply I get to later?"

"Maybe~" he giggles, but then stumbles backwards slightly due to his pants not all the way up.

I grab his hands and pull him in out of reaction to save his ass, literally. "Well, that would've been a nasty fall," I chuckle.

"Yeah..." he blushes.

I pull him up and pull his pants, making sure that his shirt's all touched in. With that finished, I swat his butt playfully. "Do you need help with the tie too?" I smile.

"Can you? I can never get it at the right length," he mumbles, embarrassed that he just admitted that.

"Hey no worries. Whenever you need help with it, I'll be there to do it," I gently tell him as I wrap the thin strip of cloth around his neck. "There we go..."

I pull the final loop down to tighten the grip and pull the tie into me, causing Chris to fall forward a little as I kiss him on those sweet lips of his. Mmm... he tastes so sweet... and soft... I can never get sick of those lips of his...

"Mmm..." Chris moans and goes limp and when I drive my tongue into him. As usual, I brush my tongue everywhere: his teeth, his lips, his tongue... Wow! Is his mouth amazing to kiss or what!...

I release my grip on his plump lips with a suck. "Thanks for the kiss..."

"Hehehehe..." he giggles, followed by a hiccup. Wow can he get high from my kisses.

"Come on lover's boy, it wasn't that great of a kiss," I smirk.

"Huh?..." he dazes dreamily.

"Come on..." I shake him a few times and tug at him. No reaction... Time for the heavy duty stuff. I place both my hands on his hip and squeeze hard.

"Ahhh!" he squawks and jolts upward. "Ok, ok... I'm baaa ah!" he squeals again at my tickling. "Jerk..."

"You know you love me," I grin back. Before he can say anything, I take his hand and lead into the restroom. Along the way, I grab the cologne off the bed. We get into the bathroom and open the box.

"Ok... I believe it's one spray on the chest and one on the elbows," I state, reading the formula breakdown.

"Are you sure?" Chris asks, concerned.

"Pretty sure."

"How sure is pretty sure?" he questions.

"As sure as us getting some action later tonight," I blurt out nonchalantly.

"Wow!... Such a perv..." he slaps my arm playfully, but giggles. I proceed to spray the cologne onto his buttoned up shirt and one each on his wrist cuffs.

"Mmm... you smell nice..." I note, taking in the aroma.

"You really are a perv... smelling little kids," Chris smirks.

"Oh really? I seem to recall someone loving my smell."

"I wonder who could that be..." Chris dances around my question.

"Yeah... I wonder too. I seem to recall his name starting with an S," I play along with him.

"S?" he asks.

"Yeah," I replied while reaching for the comb. "S for snuggle bug." I chuckle at his pouting look. "Oh I know that you love being called that, just admit it."

"Never," he grunts.

"Whatever. You'll soon learn the ways of liking my nicknames for you. Now hold still while I brush your hair," I scold back. He stands in front of me, facing the mirror, and I start untangling his messy hair. "Jeeze Chris, what did you do? Run a marathon or something?"

"No, just washed it is all."

"Jeeze, it wasn't this bad before, now was it?"

"Probably not," he rocks his head back and forth slightly.

"Hold still..."


"...There... wow that wasn't easy..." I comment.

He looks in the mirror to make sure I didn't do anything crazy with his hair and turns to face me. "So uh, how do I look?"

"Hmm... I prefer you're other suit, but this'll have to do."

"What other suit- Oh!... Naughty-naughty," he wags his finger at me.

"What? I'm a pervert right? According to you anyways."

"Sure... let's get going," he grabs my hand and leads me back to his room. We quickly grab our necessary items: wallet, phone, and keys. Chris picks up his dress shoes out of his closet and we head down the stairs.

"Bye Dad!" Chris shouts.

"Have fun! And try not to get too heated other there!" he shouts back.

"Daaadd..." Chris whines, "Not in front of Dylan!..."

I giggle at the scene, and Chris shoots me a dirty look. I hold up my palms in defense. Just then, the front door opens and a frantic Betty comes rushing in.

"I didn't miss anything right?" she asks and then sees us. "Oh good... You're still here."

"What now?..." Chris groans in despair.

"I want pictures silly," Betty urges as she desperately looks in her purse for her phone.

"Really mom?..."

"Of course Chris!... Oh you two look so cute together!" she says with puffy cheeks. "Now smile for the camera."

I roll my eyes and wrap my arm around Chris's waist. We smile for the camera as the flash shutters.

"Wait, I think I blinked," Chris says while rubbing his eyes.

"Lemme check..." Betty says while looking up her phone. "Nope, you didn't blink. Now do a pose for me."

"Mooooommmm..." Chris complains.

"Last one, I promise."

"You promised..." He turns to me, "What should we do?"

"I have an idea." In one move, I swoop his feet off the ground and cradle him. "Now smile for your mother."

"Jeeze... calling me mother... I'm not that old ok!" Betty grouses. Chris snickers at my comment and we smile for the camera. "And done..."

"Ok!" Chris pipes in. As soon as I set on the ground, he takes my hand and rushes for the door. "Bye Mom!"

"Have fun! Oh wait Chris! I need one more pic-"

Chris shuts the door before Betty can finish the sentence. "Come on, let's go before she decides to come out and drag us back in." I roll my eyes at my cute little Chris as he waddles over to my car. Shaking my head, I unlock my car's door and get inside. I start the car and head off onto the main road.

We arrive just in time after about ten minutes. You know, that moment where you can enter and everyone's eyes will be on you, or as some might call it, fashionably late.

"ID please," Ms. Wendy, the AP Lang teacher asks at the main entrance. Chris and I fumble out our wallets and show her our student ID. "Ok... you know the rules, no drugs, no inappropriate times, and all school rules apply still."

I secretly roll my eyes when she's looking down to get the entry passes. Jeeze... I bet I can name a good dozen of student's who've already broken everything single rule you just stated.

"Arm please," she instructs. Chris and I pull back our sleeves and show her our wrists. She wraps a sticky paper around us and removes the waxy paper off. "Enjoy the night."

"Thank you," Chris replies and walks with me into the gym. I push the doors open and enter room, only to have a bunch of people peer into my direction.

"Wow..." he exclaims in excitement. "This places looks nice..."

"Eh... I've seen better..." I shrug as I dawdled around, looking at what ASB had done to the place. With the music blasting ever so loudly in the background and the numerous people all dressed up clumped together, it made it hard for me to concentrate on the whole picture. Nonetheless, I have to say, Carrie did a pretty good job this year with homecoming. Speaking of which, where is she?

I peer around the area and spot her along with the rest of my friends. "Come on Chris!" I shout over the music, which I swear has gotten even louder. I grab his hands and lead him over to where everyone is.

"Hey Chris!" Caleb shouts above the music.

"What?" Chris yells back.

"I said hi!"

"Oh! Hi Caleb!" Chris shouts back like an idiot.

I shake my head and drag Carrie aside. Instead of ruining my voice though, I point at the speakers and lower my palms down, symbolizing to Carrie if she can turn down the volume. She nods and rushes off to the DJ stand. Moments later, the music calms down slightly and I can finally hear myself think.

"Oh much better..." Matt states.

"Tell me about it..." Joey agrees, "Who the hell was playing the music so loudly?"

"It was Andrew..." Carrie replies as she walks up to us.

"Well, he is the kind of person who'd that..." Bryan points out.

"Yeah, that's why I told the DJ to only listen to me and Heather in regards to music," Carrie smirks. "Oh, don't look now, but I think Andrew's getting to have an episode."

We all subtly turn to see a puzzled Andrew walk up to the DJ. After a few moments of conversing, he flips the finger at the DJ and stomps towards us.

"Carrie!!!" he screams in increasing volume, "Why did you tell the DJ to turn down the music?!"

"Because Andrew, some of us need to be able to talk," she replies calmly.

"What?! This is a dance! And you know what do people dance to? Oh yeah, that's right... MUSIC!" he shoots back, emphasizing music.

"Well too bad. What I say goes. And I believe I said to keep the music at this volume, not too soft that you can't hear it, but also not too loud where I have to scream into my friends' ear just so that they can hear what I say."

"Oh my god Carrie... So help me, I'll..."

"You'll what?" Bryan butts in. "Huh?" Andrew looks at Bryan, then Carrie, then back at Bryan again.

"Hey, hey, hey," I said to calm things down. "Andrew, can I talk to you?" I pull him aside and give Bryan and Carrie a wink. "I won't make any promises, but I'll try to get Carrie to turn up the volume later in the night ok?"

"But why not now?" the freshman ASB president asks.

"Look around Andrew. Do you see anyone dancing?" I ask him.

"...No..." he admits slowly.

"They're actually doing more talking and hanging out right?"


"And it's pretty hard to talk to your friends when there's loud music in the background right?" I lead him on even more.

"...I guess..." he trails off, nudging two fingers together.

"So there you have it. When people actually wanna start dancing, that's when we'll turn up the music. Does that sound fair?" I ask for his agreement.

"I guess..." he repeats again awkwardly.

"Good, now run along to your friends, and I'll try my best to convince Carrie ok?"

"Ok..." the fourteen year old responds. "But you promised!" he shouts as he dashes away back to his little group.

"Promised what?" Carrie asks cautiously.

"Do you want the truthful answer, or the disgusting answer," I snicker back.

"Oh boy... ok, bite me. Disgusting answer."

I couldn't resist. "I promised him that he'd get to suck my dick."

"Hey!" Chris hears and protests as I burst out laughing. He runs up to me and shoves me. "Did you really promise him that?!"

"Of course not Chris!" I settle down and say to him. "You're the only one I want to do it with."

"Wait... then what did you promise him?" Carrie asks.

"Are you lying to me?" Chris nudges me.

"No Chris, I'm not lying. And Carrie, I promised that we'd turn on the music later."

"And later being..." Carrie asks.

"Whenever you feel like it," I wink. "As for you Chris." I bend down slightly and press my lips against his for a brief moment. "A kiss, as an apology for freaking you out."

He pouts at me and crosses his arms. "Ok..." he says after a moment of staring, "I'll forgive you... but you owe me!"


He smiles at me and we go back into our little circle. We talk about anything possible: relationships, college apps, sports seasons, where to hangout next time, etc. But I'm not going to record what we said. Come on... that's boring. So instead, I'll describe the atmosphere of the place a little bit more.

If you haven't caught up by now, this year's homecoming theme is "Far, Far, Away," as in fairy tails and Disney magic. ASB managed to decorate the entire gym into the layout of a ballroom. The gym is divided into two sections, downstairs and upstairs. Downstairs is pretty obvious. Complete with the designs of glittery, white drapes and marble pillars everywhere, the first floor is basically a dance floor with the DJ off to a side.

Now upstairs is a different story. ASB wanted that place to look like an outdoor patio. So, they pulled the drapes to keep that area darker than the rest (upstairs is extra bleachers for basketball home games). The ceiling is covered with a dark navy fabric with twinkling stars attached. So with such a wonderful place, what does one do with it? Two reasons really...

One is to let people chill and hang. You know... for those people who don't like to dance, but still like the environment of a school dance. So what's the other?

Food. Lots and lots of food. I don't know how they did it, but ASB managed to squeeze in enough money to buy enough food to stop world hunger. There's everything possible: ice cream, muffins, cake, donuts, cupcakes... Cupcakes man!

Anyways, you get the idea... I have to say, I'm impressed. Now let's just hope that they don't crash and burn after this. Other than that, that's pretty much it. I mean come on, it's homecoming. What do you expect? Prom?

"Hey, isn't that Brandy?" Chris brings up and points at the entrance.

Carrie squints her eyes and nods. "Mhm, that's her alright... But who the hell is that guy?"

"Who?" Heather asks, looking around.

"The one next to her... you see him? He's holding her hand," Carrie replies.

"Probably her date?" Heather suggests, chuckling awkwardly.

"I think she means, who is that guy exactly," I point out. "I mean, I've never seen him around. Have you?"

"Hmm... now that you mention it... he doesn't seem familiar..." Joey mumbles, deep in thought. "What was his name again?"

"David Anderson I believe," I reply. All eyes on me. "What? A guy can't remember what he recited?"

"In any case..." Bryan says to grab everyone's attention, "Let's not worry about this so much. Who cares about Brandy? Carrie won homecoming; that's all that matters."

"...You're right..." Carrie agrees grudgingly. "Anyways, who's hungry for awesome food?" We all cheer in agreement and out of the main gym to go up the stairs.

"Wow..." Chris wonders in amazement at the pretty second floor. "You guys outdid yourselves."

"Why thank you," Heather responds with a curtsy. "Why can't you be more like him?" she scolds Joey.

"What?..." he says in defense.

"Never mind..." she grumbles.

"Anyways... can we have special friend privileges?" Chris asks with his puppy eyes to Carrie.

"I'll see what I can do," she smiles back.

"Yes!" Chris hisses back, pulling a fist back into his body.

Caleb then walks up to Chris and pulls him aside. "How do you do that?" he whispers.

"Se-cr-et," Chris pronounces in syllables.

"Ok, so good news and bad," Carrie says coming back, "We can't cut the line, BUT, we do have a VIP guest line for those who were involved with Homecoming."

Everyone silently cheers and follows Carrie up to the VIP line. Of course, us senior boys couldn't help be goof off by poking fun at everyone in the regular line as we pass them. Hey, boys will be boys. And naturally, our significant others roll their eyes in unison and shake their heads disapprovingly at us.

"So... now that you're done teasing them, what do you want?" Chris asks me as he hands me a plate.

"Hmm... a cupcake, some cake, a little bit of ice cream..." Hell, I wanted everything. Hey don't judge. I'm skinny as fuck, gotta gain some weight right? Funny thing is, I have a black hole for a stomach; it sucks everything in and obliterates food into nothing.

"So uh, where do we sit?" Caleb asks.

"There are some tables over there," Heather points behind the line of food. We stroll over there and thank god the tables were squares.

Bryan and I push two of them together while Joey and Matt set up chairs around them. In no time, we have a table of eight with each couple sitting next to each other. As soon as we all sit down, we pick up our forks and dig in.

"So..." Joey states slowly, "I'm assuming everyone's too busy gobbling down their food to talk."

"Oh shut up Joey," Heather scolds. "Here, have a donut." Before Joey can react, Heather shoves a donut into his mouth.

"What the hell Heather?!" he protests while taking the donut out of his mouth. "Why... did you... hey, this IS pretty good," he realizes as he smacks his lips. He takes another bite and shuts up. Chris and I couldn't help but giggle at Joey's sudden change in mood.

"So Joey, what were you going to say?" Matt asks.

"Huh? Oh... I don't even remember," he replies before taking another bite. This causes Chris and I to crack up laughing.

"What?" he asks.

"Oh nothing... nothing," I reply while rubbing my eyes.

"If you say so..."

Well, we basically stayed at our little table for a good thirty minutes before deciding to go back down to the dance floor. We see Andrew near the DJ, looking a bit pale and fumed. I guess he's still pissed at the fact that the music's not in full blast.

Good thing Carrie decided to crank it up, since I didn't think Andrew can last much longer. Who knows, maybe the noisy sounds will help calm him down. But... just as the music starts, the DJ switches to the first slow dance upon request maybe after ten minutes. Everyone partner's up and starts swaying to the music.

I push myself off the wall and turn to face Chris. "So, may I have this dance?" I ask while holding out my hand.

"But I don't know how to dance..." Chris admits shamefully.

"Don't worry about that. I can't either," I grin at him. Hesitantly, he grabs hold my hand, and I lead him up to the dance floor.

I position one of his hand onto my waist and entwine his other with mine. I then guide him into a basic swinging motion. At first, he's tense and not responding to me, but after a few more goes at it, he relaxes and follows my lead. He closes his eyes and leans his head onto my shoulder.

"This is nice..." he mumbles.

"Tell me about it," I whisper back while sneaking in a kiss on his forehead.

We continue dancing all they way until the song ends. Chris opens his eyes and smiles at me. I take his hand and lead him back to the side. The people disperse and go back into their own little dance circles as hardcore rock music starts playing again with raving lights in the background.

Yeah... love might make you do crazy things, but I'm not that crazy... yet. Dancing around like an idiot on the floor? No thank you. And besides, I haven't the slightest clue about break dancing. Gasp, I know right? Something I can't do. Hey, I'm only a human being...

"Did you like it?" I ask Chris once we get out of the way of others.

"Mhm," he smiles. "Thanks Dylan..."

"For what?" I ask. He leans forward and kisses me on the lips.

"For everything."

I smile at his touch and nod appreciatively.

"Come on! Let's go join the others!" he shouts over the ever growing music. He grabs my hand and dashes back into the big crowd.

And dance did we do... You know what I've learned today? Nobody cares if you're an dancing like an idiot. Cause quite frankly, everyone's dance moves were ridiculous. The only thing that matters is that you have fun.

So here we are, thirty minutes into dancing. And as we all know in this day and age, there has to be some sort of grinding. Guess who grinded up against me? No really, guess. I'll never understand how the hell is he this flirtatious. Jeeze, I think Chris and I were both sporting boners, or at the very least, semis.

The final song ends and Chris and I decide to take a break. We walk away from the crowd and towards the entrance to the stairs. Thank god the staff brought the water pitchers down; I was thirsty as fuck! Wow can dancing take your breath away.

I was just about to take a sip when someone bumps into me. Thank god I have quick reflexes and catch the cup without spilling anything.

"What the hell man?" I protest.

"Sorry, my bad..." the guy apologizes halfheartedly while continuing looking around for something, or someone.

I squint my eyes slightly and study his face. "Hey... you're that guy... Brandy's date right?" I make note, wagging my finger at him.

"Yeah... have you seen her anywhere? She kinda disappeared on me."

"Bummer..." I sympathize... not really. Wow bitch! You don't leave your date hanging man! That's not cool.

"Oh, I'm David by the way, David Anderson." He holds out his hand.

I grab it and shake it firmly. "Dylan, Dylan Wolfe."

"Wait... Dylan..." he pulls his hands back. "Dylan... hmm..."

"Is something wrong?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh! Dylan!" he realizes something, "Oh dude... I am so sorry..."

"Sorry about what?" I question him gingerly.

"That I didn't get permission from you..." he sulks, "But in my defense, it was sad seeing her all crying, and I felt bad for her..."

"What are you talking about?" I ask for the second time.

"What's going on?" Chris inquires.

"Didn't you break up with Brandy right before Homecoming because you said that she's too good for you?"

"What?!" Chris spits out his water.

"Isn't that was happened?" David questions.

"No?" I awkwardly laugh at the situation. "Did she tell you that?"

"Yeah, crying her eyes out near where I lived."

"Oh boy... you don't go to school here do you?" I point out.

"Mhm, I go to Obama High School. You know, the city next to you guys."

"Ok, here's the deal. She set you up," I sigh.

"What do you mean?" David surveys meticulously.

"I mean, Brandy and I never dated. It's really complicated, but she hates my guts for something I did to her back in middle school. So now, she wants to ruin my life as much as possible."

"So... what does this have to do with her and homecoming?"

"Like I said, it's complicated..." I take in a deep breath. "But long story short, she not only hates me, but also hates this year's Homecoming queen because of some bad history too. Not only that, but all her year's of hard work gathering followers have been for naught."


"What Dylan means is, Brandy's been gathering every single girl who's had a crush on Dylan and turning them against him ever since middle school. But... Dylan isn't interested in having a relationship with girls," Chris answers.

"Why not?"

"Because he's in a relationship with me," Chris grins.

"Wait... You two are gay?" David repeats what Chris just said.

"Yeah, does that bother you?" I ask cautiously.

"No... I have a friend who's gay, but still... oh my god, this is a lot to take in..."

"There's more," I said, "Since I announced my sexual orientation to the entire school like few

days before Homecoming, there was no way Brandy could've gotten a date by then. Everyone who was good looking enough has already been asked, and if I know her, she won't settle for someone 'unpopular.'"

"Now add two and two together, and you have a girl who's been trying to go after a gay guy for the last six years, who's lost Homecoming to her worst enemy, and who's failed at getting a date on time. That's gotta be embarrassing right?" Chris pipes in.

"So that's why she was near my block... to make me take pity on her- Oh my god! It all makes sense now!" David's eyes light up. "She doesn't care about me... all she needed was a date so she wouldn't look bad, am I right?"

"Yeah... sorry bro..." I sympathize again.

"So that's why she was acting all strange and distant... I thought she was still sad about you..." Chris and I look at each other and say nothing. I mean, what can we say to make him feel better? "Well then... fuck her too!" David grunts in conclusion.

"Well..." I say in a singing voice, "If you want... you can always get her back."

"How?" David asks, "And why would you do that?"

"Hey, she's caused enough trouble as it is for you. And let's just say she sort of made me look

bad in front of you." Technically, I'm not wrong. She did make me look bad with the fake breakup story. "So, wanna work together?"

"Hmm... we aren't going to hurt her right?"

"Nah, just embarrass her in front of everyone. If you want, I can get some of my friends to help you."

David looks down a few minutes, deep in thought. "Deal. I want some payback."

"Chris," I go into devious planning mode, "Commence Operation: Payback Time."

"What does that mean?" Chris giggles.

"It means, go gather our posse silly."

"Oh ok," he snickers and prances away to look for the others.

"Everything good to go?" I ask my posse, who's gathered up in a group.

"Mhm," Caleb grunts response.

"Oh man, can't wait to see what's going to happen," Bryan giddies. We all look at him funnily. "What? I have a grudge against her too."

"Don't we all..." Matt reminds us. Well, more for five of us really.

"Anyways... position everybody," I instruct. Everybody, minus me, get into position.

See, Bryan and Matt are to go stay by the staircase so that if Brandy were to come down, she can't go back up. Carrie is to announce that David lost his date in the dance crowd and would like Brandy to come claim her. Heather will stand by David, in case anything too bad comes up. David will then cause a scene on the stage, leaving Brandy completely shocked and humiliated. As for Chris and Caleb, they'll encouraging everyone to be recording the whole thing on their phones.

And me? I've decided to play it safe and watch from the sidelines. Yeah, I know what you're thinking; some friend right? Well, it wasn't my idea; it was actually Bryan's idea. When Brandy gets mad, she'll immediately think that it was me. So to make me look innocent, I'll play dummy and not know a thing, or at least try too.

By now, Carrie's walked up to where the DJ is. "Ahem, may I have your attention please," she speaks into the mike, "We've seem to have a tiny problem with our friend here David. You see, he's seemed to have lost his date after the last mosh circle, so can Brandy Parr please come up the DJ center. I repeat, Brandy Parr, up to the DJ center."

Everyone at the dance look around, at each other, and then stare awkwardly to the spaces in front of them, waiting for something, or someone to move. After a few minutes, Brandy pops out of a door, glaring at Carrie.

"Oh look everyone, there she is! Let's give her a round of applause," Carrie speaks into the mike and claps. Out of peer pressure, everyone else joins into the clapping. Brandy plays the grateful look and walks up to the DJ center, absorbing the attention.

"Well, the floors all yours David." Carrie steps aside and David comes up next to Brandy. I take this moment to move in closer to hear what they're saying.

"I hope you have a good reason for calling me here," Brandy snares quietly while attempting a smile.

"No, but I do hope you have a good explanation for lying to me," David asserts rather loudly for everyone to hear.

"What do you mean?"

"Apparently, Brandy Parr is a filthy liar everyone!" David announces, with his sound resonating across the entire gym. Everyone falls silent and stares blankly at Brandy. "Apparently, the only reason why she has me as a date today is because she told me that someone broke up with her."

"What are you doing?" Brandy hisses.

David ignores her, "But, that was a lie. In reality, she failed to get a date on time and manipulated me with tears into asking her out. Now, I don't need pity points, but let this be a fair warning to everyone. Don't trust her! She's lied to me, a random dude who doesn't even go to school here. I wonder how many lies she's spread to you guys!"

David turns around only to see Brandy seething and lunging her body onto him. Luckily, I foresaw this and had Heather in the background. Heather steps in and grabs hold of Brandy, disrupting her attempt at hurting David.

"Security! She's going crazy!" Carrie shouts.

"Oh my god, this is going on Youtube guys!" I hear Chris and Caleb say at opposite ends of the gym as they pulls out their phone. Immediately after those words, literally everyone pulls out their phones and start recording Brandy being pulled off the stage by teachers.

I secretly snicker at the scene, but regret doing so when my eyes meet against Brandy. "You!" she shouts, "I'll get you for this Dylan! Just you watch!"

I hold out my hands and shrug at her. Hey, I gotta play innocent right?

All in all, Brandy gets kicked out of homecoming dance. With nothing else to do, I tell David that he can hang with us for the rest of the night, maybe pick up someone single and have a go at her. Hey, the man has pity points now! Can't let that go to waste now can we?

Luckily, Heather knew someone who was single at the dance. After some introductions and talking, the two hit it off and soon, the two were waving goodbye to us. With the numbers reduced back down to eight, we all hit the dance floor and act like idiots until the very end.

"And that was the last song everybody. Please, no whining and groaning," the DJ announces over the mike. Truth be told, it is getting late -10:30- and we're all yawning and exhausted from all that dancing, well, "dancing" in quotes.

With some last minute talking and dawdling, everyone eventually finds their way out the main gate and out to the parking lot. Some had to wait for their parents to come and pick them up, others, like me, had the luxury of a car. Chris and I say our goodbyes to our friends and I press the gas pedal all the way home.

"That was fun," Chris yawns as he closes the front door behind him.

"Oh, you're back," Betty states as she walks by the hallway, checking on who came in. "Did you have fun?"

"Mhm. I had a great time," Chris grins. "Come on Dylan, I'm tired." Before anyone can say anything, Chris grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs.

"So... should we shower together or what?" I ask as he closes the door behind him.

"Actually... I was thinking about giving you a surprise for making today such a special day," Chris replies timidly.


"Yeah... but it requires some preparations. So... I'll have to shower first so I can prepare the stuff ready while you take your shower."

"Fair enough... can I ask what the surprise is?"

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Chris giggles, struggling to take off his formal clothes.

"Need my help again?" I sigh.

"That'd be great..."

I walk over to him and help him remove his clothing. And yes... by the time we've finished, I'm sporting some wood. Hey, it's not every day you get to see your sexy boyfriend naked. But I digress... yet again!

Chris flashes one of those smiles at me and skimps out the door, only to have his mother yelp in surprise. Poor Betty... coming up the stairs, utterly unprepared to see her son's double full moons and globes. Of course, she scolds him, but to no avail. I mean, would you stay and listen to your parents nag while you're naked? I thought as much...

Although, I have to say, Chris has come a long way. Roughly two months back, and he would've been terrified at the thought of his parents seeing him naked, let alone having it happen. But now... he's like a regular teenager now- a kid even... Preteen, that's the word... Chris is now acting like a preteen. You know, when you're too old for action figures, but too young to be into sports, popular music, etc. Funny thing is, he's already 15, and going into 16 very soon.

Now that I think of it, is he 15 and a half yet? Huh... I'll have to ask him, and maybe ask his parents and see if he can get a driver's license. I don't how you can survive without a car here in America.

I exhale a long, deep breath and feel my shoulders slump down from the weariness of the night. I hope Chris's surprise doesn't take too much energy out of me. I glance around the room and repeat my sigh. How did he manage to make this room so messy? Note to self, clean this place up tomorrow or something...

So, I quickly change into something a little more comfortable. I barely put on my basketball shorts before Betty comes knocking at the door. Grabbing a shirt, I pull it over my head as I try to open the door.

"Here Dylan. I believe this belongs to one of you." She holds out Snowflake.

"Ah, Snowflake." I take it from her, scratching the back of my head.

She smiles at me and winks. "Try not to stay up too late."

"Oh..." I blush. Jeeze, give me some space woman!

"Anyways, night."

"Yeah... good night."

She walks out the miniscule walkway and makes a right to go back into her room. Just as I close the door and turn away, Chris comes barging in, with water still dripping down his blonde haystack.

"You're looking beautiful."

"I'll take that as compliment thank you," he grunts back before closing the door behind him. As he's walking towards the bed, he rips off the towel around his waist and pulls it over his head. Again, the changes he's made over the month.

"Anyways... I'm a go shower," I announce to him.

"Take your time," he grunts while scraping his hair vigorously, trying to get the excess water out.

I give him a quick kiss on the forehead by surprise and squeeze out the room. I dash into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I adjust the water temperature and quickly strip out of my clothes. I then step under the scalding water and close my eyes. Well, time for that ten minute pondering on the wonders of life.

But then again... Chris did promise me a surprise. Tsk, decisions, decisions... Ah fuck it! I'll just make my shower quick. Besides I can always ponder on life tomorrow or something. With that being said, I shift my gears into rapid mode and condense my usual shower time.

In about five minutes, I turn off the water and step out of the shower. I quickly dry myself up cursorily and wrap the towel around my waist. I Then take out the hair dryer and spend a good two minutes drying my hair. Hey, I have a surprise to get to.

"Oh Chris~" I sing out loud as I pound on the door.

"Just a minute!" he shouts through the door. "Ok! You can come in now!"

I delicately turn the handle and peek inside the room. The room's dimly lit now with the lamp next to the bed as the only source of light. I peer around and see a nearly naked Chris laying on his side on the bed. I enter the room, lock the door behind me, and walk towards Chris, removing my towel in the process and tossing it off next to his on the ground.

"So... I seem to remember someone preferring my old uniform," Chris flirts. "Do you... like it?"

"Oh, I like it alright," I grin as I sit down on the bed. I turn my head and stare at the majestic beauty over to my side. Wow... it's as if his sexiness just went up a ton of notches by wearing nothing but those black Speedos and black bowtie.

"So... you get the same old same old," he grins back. With those words of agreement as his permission, I immediately pounce on him and begin kissing him all over.

"Mmm... I'm going to fuck you hard today, you won't be able to stand properly tomorrow," I growl at him.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" Chris taunts.

I give him a deep kiss on the lips, causing his body to melt into goo. "Does that answer your question?"

"Mmm..." he moans in response, his with body going lithe and limp.

"So, want a spanking?" I tease.

"Yes please!" he snaps out of his trance and eagerly flips his body around.

I slide on top of him, wrapping my arms around his chest-pinching and teasing his stiff nipples, and whisper into his ear, "Hmm... now, how should we do this? Should I use my hands, or should I get your love paddle?"

"Uh... Oh just spank me already!" Chris quips.

"Wow... that eager huh?" I pull myself away from Chris and lift his hips up so that he's on his knees. I then pull his tight Speedos all the way up, giving him a wedgie. "Spread your legs more Chris," I command.

He obediently obliges and wiggles his ass a little in the process. To expose his ass into full moons, I use my right hand and tuck the remaining flaps in between his crack.

"Wow Chris... you have no idea how turned on I am from this view," I comment.

"Shut up and spank alreadiiii-ah!" he jolts as I deliver his first strike. "Ah!... oh harder Dylan... Oh!~"

Since my left hand's occupied with keeping the Speedos wrapped tightly around Chris's crotch, I can only execute my love taps with my right hand. I give him five more on his right cheek and then lean down to plant a big, wet kiss on his stingy, bare ass. I then switch hands and repeat the process on his left cheek.

"Uh... Oh!... Oh fuck yeah!..." he moans and arches his back. "Mmm... come on Dylan!... what part of harder don't you get?!"

Jeeze... what is it with him and this fetish... I apply more force onto his cheeks, making the slapping sound resonate around the room as his butt jiggles around with each impact. After about 60 spanks, I stop and carefully strip off his Speedos for him. If only you can see his ass now... they're both as red as an apple! And my hand isn't that far behind either!

"Ok, now what?" he asks me, still in the kneeling position.

Instead of responding, I merely bend down and lick up his ass crack. A shiver travels up Chris's back as he moans from the touch.

"I think I'm going to have some man pussy," I respond late and kiss his pink pucker again. I agonizingly lick from the place right behind his ball sack and up to his hole. This causes Chris to writhe around in discomfort and agony.

"Dylan..." he moans.

"Ah-ah-ah," I dissuade him. "You know what, I feel like edging you for a bit."

"No please Dylannn Ughhh!" he moans again as I invade his ass.

This time though, I drive my tongue in, trying to penetrate and loosen his ass for later. I gently pull out and probe back in, enjoying his sphincter muscles attempting to squeeze my tongue out.

"Uh... Please Dylan... Uh!..." he groans. "Let me cum!..."

I had other things in mind. I remove my tongue from his ass and flip him back around. I pull him down a little by the legs and spread them apart. Shit is he hard... and leaking all that juicy precum. I smack my lips and dive down to engulf his cock in his mouth. But! If he's thinking about blowing his load now, he's sadly mistaken.

I first bob up and down his shaft as slowly as possible, making sure to lick up all the sweet precum from his throbbing dick. Of course, this causes him to squirm around like a snake on sand. To accommodate for that, I firmly press both my hands down on his hips, holding him in place.

"Gyah!... Oh my god Dylan!... I thought you were gonna let me cum!" he grimaces. I would've loved to reply, but as you can see, I'm rather busy attending something.

I loosen my throat and push my face down even further, until my nose is buried in his golden bush. I constrict my throat by doing some swallowing motions.

"OH FUCK!" Chris shouts, but not too loudly. "Oh god!... Sss!... Mmm!!!" he groans, trying his best to pump his hips upward. Unfortunately, my hands' in the way, preventing him from getting off.

I release his cock from my throat and go back to slowly bobbing. His dick spasms a few times, and never stops producing his premature boy milk. I swear, it's like his dick has a broken pipe or something; it's leaking out so much delicious precum like a faucet turned on full blast.

I remove my mouth from his dick and it flickers around, trying it's best to shoot out it's sperm. Too bad it didn't get enough stimulation to do so though... I grab hold of it and lash it with my tongue, occasionally swirling around under the foreskin area.

"Mmm! Ugh!... Fuck you Dylan!..." he curses at me. Eh, I know he doesn't mean that to heart; he's just extremely horny and in need of some release now. Too bad he won't get any soon hehe...

As punishment for swearing at me, I stick out my tongue and place it on his pee slit, which is still producing precum. After getting my tongue firmly on it, I draw some random lines with his penis using my tongue as a board. The effect? Well... it makes Chris moan crazily while I get an even better taste of his precum smearing all over my tongue. Man is that sexy as hell.

"...Ah!... Sss!... I'm sorry alright! Uh!... Oh please Dylan... just let me cum..." he pleads.

"But Chris... you said same old same old," I remind him as I pinch the tip of his penis with two fingers, "That means I get to do whatever I want."

He flails his body as my touch and gasps. "Please Dylan! I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" I tease as I stroke up the underside of his shaft with a finger.

"Yes! Anything!"

"Ok," I grin back and dive back down onto his 6.5 inches of wonder. I swallow the monster whole and begin treating it well. I bounce his dick with my mouth furiously, milking out every last drop of his delicious boy juice.

"Oh fuck yes! Oh faster Dylan!... Oh fuck-fuck-fuck!" Chris swears as he pumps his hips up to match my speed. "Oh shit! Dylan! Oh fuck! Mmm!... It's coming!" he grimaces. "Fuuuuck!"

His dick erupts like Krakatoa's explosion with volley after volley of cum spewing all over my mouth. I try my best to swallow everything down, but it was too much. I pull myself away and two more volleys of cum shoot right onto my chin. Ah... karma's a bitch sometimes...

Although he stops producing cum at this point, Chris still continues to jolt wave after wave of pleasure. Jeeze, what happens if I do this to him every time then? Will he produce this much cum the next time?

"Fuuuck..." Chris sighs after firing his load. His entire body slumps down to the ground and he just stays there, not doing anything. I go up to his face and give him a kiss. In return, he licks up the cum off of my chin and smacks his lips.

"So about that anything Chris," I remind him.

No response. Ok... I guess I'm good to go then. I grab hold of my pillow and place it next to his waist. Good thing he isn't heavy since I had to lug him over so that his groin is on top of the pillow with his butt sticking out to the air. I go into the drawer and pull out the lube. I squeeze out some, dripping it onto his asshole and coat some onto my dick. Ever so slowly, I push my cock into his tight hole, entering heaven as I do.

"Ah..." he sighs in a late reaction.

Once I was all the way in, I lean down and growl into my sexy boyfriend's ear. "Here's the deal. I'm going to slowly fuck you and slowly penetrate your tight hole. I'm going to hit that little love button of yours so many times you'll be cumming all over the place again."

"Uh..." he moans softly.

"But," I continue, "If you beg enough, I might speed up just a little to give you some pleasure again."

Without nothing else to say, I pull out very, very slowly and throttle back into Chris's love tunnel. In an instant, Chris lets out a mixture between a sigh and moan. I pull out and push back in again, but this time, I make sure to his Chris's G-spot.

"Ah!... Oh god!' Chris hisses.

"Remember, if you want more, you'll have to beg for it," I tease into his ear and nibble on the lobe.

"Oh please Dylan! Fuck me hard!" Chris begs.

"What? What do you want? I can't hear you?" I grumble hoarsely while tormenting my little snuggle bug.

"I want you to fuck me! Hard!" he beseeches.

"How hard?" I continue to tease.

"Fucking breed me Dylan!" he rasps. "Fucking breed my boy pussy! Ah!... Fuck! Why did you pull out?!"

"To make you beg more," I chuckle evilly.

"Fuuuuuck!..." he swears in agony. I guess he's had enough.

"Ok, ok... I guess you've had enough edging for the night. Ready to go to into another world?" I pant as my body starts becoming sweaty. Hey, Chris isn't the only one who's being blue -balled by all this.

"Oh fuck yes! Fucking breed me my pussy Dylan! I want you to dump your cum deep in me and get me pregnant!"

Ok... pregnant may be too much, but whatever. I lock my elbows and place my arm in front of Chris's shoulders to elevate myself. I take in a deep breath and start vigorously pumping Chris's ass.

"Oh... Oh yeah... Fuck me Dylan..." Chris pants while I'm working his ass "Fuck..."

"Unngh... I love your hole Chris... Uh..." I grunt back as I pick up the pace.

"Fuck! I love your fat cock Dylan! Nnn... OH FUCK!" he screams, "Hit that place again!"

I guess I hit his magical button again. I try to reposition myself and find that spot he was talking about.

"Oh fuck! Yeah that's the spot! Mmmph!... Oh fuck!"

"Shit Chris... I'm not... I'm not gonna last much longer," I grimace, trying to hold that tingly feeling for as long as possible. "Oh fuck!" Unable to hold the feeling much longer, my dick explodes and plants its seeds deep within Chris's ass.

"Shit Dylan... Oh my god! I'm... I'm cumming!" Chris yells and arches his back, firing his second round of cum all over my pillow. Great... perfectly good cum gone to waste...

My orgasm finishes and my body completely falls on top of Chris, panting like a dog. "That was fun..."

"Yeah..." he wheezes back, "That was the most intense sex we've ever had..."

"Tell me about it...... I'm going to pull out now, ok?"

"No wait..." he breaths heavily, "Keep it in there for a little bit, I like the feeling."

"Ok..." I then rock my body slowly up against Chris's body.

Consequentially, my semi-hard dick rubs against his hole a little. It was too sensitive for me, so I had no choice but pull out. In doing so though, Chris whimpers without something filling his tunnel.

"Sorry Chris... but it was getting sensitive," I coo at him while brushing his cheek with my hand.

"It's ok..." he sighs, "By the way, sorry for cussing at you..."

"No worries, I would've done the same thing if I were in your shoes, or there lack of," I giggle.

"Ok... should we go shower?" he whispers.

"Yeah, we should..." I snicker, "Since we're all grody and stuff."

I force myself up off of him and pull him up too. We limp over to the bathroom using our shaky legs and quickly rinse ourselves off again. We dry ourselves off and head back into the room.

I head over to his closet and pull out new bed sheets and pillow cases. Sigh... such a curse for gay guys when they're having fun... While I'm changing the bed sheets, Chris changes my pillow case for me. Aww... so sweet of him... Seeing that it's ready midnight, we decide to toss the old ones aside with our towels and worry about them tomorrow. We hop onto the bed, pull the blanket over us, and get comfy with me spooning Chris like always.

"Today was fun..." Chris yawns, "Especially the latter."

"Maybe we can do it some more tomorrow," I tease at him and kiss him on the forehead.

"Maybe..." he yawns again. "but next time, you should just fuck me long and hard."

"Now where's the fun in that?"

"I guess..." he sighs.

"Oh by the way, your mom gave me Snowflake."

"Really? Where is he?" he asks, yawning again.

"By the chair."

"Oh ok... As long as he's safe... Anyways, night Dylan."

"Good night snuggle bug," I whisper into his ear and shut off the light. "I'll always love you...forever..."


I enjoy company, so send emails if you can :)

And hope all you high schoolers had fun at your Homecoming dance!

Next: Chapter 22

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