Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Sep 11, 2013


Ok! Sorry for the short delay, but here's chapter 16!

For those who like to quick read, I encourage you to read this part slowly. It contains some touchy parts, not to mention a really loving moment shared between Chris and Dylan. So please, READ SLOWLY. Thank you ^^

And of course, the usual copyright issues. Come on, you should know this by now...

Donations too! Please!

And the option of suggestions, ideas, critics are always welcome in my email (posted on the top of this story).

...I can't think of anything else. So, enjoy!


Chapter 16 "Ultimate Gift" <- I have a title this time! :]

"Dylan..." Chris whines as I'm busy planning for Carrie's homecoming package.

"Yeah?" I grunt out while scribbling down a note for myself.

"Wow... I asked you something and you didn't even hear..." he complains.

"Oh I'm sorry..." I set down my crap in front of the table and ask, "What did you ask again?"

He sighs while slumping down his shoulders. "Wanna go out tonight?"

"Ohhh! Chris is showing Dylan up!" Caleb taunts. "Guess we now know who's the guy in the relationship!"

I shoot Caleb an angry look and smile back at Chris. "What's the occasion?"

"Nothing," he grins.

"Sure it isn't..." I smirk. "Come on, why the sudden deal? Don't make me tickle you."

"It's nothing, really... I just wanted you to relief some stress," he replies innocently. He then leans towards my ear and whispers, "Well, that and the fact that both my parents are gone for the week."

"Really? Since when?"

"Mom liked the plan her team created, so they're going to propose it to someone higher up for approval, or something like that. Meaning she'll have to fly up to Nor Cal. And plus, Patrick left

yesterday, so we basically have the entire house to ourselves."

"I see..."

"So you'll go?" Chris asks desperately by showing his beautiful blue eyes.

"Alright fine..." I give in to his cute look. "But you'll have to plan it; I'm too busy as it is with helping Carrie and all..."

"Done," he grins. "I've already planned everything out."

"Why you little..." I pull him in and jab at his ribs a couple of times.

"Oh my god Dylan! S-s-stop!" Chris pleads as I torture him.

I stop digging into his skin and hug him. "I'll forgive you this time... but only because you're so cute."

"See, I told you that you couldn't resist me."

"Yeah-yeah. You and your dream talks," I reply.

"Anyways, you'll have to drop me off at my house so I can get ready. I made the reservation for two at six tonight."

"Alright, do you want me to change at your house? Or come ready to go?" I ask.

"Come ready to go," Chris states.


"Psst," Caleb hisses, "Sorry to break into your chat, but I need some help with my math homework."

"Fine..." I sigh and look over at his homework.

Before we know it, the final bell rings and Chris and I are waving goodbye to Caleb. Apparently, we aren't the only ones who's going to be busy this weekend, teehee. Wonder if Caleb and Matt are going to be sore come Monday. Ah well, I guess we'll know next week.

"Remember, call time of 4:30," Chris reminds me as he gets off the car.

"Sure thing snuggle bug," I grin.

He rolls his eyes and shuts the door. He opens his front door and waves goodbye to me as I'm backing up.

"See you in an hour Chris!" I shout out the window and drive off. In about ten minutes, I pull my car in front of my house. I slam the car door behind me and sprint into the house, hoping my mom wouldn't say anything.

"Dylan! You home?!"

Crap! Now I gotta bs something up about going out tonight. "Yeah Mom! I'm not staying for long though! I've got a lot of stuff to do!"

"Like?" she hollers.

"I've got a homecoming committee meeting to go to tonight. Since Carrie's running for queen, she can't attend the meeting, so she's asked me to go in her place."

"Oh ok... you staying with Chris over the weekend?"

Woman! You and your questions! Why?! "Actually... I think I'm staying for the week. His mom decided to on another trip for the entire week, so... yeah..." "In any case! I've gotta pack and get ready! The committee's being stupid and requiring us to dress up. So don't freak out if you see me in a suit!"

Before she can reply, I pounce for my room and shut the door behind me. Relief! Finally! I sigh deeply and take out my duffle bag. Four days worth of clothes should be enough, right? I mean, I can always do laundry at his house if needed.

I take out all the clothes that I'm going to need and shove them into the bag. Talk about messy... Eh, I'm not a total neat freak. I look around in my closet one last time for any loose items I'm missing. Regarding our special box full of goodies, I've manage to sneak it back into Chris's room yesterday as Patrick and his parents were leaving. Thank god too, cause my mom decided to look in my closet for something this morning. Talk about lucky...

With nothing left to take, I open my door and hastily dash into the shower. Once there, I turn on the faucet and strip out of my clothes. As I'm removing my soiled clothes, my mind trails over to Chris. sigh I'm still in that gushy, mushy phase where everything is about Chris. It's both frustrating and amusing at the same time. It's a like a double-edged sword; whenever I'm bored, I tend to think of him. That's nice and all, but I get bored easily. So... let's say I'm taking a test, boom! I'm thinking of Chris.

And I can't help it either! He's just so damn cute and gorgeous! Oh and by the way, the water's already hot. Now I'm just wasting water... God damn it!... I shake my head out of it and sigh deeply. Watch, I'm going to think about Chris during my twenty minute alone time in the shower.

I step into the shower and wash myself thoroughly. I start with my yellow mop on top of my head, as usual, and rinse off the suds after. I then grab the body wash and smear it all over my body, taking care of all the parts you'd usually miss: armpits, crack, behind the ears, back of neck, etc.

Once step two's finished, I sit down and let the spray deluge my head. Like I said, Chris is going to enter my mind again... I don't know... why am I so lucky to have him? Was it fate? Or was it chance? Then why not earlier? Oh yeah... I was too chicken to ask him the first time I met him... But you can't blame me; I wasn't sure at that time...

What about our future? I know for certain that he's the one. I'm going to do everything in my power to protect him... Never again am I going to let someone like Brandy scare him. He means too much to me... It's a good thing he wasn't traumatized by Evan and his gang... I mean, we did talk about it, but he insisted that he was fine. Not to sound conceded, but I think it's because he's been sleeping with me ever since Patrick arrived.

...I have enough on my plate as it is... Now to think about tonight... I'm still wondering what the big occasion is. It isn't like Chris to think of something like this. I mean, usually it's me! Why would Chris be willing to set up a date night for us all the sudden? It must be something important since he's made the plans beforehand. Hmm...

I stand back up, apply some conditioner to my hair, and turn off the water. I think I've pondered about life for long enough. I can always think more about this in my sleep... I quickly dry myself off, wrap the towel around my waist, and walk back into my room.

Good then my mom didn't say anything... otherwise I'd be in that awkward position of talking to her in the nude... Oh god... just imagining it is embarrassing enough. Once I lock the door behind me, I pull off the towel from my waist and flop onto on my bed.

Turning onto my back, I rest my hands above my head. I sigh and look over at my clock, 4:10. I still have a good ten minutes... I look back up at the ceiling and think of Chris again. The corner of my lips curl up as I imagine Chris still here with me. Yesterday was painful without being able to cuddle him... If it was painful yesterday, how am I going to live without him by my side? What about college man... how am I going to survive without Chris next to me... Sigh... I guess it's back to hugging the pillow... Note to self, get Chris to rub himself all over the pillow so it has his smell.

My smile transforms into a pout at the thought of my future. Shit! That's the one thing I don't want to think about now! I shake my head vigorously and look back at the clock. Ah crap... it's 4:17... I pull out a pair of black boxer briefs that hug my ass tightly and head over to my closet. I place my hands on my hips as I scan around for my formal wear. Aha! There you are... I pull out coat hangar holding onto the pair of black slacks, black buttoned-up shirt, and black striped tie. I cursorily button up the shirt, slip on the pants, tie my tie, and rummage around for a pair of black socks.

I shove them on each foot and put on my dress shoes. Wow, do I look fancy. Fashion tip for the ladies out there, wearing black makes you look thinner! Keep that in mind the next time you go out! I grab the usual three things when heading out plus the duffle bag and burst out my door.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I say to them as I pass by the living room to get out.

"Bye Dylan. Don't stay out too late," she replies and looks back at the T.V. Wonder what she meant by that? All I'm going to is a meeting, right? I mentally shrug my shoulders and get into my car with a bag in one hand, and a pair of casual shoes in the other.

In about seven minutes, I arrive back at Chris's house. I park my car into the driveway and head for the doorway with a duffle bag in hand.

I ring the doorbell and hear Chris call out from his room above, "Hold on! I'm not decent!"

I roll my eyes and try the doorknob. Sure enough, it's unlocked... I sneak inside the hallway after taking off my shoes, set my clothes down on a couch, and sneak up the stairs into Chris's room.

Once there, I quietly open the door. Inside, I see Chris facing away from me butt naked, staring at the sets of clothes he has on his bed. A devilish smile spreads on my face as I creep inside. I ensnare Chris in between my arms and throw him onto the bed.

"Ah!" he yelps in fright and turns around to see who's behind him.

I take this chance to spread his legs apart and give his testes a kiss. "Gotcha," I smirk and lick around his shaft.

"Uh!... Dylan!... Please stop... we don't have time for this!" With all his might, he pushes me away and closes his legs.

I show my lower lip at him. "Aww... why?"

"Because you sneaked into my house for one thing," he scolds, "But more importantly, it takes about 45 minutes to get to the restaurant, and I'm afraid there might be traffic."

"Then why didn't you get ready beforehand?" I ask.

"Because I couldn't decide on what to wear..." he complains. "Now my chances of wowing you are ruined..."

"Not really... you've already wowed me by showing me your bubble butt."

Chris blushes at my comment and scoots off the bed. He reorganizes the messed up clothes and wrinkles his forehead again. I pull out my phone and notice the time.

"Oh come on Chris... here, wear this with this," I instruct as I throw a pair of black pants and grey-blue shirt. "It's already 4:40, and we don't wanna be late now do we?"

He looks at the colors for the second and decides, 'what the heck.' I go over to his closet and throw a pair of boxers and socks at his face; he catches it and gives me a dirty look. I ignore him and gather up the unused clothes and put them back into his closet neatly. Hey, I have parents, not to mention Chris himself, to impress.

I finish first and see Chris finishing up. I look around his closet and pull out a multi-blue striped tie. While he's buttoning up the last of this buttons, I wrap the cloth around his collar and tie a half- Windsor knot.

"Thanks Dylan," he smiles goofily at me.

"No problem babe," I respond with a kiss on the forehead. "And boy do you look dashing in those clothes."

"Well I have a boyfriend who has good tastes in colors," he flirts.

"I'm sure he's lucky, whoever he is..." I trail off as I hug him.

"He's the best..." he sighs back. "Uh Dylan... we need to get going."

"Oh!... Do you have the directions?"

"Mhm, there on the table over there. I'll meet you downstairs."


Chris rushes out the door while I head over to his table. Grabbing the directions, I couldn't help but notice a pair of scissors, tape, and some sort of colorful paper. Huh... wonder what he's been doing? Chris's voice snaps me out of my thinking, and I rush down the stairs.

"Yeah?" I ask at the hallway.

"Are you ready?" he urges.

"Yeah, just lemme put on my shoes..." One thing I hate about dress shoes; they're almost never comfortable. I swear, the shoe company's out to get you by secretly designing the shoes to be as narrow and as tight as possible. In any case, I finish shoving my feet in and head out the door with Chris.

"Don't forget to lock the door this time," I remind him.

"Psh, keeping the door unlocked was part of the plan," he grins.

"Ok, whatever you say..." I dance off on. We get into my car and head out the for the driveway. "What's the directions say?"

"Um... turn left on this road and get onto the freeway."

"Alright, just tell me when..."

Just as Chris feared, there was traffic on the freeway. At least it was only for a short segment of the way... I blame our past leaders... why the hell did you make all the important lanes so narrow! Take the I-5 for example. In LA, there's only segments! No wonder we're voted the city with the worst traffic in the US...

Regardless, we've managed to get to the restaurant with five minutes to spare. Talk about lucky... Even luckier, some guy right by the entrance to the restaurant leaves just as I turn. Perfect

parking spot! Without hesitating, I squeeze into the space and turn off the engine. I lock the doors and walk next to Chris towards the entrance.

"Welcome," the doorman states as he opens the door for us. Inside, we see a line of about ten people, all dressed up with rich-like.

"I thought you said it was semi-formal," I whisper to Chris.

"That's what my mom told me," he hushes back.

"Do we have to wait in line? Or can we be all snooty-like and brush by them?"

"We can skip this line," Chris replies back.

Before he can reply, I take hold of his hand and walk pass the line. As I'm walking by, I see in my peripheral vision the looks we were getting. "Who're those two? Why are these two here? Why the hell are they going on ahead of us?" are what the looks are telling me. Well fuck you too.

"Hello Sirs, what can I do for you?" the waiter states sophisticatedly.

"We've made a reservation for two, under the Tanner party," Chris replies back calmly.

"Ah, so you're Wayne's son, pleasure to meet you," the man holds out his hand.

"No-no, the pleasures all mine," Chris replies and grips the old man's hand.

"Right this way then, we've opened a table, especially for you," the man gestures with his hands. I sneak a peak back behind me and see glowering looks from the line. Jeeze, is it so hard as to make a reservation before coming?

We follow him in and are seated down next to a window. If the cloth-covered table with candles, roses, and silverware didn't impress you, the beautiful garden view outside casting down the hillside will.

"Wow... such a great view..." I comment.

"You have good taste then sir," the receptionist replies. "This table isn't offered to everyone at a normal cost because of the privacy and mood."

"Normal cost?" I ask.

"Yes, normal costs, but tonight, you two are an exception. Please, compliments from the manager... Now here are your menus, and your waiter will be with you momentarily."

"Thank you sir," Chris replies while taking his menu. The guy bows slightly and leaves to call our waiter.

Once he's out of ear shot, I lean forward and ask Chris, "Normal cost?"

He looks around sheepishly and leans forward too. "This restaurant is a branch of the first class hotel just right next to us. A table alone here costs about 800 dollars, that is, if you can get a regular table."

"800 dollars?!" I force out in a soft tone.

"Relax," Chris reassures me, "I mentioned my dad's name since he always stays here for business. So we've got a discount, and this special table."

"How much then?"

"300," he grins. "Don't worry, my parents and I discussed about this and they suggested this place yesterday after Patrick left."

"So... who's paying for this then?" I question.

"I've already taken care of the bill. Remember what my mom said about the credit card?" Chris raises an eyebrow.

"Darn... I was gonna pay with the money I earned from your mom..." I tease.

"Nah... I asked you out, not the other way around... Now let's see... what should I get..."

A few minutes later, another man, probably in his thirties, walks over to our table. "Good evening sirs. My name is Gabe Sanders, and I'll be your waiters tonight. Would you like something to drink while you decide on your orders?"

"Hmm..." Chris hums, "I'll have... the freshly squeezed lemonade please."

"Excellent choice sir, and you?" he asks me.

I look on the back of the menu and look around the choices. "I'll have the... Sakura plum juice please."

"Ah, you know how to order good sir," Gabe compliments. "I'll return momentarily with your drinks. In the meantime, lemme pour some water for you two." Gabe reaches for the pitcher filled with water and pours professionally into the two wine cups in front of Chris and I.

"Thank you," Chris and I greet the man. Gabe bows, like the other guy from before, and whisks away.

Just then, my cell phone rings. After the second ring, I managed to pick it up and stop the annoying sound.

"Hello," I speak into the phone.

"Hi, is this Dylan?"

"Carrie?" I ask since the voice sounded familiar. I look over at Chris and he gives me a scowling look before burying his face into his menu.

"Yeah, Listen, ASB decided to push the plans ahead and have the first event going by Tuesday instead of Wednesday."

"So? How does that affect me?" I inquire.

"They want you to host it, since you're Dylan and all..."

I look back at Chris and see him mouthing the word "no" while making X's with his hands.

"Uh Carrie, can I call you back? I'm in the middle of something important right now..."

"Sure Dylan, I'll need an answer by Monday at the latest."

"Alright, bye."


I disconnect the phone and look at Chris. "What's wrong?"

Chris sighs and looks at me. "Dylan, can you promise me something?"

"Depends what it is..."

"Will you promise not to worry about anything homecoming related for the entire weekend? The whole point why I planned this date was to get your mind off of the stress involved. I know that you want revenge on Brandy; I do too. But there's no need to rush these things and be stressed out over it."

"Chris..." I trail off. Aww... he's so cute when he cares about me. But before I can reply, Gabe comes backs with our drinks.

"Ok, here you go..." he says while setting down the two cups. "Are you two ready to order or do you need more time?"

I quickly glance down at the menu to see if anything catches my eye. "I'll have the... roundhouse steak medium rare with A1 sauce, and a salad side with Italian dressing please."

"...With Italian dressing, ok," Gabe mumbles while scribbling it down. "And for you?"

"I'll have the... Pork chops with XO sauce and pineapple cold slaw on the side please," Chris states and closes his menu.

"Excellent choice sir. I'll just take these menus away from you and your orders will be here before you know it." Gabe picks up the menu and turns to leave. "Oh, before I forget. All dishes today come with a complimentary clam chowder soup. That'll come along with your order."

"Ok, thank you Gabe," I state.

"No problem." He dances away and I turn back to Chris.

"So, as I was saying..." Chris begins.

"Say no more. I promise Chris, no homecoming-related business for the weekend."

"Wow... that was easy," he mumbles to himself.

"Well you do deserve it," I tell him. "And I do need the vacation... Oh god you'll never believe how stupid ASB can be sometimes..."

"What? What'd they do?"

"Oh don't get me started..."

Overall, Chris and I had a good discussion. It lead from ASB to Chris's relationship with his parents to about our relationship. Our talk lasts for about ten minutes before Gabe returns with our food. Once he sets down everything and leaves, Chris and I attack our food, in a sophisticated manner of course.

I decide to empty the soup first. The soup was both rich and creamy. I can taste the little bits of clam alongside the soft potatoes. I look across the table and see Chris smiling happily at his food. Feeling happy that he's happy, I look back down and finish the rest of my soup.

"Man I'm full..." Chris states while patting his stomach.

"Would you like some desert or anything else to drink?" Gabe asks while picking up our plates.

"We serve a mean ice cream sundae."

"Hmm... wanna share one Chris?" I ask.


"One ice cream sundae coming up then," Gabe announces and leaves with our dirty plates. While he's preparing the food, I stare back outside.

"Nice view huh?..." Chris asks.

"Mhm... kinda makes me wonder about my life... like where I see myself in ten years or so..."

"And what have you thought of so far?"

"Well I know thing's for sure. I see you in the future."

"Aww... I'm special," Chris grins.

"You better be. You're the only guy that I've shared ice cream with," I tease.

"Oh, I see how it is."

What is it with everyone and interrupting our conversation perfectly? Before I can smack talk back at Chris, he returns with the sundae.

"Wow... my compliments to whoever made this," I tell Gabe.

"I'll let the chef know," he smiles and walks away.

The sundae was incredibly huge. It had sliced up bananas and strawberries surrounding the rim of the bowl in alternate pattern. The ice cream itself was three big scoots of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry with whip cream on top of each ball.

I grab a spoon and scoop up some vanilla. "Open wide Chris."

"Ahh..." he gestures as I gently place the soft served into his mouth. "Mmm... it's really good Dylan. Here, you try."

He grabs the other spoon and scoops up the chocolate flavor along with a banana slice. I open my mouth and engulf the spoon. "Mmm... you're right, it is good."

We repeat the process and before we know it, all that remained is the bowl with some ice cream soup in it. Chris and I finish our drinks and get up to leave.

"Thank you, and come again," Gabe announces while cleaning off the table.

We thank him for being such a great server and head towards the main entrance. Once there, Chris walks over to the cashier stand.

"Put it on the Tanner card," he says to the same old man from before.

"Ok, and how much tip for your waiter?" he asks.

"The usual. Come on Dylan, let's go," Chris grabs my hand and heads out the door before I can ask anything. Smart boy...

On the way out, I see the same people still in line. I stifle a snicker, which consequentially gets everyone in line to glare at me. Oops. I sneak a sly smile at them and quickly leave out the front door. I get into my car laughing and start the engine. Chris looks at me funnily, but I tell him that it's nothing. He decides to drop it and we head off back towards home.

The way back was faster compared to the first trip. With no traffic, we manage to get back at Chris's house in about 40 minutes. I stop the car in front of the garage and unbuckle my seatbelt. I quickly reach behind for my pair of sneakers and head out to catch up to Chris. We enter the house and the first thing Chris does is lock the door.

After spinning the lock, he spins himself around. "Oh Dylan..." he sings, "I have a part two for you tonight."

"Part two?" I ask skeptically.

"Mhm. But it'll take some time to prepare. So you get the opportunity to go and shower first."

"Alright. I'll go get the shower started then," I say as I walk up the stairs.

"Wait!" Chris halts me, "You're using my mom's bath tub. You know, the one with the Jacuzzi."

"Ok... what you say..."

He leads me up the stairs and into the master bathroom. While he draws the bath, I strip off my clothes.

"You can set your clothes over there by the hamper... And the rules are, you can't leave the bath tub until the timer goes off and you have to put on this bathroom before knocking on my door. Ok?"

"Sure..." I reply slowly, "How long though?"

"The timer's set for fifteen minutes. Not too bad right?"

Before I can reply, Chris says ok for me and presses start on his phone. He sets it down next to the sink and dashes out the door.

"And don't forget to blow dry your hair!" he shouts from the hallway.

I sigh profoundly and shake my head at him. What's gotten into him? I shrug and step into the bath that Chris made for me. Well, at least he's remembered to put in the bath oil. Every time I inhale, I breath in the scene of lavender. Hmm, wonder what's gotten into Chris and using this scent... Ah well... I lean back, spread my legs, and let my arms float around vagrantly in the water.

Before I know it, the timer sounds off and I open my eyes. Man that was a good soak... I feel like an old man now... I pull the drain and step out of the tub. Next to Chris's phone were freshly folded towels. I pick them up and a note drops down.

"Don't forget to dry your hair."

I smile amusingly to myself. He's so cute sometimes... I quickly pat myself dry and pull out the hair dryer. In about three minutes, my hair dries up from the scalding hot air, and I turn it off, fearing that my hair might burn up.

I throw the towel into the hamper and notice another sign taped onto the walls. It shows an arrow pointing into his parents' room. I walk in there and notice the black robes Chris mentioned before.

I cover myself up with it and tie the knot in front of me to prevent anything from showing. Although I'm fully covered now, I still feel a draft down below, if you know what I mean. I chuckle to myself again, grab Chris's phone from the restroom, and head back into Chris's- I mean our- room.

Once there, I knock gently at the door and step back a little. Moments later, the door unlocks and slowly creeps open.

"Ahem... Welcome sir, to the master suite," Chris mimics like a professional server by holding his hand straight out to his side.

"Why thank youuuuu- whoa..."

Wow! What the fuck did Chris do to the place?! Whoa!... He's turned off all lights in his room and filled the perimeter with candles. A small breeze enters from the crack of his window and the fires dance around, creating a luminous lighting effect in the room. The image is... breathtaking... Just... wow...

I wonder what's with it with him today? I look over at Chris and gasp a little at his choice of outfit, or thereby lack of. All he's wearing is the pair of black Speedos I gave him and a black bowtie hanging loosely around his neck. Other than that, his body is completely exposed and shifting colors due to the flicking of the candles.

"Like it?" he giggles.

"Like it? I love it!" I glee and grab him in for a kiss. I then put a hand on his forehead. "But are you sick or something?"

He snickers at my comment and gets some space between us. "No, I just wanted to do something romantic is all."

"Well... you certainly got the romantic part down..."

"Thank you," he grins. "Now ahem... right this way sir," he role plays again and leads me to the bed. Once there, he folds the cover's top cover over, creating a space for me lay down on. He then lifts the pillow up and places it upright against the bed stand. As he's doing this, I get a full view of his tight, bubble butt rubbing against those hot Speedos of his. Is he doing it on purpose?

Chris gestures for me to relax with two hands, and I happily oblige. While I'm getting comfy, he whisks around the bed and plops onto his side. After his bouncing settles down, he squeezes in between my legs and wraps my arms over his shoulder.

"You do like this right?" he asks.

"Of course I do. This is the first time anyone's done something like this for me. And I have to say, I'm really impressed Chris."

He sighs a breath of relief. "Thank Dylan... you have no idea how long it took to order everything and set it in place."

"Hmm... so this was planned how long ago exactly?" I interrogate my little date planner.

"After my mom told me that Patrick was leaving basically," he replies. "Now about part two..."

"Wait... there's more?"

"Of course there's more!" Chris exclaims while freeing himself from me. He sits on his knees and faces me while I sit up, cross-legged style. Consequentially, my robe pulls up a little, exposing me downstairs.

"Dylan..." Chris begins nervously, "I know we've only been together for about two months, and I might be hasty in this, but..."

"But what?" I ask.

"But..." He sighs and reaches under his pillow. He feels around and pulls out a wrapped up gift. Getting back into the kneeling position, he presents the present to me with both hands. "I can't find the words right now..." he mumbles out, "but I think this'll answer your question..."

Skeptically, I take the present from his hands and study it. It was a roughly 4x6x2 box of some sort wrapped delicately in stripped rosy pink and maroon red paper. I carefully remove the wrapping paper to reveal the true identity of the mysterious gift.

"Is this-" I look up at Chris and see him nod his head. "Are you sure Chris?"

"Dylan... I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I can tell you just how much I feel about you, but I think the gift I gave you will tell you just that... and more."

I look back down at the book he gave me. Wow... he actually trusts me enough to read it... I

motion him back over and press my spine back onto the bed stand.

After getting comfortable with Chris in front of me, I open the book to page one. "I've set book marks to help you navigate since some of the story's the same. And with 250 pages worth of entries to read, yeah... so I've picked out of the touchy ones," he explains to me.

"You just tell me when to skip ahead and I'll do it ok?"

"Ok," he replies innocently. Feeling that Chris is confident in his answer, I fully open his diary to page one...

Dear Diary, 6/17

Well... Since it's my first time writing in a diary, I really don't have an idea as to what to write in here. What do I talk about? I guess I'll talk about my last day of 5th grade. Should I be happy? Yes. Am I though?... Not really... You see, my mom decided to hire another babysitter for me to look after me while she's off to some trip. I think she said New Jersey or something... Why do my parents always leave for business trips? Mom says it's only for two weeks, but I don't believe her. She always says stuff like that, and then go out longer than she says. I feel so sad and lonely whenever they leave. Why can't they stay for once? Now I'm stuck with some random teenage girl. Yuck, talk about gross. I wonder if she has cooties, whatever that is...

I turn to the next page.

Dear Diary, 6/25

So yeah... my mom left the other day, like always... At least I got to see her off with my new babysitter, Gabby. She's alright I guess... except all she does is talk on the phone all day. She'd make a habit of leaving at around two in the afternoon to go hang out with her friends, leaving me all alone in this big house... I get scared sometimes. Like what if something bad were to happen? I stay in my room and hide under my bed until Gabby gets back home, whenever she does... She came back at 7 yesterday, but the day before that, she came back at around 4... In any case, I just hope Mom and Dad come back soon... I feel really uneasy without anyone at home with me...

"You can skip to the first bookmark now if you want Dylan. The rest of the entries are basically me talking trash about Gabby and how my mom kept delaying her return."

"Oh ok..." I reply as I flip ahead about 20 pages to the first bookmark. Jeeze, if the first two entries were this depressing, I wonder how bad the rest can be.

Dear Diary, 9/16

School started again... And while I'm not looking ahead to the depressing year, I'm glad that my parents are back in the house. At least I can feel someone's presence is in the house at all times... My mom's been driving me to school, but the way we sit in the car, it's as if I'm not even there... She's always constantly on her phone, discussing about something to her co-workers. And as soon as I close the door behind me at school, she rushes off to work. I mean, I didn't even get to say goodbye to her or anything... And back at home? Both my dad and mom either lock themselves inside their studies and work or are working a late shift. Why is my life so miserable and lonely?... I want to feel loved by my parents... Is that so much to ask?

Dear Diary... 9/24

Halloween's approaching, not that it'll matter to me. I haven't gone trick-or-treating for as long as I could remember. Neither of my parents have any time for me anyways... Plus, they always lock the doors and put a sign out saying "NO CANDY." Sigh What did I do to deserve this?... At time's like these, I really wish I had an older brother or something. Yeah... that'd be nice... an older brother. Someone who can watch over me, take care of me, love me... But we all know that it's impossible for me to have one now..."

I sigh deeply and glance down at Chris. Why wasn't I there for him sooner?... I've only read four entries, and my heart's already acting up from all this... I shake my head and flip to a random page, hoping that it'd be something brighter to read.

Dear Diary, 12/10

Winter break is going to start soon. That mean's I won't be able to see Dylan for the next two weeks... I miss seeing him already... even if it's just a for a split second whenever we cross paths going from 4th period to 5th.

I wanted to give him a present for Christmas. I even made the card and everything. I just... I just didn't have the courage to give it to him in person... So instead, I shoved the card inside his locker and left the present below on the ground. I then ran to the near corner and waited, waited until he walked by and got the present.

My heart was thumping like crazy when he arrived. I'll never forget the look on his face, confused, and slightly annoyed. I felt so sad that he wouldn't like my present. But when he read my letter, his facial expression changed. I couldn't make it out, but I think he felt happy that he received my present. Argh! I should've wrote my name on the card instead of "You're secret admirer"! sigh...

Well, at least he got the present... what he did with it I don't know. I ran away, fearing that someone might catch me stalking him. Oh god, how embarrassing would that me?... I wonder if he likes it though... I did spend a lot of time making it... although it is crude looking and kinda childlike...

Dear Diary, 1/8

I don't know if I should classify this as good news or not, but I saw Dylan looking in my direction today and he smiled at me. Me! At least I think it was at me... Who else could he be smiling at? But, that got me thinking about reality... I mean, he's everything I've dreamed about... charming, dreaming, strong... Sigh He fits perfectly into my image of the perfect big brother... Why can't he be related to me or something?...

So yeah... I felt really excited at first, but then I started to feel extremely sad. It's like he's right there for the taking, but I can't reach out and grab him... Why do I feel so different whenever he's near me?... Ever since that spirit rally back in September... That moment when he sat next to me and I look up at him... Ever since then, I get really nervous whenever I near him... Not to mention my heart gets all jittery and my stomach feels like it's going to upchuck itself out my mouth.

What is this feeling?... Is this love? I'm tempted to check online or something, but I'm too scared too. What if my parents come in? What if the government finds out what I've been looking through? Please Dylan... save me... help me... I've been feeling so lonely for as long as I can remember... Please... just... please...

I close the book shut and set it down next to me. Without saying a word, I pull Chris in and hug him tight. "I'm so sorry..." I whisper as tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you how I felt before..."


"And I'm sorry that I can't read your diary anymore... It's just too sad and dark for me to continue..."

"...Can you at least read the second to last page then?" Chris asks. "It is the last story,..."

I snuff up my runny nose and sigh. "Give me a minute..."

Dear Diary, 10/30

Today... I was involved in a fight... No, I didn't beat anyone up. In fact, I was the one who was attacked. It was really frightening, but Dylan managed to save me before anything serious damage was done. Thank goodness too! One of the guys was about to sexually abuse me! But all he did was um...hehe, grab my goodies before Dylan beat the crap out of him. Oh my god you should've seen him go. It was kinda scary at first, but then I realized that he did it all for me... Me, his boyfriend... his lover... He means so much to me... No one's ever been this serious about me, let alone hang out with me...

I know a shit load of people are going to disagree with me on this and tell me that it's too early, but I love him. I can't explain how or why, but I just do. And I know I love him, cause every time he's near me, I feel this burst of happiness in my heart. I've never felt this way before... For the first time in my miserable life, I actually feel... happy...

Dylan entering my life was the best that could happen to me. When he became part of my life, everything changed for the better... My mom and dad decided to care about me... I have friends who care too... but best of all, Dylan was able to make my life long wish come true... you know, having a big brother...

He's done so much for me... I feel like I should do something in return.. So, I've made up my mind. Again, I know a shit ton of people are going to disagree with me on this, but fuck them. I'm ready to give him, my soul mate, the gift that can only be given once, and once only. Dylan, when you're reading this, let me just say... Thank you... for everything you've done for me. I know you tell me otherwise every day, but I feel like I still don't deserve you... Compared to you, I'm nothing special... I know I know, you're going to scold me for this... But really, you're every gay guy's-and girl's- dream... I love you... and thank you for choosing me over everyone else... Love, Chris (the luckiest guy on earth)

A big, content smile forms from the corners of my mouth as I close the book again. "You're welcome," I whisper into Chris's ear.

He tilts his head up and we share a long, yet simple kiss. Once we leave each other's mouth, Chris frees himself again and digs under his pillow for something else. He covers it with both hands and hides it behind his back.

"Dylan... you read the part about the gift right?" he speaks slowly.

"Yeah- wait, don't tell me..."

My almost naked boyfriend holds out a small glass bottle with some clear liquid swishing around inside it. "Dylan, I know this might be considered too soon, but I feel-no... I know that I'm ready for this... And I have you to thank... So please Dylan, accept my gift. The ultimate gift that I can give to no one else."

I bend forward and kiss Chris passionately on the lips. I take the bottle out of his hands and push him down onto the bed, while exploring his hot mouth with my tongue. No words were needed to describe just how much we loved each other.

"You sure Chris?" I ask one last time.

"Mhm..." he croaks out.

"So then... you wanna go for the main course, or do you want me to play with you a little first?" I tease.

"Tonight... my body's yours. You get to do anything you want... anything..." he stresses with a flirtatious smile.

"Hmm... well then," I coquet back and kiss him, "I think we should flip around back to where the pillows are, don't you think?"

"Excellent choice sir," he grins back with his horrible role play.

I feel Dylan Junior growing in size as Chris's body brushes aside me. Once into position, Chris plops his head down onto the pillow with his legs spread and hands, palm up, hanging loosely next to his ears. I scoot up next to him and kiss him deeply on the lips again. This time though, he decides to fight back and drive his tongue in.

After about five minutes of making out, I slowly retrieve myself away from him. Chris decides otherwise and lifts his head up, trying to keep his mouth next to mine. He lets out a whimper and begs to me with his puppy eyes.

I smile warmly at him and quickly turn around to set the bottle down on the drawers. I turn back and take a moment to engrave the image of Chris into my mind.

"...You should wear this outfit more often Chris... Not only do you look cute in it, but you also look damn sexy," I comment and kiss him again. "But I prefer the original outfit you had when you come to work."

"Oh? Which outfit might that be good sir?"

I carefully unbuckle his black bowtie with my fingers and drop it next to his hips, not before showing it to him of course. I then get in between his legs and flick my fingers like a dirty perv while inching towards his swim gear. I grab onto the two points next to his hips and tug downwards. Chris helps me by lifting his butt up, allowing me to slide down his only piece of clothing. With nothing left to cover himself with, Chris looked extremely delicious in his form. His legs are still spread apart with his happy camper sticking straight up towards his stomach and his eggs nestling in between his legs.

"There... much better in your old attire," I smirk as I toss the nylon material next to his bowtie. I give Chris a little show by shucking off my robe and slowly brush my body against his until I meet his eyes with mine. I cradle the back of his head and kiss him again. With my free arm, I grab the bottle of lube and sit up, consequentially leaving Chris hanging again.

"So... how do you want to do this?"

"...What do you mean?" Chris asks sweetly.

"Oh right... I've never told you about sex positions... Simple question for now then, do you want to be on your back or on all four like a dog?"

"Arf!" Chris replies like a little boy. I snicker at his reply and we begin shifting around. With Chris on all four, I twist the bottle open and scoot up a healthy glob onto my index and middle finger.

I slowly spread the liquid around Chris's pucker with my fingers, which causes Chris to shiver with delight. He spreads his legs apart, giving me more access to his hairless ass. Feeling that he's been teased enough today, I slip my middle finger in first and wiggle it around his sphincter muscle. Chris shudders and stifles out a low moan. Since he's used to one finger, I stick in my index finger too and slide both of them in and out of anus.

"Ah... Sss..." Chris moans in pleasure. "Oh god I can't take it anymore Dylan! Please hurry up!" Ah... he's so impatient... Oh well, I'm guilty of that too.

I gently pull out my fingers and drip some lube onto my dick. I stroke it a couple of times to spread the liquid eventually and press the tip up against Chris's love tunnel. Slowly, I press in.

Ever have that experience of a million fireworks go off in your brain? Well this is nothing like that. No, it felt even better. It was like 1000 supernovas going off at once in a nearby star cluster, radiating it's spectacular show for everyone on Earth to witness.

"Ah..." Chris half-screams half moans. "Wait Dylan..."

"Oh... sorry..." I force out since the feelings too intense. I swear, if I didn't concentrate, I would've cummed right there.

After adjusting a little, Chris says, "Ok... go in again..."

I hold onto his thighs and slowly bring him in closer, penetrating his virgin hole in the process with my 7in boner. Once all the way in, I lean over his body and hug him.

"It's all the way in Chris..." I whisper into his ear and nibble on it. "I'm going to start now..." Ever so gently, I pull out a little and slowly push back in. Out again. Back in. Back out. In. Out.

"Uh... Hmm... Ah..." Chris whimpers in ecstasy. "Ah... Dylan!..."

"Nmm!... Oh god! You're to fucking tight Chris!... Mmm!" I grunt in pleasure. I wrap my arms around his chest and rest my upper body on his back as I continue to fuck him

"Uh... Harder Dylan!... Ah... Pmmf! Sss... AH!" He arches his back and tilts his head up.

I'm guessing I hit is prostate judging the way he just acted. Huh... he must be enjoying my fat cock up his ass cause whenever I pull out, his butt moves along with me, as if afraid I'm going to leave him.

I push my dick all the way in and pull us up into an upright position. We simultaneously waddle over to the bed stand. Once there, Chris arches back down and cradles his forehead with his arms on top of the cushiony bed stand. I start drilling him again, to which Chris sighs to and starts moaning again. I nuzzle my chin into his neck and pinch both his nipples.

"Ah!..." he half-scream/half-moans. "Oh god Dylan! Ah!... Mmph!... Mmm!" he moans out, as if his mouth is glued shut. "Ah... faster Dylan... Nnn... Harder!..." he begs.

I fulfill his wish by gliding my hands down to his hips and grabs them to hold him in place. I kneel upright and begin ramming my shaft deep into his ass. Things got so intense that the sound of his bubble butt slapping against my groin resonated through the entire room.

"Ah!... Mmm!.. Oh yeah, Fuck me good Dylan- Ah!... Fuck me!" he pleas, "Fuck me hard!"

"Sss... Mmm..." I grunt in response. "I'm not... I'm not gonna last much longer..." My right hand lets go of his hip, quickly grabs Chris's ironed piece of steel, and furiously jack him off.

"Ah!...Dylan! I'm... I'm going to- Ah!" is all he can scream out before I feel his dick pulsating that made Krakatoa seem like nothing.

Everytime I feel his dick blast his boy juice out, I feel his anus contracting in on itself, squeezing my dick in the process... Oh god is the feeling amazing... Too amazing! The feeling's too great! I can't hold it any longer! I shove my dick as deep inside as possible.

"Chris!... Mmmph! Uh! Mmm! Oh shit!" I gasp as my dick explodes, planting my seed deep into his hole. "Shit-shit-shit-SHIT!... Ah!... Oh my god!"

I've never experienced something as intense as this before. Remember that supernova analogy I mentioned before? Yeah... that was nothing. This... this is so much more intensified than that... This is the big bang itself!

I let loose my eighth and last shot of cum and completely fall down onto his back. Chris loses control of his body as he too, drops down onto the bed. With both of us drenched in sweat, we desperately suck in air as if we've all forgotten to breath during the last ten minutes of our intense love- making session. Wow... I'm surprised I lasted that long... Pat on the shoulder for me.

"Chris..." I pant out as I struggle to lift myself up. My wobbly arms give way and my body drops back down onto Chris. "Sorry..."

"It's ok..." he says in between breaths, "What... were you... going to say?"

"Did you like it?" I struggle out.

"Fuck yeah I did..." he replies. "Dylan?... can we... stay like this for a while?"

"Sure... It's not like... I can move anyways... Woo!..."

I use up the last of my strength and squeeze my arms under Chris to hug him. Feeling content that my arms are cradling him, I close my eyes and let out a long sigh. As time goes by, I feel my body regaining energy. Shakily, I scoot my knees in a little and push up, removing my over-sensitive penis from Chris's tight hole.

I grimace at the touch of his slippery anal muscles gliding against my dick, and Chris whimpers as I pull out. Sighing heavily again, I rest my body back down and pull us both into a spooning position.

"I feel so empty Dylan..." Chris whispers sadly to me. "But I feel so naughty with your seed inside," he giggles, "I can feel the wet, stickiness inside me whenever I squeeze my anal muscles."

"That's gross..." I chuckle and kiss the nape of his neck.

He sighs contently at my touch and smiles widely. But then, his face changes mood as he squirms around a little.

"Lemme guess... you need to go take a shit."

"Yeah... How'd you know?"

"That usually happens the first couple of times. Here..." I release my hug from him and he dashes off to the restroom.

I shake my head and couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness. Turning on the bed stand lamp, I get off the bed and go around to room, capping every single candle so the fire simmers down from the lack of oxygen. I wonder how much did these candle's cost him... With so many, it sure is going to make a dent in his parent's wallet...

I walk over to the window and shut it close. I pull the curtains over while I'm at it. I then turn around and notice the big mess that Chris and I made on the bed. There were cum stains and sweat all over the bed sheet. I pull off the white linen and toss it to a corner. Eh... I'll do it tomorrow. As I'm putting a new bed sheet on, Chris returns with a happy grin on his face.

"I think you need another shower Dylan," he wags his finger.

"Take one with me then?"

He grabs my hand and leads me into his mom's bathroom. Once the water's warm enough, we step into the shower and quickly rinse ourselves off, removing the sweat and other related stuff off of our body.

We quickly dry ourselves off and head back into his room. Chris gets there first and jumps onto the bed; I get on right after him and worm myself up to meet his face with the two of us giggling. I lean on my elbows and loop my arms under his pits, resting my hand on his shoulders. Pulling him closer to me, I plant my soft, gentle lips onto his.

"Chris... Thank you..."

"Oh no Dylan..." he protests, "Thank you... for accepting my ultimate gift. Trust me, I feel extremely happy that you were the one who took it... You and nobody else. I mean, I can't stop smiling right now."

"Aww... for that, you get another kiss." I lean down and give him his kiss. "Now I gotta plan something for you to take my virginity away."

"Nah... to me, we've both lost our virginity tonight."

"Yeah I guess... but nonetheless, I'm going to make that night special, just like what you did today."

"Sure..." he yawns loudly, "I'm tired..."

"I can tell... Come on, let's get some sleep..." I pull the blanket over us and reach over to close the light.

Chris scoots his butt up against me like always and I wrap my arms around him, one settling down on his stomach while the other on his crotch.

"Ah... much better... You know Chris, yesterday was so painful without you being there with me," I pout.

"Oh yeah... I had to hug your pillow to sleep, thinking that it was you," Chris agrees.

"Well, we have a full week of sleeping together."

"Mhm... Dylan?" Chris brings up after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah snuggle bug?"

"I have a proposition for you..." he yawns again.

"Let's talk about your naughtiness tomorrow; you're too tired right now," I comfort him by patting his stomach.

"Alright..." he yawns again. "Good night Dylan... I love you."

"I love you too snuggle bug..." Without a single sound coming from the house, we both slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep with big smiles of both our faces.

Dear Diary, 11/3

Well, today marks the last day I'm writing in this book since it is the last page. And I have to say, perfect timing. Pats back in approval. In any case, I've just writing here to say that it's been done; Dylan's taken my cherry.

I know a lot, and I mean a lot, of people are going to bash on me for doing it so early, but fuck you guys. I made the decision, and I don't regret it. In fact, this has been the second happiest day of my life. The first was when Dylan asked me to be his boyfriend, but today is a close second.

So... while I'm writing in here, I'm reflecting on my past four years. Looking back, I feel like the entire thing was just a bad nightmare, like I was in a coma or something. But my dashing Prince Charming's traveled through vast plains and fought against demons just to come and wake me up with a kiss. Sigh He's so dreamy... and hot as hell too!

Anyways, I'm really bad at this... so I'll just be brief. My life's great now, I have the greatest boyfriend in the world, my relationship with my parents has improved tremendously, I have some of the best friend's I can ask for... and it's all thanks to Dylan...

Thank you Dylan... for everything... I probably don't tell you this enough, but... I love you... I truly do... Good thing you're not reading this anymore cause I'm about to secretly propose to you... Teehee ^.^ But yeah... I love you; you're the best boyfriend anyone can ask for. You alone make me feel like the most important person in this universe. I promise to always love you and to live a happier life, not that it'll be hard since you've improved everything in my life. Again, thank you...

Well, I think that's all I have to say. Here's to my final farewells of this book, and although this is the end of my diary, it, by no means, is the end of my adventures.

Love, Christopher Tanner



Well, other than that, I hope you liked this chapter. I told you guys it was going to be something really special and that you'd like it. Although I had to edit this to the max... Originally, there was suppose to be more diary entries, but when I typed them all out, I noticed that it didn't fit into the story properly. So... I took out some of them.

In other news, I'm going to take a short break to catch up on my jet lag, so bare with me guys, like always...

Next: Chapter 18

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