Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Aug 3, 2013


They said I couldn't do it. But I proved them wrong! Hahahaha!

Ok jokes aside, I've managed to squeeze in one more chapter before my vacation. I hope you like it! I won't be able to see all your lovely emails (probably) until I get back T_T. Please don't hate me or think that I'm ignoring you... I physically can't read all the emails due to lack of wifi...

But with that aside, I do hope you keep sending me emails and commenting on my story. And of course, enjoy :D

Excuse the errors, I sorta rushed this chapter in.


Where we left off...

The sun slowly lowers itself, inching closer and closer below the sea line. After what seemed like an eternity, our main source of light disappears into the abyss, leaving only its remnants of a titian shade in the background. A light zephyr of sea breeze hits my face and sends a chill down my spine.

I guess now's a good time as any to get ready and depart. I pat Chris on the abdomen, telling him to scoot off. Standing up and stretching, I call out to everyone to start packing everything up. I pull out my phone to check for any missing calls or messages. With neither of them recorded in my phone, I toss my phone back into my bag after checking the time. Yikes! It's already 6:30! We gotta hurry and get a move on if we wanna avoid traffic.

With the eight of us working, we finish packing everything up quickly. I put on a T-shirt and carry what I needed to carry.

"Everyone got everything?" I doubled check with everyone.

"This looks like everything," Matt clarifies after checking our surroundings once more.

Feeling confident about ourselves, we head off back to where we parked. Once we get there, we shove everything into the trunk, pile into the car, and rush onto the freeway, hoping that there'd be no traffic.

Everything seemed fine until the halfway mark. For some reason, a huge appearance of cars magically pop out of nowhere. We all groan at the evident road clog, otherwise known as traffic. Who knows how long this is going to take?


Chapter 13 "Dangerous Dilemma... Again!"

Well, traffic wasn't so bad. Once we passed the Downtown area on the 10 Interstate Freeway, it was smooth sailing home. The ride back took about two hours, give or take 15 minutes. Nonetheless, the important thing is that we're home; that's all that matters.

I park the car back into the garage and walk to the back of it to prop open the trunk. Everyone gets off the car and helps unload everything. Matt and Bryan bring the cooler out and dump the water to the plants nearby. Meanwhile, Heather, Caleb, and Carrie spread the beach towels on the metal-wired fence and spray off the sand with the garden hose. And finally, Chris and I have the duties of pulling everything else off and putting them back where they belong.

I toss numerous items to the side of the garage and hand Chris our bags. He carries as much as he can and dashes into the house to set them down. I grab the rest and close the trunk door of the van. Chris comes back and takes half the load off my hands.

"Where do you want this?" Matt asks me while carrying back the ice box.

"Umm... there, next to the fridge," I instruct, pointing at our house's second fridge (the other one's in the kitchen).

"Dylan, we'll just leave the towels on the racks," Heather tells me. "We'll come back and grab them when we have time."

"Yeah, that's fine," I reply back.

"Ok, then we'll be going. We still have school tomorrow," Carrie states.

"Oh ok. Then here are your bags." Chris and I hand everyone their bags and we all say our farewells to each other. It was a tight squeeze, but Bryan managed to squeeze all six people into his car. Chris and I wave goodbye to them one last time and head inside.

Upon entering the house, my mom instantly calls out to me. "You back Dylan?"

"Yeah..." I shout back.

"Did you have fun?"

"Of course."

"No sunburns right?" she asks.

"I don't think so. I'll tell you about it later," I said quickly. "I wanna shower first."

"Ok, you do that," she hollers back.

"Wanna do something daring?" I ask Chris while smirking devilishly.

"And what might that be?" he asks out of curiosity.

"Shower with me," I whisper softly.

"But won't your mom be suspicious?" he hushes back.

"Hence the daring part," I giggle. "Come on. Let's go into my room first." We walk briskly into my room and I lock the door behind me. "So, do you wanna?"

"Of course I want to," Chris huffs, "but your parents..."

"Please?" I plead with my best pair of puppy eyes. "Just bring your clothes with you and sneak out before me."

"Hmm..." Chris hums, "That might work..." He ponders on my idea for a bit. "Ok fine," he states after a few minutes, "I'll do it. But only 'cause I wanna see that sexy body of yours."

"Ohh, naughty, naughty," I wag my finger.

He goes into his pack to take out some fresh clothes. After selecting a green shirt, black basketball shorts, and boxers, we sneak out of my room and dash into the bathroom before anyone can notice. As soon as we get in, I slam the door shut and lock it. Meanwhile, Chris turns on the water to somewhat drown out our voices.

He turns around giggles at me.

"What?" I ask, catching his contagious giggling.

"Oh nothing... just thinking about what a great day I had," he says indifferently.

"Oh ok. Well then, let's see how well we did today," I tell him as I walk up to him.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"Your tan of course. Judging from your skin tone, I' say we did a fine job today."

"How do we tell?" he questions.

"Simple," I beam wickedly as I walk up to him.

I lift his arms up and pull off his shirt. I then turn him around and slowly peel off his swimming trunks, exposing that sexy black Speedo he's wearing underneath.

"Mmm... You look yummy Chris," I whisper in a low, husky voice.

"Mmm..." he moans as I gently blow hot air into the same ear. I slip my hands into his Speedos, squeezing his two full moons, which causes him to tilt his head back slightly and grunt in pleasure. I then, ever so delicately, remove the last article of clothing he has on, giving me a full view of his pale, plump bubble butt.

"Wow..." I gasp softly as the fine lines above his waistline and below his knees. His body is in the shade of a pale, golden brown. It's the perfect shade for his body. The glow really fits his physique.

"...What," he moans softly.

"You sir, have a very sexy tan on you," I tell him and slap one of his ass cheeks.

He opens his eyes. "Really?"

"See for yourself."

He walks over to the mirror to look at himself. Feeling satisfied with his frontal view, he turns a 180 and twists his head around to look at his back. While he's gawking at his own body, I quickly strip off my clothes.

"I do look sexy," he repeats what I just said. "Although I don't like that white area near my hips and thighs. Is there a way to get rid of that?"

"Huh?" I mumble back as I pull my shirt over my head.

"Is there a way to tan this part?" he asks again, pointing at the pale part of his body. I gaze down at his crotch and snicker. "What?" he asks, accusing me of doing something wrong.

"Yeah, there is a way, but it's going to be really embarrassing for you," I hint at him.

"What is it?" he pries.

I giggle again at my dirty thoughts. "You'll have to sunbathe naked."

Chris's cheeks turn red with color and retracts his body ever so slightly. "Oh..."

"Well, I won't mind you sunbathing naked. Just gives another opportunity to stare at your hot body some more," I snicker as I enter the shower, motioning Chris to come in with me.

"Hmm..." he ponders in thought as he steps behind the curtains, "Can you sunbathe with me? Naked I mean."

It was my turn to think deeply. Do I really want to be outside naked, burning my bare ass in the sun? There's also the issue of burning my precious family jewels if we don't watch ourselves. I grab the shampoo, stand behind Chris, and scrub the sea water and sand from his hair.

"Hmm... tell you what. I'll do it with you, but we'll have to do it somewhere where people can't see us naked. And I mean no one, except me and you/"

"Deal!" he replies, "I think I know the perfect spot. Although we'll have to wait until my cousin leaves."

"Why's that?" I think I know where he's talking about, I ask to clarify my hunch.

"That's a secret," he grins.

"Fine, don't tell me," I pout. "Get in the water and rinse off the suds while I get the body wash."

Chris gets under the spray and purifies his soapy hair with water. He squeezes the water off and stands in front of me again. I squirt out some body wash liquid onto my palm and lather his entire body up, taking extra attention of his boy bits.

Let's just say, by the time I finished scrubbing the grime off his body, Chris sprang a full boner and was horny as hell. He even tried to pump his dick when my hands were wrapped around it. But before things could get too heated, I tell him to quickly rinse off and get out before my mom suspects anything. He pouts a little, but does what I say and heads out with his clothes on.

I hear the door close and sigh deeply. Washing his body also made me excited in the process. As frustrating as it is, I didn't want to do anything too frisky since people outside might hear us. I sigh again and grab the shampoo bottle again. Guess I'll have to wait until we go to bed before we can do anything fun. Maybe I can make myself even hornier for him with the time remaining...

I quickly get myself cleaned up and turn off the water. I cursory dry my body and pose in front of the mirror. Much like Chris, my body looks sexy too. The color is a little darker than Chris's, but the important part is that my body tanned evenly, giving it the same glowing effect. But Chris was right, that pale-looking area is really disgusting to look at. I look at my body one last time and smirk to myself. Guess it's time to sunbathe naked. I wrap the towel around my waist and head back into my room.

As soon as I open my door, I hear Chris gasp and see him covering up his boy bits. He turns around and relaxes. "Oh... it's just you..." he sighs a breath of relief.

I lock the door behind me and notice that my full view mirror is out of the closet and next to Chris. "What were you doing?"

"I wanted to look at my tan some more," he whispers sheepishly.

"Loving your body a bit too much there, aren't you Chris?" I tease him as I whip off my towel.

"Nah, I love yours more," he smirks while running up to hug me.

"Umm Chris? As much as I love standing here naked, don't you think we should put some clothes on?"

"Oh! Sorry," he grins.

I couldn't help but smile at him and go into my closet. I stand there stark naked with my hands on my hips, wondering what should I wear. Meanwhile, Chris lifts the mirror up and clumsily shoves it back into my closet. Unable to decide what to wear, I pick out the top clothes in each stack and put them on. Thank god I buy clothes that match with the rest (most of the time). I end up with a simple navy blue shirt, grey and black striped boxers, and black athletic shorts.

"Dylan?" Chris pipes in, "Can you umm... help me release some pressure?"

"What do you mea- Oh..." I interrupt my speech when I see Chris still naked with his legs spread, and balls hanging loosely.

He smiles at me and strokes his cock a few times, as if trying to lure me into doing some unspeakable things to him.

I lick my lips and stare hungrily at his piece of hardened steel. I really wanted his dick in my mouth... I longed for it. But I can't... I didn't want to risk it, in fear of my parents discovering my darkest secret. I sigh deeply and sadly as I pick up his clothes.

Chris looks at me questioningly and I put on a pseudo smile for him. "Later tonight ok? As much as I want it right here and now, I really don't want my parents suspecting out."

"Oh... ok..." he replies sadly.

"Sorry Chris... I'll make it up to you tonight, I promise."

"No, it's ok... you're right... it's not worth the risk..." he states.

I kiss him on the forehead and bury my hand in his golden hair. "I love you golden body by the way, Did I ever tell you that?" I try to cheek him up with a joke.

"Like a million times," he rolls his eyes. He grabs his clothes and sits down on the bed. "Great, what am I going to do with this now?" he distresses while flicking his monster cock back and forth.

"Think about having sexy with your cousin," I suggest.

He imagines the image for a second and shivers in disgust. "Eww, he's disgusting to look at. All those pimples, and his lanky body... yuck," he sticks his tongue out with an open mouth.

I laugh silently at his gestures. "Well, that seemed to help. Look, junior is settling down now." I point at his toy. With his dick calming down to a semi, it made it easier for Chris to hide the bulge underneath his pants.

Just as he snaps on his pants, my mom calls out to everyone. "Dinner's ready!" Chris's stomach gargles upon hearing those words.

"Hungry?" I ask with a teasing smile.

"Oh shut it," he punches me in the arms. I overreact by stumbling backwards and rubbing my arms as if they're in pain. Chris rolls his eyes and takes my hand in his as he leads us into the kitchen.

"I hope you guys are hungry. I made fish tacos and beef burritos," my mom announces as Chris and I enter the dining room adjacent to the kitchen. We quickly sit down with the rest of my family and grab what we wanted to eat.

Call us opposites, but Chris decides to start with the taco shell while I grab a flour tortilla. I fill the soft, hot wrap with fried beans, carne asada, Spanish rice, salsa, and guacamole. The trick to folding burritos: fold two opposite ends inward, then cover the center with another flap, rolling up the tortilla into the shape of burrito. Of course, you have to tweak the last part just a little to fit everything snuggly in.

I take a bite and glance over at Chris. He's having the time of his life making his perfect fish taco. I smile and take another bite of my own food.

"Oh, Dylan's smiling. That means I did something right," my mom notices.

"Somebody call 911, I think Dylan's delusional," my dad jokes. My mom slaps him on the shoulder, which causes the table to laugh. I quickly devour the last of my first burrito and tackle a fish taco next.

"Man, I'm stuffed," my dad pats his bear belly. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to burn some of this off with some finger workouts."

"You mean sitting your lazy ass down in front of the T.V.?" I point out.

"Exactly," he points at me, smiling.

I shake my head at him. "Come on Chris, let's go hide in my room." Before he can say anything, I drag him out of his chair and head into my room.

"So uh... what are we doing?" Chris asks as I lock the door behind me.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" I ask nonchalantly as I lie on the bed. I glance upward at my clock. 8:30... Wow we took a long time to eat.

"Hmm... Will anyone barge in here randomly?" he asks.

"Not that I know of."

"...Will they... hear us easily?"

I pull up my arms to use as a head rest. "Not unless they come close to my door. Why do you ask?"

"Oh just curious is all... I wanted to do some things with you," he banters.

"Oh? Like what?" I coquet back.

He rests his body on top of mine, restraining my wrists next to my head with his hands. "Some... naughty... things," he croaks.

He leans down and brushes my lips with his. I lean up, trying to take in more, but he teases me by pulling his head away from me.

"Ah, ah, ah," he torments, "I'm going to make you as horny as possible before you cum."

"Oh... you're getting better at taking the lead," I acknowledge.

"Really? I am?" his eyes sparkle at my compliment. "Wow, I thought I was being too pushy and demanding."

"Yeah, but there's one little problem," I state.

"What's that?" he asks, smiling. While he's distracted, I quickly free myself and pin him down using a move I learned in Tae Kwon Do. "Hey! No fair!" he struggles.

"If anyone's going to be horny, it's going to be you," I smirk at him mischievously. He tries to free himself from my grasp, but to no avail. "Try all you want Chris, but we both know that you can't escape."

"But I wanted to be on the aggressive side this time," he pouts, still attempting to free himself.

"Yeah, but I prefer being the top; it suits me better."

He stops writhing his body around. "What do you mean, top?"

"In a gay relationship, it's usually a top and bottom. The top is the big brother in the relation, one who take's control. While the bottom is the guy who's like the little brother, one who needs protection," I explain to him.

"Oh..." he realizes, absorbing the information into his brain.

"Anyways, I think this needs my attention." I hold both his wrists straight above where his head is with my left hand and dive my right hand into his pants, giving his small walnut-sized balls a few, playful squeezes.

"Whoa!" he yelps from the sudden contact.

"Shh," I coo, "You wouldn't want people outside hearing us now do you?" I start fondling with his boy pouch, rubbing the twins against each other gently.

"Uh... Mmm..." he softly grunts out.

I remove my hand from his pants and straddle his arms next to his body with my legs as I slowly unbutton his pants. I open the two flaps and pull them down along with his boxers down to his knees.

"Oh, already propping a boner I see," I nod, gawking over his thick, 6.5 in monster.

"Oh Dylan... let me cum..." Chris beseeches.

"Not yet snuggle bug... not yet... I want to savor every last moment with it."

I quickly flip my body over and grab Chris's wrists, allowing him no movement in his arms. I bite the bottom of my lover's shirt and tug it up to where his neck is, exposing his smooth, creamy body. Oh he's so sexy and gorgeous! I wonder how heaven's reacting to losing their most precious angel!

I delectably flick my tongue where his two collar bones meet and slowly glide down to his chest. I continuously dab my tongue softly across his chest to the right, ultimately stopping at his rosy bud. I kiss it once and then grab hold the tip in between my teeth, lightly nibbling the small, hard seed.

Chris spasms at the touch and coos softly at my nibbling. Unable to contain myself any longer, I free Chris from my grasp and yank off his clothing completely, exposing his nude body for my eyes to gape at until they rot. He supports himself with his arms and I scoot down until my mouth meets his loose pouch.

I buck out my lips and suck on one of his jewels; they tasted delicious. That aroma mixture of boy musk and body wash is enough to make anyone faint. Wanting more, I engulf the entire left side into my mouth and swirl my tongue around his marble. I give it a kiss and suckle it again, pulling it gently with my lips. Still longing for more, I zealously devour the other nut in too and savior the taste... the texture of his wrinkle skin.

"Uh... uh... oh..." he moans every time I tilt my head back, tugging his balls away from his shaft slightly with pleasure. "Uh... Dylan please... Let me cum... I'm begging you."

"Patience Chris... patience... this is driving me crazy too... but I want to make love with you," I sigh ever so faintly as I sit up.

I grab my pillow and set it next to his butt. I then grasp his hips firmly and flip him over in one swift motion onto the pillow, consequentially bucking his bottoms outward. Licking my lips, I dive down and eat out his ass.

"Sss! Woo!" Chris bewilders and gasps. "Ah... Sss!... Ah! Deeper Dylan-Mmm!"

I happily oblige and shove my tongue as far as it can reach, trying to wiggle it beyond his sphincter muscles.

"Ohh!... Fuck me..." Chris moans profoundly as my tongue invades his virgin hole. Oh how I want to fuck him right here and now... but I treasure my relationship with him far more than some one time deal. I'd rather be with him forever and not fuck him than hurt him and have a life filled with regret.

I lap his hole anxiously, savoring the tangy, yet somehow erotic, taste and fragrance. It wasn't a taste or smell or shit. No, I made sure to clean that up when we were showering. It was more like a... subtle mixture of Chris's boy musk, sweat, and shampoo, much like his genitals, yet not identical at the same time.

Sloshing his anal area one last time, I force my tongue up pass his crack and painstakingly graze up his arched back, sending shivers across Chris's entire body. Once I reach the barrier between skin and hair roots, I peck him once and tortuously return down the spine, eventually stopping at the tailbone. I give the bump a little lip attention too and straddle him with my body.

"Ready to cum?" I tease as I plant a wet one on his cheek.

"Yes!..." he breathes out in agony.

"Can I try something new?"

"...As long as I get to cum... sure... anything," he mumbles back.

"Ok, scoot up your knees and arch your back. I'm going to remove the pillow from under you."

"Nnn..." he grunts in approval and positions himself into a doggy position, with his back arched downwards. I yank away the pillow and place it back where it belongs. Spreading Chris's legs apart some now, I scoot my head underneath him and bend his dick perpendicular to his body.

After some adjusting and tweaking, I finally find the perfect position where his massive cock is barely two inches away from my mouth if I bend it. Call me kinky, but I wanted to see Chris's dick throb and pulsate right before my eyes. I have this desire to watch the tip grow bigger as his hot, delicious milk pistons into my mouth. And if I know anything about my boyfriend, it's that he can shoot A LOT.

I use a backhand grip on his cock and begin to milk out his precious boy juice. I go slowly at first, teasing him, hearing his low moans. I guess he's suffered too much already from all my foreplay and edging. I tighten my grip on his steel rod and pump furiously.

"Ah!... Ugh!... Phmm!" Chris grunts. "Ohh! Sss!... Mph!"

I squeeze his ass cheek hard with my left him to stop him from humping in the air. At the same time, I use this as a support as I lift myself up and take in the mushroom of his cock with my mouth. I enclose my lips around the area where the shaft meets the bulge and press down. While I'm still jacking him off, I flick my tongue rapidly right above his pee slit.

"Agh! Oh god!" he grimaces. "Nnn! Oh... I'm... I'm gonna ah!... I'm gonna cum!"

That's my cue to lie back down. Just as my head touches the bed, I see Chris's mushroom expanding a little and shoot his first shot. I barely had enough time to open my mouth, and the white, creamy blast hits the back of my throat, leaving that sticky residue. Damn that's powerful!

But I didn't have time to recover as Chris continues to fire his rounds into my mouth. Unable to swallow with my mouth open, I just keep my lips apart, using my mouth as a cup for holding all his precious cum.

Unfortunately, his dick jerks upward; sometimes more, sometimes less. So, some of the tasty juice landed around my lips, chin, and cheek. Chris finishes his spasms, and using all his might, he flings himself over and lays his back on the bed next to me.

"That... was... intense..." he forces out in between breaths.

I go up to him, scoot my elbows under his armpits, and cradle his head up with hands for a kiss. And boy was the kiss amazing. Instead of swallowing the golden nectar of the gods, I decided to offer it all up to Chris. As soon as our lips meet, he opens his mouth and I spit everything in. Chris acts up at first, surprised at the huge amount of cum and saliva. But he relaxes immediately after and gulps everything down.

As I'm making passionate love to him, we switch are long, cum-filled kiss into that of shorter, quicker ones. After each smack on the lips, we tilt our heads in the other direction, causing the cum on my face to smear onto Chris's. In the end, both of our faces were sticky and glowing from the light reflecting off the liquid.

"That was hot..." Chris comments.

"Oh don't get me started," I bring up quickly, causing the both of us to giggle.

"Anyways... I think it's someone else's turn to be happy," Chris hints with a cheeky grin on his face. "And I get to decide how you cum this time."

"Ok fine... but only because you were such a good boy for me earlier," I say with kissy lips.

Chris instructs me to have my palms shoulder-width apart on the wall, with my back parallel to it. He then pushes my knees apart, exposing the back of my balls for everyone to see. He scoots under the opening, resting his back up against the wall and fondles with my nuts for bit.

"Ok, now fuck my face Dylan," he instructs with a smirk on his face. "and make it rough and nasty for me."

"Whoa! Where is all this coming from?" I ask, surprised.

"I don't know, I just want to you," he shrugs.

"You sure? Remember what happened last time?"

"Well that was before. Now I know that you don't mean anything by it," he explains. Still not convinced, I think about it for a moment. "Come on, please?" he begs while showing his puppy eyes at me.

"Alright fine... but if you feel uncomfortable... hmm..." I trail off, thinking of a safety net. "Oh! Spank my ass, ok?"

"Deal," he grins and the forces my entire shaft down his throat. I gasp loudly at the sudden contact on my sensitive area. Chris makes some slurping sounds and pulls my body towards his face by pushing my ass. He lets go of my cheeks and I pull back slightly, but only to return to the original position with a powerful thrust.

"Mmm... fuck yeah..." I moan out. I lower my hands and grab a patch of Chris's hair in each palm, immobilizing him. "Mmm... fuck! Oh yeah... choke on my dick Chris..."

Chris purposely makes some more loud, slurping sounds, making me hornier in the process.

"Suck it Chris... Uh... This feels fucking amazing..." I let go of his hair and mess with it in a rough manner, disarranging each strand as much as possible. I pump my hips faster and faster in and out of his mouth... in... out... in... out... I pull my dick out, giving Chris some breathing room, and slap his face with my wet cock.

"Do you wanna swallow or facial?" I ask Chris.

"Swallow, duh!" he smirks back. "I wanna drown in your cum."

"Naughty boy," I smug. Before he can speak again, my push my dick at his lips. He eagerly opens and I shove all 7in back in.

This time, however, instead of fucking his face like a madman, I jam my dick in and keep it deep in his throat. But I'm not done yet; I flex my dick, causing it to bump against Chris's throat. I moan hoarsely and push my dick down deeper, trying to dig deeper down Chris's throat. Unfortunately, my cock's only so big. Reluctantly, I pull out and return to pumping rapidly.

"Shit... Uh..." I croak in between pushes. "Hmm!... Oh shit!... Chris! I'm... I'm going to cum!" I grimace my face and hold the back of Chris's head as I fuck his hot mouth with no remorse. Faster and faster I go, when will I cum, not even I know...

"Ah!... Fuck!" I hiss in a raspy style as I bury my dick as far down Chris's mouth as possible and begin my spasms of ecstasy.

"Fuck!... Oh god!..." Wave after wave, my dick continues to produce its cum for Chris. And the fact that he's swallowing, causing his throat to contract with my dick next to it doesn't help me either. Every time he swallows, I can feel it on my sensitive dick.

I finish my rounds and slump down onto Chris, breathing heavily. He wraps his arms around me and I tilt my head up to look at him. Smiling, I muster all my remaining strength to lean up and kiss him. Upon contact, he forces his tongue in and licks everywhere, trying to get any last bit of cum I might have missed.

Our tongues leave each other in their little embrace and we shift our bodies into the "right" direction for sleeping. With our lips not touching, we had to have something rubbing against each other. So we settled with cuddling. Fair trade right? Chris rests his right cheek on my chest and sighs contently.

"Love you Dylan..." he mutters softly.

"Love you more..." I smile back while stroking his hair, trying to straighten the mess I made before.

After a few minutes of just lying there, Chris scoots up to give me a tender kiss. "Dylan... question time..."

"What is it this time?..." I playfully scoff.

"Can you tell me more about top and bottom? Like, what are the characteristics of each one?"

"Aren't we full of difficult questions today?" I smirk as I mess with his hair again.

"Whatever... just answer," he dictates.

"And so demanding too," I pout. "Anyways... as I said before, the top is the guy who's in control while the bottom follows for the most part. Now, the top is the one who usually fucks the bottom."

"Oh..." Chris slowly nods in understanding, "So like, one's the girl right?"

"Mhm, but this is only a rough outline. Not every couple follows this, but most eventually fall into this category."

"So... am I the bottom?" Chris asks discretely.

"I don't know. Do you want to be the bottom?"

"Um... Hmm..." he ponders for a bit. "I don't know... I think I am... How can I tell?" he beams his sapphire pupils at me.

"Umm... let's see..." I pull us up and turn Chris around so that I'm cuddling him. "As I said, the bottom is the receiver right? That also means a receiver of love. He wants to feel loved by someone, someone who can cuddle with him, protect him, and love him in every way. Do you feel that you're that type of person?"

"Kinda..." he thinks for a bit.

"The bottom can also be the shy, timid person at first. Someone who needs another to help him out of his shell," I subtly hint further.

"...That's also me..." Chris states sadly. "That makes me a bottom huh..."

"If you think you are, then you are," I kindly state.

Chris looks down. "So that means you'll be the one fucking all the time right?" he chokes.

"What?" I ask, not understanding what's wrong.

He says nothing.

"Well?" I urge gently.

"Why do I have to be the one who has to be helpless? And why do I have to be the one who have to offer myself up?" he chokes out in between sniffles. "I always wanted to do something that I wanted to do, not go out of my way just to make others happy..."

Chris..." I coo as I brush his hair gently with my fingers, "There's nothing bad about being a bottom. You just be yourself and love what you love. No one cares if you're a top or bottom, and if anyone hassles you about it, tell me and I'll beat them up a little."

He sniffles once and wrinkles his nose with his fingers.

"And besides, who said anything about me fucking you all the time? When we're ready for this next step, I'll let you fuck me as much as you want, ok?"

Chris turns his head around. With red, puffy eyes, he asks, "Really? Even though I'm the bottom?"

I kiss him on the cheek. "Of course. Remember what I said about outline? Not everyone follows the so-called rule. I don't know what it feels like to fuck someone or to be fucked by someone. Who knows, I might like the latter."

He rubs his eyes and sniffles again. "Oh yeah... you're still a virgin huh..."

"Shh Chris... don't tell anyone," I giggle quietly; it contaminates Chris in the process as he snickers a little too. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah... I just thought that being a bottom is a bad thing... but the way you described it, it's not so bad for me..." he explains to me.

"I'm glad you understand."

"And besides, I can be the bottom and still get to fuck you," he grins.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah-yeah, just don't blurt it out to everyone we know ok?"

"Hehe..." he grins widely.

"Anyways, if you want, you can be the top tonight and cuddle me instead," I offer.

"Nah... I think I prefer being the bottom now. That means I always get to be hugged by you."

"You sure?... I kinda want to be hugged to sleep by you tonight," I pout.

"You wish! You have to protect me from the boogie monster," he giggles louder now.

I smile at his cute nature. I'm glad that he understands. It's not about top or bottom; it's about offering yourself up to the person you love. Who cares if you're the receiver or the giver. What matters is having hot, sweaty sex, and loving every moment of it, regardless of who's doing what.

I let loose a loud yawn, which spreads into Chris's mind. As he's getting the extra oxygen needed, I glance over at the time.

"Wow! It's already 10:20 Chris!"

"So?" he yawns out.

"So... we've technically had sex for about two hours; I think that's a new record for us."

"Oh... I thought it was a something important..." He yawns again. "Gah... Why am I so tired?..."

"Probably from all the sun bathing today," I tell him. "You ready for school tomorrow?"

"As ready as I'll ever be..."

"Ok, then let's go to bed early then. I'm also tired from today's activities. Especially the extra- curricular one, if you know what I mean," I whisper in his ear and squeeze his package playfully.

"Hey!" he hoots, "Hands off the merchandize!"

"What? I already bought it; it's mine now," I tease and grope it again.

"Jeeze! Forget about the boogie monster, protect me from the pervy one," he jokes.

I laugh at his teenage-like comment and reach over the ground to pick up our boxers (I remembered this time!). We shove them back on, and I walk over to close the lights. Once the room's dark, I scoot back under the covers and cuddle with Chris. After a few steady and rhythmic breaths, we both fall asleep with Chris guarded safely in my arms.

"Time to get up Dylan!"

"Nnn... go away..." I mumble.

"Come on Dylan... you have school tomorrow. And turn off that alarm; you're wasting batteries," my mom nags.

Not having the will to reply, I simply shift my body a little and go back to sleep. Following my movements, Chris sluggishly tosses around, eventually settling next to me again. My mom sighs and rests her hands on her hips.

"Can we not go to school today?..." Chris pleas quietly while discretely scooting his butt closer to me.

"The day you skip school is the day Dylan predicts something wrong," she states while tugging at the blanket. Nu-uh! Those are my covers; my shield against the cold. I tug back and a battle ensues on my bed.

"I predict... that we won't go to school today," I state, causing Chris to giggle silently.

"Haha... very funny," my mom sighs as she lets go of my blanket. "You're still going to school. Now get your lazy butts out of bed and get ready. I'll start making breakfast."

"But I like Dylan's cooking better..." Chris pouts playfully.

"Well too bad. You're stuck with mine," my mom scolds as she paces out the door.

Once she's gone, Chris and I giggle like little girls and sigh heavily. I turn to my back and rest my head on my arms. Chris drapes his left arm and legs over me.

"...Can we not go to school today?" Chris asks.

"I wish... at least for another semester for me. You?... Yeah... good luck," I grin.

"Wow... some boyfriend you are."

"Wait, hold on..." I reach for my phone and shut off the annoying alarm.

"Wow... ignoring me too," Chris states.

"Hey, every man for himself," I smile cheekily at him. I pat him on the butt and scoot off the bed. "Come on, let's just get this over with..."

"Fine..." he exasperates as he gets out too. "Oh yeah, we need to go back to my house today."

"Why's that?" I ask.

"Can't leave my parents hanging now can I? I mean, I just built a better relationship with my mom. Can't have that destroyed now can we?" he states nonchalantly and pulls down his shirt.

"Ah I see... Ok, we'll visit after school then."

"Thanks Dylan."

We slap on the rest of our clothes on and sneak into the bathroom without anyone noticing. Chris whips out his cock and bends over the toilet. Trying not to laugh at his awkward position, I turn around and quickly brush my teeth. Chris empties his bladder with a miserable stream and flushes.

"Move over." he butts in.

"Muh-mu-uh," I muffle out opaquely since my mouth's full of suds.

"What?" Chris asks before scrubbing his teeth.

I spit into the sink. "Never mind..." I rinse out my mouth and switch places with him. Now it's my turn to bend over.

After a few, awkward moments in that uncomfortable position, a tiny stream of golden liquid dribbles out of my pee slit. I sigh and shiver a little at the sudden release of pressure. I glance over at Chris and catch him staring at me.

"What?" I ask, smiling. He snaps back into reality and blushes slightly, looking away. I smile at this innocence and shake my dick vigorously. Feeling that there's no more left, I zip up and flush again. Walking over, I mess with Chris's hair and rinse my hands again.

"Hey!" he shouts.

"What?" I grin back, "You haven't perfected it yet. Although... I do prefer your hair being messy. Makes it look sexy as fuck."

"Well too bad. I like it neat. Plus," he leans forward and whispers, "I like it when you mess it for the sexy time."

"Ooooh," my eyes bulge out a little, "Naughty today aren't we?" Making sure that no ones in the hallway, Chris and I casually walk out of the restroom and into the kitchen.

"It's about time... did you brush your teeth yet?" my mom scolds by the stove.

"Mhm..." I mumble as we sit down at the table filled with food. Being that it's already 7:45, Chris and I wolf down our plates and rush out the door.

"Bye Mrs. Wolfe!" Chris shouts.

"Bye Chris!"

"Your mom likes me better," Chris teases as I turn on the car.

"How so?" I ask.

"She said bye to me and not you," he grins.

"You can have her then," I said while poking his hips, causing him to giggle.

"Nah..." he says after calming down, "I have my own mom to worry about."

"Damn... and I was so close to getting her off my back," I snap my fingers. The rest of the car trip cruises down in silence with happiness filled in the air.

In about eight minutes, we arrive at the parking lot. I swear, parents all be like, "Oh, my baby can't afford to walk an extra two steps to class. So I'll keep you in the car until I get to the very front of the school." This really pisses me off... and doctors are wondering why children are becoming obese...

After twisting and maneuvering inside the lot, dodging both obnoxious students and nagging parents in their cars, I finally managed to get to the parking spot that I wanted.

"How do you do that?" Chris asks in amazement.

"What? You mean managing to avoid everyone?"

"Mhm, it was wicked."

"I don't know," I said nonchalantly, "probably just from practice. Now come on, let's go! We don't want to be late now do we?"

We pile out of my car and head into the fenced area with backpacks over our backs. Everything was ok for the most part, at least until I see Brandy and her gang surrounding Chris's locker. Oh boy... what now... Chris and I cautiously approach his locker, and one of the girls spot us.

"Oh my god!" she shrieks, "He's here!"

Note to self, invest in some sound proof earmuffs. Man was that girl's voice shrilly. I think my ears are bleeding...

"Ow... what's the big deal? Don't you guys usually mess with my locker?" I ask while rubbing my ears.

"Usually, but today, we decided to stay here. You know, to keep you company," Brandy steps forward.

"Ok whatever..." I flick my hands, telling her to shoo. "Come on Chris. Pick up your books and lets get going; the first bell's about to ring."

Chris and I awkwardly walk pass the aisle the girls made and Chris skeptically opens his locker. He takes what he needs and slams the locker shut, making sure to spin the lock. Strange... Usually, Brandy and her vipers would be taking this moment to pounce on me.

The two of us walk out of the crowd and the bell rings, signaling everyone to get to class. Well, almost everyone. As Chris and I are walking away from the group, I overhear Brandy's group whispering about me.

"See! I told you that he'd be with him!" someone hisses.

"Yeah! I wonder if we can use that to our advantage," another whispers.

"Hey... you don't think that he's... you know..."

"Pst, Chris," I nudge. He glances over at me discretely and sees my hand out. "Wanna mess with them?"

He smirks impishly and interlocks his fingers with mine. I take a step to the left, showing our couple hands to everyone. With my back turned, the girls couldn't see me smiling. I hear one of them gasp loudly and then mumble something to the group. They must be freaking out right now.

Our little stroll ends in front of Chris's first period class. I let go of his hand and smile at him. "Let's go out separate ways today until 5th period. That way, Brandy won't get too suspicious."

"Ok... I was thinking something about that too..." he sulks, not liking the fact that we won't be together as much as he wanted to be.

"See you during 5th period then," I tell him as I walk to my class next door.

Oh how I wanted to kiss him right there and then... But I can't... at least not yet (hopefully). I take on last look at him as he disappears behind the door. Ah... I think I've found the one to be with together...

"Ok class, see you tomorrow," Mr. Fledging announces to the class as the bell rings.

"Ready Chris?" I ask.

"Yep," he states as he throw his heavy sack over his back.

We head out of the classroom and towards his locker. He shoves his books in, along with some of mine (thank you Chris). With some great relief on our backs, we scurry off in search of crappy food.

"Hey guys!" Caleb hollers at us.

"Hey yourself," I smirk back. "What's Matt doing?"

"Don't bother asking him... apparently, UC applications are out," Bryan rolls his eyes.

"Oh really? What's the prompt this time?"

"I haven't looked, but you know there's the one about describing your world," Bryan answers.

"Yeah, that one's the same every year. I'm curious about the other one. Hello, earth to Matt," I snap my fingers in front of him.

"I heard you the first time..." he sighs, annoyed at me. "The second prompt's about describing an unforgettable experience."

"Oh boy... what the hell am I going to write about for that?" I clench my fist in front of me.

"Every man for himself," Matt states, "I'm already having trouble with my first one."

"Oh I already have that one down," I beam proudly.

"What's it about?" Chris asks.

"It's about you, duh," I grin at him, "You are my world."

"Oh..." he blushes.

"Aww... somebody's blushing," Caleb teases.

"Shut up." Chris punches him in the arm. "At least someone's writing about me."

"Matt..." Caleb whines, "Are you going to write about me?"

"...I don't know yet..." Matt states sullenly.

"And yet you're already freaking out... typical Matt," Bryan shakes his head.

"Ha-ha... very funny. See, you can talk about sports, Dylan can talk about Chris, and Carrie and Heather can talk about ASB. Me? I have nothing!" Matt exasperates.

"Whoa, calm down Matt. You have two months to do this," I comfort him. "Just take a deep breath... There... and remember, it's only UC, there's still private schools."

"Yeah," Heather states, "Carrie and I are planning on going to a private school. Smaller student to teacher ratio and whatnot. And with your grades, you'll get into a school no problem."

"Not to mention... Valedictorian," Carrie sings.

"Nah... not me..." Matt denies.

"Oh puh-leez... You tell me another person at this school who has a 4.7 weighted GPA," Carrie states. Matt looks at her, surprised. "Yeah, I looked into the computer. One of the perks of being ASB president."

"Ohh!" Joey hollers, calling Matt out.

"Ok fine... but... I'm terrified... Terrified of giving a public speech," Matt confesses.

"Whatever man, you'll be fine," I reassure him. "And if all else fails, you can get Caleb to give you a blowjob right before to give you some adrenaline," I said, smirking.

"Oh god... I don't need that image in my mind," Bryan responds in disgust.

"Oh really?" Caleb brings up with a sly smile. "I seem to remember someone rather enjoying me-"

"Aaaaahhhh!" both Joey and Bryan shout as they pounce on Caleb.

"Don't you dare talk about that in front of them," Joey grits his teeth.

"Yeah, and if I get into deep shit, then you'll along suffer with me," Bryan mutters under his breath.

"Got it?" the two say in unison as they pin Caleb down in a hold with his mouth covered.

Unable to speak, Caleb simply nods and the two jocks let go of him.

"What was that about?" Carrie asks Bryan as he sits back down next to her.

"Oh nothing..." Bryan states nonchalantly.

"Yeah," Joey adds quickly, "We were uh... just shutting Caleb up about his time when uh... caught him watching porn."

"Mhm," Bryan says, thinking quickly on his feet, "And uh... he was going to put the blame on us."

Chris and I snicker silently to each other at Bryan and Joey's attempt to cover up their "little" incidents with Caleb.

By the intermediate of lunch, Matt's calmed down and everyone's having a good time. We were laughing, making fun of each other, you know, being the kids we were.

But... Brandy just has to come and ruin it all. With every pounding step she takes, I swear massive seismic waves grow exponentially until they hit orphanages.

"So. Dylan..." she sneers, "The girls and I have been discussing about you and... Chris for the past few days."

"...And?" I sigh loudly, wishing she'd just get out of my sight.

"And... we decided to give you one last chance," she finishes for me.

"What?" I ask, not following what she meant.

"Heed my words Dylan Wolfe, if Chris doesn't leave your little pack of friends soon, there will be consequences," she emphasizes.

Before I can speak, someone from my table shouts on my behalf, "Fuck off Brandy!" My eyes bulge out and slowly turn to my left.

Brandy scoffs, "What did you say to me?"

"You heard me," he states again. No, no, no! Why! Why does he have to do this?! Why?! Damn it!

"Dylan," Brandy barks, "forget about that last chance. He's officially waged war on us." With that, she storms off tumultuously.

"Yeah? You and what army!"

"Oh my god Chris... why did you do that?! I'd expect Caleb to do something like this- No! Not even Caleb would do something this rash!" I grab him by the shoulders and shake him violently.

"Yeah Chris! Do you want to die?" Caleb pleas.

"Because... she was getting on my nerve," Chris grunts as he struggles to get away from me..

"Great..." Carrie agonizes, "Now we have another dilemma to solve on our plates."

"I don't see what the big deal is..." Chris wonders.

Bryan, Matt, and I look down slightly. "Let's just say, you aren't safe anymore Chris..." Bryan sulks.

"What do you mean?" Chris asks.

"You just told Brandy to fuck off, in public. That'll ruin her image. She'll find a way to get back at you, indirectly at least..."

"Why 'indirectly?'"

"Because she knows she can't hurt you. Or else all hell will break loose," Joey adds.


"Me..." I sigh, "By nature, I'm not the person who'll usually care about crap laid upon me. But if anyone, and I mean anyone, tries to hurt any of my friends, I will go to the other end of the world and hunt the motherfucker down. Now imagine what'll happen if you got hurt..."

"Will it be as bad as the incident at the beach?" Chris inquires.

"1000 times worse... probably..." Caleb says for me.

"Wow... I messed up big time huh?"

"Well, she had it coming," I state, "And there is a way out of this. It's called the waiting game."

"Huh?" everyone gestures.

"Chris, stick close to me for the next few weeks, not that you aren't already going that," I instruct, only to have him give me a cheeky grin. "We're going to be as stubborn as an ox and see who gives in first: me or Brandy."


What will happen to Chris? to the gang? What did Brandy mean by war? Has she finally caught onto Dylan and Chris? And what does Dylan mean by the waiting game?

Omg so many questions! Aren't you glad that I left the story at a cliffhanger? Dying to know what's going to happen? What about how things are going back at Chris's place? He's planning on visiting. So complex and deep! And the worst part is, we won't know until I get back from vacation! :O

Speaking of vacation... if you read the notice on the top of chapter 12, you should know that I'm going on vacation for a month. So... that means I won't be able to post any stories. HOWEVER, I'm brining my laptop. SO... I can keep writing (hopefully 4 chapters).

Therefore, there's also the issue of emails. I'M SORRY IF I DON'T REPLY TO YOUR EMAILS ASAP! I WILL TRY MY BEST TO REPLY TO ALL DURING THE MONTH, BUT NO PROMISES! (Don't know if I have internet access at times)

So don't hate me and think that I'm ignoring you. I love to read each and everyone of your emails. I hope you guys keep sending them, telling me what you like and what you dislike, suggestions, ideas, etc.

And of course, DONATIONS PLEASE! You must tired of reading this huh...

Next: Chapter 15

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