Three Simple Words

By No Name

Published on Jul 12, 2013


Sorry for the delay, you know...summer plans and all. (Had a road trip to the Grand Canyon, so that didn't help either lol). Anyways, all copyright issues still apply, don't read this if you can't, and DONATIONS PEOPLES! :D

And remember, send me emails if you can. It can be constructive criticism, praise, or even a simple hi. I love meeting new people through email; it's fun and interesting.


This particular chapter contains a rather... kinky scene. Don't worry, it's not about Chris and Dylan... directly at least. In any case, if you find some light BDSM offensive, you can either

One: don't read this chapter (don't recommend)

Two: skip the part in between the three asterisks * * * (recommended).

You have been warned! Please don't come spamming my email with hate messages in regards to this... remember guys, respect others. Unless of course, there's rape involved, then you have every right to hate that person, but I digress...

In any case, enjoy the story :D (We're back to my average story page length :D)


Chapter 11 "The Cunning Contrivance"

"Chris! I'm leaving soon!" Betty shout from her room.

"Why is she so loud?!" Chris whines in increasing dynamics as he covers both of our bodies with the blanket.

A few seconds later, I hear Betty's footsteps ringing in the bedroom. She sighs, "Come on Chris... It's already 10:30... it's time to get up."

We heard her, but we were just sooo comfortable in bed with Chris snuggling up against me... But then, Chris makes the mistake of shifting weight a little. Betty uses this moment and walks up to the bed in attempt to pull off the covers. Luckily, I had years of training in this from my own mother and immediately grab hold of all four corners of the blanket with my arms and feet.

"Nooo Betty!" I shout, "We're...yeah..."

She stops tugging at the blanket. "Oh... you mean you guys are..."

"Yeah..." I finish for her. "We're in our birthday suites."

"Oh..." she realizes. "Well... it's time to get up. I mean seriously, you have work to do if you want your plan to work right?"

I pop my head out from the underneath the blanket. "Ok, I'll get up, but can you know..." I trail off as I point a finger at the door.

"Ok...but only if you can wake him up too," she gestures at the other boy in the room. She stops at the doorway. "Oh, I'm going out to buy the things you've requested. Do either of you need anything else while I'm out?"

"Don't think so."

"Ok." And with that, she finally exits the room, but failing to shut the door for Chris and my privacy. What is it with parents and not closing doors... Jeeze...

I remove the blanket and sit up. I nudge at Chris's shoulder, "Time to get up snuggle bug."

"I don't wanna..." he mutters as he turns to his other side. "I just want to sleep the day away and not face today..."

"Chris..." I said as I rub his sides affectionately, "don't run away from your problems. You'll just be digging into a bigger hole."

He turns around and looks at me with his cerulean eyes. "Then why don't you solve your problem with Brandy?" he asks.

"Because, some problems require some digging until I find a treasure to save my ass," I reply grimly.

He sighs and sits up. "Are you sure the plan's going to work?"

"Of course it is. But, there are some minor details I left out with your Mom."

"What's that?" Chris asks innocently.

"I'll tell you along the way. It'll make things much more fun for me anyways," I tease as I poke him in the ribs.

"Oh my god Dylan!" he scolds, but laughing, "Will you stop that?"

"Hmm, lemme think about that... Nope." I continue to tickle him; his laughter resonates around the room. After a few more pokes and squeezes, I stop torturing him and embrace him.

"Dylan... what did you mean by what you said earlier?" Chris inquires.

"You mean the part about keep digging until I find something?"

"Mhm," he grunts.

I sigh and scuff his hair. "It's really complicated and twisted to explain... I don't know if you'll understand quite honestly," I relay back.

"Can you make it simple?" Chris pushes, trying to pry for more information.

"Hmm... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need some sort insurance. I don't want to blow her off just yet; no matter how annoying and vexatious she is, she still has influence on others. I need something from her if I'm to stop her completely from harassing all of us."

"Oh... so you basically need some sort of dirt on her," Chris states.

"Kinda... here's the complicated part. I don't want dirt or rumors, cause those can disappear easily. And plus, I don't want to become someone like her. I need... I don't know... something big from her I guess... Does that make sense?" I ask while scratching my head.

"...Sort of..." Chris answers, but guessing from the look on his face, he's still confused.

"Anyways, I believe I have a boyfriend to cheer up for the day. How 'bout some breakfast?" I propose. "What are you in the mood for?"

"Hmm... pancakes," he responds.

"Ok, well let's get dressed and cleaned up first."

We get out of bed (finally) and hastily put some clothes on. Chris and I then race into the bathroom. He wins by one step, but I let him win (it is his day after all). While he's relieving himself in front of the toilet, I pull out my toothbrush and scrape away the bad breath, plaque, and germs. We finish our duties simultaneously and switch places. After letting a miserable stream flow out, I look at Chris and catch him staring at my pecker. I smile at him, and he turns away, blushing. I giggle a little and shake off the last bits of piss into the bowl. After flushing, I quickly wash my hands and head downstairs with Chris in front of me.

"Alright Chris, where's the pancake mix?" I ask as I pull out a flat pan from the cabinets and set it on the stove.


"Oh, it's the box kind, that's good. Do you have an empty ketchup bottle anywhere? Or something with a little opening for me to squirt stuff out?"

"Um...hold on, lemme check."

While he's ransacking the cupboards, I mix the dry, flour-like content with water in a mixing bowl. I'm guessing he's hungry, so I prepared more for insurance.

"Will this work?" He holds out a condiments container while continuing to look for something else.

"Yeah, that'll work fine," I said as I take it out of his hands. "Now watch this. It's a trick I found online." I fill up the bottle with pancake-mix and cap the top on. I squirt out two little dots and a number 3 onto the pan. (:3)

"That kinda looks like a face," Chris notices.

"Mhm, now just wait until I finish the pancake. It'll be really cool when it's done," I assured him.

After a few minutes, I grab a ladle and pour a circle on top of exiting face-like pancakes. A few minutes pass by and I flip the pancake over to cook the other side. Chris sees the now complete structure of the pancake and stares in awe.

"Wow...that's so cool! The pancake does have a face!" he glees in amazement.

"Mhm, and the best part is, those particular pieces that make up the face are crunchier than usual," I add on to his bewilderment.

"Wow..." he whispers again.

"Anyways, this one's done," I said to bring him out of his little wonderland. "Go grab a plate and you can start eating this one."

"Huh? Oh, ok. Hold on." He dashes to cupboards and pulls out two plates. I set the pancake on one of them and scoot Chris onto the countertop with it.

"Don't forget about maple syrup," I remind him.

"I know." He pulls out the syrup bottle and squirts out a healthy does onto his plate.

All in all, I've made about eight pancakes, four for me and four for Chris. Each and every one of them contained a different face like >.> or -_-. I'll have to admit, it's pretty fun to do something like this. To whoever said that playing with your food was bad, fuck you! I had a blast doing this. I quickly devoured my stash of golden goodness and turn my attention back to the stove for one last pancake for Chris.

"I have just enough batter for one more Chris. Think you can manage?" I ask.

"I'll try... I've already eaten so much," he replies while rubbing his stomach.

Well technically, I planned to make this last pancake special for him from the start. I carefully write out, as tiny as possible, three simple words that mean everything to us backwards (so that it shows correctly when flipped around). But, I don't stop there as I use the last of the bottle's pancake mix to draw a heart around my love letter. After the pieces harden, I pour the remaining pancake batter within the heart's perimeter and flip the whole thing around when it solidified.

"Alright Chris, I hope you like it." I set the hotcake onto his plate and sit down beside him.

Chris sits up and stares at the food in front of him. He reads the words engraved on the pancake and a single tear rolls down his right cheek.

"Aww, I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean for you to cry," I apologize.

"No... it's fine... for once, these tears are of happiness... not sorrow," he explains while wiping the tear away. "Thank you Dylan... for everything..."

I reach over and wrap my arms around his shoulder. "No problem snuggle bug... no problem..."

Just then, the front door swings open and I hear someone grumbling.

"Who is it?" I shout.

"The lady who's struggling to carry all this stuff into the house," Betty yells back.

"You just sit here and finish this ok? I'll go help your mom." I give Chris a quick kiss on the forehead and rush out to help Betty with the groceries. At the front door, I grab the bags off of Betty's poor arms.

"Thank you Dylan. You're much more helpful...UNLIKE SOMEONE!" she shouts to no one in particular (Chris).

"He's still eating breakfast, so...yeah..." I explain to her as I walk back into the kitchen.

"Oh... well in that case... you're forgiven Chris" she apologizes playfully as she hugs him. At the same time, I'm pulling out the stuff from the bags that need to be refrigerated.

"Mom!" Chris whines, "I'm eating! And stop embarrassing me! I'm fifteen, not five."

Betty and I chuckle at his comment and watch him take in another mouthful of the golden cake.

"Anyways, is this all you need?" Betty asks me.

I peek into the bags as I set them on the countertop. "Yep, this is more than enough."

"Ok good, and thanks again Dylan for doing this. I have enough on my plate as it is."

"Sure no problem. I'm always happy to cook dinner for you. Just let me know and I'll whip something up in no time."

"Careful with what you say," Betty warns, "I just might take up on that offer."

Chris finishes his last bite and I hear the metal utensils hit the ceramic plate. "Ah... that was good," Chris compliments while rubbing his stomach.

"You better start getting your stuff ready Chris," Betty reminds.

"I'll get to it... eventually," Chris waves aside. "I mean, it's only noon. Dad won't be home until 5ish."

"Ok... but try not to forget," Betty sighs. "Anyways, I have to get going. I can't believe my company's still making me work on a day like this..."

"Don't worry Betty, I'll make sure that things run smoothly when you get back," I said.

"I hope so...Ok, bye Dylan. Bye Chris," she bids while giving Chris a kiss on the cheek.

"Mom! Where's Dylan going to kiss now?" Chris complains.

"I'm sure he'll figure something out," Betty shouts as she grabs her purse and heads out the door.

I giggle at Chris's little protest. He's like a five year-old. Not the bad, annoying kind like Patrick in his stories. More like the cute, baby-brother that we always wanted to love and protect. I sigh and bring his plate into the bin to wash. Chris comes along and helps me.

Between the two of us, we finish cleaning the dishes in about five minutes and then head into the living room. As soon as I sit down, Chris plops on top of me, taking extra care not to crunch up my balls in the process.

"Thanks Chris, for not ruining my babies," I whisper in his ear as I kiss him on the other cheek (can't have Betty's germs all over me now can we?!).

"Mhm...I don't know who'd miss it more, you or me," he smirks.

"Naughty boy..." I shake my head, "But not as naughty as what I'm going to do..."

"...What do you mean?" Chris asks.

"I guess now's a good time as any..." I said. "...I didn't tell your mom the entire plan yesterday. There's actually more to it."

"I'm not following..." Chris states, confused.

"The original plan was to cook dinner for everyone and then leave to stay at my house right?" I remind Chris.


"Ok, well I'm going to tweak the plan juuust a little. First, we're going to bring your laptop, backpack with school stuff in it, and your diary for the just incase."

"Why?" Chris asks.

"Because that way, Patrick can't mess with your laptop, or worse... your diary if he finds it by accident. Plus, it'll be easier to get to school on Monday if you have all your stuff with you," I explain to him.

"Oh ok...that makes sense..." Chris trails off. sort of getting the jist of it.

"Second, you're helping me with dinner."

"I was going to do that anyways," Chris beams, "I love making food with you; it makes me feel useful."

I smile back. "Well, we can use that usefulness in my plan. You see, by helping me make it, you automatically get credit for 'making' the food."


"So... if any of them were to compliment on the dish, guess who gets praised?" I hint.

"Ohh... I do!" Chris realizes.

"Mhm, and that'll show Patrick, your aunt, and your uncle up just a little. Ok moving on, we're going to also lock your bedroom door and take all spare keys with us."

"Ok..." Chris says, slightly unsure with this part of the plan.

"This way, your mom and dad can see for themselves just how bad really Patrick is, if he is indeed as bad as you claim him to be." I said to clarify things up.

"But what if he doesn't act up like he usually does?" Chris wonders.

"Then no harm, no foul."

"Won't my mom call?" Chris asks, somewhat frightened at the fact that his mom might ask where the spare keys are.

I sigh deeply and explain the next part as best as I can. "We're going to act dumb then... pretend that we don't know where the keys went. Just lead into that I have a habit of locking up my doors whenever I leave. So by force of habit, I accidentally locked up your room."

"...That's kinda mean isn't it?" Chris brings up.

"I know it is... but I don't want Patrick ruining your room..." I sigh again. "I spent a lot of time and effort into keeping it clean. I'm not about to let some runt come in and ruin that."

"Aww... thanks Dylan," Chris coos, "And stop saying your room; it's our room now."

"I guess..." I breathe out as I pull him in for a hug. "Anyways... if things work out correctly, we'll come back Monday and 'magically' find the keys in the original place."

"And my mom doesn't know about this?" Chris asks to make sure.

"Yep, just you and me. No one else."

"What if Patrick accuses of doing stuff like this?"

"You just leave that part to me," I reassured him, "You don't have to worry about that."

"Oh ok..." Chris turns around and hugs me.

I drag him in and lie down on the couch. "You'll be fine..." I soothe him by ruffling his hair up.

"I hope so..." he sighs contently.

I lost track of time, but I think we stayed like that for about ten minutes give or take. I'd stroke his back and pat his back butt affectionately. I glance over at the time and swat his butt one last time.

"We have things to do Chris," I remind him.

"...Can we stay here for just a bit longer?" he asks quietly while rubbing his cheek on my chest.

"I guess...but keep in mind, we have work to do if you want the plan to work."

He sits up and pouts, "Fine... we'll do our crap first... Then we cuddle!"

"Whatever you want," I grin back.

He gets off me and dashes upstairs to his room. While he's hastily packing up his stuff to take with him, I head back into the kitchen and dig in the grocery bags Betty brought back a few moments ago.

I didn't mention this before, but if you haven't figured it out by now, Betty and I came to an agreement that I'd prepare dinner for her since she's been extremely busy. After some deep thinking, Chris suggested that we have a steak dinner. The three of us liked the idea, so here I am, preparing to make a steakhouse dinner for a company of seven. I pull out the steaks and set them in the sink to defrost. Then, I pull out a bunch of garlic (I'm talking a shit load), the box containing mushroom, and two cutting boards with two adjacent knives.

"Dylan! Where are your car keys?" Chris shouts as he climbs down the stairs with three bags in hand.

I stop what I'm doing and rush over to help him. "Sheesh Chris, take the whole house with you will ya?"

"Sorry... but I do need all of these stuff in here," he explains while handing me a bag. "Where are your keys?"

"They're on the table by the front door," I reply while he walks towards the exit.

"Where are-aha!" Chris triumphs while holding my car keys high in the air. He opens the front door and makes a dash for my car.

By the time I arrive, he's already opened the trunk with his bag inside. I throw the second bag in and slam the trunk.

"Good to go?" I ask.

"Yep, we only have a dinner to make and a dinner to eat," he responds. We head back into the house and into the kitchen.

"So Chris, ready to wow them with your awesome dinner?" I hype him up.

"Sure... What do I need to do?" he asks, completely unenthusiastically. Laaammme...

"Ok Chris, what I need to do is to cut up the mushrooms," I instruct him. "First slice off a bit of the head. Then, you place the mushroom upside down and slice it into pieces."

"...Like this?" Chris says while using a mushroom as an example.

"Mhm, you're a natural at this. Now when you finish that, I need you to slice up the half of the garlic stack."

"Ok, that seems easy enough," Chris states while grabbing his third mushroom.

While he's hacking away, I grab a handful of garlic and dice them up into little chunks. I repeat the process two more times so that only half of the garlic stack remains for Chris. I then pull out the steaks and place them side-by-side into a huge baking pan.

I pour oil into the pan, spread half of the diced garlic on, dash some black pepper on, and rub the content evenly onto the topside of the steaks. After that side was done, I flip each steak over and repeat the process again.

"Dylan, I'm done," Chris announces to me while wiping the garlic stuck on the knife onto the cutting board.

"Ok, set two pans onto the stove and pour some oil onto both," I tell him. He does what I instruct him to do and returns to where I am.

"Now what?" he asks.

"Now, we make the sauce and cook the steak. I assume everyone wants medium-rare."

"Sure, let's go with that."

"Alright then. Throw the garlic into one of the pans. Be careful, they pop," I warn him.

Chris grabs the garlic and throws them into pan. He grabs the spatula and swigs the garlic around, trying to get the garlic's taste into the oil. I grab the mushrooms that he sliced up and toss those into the pan too. I reach for the salt and pepper and sprinkle some in.

"Ok, water will start seeping out of the mushroom because of the salt. When that dries up, tell me ok?"

"Sure," Chris replies.

I grab the tray full of steaks and set them next to the other pan. I take two out and set them onto the other pan Chris prepared earlier.

Halfway through my cooking, Chris announced that the liquid's pretty much gone. I tell him to get the heavy cream from the fridge and pour all it into the mushroom-garlic mix.

"Now get the lid and cap it."

Chris reaches for the lid and envelops the opening.

"Ok, now we just let it simmer there for a few more minutes., probably by the time I finish cooking these last two steaks."

"Alright, what can I in the meantime?" he asks,

"Your mom bought some salad mix. Take that out of the fridge and dress them with whatever you like: ranch, Italian, or Caesar."

Chris proceeds to toss the salad while I'm finishing up in my station. Soon, I finish up the last two and place them into the oven along with the rest to keep them warm, Meanwhile, Chris finishes tossing the salad and split it into seven bowls.

Just as he finishes his last one, the door bell rings. Chris tenses up a little, but I rub his shoulder for confidence.

"Don't worry...I'll be right next to you the whole way," I reassure him.

"...Thanks Dylan..." he replies.

We quickly clean ourselves up, turn off the fire, and head towards the door. Chris opens it and we're greeted with three people full of luggage behind them.

Chris puts on a fake smile. "Hi Aunt Clara, Uncle Curtis...Patrick."

"Oh enough with the greetings and help us already Chris," the lady, presumably Aunt Clara, nags, "Take these two suitcases and get them inside."

I glance down at the teenager in between the two adults and see him give Chris a smug look. Chris was right after all... "Let me help you with that Chris..." I said while reaching for the two suitcases.

"And you are?" Aunt Clara stops me and sternly asks.

"Oh how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Dylan Wolfe, a friend of Chris." I introduce myself while holding out my hand.

"Oh I see...well, I prefer family members handling my bag. You know, safety and all... I hope you don't mind."

'Bitch!' I think to myself as I put on a fake smile. "That's ok. Just trying to be helpful is all."

"What's with this traffic jam?" another voice booms in, "I've seen enough traffic on my stay in New York thank you very much."

"Welcome back Dad..." Chris says sheepishly.

"Hi son," he then looks at me, "Ah, you must be the famous Dylan my wife's been constantly praising."

"Mhm, I'd shake your hand, but there seems to be a big road blockage in between us," I said with a subtle tone behind it (calling the bitch a fat ass if you didn't catch it).

"Ah yes, Dylan's right. Curtis, will you please be so kind as to move into my lovely home instead of piling up at the front door?"

"Sure-sure," the other man states. "Come along Patrick, help your mom bring in her suitcases."

Patrick didn't seem to like the idea of him taking the luggage instead of Chris. As soon as the four pass Chris and I, I look at Chris and give him a wink.

"Thanks," he whispers before heading inside with close behind.

While we're settling down in the living room, let me quickly describe everyone present. Chris's dad (Wayne) is the average business man. Dressed up in a suit, having that posture, assertive in voice and tone, etc. Wayne is naturally built, much to my surprise. Why doesn't Chris have his body build? Oh well... I prefer my skinny, twinky Chris anyways. Wayne's about six feet even (so my height), and upon looking at him, you see where Chris got his facial features and hair color.

Clara is the forty year old, nagging old lady. She has wrinkles on her cheeks and has one of those hairstyles that look like a powdered wig, although the color is more of a darken brown. She's really short at 5'4" and her figure is that of an anemic.

Curtis here is at the age of forty-five. He's almost a splitting image of Chris's dad, being the younger brother of the two by three years of age. The only difference is his posture and height. Curtis scrunches his back more than Wayne, and when the two are together, you can clearly see that Curtis is weaker of the two. His height at 5'7" doesn't help him out either.

And finally, na‹ve, little Patrick. I guess his appearance makes you wonder how did he get his appearance. He has barely any similarities from either of his parents. In fact, the first thing you think of is, 'is he adopted?' He stands at about 5'6" (Chris's height), but his scrunching is worse than his fathers, making him at about 5'5" or 5'4". Every few millimeters or so, you'd see a white volcano erupting from his face, neck, and, presumably, his back. He wears glasses and has pitch, black hair. He's very lanky, much like his mother, and judging from his stature, one can ask, 'Do you even lift bro?'

"So Dylan," Chris's dad begins, "Betty tells me that you're a very hardworking individual."

"Hardworking may not be the right word. I'm actually pretty lazy Mr. Tanner," I respond while sitting down next to Chris.

"Please, call me Wayne."


"What about you son?" Wayne looks at Chris, "How are you doing in school?

"Well," I interject before Chris can answer, "Chris surprised me the most when I was tutoring him this past month. You see, our school requires all sophomores to have one period of study hall, and I just so happened to be placed in his class as the academic tutor. I thought at first, he'd need catching up. Boy was I wrong, he's in the honor program and probably going to graduate in the top ten."

"Oh I see..." Clara butts in, showing disappointment in her eyes.

"What about you Patrick, you seem pretty quiet over there," I ask to the lanky

"Well, Patrick here is a bright person too," Clara answers for him.

"Really?" I said, 'astonished,' "Tell me more. I always love to hear about other people's success stories."

Just then, Betty enters the room. "Some husband you are," she grumbles towards Wayne, "Guess who had to carry two suitcases by herself?"

"Oh I'm sorry babe..." Wayne apologizes while getting up to comfort her. "Tell you what, I'll make it up to tonight somehow."

"How many times have I heard that before?" she scoffs aside. "Oh Dylan, is dinner ready yet?"

"It's been ready since the moment you guys walked in," I reply.

"Well what's everyone waiting for? Come on in to the dining room!" Betty announces.

Betty's timing's impeccable as always... I was just about to show Patrick up... oh well, call me evil, but I have more than one trick up my sleeves, even though I'm not wearing any.

Anyways, Chris, Betty, and I head into the kitchen and prepare the meal for everyone. Chris and I made two trips each since we couldn't grab all the plates in one go. Meanwhile, Betty set the table with utensils. Once everyone got settled in, we all dig into the fabulous food that Chris and I made.

"Mmm, this is really good. Did you make this Dylan?" Curtis asks while taking another mouthful of the salad.

"Nope, the real star of the show is Chris here," I said.

"Really? Never in my life would I imagine Chris doing something this great. I mean, of course Patrick here can make this in a snap, but" he 'comments.'

"But surely, you grilled the steak right?" Clara asks me.

"Nope, that was all Chris too," I praise, "I only helped a little with the cutting."

"Well, my compliments to chef," Wayne boasts in approval.

I sneak a peek at everyone while eating my plate. Chris is blushing slightly at all the praise he's been getting. Clara is trying to discuss to her husband about Chris's achievements. However, Curtis simply ignores her while taking in another bite of steak. I snicker a little and glance over at Chris's parents; both are equally content with the food Chris and I made.

Finally, I set my eyes upon my prey, Patrick. As I look at him, his eyes matches mine. I smile at him, but he lowers his eyebrows and frowns at me, as if wanting to kill me with his death glare.

'Bitch,' I think to myself before turning my attention back to Chris. He looks up at me and smiles. "You done with dinner?" I ask him quietly.

"" he inquires back.

"Almost, just the salad that you made." I quickly wolf down the last few bites of my salad. Finishing, I pat my stomach and announce, "Well, dinner was great, but Chris and I have to get going."

"Where you going?" Wayne asks.

"We made plans with our friends to go see a movie tonight. We don't know how long it'll take, so Chris might stay at my house for the night," I said.

"Ah ok, have fun you two," Betty waves aside, knowing full well of my plan.

Chris and I grab our plates and stack them in the sink before heading upstairs into his room. Once there, I grab my wallet, phone, and duffle bag while Chris grabs his backpack containing his school stuff and diary.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"Yeah, lemme just grab the spare keys."

"Ok, while you're doing that, lemme write down a note for your mom."


While he's claiming all the spare keys into his room for himself, I hastily write down a note for Betty, telling her that I'm sorry for all the trouble. I place the note on her pillow in her room, lock Chris's door, and head downstairs with Chris.

"Bye guys, I'll see you later tonight or most likely tomorrow!" I annunciate at the dining room doorway.

"Have fun you two," Wayne states before going back to his discussion with Betty.

"Bye... oh and Chris, try not to be too much a hassle for Dylan..." Clara states.

"Yeah Chris... hope your anti-social abilities stop you from embarrassing yourself," Patrick says something for the first time. Kinda makes you wonder who's the anti-social one.

"Yeah-yeah, see ya guys," Chris waves aside as we walk to the front door. We quickly put on our shoes, throw our stuff into the my car, and head out for my house.

"So... was that so bad?" I ask while driving down the road.

"I just can't believe after all that, my aunt and uncle still think I can't do anything right... And not to mention Patrick- Oh my god! Anti-social my ass!" he rants.

"Yeah..." I agree with him, "I don't know if you noticed, but the only time he spoke was that little comment about you right before we left."

"Huh. You're right Dylan... makes me wonder who's the actual socially awkward person here," Chris realizes.

"Well, it's clear since 'you're going to the movies with your friends.'"

"...We should go see a movie sometime... you know, just the two of us again. Only this time, we should sit in the back so I can snuggle up against you," Chris sighs contently at his little dream.

"And then what, you do some naughty things with me in the theatre?" I tease, "Naughty boy..."

"Hey! You were thinking that, not me!" he retaliates.

"Ok, so I'm a naughty boy. Guess you'll have to punish me later tonight then," I grin. I glance down at his crotch area and see his toy growing in size. "Oh you kinky boy..."

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"I can see what's going down in your pants, naughty boy.." I wag my finger at him.

"Ok fine..." he pouts, "So maybe... I was thinking about doing stuff with you, bite me."

"I just might take up on that offer," I reply back with a grin.

"Oh you know what I mean..." he glowers by folding his arms.

"It's ok Chris, I prefer the kinkier side of you anyways," I taunt with a grin. "in any case, here we are... my parent's lovely home. Come to think of it, this is your first time visiting right?"

"Yeah... I'm nervous Dylan..." Chris says.


"Because... I haven't met your parents yet... and they don't know about us being... you know... together..." he timidly states.

"We'll be fine... if anything, we won't do anything in my house," I reassure him.

"But... I can't control myself sometimes..." he whispers.

"Well then, let's hope you can keep quiet," I smile at him before stepping out the car. I open the back trunk and take half of the stuff inside while Chris claims the other. With everything out, I close my trunk and we head into my house.

"I'm home!" I shout as I enter the door.

"Welcome back honey! Are you hungry?" my mom asks in the kitchen, probably doing the dishes.

"No!" I yell back, "We ate a big dinner over at Chris's house!"

"Oh! Is Chris with you?"

"Yeah! Hold on, let us put our stuff away in my room first!" I then speak in my normal voice, "Come on Chris, I'll show you my room."

We walk pass the living room and make a right into my room.

"Well, here it is. My lovely room," I portray with gestures.

My room's may be small, but it sure is cozy. It has a built in closet with a sliding door to the left of the door. Once you reach the first corner, there's a small room just enough for a big bookshelf filled with trophies, pictures, memorial items, and books, lots and lots of books. Running adjacent to the shelf is my desk complete with a computer set to one side and a work station on the other. In the furthest corner from the door is where my T.V. is hooked up with and X-Box 360, PS2, Wii, and the almighty Game-Cube. Running along is some empty space under the window. At the corner across from the door lays my single mattress bed with a bed stand right up against the wall. And finally, the last side of my room is currently being occupied by a upright piano. How's that for an description of my room?

" play the piano Dylan?" Chris gazes in amazement.

"Yeah. I'd play for you, but it's getting late; I don't want to disturb the neighbors."

"That's fine. But wow... so many trophies... and medals..." he says in awe while poking around the bookshelf.

"So... done staring yet?" I tease, "We have a nagging mom to meet."

"Yeah... I can always stare at it later tonight," he responds.

He follows me out of my room and into the kitchen, where, sure enough, my mom's doing the dishes.

"Hey Dylan, how was your day?" she asks me while I grab something to drink in the fridge.

"Eh... like any other day..." I reply while settling with two coke cans. I sit down next to Chris at the dining table and pass one can to him.

"Still reading minds?" she pokes fun at me.

"Oh my god Mom... you of all people should know that I can't read minds..." I complain.

"Oh sorry," she giggles while drying her hands. "But you know, every teacher you've had so far all said the same thing. 'Does your son have special powers or something? It's like as if he can read my mind.'"

I roll my eyes and catch Chris giggling. I glare at him, but he looks away, continuing to snicker.

" must be the boy that Dylan's been talking about," my mom looks at Chris.

"Mhm, my name's Chris," Chris introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you. You've got a cute one this time Dylan," my mom jokes.

"Sure... next thing you know, he might be my husband, "I 'humor' back.

"That'll be the day," she scoffs, "Anyways-"

"And who do we have here?" my dad barges into the kitchen.

"This is Chris, Dylan's friend who'll be staying with us for a few days," my mom answers for us.

"What's the occasion?"

"His families coming over to visit, and Chris doesn't want to squeeze in with his cousin. You know how they are at this awkward age," I explain to my dad.

"Ah. Well young man, just remember that no matter how annoying friends may be, family is always worse. But, no matter what you do, they're always going to be a part of you," my dad lectures.

"Yeah-yeah, now go to bed Dad... don't you have work tomorrow or something?" I nag at him.

"Nope, tomorrow's Sunday. That means your stuck with me for the entire day tomorrow," he smacks back, thinking as if he's won the grand prize or something.

"Don't make me use my mind reading powers on you," I tease.

"Oh no, whatever shall I do?" he sarcastically taunts.

"Where are the two devils at?" I ask my mom while ignoring my dad.

"Jasmine's at her friends house for the night, and Teresa's on the computer, like always."

"Ah ok." Yes! One imp is gone, and the other's on the computer. That means no intrusions for the night.

"So Chris," my dad starts again, "Want to hear a story about-"

"Ababa! That's enough!" I intervene before my dad can go on any further. "Come on Chris, we should go to my room."

"What's the rush?" my dad asks, "The night's still young."

"You made me use my mind reading power Dad. Don't blame me," I said in defense as I drag Chris back into my room.

"He's right you know... you did make him do this," my mom tells my dad.

"Of course..." he shakes his head.

"Phew," I sigh as I close the door behind us. "So, what do want to do Chris? I have a computer, laptop, and three video consoles at our disposal."

"Call of Duty?" Chris suggests.

"Sure, Co-op or Versus?" I ask.

"Versus," he says with a evil grin.

"Ok, don't blame me if you get your ass whooped by me."

"Oh we'll see who's ass is getting beaten," Chris taunts as he sits down on my bed. "Oh yeah, what did your dad want to tell me earlier?"

"Probably an embarrassing story about me when I was young," I nonchalantly respond.

"That would've nice been to hear..." he pouts.

"Psh, don't make me ask your mom for those baby pictures of you," I warn him.

"Yeah right, like she'll let you."

"Wanna bet?" I challenge. After some thought, Chris decides to chicken out. I laugh at him and playfully punch him in the arm.

"Whatever," he throws aside our conversation. "Anyways, let's go. I believe I have a boyfriend to pown."

"Like you said, whatever..." I wave aside his empty threat. The game starts and we each pick our weapons carefully.

"So...who was it that said he was going to kick my butt?" I tease at a certain someone who lost three games in a row.

"Whatever... you cheated anyways," Chris says in defense.

"Cheated? How dare you accuse me of cheating," I accuse him.

"Of course you cheated! How else did you win three games in a row?" Chris challenges.

"Oh ok, this I guess this is also cheating!" As soon as I finish my sentence, I pounce of Chris and jab his sides. He bursts up laughing and tries to get away, but I have his body locked up in between my knees.

"DYLAN PLEASE STOP! OH MY GOD! I'M SORRY!" he shouts at the top of his lungs.

"Sure... I'll stop, after you admit that you lost to me," I said while still tickling him mercilessly.


"Ok then... but just so you know, even you pee your pants, I won't stop tickling."

I continue dancing my fingers between each of his rib bones. Since that didn't work on him, I glide down to his hips and squeeze those two parts repeatedly. This causes Chris to squeal like a pig and writhe around like crazy.

"DYLAN... PLEASE STOP!" he begs.

"What's the magic words?"

"ALL RIGHT FINE! I'M SORRY! YOU DIDN'T CHEAT! YOU WON FAIR AND SQUARE!" he manages to scream before going back to laughing like a madman. I stop squeezing his sides and slide my knees down lower so that my butt's on top of his crotch area. I feel something hard poke against my butt

"Oh, somebody's got a boner," I sing. "Did someone get horny with all the tickling?" I tease with puffy cheeks.

"Shut... Shut up..." he breathes out.

"Well then. I guess I'll make it worse on you," I said with a impish grin on my face. I start rubbing my butt against Chris's cock. "Mmm... you like that Chris?"

"Uh..." He tries to buck his hips upward, but my weight stops him from doing anything too radical.

"...Bet you want more huh?" I whisper into his ear.

"Mmm..." he groans out as I pick up my speed a little.

Then, all of a sudden, I pin his wrists next to his head and lift my butt off him. He writhes around, trying to get more attention in his privates.

"Ah-ah-ah, this is your punishment for accusing me of cheating," I moan in a low, husky voice. I move down and kiss him passionately in the lips.

"Nuh... Please Dylan... I said I was sorry," he pants while trying to grind his dick up against something, anything.

I let go of his left wrist and venture my right arm down to his crotch area. Once there, I squeeze his balls a couple of times. Chris rewards me with a series of low moans. After his teasing, I remove myself off from him and sit down next to him.

"Now no touching yourself. I want it all to myself later tonight," I wag my finger at him.

"You tease," he sticks a tongue at me. Just then, his cell phone rings. He gets off the bed and grabs his phone off the computer table. "Hello? Oh, hold on Mom." He looks at me while covering up the speaker part of his phone. "It's my mom," he hisses.

"Put her on speaker, but don't say anything. I'm not here," I whisper the last part.

Chris presses the speaker button and speaks. "Ok Mom. I moved to a quieter place. What's up?"

"Hi Honey, do you know where the spare key is? I can't seem to find it anywhere," Betty asks through the phone line. In the background, we can hear gargled whining from someone in the background.

"It should be where it's always been. Why do you need it all of the sudden?"

"Did you happen to lock your door before you left with Dylan?" she asks.

"No Mom I didn't. What is that sound in the background?" Chris inquires 'innocently.'

Betty's loud sigh travels through the phone, "I hate to admit it, but you were right Chris... Patrick's been on the floor, whining for the past two hours... If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to leave the house just for some peace and quiet."

"Oh... sorry to hear that... Well, I can try and ask Dylan if he can bring me back, but I don't think that'll help since I left my own key inside my room."

"No-no, it's fine... it is getting late after all. And I don't want Dylan getting into trouble with the police because of that new law." (People under the age of 18 can't be outside after 10PM at night in Los Angeles or something like that).

"Oh, well... Sorry I can't be of much help... Can't you tell Aunt Clara or Uncle Curtis to calm Patrick down?" Chris stutters as he's running out of stuff to say.

"I did... but they're not much help here," Betty sighs, "Ok, I gotta go. I'll think of something to calm Patrick down... Bye Chris, love you."

"Love you too Mom," Chris replies before hanging up. He looks at me and slowly crawls up the bed to cuddle with me. "I feel bad for doing this..." he mutters.

"Sorry about that..." I apologize since it was my plan from the beginning. I gently soothe his back by rubbing my palm against it.

"Do you think she'll calm Patrick down?" Chris mumbles out.

"Most likely. She is a woman of action."

He looks up at me. "Yeah I guess..."

I flip him around, drape my arms over his shoulder, and rest my hands on his tummy. "Rest assured Chris, the plans are going exactly as planned. On Monday, we'll go back and visit your family to see how they're doing."

"What do think is going to happen tonight for them then?" Chris wonders.

"Patrick will probably sleep on the couch. Either that or he'll probably sleep in an air mattress with his parents. Most likely the first option though."


"We switched the beds remember? Your uncle will probably sleep on the air mattress since there's not enough room on the single bed for two people."

"Oh yeah huh..." Chris recalls our cleaning day.

"In any case, it's already 10:00, and I think you need a shower," I tell him.

"Can you shower with me?" Chris asks.

"Unfortunately, I can't..." I said sadly. "It might raise suspicion from my parents."

"Ok..." Chris replies with equal levels of sadness.

"Come on and get your stuff ready, I'll show you how to use the bathroom."

I close the T.V. and game consoles while Chris quickly grabs his towel, toiletry, and a change of clothes. He then follows me deeper into the house towards the bathroom. We walk down the mini hallway and go into the first room on our right.

"Here we are, the tiny bathroom. Just turn the left and right faucet one notch counter- clockwise and turn the middle one all the way to start the overhead shower," I explain.

"Ok, and these are the shampoo and body wash right?" Chris asks fro clarification.

"Yep, I'll leave you alone now. Don't jack off just I'm not in there helping you," I tease as I close the door.

While Chris is getting settle to wash away his troubles, I head back into the living and join my parents for some T.V. news time.

"So Dylan... how long is he staying again?" my dad asks while taking a sip of his liquor.

"Two weeks I think, I'll ask him again to make sure," I reply as I plop down on the single seat.

"Huh... Does he have a girlfriend yet?" my mom asks me.

"I don't think so," I lie. "Oh my god Mom, why do ask this sort of stuff?!"

"That's a shame. I bet he has all the girls going after him," my dad nonchalantly states, ignoring my plea to change the subject. I sigh heavily. Not point in arguing with them... They're as stubborn as a bull.

After my parents finish their little conversation about my boyfriend, the two go back to staring at the television. My mom glances down at the cable box for the time.

"Teresa! Stop staring at the computer screen all day! You'll eventually go blind!" my mom shouts across the house after the two finish their conversation.

"Ok! I'm skyping with someone from school right now! Sheesh!" Teresa shouts back moments later.

"Jeeze, can't you do something about your daughter?" my mom asks my dad.

"That's your job..." he goofily states back while taking another drink.

My mom playfully slaps his arm and sighs. "The things I have to put up with in this house."

I giggle a little as my eyes glue onto the screen in front of me.

Moments later, Chris pops out of the bathroom and heads back into my room. I take this opportunity to excuse myself and head into the bathroom to clean myself up.

Since Chris just finished, the water's still warm when I turn it on. Without having to wait for the water to heat up, I quickly strip off and step into the scalding, clear liquid spraying from the nozzle. After a few minutes of pondering at my life, I grab the shampoo and quickly scrub off the grime off of my hair. I rinse off the suds and lather my body up with the body wash.

I finish cleaning myself in about five minutes. I quickly dry myself up, wrap the towel around my waist, quickly brush my teeth, and head back into my room. Upon entering my room, I see Chris sitting my bed, hugging his teddy bear.

"You brought Snowflake with you?" I ask, somewhat surprised, as I close the door.

"Yeah, he wanted to see what my lover's house looked like," he grins at me.

I roll my eyes and strip off my towel, giving Chris a full view of my family jewels. His eyes grow back and he starts licking his lips. "Like what you see?" I tease.

"Oh very," he flirts back.

I toss the towel over his head and dig through my drawers for something to wear. I snap on a pair of boxers, black gym shorts, and a simple white T-Shirt.

"Aww, why did you have to cover up the best part?" Chris whines.

"Because I still have to go outside dumbass," I stick my tongue out at him. Before he can reply, I head out of my room, pass the living room, and into the kitchen for some water. After taking a few gulps, I bid my parents goodnight as I'm not coming out of my room anytime soon and head back into my safe haven.

"Do you need some water?" I ask Chris.

"Nah, I'm good," he answers back.

"You brushed your teeth already right?"

"Mhm. What should we do now? I'm not tired yet," Chris says.

I lock my door and smile maliciously at him. "Remember when you said you've never watched porn before?"

"...What are you getting at?" he cautiously interrogates me.

I grab my laptop and earphones off of my table and grin as I head towards the bed. After getting comfy with Chris snuggling in between my legs, I set the laptop on his lap (away from his balls) and quickly type in my password to login.

"So... I thought it'd be nice if you see your first porn video ever," I suggest to him. "How does that sound?"

"Sounds naughty," Chris flirts back.

"Ok, first rule in watching porn. Always, always, ALWAYS use the private windows setting. It's different for each browser, but just look for it. That way, people won't be able to track your history easily and see what you've been up too with your computer," I explain to him.

"Private browser. Got it. Anything else?" Chris asks.

"Yeah, don't get caught," I smartly said to him.

"Well duh," he scoffs.

"So... I don't have a preference for porn sites. I usually just use Google and see where that leads me," I tell Chris. "If you ever find a good, free porn site, tell me ok?"

"Sure..." Chris trails off. I shake my head at him, open a private browser and commence a google search.

After some hunting around, I settle with a video of two blonde twinks who are making out with each other. I plug in the earphones and hand one bud to Chris. I turn up the volume and the scene switches to one of them giving the other a hot blowjob. As we all know, porn stars exaggerate everything. As the sucker bobs down, the receiver moans in satisfaction.

I glance over and see Chris staring in awe at the video. I smile to myself and look back on the computer screen. The scene changes once again to the sucker positioning his meaty cock into the other's cherry doggy-style. Man is the guy hung; I think he has an 8 in at least.

Anyways, the one being fucked starts groaning and moaning like a bitch in heat. "Oh fuck me... fuck me harder! Oh!.. Yeah! Fuck me with that big cock!"

And did the fucker fuck. During the entire time, he kept saying stuff like, "Fuck! Oh fuck!... Bitch, you take that cock up your ass! Mmm!" The camera moves down under the two guys and you see the throbbing dick ramming into the bottom's hole. As the shaft penetrates, the earplugs project the sound of wet ball sacks slapping again each other. Man was that hot as hell.

The scene switches once more to a missionary style with the top standing on the bedside. He spreads the bottom's legs apart so the camera can get a full few of the bottom's hard dick. The guy fucking shoves his dick all the way in again and pumps away.

After a few more minutes of humping, the guy pulls out and sprays his huge load all over the bottom's stomach, chest, and some landing on his face. The camera moves up the bottom's face and you see him with his eyes closed, mouth open, and grunting as the white creamy load spews all over his body.

"Oh... Fuck... Mmm...Yeah..." he moans out. The top then rubs his cum all over the bottom's body with his hands. Man was that hot. He then bends over and gives the guy another make out session before the video cuts off.

" was that?" I ask Chris.

"...Huh? Oh...what did you ask again?..." he questions while staring back at the screen.

I snicker a little "I asked, how was it?"

"Oh... it was... sexy to watch, if those are the right words to use..." he trails off.

"So you liked it," I grin at him.

"Yeah..." he replies blushingly, "Dylan? The way they did it, it sounded like it hurts when you enter someone..."

"Nah, porn stars exaggerate everything. Like at the blowjob scene, you heard how loud they were. I'm pretty sure you weren't that loud when I gave you your first blowjob," I tease at him.

"Oh ok... can we watch another one?" he asks.

"Naughty boy..." I wag my finger at him. "Sure, of course we can."

"Um..." he pushes his two index finger against each other, "Can we... you know... watch something um... kinkier? I wanna know what it exactly is."

"Sure, but keep in mind, there are many levels of kinkiness when it comes to sex. I'll find you a lighter version ok? I don't want to scare you with the heavy, dark stuff the internet has to offer."


"And if you do ever see anything really disturbing or confusing, you know what to do right?" I ask.

"Come bug you with a million questions," he reminds me.

"Mhm. Now let's see..." I trail off as I search the numerous porn sites for something to satisfy Chris's hunger for knowledge. Eventually, I find a video with a blonde twink giving a quick introduction of themselves. something about his boyfriend doing some role playing or something. Boring... but I scroll down and discover from the description that this might suit Chris's needs. I make room for Chris to scoot up against me again and place the laptop on his lap.

"This should give you a general idea of what kinky means," I tell him as we plug the ear buds into our respective ears. I skip ahead the boring introduction parts and start at the actual juicy parts. A brunette enters into the cage with a case, presumably filled with toys.

"So... I heard that you've been causing trouble lately," the brown-hair starts with a lisp.

"Maybe..." the flaxen-haired guy flirts back.

"Well, I've been told to handle this, so... take off your clothes."

The blonde performs a strip show for the camera and tosses each article of clothing out of the cage. The brunette then locks up the cage and then grabs a two-inch black, leather collar, snapping it onto the blonde's neck. He then forces the blonde onto the bed and grabs a paddle from the suitcase..

"So... this is for trying to flirt with the director in front of me," the brunette starts and paddles the blonde's left butt cheek. "And this is for trying to get it on with another guy." A whack on the right cheek this time.

"Hmm... you'll have to do better than that if you want to punish this bad boy," the blonde challenges.

The brunette twink spanks the blonde a few more times, hard, to shut him up. He then grabs the cuffs and immobilizes the blonde by locking up his arms to the cage. He then cuffs the blonde's feet to a spread bar and forces him over by twisting the spread bar.

Holding the paddle again, he repetitively slaps the blonde's plump, bubble butt again, each slap producing a loud, slapping sound that resonates into our ears. Even after each cheek is burning red, the tanned hair-color boy continues to punish the blonde. Eventually though, he stops and goes back into his case.

"You're right, this isn't enough for you," the brunette says while pulling out blindfolds. "This ought to teach you some respect." He wraps the black piece of clothe around the blonde's eyes and then goes back to his case. He pulls out a ball stretcher, nipple clamps, a leash, and lube.

The brunette clamps up the blonde's tender nipples with the clamps he brought out. A chain connects the two and a third strand falls down from the middle. A moan escapes from the blonde as the clamps squeeze his individual buds.

The master of the two then tugs the blonde's balls down hard and encloses the ball stretcher around it. He snaps the last leather strap around the blonde's cock and attaches the chain from the nipple clamps to the ball stretcher.

The camera closes up to get a view of the new accessories the blonde's been accommodating. The camera starts at the top and slowly glides down, making sure to let every body part be shown. Man is the scene kinky as hell. There we see a pretty blonde boy being used to the fullest. He's cuffed, blindfolded, and being abused to the max. His nipples were getting swollen from the clamps and when the camera moves down to the blonde's balls, you see the brunette's hands fondling with the glossy, wrinkle-free, manhood.

"Now just one more toy." He tosses the blonde boy around onto his stomach and orders him to get into position.

The blonde obeys by scooting his knees up, giving the camera a full view of hanging chains, ball stretcher, spread bar, and hairless pucker. The camera then changes into an aerial view of the blonde's ass. The brunette lubes up his fat, meaty cock, and rams his piece of steel into the blonde's tight ass. While the master's fucking his little boy, he attaches the leash onto the collar and pulls it back, causing the blonde to choke a little.

He grabs the paddle from before and spanks the blonde's ass again as he's fucking him. "Beg," he commands.

"Oh master... fuck me hard master..." the blonde moans. "Please master! Punish this bad boy!"

"Yeah, that's what you are... nothing but a pleasing machine," the brunette reminds him again while continuing to please himself with the tight asshole. He then spanks the blonde's left cheek, eventually venturing upward to his back.

"Mmm... do you want my cum?"

"Oh yes please master... I want your cum deep in my hole!" the blonde begs.

"Very well slave... since you begged for it." The brunette spanks him again and again and begins pounding the blonde's ass harder. "Uh...Mmm...Phmm! Oh God! Pmm! Fuck! Oh fuck yeah..." he grunts as he lets loose his load deep in the blonde's tight, hairless ass.

"Uh... Mmm... Ah..." the blonde sighs contently, "thank you master... for your cum..."

Just then, the scene switches to the ending with the two sitting together, discussing their experiences.

"Yeah, I know wouldn't do anything to hurt-" is all the sound projects before I press the pause button.

"So Chris, how do you feel after watching that?" I ask him.

"...I don't know... kinda of... indifferent..." he says, trying to find the right words.

"Well did you like it?"

"Um... It's hard to say... I feel a little um... it's kinda like scared, but not really..."

"Oh, I know what you're feeling. It's like you don't want to think you like this stuff, but your mind's telling you otherwise right?" I clarify for him.

"Yeah... sorta..." he agrees, "Dylan?"

"Yes snuggle bug?" I drag him in closer to me.

"Will you ever do something like that me?" he asks.

"Depends, do you want me to?"

"...I don't know..." he whispers.

"Hmm... tell you what, since we're taking things slow, let's not worry about this for now. If, in the future, you want to try it out, we can. Okay? And if you don't like it, we can stop immediately and never do it nor mention it."

"Yeah... I like that plan..." Chris states, seeing my point of view.

"Anyways... I believe you need some relief, am I right?" I croak while venturing my hand down his pant and awarding myself by squeezing his balls a couple of times.

Chris yelps a little and jumps at my touch. "Don't do that! You scared the crap out of me," he complains.

"Oh please... I know that you enjoyed the touch," I tease back.

He gives me a look and sighs. "New promise to self, find the willpower to be mad a Dylan at times..."

"Wow! After all I did to help you clear your mess for the next two weeks!"

"Hey! It's your own fault for doing-"

I press my lips onto his before he could finish his measly sentence. He tenses up and resists at first. But after a few seconds, his body melts into goo, and he opens his mouth, allowing me to penetrate deep within.

"No matter how much you try, you can't be mad at me," I cockily say to him. Chris replies with a drunk giggle and a hiccup. I roll my eyes and shake my head at him.

Chris loses his drunk feeling subtly. "So... are you going to help me or not?" he asks while pointing at down there.

"Sure... what do you want?" I pucker my lips at him.

"Surprise me," he grins back.

I grab him by the shoulders and push him onto the bed. After slamming his head onto the pillow, I lean forward and gently chew on his lower lip. He stifles a moan out and pants like a dog.

"Oh... kiss me you fool..." he groans from my teasing. I fulfill his wish and drive my tongue in between his plump, rosy lips until my own locks with his. I swirl my tongue around, feeling every single teeth as if it's for the first time. "Mmm..." he moans through our kiss as he buries his hand in my thick mosh of hair.

I rest my body on top of his and flip us over so that I'm on the bed now. Chris scoots his knees up and pushes himself up into a sitting position. I fold my arms above my head and give Chris one of my cheeky grins.

"So can I-"

"Yes," I hastily finish for him.

"Ok," he smirks and glides his butt down my body. He stops his face in front of my crotch and fumbles with his fingers to untie the string in my shorts. After stumbling a few times, he manages to untangle the knot with his shaky hands and yank off my pants and boxers at the same time, exposing my hard, rigid boner sticking right at his face. He licks his lips hungrily and engulfs my torrent dick in one go.

"Mmm... Chris... why are you such a great cocksucker..." I sigh as he licks my throbbing mushroom. I stroke his heap of flaxen hair with my right hand and smile to myself. He's such a cute boy... and he's all mine.

Chris removes his mouth from my dick and forms a loose fist around it with his right hand. "Wow is it big..." he gazes in amazement as he pumps furiously.

"Uh!..." I force out as Chris continues to jack me off. Damn are his hands sensitive to the touch. He then encloses his lips around my foreskin area and swirls his tongue around the tip of my dick, all at the same time, stroking my main shaft with his delicate fingers.

"Oh god! Nmm!" I grunt, "Oh! Hmm! Oh shit!" I buck my hips forcibly against his face.

He stops jacking me off and swallows my dick whole again. Once his noses nestles in my pubes, he starts contracting his throat around my dick.

"Phmm! Uh! Chris!... I'm... I'm gonna cum!" I grimace out, trying to keep the sound a low as possible. Unable to hold the tingly feeling back any longer, I grip Chris's hair with my hand and ram my hip forward, trying to force any little space of my dick left outside of Chris's hot mouth in. "Nnn! Oh fuck yeah..." I moan as my dick pulsates deep in my boyfriend's hot mouth. Wave after wave, the cum just won't stop gushing out of my dick. Unbelievable, I think my little vampire's actually been able to suck me dry.

After my tenth spasm, my body gives in and falls back down onto the bed. My grip on Chris loosens as my hands falls down to my side. But my dick still continues to pulse. Chris continues to stroke my penis with his lips. He finishes with a pop and scoots up to hug me.

"Did you enjoy it?" he whispers.

"Of... of course man," I pant out in between breathes. "That was... amazing..."

"...Can you do me now?" he pleas while hugging me tighter, "I'm extremely horny from the videos you showed me..."

"Sure... lemme... catch my breath first," I reply to him.

After a few minutes, my breathing settles back down to normal and I pat Chris on the back. "Ready?"

"Sure," he smiles at me, "but can you um... rim me?"

"Of course I can," I smirk back. "You just love it don't you?"

"Mhm." He lies down on his stomach and spreads his legs apart. I snuggle in the opening and crouch down. Spreading his sweet cheeks apart with my hands, I lash my tongue at his perineum and slowly glide upwards until I reach his hairless pucker. He shudders at my teasing and pushes his butt up slightly.

I reposition my hands to force him back down and jab my tongue into his tight little hole. As I'm tongue fucking his ass, Chris moans like a madman.

"Chris, can you cover you mouth? I don't want my parents to hear," I warn him about the consequences.

"Oh... sorry Dylan," he whispers back "But it feels so good when you do that to me. I can't help it."

I shake my head at him and dive back down to give him the attention he wanted. Before I start though, Chris grabs the pillow and buries his face in it. He gives me a thumbs up sign, signaling me to continue. I insert my tongue again and start bathing his crack with my saliva. Through the pillow, I can still hear his lustful moaning and groaning, but at least it's muffled now.

"Mmm... Dylan... can you spank me a little?" Chris asks all of a sudden.

I give it some thought while still rimming him. I guess it couldn't hurt. I mean, if he wants it, how can I refuse? I lift my right hand up and swiftly bring it down on his right cheek.

"Uh!..." he moans in pleasure. "Harder Dylan..."

I oblige and slap his left cheek harder.

"Hmm...oh yeah... that felt nice..."

I spank both his cheeks two more times back stopping his rim session. I flip his around and suck on my finger, coating it with saliva. After getting my finger soaked with spit, I wiggle it into Chris's ass and devour his cock into my mouth.

"Ah!...oh god Dylan!... Oh yeah, suck my dick... Mmm..."

I continue to suck his meaty dick and tease his anus with my finger. Feeling that his ass is getting loose, I conjoin my index finger in along my middle finger. I spread the two fingers apart a little, stretching Chris's splinter muscles just a little, causing him to moan in pleasure.

"Mmm... Oh Dylan... Uh! Sss... Hmm! I'm... I'm not going to last long!" he warns me and starts rocking his hips back and forth.

That's my cue to start sucking harder. I deep throat his thick, juicy cock and work my tongue everywhere around it. Chris writhes around like a snake and moans like a bitch in heat. His face grimaces, and with one last buck, he pistons his shots deep down my throat.

"Mmm! Gah! Oh shit! Nnn!" he sneers.

I swallow down every last drop of his boy juice like it was nothing and continue to finger his ass. After about seven thick loads, he stops producing his love juice (much to my resentment) and enters cloud 9. Still longing for more, I persist on sucking his dick, desperately hoping for some more out of him.

His body quivers and one more tiny drop spasms out. I hungrily lick that bit up. It's not much, but it'll have to do. I smack my lips and delicately lick up his stomach, pass his chest, and finally, planting a kiss on his sweet lips, tasting my own seed in the process.

"Love you snuggle bug," I hearten him.

"Love you too big brother..." he retaliates.

I glance over at the time, it's still early at 10:30. So, I flip over and flatten Chris with my skinny body.

"Kiss me," I croak in a low husky voice. Before he can reply, I cup his cheeks with my hands and place my lips onto his, enjoying that lingering cum taste from his mouth. He digs his hand deep into my back, trying to grab as much of me as possible.

After that intense kissing scene, I unfortunately break our kiss in search for air. Chris snuggles up against me, and we remain still for the next few minutes, enjoying each other's presence. Eventually, I glance over at the clock. Guessing that it's been a long day and it's also getting late, I kiss Chris on the forehead, straighten the bed, and close the lights to my room. My arms then wrap around Chris's smooth, sexy body and we slowly fall towards the land of slumber.



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Next: Chapter 13

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