Three short stories

By Dave Elliott

Published on Nov 17, 2004



Please note these stories are for adult reading only. If you are under the required age please leave now.

The material contains explicit Homosexual activity and may be offensive to some people I advise discretion

Three short stories

Doctors Delight

I'd had very few reasons to visit my doctor. Dr Shamar. Dr Shamar was Indian and had left India some years earlier. Like most educated and professional Indians it made sense to immigrate to another country, where he could put his education and learned skills not so much to better use, but monitory use that is. Heaven knows that the poor and the sick in India would have more need for him that we did privileged as we were by comparison.

This was one of those rare occasions that I had made a visit, just a regular check up really. Dr Shamar had those dark good looks and I'd often thought that had I been a woman it would have been quite easy to have a bit of a crush on him. Even as a male and gay I had sexual feelings toward him.

The surgery was typical of most doctors. Reception area. This was where the doctor's wife fielded the incoming calls and attended to the patients as they entered the building. She like the doctor was a very attractive person, dark hair and dark eyes and always had the most charming smile for all who entered.

His room was cluttered with all the books and plastic models of hearts and lungs along with the colourful and explicit pictures and charts of lungs and blood vessels pinned to the wall.

A chair was next to his desk for the patients and against the wall was an examination table with a sheet and pillow.

After the preliminary chatter he said

"Ok David I would like you to strip down to your undies please"

I discarded each piece of clothing, placing them on the chair next to the desk, and then stood before him all but naked. My mind started to form naughty thoughts about what I'd love to do with him right now. My thoughts were shattered when he said.

"Now just lie on the table and I will attach a few wires and see how you heart and blood flow is" and he proceeded to attach the wires to my body and when completed started to watch the monitor.

Then we went through the usual checks, blood pressure, chest etc.

"Umhu" He kept muttering to himself. I could not make out whether this was good or bad. Having completed the task he removed all the contacts and wires and asked me to stand next to the exam table

"Ok just remove your undies please" He said

Oh he had never said that before, I felt my cheeks start to blush he would see that I had shaved my pubic hair and that part of the body was as bald as a badger and smooth as I stepped out of my undies

He prodded around the stomach and midriff area. His warm hand cupped and fondled my penis and balls.

Oh shit that felt good as more naughty thoughts flashed through my mind. "God don't let me get a hard on" I thought to myself and I concentrated on the eye test card on the opposite wall

"I see you shave your pubic hair off" He said

God I felt embarrassed and was spluttering and stammering the reply.

"" I replied

He only smiled and said "It's ok you aren't the only one that comes in that shaves his pubic hair I'm sure you have your own reasons for doing so" and quietly got on examining me.

"Mmmm OK, fine" I heard him comment. "Now let's examine your rear end Dave...turn around and bend over the exam table please"

This was new, I'd never had him examine me there before, however he was the doctor and I did as instructed turned bent over the table stretching over and hugging the cool white sheets presenting my hind end to him for examination.

I did not recognize the implement he held in his hand. It looked like a stainless steel pencil. It was cold as he inserted into my rectum, and then quickly removed.

"Mmmm...tell me Dave...are you a homosexual?" He asked

I was trying to think what my reply should be and there was a long pause.

"You can tell me if you are I won't be broadcasting it to the world" He assured me. Obviously having to stop and think about it gave him the clue.

"Er...well...yes...yes I am" I answered hesitantly "Why do you ask?"

"Oh it's just your rectum is slightly enlarged and it normally goes with homosexuality, plus your shaving was a bit of a clue"

Oh god I felt a little embarrassed at admitting to him that I was a homosexual.

He was donning a pair of latex gloves and asked me.

"How long ago was your last experience with another man Dave?"

"Oh er about three months ago...I haven't been that active recently" I replied.

"Fine...that's ok... do you use protection" He asked

"Well most times I do but I must admit I sometimes don't insist in using them, my partners don't always like using them and I'm rather fond of the idea that I'm receiving my partners sperm" I replied

" should always wear can never know where your partner has been...I'll give you an injection and spread some antiseptic in your anal".

I remained face down bending over the table as he made the preparation. I felt the sharp prick as the needle entered my flesh, pushing the syringe fully, forcing the liquid into my veins.

The cream on his finger felt cool to the touch as it was inserted into my rectum. The finger proceeded gently back and forth as he worked the antiseptic gel into me. I was feeling quite stimulated by his action.

I heard what I thought was the purr of a zip but discarded it as I lay there enjoying the finger stimulation too much to concern myself.

All too soon the finger was removed.

"Now almost there David...just a moment more...hold still and just relax"

I felt the object being pressed against my ass

Oh god this thing was big as he pushed it inward. I felt my arse expanding as the object was inserted further and further....what on earth was it, I asked myself.

"Oh god that's this all really necessary" I asked

"Oh yes need'll feel much better after"

He continued to push the large object into my rectum; at least it was starting to feel good. Whatever it was, was now fully inserted

It was starting to move in and out it was just like....

Warm hands grabbed and held my hips firm, the object continued moving back and forth inside my ass. Suddenly it was starting to dawn on me. it couldn't be...could it.

I twisted my head and peered over my shoulder. Oh my god... it was. I could see that his fly was open and a rather large peice of hard flesh that was attached to his body was inserted into my rectum. I was connected to him. I looked at his face for an answer. The smile and flashing white teeth said it all. I was being "fucked" " no please! Not here not now...someone might come in and find us like this" I said in a quiet but urgent voice, not wanting to alarm or bring attention to his wife who was on the reception desk.

"! It's going to be alright no one is going to come in...we are quite safe" With his hands firmly gripping my hips in place whilst his own hips continued to sway back and forth. Thrusting his hard cock deep inside, each thrust lifting me off my feet as I clung to the exam table for support.

"I'm sorry Dave I just couldn't help myself. I've always enjoyed anal sex and finding out you were a homosexual and having your ass presented to me like that was just too much for a man to take. I just had to fuck do understand don't you...and besides you like it don't you?" He said.

"'s just the circumstances...doing it here in your surgery...I feel a little uncomfortable...and your wife just outside the door"

All the time his hips were swaying as gentle moans and groans came from his throat.

"Next time we'll find somewhere a little more intimate eh? Then you can scream and shout with delight" He said

That of course meant only one thing this was not going to be the first and last time as I settled and enjoyed the gentle stimulation to my hind end.

His firm warm hands continued holding my hips tightly as he slammed against my back end, his dark brown cock sliding in and out his balls slap, slap, slap on my bum with each full inward stroke, again and again and again.

"Uh...uh...uh!" Was all I could hear from him? His head flung back eyes closed as he wallowed in the shear ecstasy and feeling flowing through his body. Each stroke stimulating and exciting the hard shaft. A feeling was starting to stir deep down inside a feeling he was unable to control, not as long as the hard shaft slammed back and forth. He could hold back no longer. His sperm was coming to the boil, eruption was almost there.

His fingers gripped into my flesh "Oh...oh...oh" and with one final thrust he gave a controlled gasp "Oh fuuuuuuuck!" as his seed exploded up the shaft out of control and squirt...squirt...squirt deep inside my rectum.

He just stood there for a moment or two, still connected to me, letting the last of the sperm disgorge itself before the swelling started to subside and the once hard proud cock fell from within.

"Sorry David I just couldn't help was too much seeing that bare ass of yours being offered to me like that...the temptation was just too much. I just had to unload myself"

"Heh that's ok doc I's just that in here in your surgery...there are so many other people around...god if anyone had walked in on us"

"Yeh you're right of course...but it was highly unlikely...did you enjoy it?" He asked

"God yes...but you should practice what you had no condom" "I didn't have one and beside I thought you said you liked to receive your partner's sperm"

"Yes...I do" I replied.

He put his now limp cock back in his trousers, doing up the zip.

"I have finished your can get dressed had better use some tissue or you'll have my sperm dripping down your leg later"

When I was fully dressed and sitting in the chair he said

"I think perhaps you will need another injection later in the about I arrange a time for us" He asked

I smiled at him asking "What kind of injection"

"I think you know what kind David...not with a sharp needle"

"In that case I'm all for it" I replied

"We can use the bedroom upstairs...let's say seven o'clock Thursday evening"

"Mmm sounds good to o'clock it is" I said

"I'm looking forward to getting to know you better David...I'm sure we are going to have fun together eh?"

"Likewise doc...I can't wait for Thursday" I replied as he showed me to his exam room door.

Seeing his wife at reception made me feel guilty and uncomfortable, knowing what had just gone on in the room next door.

"Everything go well David" She asked giving me a nice smile. It was as if she knew what had gone on and wanted to know if I was satisfied.

"Yes...yes great...a good visit" I replied. Then I slipped out of the surgery. My thoughts already on Thursday night

Teenagers Delight

Pheeew! It was hot, as we made our way homeward after spending most of the morning and afternoon down on the beach. The trek back always seemed to take forever, tired aching limbs after running swimming and kicking a soccer ball around always took its toll.

We walked the path alongside farmer Colliers hay field. No one said no when it was suggested we take a breather and lie in the long grass for a while.

It was the six buddies. Gerald, Norman, Alistair, Greg, Steve, myself Dave and Brian older cousin of Gerald. Considering he was two or three years older he had fitted in real well and I'd got to like him. I suppose a little bit of hero worship perhaps, he was a nice guy.

At this age our hormones were starting to give us thoughts about sex. None of us had had any experience in that area but we did talk about it and wonder what it would be like when we did get to get our ends away with the opposite sex.

I'd had some experimentation with Greg and Steve but mainly with Norman. If I stopped over we would play with each other get ourselves real hard and wank ourselves to death. I'd tried to get them to go a little further, suggesting they may like to use my ass as a cunt and pretend I was the girl of their dreams.

"No we can't do that...that's making us queers and poofta' you want to be a poofta?"

I felt a little embarrassed at having made the suggestion. I sure did not want them to think of me as a poofta.

" I guess I wasn't thinking...I just thought...." Letting it slip.

I so much wanted to feel a nice hard penis being thrust inside me but thought at this stage to let things be.

As we lay in the warm hay I could hear a skylark singing and chirping merrily in the sky above us. The conversation started to lead to sex, which it seemed to do more and more these days.

We all had our own theories as to how sex was going to be when we eventually made it, but it was Brian, Gerald's cousin who spoke with authority.

"You guys don't know what you're talking about do you?" He said

"I suppose you do" Someone asked

"Yeah as a matter of fact I do...I've screwed everything and yes I do know what I'm talking about" He replied

Cousin Gerald came to his aid "Yeh you want to hear the stories he can tell you...real horny and you should see the size of his it's huge"

Brian had a smile on his face a mile wide, Cousin Gerald was sure pumping up his ego.

"Go on...go them your cock Brian...let them see I'm not exaggerating"

"Oh they don't want me to show them that monster" He replied knowing full well that if we did not insist he show us we would all be bitterly disappointed.

The chorus was as one "Yeh we do"

With a suitable amount of modesty and reluctance he unzipped his fly and delved into his undies removing what to us was a monster.

For a moment there was complete silence as we took in the piece of flesh that Brian was holding in his hand, then it was "Oh my god" "Gosh just look at that thing" "jeezus I wish mine was like that"

The smirk on his face said it all he was glad to see us all gasping at his manhood.

As he held and stroked it, it just inflated and grew larger, until it stood hard and proud. Eyeballs were just about out of our sockets and my thoughts were racing as to what I'd like to do and be done by that missile that was now pointing to the sky.

He lay in the tall grass slowly stroking it up and down.

"Who wants to play with it" He asked

There was silence, each of us looking at one another, all wanting to but no one wanting to be first.

"Come on...someone must" He said

"Here Gerald you take hold them it doesn't've done it before"

Gerald now feeling a little embarrassed slowly let his hand grip the hard shaft and pumped it up and down.

Brian just lay back and enjoyed the pumping action.

"Now come on you guys...don't be shy...grab hold of it...give me a tug" Brian said.

Norman reached over and took the shaft as Gerald released his claim to it.

"Oh fuck...oh gees!" Was all Norman could say as he took his turn at pumping?

My gaze was on Norman, watching his hand slowly pump the shaft up and down. Thinking how wonderful the shaft looked. I'd never seen such a beautiful sight. The skin was stretched tight over the surface. Blood vessels feeding it standing out. A perfect corona on the head. I was suddenly aware that I was being watched and saw Brian looking toward me a smile on his face, then giving me a wink. Oh god I thought he's reading my mind. I quickly looked to the others to see if they too were watching me...but me their attention was firmly on his hard manhood.

"Hey Dave how about you give me a tug" Brian said.

"Oh I er..." I stammered, but before I could take my position in the queue. Steve pushed in ahead, eager to touch and hold the sacred shaft.

His reaction was the same as Norman. I watched the expression on his face as his hand closed the shaft.

"Oh shit man that is just too much" He cooed as he slowly stoked the monster.

Brian continued to eye me up, watching my every move, seeing how I reacted to the others as they played with him.

"Hey come on Dave don't be shy....grab some of the action" He said

Like the others before me and with my heart pounding in my chest my hand reached out. I felt the warm clammy and hard shaft, a thrill ran through my body.

Again Brian looked at me as if knowing that I was getting a bigger thrill from it than any of the others, a broad smile on his face, then a wink.

Lying back in the tall grass he gasped and sighed "Oh Dave that feels so have a natural touch"

I felt somewhat embarrassed that he said such a thing in front of the others as I continued to stroke him. As all had, had their feel of the monster, no one else was volunteering to take over from me, they were all quite content to watch as I wanked him off.

"Oh god I could do with a nice piece of pussy to fuck right now....or a nice tight ass"

This immediately brought a few looks from the others.

"What you mean you'd fuck an ass" Was the question asked.

"Yeh too bloody right I would...hey don't boo hoo a nice piece of guys don't know what you're missing till you've fucked one"

Looks were going from one to the other.

"You mean a women's arse don't you" Another question.

"Not necessarily so...a nice male arse can be just as good" Was his casual reply.

"What about one of you guys volunteering" He asked. His eyes were on me waiting for an affirmative answer.

We all shook our heads. Not wanting to be the one to volunteer to be his bitch.

The skylark was still singing merrily over head. I watched it in its flight, trying not to bring any attention to myself as we all sat and pondered the situation. My hand was still slowly working the shaft.

Brian broke the silence by asking Norman. "Hey come on about you...I'll be gentle...I'm sure the guys will enjoy watching a bit of entertainment"

"Oh hey" He stammered "Not me...not into that"

Brian tried two others who gave the same answer.

His attention now turned to me "Hey Dave you're doing a great job there how about you drop your trousers and take it up"

All eyes turned to me. I felt a flush to my cheeks. Here I was the last one with his hand in the cookie jar as it was. The others were glad that the attention was drawn away from them.

", I don't think so" I replied

"I think you would have a real nice ass Dave and I'm sure the guys would like to watch the action...right guys" The chorus was as one "Yeh...yeh we would"

I again registered my protests, again they insisted I should be the one to bend to Brian's needs.

"Yeh...yeh...come on Dave" Was the chant. There was little doubt in my mind that I would love to be the one. I just didn't want them to think I was eager to do it.

"Hey you're always trying to get me to fuck you" I heard Norman saying.

I was about to deny it when another voice piped up "Yeh that's right every time you sleep over at our house you're asking for it...Now's your chance.

All eyes were upon me as they waited for my reply. My hand had stopped its motion but was still holding the firm shaft as if reluctant or unable to release it.

"It'll be alright Dave" Said Brian. I'm sure you'll enjoy it...what do you say"

I continued to give it thought, now Brian knew he had me to stop and consider it was enough.

"Come on give it a go" He said in a nice soft coaxing cooing manner

My resistance was slowly breaking down. That bloody skylark continued to chirp his bleeding head off, oblivious of the mammoth decision I was battling with.

"I don't want any name calling if I do...alright"

" won't call you any names...promise" Was the reply

"Ok then...I'll do it"

The atmosphere was now charged with electricity as smiles and looks of anticipation lighted up the faces that surrounded me.

"I think if you take your pants off...all the way...we'll enjoy it better" Said Brian

My hands trembled and my heart thumped adrenaline pumped...I undid my trouser belt then unzipped the fly on my trousers

Shoes socks came off and eager hands helped pull my trousers off discarding them to the ground. Heads bobbed above the tall grass eyes searching the area for any would be intruders or other prying eyes. This was a private showing. Sly smiles and grins were on the spectators faces that were eager to get the show started

A warm breeze ran across my naked parts giving a sensual feel. Sending a slight shudder through my body. I to was now eager and ready to start the show.

Brian on the other hand was slow and methodical as he removed shoes, socks and finally trousers. Our eyes never for a moment drifted from staring at his hard manhood. Stiff, erect, looking absolutely magnificent.

I was aroused like some bitch on heat. I willingly offered my hind end to him, backing toward him.

He was on his knees stiff member in hand. The spectators could sense it was all going to happen in the next few moments.

"Hey! Hey! little hot bitch...slow don't have to worry I'm going to fuck you...first things first" He said.

He ran his hands longingly over my smooth tight ass, squeezing the rounded buttocks.

"Oh god Dave that feels real good boy" He exclaimed. Then the feeling process finished, he asked

"Now who is good at spitting?"

There were queried looks on their faces at the question.

"I need some good spit for lube...or else this thing is going to hurt like hell dry" He explained.

There were three replies to the request

"Well bring up your best and aim it just about there" Said Brian indicating where he wanted the spittle to land.

"Howk...gurtew" Warm phlegm hit the target and I could feel it tickle a little as in ran between my buttocks. Two more mouthfuls then I felt Brian's finger start to press the fluid into my anal.

I gave a slight gasp of delight, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the easy motion of his finger, then two fingers as he enlarged my anal, making it big enough to take the head and hard shaft.

I realised I was showing my feelings when I heard someone saying

"Cor... look at him...look at the smile on his face...he's bloody enjoying it"

"Of course he is...we're both going to enjoy it in our own way" Said Brian

"It's time Dave....I'm going to feed it in now so just try and relax...don't fight it"

I felt the warm hard head as it made contact with my entrance. It felt right on target.

Apart from the skylark and the rustling of the grass it was quiet. All spectators moved in, wanting to get the best possible viewing, and to watch the shaft slowly disappear inside inch by inch. He gently rocked back and forth, each forward stoke pushing a little harder and each time the hard shaft moved inward. At first it was as if nothing was happening, but I could feel it. My pussy ass was slowly expanding becoming larger, accommodating the new intruder.

There was a wince of pain.

"Ohhh...ahhhh!" I exclaimed.

"Relax...relax don't fight it...let it go in" Brian said

I closed my eyes and started to relax as once more he pushed inward.

"Oh fuck...look...look it's going in" I heard them murmur.

Yes the head was in now; just a matter of moments and the whole shaft would have vanished inside.

This prompted the question from one of the spectators.

"How much of it are you going to give him Brian?"

I felt Brian's hands now hot and sweaty, tight on my hips, pulling me on to the hard shaft.

"Hell I'm going to give him the whole lot.... He can take...don't worry"

Another inch gone inside.

I heard the indrawn breaths of the spectators as they watched my entrance slowly expand and the hard shaft enter another inch.

"God Dave you should see your arse, it's really stretched wide mate"

He didn't have to tell me I could feel its slow expansion.

The head was in, plus part of the shaft, then it was gone its total length embedded in my anus.

Brian closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh "Ohhhh fuck that feels so good" He declared. Then his hips were swaying, his hands sweaty, tightly holding on my hips. All eyes watching the shaft as it slid in and out.

The bulge in Norman's trousers said it all he had a hard on, excited at what he was watching. A quick search of the others crotches said the same thing; they were all aroused by the action, bulges that were hard to hide.

My ass now easily accommodated its new companion as the hard cock slid effortlessly back and forth.

Mouths agog, penises hard as curious eyes watched the event before them.

Brian lost in the moment his eyes closed; savouring the pleasure his hard manhood was experiencing.

"Oh!..oh!...oh!" Was all that could be heard as his cock slid in and out?

Each now locked in his own thoughts? Hands holding the bulge in the trousers wondering what it was really like.

Again more moans, more groans from Brian "Ohhhh...fuck" and a hiss of air being drawn through clenched teeth.

"Who wants to be next?" Brian asked, not faltering in his stride, his hips still swaying behind me.

There was stunned silence at the question being asked; each looked one to the other. Then in response Norman replied " I'll have a go" and at the same time his hand was pulling the zip on his trousers down and removing the stiff erection from within.

Hey...hey not yet mate...I meant when I'm finished"

There were sniggers all round as he settled back down. Now with time before his turn, he removed his shoes; trousers and undies, naked from the waist down, then lying back commenced pumping the hard shaft.

"Errrrrr Dave my lad I'm going to fuck you" He declared.

Well that was a turn up last time I tried to get him to do that he refused, now having being inspired by Brian it was different.

Heads bobbed above the tall grass once again searching the area, making certain there were no prying eyes watching us...all was clear.

I could feel the pace pick up, the grunts became louder, and there was urgency.

"Oh fuck I'm going to cum" He declared as the pace became quicker.

"Uuuuurg!" Was all we heard then three sharp thrusts and his hips stopped swaying, his seed was now being transferred to me, pumped with each final thrust, then all was still.

"Awwww! Fuck that was good" Brian declared

Another voice chirped up "I'm in" not able to contain himself any longer. The dominoes were starting to fall

"I'm going after Norman" Steve declared. I knew Steve was also well hung. They were all well hung apart from me and it always made me feel inadequate when I was with them.

He like Norman started to prepare for his turn discarding his clothing and throwing it on the pile that already lay on the ground

Like Norman he was already hard and eager to go, a grin on his face a mile wide, as he looked my way

I felt Brian's now redundant cock being removed; it would only to be a brief moment though. Norman was on his knees shuffling into position behind me, not wanting Steve to beat him to the draw.

Brian threw himself into the long dry grass to become a spectator and continue savouring the past moments

Another pair of eager sweaty hands grabbed and held my ass in position. I felt a new hard shaft searching for the entrance, and with no resistance it slid into place with utmost ease.

There was an excited response as Norman felt my warm velvet tunnel encased around his hard erection. Stopping only for a moment to let the feeling of euphoria rush through his body, then just as Brian had done previously, Normans hips began to sway back and forth. Again the sound of excited exclamations

"Oh fuck!...Oh fuck! I love this" Shouted Norman as he got the adrenalin rush

If there had been any previous reluctance from the rest it was now all gone. The dominoes started to fall as each and every one declared their interest and intention. There was to be no discussion with me it was already decided they would all be participants.

I could feel and hear Normans excited thrusts and groans as his hips thrust his hard penis into me time after time. The look on Steve's face spoke volumes he could not hide his excitement or his keenness to get at me.

Norman didn't want to hold back, this time he was keen to get that rush and tingle running through his body. Slam, slam, slam. "Oh fuck...oh fuck...I'm coming" He declared. Steve's expression was one of joy; he knew it was now his turn and like all the others he wanted to get on with it.

The lack of activity behind and Normans excited scream of "Ohhhh fuck" told me he was now coming and it would only be a moment or two before it would be another piece of hard meat (Steve's) that would be replacing Norman.

I took no steps to stop them, I doubt if I could have stopped them from now on, any reluctance on my behalf would have been ignored. It was somewhat akin to trying to stop a herd of stampeding cattle or a runaway train.

I don't recall Norman pulling out, just Steve lining up his ever ready hard cock and driving it into me. Then a slap on my hind end declaring "Right you bitch see what it feels like to be fucked by a real man" and then another slap.

Steve from now on was to become the belligerent one. I'd often played with his hard cock before whilst at his place, just wanking him off, we'd never done this (fucked) before. I was to find out a new side to him

Whenever he was feeling randy and in need of some relief he would drag me off to his bedroom, tell me to undress and then proceed to screw me rotten. Although it didn't have to be his bedroom, anywhere the moment took him would do just fine. A field, bushes in the park, some quiet dark alley. As time went by it was obvious he was into men rather then women, I just happened to be the start of it.

The procession continued. I was becoming rather fatigued at being in the kneeling position. The long dry grass had left marks on my knees and hands as I supported myself. I knew my anal area could not hold onto the sperm that had been injected into me forever and I placed a hanky between my legs to catch any fluid I could not retain.

As we walked home I suddenly noticed the skylark had stopped singing. I felt left out of the conversation. It was as if the others were now members of some exclusive club and I was not accepted. They walked ahead chatting and telling each other how good it had been the fuck. "Whow I wonder if it's just as good to fuck a women" This was just one of the comments to be made. Every time I tried to join in and have conversation with them was ignored. From that moment in time we were all still friends but I was never to be part of that exclusive little group.

Brian could see I felt a little put out and put an arm around my shoulder to comfort me.

"Hey don't look so despondent...they just see it differently to you....I know I enjoyed it... I think you did as well I'm sure we could have a good relationship know what I mean" Then when I looked at him he gave a big wink

What I had thought of as an innocent opportunity to have sex that day was in fact to be a big turning point for me

I was to go down a different path to the others. I'd always had thoughts about having sex with women, but I had thoughts from time to time about sex with men. In a moment of weakness I'd succumbed to the temptation of a sexual encounter with male counterparts and this was to be my downfall.

I had of course opened my Pandora's Box and I could not put the contents back. I'd revealed to my friends a part of my desires and from now on they thought it was their right to have sexual relief with me. Having done it once I should now do it again and again at any time they felt the desire. I was a Walking Sperm Deposit Bank for them.

If we all finished up at one of their homes and the folks were out or away for the night. I was asked to strip naked and wait in the bedroom a night of wanton sex would follow.

How things were going to be was demonstrated one afternoon at Steve's home. We were viewing a map of a journey we were about to make. I was leaning over the table.

Steve came up behind me, pressing himself hard against my projecting hind end. At the same time gyrating his hips. I could feel his hardness even then.

"Oh god you have a great ass on you" He said. Continuing to gyrate and thrust at the same time. His hands firmly holding my hips. It was the usual compliments that always seemed to pre-empt any sexual advance.

Inwardly I let out a sigh of excited pleasure. Outwardly I tried to struggle with my conscience and his firm determined grip.

"Oh god we mustn't...just leave off Steve" I said, trying to wriggle out from under his tight hold.

He just laughed "Oh yeh...who ya trying to kid...we all know you're got a hot're just gagging for it....aren't you" He declared.

"No please just leave off mate" I tried to say with a little more authority and conviction in my voice.

He just sniggered and his hands were on my belt, fingers undoing the buckle His grip on me was iron like, pressing my thighs into the edge of the table. The feel of his hard flesh pressing with urgency into my hind end. He was all fired up and there was only one thing and desire in his mind right now. I felt the zip on my trousers being pulled down. Then his hands tugging and pushing them down and clearing the way for penetration.

He ran his now sweating hands over my buttocks, letting a gasp of breath escape through clenched teeth.

"Oh sheeeet that feels soooo...gooood" He exclaimed.

"" I tried once more to plead with him to stop.

His left hand was undoing the buckle to his own trousers, I heard the purr of the zip as he pulled it downward. There was a pause as he wriggled and pushed his trousers down to his thighs. His hard penis was free. I felt the warm hard-unrestricted shaft as he pressed it against my buttocks.

My heart raced excitedly. Thumping in my chest.

He continued to work the hard flesh working his hips.

"Oh yeh that's what you want don't hot arse you?"

He was right I did want it...I just didn't want to seem too eager to have it.

" don't" I said, a little more than a whisper.

I heard him spitting on the end, then a hard bulbous head was seeking entry.

No more was I resisting him my hands were pulling my cheeks apart eager to allow him entry.

"Ho that's more like it" He said watching as I spread my cheeks wide. He pushed the hard penis inward. I felt the head as it spear headed the advance of the hard shaft pushing the walls of my anus outward helping to enlarge it to accommodate the throbbing shaft that followed behind.

"Oh fuck's going's almost.....there" Now a big sigh of contentment "Oh fuck that feels real good" As he felt the warm tight velvet sleeve wrapped around his hard throbbing shaft.

Then he drew back as if he were pulling out, only at the last moment did he plunge back inside. Slowly at first. Again and again, his hips swaying back and forth until his balls slapped against my bum then drawing back for another inward thrust.

With each thrust my arse became more accustomed to its new size. Then Steve got into a rhythm. "Uh...uh...uh...uh" Was all I could hear from him and the odd comment "Oh fuck this is so good!"

The stimulating movement made me feel good as well. I listened to the slapping of our flesh as his hips swayed back and forth. The creaking of the table with each of his inward thrusts.

A thought suddenly struck me.

"Oh god what about your kid brother Tom...where is he" I asked

It did not seem to phase him Steve never missed a stroke he continued to fuck.

"Oh don't worry about him...if he comes in he'll just have to wait his turn" He said as he continued to hump

"I didn't mean that" I said

"I did" He replied "I think if he caught us he'd want some action himself...I've seen the magazines and pictures he keeps hidden under his mattress...thinks I don't know...all pictures of female and male asses I think he must have masturbated over one or two in his time...bit like his big brother"

"Better hurry up before he comes home" I said

I felt his grip on me tighten "Oh god I think I'm going to cum" He said. His hips swaying a little faster. The slapping of our bodies getting quicker. One...two...three final thrusts then he became motionless a hissing through clenched teeth. His whole body relaxing as the tension and frustration drained from him "Ohhh fuck" I heard him exclaim. His hard manhood spewing his warm sticky sperm inside me.

We stayed connected for a while, enjoying the final moments.

As he was pulling up his trousers I heard him exclaim "What the long have you been there Tommy"

Oh god I thought as I moved from the table straightening up and feeling very embarrassed at being caught in a very compromising position.

"Long enough" He declared

There was a embarrassed silence as we all wondered what to do next. I just froze not trying to cover my nakedness.

Tommie's eyes ran over my undressed body. "I could tell mum and dad" He finally said.

"Yeh you could...and I could tell them about the stash of magazines under your mattress...couldn't I" Steve replied

"Yeh but I know which would get the worst reception big brother"

He was right of course Steve and myself would get the biggest rocket of all time and the wroth of his parents would have a devastating fall out to others.

"Well Tom...what are you going to do about it" Steve asked

The grin spread across his face. "How about a fuck Dave" He asked nodding in the direction of my bare ass.

"Steve looked at me shrugged his shoulders and said "It's up to you buddy....but if it keeps him quiet I know what I would do"

He was right if it meant bribing him for his silence and this is what he wanted then I had very little choice.

"Where do you want to do it" I asked

His hand went to his crotch, grabbing what looked like a truncheon stuffed in his trousers.

"Just get on your hands and knees and I'll fuck you right now buddy" He said with a gleeful smile and triumphant satisfaction ringing in his voice.

"At least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing I loose my virginity to you"

"I'll leave you two to it" said Steve leaving me alone with Tommy.

I was unsure of what to do and waited for his instructions.

"Well...come on down on your hands and me your ass"

I did as instructed feeling somewhat like a bitch on heat waiting for the dog.

I looked over my shoulder and watched as he kicked off his shoes and socks. Unbuckled his belt unzipped his fly and discarded his trousers altogether, throwing them to one side. God for a young lad he was well hung and hard as ready to go.

With his left hand on my him he took his hard manhood and fed it into my eager and now expanded love tunnel. The movement was swift and easy as he pressed forward, now with both hands holding me his hips began to sway. I could feel the excited tremble in his body. His first fuck.

"Oh god this feels great" He said as his ass slammed back and forth sending his hard shaft in and out. All his pent up feelings, the dreams and fantasies he'd had about fucking were all being played out right now...he was never going to last long.

"Oh fuck...oh's not fair" He screamed as his cum shot up the hard shaft spewing a second dose of sperm inside me.

"I'll do better next time" He said

"Who said there's going to be a next time Tommy" I asked

"Me...or else I tell mum and dad everything and I'll say it was you who lead me astray"

The little shit sure knew how to use blackmail. It seemed I was making a bigger and deeper hole for myself.

At this stage I still wanted to have a sexual encounter with a female after all I must be bi-sexual because I had thoughts about being with women.

I thought I had it all made for me.

One night we went to a local rave. A pub with good beer and a band.

I had met this girl Sandra and we were getting on real well. As the night went on I asked if I could take her home and she said "Yes I'd like that"

The time came when people were starting to leave, calling it a night, only a few of us still there.

"You ready to go Sandra" I asked

"Whenever you are" She replied

I made one more comfort stop and headed for the gents.

I stood at the stainless steel urinal watching all that filtered beer flowing down the drain.

Steve came in and stood beside me. As usual I could not help but peak at his cock as he urinated along side me.

"How about you come and stay at our place tonight Dave...we could have some fun with this" He said nodding and indicating to his cock.

"Sorry old mate but I've got a date tonight...taking Sandra home" I replied

"I honestly think you'd be better off at our place" Was his reply

"Nope....sorry" As I zipped myself up and headed for the door.

I knew there was something amiss as I headed back to the table. There was only Gerald and his girl still there.

"Er where's Sandra" I asked

"Oh she took off with Norman...said to say sorry"

I was shell shocked I'd been looking forward to this all night. How come she took off with Norm now, it did not make sense.

I was only slightly aware of the hand softly touching and squeezing my bum. Steve was behind me and his action was unseen to Greg and his girl friend.

"What...your girl friends gone old buddy...too bad" He didn't sound in the least concerned, just the opposite.

"Well come on then let's get can always stop at our place for the night" Said Steve.

Greg's eyes met mine and I knew by the smile on his face what his thoughts were.

Outside I felt Steve's hand take my arm and steer me along Pitt St. The direction we were taking was toward Compton Grove, Steve's residence. I felt somewhat gloomy at the thought of missing out on what had been a good ending to my night out.

"Hey buddy don't look so might not have got anything anyhow...coming home with me at least you know you're going to get a fuck....and probably young Tom once he knows you're there...never stops talking about a real buddy there pal"

An Apprentice's Delight

Time was staring to drag. It was still only ten in the morning. The machine shop just wasn't busy at present and we wouldn't be until the next order came in, which would still be a day or so away. I tried to keep myself busy by doing jobs for myself and others, but you had to keep an eye out for the foreman. Even if there was nothing to do, management didn't like you doing own jobs.

I'm going for a walk I said to myself and took off. Passing the other workshops which seemed to still be busy. The blacksmiths were going full bore as was some of the sheet metal I could hear the noise of the yard with its hissing steam and air pipes, the hammers banging other workers were with no time to kill but that was the nature of the game, it was never uniform.

The toilet area was always a good haven to skive you could go in there and read a paper or a magazine for a while and no one could see you, so that's where I headed.

Not much activity today as I entered and looked for a stall to sit in, closing the door behind me.

Well what now. I gazed at the drawings and graffiti on the walls. One very good and most professional drawing was that of a very full and lifelike erection and it caught my eye, god it looked so real. I wished it could come to life and let me play with it.

Then I started to read the messages and the poetry or short stories that had been printed.

A list caught my eye; it was a list of guys who some one had written up. It looked much like a list written in a text book The top line said "If you want a good arse to fuck try one of these. Then the next row had. Name, dept, and his score as to how good he'd been, all seemed to score high. I wondered if these guys knew that their names were being advertised on a toilet wall.

Not too far away from that was an add.

"If you have a nice arse and want some good cock fun, stand outside this cubicle on Tuesdays or Thursday 12.15"

For some reason my eyes went straight to the drawing of the hard penis, thinking "Whow I could have some cock fun with that" Then the thought came to me. God today is Tuesday. I wonder how genuine this is and how old is the add. There was only one way to find out. I'd be here at the time stipulated.

I sat there for a long time day dreaming thinking about the person who had wrote the add. What was he like? I wonder how big he is, would his cock be anything like the drawing on the wall.

I suddenly realised I'd spent quite enough time day dreaming I'd better get back to the machine shop and my lathe.

I needn't have worried no one had been near the place to see or ask where I'd been others were reading the papers, doing crosswords or just talking.

I stood next to my lathe day dreaming, the more I thought about things the more excited I got.

"Oh god I hope someone turns up" It was all I could think of. The clock on the wall had stopped I was sure of it either that or it wasn't working properly, as it slowly ticked and tocked its way round the hours.

At last the lunch time buzzer. My heart was racing. I was wound up tight like an elastic band.

I joined some of my mates for a hasty lunch. When I'd finished wolfing my sandwiches I went to take off.

"Hey you not joining us for a game of footy" I was asked. It was a lunch time thing up to the old cinder car park and kick a ball around until it was time to return to work.

"Er not to I've got a quick chore to do...but as soon as I'm done I'll join you" I stammered. I'm sure I didn't sound too convincing...but hey who cared I had better things to do. I hoped anyway.

My heart was already pounding in my chest, my stomach muscles all tight and my mouth dry. I tried to look the picture of cool as I walked the not to distant path to the toilets.

I walked to the cubicle where the add had been placed and stood outside the door. Right outside the cubicle area was the urinal which ran the whole length of the cubicles and came out at the other door at the far end. It was a mirror image with inboard row and the outboard row.

I stood there for a while; my watch said it was just coming up to 12.15. I decided to make it look as if I was using the facility and stood facing the urinal with cock in hand.

I heard voices on the other side, two guys talking about the local soccer team and how well they had done on the weekend. Someone else came and went then more silence. I decided it was not going to work no one had come to this side so far now about 19 minutes past. Suddenly someone appeared at the far end. A tallish guy, mid thirties I think not good at ages. He was bald on top medium build dressed in check shirt and light brown corduroy trousers. I was watching him waiting for him to make a move or give me a sign. Then he looked my way and gave me a big smile. Oh god this is him. I looked away, feeling embarrassed at being caught watching a guy get his dick out in a toilet. He completed the task gave me one more big smile the tucked his cock back in his trousers and left.

Oh well that does it I thought No point in hanging around any longer I might as well go and join the guys, two more minutes.

I was joined by another guy, he stood down at the far end, the same place as the other chap who I had thought was my guy.

He just gave me a passing glance and a smile before unzipping his fly and taking out his cock, he just stood there looking straight ahead at the wall.

Oh well disappointment again, as I thought about pulling up stakes and going. I just stood there daydreaming thinking about what might have been. It took me a while to realise he was still standing at the far end I felt his eyes upon me. I turned to look at him.

He gave me a broad smile a nod of his head and a wink. I also noticed his hand was now stroking a very hard cock

When he felt sure I wasn't going to make a bolt for the door and that he now had my full undivided attention he turned to face me full on. I could see it standing bolt upright hard and stiff to attention.

"Oh my god" I thought to myself as I continued staring at it.

I realised he was now walking toward me, holding his stiff manhood and smiling.

He stood right beside me. Then he took my hand and placed it on his hard shaft.

A shudder ran through my body as I felt the warm clammy flesh.

Still smiling he asked "Do you like the feel of it"

I could hardly speak. My head nodded approval and a whisper came out of my mouth "Yes"

"Here let's duck into the cubicle where we won't be disturbed" He said as firm hand gripped my arm as he ushered me through the door, closing and bolting it behind once he's entered.

I faced him, not knowing what to do next. I need not have concerned myself; he had it all in hand and was taking total charge of the situation.

He was undoing my trouser belt, and then I felt and heard the zip being undone and my trousers and shorts being pulled down around my knees. A cool zephyr like breeze wafted over my naked parts. I felt weak at the knees but also excited knowing what was about to follow.

His hands felt warm and rough as they gripped, fondled and squeezed my buttocks. A hiss of air being sucked through his clenched teeth as a feeling of euphoria came to him. From myself came a gentle moan at his touch.

My body trembled as he pressed his hard manhood against my stomach.

"You want this don't you---and I think you want it real bad." He said.

I found it hard to swallow as I replied with a croak "Oh yes---yes please" Trying to pull myself hard against the protruding shaft. His fingers digging into my own flesh as I did so.

I had to feel it again and my hand made its way between our bodies, my fingers curling around the warm pulsating shaft. "Oh yes" He exclaimed as I started to wank him back and forth.

"What's ya name young fella?" He asked

Ever eager to please I blurted out

"Dave---Dave Elliott"

"And what do ya do for a job" He enquired

"I work in the machine shop---apprentice machinist" I said eagerly.

"Oh that feels good...real good" His hands continuing to explore my hind end.

"I'm Jack--Jack Ashley...I'm a pattern maker" He said

"I take it you would like this thing up ya hind end would you?"

Swallowing hard I replied "Oh yes---yes I would"

"Oh that's my boy---I think you're going to work out just fine" Was his reply.

"Turn round and bend over the basin---put ya hands on the wall for support---we're going to have a little cock fun eh"

He was already turning my body around so that my hind end presented itself to him.

I felt the hard warm flesh as he ran it tantalisingly over and around my ass. I'd thought of nothing else all morning and I was now ready for it. I wanted to scream out to him "For fuck's sake put it in and fuck me don't tease me with it" but felt it better to keep quiet rather than call out in a public toilet.

"Ya like that Dave eh?" He asked

"Oh fuck yes--yes I do" I replied excitedly.

He gave a knowing laugh. Strong fingers prised my cheeks apart.

I heard him howk as he brought up some spittle---then the feel of the hard warm head as it pressed into my anal entrance.

His hands were now firmly on my hips holding me like a vice.

"Now just relax young Dave don't fight it" I heard him say as he pressed forward. I relaxed not to resist the intrusion, just letting his big hard cock gain entry.

My whole body was trembling with desire, my legs felt like rubber.

"Oh--ah!" I gasped as the bulbous head broke through.

"I'm in" He declared. Continuing to push forward and inward.

I could feel the expansion of my love tunnel. His grunts "Uh...uh...uh" with each gentle forward thrust.

My own response "Oh...oh...oh" as I felt it inch its way inside.

"Oh god I'm in there now Dave...all the way to my balls" He said

I didn't need to be told I could now feel its full size pressed deep inside me.

He slowly started to withdraw, then push forward again, driving the hard shaft back inside me...slowly out then slowly back in again.

Oh god I thought I'm being fucked.

As if reading my thoughts he said "Well Dave I'm fucking you now me boy" as the shaft moved back and forth in and out, my love tunnel becoming more and more used to its new size.

"Ohhh...ohhhh...ohhhh" Is all I could purr as his big shaft continued to pound at my arse end.

I was bent over the basin hands pressed against the wall for support each inward thrust forcing a reaction

I just hoped no one was outside listening as he grunted and groaned.

He was trying to keep his voice low but anyone near would be able to hear and put two and two together

"Uh...uh...uh...oh fuck...oh fuck" Came with each stroke. He continued to Thrust...thrust...thrust. My body being pushed forward each time.

"Oh god yes...we're going to have.... to add your name..... to the wall of honour" He said Gasping for breath after each stroke.

"Oh what do you mean...the wall of honour" I replied.

"There...on the wall... alongside the rest" He said pointing to the other names of recommendation.

"God no...please don't you dare print my name on there" I said in a slight state of panic.

"Got to Dave me boy...must let the rest know what a good fuck you are"

"Oh no please it will mean all and sundry will know what I am...I don't want that"

"It'll be'll see those that like a bit of ass will be able to contact you...some of the others have had a great response"

"Yeh and the guys in the machine shop are going to find out as well aren't they" I said

"And what happens if one or two of them would like to fuck seeing you advertised they will know and make an approach"

"No...I'd still prefer not to" I said.

I was trying to think now who if anybody would make an approach, my thoughts went to Ron, the machinist near me. He was always making subtle remarks and innuendos, but never actually coming out with it. He was married with a couple of kids, surely he wouldn't be a participant.

Jack continued to thrust himself into me. Everything was a kaleidoscope of sounds. The slapping of his loins and balls against my arse end. His soft grunts. A tugs shrill whistle on the river, I could hear the pounding of its diesel engine as it passed. Here and there a cistern flushing the system. Non of this had any effect on our cocoon of activity.

A sudden grunt. "I'm going to cum" He declared and the pace quickened.

Going from Thrust....thrust....thrust, to thrust, thrust, thrust in quick succession.

Then a "Oh fuck" which was rather loud and I hoped no one was listening.

One final thrust and he just stood there connected and locked together by a rather large umbilical cord as it disgorged his pent up sperm. Only when he was certain that the tanks were empty did he withdraw himself

"Oh fuck that was great Dave...thanks"

I was still concerned about the name going on his wall of honour.

"What about my name being printed on the wall" I asked

"I'll do it tomorrow" He replied

" I don't want it written up" I protested

"Mmm well I could be bribed not to publish" He said

"What sort of bribe" I replied

"Well for thirty quid a week I'll turn a blind eye"

"God that's ridiculous....I'm only an apprentice I hardly earn that much let alone give that amount to you" I replied.

"Well I don't see how I can help you unless...." He broke off

"Unless what?" I replied

"Well let me arrange for you to pay discreet visits to certain men and I could be persuaded not to put your name up there" He said

"What do I do at these discreet visits" I asked

He laughed..."What do you think you'll have to do...just bend over and do what we have just been doing...simple eh" He responded.

"You mean like a prostitute" I asked

"Exactly like a prostitute...more a call boy than a call girl"

"God I can't do that"

"Fine then let me just print your name on the wall" He said taking out an indelible ink pen.

"No, no wait just give me time to think" I said

"Look I'll give you till this time next week. I want to fuck you again and if you meet me here same time let me know your decision, then one way or the other we can proceed"

I pondered a moment trying to think it through at least it gave me a week, not that I thought for a moment it was going to solve my problem.

"Ok...ok next week. I'll see you here" I said

"Good then that's just hang around for a moment until I get clear of the place then leave yourself" Then giving my bum a friendly squeeze, he gave me a friendly smile and a wink ducking out and closing the door.

I just stood there not making any move to pull my trousers up. I remained as he had left me. My thoughts a mixture of enjoyment and concern as to what to do next week. I just stood there deep in thought and concentration. I had not noticed or heard someone lurking outside. I suddenly became aware of the door being slowly pushed open. I should have slammed it shut but I just froze and watched as it opened wider. I'd forgot I wasn't even fully dressed. I was presenting a partial naked form to who ever it was opening the door. Then it was fully open and a silhouette form stood there. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. Hell it was the first guy who I'd thought was there to meet me.

Bald head check shirt and corduroy trousers. A grin a mile wide as he sighted my naked form. He strode forward, closing the door behind.

"Well I think you've been hanging around here waiting for someone like me to show up---I think I know what you want and I've got it here for you" He said his hand moving down to his crotch.

For a moment my eyes diverted to the drawing on the wall of the large male erection.

He followed my gaze seeing the drawing for himself.

He chuckled "Yes...yes I was right that's precisely what you want" as his fingers worked at his belt buckle and then slid his zip downward. Like Jack Ashley before him he pulled his trousers down to his knees and like Jack his erection was centre stage.

My mouth open as I gazed upon the size of the erection. I had to once again ask the question of myself "How come all these guys I meet have such large cocks"

He moved in close, placing his hands on my shoulders; he applied pressure downward and told me to sit.

The porcelain felt cold on my bum as I sat. At such close range his cock looked even bigger I could see every vein and shape in the long hard shaft. It stood straight and proud, his balls and thick black pubic hair forming its base. "Open your mouth" He instructed

I did not hesitate, like some automaton I obeyed his instruction.

The flesh was warm and firm on my lips as it passed en-route into my mouth. There was a gasp of delight and a hiss of air escaping from his throat as the warmth of my mouth enclosed around the shaft.

My hand reached for the hard penis grasping hold of it I commenced to work it up and down and at the same time suckled on it.

"Mmmmm!" was the only sound I could make as he worked his hips back and forth fucking my mouth with his hard warm prick.

My hands cupped his balls fondling each in turn as my mouth sucked and licked the hard shaft.

Time and again he pulled back, then plunged in again

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...easy...easy" He panted.

The activity was starting to make him excited and he did not want to eject just yet.

His cock slid from my mouth and he looked down into my eyes.

"You're a hot little bitch aren't you" He remarked

I knew not whether I was or not all I did know was that I loved playing with a hard male penis.

"Come...I think it's time to bend over for me" He said taking hold of me and pulling me upward.

"Now turn and face the wall"

Again my hands reached out for support, it was Jack Ashley on replay.

Again I was looking into the old cracked bowl with the makers name and address stamped on the side.

The sudden touch of the hard bulbous head as it searched to enter made my pulse race. It seemed just the wink of an eye and I gave a gasp "Ohhhhh...fuck" as it slid effortlessly into place. His arse was quickly in motion, hips swaying back and forth.

"Ohhhhh...mmmmm! That was easy" He remarked. Hands firmly in place on my hips. Our body parts slapping together with each eager thrust of his hips. The full length of his cock then his balls bouncing against my bum before drawing back for another go. Again...again and again. Thrust, thrust, thrust. Short panting breaths, grunts and moans. My love tube gripping his hard shaft. Each thrust one more thrust to him erupting. "Oh...oh...oh!" "Uh...uh...uh" In time with the ever increasing pace "Oh fuck" He screamed unable to hold back any longer. His hands pulled me onto the shaft as he pushed with all his might. Sperm was spewing from the end filling my ass. The effort making him pant. "Oh fuck...that's the kind of lunch breaks I like" He said

"What's your name" He asked Without thinking or considering the consequences I replied "Dave...Dave Elliott"

"What dept do you work in Dave?" He asked

"Machine shop" I replied

"I'll drop in and see you some time...I'd like to do this a more intimate place though...would you like that?"

"Oh god yes" I agreed rather a little over eagerly I thought

I heard the back to work buzzer after he'd gone. I dressed quickly and headed back to the machine shop

Back at the machine shop I was deep in thought, my mind still going over the action that had taken place I felt good. No better than that I felt great.

It was a couple of days later I was working at my machine. I sensed the presence of someone behind me a hand ran gossamer like over my ass followed by a tight squeeze.

I spun around ready to verbally abuse the person, only to discover it was Jack Ashley a toothy grin a mile wide.

"Hi are ya" He asked

I looked around to see if any of the other guys had been watching his movements it would seem not. The only person who could have seen anything was Ron and he seemed to be too busy.

"" I stammered.

"You don't seem to happy to see me" He said

" am, I am" I replied trying to get my self control back.

"Well that's good...that's what I like to hear....I've been thinking quite a bit about you the last few days....have you thought anymore about my prepossession" He asked

"Er well....just who are the guys I'll be meeting with Jack" I asked

"Hey mate can't tell ya that...but they are all square runners...don't want their names spread any more than you would want yours...and there's money in it also"

"More in it for you than me though eh?" I replied

"That's the way it is fellah...anyhow I wanted to see if you would come round to my place tonight...a little bit of cock fun eh?"

"I don't know....I...I" I was thinking of an excuse.

"Cause ya can...hey what say I get another guy to call can see what type of person that you would be dealing with"


"Good say seven o''s my address" He scribbled it down on a scrap of paper that was handy then left.

I was still stunned at what had just taken place my mind trying to come to grips with the last few minutes; suddenly I was aware that Ron was right next to me and asking a question.

"Sorry Ron what did you say" I asked

"That was Jack come you know him" He asked

My face was as red as beetroot I stammered out an answer an answer I'm sure he did not believe.

"Oh er...well...he was wanting some machine work done...on the quiet like...why do you ask?"

He laughed saying "Oh hell Jack Ashley is well known...he is very, very partial to young guys like you"

I'd often wondered about Ron, some of his questions and actions made me think he had an interest in my ass just as much as Jack Ashley.

I decided to play reckless, throw caution to the wind and said "Would it make any difference to you...would you be jealous" Trying to make it into a big joke

He was silent and thoughtful for a moment as if he was carefully considering his answer before giving it. "Yeh well actually I might be at that, I work over there behind you and keep thinking what a nice ass you have" He didn't blink and eye, just stood there looking straight at me waiting for me to answer.

The ball was in my court, one way or the other I had to make a response.

"Yeh well if I gave you the opportunity you'd probably turn and run, then tell everyone I'd tried to proposition you" I said

Again he did not respond immediately, he was carefully considering how to reply.

"I'm saying I would" He took a quick look around to see who was looking then his hand slid down to my crotch, gently squeezing it.

"What do you say" He asked

"OK...OK...I believe you...when and where" I asked

"I've got the camper van how about we go fishing at Plessey Woods this week end...might even catch a fish" He said with a grin "Certainly an eel" He continued and laughed.

"I'll pick you up at eight Saturday morning"

To my utter amazement the night at Jack Ashley's had been most enjoyable. The guy I met had been a real comedian had me laughing most of the time, even made some joke when I was sucking on his cock and had to calm myself down again before I could once again start sucking on it. I said I would be more than happy to service a few of his clients.

Saturday morning dawned sunny and bright. I still wondered if Ron would turn up or had it all been a put up job.

I heard a vehicle in the drive, looking out the window I could see the white and blue camper van that was Ron's.

In the passenger seat along side Ron was Merv Langford another machinist.

God he hadn't said anything about Merv Langford coming along as well...maybe it was just a genuine fishing trip after all. Mother as always had gone over board with the grub...we could have stayed a week not a day. As it was to turn out the extra grub was to come in useful

When we met Ron at the front door he told mum that if we did not get back that night not to worry, if the weather held good and the fish were bighting we would be back Sunday.

Mother of course panicked had she packed enough grub what about clothing.

"Don't worry about any of that Mrs Elliott it's all taken care of" Replied Ron winking at me.

I was put in the middle seat between Ron and Merv, then waving goodbye to mother we took off for Plessey Woods.

I felt nervous sitting there I did not know what part if any Merv was to play in this little trip. Merv was the type or fit what people perceived to be the creepy lacteous type ready to grope at anything.

"I hope you don't mind I asked Merv along....he is aware of why we are going and is as keen as I am....." Said Ron

Before Ron could add another word Merv butted in "Yeh I've always had a fancy for that ass of yours don't know how many nights I've lain in bed and wanked myself silly thinking about you...and now here we are..." He let the rest go. I could imagine.

The van lumbered through the city streets, town slowly giving way to country. The interior was now smelling of tobacco, Merv being a smoker and even with the window wound down my eyes still stung from his cigarette.

"I think we are going to have a real good week-end lads don't you" Ron commented.

"Oh I think we're going to have a great week-end" Chirped Merv, followed by his horsy laugh and coughing spree.

"You didn't think I would come across did you" Ron asked

"I had to wonder if you were serious or not" I added.

"It was Jack Ashley's visit and your inability to give me a straight answer...I was sure you were taking it up the ass...and I was right"

His hand fell on my thigh stroking it as he steered the vehicle with the other.

"Yeh I'm glad Ron told me about you...I said to him I did...I always thought you'd make a good fuck" Said Merv and his hand fell on my other thigh.

I watched the highway ahead, the van chewing up the black Tar-Mac as it proceeded toward Plessey Wood.

"God I'm getting a hard on already" Said Merv. A bulge had appeared in his trousers. Not able to contain himself any longer he unzipped his fly and produced a good sized hard erection.

I just stared at it, it looked so inviting. Standing like some rocket on its launch pad, pointing to the sky.

"Here lad give me your hand" He said and then promptly placed it on the hard shaft. God it felt good to touch, warm and clammy but so firm. I started to stroke him up and down; he gave a hissing sound from clenched teeth.

"Ohhhh god that feels soooo goood" He purred, head back eyes closed.

"Hey don't you dare cum over my seats" Ron shouted.

"Oh don't be such an old women I have no intention of cumming over your precious seats" Merv replied

The touch of his warm pulsing cock felt good as my hand stroked the shaft, the look on Merv's face was sufficient to tell me he was enjoying it.

His arm slid around my shoulder, his hand was on the back of my neck, forcing my head downward. It was obvious as to what he was wanting of me, as lips came nearer to the bulbous end; I opened my mouth wide and allowed myself to be forced on to his hard cock. "Mmmmm..." Was all I could murmur? A great moan escaping from Merv. My mouth and tongue co-ordinating, lips kissing mouth sucking.

"Oh fuck...oh god!" Was all I could hear as my mouth gave pleasure to Merv.

"Hey keep it down you guys I've got a hard on here...watching and listening to you"

My sucking continued for some time, then whoosh, with his hand firmly holding the back of my neck, he thrust upward off his seat. I felt and tasted his acrid fluid as it erupted form the end of his erect penis and spread inside my mouth. It was a case of choke or swallow. I chose to swallow. I managed to down most of it just a small amount dribbled from the side of my mouth.

"Oh fuck boy...that was good...I know I'm going to enjoy this week-end" He said with a satisfied look on his face. It was just nine-fifteen the week-end was all ahead.

Zipping up his trousers Merv lit a cigarette lay back in his seat and closed his eyes.

Ron eyed me a touch of jealousy in his eyes. It was he who had instigated this week end and he had to sit and watch as Merv got in ahead of him.

Having watched me giving Merv a blowjob had got him excited. Taking my hand he placed it on his crotch. He watched my reaction as my mouth fell open in complete surprise.

"Yeh...big isn't it" He said as I squeezed the monster. "Take it out and play with it" He instructed

"Just you keep your eye on the road" I said as I unzipped his fly and delved inside to feel the touch of warm hard flesh, releasing it in all it's glory.

There was a look of awe on my face as I stared at the monster, so big and so proud.

Ron could see the look on my face "Well what do you like it" He asked There was a croaky cough and laugh from Merv "He's going to like it when you put it up him" He said.

"What do ya think, can ya handle it" Ron asked.

I swallowed hard and replied rather bravely. "Oh sure...sure I can" but did wonder if I was being a little braver than I thought.

As I fondled and stroked it I compared it to the thickness of my wrist and noted there was little difference between them. I would soon find out if indeed I could handle it.

We were almost there. We had just passed the sign "Plessey Woods" and were now turning in that direction. Soon the well laid road gave way to metal which in turn gave way to nothing but a mud track, a track I'm sure in the wet season would become a quagmire. Today though it did not matter, it was dry and hot, and my heart raced in anticipation of what lay ahead. I'd played with Ron's monster all the way and it was still stiff and proud as we neared our destination. Funny how what we think people are like can in reality turn out quite different. Looking at Ron I'd never pictured the man to be so well hung and yet here I was sitting right next to him playing and stroking it.

The track eventually came to an end and we were in a clearing surrounded by pine trees and tall ferns, ferns that would hide our activities from prying eyes.

"Oh great no one else here...with a bit of luck we'll have the whole place to one to hear your screams of delight as I fuck you eh Dave" Ron said

He made no effort to tuck his throbbing penis back into his trousers. He got out of the cab and strutted around with it pointing proudly to the sky.

Merv and I likewise alighted from the cab stretching our limbs at the same time.

Ron had wandered into the ferns and I could only now see him from the waist up.

"Hey Dave come over here" He beckoned

"Yeh you go with Ron...I'll get camp set up for the night" Merv said.

When I reached Ron he was standing holding his stiff member in hand.

"Get on your knees and give me a suck" He said

I took a nervous look around as if there was a whole squad of onlookers watching.

"No ya don't need to worry about people right now we got the place to ourselves" He said reassuringly.

I lost sight of Merv and the van as I sank to my knees. My only view was that of Ron's beautifully sculptured cock.

I had to open my mouth real wide in order to accommodate its size. The warmth of my mouths interior soon enveloping the shaft. Ron gave a great sigh that resounded throughout the forest "Ohhh fuck!" Rob exclaimed

I could hear Merv sniggering knowing what was happening just out of his sight. Ron thrusting his cock back and forth, trying his hardest to force it down my throat. This was the action for about twenty minutes. My jaws were aching and I was willing him to cum so that I could rest up. Relief from the sucking did come but not because he came in my mouth. Removing his cock from my mouth he said.

"Get ya gear off"

I looked at him hesitantly.

"Get ya gear off" He repeated with authority and urgency in his voice "Don't worry no ones going to see us, or hear up apart from Merv and he don't care" He said reassuring me.

The day was warm and hot only the canopy of the trees and ferns kept the temperature at a very pleasant level. The breeze rustled the tree tops and for the first time I heard the river flowing not to far away.

Ron watched as I peeled each item of clothing from my body. The look in his eyes were sufficient to tell he was hungry for what was beneath them. Each item fell in a pile on the carpet of pine needles.

I stood there naked watching his eyes move over my body taking in every curve.

Breathe escaping from his clenched teeth with a hiss. "Oh look absolutely delectable...I've often watched your arse as you slouched over your lathe and wondered what it would look like naked...and how good it would feel to fuck it" He said. "Well the first part is better than I could to find out about the other part".

"Err don't we need something to lubricate that thing are quite big" I said.

His hand produced from his pocket a tube of K-Gel, then handing it to me said

"Smear some of that inside you"

As he tore at his clothes, eager to rid himself of them I looked toward the camper van and could see Merv staring in our direction. All he would see of course was my nakedness to the waist. His imagination was doing the rest.

My fingers worked the K-Gel inside my love tunnel. I tried to pull and expand it as much as I could before he attempted to make entry.

Now he was naked as well. His cock had stiffed up even more at the sight before him and the anticipation on what was about to happen.

My own heart raced and thumped in my chest like a hundred hammers, my stomach in a knot. Like Ron I was eager to get on with it.

"Get on your hands and knees like a bitch on heat" He said.

The pine needles stuck to my knees and hands as I did as he instructed. I heard him thump down behind me. The warmth of his stiff manhood touching me. I let out a whimper of excitement at the connection. First he just used his cock to tease me a little building up my want for it.

Then with one hand on my hip and the other on his hard shaft he guided and placed it at the entrance. I jumped a little, but his firm hand held me in place.

" gotta relax" He said reassuring me.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly relaxing.

He at the same time pushed forward a little gently coaxing the monster inward.

"Oh, oh" I cried

"Relax, relax" He said once more.

Again he pushed forward, the lube helping it to penetrate. The great bulbous head and corona pushing my ring aside widening it as it slowly but surely entered. Once the head had done its work the shaft followed. Inch by inch it made its way in and with each inch I could feel myself being expanded. Then Ron exclaimed "Oh fuck that feels real good" as his hips swayed back and forth sending the shaft in and out. Thrust, thrust, thrust went his cock with each sway of the hips. Back and forth. In and out. The great piston of a cock stimulating both of us

The forest resounded to the cries of delight and ecstasy from both of us. The noise of flesh slapping against flesh as he pounded and thrust himself into me.

"Uh. Uh Uh" Coming with each and every thrust. Then

"I'm coming, I'm coming" He said

Three final thrusts each thrust loaded with sperm as it squirted from the hard shaft.

He remained connected to me until the final drop had been transferred then slowly pulled back, leaving a great abyss inside me.

Merv's voice startled us from behind

"Shit that looked bloody great" He was standing there naked. The action he had stood and watched had excited him and his manhood was firm and solid.

"Well I can see what you want" Ron said "That's what we're here for I guess...might as well get on with it" He stood up and made his way back to the camper van. I was still on hands and knees. I wasn't going any where as I watched Merv drop to his knees at my rear end.

His entry was quick and swift. The abyss that Ron had created was quickly filled, with hips swaying, Merv was soon into a rhythm that would have him shooting his sperm inside me to mingle and mix with that of Ron's.

I had little respite from the action on that week end. It seemed almost impossible to knock either of them over for any period of time. The campervan rocked and rolled most of the night. I got some relief when we had packed up and were driving home. There was no doubt I'd been fucked and fucked well that week-end.

"Well Merv we know where we will be spending our week ends from now on...we'll pick you up about the same time next Saturday eh Dave"

I nodded my agreement and just hoped I could do it all again.

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