Three - Sequel to The Lake

By Sunday Jones

Published on Jul 5, 1997



And Then There Were Three

When Alex told me he had written out a story based on our weekend camping, and what his telling me that he likes guys led up to, I was surprised. He said that it really helped him put things in perspective. It made me think that maybe I should try writing too. I'm not as literary as Alex, so I'm not sure how this will turn out, but here it goes.

It has been an amazing week. In the seven days since Alex and I came home from the mountains we haven't been separated except long enough to sleep and that was only on five of the nights. Luckily, we had long ago established a pattern of sleeping at each other's house whenever we want.

Until we decide how we were going to handle it all, who we will tell and how we will tell them, we are trying not to draw too much attention to ourselves.

I don't think that we have done a very good job. I pay a lot more attention to the people around us than Alex does, so I notice more of the looks we have been getting. To most people who know us, there is something clearly changed in our relationship. Our body language, and the time we are spending together are giving us away. We now sit a little closer together, and I find myself reaching out to touch him more often. Walking with him down the street or through the mall I can't help lightly touching his lower back possessively. Our friends have noticed these things and I am sure many of them want to ask questions.

Don't get me wrong, Alex is not dumb, but he has been rather focused since last weekend. Seriousness has suffused him. I have never seen him like this. I hope that it fades as he becomes more comfortable with the change in our relationship. We don't seem to play much anymore. When we are alone we only talk about deep issues, things that will affect the rest of our lives. That's not a problem for me. There is nobody else I can talk to about those things except Alex. But right now anyway, I don't think he realizes that we cannot be around people without giving off signals that make our new relationship pretty clear.

I can deal with the glances and the raised eyebrows, but I am not sure how I will be able to deal with the actual questions that are inevitably coming. Wishing that Alex and I could run away for a while, to someplace where no one knows us, is the only thing I have been able to think of. I am not ready to tell my parents that there little boy likes other boys. Alex's folks could probably deal with it. They are pretty liberal when it comes to most social issues.

To hear my dad talk, Alex's dad is a communist just waiting to hand over America to the Russians. I find it hard to imagine someone who dresses as cool as him can be much of a threat to national security. But politics aside, his parents, Maria and Tom, have a lot of strange friends and are always talking about human rights and stuff like that. They might not just accept Alex's new orientation, they might make him a mascot for one of their causes. It is exactly that kind of thing that scares me. I mean, I love Alex, and I love having sex with him, but I don't want to get too wrapped up in a "lifestyle" just because of one person in my life, and what I do in bed.

Like I have told Alex several times, and he seems to agree, This could all be a phase we are both going through and one or both of us could outgrow it tomorrow. I don't think that's all that likely, I know I will always love him, but dammit, eighteen is still too young an age to declare what you will be doing and whom you will be doing it with for the rest of your life. We both want kids, and I am not sure about him, but I think a kid needs a mom. I don't even care if they are my own kids. I will adopt one or two if I have to, but I don't think I want to raise them alone, or with another guy, except maybe Alex, maybe. The fact that after only a week I know that the need for kids could make me pull away from him worries me sometimes, but never when he is near. As we settle down together, we keep making minute adjustments in our behavior, trying to find a stable ground where we can enjoy each other and move forward.

Even though we have always been close, we have moved in different circles in school, and in some of our social activities. Although Alex and I were both in the college prep classes, with higher academic standards we could both easily meet, during high school he had gravitated toward a more serious, intellectual group of friends. I stuck by most of my friends from junior high, a rowdier bunch. We are the ones to sneak beer into the football games, and one of us is always in trouble with one teacher or another. Maybe because we hung with different groups, we had each moved into leadership roles within our groups of friends. Neither of us has ever tried to show dominance over each other when we are alone, but when I am with him and his friends, I usually defer to his plans and ideas, and he does the same for me when he spends time with me and my friends. The two of us have acted as a bridge between the two groups on many occasions; parties, dances, things like that are more mixed with us than with most other groups of kids our age. There were even a few romances springing up across the clique' lines because of our mixing.

I have noticed that in the last week Alex has been deferring to my wants when we are alone more than he ever has before, and its starting to make me angry. I understand that he did not expect me to jump into this as abruptly as I did last weekend, but he is acting like I am going to bolt if he doesn't keep me constantly happy.

It is my own fault that he was surprised by my reaction. I have made my fair share of jokes about fags over the last few years, not so much recently, but in junior high it seemed like the thing to do. Alex made some pretty harsh comments too, but not as much as me, and looking back, I see that he stopped that kind of crap much sooner than I did, or any of the rest of our friends did. Looking at guys in the showers, and at Alex in particular, had been such a habit for me for a while now that I was a pro. I could check out a guy with nobody ever having a clue. I think, like lots of guys, I just supposed it was simple curiosity, a phase I would outgrow as I became more interested in girls. I never would have been able to open up about those thoughts without Alex coming to me and expressing his feelings first. When he told me that he liked guys in the diner that day, and that he liked me, I had to excuse myself as quickly as possible. I went home to bed and stared at the ceiling for several hours, getting more excited by the minute. The one guy I was most curious about sleeping with was interested in me too.

Once I got up the nerve to call and ask him to meet me at the dock, I began to relax. Our talk went better than I expected. When I hugged him I felt a connection we had never had before. The embrace went on for quite a long while, until I finally had to pull away before he realized how aroused I had become.

By the time I reached my room it was all I could do to rip open my jeans and stroke myself to orgasm, remembering the feel of Alex's arms around me, and the clean fresh smell of his hair.

A phantom of Alex floated above me as I ran my right hand up and down the shaft of my cock. Using my left hand I fondled my balls, rolling them on the palm of my hand, and running the tip of my index finger around each sensitive orb. I imagined it was Alex's hand wrapped around me, pumping softly. I moved my hand with an agonizing slowness that had me lifting my hips off the mattress, bucking and thrusting into my fist.

In my mind I kissed him. Our lips parted at the same time and our tongues met. Just the thought of kissing him that way sent shivers up and down my spine. Kissing Alex was something that I thought would always remain a fantasy, no matter what happened on our camping trip. Fantasizing about having sex with a guy could be attributed to an over active adolescent imagination, but kissing another male clearly crossed the line I had drawn in my psyche.

After wetting my tongue and index finger in my mouth, I rubbed the spit covered digits across the head of my cock, pinching and squeezing. I spread the clear precum across the smooth skin. Moving the ring made by my right hand closer to the top of my cock and increasing the speed of my stroking, I began undressing Alex in my mind. I pictured his smooth, tan chest lightly covered by a think sheen of sweat, the way it looked after a hot summer ball game. Slowly I mentally unzipped the fly of his dark blue athletic shorts and spread it wide. As I pictured his damp jock, gleaming white against the dark cloth of the shorts and the tan of his stomach I felt my balls draw up tight against my body. When my fevered imagination pulled the shorts and strap down together, the first warm splatter of semen sprayed my upper chest. Seeing the soft uncut cock flop out behind my closed eyes, the way it had in reality so many times before brought forth several more volleys of cum to coat my stomach and lower chest and to drip down my clenched fist.

I laid back against my pillow and slowly calmed my breathing. When I had caught my breath I reached under my bed for the box of tissues I keep there for occasions like that and carefully cleaned myself up. Discarding the tissues I reclined on my pillows and spent several hours thinking about Alex, reliving the day, both of our conversations and especially our embrace. I hugged one of my pillows to my chest and leaned my head against it, falling asleep dreaming that it was Alex in my arms.

Walking over to Alex's house last night I thought I had it all figured out. When I reached his room he was reading in bed.

"Hey buddy," I said, leaning down to kiss him gently.

"Hi lover," he replied, tossing aside his book, and putting his arms around me, pulling me closer to him for a more thorough kiss.

Ten minutes later, after the kiss, I stretched out beside him on his narrow bed.

"What are you thinking about?", he asked.

"What else?", I said, "Us."

As usual, when I brought up our relationship, Alex grew quiet and serious.

"What about us?", he asked softly.

"Lots of stuff, but mainly about when and if we are going to tell anyone about us.", I answered.

Alex wondered, "What brought that to mind tonight?"

"Lots of things." I continued, "Mainly its Scott. He has been asking me a lot of questions about what went on up there. He knows something is up, but he is too clever to come right out and ask. It's driving me crazy!"

"What kind of stuff is he asking about?", Alex asked softly.

I paused, trying to figure out how to bring up my real concern. Scott had been a friend of Alex's before I got to know him, and talking to him when Alex was not around always brought up slightly guilty feelings, like I am poaching on Alex's territory. But Scott really had me concerned. Except for Alex, Scott was the only guy I knew well for whom I had experienced any kind of desire. There was something about him, his light blonde hair, and his fair skin, combined with his larger frame really turned me on. Just thinking about it made me feel disloyal to Alex, so I felt like I was walking on eggshells.

"He just..." I struggled, "he just keeps asking if everything is okay. I tell him that everything is fine, but a few minutes later I will notice him staring at me, or at both of us if we are together."

Alex closed his eyes and thought for a few moments. When he opened them he asked, "James, if I tell you something do you promise never to repeat it, ever?"

Not even pausing to think, I answered, "Of course Alex, you know that."

"Remember last spring when a bunch of us went up to the Delaware Water Gap to camp for the weekend, right before graduation?", he asked.

"Sure, I had the flu and couldn't go, I was pissed about that for a while."

"Well, you should also remember that Cory couldn't go either after his parents caught him drunk on the Thursday night before the trip." Alex went on. "That left me and Scott as the only guys who weren't already signed up to share a tent with someone, so we ended up sharing my small pup tent."

I just nodded, keeping my eyes on his face.

He took a deep breath and continued. "We stayed up late on Saturday night, after everyone else was asleep. We were in my tent and we just started talking. Mostly about sex. He assumed i had done stuff with girls, and I let him keep thinking that. We talked about places we thought would be cool to have sex, he talked about having sex with a girl in a hot tub and complained about how tired the hot water made him."

"Where are you heading with this Alex?", I asked quietly.

"Just hold on, I am getting to it. I just hate to break a promise, its not easy for me," he said seriously. "Okay, here it goes. After we had talked about sex for a while, he asked me if I had ever done anything with a guy."

He grinned, "That was before you of course."

I leaned over to kiss him before letting him go on.

"He said he had not either, but that he had thought about it, and thought he might be bisexual. He swore me to secrecy and until now I kept my promise, but what if he has been asking this stuff because he suspects that we are gay or bisexual?" he finished.

It was my turn to think for a while.

"Why do you think he picked you to tell?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said, "maybe he knew I wouldn't laugh. Maybe he likes me, maybe he just had to tell someone."

"All those might be right," I said. "But the way he always asks me how you are makes me think that maybe he does like you."

"Maybe, well he..." Alex said out loud before changing his mind. "Oh, who knows?" he finally said.

I noticed that he had changed what he was going to say, but I didn't want to pressure him so I let it go.

"You know," I said. "maybe we can find out."

Alex tilted his head to look at me quizzically.

I continued, "How about if we pick him as the first person to tell about what happened up there? I don't mean we should tell him details or anything like that, but that we realized that we love each other while we were up that and that now we are a couple."

Alex turned pale for a moment, then smiled enigmatically, and said, "Sure, when do you want to do it?"

"Is there anything wrong with tonight?", I asked?

He shook his head and handed me his address book. I quickly found Scott's number and dialed. When he answered I told him that Alex and I wanted to speak to him about something important. He suggested we come over to his house since his parents were out of town for a few days so we could be alone and comfortable while we talked. I told him we would be there in fifteen minutes and ended the call.

Scott lived about a half mile up the road and a few blocks back from the river. We decided to walk since we could be there in the time it would take us to walk to my house for my car and to drive back to Scott's place. It was a great night, we were still comfortable in our shorts, but the air had enough of a nip to make us keep moving fast to stay warm. We found a balance between staying warm and being able to talk as we walked. It only took us a few moments to decide that Alex would do most of the talking, after all, he and Scott had been friends for longer than I have known Scott.

Scott was waiting on his front porch as we walked up the long driveway. I had always liked Scott's house, it was way off the road and had no close neighbors, a great location for parties when his parents were away. Tonight his house did not look ready for a party, it was mostly dark, the old Victorian structure deep in the shadowy circle of ancient oaks that formed a ring around the home and yard. He waved to us as we rounded the bend and approached the house. By the time we reached the stairs to climb to his porch he was there waiting for us. Without saying a word he ushered us into the large, hardwood floored central hall.

"Lets go downstairs." Scott said, and led the way down the stairway from the kitchen. The basement of Scott's house is all one huge room, its a finished basement with a large wet bar at one end, a pool table in the middle, a sitting area with a couch, loveseat and recliner at the far end, and a small alcove that housed a set of weights and a bench. Alex and I took seats next to each other on the long couch and Scott sat in the recliner so he was sitting perpendicular to us.

The room was quiet as we settled into our seats. The sitting area was dimly lit, with no lights on at this end of the room we were illuminated slightly by the hanging light over the pool table. Once we were all settled, Scott asked, "What's up guys?"

Alex and I exchanged a glance and we nodded slightly towards each other.

Alex cleared his throat and said, "There is something we want to tell you and a few other people and we wanted to tell you first. We just ask that you please don't tell anyone else before we get a chance to tell them first."

Scott just looked at us, and nodded.

Going on, Alex said, "James says that you have been asking about what happened while we were camping last weekend. The fact that you asked at all makes me thing you have some idea what happened, but we figure you have a right to hear it from us."

Scott began nodding his head, not smiling, but not frowning either. Alex was staring at the coffee table between us and Scott but I kept my eyes on Scott's face to gauge his response.

"Well, what happened is," I could tell he was having trouble getting it out, "what happened is that James and I realized we both liked guys and we liked each other too." The last phrase coming out faster and louder than I expected.

Scott's head turned to stare at me for a second, and then back to Alex. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked a little angry. This was not the reaction I expected, so I jumped in.

"What's wrong Scott? I didn't think you would take it like this, that's why we came to tell you first."

"Oh, I know exactly why you came to tell me first. Alex told you about me, didn't he", Scott demanded, "didn't he?"

I shook my head, preparing to lie.

"Yeah, I told him," Alex said defensively. "But..."

Scott jumped in, "You told him I liked him? I can't believe this."

My jaw dropped, and I worked hard to close it.

"You should have let me finish." Alex almost whispered, "I didn't tell him that part, just that you had thought about guys."

Scott turned red, and stared at Alex for a moment before turning to me. "Well, I guess you know everything now James," he muttered under his breath.

He looked so miserable sitting there, making fists and grinding them into his thighs. I looked at Alex who shrugged, and I stood and walked over to Scott.

When my hand touched his shoulder he began to cry. Silent sobs wracked his body and he buried his face in his hands. I could not stand to see such a good friend hurting so I urged him to stand and guided him over to the couch and seated him there between Alex and myself. Alex put his hand on Scott's bicep and gave it a little squeeze while I wrapped my arms around the bigger teenager and pulled him against my chest. I could feel his hot tears burning into my chest through my thin cotton shirt. His body shook as sobs escaped his lips. Alex joined me in holding him and we rocked gently in place on the sofa, trying to calm him down. Alex and I each took one of his hands in our own and held it as his body relaxed and the sobs became softer and the time between them grew longer.

It only took a few moments for Scott to regain his composure. Sitting up straight between us, he pushed away our hands.

"You must think I'm a moron now, the two guys I like now like each other and I start bawling like a baby." he said softly, carefully avoiding looking at either of us.

"Wait a second," Alex said, "two guys...both of us?"

Scott nodded. "You may as well know it all, that's why I brought up the subject on that camping trip. I thought that with all the talk about sex, maybe you'd want to do something if I told you I liked guys."

"I want to apologize for that Scott," Alex said, putting his hand back on Scott's shoulder, "I knew I was interested in guys when you asked, but I was too scared to admit it."

He looked from Alex to me for a moment, and then stared into space. "I am really happy that you guys have each other, I really am, you guys deserve it. I just will need a little time to get used to the idea, I have wanted both of you for so long."

I knew that this must have been tearing Alex up inside, we both have something inside us that makes it almost impossible to be around people in pain without doing what we can to correct it. I hide it more than Alex does, but it was really getting to me too.

A startling idea popped into my head. I had an idea about how to help Scott get through this and how to at least soften the hard edges of his pain. The question is how Alex would react. I had fantasies about Scott before, so thinking about taking him to bed, with Alex, was not too strange of an idea, but I had no idea if Alex had ever felt that way about him.

As though reading my mind, and realizing Alex and I needed to talk privately, Scott stood up, and excused himself to go to the restroom. His footsteps faded up the stairs and I turned to look at Alex.


"James...," we said together.

"You go first," I said.

" you think Scott is cute?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, yeah I do," I said.

"Do you want to have sex with him?" Alex asked softly, looking at his hands clenched in his lap.

"I have thought about it," I answered honestly, "but I wouldn't do it without you."

Alex lifted his eyes, his face brightening, and searched my face trying to gauge my sincerity. "Really?"

I laughed softly, "Yes, really baby." I reached up and stroked the side of his face.

"Do you think he would go for it? For both of us?" he asked me.

"Well, you heard what he said, he likes both of us. When he gets down here, do you want to find out?" I asked uncertainly, not sure Alex was really willing to go through with something like this.

Alex nodded and leaned over to kiss me. He looked like a little kid about to open a big birthday present. We sat back on the couch and waited. A few moments later we heard Scott's soft footfalls on the stairs and he poked his head into the room and looked over to us.

I waved him over, smiling, and said "Glad you made it back."

He walked over and was about to sit in the recliner again when Alex said "No, sit over here between us, Scott, so we can talk."

Scott looked at me uncertainly, but took back his seat between us.

"We have done some talking while you were gone," Alex said.

I broke in, "We both like you too Scott."

Scott blushed and turned to stare at Alex then looked back at me. "I wish we had known how each other felt sooner. We have wasted a lot of time hiding." he said.

Alex and I both reached for Scott at the same time. I took one of his hands in mine and Alex laid his hand on the top part of Scott's thigh. Scott started, he grasped my hand firmly the relaxed and smiled.

"Are you guys sure about this?" he asked.

We both nodded, and said "Yes!" loudly.

I brought his hand to my face and kissed his palm before pressing it into my chest. Alex reached up and began to unbutton Scott's shirt, gently caressing his chest as it became exposed. Scott leaned back and brought his hand up under my Polo and teased the sparse hair on my stomach with his fingertips. When Alex finished unbuttoning his shirt Scott pulled his hand back long enough for Alex and I to draw his shirt down his shoulders and off. We removed our own shirts and they joined Scott's in pile on the floor beside the couch.

I let my hand graze the front on the of his tan chinos, noticing the nice sized bulge that rose up to meet my hand. I studied his now exposed chest, and admired the fine muscle definition, he had more muscle than either Alex or me. I could tell that the weights and bench in the other corner of the room were actually used and not just for show. Alex seemed equally interested in Scott's chest and leaned down to lick a trail between his pecs and up towards his chin. Moving his mouth up he kissed Scott full on the lips, and opened his mouth to him. I felt a slight twinge of jealousy as I watched my lover kiss another man, but watching two such beautiful guys kiss soon burned away the jealousy in my mind. I began kissing my way across Scott's chest, taking his left nipple into my mouth and biting on it softly. He moaned through the kiss and his chest rose up to press into my face. I pulled back to look at his chest again and Alex pulled away from his lips as well. His left nipple looked red and swollen, glistening with my spit in the dim light.

Alex noticed that his right nipple was untouched and he set about trying to make it match the left. I took the chance to find out how Scott's kissing compared to Alex's. Unlike Alex, it took Scott no time to get into the kiss, he immediately opened his mouth and began searching for my tongue. Reaching out with my tongue I gently swirled it around the tip of his, and sucked his tongue farther into my mouth. Looking down and seeing Alex's mouth glued to Scott's chest made my growing erection harder than ever. I felt like it was going to burst out of my jeans. I kept kissing Scott for a moment longer before reaching down to lift Alex's face to kiss him just as thoroughly. Scott slipped down the couch and knelt between us. He started unbuttoning Alex's jeans first, pulling the buttons open and spreading the fly wide open. He pulled the jeans down. Alex helped him by lifting his butt off the couch. Leaning back on his knees, Scott drew Alex's pants all the way off and tossed them aside. I pulled away from Alex's lips and knelt beside Scott before Alex's widely spread thighs.

As one, Scott and I leaned forward and began licking and biting Alex's inner thighs. He moaned softly and leaned farther back into the couch, spreading his legs further and running his hands through our hair. I kept licking his thigh, running my tongue under the edge of the leghole of his briefs while Scott moved up and nibbled on the shaft of Alex's cock where it was encased in the white fabric. When Scott reached the top of the shaft and was wetting the head of his cock through the material I started doing the same to Alex's balls. The pink of his skin began to show through where my spit had saturated the cloth. I hooked a finger in the leg band I pulled it aside so his balls spilled out. I was rewarded by a whiff of the scent I associate with Alex. A soft, warm scent of soap and clean sweat flooded my nostrils, sending a pulse from my brain directly to my groin. Scott pulled back the waistband of the underwear and engulfed the head of Alex's cock in his mouth as I took one of his testicles between my lips. The sensations must have been too much for him because he let out a muffled grunt and squirmed in his seat. Scott retracted the skin that covered the head of Alex's cock and washed the dripping precum from the tip with his tongue. I watched him put tiny kisses over the purple-pink head of the cock as I switched to the other nut and cleaned it with my tongue.

Scott pulled me away from Alex's groin and pulled the briefs all the way off my lover. He went back to sucking Alex's cock but he was gently pushed away. Alex pushed the coffee table farther away with his foot and joined us on the floor. He gestured for us both to stand. We complied and he undid our pants. They soon joined the rapidly growing pile of clothes off to one side. He sat back up on the couch and drew us to stand before him, pulling us by the front of our underwear. He massaged our cocks and balls through my briefs and Scott's boxers. Finally he leaned close to Scott's crotch and drew down his boxers. I had seen Scott nude in the showers before, but I was surprised by the size of his hard cock. Like me he was circumcised, and his dick was almost as large as mine. It was as long as mine, almost eight inches, but it was not as thick. Alex leaned forward and kissed the head of Scott's cock and took it into his mouth for just a moment. When he pulled away, Scott's cock bobbed in the hair slightly, shiny and curving slightly up towards his belly.

Alex turned towards me and slowly drew my briefs down over my hips and down my thighs until they dropped to the floor. I stepped out of them as Alex took the head and first few inches of my cock into his mouth. I felt my knees buckle as the warm of his mouth sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body. Looking down and seeing Alex's sweet face and full red lips moving up and down my cock turned me on almost as much as the lavish attention of his tongue. He slid as much of my cock into his mouth while running his hand up and down the shaft of Scott's cock. When the head of my cock nudged the soft heat of the back of his throat I grasped his head in my hand. Moving slowly but firmly feeding him a little more of my cock at a time. His face flushed with effort and he pushed forward, taking more of my cock. With a final thrust of my hips his lips were wrapped around the base of my cock and his nose was pushing into my pubes. Alex's throat spasmed as he struggled to get used to my cock filling his throats. The sensations produced by his swallowing sent made my cock twitch, sending precum out to coat his throat and make the path slipperier.

Scott dropped to his knees and took Alex's smaller cock into his mouth. With what looked like no effort, he buried his nose in Alex's groin. My lover pulled back, removing my cock from his mouth entirely, and gasped.

"Yeah Scott," he groaned, "suck my cock."

When Scott started moving up and down the shaft of his cock Alex went back to sucking on mine. His throat had become accustomed to my length and thickness and he immediately pulled me by the hips all the way into his mouth. Bobbing up and down, Alex alternated between sucking wetly on my cock and swirling his tongue around the head, teasing me and making me thrust harder and harder into his mouth. Alex's whole body was taking on a flush. Between his effort to service my cock and the pleasure Scott was giving him I must have been about to explode. He pulled off my cock once again.

"Hold up a second Scott, I don't want to cum yet." he begged.

Scott suggested, "Lets all get down on the floor."

Alex and I moved the coffee table to the far side of the room while Scott spread the blanket that had been draped over the back of the couch on the floor. I looked at Alex and angled my head towards Scott. He grinned and nodded.

"Why don't you lie down in the middle Scott," I suggested.

"Okay!" he exclaimed, moving to the floor and onto his back.

I stretched out beside him on my side and Alex walked over to the entertainment center. We watched him look through the stack of CDs beside the stereo and select one. He put it in the caddy and pressed play, after the hum of the CD drawer closing we heard the soft opening bars of Counting Crows "August and Everything After" album. Scott and I looked at each other and smiled as Alex rejoined us on the floor on Scott's other side.

"It's your turn to lay back and let us do some work Scott." I said.

He reclined on the floor with his arms behind his head and closed his eyes. Laying on our sides, Alex and I each kissed him, gently caressing his cheeks with our lips. Trying to move in stereo we nibbled briefly on his ear lobes and moved down his neck. The slight salty taste of his flesh combined with he hot scent of sex in the air had an intoxicating effect on me. I felt my head grow light and without thinking clearly I began licking and sucking on a single spot on Scott's neck, not caring if it left a mark or not. Seeing me working so fervently on Scott's neck, gave Alex the same idea, he picked a spot on the other side that would mirror my own branding. Scott squirmed and panted under the ministrations of our mouths. When we finally pulled out mouths away I saw we had left matching marks on his neck and knew that Scott would remember this for a long time, at least when he saw his reflection.

Leaving his neck, Alex and I covered his chest with small bites and kisses, moving together to his armpits we nibbled on his hair and ran our hands down the sensitive soft skin on the side of his chest. Scott moaned and a light sheen of sweat covered his body. His frustration from our ignoring his cock was clear, he was thrusting his hips into the air, turning from side to side trying to brush his cock against one of us. Relenting, we each took a hand and wrapped it around his cock. There was just room for my hand to wrap around the base of his cock and Alex's to wrap around the top of his shaft and around the head of his cock.

Scott's bucking stopped as we gently stroked his cock. Alex moved farther down his torso and drove his tongue into his navel, I could see that Scott was torn between the intense sensations this was producing and the need to laugh from the strangeness of the situation. I leaned over and took the head of his cock into my mouth, going as far down as Alex's fingers would allow. Removing his tongue from Scott's navel, Alex moved his mouth down to Scott's balls. He bathed the nuts in saliva and lipped at the sack, teasing Scott, and driving him to new heights of passion. Scott reached down to run his fingers through my hair as I bobbed up and down on the head of his cock. His cock felt like an iron bar covered in warm satin in my mouth. Without a foreskin like Alex's, I was able to concentrate easily on the head, flicking it with my tongue and driving the tip of my tongue into the opening at the tip.

My lover lifted his mouth from Scott's nuts and cleared his throat. Scott and I both gave him our full attention.

Turning red and looking down at the floor, "I want...", Alex began to say.

When he didn't continue I touched his arm and asked, "What buddy? What do you want?"

"I want...I want Scott to fuck me," he blurted out, turning even more red and not meeting my eyes.

The idea of someone else fucking my lover, something I had not even done myself, made me wonder if this was something to be jealous about. Jealousy does not come naturally to me. I quickly decided that if that was what my lover and best friend wanted, then I would help him get his wish.

I lifted his chin so I could see his face and smiled reassuringly at him. "If that's what you want Alex, that's what you should get... if its okay with Scott, of course." We both turned to look at Scott.

Scott closed his eyes for a second and I thought he was going to cry again. He opened them, his blue eyes crystal clear and glistening with unshed tears, and nodded, biting his lower lip to hold back his emotions.

"Do you have anything slippery?" I asked Scott. I wanted this to be as pleasurable a first time for Alex as possible. It was the least I could do after he made my first penetration so wonderful.

"Yeah, I'm sure I can find something," Scott said, leaping to his feet. "I'll be right back."

Alex and I stared at his retreating back side as he turned the corner and headed up the stairs. I smiled at his eagerness as we heard his footsteps running over our heads on the floor above.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked Alex.

"Yeah, I'm positive," he replied, "if I can handle him maybe I can try letting you fuck me. That's what I really want."

I pulled him into my arms and kissed him gently. "That's what I want too," I whispered into his ear.

We laid back down and I continued to hold him, he rested his head on my chest and drew little circles on my stomach with his finger. I stroked his hair, smoothing it back off his forehead where it kept falling. The tenderness I felt for him filled my heart, creating a pleasant ache that made me vow to myself to protect him from all harm. Alex can take care of himself, but his openness and willingness to love people opens him up to more pain than he should have to deal with. I was glad he had picked Scott to be the first person to enter him. I suspected, and now know, that Scott understood Alex in a very deep way and that Scott had some of the same feelings of protectiveness for Alex mingling with his love for our friend as I do.

I don't know how long Scott had been standing there, watching me caress and hold my lover. I heard him shuffle his feet and when I looked up at him he was smiling peacefully, looking down on us.

"God, you guys are so beautiful," he said softly. "I don't know how to tell you this...I love you both so much. I hope that what we are doing isn't going to mess up our friendship."

Alex exchanged a glance with me and when I nodded he spoke for both of us. "We love you too Scott and we want to share this with you. If we didn't love you we would not be here doing this. And if I didn't love you, there is no way I would ask you to fuck me," Alex explained.

A look of relief washed over Scott's features. "That makes me feel so good. I know you belong to each other, but I want to share everything with you that I can."

Alex patted the blanket and Scott settled down with us, handing me the small tube of KY jelly he had found upstairs.

I motioned for Alex to turn onto his stomach before me. Lifting gently on his hips he positioned himself on his knees in front of me. He spread his knees apart, giving me access to his smooth ass.

"Move over here so I can suck on you Scott." Alex said hoarsely.

Scott slid over so his groin was below Alex's mouth. Before Alex could take his cock in his mouth Scott drew his face up and kissed him deeply. I could see their tongues battling between their lips. It was an aggressive kiss. Their mouths were warring for supremacy until I saw Alex relax and let Scott take control. The look on Scott's face as they kissed will never leave my memory. It looked as though Scott was drinking my lover's soul, savoring it and delighting in its complexity. It was not a matter of taking, but a willful giving on the part of Alex. My best friend does not know how to love incrementally.

When they broke off the kiss and Alex took Scott's cock into his mouth, I lowered my face to his ass. I massaged the cheeks of his ass with my palms, pulling them apart and pushing them together. Pulling them apart one last time, I began licking the top of the crevasse getting it wet with my tongue. I moved lower, trying to generate as much saliva as possible to get him wet. I mixed my licking with little bites, grazing my upper teeth against his skin sending little shivers up his spine. When I reached his hole I made my tongue soft and pliant and I ran it around and over his anus. His hole flexed and relaxed, accepting my tongue and my kiss. When I had his opening coated with spit I made my tongue hard and started driving it into him. He did not fight me as I probed into him. His spit slicked hole let my tongue in and I moved it around and around, trying to get him as loose as possible. When at last I met no resistance and could move my tongue freely around in his hole, I leaned back, sitting up on my knees.

I reached for the tube of lubrication and applied it liberally to my index finger. Placing the tip of my finger at the entrance to his ass I let it rest in place, giving him time to become accustomed to the feeling. Alex relaxed and pushed back a little at my finger. I applied a small amount of pressure and my finger sank easily into his butt up to the second knuckle. I looked up to see Alex bobbing up and down on the long slender shaft of Scott's cock as I let him get used to my probing. As I watched Alex switched to Scott's balls, nuzzling and licking them, swirling his tongue under and around them. Scott's cock was standing up hard and red. I wondered if he would be able to hold off his orgasm long enough to fuck Alex.

Feeling the pressure of time, I pushed the finger the rest of the way in. When there was no negative reaction from Alex I pulled it mostly out and pushed it back. I increased the speed of my finger thrusts and moved it from side to side as well as in and out. Without stopping I added a little of the jelly to the opening of his ass and my finger slid even easier. I added my middle finger and tried to get both fingers inside him. There was a little resistance to this thicker probe, but it only lasted a few moment and he was soon pushing back against my hand. Looking forward, I saw that Alex had abandoned Scott's cock in favor of his lips. When I could move both fingers in Alex's ass I added a third. At that point there was almost no resistance. My lover had relaxed completely. I moved my fingers in and out a few times and pulled them out. I gave Alex a playful slap on his butt.

"Are you guys ready for this?" I asked. They looked at each other exchanging some kind of silent communication. I swear that Alex is psychic sometimes, especially when he is kissing or having sex.

When they finished staring into each other's eyes, Alex spoke for them both, saying "We're ready."

I was worried about how do to this to maximize the pleasure for Alex so I asked, "What position do you want to use?"

"I was thinking I could sit on it, that way I can control it and do it at my own speed," he answered without stopping to think.

"Okay, sounds like it will work." I answered.

Scott just nodded, willing to do whatever Alex wanted.

Alex showed Scott where he wanted him to lie and Scott took his place there on his back. I handed Alex the tube of lubricant so he could apply it to Scott himself. He used the tip of the tube to put a trail of the jelly along the shaft of Scott's cock where it lay against his groin. He used both hands to smear it around the shaft and up to the tip. While he was spreading the stuff around I grabbed my briefs from where we had discarded them earlier. I wiped my hands on the cloth, cleaning the jelly from my fingers. When Alex had finished spreading it around Scott's hard dick, I handed him the pair so he could clean his hands.

With clean hands, Alex climbed on top of Scott, straddling his hips on the balls of his feet. He leaned over to kiss first Scott, briefly, and then me, lingering on my lips and showing me orally how much he loves me. To make this easier for him I used my hand to guide the head of Scott's cock to Alex's asshole. When the tip was seated firmly against him I released my hold.

Quicker than Scott or I expected, Alex pushed down a little. He let the head of the dick enter his ass. Pausing, I saw a look of fierce concentration take over his features. With his eyes closed and his tongue protruding slightly from his barely parted lips he slid down some more, taking another inch or so of the slender shaft into his butt. As close as I was, touching, maintaining contact, with each of them I felt the tiny tremors pass through Scott as he fought to hold on as Alex's tight ass slid inexorably down his shaft. Alex's cheeks flushed as he pushed down harder, taking the top half of Scott's cock into his ass. I moved my fingertip down to where the shaft was entering my lover. I traced the ring made by his flesh as the hard cock was penetrating him.

While I touched the spot, Alex lifted up and sat back down, sliding the same three or four inches in and out of his ass. As he grew more comfortable with it, he slid lower a little at a time. After a few minutes of these small strokes he sat all the way down. Scott visibly trembled as his cock was finally buried completely inside Alex. Sitting astride Scott's hips, Alex started stroking his half hard cock. It quickly regained its size and hardness as he moved the foreskin back and forth over the damp pink head. While he was working on his cock I laid back down on my side, this time with my head near Alex's groin and my own crotch very near to Scott's head.

While I was staring at the delicious looking shiny cap of Alex's cock disappearing and reappearing from under a fold of skin, I felt something warm on my cock. My dick was still almost as hard as it had been when I had been working on Alex's ass to prepare it for Scott's cock. I looked to to see that Scott had turned his head sideways so he could pull the head of my cock into his mouth. I moved my hips closer to his head, giving him easier access to my shaft and balls. Scott stopped licking and began to really suck on my cock and Alex began moving up and down the shaft of Scott's cock at the same time. I leaned forward and removed Alex's hand from his cock. I replaced his hand with my mouth and I started sucking on the mushroom cap in time to his fucking.

With all our cocks buried in a mouth or an ass the room grew quiet. The only sounds were Alex's heavy breathing and occasional groans or grunts that escaped my lips or Scott's from around the cocks we were sucking. The tangy salty taste of Alex's cock made my dick harder and I began thrusting it into Scott's mouth, being careful not to choke him on my thick shaft. Sucking on all of Alex's cock, I raised my head up until just the tip was between my lips, and dropped down until my nose was buried in his pubes and his balls were pressing into my chin. When I brought my mouth up to the tip of his cock I licked off the accumulating precum that seemed to be pouring out of his cock as his ass was stimulated by the probing of Scott's hard shaft.

I reached behind Alex and again felt his hole. I was fascinated by its tight slipperiness as he rode the shaft up and down. Scott's mouth and tongue were driving me wild, I thrust harder into his mouth, vaguely surprised when he opened his throat and I slid in all the way. I felt my nuts pull up against my body as the head of my cock scraped across the smooth skin at the back of Scott's throat. With my hand I quickly checked his balls between his legs, and feeling them drawn up tight against him I knew that he was equally close to shooting into Alex's butt. I increased my sucking of Alex's cock. He grasped my head in his hands and began moving me up and down on the shaft of his cock in time to his fucking. His panting increased and I knew he was going to shoot his load. I focused my attention on the head of his dick when he lifted me up far enough to have it in reach. His cock kept stabbing into my throat and I swallowed to help it follow its path through the back of my mouth.

Within moments I was slowing my strokes into Scott's mouth to keep myself from coming. I brought one hand up to stroke the tight skin of Alex's nuts as they were pulled tight into his body. Two strokes of that sensitive skin was enough to set Alex shooting into my mouth. I pulled up as he tensed up so the first shot bounced off the roof of my mouth and onto my tongue. I savored the sweet salty blast and swallowed it down as rope after rope of cum filled my mouth, I barely stayed ahead of it swallowing it down. Alex's orgasm set off a chain reaction. His ass tensed up around Scott's cock, gripping it tight. The extra squeeze put him over the edge and he shot into Alex's ass. His bucking hips raised off the blanket and pushed Alex's cock farther into my mouth. The flavor and texture of my lover's dick in my mouth was the last sensation I could take. I unloaded myself in Scott's mouth. After such an extended period of sucking and fooling around with a couple of hot guys like these I had built up quite a load. I pulled off Alex's cock to watch Scott take my cum in his mouth. He couldn't swallow fast enough and my cum started dribbling out of the corner of his mouth. When at last my spasms stopped and my cock was at rest he pulled off my groin.

Silently he pulled Alex forward and kissed him, they kissed gently and silently for a while. When Alex pulled away he turned to me and kissed me. I was not prepared for what he did next.

When I opened my mouth to him and he opened his, he deposited a still warm portion of my cum into my mouth. I realized that Scott must have saved some of my load and passed it onto Alex who was sharing it with me. Something passed through me then. This sharing and growing closer with the two of them had taken on new meaning. We were as close as three people could possibly be. It was not the sex, it was the fact that we were together, doing the same thing, and thinking the same thoughts. We were loving each other and watching out of each other. There was nothing that could harm us because we were safe in each other's arms.

All that flashed through my mind in an instant. I knew then that we would be friends forever and there was nothing that could pull us apart. One, two, or even all three of us could get married, we could move away, but we would still be together. There are people in your life who you can just sense are there to stay. Alex and Scott were two such people in my life. Maybe there will be more, but if not, I will be better off than most people I know because I have the two of them.

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