Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jan 11, 2006


This story contains sexual situations if you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author.

I should have gone home...What the fuck was I thinking staying here all alone for Thanksgiving...You know you love to eat, but your stupid ass thought you'd be ok with eating Banana Nut Crunch for four days... Thanksgiving is overrated anyway... You don't like turkey or any of that other shit they serve...But that's not what Thanksgiving is about... It's about spending time with loved ones...loved ones...fuck them...all of them...except Angela...she's a good older sister...ah I love can see her at Christmas would make no sense for you to fly all the way to Maine from California for four days when you'll have to be there for a month over Christmas...yeah so I'm a genius after all...well I always have been really...who gives a shit what those teachers said...but yeah it makes no sense that Craig came all the way here when he could have waited to see Kevin at Thanksgiving...Kevin... you really should have told Toby about the argument before he left ... no cause then he would have said I told you so...and who the hell wants to hear that...but you need to talk to someone about it or you'll just get more and more depressed about should sit on my he shouldn't...I'm mad at that asshole...but I want to talk to him...where is Toby...damn it...jingling...keys...across the hall...jingle bells...jingle bells...oh!...Toby's back...put on some pants first smart guy...knock...keep knocking...cone on Toooby hurry...wait...that's not Toby...Eric! ...fuck!

"Oh it's you," Cooper blurted out.

"That's nice." Eric said sarcastically

"Where's Toby?"

"He's not here. He won't be back for a few days. Didn't he mention that he had his first tennis match later in the week with the team?"

Cooper shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, probably."

"Yeah, well they went down there early to practice, so he won't be back for a few days."

Cooper let out a small whimper, "Ok."

"Is there something wrong?" Eric said curiously.


"Do you want to come in and talk about it?"

"I don't know if you could handle it."

"Knowing you the little but I do, I'm sure it's probably something I'd prefer not to here, but you look pretty bad so why don't you come in." Eric was saying that against his will. He felt like he would regret this kind gesture to Cooper later, but Eric always tired to be there for people in need, plus he thought that Cooper's whimpering was cute. Cooper walked into the room and sat down on Toby's bed, "Thanks I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, so what's the problem?"

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

`Just spit it out already!" Eric said already growing impatient. He sat himself at his desk and moved his computer out of the way so he could see Cooper. He wanted plenty of space between him and Cooper just in case Cooper tried anything.

"Ok, well, me and Kevin...Kevin and I...have been having..."

"Just say it!"

"I've been giving Kevin, the RA, blowjobs."

"Uh huh."

"And it's been ok, awesome really, he has like the most beautiful dick I've ever seen."

"Stay on track." Eric said simply.

"Right, well his friend came down..."


"Yeah, and well I kind of gave him head in front of Craig."


"I know and...this isn't bothering you at all."

"Nope." Eric was trying to adjust himself without Cooper noticing. He was incredibly hard.

"Dude, just fix it, we're both guys, I have to adjust little Coop all the time."

Eric gave a small laugh, "I'm fine."

"I'll close my eyes if you want me to."

"No really I'm good."

Cooper put his hands over his eyes, "Hurry up so I can finish."

Eric quickly adjusted himself and then cleared his throat, "I'm done, thanks.'

"No problem. So anyway to make a long story short, he kind of tricked me into doing it..."

`How does someone trick someone into giving them a blowjob?" Eric said laughing.

"How does someone trick someone into giving them a blowjob?" Cooper said in a very high pitched mocking voice.

"Ok, get out." Eric said seriously.

"No, wait, I'm sorry. Please, I really need to talk to someone."

"Ok, go," Eric said closing his eyes tightly.

"By tricking I meant he came to my room and was like hey. And I said ok, and then I went to his room and Craig was there. I wasn't really sure what to do and he just kind of...was really aggressive, and I don't know I feel really used."

"Is Kevin gay?" Eric asked.

"I honestly don't think so...Really I don't!"

"I didn't say anything!"

"The look on your face said it all." There was a long pause between the two of them.

Eric spoke softly, "I'm not sure that I'm the best person to give advice on stuff like this." He looked up at cooper and for a very brief moment their eyes met, and he had the distinct feeling that Cooper had read between the lines.

"No worries," Cooper shrugged, "I really appreciate that you let me unload on you."

"It's what I do." Eric walked from behind his desk, "You know it makes sense now."

"What does?"

"The day I got locked out of my room. You were in Kevin's room and you gave me the dirtiest look when you walked past me. I assume you were helping Kevin then."

Cooper laughed. "Yeah, it was our first time."

"Ok, that's enough nostalgia for me."

"I thought you were nice, you're a bit of a smart ass."

"Yeah, I know," Eric said. Cooper turned and walked back to his room. He still didn't have answers for his predicament, but he did feel a lot better.

Later than night, Toby came off the practice courts feeling very good about himself. He was a little nervous about the match coming up ina few days, but he couldn't let the rest of the team know. He was the unofficial captain, the go to guy, if he wasn't confident, then the rest of the team wouldn't be either. The coach's whistle told him it was time for a team huddle.

"Great practice guys. We're lookin good for the match. get your bags, we're meeting at the bus in five minutes to head to the hotel. In the morning row call is at 9 am. Don't be late. Again good practice."

The boys dispersed and began to put their racquets, water bottles, sweaty shirts and all their other equipment into their bags. Toby bent over to zip his bag when he heard a crude whistle from behind. Toby smiled and wiggles his ass back and forth. Tim laughed.

"I guess I should stop, since we're sharing a room together...or maybe I shouldn't," Toby said raising his eyebrows.

Tim laughed, "You dirty boy, how did practice go?'

"Pretty well, how did doubles go with Kyle?"

"Eh, I don't think we'll do very well."

"Way to be confident." Toby said half jokingly half seriously.

"Just being honest. Plus I need to work on my serve, it sucks ass."

"I think it's wonderful just the way it is." Toby grabbed Tim around the waist and kissed him on the cheek. Tim playfully pushed him away, "You're my boyfriend, you have to say that."

"Didn't you know? I only pick guys with great serves to be my boyfriend. Shit, we're the last ones left, let's go." The two of them walked to the bus, and when they climbed aboard, they were subjected to whistles and howls from their teammates. Tim blushed and turned a very bright shade of red, but Toby just smiled.

"If you all don't shut the fuck up, I'll kiss him in front of all of you." The whistles turned to sounds of disgust and then to laughter. "That's what I thought."

He settled towards the back of the bus with Tim and the boys talked amongst themselves. After a few minutes both boys decided to use the time to catch up on some reading for school. When the coach announced that they were only five minutes away from the hotel, Tim nudged Toby who had fallen asleep.

"Hey, I need to ask you something."

"What's that?" Toby said sleepily.

"Can I sleep with Kyle tonight?"

Toby sat upright, "You, my boyfriend, are asking me if it's ok for you to sleep with another guy?"

"Well, I figured it'd be safer."

"Safer than what?"

"Than us sleeping together," Tim saw the reaction on Toby's face, "I didn't mean it..."

"You don't trust me?" Toby said accusingly.

"I do, I don't trust myself. If I sleep with Kyle, we don't have to worry about that, I really would like to wait to, you know, for a time when we're not in a hotel and there aren't others in the room. Besides you have nothing to worry about with Kyle. Look at him."

Both boys looked towards the front of the bus where Kyle was laughing hysterically while he was picking what looked to be pieces of gum from his face.

"Yeah, can't say I'm worried." Toby chuckled.

After the boys had settled in and had taken their showers, it was almost time for them to go to bed. Kyle and Robert, another member if the team, were wrestling on the floor, Tim was in the corner reading, and Toby was trying to read but he couldn't keep his eyes off the two boys wrestling in the middle of the floor.

God, there like really going at it...should you be looking at them with your boyfriend in the room...Richard isn't here...Oh Tim...yes Tim...well I don't want to fuck's just hot watching them touch and grope each other...I'm a pervert...who wouldn't get hot off of this though...straight guys...but straight guys are weird...they like girls...they are weird...they get touchy over the smallest things...I won't wear pink...I'm not going to see that chick flick...but they have no problem oiling up, in spandex...and grabbing each other between the legs...damn they stopped...oh they're going to bed...this should be fun.

"Actually, Robert you're sleeping with me."

"Haha fat chance, I know you want this, "Robert laughed grabbing his crotch, "but I only give it to the ladies."

"Your mom doesn't count." Kyle said.

"Fuck you." Robert retorted.

"Tim's your boyfriend why don't you sleep with him or is there already trouble in paradise?" Kyle asked curiously?

"Unless you want to hear me and Tim in paradise tonight, it'd be a good idea for you to sleep with him and Robert to sleep with me."

"That fucking disgusting dude," Robert said climbing into bed with Toby. Tim turned out the lights on his way to bed and there as silence in the room for a few minutes until a loud fart rang through the room.

"Robert you fucking pig!" Toby yelled. Tim and Kyle burst into laughter, "If you do that shit again I'll kick your ass."

The laughing subsided and there was once again silence in the room. "Oh Tim! Suck my dick! Oh yes right there!" Kyle moaned. All four boys were now laughing hysterically.

"Alright guys, you really need to shut the fuck up or coach is going to kick our asses when we're all tired in the morning." Toby was trying to keep from laughing.

"All right guys, good night." Tim yawned. They all said good night and within a few minutes they were all asleep.

Eric really liked Toby and he couldn't wait for his return, however, he decided that he might as well take advantage of having the room to himself. He loved knowing that he didn't have to get dressed immediately after taking a shower, that he could jerk off whenever the mood struck him, and that he could once again enjoy the pleasures of sleeping nude, what all this lead to

was that with Toby gone he didn't have to worry about being interrupted. Toby's absence had given him the opportunity to check out this site called He typed the address into his browser. A guy, somewhere between the ages of eighteen and twenty appeared on the screen. He was wearing white briefs about two sizes too small and was pouring water over himself with a look of ecstasy on his face ; very little was left to the imagination. When Eric was finally able to take his attention off of the young man, he saw a link that would take him directly to the chat rooms. He clicked the link and a little box popped up informing him that he had to fill out a profile before being allowed into the chat rooms. He clicked ok and another page came up with question for him to answer.

What is your I should put bi...I could be with a girl, we just couldn't have sex...that's not a relationship...just put gay you can always change it many inches...none of your damn business...oh that's it...prefer not to or bottom...never really thought about it...umm...prefer not to do they want my social security number too or my first born child...I guess it's ok to put it's not like anyone will know it's me...where are you a student...prefer not to answer...what are you into...I don't know...S&M...that would be a no...random play...also a no...bareback sex...I don't know what that is...they should have some definitions on the side or something...I should ask Cooper...haha...he's love that...I can't believe you kind of told him you were gay...yeah but he's dense...he probably didn't get you saw the look on his face he understood...whatever...just lie if it comes to's your word against I want to upload a picture...hell no...I'm not there yet...yet... where did that come from...there will be no then...or now...or whatever of putting my picture on a gay site...ah yes I'm finally what? to way...they're probably old...or a pervert...or both...young people can be perverts too...Cooper...haha...that's mean...he was normal when you helped him that day...he didn't try and jump your bones...maybe he's not so maybe he just wasn't someone...a guy...who's not bad looking...thinks you're hot...that's cool...and scary.

Eric spent the next twenty minutes on the site and he neither found the courage to start chatting with someone privately or in the group chat, nor did anyone privately message him. There was a knock at the door. Eric quickly minimized all the windows and walked around his desk to the door. Halfway to the door, her went back to his computer to make sure he had in fact minimized all the windows then he rushed back to the door.

"Hey, I'm bored, you want to grab dinner?" Cooper asked.

Eric looked back at his computer. He looked for so long that Cooper poked his head into the room to see why Eric was staring so intently in one direction.

"Something wrong?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine, yeah we can go to dinner." The two boys walked to the cafeteria together. Eric was surprised that he was actually having a good time and Copper seemed to be enjoying himself too. An hour later when Eric returned to his room, he was disappointed to find that no on had messaged him on while he was away.

"Yes!" Toby shouted loudly while pumping his fist. His first tennis match of the season was proving to be much tougher than he had expected. The team had already clinched the victory, but Toby was fighting for his own pride. He didn't want to start off his college career with a loss. He was on his third match point now. He glanced over and saw most of his teammates cheering him on ; Tim was also there with his right thumb sticking up. The first serve came at him but just missed the sideline.

Come on Toby right here you can do it...the ball is coming slow at you this time just hit it down the line...out...fuckin asshole do you miss that make it all the time in practice...focus focus focus...yeah jump up and down...let some of that adrenaline got got his...come on just focus...yes he missed the first serve's coming at you slow...just be aggressive but don't be an idiot and over hit...just get the ball in play...yeah that's it...yes...see he's nervous too...he dumped that easy shot into the net...come on Toby...fourth match point...right here man...don't waste this one like you did the other don't want to be out here forever...first rally...let him make the your game is to be aggressive...that's your game...there it is...hit it crosscourt...crosscourt...YES!

Toby pumped his fist in the air. His shot had been a winner, he had won his first tennis match 7-5, 6-4. He walked to the net and shook his opponent hand.

"Good game." Toby said.

His opponent nodded. Toby ran over to his teammates and felt various pats on his butt and gave five to everyone he could reach.

"Nice on to pull out Toby." Someone yelled. He finally got through all his teammates to Tim. He grabbed his boyfriend and gave him a bug hug.

"Congratulations on your win, I knew you'd be just fine." Toby said to him.

God...I'm glad that's over...tough match...who the hell is that kid...he came to you can get back to the routine...see your friends I really miss them...You and Eric are really becoming friends...that's cool...he's a cool kid...if he'd just come out already...ah and good ole first friend in college...always good for a laugh...I miss that fucker miss Richard too...yeah I do...he'll call me in a few days with something lame and we'll be fine...I got to call Tim tonight...after I pack...ah home sweet home...

Toby was surprised to find both Cooper and Eric when he walked into his room.

"Hey guys. When did this happen?"

`While you were gone," Cooper said simply, "and you're an ass for not telling me you were leaving."

"I did tell you bitch." Toby said putting his stuff away.

`No you didn't."

"Yes, I did. I told you a couple of days before the break, we were at dinner."

"Oh yeah."

Eric rolled his eyes, "You really should leave him a note next time, because of your absence, I had to listen to..."

Cooper gave Eric a look that was begging him not to say anything about what he had confided in Eric about Kevin.

"his life story." Eric finished, not wanting to rat Cooper out.

"Don't complain," Cooper sighed, changing the subject, "the sex was awesome."

Eric looked at Toby with a serious expression, "We didn't have sex."

"I know." Toby smiled

"Deny me now," Cooper joked, "but you were screaming my name a couple of nights ago."

"Ok, ok," Eric said putting his hand up. He turned to Toby, "Did you win?"

"Of course. I am Toby Black."

"Conceded much?" Cooper said.

"I'm kidding. I was nervous for some reason. I never get nervous."

"It makes sense. It was your first match, it's a big deal." Eric said.

"Yeah and besides," Cooper started, "You didn't wan to look like a weenie in front of the boyfriend."

"Yeah, that for sure. I'm the man in that relationship. Toby puffed out his chest as he said that. All three boys laughed and continued laughing and talking together for hours. Eric and Toby didn't say anything to each other after Cooper left, but all three boys were thinking the same thing: This could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Finals were fast approaching though, and all the boys became busy, but they made sure to make time to eat with each other a few times out of the week. Cooper still hadn't made up with Kevin. Kevin wouldn't even make eye contact with him the few times they had crossed paths in the hallway. Cooper was sure that Kevin would try and reconcile before the Christmas break. Cooper sat on his bed, looking at his packed suitcase. He knew he had to go, the taxi driver had called almost five minutes ago to say he had arrived. If he didn't leave in the next couple of minutes, he wouldn't have time to check in has bags and go through security at the airport before his flight. He got up and walked to Eric and Toby's room. The door was open.

"Hey guys. Well I'm off."

"Alright man," Toby said walking towards Cooper, "I'll see you in a month."

The two boys hugged. Eric walked towards Cooper and put his hand out for Cooper to shake.

"Merry Christmas." He said with a smile. Cooper grabbed the smaller boy and pulled him into a hug.

"Hug me bitch!"

Eric couldn't help but smile at how crude, but also funny and enjoyable Cooper could be. He would miss him.

"When are you leaving again?" Cooper asked Toby.

"Early tomorrow morning. I got permission from Kevin to stay until like nine. Are you two still cool?"

"Yeah, I already said bye to him," Cooper lied. Toby raised his eyebrow.

"Not like that asshole. Alright guys I'm off like a dress on prom night. Don't be strangers over the break, call a brotha."

"Right, a brotha." Toby laughed.

What great guys...ah time to go...damn this suitcase is heavy...what the fuck is in here...goodbye room...see ya in a I guess Kevin isn't going to make up...I'll look in his room when I pass...damn it's closed...well fuck him too...piece of shit...I can find someone least you got to suck his dick.

Cooper laughed to himself at the last thought as he hurried walked to his cab.

Thanks for reading the 8th chapter of Three Roads. Any feedback whether positive or any constructive criticisms are welcome. Feel free to e mail me, I'd love to hear what you think of the story overall and each individual chapter. Thanks again for your time.

Next: Chapter 9

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