Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Dec 17, 2005


This story contains sexual situations if you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author.

Three Roads- Part 7- It's Been So Long Since I've Seen Your Face 2

Had someone been looking at Eric at this moment they would have thought that he was staring blankly up at the ceiling, however, inside he was having a conversation, a war of words if you will, with himself. He was replaying the long talk he and Toby had had the night before. They talked on things far beyond homosexuality. They talked about their families, friends, their elementary school days, and a multitude of other things. Eric was glad he had talked to Toby. Not only did it make him feel a little bit better about his situation, but one of the things he had most wanted out of college was a genuine friend. For him, that talk had allowed some important groundwork to be laid for things to head in that direction with Toby. He had a fleeting thought just then on how he wouldn't mind one bit if he and Toby ever became more than that. Across the room, Toby was also awake. He wasn't concentrated on the conversation from the night before though, his thoughts were floating back and forth between Tim and Richard. Suddenly he remembered how Tim had invited him to his Halloween Party, Toby quickly sat upright in his bed.

"Holy shit!" Eric, startled, sat up in his bed.

"Jesus Christ you scared me, what?!"

"I totally forgot to call Tim."

"Who's Tim?"

"This guy I..." Toby didn't know what he should put after that. Was Tim the guy he liked, just some guy from the tennis club, what exactly did he want Tim to be, "he's this guy I know. I need to call him."

"I'll give you some privacy," Eric said yawning, "I'm gonna go get in the shower."

Toby waited until Eric had left the room before he dialed the number Tim had given him. It rang a couple time before Tim, sounding very sleep, said hello.

"Hi Tim, It's Toby, I'm sorry were you still asleep?" Tim sounded very awake all of a sudden, "Yeah, it's cool though what's up?"

"I'm sorry for not coming to your party, I wanted to come, but my roommate was having some issues and so I kinda had to stay."

"Eric right?"

Toby was surprised, "Yeah, I told you who my roommate was?"

"Yeah, you casually mentioned it one day."

"Wow, I don't even remember that. It's nice to know someone listens to me when I talk." Toby laughed.

"Well you're really interesting, so it's not hard to listen."

At that moment Toby remembered Cooper's words about how he should be glad that Tim was out now and that any complications were now removed. Toby decided to go for it.

"Do you want to go out some time?" Toby blurted out.

"Huh, you went out for a second."

"I asked if you wanted to go out some time?"

"Yeah that'd be awesome."

"Ok cool, um are you free tomorrow night?"

Tim was taken aback by the sea change, but he was thrilled to be going out with Toby, "If I'm not I can make time."

Toby laughed, "Ok cool. I'll pick you up at your place... say around 6?"

"Sounds good."

Toby wrote down the directions to Tim's parent's house and hung up the phone relieved and exhilarated and the same time. It had been almost two years since he'd been on a date.

At the same time that Toby was talking on the phone, Eric had been on his way to the shower. He walked into the bathroom and was about to pull back the curtain to get into the shower room when it was pulled back for him ; Cooper emerged from the other side wearing nothing but a skimpy white towel that was way too small. In fact, he was holding onto it, because it was too small to wrap around his waist. Eric noticed that Cooper's nipples were erect and he half smiled to himself. Cooper looked up and realized Eric was the boy standing in front of him.

"Hey Eric." Cooper continued his walk towards the bathroom door.

When coming in, Eric had noticed there was no one else in the bathroom but Cooper and himself so he felt comfortable in making his comment.

"What, no derogatory comment, no inappropriate gazes, not even a little whistle?

Cooper turned his back and looked at Eric strangely.

"I'm just saying," Eric continued, "I'm so used to it from you, I don't know what to do now that you haven't done anything."

"Is this sufficient enough?" With that Cooper let his towel drop to the floor. Very quickly Eric took everything he could in, the nice happy trail of hair that lead to the even better healthy bush of pubic hair, that lead to the nice, and unfortunately for Eric, flaccid penis of Cooper. Eric looked back up at Cooper and shrugged, "It's nice, I guess."

"I'm sure you think so." Cooper picked up his towel and once again held onto it as he exited the bathroom. No sooner than when he was in his room a knock came at the door. It was Kevin.

"Can I come in?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, sure," Cooper said. He didn't know why, but he always found himself slightly nervous around Kevin. He held onto his towel, that was still way too small, a little tighter as Kevin walked into the room. Cooper started before Kevin could even speak, " I can't believe you are knocking on my door this early in the morning and the building is not on fire.

"Dude, it's almost ten o clock." Kevin said looking down at his watch.

"I'm never up this early on a weekend."

"You're up this early now, and it's a weekend, you dork!"

"Good point, what's up."

Kevin shook his head, "I just wanted to make sure you were going to be around next weekend."

"How come?"

"My best friend from back home is coming up here and I want you to meet him."

"Thanksgiving is in less than a month, why can't he just wait to see you then?"

"He's never been up here before he wants to see where I spend most of my time, and plus who could bare to be away from this for too long."

"Another good point."

"I know you can't bare to be away from this for too long," Kevin said while grabbing his crotch.

"Another good point."

"Well since I'm such a nice guy, I'll let you two get acquainted again." Kevin smiled.

Cooper smiled back and for the second time in just a few minutes he dropped his towel. Twenty minutes later and after Kevin had left, he jerked off with the taste of Kevin's cum still in his mouth. The rest of the day went fairly uneventful for the three guys. Eric got some studying done, Cooper spent most of the day eating and taking naps, while Toby talked to Richard about his upcoming date online. A few hours later, Toby had just shut off his car and was sitting in the school parking lot. He had just returned from his date with Tim. He was processing everything that had happened when the all too familiar theme song of Inspector Gadget told him his cell phone was ringing. He looked at the caller ID and wished it was anyone in the world, but the person calling ; it was Richard.

"Damn, what are you stalking me?" Toby said trying to appease his apprehension by joking.

"I told you I'd call you later to see how your date went," Richard said, "So give me one word that describes how it went."

"Amazing." Toby exhaled.

"Really?" Richard was surprised.

"Yeah, it was absolutely amazing."

"What did you guys do?"

"We went to go see that new Jude Law movie and the movie theatre is in a mall, so after he bought me a cherry icee and we just walked around the mall."

"Wait, you had a fantastic..."

"Amazing," Toby interrupted.

" amazing date where you just walked around the mall?"

"Yeah," Toby again exhaled, "can you believe it?"

"No, I fucking can't."

Toby sat up straight in his car, "Are you angry?"

"No, I just can't believe that all of a sudden you like walking around the mall. You hated that when we were together. You don't even like going to the mall unless you're going to buy something. What changed?"

"I don't know," Toby said being honest, "I just had so much fun and all we did was walk around and talk about people. I guess I had forgotten what's it like to experience something new and the butterflies that come with it. I'm such a loser though, we shared a popcorn and at one point we both reached in the bag at the same time, and when are hands touched, my stomach seriously jumped. That's so dumb and Hollywood movie huh?"

"Words can`t describe." Richard said plainly

"Be happy for me." Toby said almost begging.

"Of course I am babe. I'm glad you had fun on your date, but hey I got to go, goin' out with some friends, maybe I'll call you tomorrow. Love you."

Toby said I love you back, but for the first time in a very long time, he felt weird saying it to Richard.

The next night, Toby and Cooper were having a late dinner in the cafeteria. The boys had barely conversed over the past few days, cause they had both been busy with other things.

"So how'd your date go last night?" Cooper asked.


Cooper raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"What does no one find me dateable, Richard said the same thing." Toby said annoyed.

"God, do you tell Richard every time you go to the bathroom, you two are the most unbroken up broken up couple I've ever heard of."

"Are you done?" Toby said staring at Cooper.


" was outstanding. He's such a nice guy. I didn't tell Richard but we kissed right before I dropped him off. It was so awesome."

"You don't strike me as a person who'd gush over their new boyfriend, but if you smile any wider your mouth will explode." Cooper said smiling.

"That's the thing, I don't know if we're official yet. Should I ask? I've forgotten how these things work."

"How did it happen with Richard?"

"Richard pretty much decided for me that we were a couple and I'd just like to mention that you brought up Richard, I did not."

"Haha, very funny," Cooper retorted, "You're such an ass and I'm blowing Kevin."



"You've been holding out on me you asshole, since when?"

"Like a month."

"Wow. So Kevin's gay?"

Cooper shook his head, "No, he's straight."


"I really think he is. I think he's just open minded."

"An open minded straight guy is a closet gay guy," Toby said as if he were lecturing a small child. "What do you call a close minded gay guy?" Cooper asked glaring at Toby.

"Hey, I'm not close minded, I'm just stating facts here, I mean would you let a girl blow you?

"Eww, no."

"Well then." Toby said holding his arms out.

Maybe Kevin was gay. Cooper hadn't ever really considered it. Sure he knew that not every straight guy would allow a gay guy to blow them, but in his mind, Kevin didn't have to do anything, but sit there and feel good, so why wouldn't he? Maybe Kevin was gay.

The two boys finished their lunch and then parted ways. Toby opened the door to his room and saw that Eric was sitting behind his own desk.

"Hey." Toby said.

"Hey." Eric said.

"What you up to?" Toby said.

"Not much, just surfing the web. Did you hear about that couple in Germany who didn't know they had to have sex to have a baby?"

"No way!"

"Yeah, can you believe that?"

"That's so fuckin ridiculous," Toby said laughing, "And Germany's like a developed country, that's so random." There was a knock at the door.

Toby got off of his bed and his jaw dropped when saw Richard standing in front of him.

"Hi," Richard said with a weak smile.

"I`m gonna need a little more than that," Toby said confused, "What are you doing here?"

"I was bored so I thought I'd come up here to see you," Richard said walking into the room. He pulled Toby into a hug and Toby still smelled the same to him. He saw Eric at his computer and walked up to his desk, "Hey buddy, I'm Richard."

"Nice to meet you," Eric smiled shaking the big hand in front of him. Eric couldn't believe that Toby had given this up. Richard was beautiful. The spiky hair, the tanned skin, the dick sucking lips. Eric felt a stirring somewhere in his nether regions.

"You drove seven hours just to come by cause you were bored?"

"Yeah," Richard said turning back to Toby, "You look good."

"You're lying." Toby said getting angry.

"Excuse me?"

"You're lying, your hands are in your pocket. Whenever you tell a lie you put your hands in your pocket."

Richard smiled and took his hands out of his pockets, "We've barely seen each other these past few months and you still know me so well." Richard's expression suddenly changed, "I'm not happy for you."

Toby didn't even have to ask for clarification, he knew Richard was referring to him and Tim.

"You're an asshole." Toby said angrily.

"I'm the asshole?" Richard said, "How do you figure?"

"You come here, unannounced, and have the audacity to tell me you're not happy when you're the reason we broke up!"

"That was a decision we both agreed on." "You didn`t give me a choice!!" Toby yelled. The silence that followed made it uncomfortable for all three of the people currently occupying the room. Eric got up from his computer and walked towards the door.

"I'll let you guys talk."

When Eric closed the door, Toby looked up at Richard who was staring at the floor.

"I would have been content," Toby started quietly, "even with the distance between us to stay together. You made the decision that we should break up."

"You didn't say anything I thought you were fine with it." Richard said still not looking up.

"What was I supposed to say Richard? I know you want to break up, but please don`t leave me? How pathetic do you think that makes me sound? How do you think it feels for me that you thought there was something out there better than me?"

"I never ever said that, don't put words in my mouth." Richard said finally looking at Toby.

" I don't know what you call the whole college is a time to explore and learn about yourself. To me that sounds like I don't want to be tied down with a boyfriend miles away."

"Fine, I'm not perfect."

"There's the understatement of the year." Toby said sarcastically.

"Look, just because you have a new fling doesn't mean you get to be a jerk. I did drive seven hours to come see you. If that doesn't show I care I don't know what else does."

"Tim's not a fling and so what if he was you have no right to come here and try and make me unhappy."

"Right, cause that's what I'm trying to do. And just for the record I wasn't the one who called asking for permission to date someone else."

"I was calling you as a friend," Toby said defensively.

"Toby, we're never going to be just friends. There's too much history between us. We're either going to be madly in love with each other or we'll end up hating each other, there's no in between."

"What happened?" Toby said tears starting to fall from his eyes, "We were perfect. Why did you have to ruin it?"

Richard walked toward Toby and put his hand on his former boyfriend's shoulder. Toby pushed it off, but Richard grabbed Toby in a full embrace and tried to calm him. Toby allowed himself to be held. He laid his head on Richard's shoulder; He always loved it when Richard held him. It was always so warm and safe. He knew that no harm would come to him when he was in those strong loving arms. Toby lifted his head and his eyes met Richard's. There was a second, and Toby was consciously aware of it, that he could of pulled away from Richard, and that would have left no doubt that Tim wasn't a fling and that Toby was moving on with his life, but he didn't.

Their lips met and Toby's mind was flooded with all the memories he had made with Richard, all the laughs they had shared, the numerous times they had made love ; all the small little details that no one would ever know or understand but them. Toby would have let that kiss last forever, but Richard broke it first.

"I'm sorry," Richard said.

"You have to go," Toby said, "I need to think and I can't think with you here."

As Richard turned to walk out the door, Toby got the overwhelming feeling that he was seeing the love of his life walk out the door forever. He debated, but couldn't resist, telling Richard to call him after he got back to school so that he knew he made it safely. As they parted ways, neither boy knew if Richard had succeeded in doing what he had hoped. The hours ticked by and Toby still could not get his mind to focus on anything else but what he had done. A little more than 24 hours ago he had been on cloud nine, he had just finished a fantastic date, and now he had ruined it. He was still supposed to meet Tim tomorrow. What should he say? He didn't know if he should bring up Richard's visit at all, especially the part about them kissing. The next morning, Toby was sitting on a chair at one of the campus coffee shops. He had been relieved, when he woke up and found that it was raining, that meant no tennis and he was glad for he would not have been able to concentrate on playing today anyway, but that meant that he would be meeting with Tim earlier than expected. In fact Tim had called Toby as soon as his alarm clock had gone off and he had seen it was raining.

Tim was now walking quickly towards Toby with a big grin on his face. There was an awkward moment where the two boys didn't know if they should shake hands, hug, or kiss, and after a few conflicting movements, Tim finally landed a kiss on Toby's cheek. It was still fairly early in the morning, so they had the place pretty much to themselves.

"I really missed you this weekend," Tim said beaming, "I wanted to call you a bunch of times, but I didn't want to be a freak."

Even in his state of confusion, Toby had to smile, "You should have and you know I don't think you're a freak."

"Good." Tim took off the gloves he was wearing and stretched his hand across the table so that his hands were rubbing the tops of Toby's hands. He was smiling as he was doing it and Toby reflexively jerked his hands away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Tim said disappointed.

"No, you didn't it's just...ok I know we've just gotten started and I don't want to start off on the wrong foot, so there's something I have to tell you that's going to hurt your feelings, but I think you should know."

Tim's heart began pumping faster. Why did Toby already want to break up wit him? What had he done? He thought Toby had enjoyed the date just as much as he did, what had happened?


"Well, on Sunday Richard came to see me. And we kind of had an argument."

"About what?"

"Our past, I guess. He wanted to get back together."

"Oh, I see." Tim said.

"Yeah, and He..I...we kissed. Just once, but we did."

"If you're going to leave me, please do it now, so that we don't have to cause each other any unnecessary pain down the road."

Toby smiled, "Leave you? So we're like...a couple?"

"I thought we were, are we?"

"I don't know," Toby said laughing, "I've forgotten how these things work, Richard...." Toby abruptly stopped.

"Do you still love him?" Tim asked bluntly.

"I do. But we can't be together and I want to explore this with you, if you'll let me. I know I've fucked up already, but I really would like to see where this goes."

Tim again stretched his hands out to touch Toby's and Toby let him this time. The two smiled at each other before Tim leaned in again and the two of them kissed quickly, " I appreciate your honesty, I'm glad you told me. I just have one request."

"What's that?" Toby asked.

Toby listened to Tim's request and felt it was reasonable from Tim's perspective. He agreed to it, but asked for a few days so that he could make sure he did it right.

The next few days passed in a blur and soon Cooper found himself waiting in his room for Kevin to come back from the airport. He had been nervous all week about meeting this guy. All he knew was that his name was Craig and that he had shoulder length blond hair. A knock sounded on the door and Cooper quickly jumped up, looked at himself in the mirror, and opened the door. Kevin smiled, "Cooper Hwang meet Craig Michaels."

The two shook hands, "Come in," Cooper said inviting both boys in, "So how long you here for Craig?"

"Just for the weekend."

"Yeah, we're not going to have much time to see everything." said Kevin.

"What everything?" Cooper asked looking around dramatically, "everything closes by 9:30."

Craig laughed," it's already half past 8."

Kevin looked down at his watch, "Oh, we better go then if we want to grab some dinner. We're just going to hang around here tonight and then sight see tomorrow and then off he goes."

"Alright you two have fun." As the two boys walked of the room, Cooper had a hard time deciding which on had the better ass.

The next day Kevin and Craig were all over Sunnyvale. Craig was a big fan of nature and continuously commented on all the beautiful green trees around the campus and the city. They went to the local zoo, that they were able to cover entirely twice in four hours. They watched a whale show before they left and headed to the old part of the city that was referred to as "Old Sunnyvale." It was located downtown and had a couple of museums and tons of stores selling candies, shirts, hats, and everything else a tourist would want. When the boys returned to the dorms, they were exhausted. They both quickly jumped in the shower and were just lounging around conversing about the exciting day they had had.

"I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow," Craig said, "it feels like I just got here."

"I know Kevin," Kevin said, "but hey at least Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then Christmas and New Years so we can hang out then too."

"That's true, it's been fun to visit you up here. Saw lots of cool things and met some cool people." He paused for a second, swallowed, and then took a deep breath, "Cooper seems pretty cool."

"Yeah he is a cool guy, always makes me laugh."

Both of the boys stared blankly at the television on in the room before Kevin spoke up, "If I tell you something will you promise not to get all weird?"

"Yeah man," Craig said, his curiosity piquing, "you know you can tell me anything, I'm here for you."

"Alright, well you know how we were just talking about Cooper?" Craig nodded, "Well, I let him...give me blowjobs."


"Keep your voice down!" Kevin said with a loud whisper.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Since like a month or two after the semester started." Kevin was trying to read his best friend's reaction. Craig seemed more surprised than disgusted, more curious than revolted.

"You're such a bulls hitter." Craig said laughing.

"No, really jerk face, it's true."

"Whatever, you don't have to make up stories to impress me."

"Watch this." Kevin leaped up and quickly walked down the hall to Cooper's room. He knocked and turned back towards the direction of his door and saw Craig peaking his head outside of the room looking down the hall at Kevin. Cooper opened the door and saw Kevin standing in front of him in a tight tank top and some loose basketball shorts. "Oh sorry," Cooper said, "I didn't realize what time it was, I'll turn down my music."

"No no, I want you to come to my room and..." Kevin raised his eyebrows.

Cooper quickly nodded is head, grabbed his keys off his desk and closed his door. Kevin was already walking into his room down the hall. Damn he must be really horny Cooper thought to himself. He was also thinking how hot it would be to try and make Kevin blow his load as quickly as possible while Craig was wherever he was, probably showering. He got quite the surprise when he walked in and saw Craig in the room.

"Close the door." Kevin said quickly. Cooper closed the door and was still trying to figure out what was happening, "What's going on?"

"I'm horny, I was kind of hoping you could help me out." Kevin said moving around the growing bulge inside his shorts.

"With him here?" Cooper said motioning to Craig.

"Yeah, he's my best friend, he's seen it anyway."

Craig smirked at that last comment. Cooper was more than grateful that he was getting to blow Kevin and he had never minded that it was not reciprocated because Kevin was hot and he wanted to do it, but this time he felt like he was being used this time around. Cooper still hadn't moved since closing the door, he was still debating what he should do or say. Kevin grew impatient and leaped off the bed and reached up to the taller Cooper and pushed down on his shoulders.

"Come on, I'm horny."

Before Cooper could object, Kevin had pushed his shorts and underwear down to his knees and was rubbing his dick head on Cooper's lips.

Cooper reluctantly opened his lips and Kevin immediately began pumping his mouth. After a few more pumps, Kevin realized that Craig couldn't see what was going on. Without taking his dick out of Cooper's mouth he said, "Move so he can see." Cooper shuffled himself on his knees to turn enough so Craig could see. Kevin was holding Cooper's head stationery and was pumping his mouth roughly. Cooper was turned on, but he was also confused as to why Kevin wanted to do this in front of Craig and why he was being so rough, he had never been this rough before. Craig himself was very surprised at how aggressive Kevin was. Kevin had always been confident and assertive, but never aggressive. Kevin was turned on knowing that both Cooper and Craig were surprised by the display he was putting on. Kevin had his eyes closed cause he was feeling so good. He felt Cooper move down to his balls and he sighed.

"Oh yeah lick my balls." He sighed.

Kevin gasped when he felt warmth on both his balls and his dick. Wow I didn't know Cooper was that talented. He looked down and saw the back of his best friend's head bobbing up and down on his dick. He was very surprised, but it was feeling way too good for him to make any objections or to ask Craig what he was doing he could ask when it was over. Both Cooper and Craig were taking turns sucking Kevin's dick and licking his balls. Finally, it got to much for Kevin.

"I'm going to cum. Take it!" He let out a grunt much louder than he meant to and shot volumes of cum into Cooper's mouth. He felt six huge spurts leave his dick and flood Cooper's mouth. He pulled out of Cooper's mouth and fell on the bed. Craig reached over and grabbed Cooper's head and the two traded Kevin's fluids back and forth between their mouths. Both boys moaned into each other's mouths and exploded into their underwear as the sensations became too much for them. Once Cooper came down from his post orgasmic bliss, he realized that had just happened and quickly ran out of the room.

"You got everything?" Kevin asked Craig as he started his car to take Craig back to the airport.

"Yep, I'm sure, let's roll."

The two boys listened to the radio for a while, before Kevin broke the silence, "Hey, about last night...."

"Are you gay?" Craig blurted out.

"Are you?!" Kevin said more forcefully than he meant to.

"Bi. That was really the reason I wanted to come up here. I planned on telling you, but I guess I made that quite clear huh. So are you?"

"Nope." Kevin said simply.

Craig gave him a skeptical look, "I don't know too many straight guys that would let a gay guy suck their dick and get as into it as you did."

"Well, you know at least one." Kevin said it in a way that Craig knew the discussion was over. The two boys drove in silence the rest of the way to the airport. Craig unloaded his stuff from the car and closed the trunk,

"Well, I guess that's it."

Kevin grabbed his best friend into a tight hug, "Are we ok?"

"Yeah, always."

Kevin watched Craig go up the escalator before turning around back to his car and driving back to school. As he walked onto his wing back at school he wasn't at all surprised to see Cooper sitting outside his door.

"Can we talk?" Cooper asked.

"Yeah, come in."

Both boys walked in and Cooper closed the door behind him. "Have a seat." Kevin motioned to his bed.

"I'd rather stand," Cooper said, "I'm pissed off, what the hell was that about yesterday?"

"I'm sorry, Cooper, I really am I don't know what happened. I told Craig about what we do and he didn't believe me."

"I felt so used." Cooper said ignoring what Kevin had just said.

"Hey, I didn't use you."

"Then what do you call it?"

"Keep your voice down."

"You keep your voice down!" Cooper said.

"Don't give me any shit alright, you enjoyed it." Kevin said.

"That's not the point. I do those things for you. Not for someone else, it felt dirty to do that in front of him, especially the way you treated me."

"For someone who will blow someone with no strings attached, you're sure seem to have a lot of issues with it."

"Excuse me?" Cooper said shocked and angry.

"I'm just saying don't try and play some moral high road with me. You're on your knees sucking my dick. You barely even know me."

Cooper was boiling inside, but he tried his hardest to keep an even tone, "Look, I just came here to say that if something like that happens again, it's over between us."

"Cooper, there is no us. We're not a couple. Maybe next time you should be a little more careful about who's dick you decide to put in your mouth. I need to study for a test I have tomorrow, is there anything else?"

Cooper rarely found himself at a loss for words, but this was one of those times, "I guess not."

He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, wondering what the hell had just happened.

Down the hall Toby was waiting for Richard to pick up the phone. "I'm glad you called." was the first thing Richard said.

"Look," Toby said quickly, "I can't talk for long. I just called to say that I told Tim about what happened...."

"That we kissed or that you enjoyed it?" Richard interrupted.

"And he's fine with it, but I just want to make it clear to you that I'm with him now and that whatever we had has to be over, I want it to be over."

"Ok, Toby whatever you say. Is that it?"


"Alright, then I'll talk to you later."

"For sure."

Toby put down his cell phone and looked over to Tim who was sitting on the bed next to him, "That was hard."

"How did he take it?" Tim asked curiously.

"Well, actually. I think maybe now we can both move on you know. It's like finalized or something now."

"So you're all mine now?" Tim asked smiling.

"I'm all yours now." The two boys began kissing and had their first make out session on Toby's bed. Tim left an hour later and both boys were excited by the new relationship. Tim was experiencing new feelings he had never felt before and Toby was happy that he had found a nice guy that would hopefully replace what he and Richard had when they were together. He was also happy he was able to stand up to Richard and let him know how it had to be. The last thing Toby wanted to do was hurt Tim. Richard however was having a hard time moving on, in fact he was down right refusing to move on.

An hour had passed since he had talked to Toby. It had been a very productive hour for Richard. He dropped an envelope into the mail and smiled. This wasn't over by a long shot.

Next: Chapter 8

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