Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Nov 26, 2005


I do not wish to have my real name appear anywhere in the story.

This story contains sexual situations if you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author.

Twas the night before Halloween and all through the dorms only two creatures were stirring, neither was a mouse. Had anyone walked by Cooper's room at that very moment and put their ear to the door they probably would have thought a church service was being performed as Kevin could be heard lightly, but clearly panting: oh my God.

"Oh my God, don't stop, I'm so close."

Cooper had noticed that over the past few weeks since he had been servicing his friend that not only had Kevin become more vocal, he had also become, shall we say, more active during these encounters. Over the past few weeks, Kevin had gone from passively laying back and enjoying the blow job to what he was doing currently ; sitting up with one hand on the back of Cooper's head and lightly pumping his cock in and out of Cooper's mouth. Cooper usually preferred to be in control in situations like these, but he was getting off on the aggressiveness Kevin was now beginning to show whenever they would get together, because Kevin was never like this any other time. He was always polite, making sure everyone was taken care of. It was the RA in him Cooper would always joke. Cooper's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Kevin's voice.

"Can I cum in your mouth?"

Cooper let Kevin's cock slide out of his mouth.

"What?" Every other previous time Kevin had been about to cum he had given Cooper some kind of warning, verbal or not, and Cooper had simply jerked Kevin off onto his stomach. This was in part because Cooper had never allowed any of the three previous guys he had been with cum in his mouth. The act of a letting a guy cum in his mouth was a sacred thing to him. He had told himself long before he has ever had any sexual contact with another boy, that any guy who he would allow to cum in his mouth would certainly have to be somebody special.

"Oh, um yeah sure." Cooper said realizing the implications of the moment.

"No, it's cool, I.."

"No, I want it." Cooper said almost pleadingly. Kevin gave Cooper a quick smile before sticking his dick back into Cooper's mouth. While Kevin began humping Cooper's mouth even faster than before, Cooper was having a mental conundrum. Had he really just agreed to let Kevin, a guy he'd only known for barely two months to cum in his mouth? How had he let his lust get him into this situation? As soon as his brain began to suggest that maybe what he was experiencing was a little more than lust, Kevin's voice once again brought him back to attention.

"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum." Cooper barely had time to brace himself before he felt his mouth being flooded with Kevin's sperm. He tried to swallow as fast as he could but was overwhelmed by the volume of the fluid and some of the cum begin spilling out of his mouth. Kevin, enjoying his post orgasmic bliss laid back on the bed with his eyes closed. He only opened his eyes when he heard Cooper began to choke.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it just went down the wrong pipe."

"Oh," Kevin gave a nervous chuckle, " so what did it taste like?"

"Ummm..," Cooper stammered trying to collect his thoughts, " I guess like pancake mix."

Kevin bunched his nose up in semi disgust.

"Hey," Cooper said defensively, "you're not the one who just took it in the mouth alright?"

"Yeah, thanks I appreciate that. I shouldn't have asked though."

"No, it was fine."

"Well, I hate to cum and go, but I have to get up early tomorrow."


"So, I'll see you tomorrow then?" Kevin asked while he was getting up and pulling his pajama bottoms back up.

"For sure," Cooper said giving a half smile.

"Alright, night." With that Kevin left the room and Cooper was left to sit there, still on his knees, and contemplate what had just happened.

The next morning, Toby was enjoying his first morning in a while where he had a chance to sleep in. If there wasn't tennis practice, then he was out running to stay in shape, or wanted to get an early start on a project. He was somewhere in between that wonderful spot where you're awake but still asleep when there was a frantic knock at the door. Toby jolted quickly awake and noticed he was alone. He could hear Cooper yelling outside of the door to be let in ; he reluctantly climbed out of bed and opened the door.

"What?" he said rather rudely.

"Hi, to you too sunshine." Cooper retorted.

"I just woke up," Toby yawned wiping his eyes.

"Yeah, I can tell you still got that piss boner. Anyway I came to see if you had seen this." He handed Toby the school paper and it took a few moments for Toby to register what he was looking at before he looked at Cooper with a bit of panic.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Toby exclaimed, fully awake now.

Cooper couldn't help but smile, "Look's like your man is officially out now."

Toby again glanced down at the article in which Tim was talking about what it was like to be gay and an athlete for the school. He even mentioned Toby in the article saying what a nice guy he was and how he had been influential in getting him to be open about who he was. Toby began massaging his temples.

"Why are you stressing over this? Sounds like you've gotten your wish."

"No, I want things to be simple, this is not simple."

"You don't date people in the closet, he's no longer in the closet anymore, complication solved."

"I don't want to be with anyone else."

"Anyone else?" Cooper said confused, "you're not with anyone rig..are you still hung up on Richard?"

"Hung up?" Toby said raising his voice a little, "that's what you call it?"

"I'm just saying you guys made a decision to be apart why not actually accept it and move on?"

"It's not that simple."

"Well maybe going out with Tim would help you move past Richard."

Toby snorted at that remark. Silence dominated the room before Cooper spoke up.

"I got to run," Cooper said breaking the silence, "class is a callin." When Toby still didn't turn around or acknowledge Cooper's remark, Cooper let himself out and left Toby to think about his developing situation.

Later in the day, Toby was on his way back to the residence halls after class when he heard his name from behind him. He turned to find Tim briskly walking towards him.

"Hey, how's it going? Tim said with a big smile.

"Good, it goes well." Toby felt his heart begin to beat a little faster, "I saw your article in the school paper." "Oh," Tim said putting his head down, "yeah crazy huh?"

"Yeah, I didn't know you were comfortable enough with it to have everyone know. Just a couple of weeks ago you seemed iffy about it."

"I'm actually scared shitless at the moment," Tim again flashed Toby a smile and continued, "but it's the right thing to do, I know."

Toby couldn't help but smile, "That's good to hear."

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Tim asked excitedly.

"Oh, I hadn't decided, I think I was just going to lay low and catch up on some work."

"Well, a friend of mine is having a little party, I'm going to go, maybe you can stop by.if you get done with your's my number. Tim fumbled through his backpack found a yellow post it note and scribbled his number and an address on it. As he was writing, Toby again couldn't help but smile at this kid. He was cute, Toby had to admit, especially when he smiled.

"There." Tim said, "hopefully you can make it."

"I'll try. So I guess I'll see you later.maybe." Toby said waving the post it note.

"Yeah." Tim said. The two parted ways, and again when he had gotten far enough away to feel safe, Toby turned around and got one last look at Tim before he walked out of sight.

Much later that night Eric was on his way from the library after a few hours of studying. He didn't have any plans for the remainder of the night so he had planned on just watching Toby pass out candy to the little kids. Any night that consisted of watching Toby couldn't be a bad one he had decided. He walked a little more briskly towards the dorms when something on the ground caught his eye ; It was the school newspaper. He picked up the paper and quickly read Tim's coming out story. Eric's first reaction when he read Toby's name was to think of how hot it would be to see Tim and Toby together and then rage began to consume his thoughts. Did neither of them understand that they were now a target? That people would judge them and hate them without ever taking the time to get to know them. Eric was not one to get angry very often but he could feel the rage shooting through his body looking for an escape. He kicked the nearest trash can to him and a girl who was walking near by quickly sped up past where he was standing. He sat down on a bench and tried to get himself together.


He looked up to find Dr. Jill Taylor, his former therapist, standing over him with a look of concern in her eyes. She looked at the trash strewn on the ground around them.

"I'm guessing the squirrels didn't do this?" she said with a smile.

He laughed, "No they didn't."

"I'm not mad that you stopped coming to your sessions."


"No, though by the looks of things I don't know if it's a good idea you stopped coming."

"I'm fine." He hurriedly picked up his backpack, and the things that had spilled out of it and began to walk away.



"One final piece of advice. I've known from the beginning that I couldn't help you. I also know that your family can't help you with this, your friends can't help you either."

Eric turned towards her, "Thanks, I already know I'm all alone."

"That's not what I mean at all. What it comes down to is that no one can make this ok for you. It is unbelievably unfair that people can't accept differences and that this has to be so difficult for you, but that's life, life is unfair and tough and you have to get through life with the hand you've been dealt, but no one can make it better for you. If you want other people to learn to accept you, then you have to learn to accept it first."

Eric stood there not knowing what to say. Dr. Taylor walked up to him and grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze. Before she walked away she gave him a faint smile to show how bad she felt for him, but also a smile that said to him that she knew he had already thought about everything he had just said and that maybe he could move on to the next step now that it was out in the open.

Back in the dorms, Toby was staring at his cell phone. Should he call? And if he did what would he say? He glanced at his clock and saw that it said 8:14. He told himself that once it turned 8:15 he would pick up the phone and call. He stared at the clock for only 35 seconds, but it seemed like an eternity to him before 8:15 appeared on the clock. He quickly grabbed his phone an dialed the number. It rang three times and he hoped that maybe he wouldn't have to talk at all. On the fourth ring the line picked up.


"Hey, it's Toby."

"Toby, I'm glad you called, how are you doing?"

"Good...I guess."

"You bastard. This is totally one of those I need your opinion calls.

Toby was caught off guard, "It's not like that Richard."

"What's the problem and I'll tell you how to fix it." Toby decided to drop the fake indignation and just get to the point.

"Well, I'm not really sure how to say it." Toby said regretting he even called Richard.

"Just blurt it out."

"Are you dating anyone else?"

"Whoa!" Richard said, obviously shocked, "I wasn't expecting that one."

"Well are you?"

"I've gone out with a couple of guys."

"A couple?!" It was now Toby's turn to be shocked. He wanted to know more but he didn't dare ask if Richard had slept with any of these people.

"You're not dating anyone?" Richard asked.

"Well, there is this guy I kind of like."

"Does he have a name?"

"I'm not telling you. You might come down here and beat him up," Toby laughed.

"Yeah, cause I'm so the type to do that." They laughed together.

"His name is Tim. And I'm not sure I like him."

"What better way to find out then to go out with him."

Toby smiled, "I'm glad we can talk about this stuff."

"We didn't really talk about it, that took all of two minutes." Richard laughed.

"Still, I feel dumb that I even felt weird for calling you about this."

"It's cool man, I love you, I want to help in anyway I can."

Just then Eric walked into the room. Toby could tell something was wrong. "Hey I got to go, but thank you again, you're the greatest." Toby said.

"No prob bob, good night and love you."

"Love you too, bye."

"I thought you two were broken up?" Eric said with an accusatory tone.

"How do you know I wasn't saying I love you to my mom?" Toby said with a joking smile.

"Because you wouldn't be grinning on the phone like an idiot if you were talking to your mom." Eric walked past Toby and laid down on hid own bed.

"Hey, I can tell something's wrong, but I didn't cause it so stop being an asshole." Toby said a little annoyed.

Eric sat up and gave him a glare. Toby continued, "Do you want to talk about it or not?"

Eric took a deep breath, "No, I'm ok."

"I think you need a hug."

"I think if you touch me I'll mace you."

Both boys looked at each other and laughed at that comment.

"Come on Eric what's bothering you?"

"I just got a lot on my mind is all."

"It's better to get it out in the open, I know sometimes things get so jumbled in my head I have to write them down to have them make any sense."

"I guess I'm just mad that life isn't fair. I think you should get back whatever you put in. Is that too much to ask fate or God or whatever the hell there is up there?" Eric blinked hard trying to keep himself from crying. I mean it really couldn't matter what kind of person you were, most people judge you based on a few things." As he continued to talk, he began to feel a little bit better and then a thought occurred to him, "it really is so small isn't it?"

"What is?"

"The differences between us. Black or white, men or women, or straight, but the way people behave toward others based on these things is huge, and they really are all so small. We all breathe, we all cry, we all bleed. It always takes some huge tragedy for people to forget those things and want to help. Look at the terrorist attacks. At first it was beautiful. People were compassionate and wanted to help where they could and we were reminded of what was important and then after about a week, people went back to their work schedules and making their money and it's just sad."

"Wow," Toby said, "It's so true what you just said. But everyone has different priorities. Some don't give shit about the way the world works or who is affected by what they say or do. Are they wrong? I think so, but as much as I hate to admit this, I do understand that there are very few things that can be labeled right or wrong, it's more just a situation of circumstance. You'd be surprised how much of what we believe in is based on things we had no decision in."

"So then what are we supposed to do?" Eric asked almost helplessly.

"I think it's all perception. There really is so much beauty in the world, like if you ever just take time to step back and look at all the people on their way to work and think about how many people are sacrificing so much for their families and just all the things that happen in a day, it really is unbelievable. It makes me smile when I remember to just sit back and enjoy things."

"That was sappy." Eric said laughing.

Toby laughed too, "I know, but I believe it, though after this moment, I will never admit to saying it."

The two boys laughed and chatted into the night, and both went to sleep being very thankful that there paths had crossed.

Thanks for all the positive comments. I really appreciate them and love hearing from you guys. Feel free to e mail me at

Next: Chapter 7

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