Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Nov 8, 2005


This story contains sexual situations if you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author.

It was a beautiful October morning. The sun was shining, there was a nice warm breeze, birds were chirping loudly, and anyone standing behind Toby at this very moment would have been getting a very nice view of his ass. Toby was bent completely over doing his morning stretches before he started his tennis practice. Toby was deep in thought, going over some new things he wanted to practice before the team's first competition in a few weeks.

"Excuse me...Excuse me!" Toby quickly turned around and saw Tim standing behind the


"Huh?" Toby said in complete confusion.

"You're blocking the gate, I can't get in." Tim lightly pushed the gate and it hit Toby's foot.

"Oh!" Toby exclaimed, comprehension finally dawning on him. He moved back and allowed Tim to walk through the gate. Every previous morning Tim always made sure, even if he didn't say anything to be next to Toby whenever he could ; but this morning was different Tim kept on walking and sat down his belongings far from Toby.

"What the fuck?" Toby muttered under his breath. As much as hated to admit it, he had gotten used to Tim's presence these morning and now he didn't know what to do with himself. The only advantage to having Tim this far away is that Toby was now getting a very nice view of Tim's ass as Tim was bending over doing his morning stretches.

"Damn," Toby whispered under his breath. He then thought to himself just how thankful he was that he did not date people in the closet ; his life needed to stay as uncomplicated as possible. The coach's whistle brought him out of this thoughts ; he and a few of the others, who had been talking on the sidelines, all jogged over to where the coach was standing.

"We have our first match in a few weeks and so I want to make sure that any fitness issues are resolved way before then so I know if we need to substitute anyone. So today what you guys are going to run laps, eight of them, around the track. I want you looking just as spry when you cross the finish line as when you started, no excuses. I'll give you a few more minutes to warm up and then head over to the track."

"Are we begin timed?" someone yelled from the back of the crowd.

"No, but you're not allowed to take forever either, you can run with a buddy if you like to help pace yourself." As the guys began to find themselves a running partner, Toby realized that while he was on friendly terms with all the guys, he would not consider any of them friends. He found himself pushed out of the crowd as the guys began stretching near their partners for the run.

"So I guess we're running together," Toby turned around and saw Tim standing there with a half smile on his face, "Unless you want to run by yourself."

"No," said Toby returning the half smile, "it's cool, we can run together."

The two engaged in a bit of small talk, until the coach yelled for them all to head over to the track and began their laps. The two boys headed over and immediately began their laps. Twenty minutes later, Toby and Tim were the first pair to finish their laps.

"Excellent," the coach said patting them both on the backs. I'll let you guys go early, this is all I had planned for today. Good work!"

Both boys stayed silent as they walked back to the tennis courts. Tim because he was tired, that was the fastest he had ever run such a long distance before, but Toby was staying quiet for a much different reason ; he couldn't keep his eyes off of Tim. Tim's nipples were standing at attention and clearly visible through his shirt. Toby thought it was so adorable how Tim kept brushing his hair back behind his ear every few seconds, but the thing that was commanding most of his attention was an apparent bulge in Tim's shorts. Toby was so aroused that not only had he begun unconsciously licking his lips, but he began sporting his own bulge.

"I love running," Tim said slightly out of breath.

"Huh?" Toby asked slightly confused.

Tim laughed, "What's with you today, you're like spacing out a lot. I said I love running. I don't know what it is, but I always feel like I'm high or something after, tennis makes me feel like that too."

"You know what it's like to be high?" Toby asked jokingly.

"Well no...I guess what I think it would feel like to be high that's how I feel."

"I'm just messing with you, I know what you mean. There's no greater feeling then after getting a good workout on a tennis court...except maybe the feeling after awesome sex."

"I wouldn't know," said Tim with an embarrassed smile. They were now back at the courts and were putting their things away.

"Never had good sex?" Toby asked innocently.

"No, I meant I've never had sex."

"Oh, got ya."

Both boys had packed up their belongings and were both walking out of the gate. They had to part ways, Toby back to the dorms, Tim to the locker room, but there was an awkward silence between the two as they parted ways.

"I'm not really sure how to follow the last thing I said." Tim smiled.

"How about it was nice running with you?"

"It was very nice running with you," Tim said with sincerity, "maybe we can do it again sometime."

Toby nodded and both boys went on their separate ways. As Toby walked away he couldn't help but look back at Tim. He again was very grateful Tim was still in the closet.

Cooper was walking down the hallway on his way to the bathroom, when he snuck a peak into Kevin's room. He lightly knocked on the door. "Why is there a ladder in your room?"

"Oh hey," Kevin said with a wide smile from under his baseball cap, "come in. My light bulb died on me so I'm about to replace it."

"We pay hundreds of dollars a month to live here and we're responsible for our own light bulbs?"

"Haha, no. Maintenance normally handles these things, but they take too long so I just decided to do it myself."

"Like a real man huh?" Cooper said more to himself than to Kevin.

"Will you hold the ladder steady so I don't lose my balance?"

"Yeah no prob," Cooper said getting a firm grip on the ladder, "it is safe for you to ascend upwards."

"You're such a dork," Kevin said with a laugh. He grabbed the light bulb off of his desk and climbed up the ladder. As Kevin was reaching to fix his light bulb problem, Cooper looked up and got a nice surprise ; Kevin's shirt was no longer covering his stomach. Cooper was taking it all in ; the nice skin, the tight abs, the trail of hair that seductively went back into Kevin's khaki shorts, but Cooper was most enjoying the sight of Kevin's underwear band over his shorts. He enjoyed the sight for a few more minutes until Kevin successfully had replaced the light bulb and began descending the ladder.


"No problem."

Kevin sat down at his desk and let out a sound of disgust. "Ugh! I hate porn pop ups."

"What kind of self respecting college student are you? You don't like porn?!" Cooper asked questioningly.

"No, I like porn," Kevin said glancing at the open door and then lowering his voice, "but sometimes the pop ups are gross. Like there was just some guy on there who was uncircumcised."

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's disgusting."

"I'm uncircumsized!" Cooper said louder than he meant to.

Kevin laughed, "Then you're disgusting."

"Mine's not bad though, some look pretty abnormal."

"Oh really," said Kevin sarcastically, "what makes yours so different?"

"I've got a beautiful dick, that's pretty much all there is to it."

Kevin again laughed, "Right."

"No really," Cooper insisted, "it's not that bad when you see them up close...I could show you if you want."

"What?!" Kevin said taken aback.

"I'll show it to you, if you want." Cooper repeated slowly.

"You're such a liar," Kevin had turned back to face his computer. Cooper noticed a change in Kevin's face as if something had just dawned on him, Kevin then turned back towards Cooper, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah why not? The only difference is size, color, and skin apparently." " I guess." Kevin shrugged.

"If I show you mine, you have to show me yours."

"What is this first grade?" Kevin asked sarcastically.

"Do we have a deal?" Cooper asked ignoring Kevin's comment. Cooper wasn't a very religious person, but he prayed that Kevin would say yes. Just to see what he was sure was a beautiful dick would be enough to make his year.

"Yeah, I guess we do." Kevin said simply.

Cooper shut the door behind him, and began to walk towards Kevin. Kevin was still sitting in his desk chair when he suddenly realized just how intense the moment had become. He had just given permission for another guy to show him his dick. As Cooper began to fumble with his belt, Kevin stopped him.

"Wait," Cooper, sure Kevin had changed his mind, disappointedly stopped, "What's wrong?"

"Did you lock the door?" Kevin asked worriedly.

"Yeah," Cooper smiled, "It's locked."

"Alright," Kevin said relaxing a little.

Cooper's hands went back to his belt and once that was off he unfastened his jeans, slid the zipper down as quickly as he could, pulled the front of his gray boxer briefs down and pulled his uncut dick out. Cooper was surprised that as intense as this moment was that he was not completely hard. He had a semi. Kevin stared at Cooper's dick for a few seconds before saying, "Ok, so it doesn't look so bad."

"That's what I thought." Cooper said with a smile, "your turn."

Kevin and Cooper switched places. Cooper put his dick back in his boxer briefs but left his pants unfastened. Kevin stood up, unbuckled his pants and they immediately fell to his ankles. Kevin once again had a fleeting thought about how intense this moment really was as he stood before another guy in such a vulnerable position, clad in his white briefs. This was enough to make Cooper bone up completely and produce a very prominent bulge in his boxer briefs. Kevin then pulled down the front of his briefs and exposed his dick to Cooper. Cooper was staring intently at the flaccid penis in front of him.

"Um, sorry I'm not hard."

There was a long pause, "This is probably not the best time to mention it," Cooper said not taking his eyes off of Kevin's dick, "but I'm gay."

" I know, I'm your RA, you wrote it on your room profile," Cooper looked up to catch Kevin giving him a half smile from above, "plus you're hard as a rock right now." Cooper looked down and saw that his dick was pushing the fabric of his boxer briefs in a very obscene manner.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he said looking down at himself. He slowly brought his eyes back up to Kevin's dick and slowly began to lean forward. He expected Kevin to flinch or to move back or to stop him somehow, but Cooper realized that as his lips parted there would be no interruption from Kevin at all. Kevin, realizing what Cooper was about to do had begun to get hard. His heart began to beat so much faster when he felt Cooper's lips close around his hardening shaft. Kevin exhaled loudly as Cooper began to suck his dick.

"Oh my God," Kevin said in a loud whisper, "Oh my God." Cooper had retaken his dick out of his boxer briefs and was now jerking his dick off furiously. His mind was clear and focused on one thing ; getting Kevin off. Both boys were so into the moment that they only heard the knock on the door after the third time. Kevin turned around to look at the door causing his dick to slip out of Cooper's mouth.

"You don't have to answer that." Cooper said pleadingly.

"I have to it might be an emergency. Just a minute!" Kevin tucked his dick back into his underwear, pulled up his khaki shorts and began to walk to the door.

"Are you gonna put that away?" Kevin asked Cooper impatiently. Cooper quickly buttoned his pants again before motioning to Kevin it was ok to open the door. Kevin opened the door and there stood Eric.

"Hey." Eric said.

"Hey buddy, sorry I was just changing what can I help you with?"

Eric immediately got an image of Kevin changing and tried to push it out of his mind. "I got locked out of my room, can you let me in?"

"Yeah, we have to go downstairs the keys are at the front desk." Kevin turned to Cooper, "I'm going to have to catch up with you later, I've got to do RA stuff."

"Yeah, I understand," Cooper said disappointingly. As he and Kevin walked out of the room Cooper made sure to give Eric a dirty look before walking back down the hallway to his room.

Later that night, just as Cooper was about to climb into bed there was a knock at his door. When he opened it, Kevin was standing there in a blank tank top and blue pajama bottoms. "Can I come in?" Kevin said looking around.

"Yeah sure." Cooper moved out of the way to allow Kevin to enter his room.


"Look, you don't have to say it, " Cooper said looking at Kevin, "I know you're not gay and things just got a little out of control in your room today and you never want anything like that to happen again."

"No, " Kevin said quickly, " I mean..yes..I'm not gay, felt really good."

"What did?" Cooper wanted to hear Kevin say it.

"You sucking my dick," The words hung heavy in the air before Kevin continued, "I've only been given two blowjobs in my life, and neither of them felt like that."

"I could have told you that. Boys give much better head."

Kevin laughed, "Well, if you're interested we can make it a permanent thing." Kevin's tone had suddenly gotten very serious, it made Cooper a bit uncomfortable.

"RA's can do that?" He asked in all seriousness.

"RA's are allowed to date residents." Kevin retorted.

"You want to date me?" Cooper said confused.

"No, I just want you to..." Kevin paused.

"Blow you, " Cooper finished for him.

"Is that ok with you? Kevin asked. Cooper couldn't tell if there was any pleading in Kevin's voice.

"You think just because I'm gay, I'll blow anything with a dick?" Cooper said looking directly at Kevin.

"No, I just assumed... I'm sorry." Kevin got up to leave and was halfway to the door when Cooper grabbed his arm.

"I'm just kidding that was my just because I'm gay fill in the blank speech."

Kevin smiled, "You really are a dork you know."

"Yeah, I'm a horny dork though." With that Cooper pushed Kevin on the bed. Kevin' legs were hanging over the side of the bed. Cooper grabbed Kevin's legs and pulled them towards him so that Kevin's butt was at the end of the bed. Cooper unbuttoned the fly on Kevin' pajama bottoms and reached in and was surprise to feel bare skin ; Kevin wasn't wearing any underwear. Cooper smiled, "cocky aren't we?"

"Just overly optimistic," Kevin smiled back. Cooper reached in and pulled Kevin's dick through the open fly of his pajama bottoms. There was no waiting or need for encouragement this time, Kevin was already hard. As Cooper stared at the beautiful dick in front of him, throbbing with the anticipation of being sucked, he couldn't help but feel thankful for being gay. As Cooper enveloped Kevin's dick with his warm mouth, Kevin gasped. Over, the next twenty minutes, Kevin made a bunch of sounds and noises to show he appreciated Cooper's work, until a final gasp and then moan escaped Kevin's lips ; he had climaxed.

Next: Chapter 6

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