Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jun 17, 2005


This story contains sexual situations if you are under the age of 18 please do not read. None of the characters are to be used without consent of the author.

Dr. Jill Taylor was staring intently at the young man sitting in fron of her. Last week, after three sessions they has finally had a breakthrough. Eric had admitted that he thought he might be gay. He had gone weeks without even mentioning the word and talking mostly about his family and his tough time in high school. His sudden admission had surprised her, but at the same time made her very happy. She was already at her wits end with this boy, and his admission that he might be gay gave her a new sense of energy to try and help him with his problem. But now he had clammed up again, barely making eye contact or speaking on the subject. Dr. Taylor had a practice of beginning every session with, "So how was you week?" That way the person could bring up what was bothering or most important to them. But Eric wasn't talking about his struggles with his possible homosexuality.

"Possible?" Dr. Taylor heard her brain counter, " this kid is gay and he knows it."

Eric was talking about something he saw on TV, when Dr. Taylor decided to take a more direct appraoch, "Eric, stop stop stop."

Eric looked befuddled, "What?"

She took a deep breath, " Last week you said you thought you might be gay. I want to know if you've given it any thought."

"Not really." he said quietly still not making contact.

"Don't you think it's important to consider. I mean this is something that could be apart of you?" Dr. Taylor was trying to choose her words carefully. She knew if she applied the right kind of pressure she could get him to open up again, but if she pushed too hard, he could retreat back into his shell forever.

"It's hard to explain."

"Try." Dr. Taylor said still intently staring at Eric.

"I want to talk about it, because when I don't I feel like my insides are being split in two. But when I talk about it I just get more confused and it seems better to just keep it inside."

She sighed, remembering her own struggles with her sexuality, and how liberated she felt when she finally decided she wasn't going to give a shit anymore and just be honest with herself and other about who she was.

"Eric, what do you want out of therapy?"

"I want to be ok with this, whatever it is."

"Alright, I can help you do that, but you've got to be willing to meet me halfway ok? There's only so much I can do."

"Alright," Eric said giving her a weak smile.

"Times up for today," she said glancing at the clock on the wall, "see you next week this time."

As Eric walked out of her office, he made up his mind that he wasn't going to go back. He didn't need Dr. Taylor to analyze him and make up big words for simple problems. "You can handle this all yourself." he though to himself, and that's exactly what he planned to do.

Cooper and Toby were having lunch in the cafeteria. They had made up after their minor spat on Eric's coming out.

"Still having those weird dreams about Kevin?" Toby asked in between bites.

"No they've stopped. That was some freaky shit though, maybe I'm psychic or something."

"Or just really horny." Toby chuckled.

"I'm actually thinking of telling him I'm gay." Cooper said seriously.

"You know I'm all for that."

"Yeah, I think he'll be cool with it, he's a pretty cool guy......right?"

"Seems so, but if he's weird about it then fuck him, you don't need him."

"Yeah." Cooper stated absentmindedly, " I think I like him."

"The dreams definitely gave that one away." Toby replied.

"No, I mean I think I really like him."

"You mean like love?" He looked at Cooper who shrugged his shoulders. "You're kidding me? It's been barely a month how could you be in love?"

"I don't know."

"And besides," Toby snorted, "you don't strike me as much of a relationship kind of guy, not to mention he's striaght!"

Cooper was a little stung, "Hey, I've always said that I'd prefer a relationship, it's just I'm not going to sit back and twiddle my fuckin thumbs waiting for some hot guy in a chariot to come by and plus how do you know he's straight?"

"I can't believe we are having this conversation," Toby said rolling his eyes, "dude is straight."

"We'll see."

"Ok, let's change the many guys have you fooled around with?"

Toby asked inquiringly.

"I bet not as many as you think."

"Mmmm....I'd say not more than 5."


"Back in high school?"

"Yeah, one was a good friend of mine, not after that though, one was in the closet on the football team, and the other was someone random offline. Dude, the guy on the football team could make me cum without me touching myself. I used to joke with him and tell him his dick was made for the sole purpose of going inside of me."

Toby laughed, " That's exactly how I feel about Richard.....felt, I mean."

"You slept with anyone other than him? Cooper asked?

"Nope, he's been the only one so far. I got lucky."

"Yeah I guess so."

Later that night, Toby was surfing the internet and checking his e mail when he saw that Richard had just signed online. Toby automatically smiled.

TennisPro12: What's up stranger?

CaliKid: Hey babe, how's it going?

TennisPro12: It goes well. it's really nice 2 talk 2 u it's been 2 long

CaliKid: I know Toby

CaliKid: I've been busy with school and tennis and stuff, but i got a surprise for you. Hold a sec

TennisPro12: K

Toby waited and a few moments later a small screen popped up asking him if he wanted to accept a video invitation. He accepted and after disregarding the warning, a window popped up and he could see Richard smiling back at him. His heart skipped a beat as he hadn't seen Richard since the night before he came up to Sunnyvale.

TennisPro12: Dude it's so good to c u

CaliKid: Do u want to c more?

Richard gave a big smile and Toby could feel his groin starting to stare.

TennisPro12: :) U dirty little boy.

Richard stood up from the chair he was sitting in and took off his shirt. Toby's mind floated back to the many times he had licked those hard nipples and the numerous times his fingers had brushed against tha beautiful skin.

TennisPro12: Won't your roomie c u?

CaliKid: No, he went home 4 the weekend.

TennisPro12: Cool

TennisPro12: u look great man

CaliKid: stop typing and enjoy

Toby sat back in his chair and focused his gaze on the screen. Richard stood up again and flexed his muscles a bit which made Toby laugh. The webcam was suddenly moving and Toby could no longer see Richard's face or torso just his crotch. He watched as Richard's fingers circled the waistband of the red basketball shorts he was wearing. They slipped past the waistband and TOby could tell that Richard was rubbing his dick. Richard pulled down his shorts and was left standing in a pair of gray boxer briefs. Richard turned around and bent over so that his ass was pressed firmly against his underwear. His fingers once again went to the waistband of his underwear and Toby unconsciously leaned forward. The underwear slowly slid off the screen and it was all Toby could do to not lick the computer screen in front of him. He began typing in order to tell Richard to spread his ass cheeks, but halfway through, as if Richard could read his mind, he pulled apart his ass cheeks and exposed his pink asshole. Toby felt a bit of precum squeeze out of his dick and he hooked the waistband of his shorts under his balls and began to slowly stroke his erect member. Richard turned around and Toby could see that he was as hard as he had ever been. Toby's mind again flashed back to the many times his lips had run up and down the shaft of the dick he was intently staring at, the many times he had had those same balls on the screen in his mouth or the many times he had been the one to slide those underwear down Richard's legs. Richard sat down in the chair again and put his legs up on either side of the web cam, so that Toby could see his balls bouncing in time with his stroking. It took another ten minutes before Toby saw Richard lean towards the keyboard.

CaliKid: I'm close.

Toby again unconsciously leaned forward and within seconds white hot cum began erupting from the dick on screen. Toby could almost sware that he could hear Richard moaning with each new eruption that occurred. Toby himself was seconds away from coming, when the webcam began to move and he could again see Richard's face, not smiling but still intense. Richard scooped up some cum that had landed on his stomach and he shoved his finger near the webcam to show the cum on it and then put it to his lips and sucked his finger clean. That was more than Toby could handle and with that Toby let loose spraying his keyboard and some papers on his desk with his cum. He let out an audible moan and put his head back against the wall behind him. After a few minutes he recovered.

TennisPro12: fuckin awesome, i love u so much

CaliKid: me 2 kid.

They were silent for a few more minutes, both enjoying their post orgasmic bliss, before Richard said goodbye and that they would definitely have to do this again. Toby shut down his computer for the night and glanced at the clock noticing it was close to midnight. He turned off the light, took off his shirt and climbed into bed. HE laid there for only a few moments before he heard the knob turn and in walked Eric.

"Dude, where have you been?" Toby asked sitting up

"Driving." Eric mumbled. Eric sat down on his bed and took a deep breath, "What is it like for you?"

"What do you mean?" Toby asked stifling a yawn.

"I mean to be gay."

Toby's first reaction was to get offended and rant about how it was the same for someone who was straight except he liked guys, but he knew that wasn't entirely true and he didn't want to scare Eric away who finally seemed to be opening up.

"Well, in a lot of ways it's the same as it is for someone who is straight, but there are some differences. But I've been lucky I haven't had any bad experiences were someone didn't want to be my friend because of it or anything like that. Why do you ask?"

"I was just thinking about it while I was driving around."

"What made you think about it?"

"Random thought I guess. I was just like wow imagine what it must be like to be gay...I kinda put myself in that position."

"What did you think?"

"Oh, well I don't know that's why I asked you."

"Ah, I see."

There was a long silence between the two of them. Toby staring at Eric, fighting every urge in his body to just scream out I know you're gay. Eric was staring down at his shoelaces trying to find the coruage to get out the words to be able to say he was gay.

"Well, I think I'm going to go to bed now." Eric said much to his own disappointment.

"Alright man," Toby said disappointed as well. He remembered what Cooper had said when they had had their disagreemenet about trying to get Eric to come out and he began to speak again, "You know if you ever needed to talk about whatever, I don't mind listening."

Eric turned around quickly and with a genuine smile said, "Thanks."

"No problem, good night my friend."


Next: Chapter 5

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