Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Feb 23, 2007


====================================================== Three Roads: Chapter 36, A Sandwich Ain't Always A Sandwich ======================================================

Eric whimpered as if that was somehow going to alleviate his angst over making the phone call he was about to make. He stared at the phone and willed it to explode in his hands. When that didn't work, he resigned himself to search through the phonebook for the name he was looking for. He sighed deeply as he hit the green send button and waited for the call to connect. He was relieved when the call was sent to voicemail and he decided it was best not to leave a message. No sooner than when he had dropped his phone on his bed and began walking to his desk, the phone rang and before he even looked at the caller I.D. he had a sinking feeling in his stomach that it was the person he had just called.


"Hi." Michael said.

"You don't sound very excited to talk to me." Eric said a little offended.

"I was jacking off."

"At one in the afternoon?"

"My class got out early."

"You could have just called me back later."

"Yeah, well that's why I let the call go the first time, but then I thought how you could be lying in a ditch somewhere, your last breaths about to leave you, but you think of me and call as a last ditch effort that someone will rescue you. So I decided to call you back."

"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"Who's a virgin at almost twenty? Thank you."


"Sorry, you know how I get when I'm horny, what's up?"

"Ok, so I did something a few weeks ago that I really don't want to talk about, but I know if you ever found out that I didn't tell, you'd try and have me killed."

"Good thinking. So what did you do?"

"I gave a blowjob^Åor two."

"Oh my God to Cooper?!"

"Uh no. Why would you say that?"

"Why do you think? He's your lover boy."

"That's not funny."

"We're getting sidetracked. Who's dick did you suck?"

"Um^Åthat's the thing. I don't know who they were."

"My God you little skank. Where did you meet them?"

"A bathroom on campus. Guys meet there sometimes to fool around I guess."

"Wow, I didn't know you had it in you."

"Neither did I."

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, why?" Eric asked confused.

"Well, I'm happy that you did it, but why? I thought you wanted to wait."

"I did or do, but I just had to. I felt like I was being suffocated if that makes any sense."

"Yeah, I remember when I hadn't done anything with a guy. I thought it would never happen."

"Especially when you're nineteen. How old were you?

"Seven, with a cousin, but I didn't bottom for the first time until I was thirteen."


"Yeah, and that was about two years too late."

Eric shook his head, "That's insane."

"Good times. Well, I just want to make sure everything is ok before I get back to jerkin."

"Yeah, I'm good."

"I hate to sound all motherly, but were the guys wearing any protection?"

"What for^Åthey didn't^Åyou know."

"Still, you can catch a lot from giving head. Did you swallow?"

"Ew, no."

"I'm just asking! Eric, I'm not trying to scare you, but you should go get tested for STD's. Your health center probably does it for free. It's better to be safe than sorry."

"You think I have something?" Eric said alarmed.

"Probably not. It's good you didn't' swallow, but you still never know, since you didn't know the guys. Promise me you'll go get tested."

"I promise."

"Good. By the way, I would have had you killed if you hadn't told me."

"I figured as much. Call you later?"

"Yep, love you."

Eric smiled, "I love you too."

Eric had heard before, mainly from Richard, how unfriendly the people at the Health Center could be. As he stood behind two people in line, he wondered if they would silently judge him when he asked to see a doctor for S.T.D. testing. As he pondered just how mean the receptionist was likely to be, he also prayed that no one would come in line behind him. It would be embarrassing enough to tell the receptionist what he was there for, but he didn't need other people hearing his business. Eric felt someone tap his shoulder and he closed his eyes tightly knowing it was someone he knew. He turned around and tried his best to put on a happy face, "Richard, hey!"

"Eric, how's it going man?"

"Not much just hangin around."

"The health center?"

"Oh, no, not here."

"What are you here for?"

"I have a bit of a cold," Eric said faking a cough, "What are you here for?"

"To see Dr. Taylor. She asked me to come by today if I had some time. Plus, I needed some of these," Richard said uncoiling a pack of condoms, "I'd run out."

"You can get condoms here?"

"Oh yeah for free too. I haven't had to purchase a condom since I've been a student here."

"Next!" the receptionist shouted.

"That's me," Eric said smiling nervously as he approached the window, "Hi, how^Å"

"I need your student I.D. card." the receptionist interrupted him immediately.

"Oh, I didn't know I would need it." As he fumbled through all the cards and receipts in his wallet, he heard the receptionist sigh impatiently.

"Here it is."

She snatched it from his grasp and swiped it roughly, "What are you here today for?"

"S.T.D. testing." Eric said as quietly as possible.

"I can't here you." the woman said looking directly at him. He had a nasty suspicion that the woman had heard him just fine, but was taking malicious pleasure in making him repeat it again. Eric looked back at Richard, who had now been joined by three other people in line. Richard gave him a curious expression and Eric got as close to the window as possible.

"I'm here to be tested for S.T.D's."

"The clinic, which is up the stairs and to the right is where you go to get tested for S.T.D.'s." The woman practically yelled her response, in Eric's opinion. He gave her a nasty look before walking away from the counter.

"I'll see you later." Richard smiled as Eric passed.

"Knock knock." Richard said as he appeared in Dr. Taylor's doorway.

"Come in."

"You wanted me to stop by?"

"Yes," Dr. Taylor said shuffling through some papers, "Remember a couple months ago when I talked about how we received a grant from a major donor to fund a Pride Center for the campus?"

"Yeah, did that fall through?"

"No no. It's just that I'm in final talks with the University on where it's going to be."

"I see."

"They've also asked me to pick a coordinator for the Pride Center, and I wanted to know what your schedule looked like in the fall."

"Are you asking me to do it?"

"If you want to."

"Oh my God, that would be amazing!"

"So you'll do it?"

"Of course, what exactly would I be doing?"

"The center would be open from nine to five Monday through Friday, except on the nights we have our meetings. I'd like to move the QSA meetings from the Multi Cultural Center to the Pride Center. So on the nights we have those meetings the center would be open a little later."

"Sounds good."

"Basically, the center is going to be a refuge of sorts for the queers on campus. We'll have information about safe sex practices, queer events on campus and in the community abroad. We'll have books and articles on important people in queer history."

"Our own little queer world." Richard smiled.

"That's one way to look at it. You'd also get paid, because technically you'd be a student assistant, but you'll be the main contact for the center.

You'll be there more often than anyone else. How is this sounding so far?"

"Fuckin fantastic!"

"Are you gonna be here this summer or are you going home?"

"Going home, at least for most of it."

"If at possible it would be great if you can come back maybe a week or two early. Stuff will have to be moved and the office will need to be set up before school starts."

"Yeah, I can do that."

"And whenever you work out your schedule let me know. Either I or someone else will have to cover the times you're in class."

"I've got it pretty much done, but I can give it to you before I leave for the summer."

"Great, can I ask you another question?"

"Fire away."

"How are you doing?" Dr. Taylor asked sincerely.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I know the breakup with Toby must have been hard."

Richard averted his eyes to the ground as he spoke, "Yeah, but you know, what can you do?"

"Well if you ever need to talk^Å"

"Yep, I know where to find you."

She smiled, "Thanks a lot for everything Richard. I'll be in touch."

"See you soon." *******



"Hi I'm Dr. Parker. How are you."

"I'm doing ok." Eric said shaking his hand. Eric was relieved that he didn't find the doctor attractive. He was an older man, with quite a large gut that surely came from years of beer drinking in front of the television.

"So what are you here for today?"

"I wanted to get some S.T.D testing done^Åyou know precautionary stuff."

"I see I see. Are you sexually active."

"No, well^Åyeah, but not like real sex."

"What kind of sex?"


"Like blowjobs?"

Eric was taken aback by the language, "Yeah."

"That counts as being sexually active."


"Are you sexually active with women?"


"With other men?"


"Was he wearing a condom?"


"Were you?"

"Wearing a condom?" Eric asked.


"No, I did the^Åyeah.

"How long have you guys been together?"

"Oh, I wasn't in a relationship with him^Åor them."

"There was more than one?"

The doctor was asking for clarification, but Eric was thoroughly embarrassed and was praying to be struck down by a bolt of lightning right then and there.

"Yes, there were two."

"Two guys that you gave blowjobs too."


"And did either give you a blowjob?"

"No." Eric once again felt awkward as the doctor continued to use such casual terminology.

"And you are not in a relationship with either?"


The doctor appeared to make a big check mark on the piece of paper he had been writing on.

"Did any anal occur?"

"Oh my God, no."

"Sorry, I have to ask. We're gonna have you do the standard urine test and that will test for most of the S.T.D.'s, however if you want the full spectrum, you can also do a blood test."

"What would you recommend?"

"I would definitely recommend both in this case."


"Would you like some condoms?" Dr. Parker asked. For the first time, Eric noticed a brown paper bag that was sitting next to the doctor.

"Uh, sure, why not?"

"Here you go."

"Thanks. That's a lot of them."

"Yep, you won't have to buy any for a while."

"You can head down to the lab now. I'll put the tests in. I'll call you in a few days and we can discuss your results."


"You're welcome, Eric. And remember always use a condom."

Eric was very conscious of the fact that he was walking around campus with a brown bag full of condoms. He was making a beeline from the health center back to the dorms, which mercifully was not very far away.


Eric fought the reflex to turn his head to look at who had called him. He continued on, walking as if he hadn't heard his name.


He knew he couldn't get away with ignoring whoever was insistent on getting his attention. He reluctantly turned around to see Bliss speedily walking in his direction.

"Oh, hey Bliss," Eric said forcing a smile, "I didn't hear you calling me."

"It's ok, what's in the bag?"

"Just a sandwich."

"Oh my God that sounds so good right now, I just ate though."

"I see." Eric said not really wanting to do small talk, "So what's up?"

"Richard was telling me that you and Cooper and Toby are going to be living together next year."

"Yeah, it should be fun, we're looking for a place right now."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I have a friend who's moving out of a three bedroom over on Howe. I went ahead and told her I might know some people who are interested in living there. She's all for it cause the apartment will give her $100 for referring someone to the apartment."

"Howe is really close." Eric said lighting up.

"Yeah, a five minute drive, if that."

"When can we go check it out?"

"She said anytime this week."

"Do you know how much the rent is?"

"She said her and her roommates paid $1000."

"Awesome, we didn't want to pay more than like $1600 for a three bedroom. I'll get with Cooper and we can figure out a time to go."

"Yeah, just let me know and we can all head over there."

"Ok. Thanks a lot Bliss."

"No problem, I'll talk to you later." *****************

"There you are!" Cooper yelled, as he called to Eric from down the hallway.

"Were you waiting for me?" Eric said as he opened the door to his room.

"No, I just knocked on your door right now. Where did you go?"

"To get a sandwich." Eric said holding up the brown bag full of condoms.

"Score! I'm so hungry!" Cooper said snatching the bag from his friend's hands.

"Cooper, give it back!"

"God, just let me have a bite, I'm hungry." Cooper said as he unfolded the bag.

"Give it here!"

"What's the big^Å" Cooper smiled as he looked into the bag, "If you think this is a sandwich we have a lot to talk about."

"You shouldn't take things that don't belong to."

"I was only going to borrow your sandwich and then give it back, but lying is a sin." Cooper said still smiling.

"Whatever." Eric said taking the bag from his friend.

"The bottle of lube was a nice touch, nice to see that the university supports gay unions."

"I didn't know what it was, what's lube?"

"Mostly it's used to get fucked. It's easier to put it in with the lube, but some guys like to use it to jack off."

"Good to know."

"Are you feeling ok? Why did you go to the health center?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I went to go get tested for STD's."

"You think you have something?"

"No, Michael said it would be a good idea since^Åyou know." Eric said.


"Oh, I ran into Bliss today."

"And the girls?" Cooper said motioning to his chest.

"She heard that we were looking for an apartment and she has a friend who's leaving one in a few weeks that we can go look at."

"Sweet! When can we go?"

"Whenever. I told her I would talk to you so we could go together."

"Let's go tomorrow then."

"Sounds like a plan."

Out of the corner of his eye, Jack saw a car pull up to the curb right beside him as he walked to the University like he did every day after school. He walked a little faster, while continuously looking behind him to make sure he wasn't being pursued.

"Jack, get in the car!"

He smiled when he recognized Tim's voice. He jogged to the car and threw his backpack into the backseat before sliding into the car on the passenger's side.

"Hi. Wow, you look really nice. What's the occasion?"

"I just came back from my court date." Tim said sourly, staring intently at Jack as he pulled away from the curb.

"Court date, what for?"

"Yeah right, you know all about my situation because you're the one that went to the police."

"See, that's why I pretended not to know about everything. I knew you'd think I was the one that told."

"Gee, I wonder why. Attempted blackmail anyone?"

"I was mad at the time. I didn't mean it."

"I'm sure." Tim said sarcastically.

"So you only picked me up to accuse me of turning on you?"

Tim didn't respond, but Jack saw when he rolled his eyes.

"You think that I would do that to someone I love."

"You're not in love with me. You don't even know me."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Jack you're 16..."

"Seventeen^Åmy birthday was a few weeks ago."

"You're underage, that's not cool."

"And if I wasn't?"

"It wouldn't matter. You're cool^Åminus the blackmail, but we can only be friends."

It was Jack's turn to be silent now as he pondered Tim's comments. They drove for a few minutes before Jack turned to Tim, "How did the court thing go today?"

"Ok, I guess. I have to go back to be sentenced."

"So I was right. When I came to your house that day, I was right about everything."

Tim thought long and hard before he spoke, "For someone who says they love me, you seem more concerned with being right. Anyway, I admitted to doing it, and I'll be sentenced at the beginning of September."

"Could you go to jail?"

"Perhaps." Tim said not really wanting to think about it.

"I think you'll be fine."

"Why's that?"

"I just have faith in these things." Jack said.

Tim drove up to the curb nearest the building that housed the President's office, "Get out before I get charged with something else." Tim said with a smile.

Jack laughed, "Thanks for picking me up. If you ever wanted to pick me up again, I wouldn't complain."

"I'm sure you wouldn't. Bye."


As Jack watched Tim hurriedly speed away, he quickly made his way inside. He barely heard Delta's greeting as he sped by her desk and walked into Dr. Brown's office, closing the door rapidly behind him. Dr. Brown watched with a slightly amused expression on his face; he could tell Jack was excited about something.

"What is it?" The President asked before Jack began to speak.

"You have to make sure Tim doesn't go to jail!"

Dr. Brown was used to his son bringing up seemingly random things and flying off the handle about them. He went back to his work as he spoke to his son, "I'm not a judge, there's not much I can do about that."

"Bullshit, you have a lot of influence in this city."

Dr. Brown looked up at his son, "Watch your mouth. And it's worth noting that if you hadn't come to me telling me that Tim had broken in, I would have never alerted the police."

"Sounds like you're saying that coming to you wasn't the right thing to do." Jack fired back.

"I'm saying that I know my own son well enough to know that you had a motive for coming to me the first time and I'm sure there's a reason that you're coming to me now."

"Fine, do what you want then. Can I have the keys to wait in the car?"

The President slid the keys across to his son. Jack quickly turned on his heels and as he briskly passed Delta's desk, she didn't bother to try and get his attention.

Eric was taking notice of the area surrounding the apartment complex they were heading towards. So far he liked what he saw; there were plenty of stores and small shopping centers within a few blocks, the area looked nice and fairly clean, and there seemed to be healthy amount of college aged kids around. Overall he had a positive feeling to what he was seeing. Cooper, on the other hand, wasn't concentrating on what he thought the area looked like, he was wondering if he would make it to the apartment in one piece, "Bliss, can you slow down a little bit?"

"Oh, are you getting car sick?" Bliss said lowering the window on the passenger's side as she looked at Cooper.

"Keep you eyes on the road!" Cooper said.

Bliss laughed, "Cooper, I assure you I am an excellent driver. I've only been in two accidents and only one was my fault."

Eric leaned forward from the backseat of the car, "Is everything ok?"

"We're good up here honey."

"Cooper?" Eric said putting his hand on his friend's shoulder. Cooper jumped slightly at the touch. As much as he had been trying to be as normal as possible around Eric, a simple and unexpected touch was all it took to make his head swim.

"Yeah, I'm fine. At least I won't die alone."

As the car screeched to a halt in front of a rental office, Cooper leaped out of the car, got on his hands and knees, and kissed the pavement.

"So beautiful." He muttered.

"Ok," Eric said getting out of the car, "Please get up. We haven't even seen the apartment and you're already acting like a freak."

"She lives over here." Bliss said pointing. They mostly walked in silence as they approached the apartment. Now that Cooper no longer feared for his life, he had joined Eric in taking in his surroundings and liked what he saw. He was making plenty of mental notes to tell Toby when they talked later that day. They were finally standing in front of a door and Bliss knocked lightly, "You're just going to love the apartment." She smiled back at the boys as they waited patiently.

Eric was still looking around, taking in everything around him when he heard what could only be described as violent screaming. He whipped around quickly to see Bliss and her friend still screaming for what was only a few seconds, but seemed more like hours to Eric, before grasping each other tightly into a hug.

Eric looked at Cooper with an amused expression on his face and Cooper smiled.

"Oh my God girl you are looking good." The dark haired woman said.

"I try I try." Bliss smiled.

Bliss turned to Eric and Cooper, "This is my good friend Melinda. This is Eric and Cooper.

Cooper gave a quick wave and Eric extended his hand, "Have you guys not seen each other in a while?"

"No we had lunch yesterday why do you ask?"

Eric and Cooper again gave each other a look of amusement as Melinda opened the door wider, inviting them to come in.

"Feel free to take a look around as Bliss and I catch up." Melinda said pulling Bliss off into a corner of the living room. Cooper and Eric headed towards the back of the apartment, both making their own mental thoughts to what they liked and disliked about the place. They stopped to talk in the hallway a few minutes later.

"It looks like all the rooms are the same size." Eric said looking at Cooper.

"Yeah, that's nice. We could split the rent evenly."

"It's kind of weird that both of the bathrooms are out in the hallway. I guess there's no master bedroom."

"Yeah, which is again nice for us."

They walked around a little more and peered into both bathrooms, "They're both pretty nice." Eric said.

"Yeah, I like how big they are. Two of us could be in there at once."

"What? Why would two of us need to be in the bathroom at the same time?"

"What if you have to take a piss and I'm in the shower?"

"Then I'll wait until you're done or use the other bathroom." Eric said.

"What if Toby's in the other bathroom?"

"Then I'll wait ok?"

"You say that now."

"Anyway^Åon a scale of 1-10 what are you thinking?"

"I really like the place. The rooms are spread out enough so when I'm fuckin some hoe you guys won't be all in my business."

Eric rolled his eyes, "1-10 and that's it."

"Uhhhh^Åa 6.5 or 7."

"Really, that's it?" Eric said surprised.

"I like the place, but I think we could find something a little better."

"Maybe, but it'd be nice to have a place already lined up."

"That's true. I'm fine with whatever, what do you want to do?"

"Of course we should talk to Toby about it once we get home, but I'm all for it."

"Ok, let's go then."

As they headed back to the living room to meet up with Bliss and Melinda, they could clearly hear the conversation going on.

"Cause I was telling him," Melinda started, "If you're gonna fuck me it ain't gonna be in no hotel ok?"

Bliss giggled, "Tell him girl^Å.oh hey." she said spotting Cooper and Eric.

Melinda turned in their direction, "What did you think?"

"We really liked it." Eric spoke up.

"Oh good. Liked it enough to take it?"

Eric and Cooper exchanged looks, "We need to talk to our friend, but pretty much yeah." Eric smiled.

"Good, just let me^Å" Melinda paused as she and everyone else turned to look at the front door that had just been opened. A very dirty and unkempt man was beginning to walk through the door as if he lived there.

"No no, Bob," Melinda said as she ran to the door, "Not now I have guests." She said as she locked the door, "Sorry about that."

"You know that guy?" Cooper asked skeptically.

"No, I don't. He just hangs around the complex." Melinda laughed nervously.

"Ok." Eric said walking towards the door, "We'll let you know." Eric knew as he walked towards the door that there was no way in hell he was living there.

"Let me get that for you." Cooper said stepping in front of Eric to get the door. He wasn't sure if the bum had really gone away. He opened the door and didn't see anyone and stepped out with Eric close behind.

"Thanks for letting us see the place." Bliss smiled.

"Mhmm and you better call me bitch so we can go to the club."

"I will I will. Bye."


Toby laughed as Eric recounted the bum that walked into the apartment.

"So everything was perfect until then?" He asked.

"Yeah, I really liked it."

"But because of the bum, you're a no now?"

"Absolutely." Eric said firmly.

Toby chuckled, "What about you Cooper?"

Cooper moved closer to the phone so that Toby could hear him over the speakerphone, "I liked it, but I think we can find somewhere better."

"Alright then. Hey I wanted to ask you guys something."

Eric and Cooper exchanged quick looks, "What's up?" Cooper asked.

"I love my parents, but I'm going a little nutty being back home. So I was thinking of taking a little trip up there the week after next. I wanted to know if I could crash in one of your rooms?"

"No problem." Eric said.

"Of course." Cooper remarked.

"Sweet. If you guys haven't found a place by then, I can do a little of the work and see if I can find anything."

"Whatever," Cooper shrugged, "We'll find something."

"That's a good week for you to come Toby cause that's finals week, so things will be a little less hectic around here and we'll actually be able to hang out."

"Awesome. Well I'll let you guys know as it gets closer. I'm looking forward to it. I miss you guys."

"We miss you two." Eric and Cooper said in unison.

"So then I'll see you guys in a couple weeks. Later."


Cooper grabbed his cell phone and shut it, "It'll be nice to see Toby again."

Eric smiled, "It sure will be."

Next: Chapter 37

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