Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Feb 16, 2007


================================================ Three Roads: Chapter 35. Under Those White Street Lamps ================================================

Tim stared impassively down at the carpet of his bedroom floor. As it was the end of March, he had green three leaf clovers made from paper decorating the small Christmas tree in his room. They had caught his attention and he stared at them hoping that what had just occurred to him wasn't a coincidence, but a gift from the heavens. Tim wasn't sure if he believed in God, he had never really considered it beforehand, because his parents had always been able to take care of his needs. When he was a baby and needed something, he simply cried to get their attention. When he was five, he'd run up to his mom and hug her tightly and she would always ask what was wrong. He always felt relieved after he talked to his mother, there was never a problem too big for her to solve when he was that young. Even as a teenager, his parents never failed to support him, whether it was with money, advice, or simple affection, they always were there. However, this time felt different and as he stared at the clovers in front of him, he knew he would need a bit of luck to get out of this situation.

"What are you staring at?" His little sister, Tathiana asked as she skipped into the room.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking."

"You look nice in your suit." She said rubbing the fabric.

"Thanks, are you ready for school?"

"I'm not going to school today silly and it's your fault!"


"You have your thingy this morning so Mom wanted me to stay home. What do you call it again?"

"A hearing."

"Oh yeah."

Tathiana started doing a little dance in the middle of his room and Tim smiled. Even though his sister annoyed him at times, he loved being around her. There was an innocence and goodwill that surrounded children, including his sister, that he loved.

"Why do you have to go to this hearing anyway?" She asked him.

"Mom didn't tell you?"

"No, she said it was grown up stuff."

Though Tim would be twenty right after the semester ended, he still thought of himself as a kid in many ways, "I guess it is."

"So why do you have to go?"

"I did a bad thing."

"How bad?"

"I'll let you know when I come back."

"Just a minute!" Eric yelled as he zipped up his jeans. He gave himself a quick once over in the mirror and opened the door.

"Hey, just give me a minute. I need to put on my shoes." He said as Cooper crossed the threshold.

"Hurry, I'm starving. I've been eating easy mac and top ramen for the past week."

"I told you to go to the grocery store before everyone left."

"It doesn't matter, I slept most of the time anyway."

"Yeah, we could all use a day to sleep the world away." Eric said, remembering everything that had happened over the last two weeks with his friends."

"Oh," Cooper said, "Did I tell you I talked to Toby last night?"

"No, but I was just about to call him to see if he wanted to go to breakfast with us."

"He's actually not coming back."

Eric stopped tying his shoe and looked up at Cooper, "Ever?"

"Not until next semester."

Eric picked up his right shoe and threw it at Cooper. Cooper attempted to block it, but was unsuccessful.

"Motherfucker! What was that for?"

"Why did you make it sound like he was never coming back?"

"Why are you such an asshole? You bent my finger." Cooper said doubled over in pain.

Eric hesitated for a moment, he wasn't sure if Cooper was kidding or not, but when his friend kept the pained expression on his face he walked across the room, "Let me see..."

Before Eric finished his sentence he was being lifted off of his feet and was tackled onto the extra bed in his room. Cooper landed on top of him, his body in full contact with Eric's, and he smiled, "Who's the boss now biotch?"

Eric looked up at Cooper, "I didn't know you were that strong."

"You better believe it."

Eric tried to move his arms, but Cooper was holding them down tightly, so Eric bucked his hips, and his crotch met momentarily with Cooper's. He saw the expression change on Cooper's face, it looked something like panic, and Cooper immediately moved to let Eric up. Cooper cleared his throat as he held out a hand to his friend, " sorry I had to regulate like that."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Eric said as he straightened his clothes, "so what else about Toby?"

"Oh, uh just that he hadn't heard from Tim, I told him how you had been trying to call him since we saw him at the police department."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go by his house today if he doesn't call me, I'm worried about him."

"Probably a good idea."

"Is Toby ok?"

"I think so. I think he just needed a break."

"Yeah, that's understandable. So are you still interested in looking for an apartment with me for next year?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

Eric ran his hands through his hair, "I know I said I wouldn't bring it up again, but I didn't know if anything had changed since everything that happened."

Cooper knew he was referring to the fact that he had confessed to Eric just two weeks ago that he was in love with him, "I told you it's water under the bridge."

"Ok, good. Breakfast?"

"Finally! Let's go."

Dr. Taylor tapped her right high heel on the plush carpet of the office that belonged to the dean of the College of Business at Sunnydale University. Tim's meeting was scheduled for 9:15; it was 9:05 and Tim was nowhere to be found. She yawned and realized how tired she felt; as much as she loved the students, she couldn't wait for the summer break to get here. The break meant shorter hours, less stress, and more time spent with her partner, Vanessa, who she knew she had been neglecting for quite some time now. She heard the elevator signal that someone had just arrived to the floor with a loud ping. She looked up and was relieved to see Tim walk through the elevator.

"I thought you weren't going to show up." She smiled.

"Yeah right, I'm scared to death right now."

"Don't be, this is just a formality. There are potentially worse things down the road."

Tim looked at her with a wide eyed expression. While he appreciated the honesty, he was silently wishing she would tone it down, "You think they've already made a decision?"


Tim sighed, "What should I expect when I go in there?"

"There'll be a couple of administrators at the table," she began, "one will be the dean of your college, one will be the vice president of student affairs, the other will probably be a representative from the President's Office, and one will probably be a member of the student government."


"The dean will recount the charges against you and will announce the recommendation from student affairs on what the punishment should be. They'll also ask you if you have anything to say on your behalf before making their final decision."

Tim paused, not sure if he should ask what he was thinking, but Dr. Taylor was already on to him, "Tim, whatever you do don't lie...even by omission."

"Can't say the thought didn't cross my mind."

"I know it's tough, but it'll be over soon."

"Tim?" A young man called, peaking his head out of the office door.

Tim gave Dr. Taylor a nervous look and she patted him on the shoulder as the young guy held the door open for him. He walked into what clearly was a conference room and saw four chairs on one side of the table. Each was filled except for the last one, which the young man sat in. There was one chair located on the other side of the conference table and Tim assumed that's where he was supposed to sit.

"Hi, Tim. I'm Adam Mason, Dean of the College of Business. Next to me is Lori Richardson, she's the V.P. of Student Affairs, you already met Robbie Banks, he's the President of Associated Students, your student government, and on the end there is..."

"We've met." Nancy said simply.

"Alright then," Dean Mason said, "Shall we begin?"

*********** Tim emerged from the conference room about half an hour later. Dr. Taylor stood immediately when she saw him exit the room, "Well?" She asked already knowing the answer.

"I've been kicked out. I have to take incompletes for all the classes I started this semester and I'm not allowed to attend any on campus events for a year. They called it academic dismissal."

"Huh," Dr. Taylor said surprised, "Interesting."

"Yeah, that I have no future."

"Tim, this is actually the best outcome considering the circumstances. When a student has been placed on academic probation two semesters in a row, the school serves them with an academic dismissal; basically the school forces them to take a semester off so they can ideally fix whatever is causing them to perform poorly. They always have the option of reapplying to the school in a semester, so you might be back at the university next spring. I have to say though, I'm surprised they didn't outright expel you. What was the recommendation from Student Affairs?"

"That I be expelled from the university."

"And the Dean went against that?"

"Well Nancy said that the President asked that I be given an academic dismissal."


Tim shrugged his shoulders, "Nancy didn't read anything or give reasons. She just said that that was the President's wish. I did enjoy watching her say it though since she clearly wanted me to be expelled."

Dr. Taylor smiled, "She isn't one of my favorite people either. Still, it's curious that Dr. Brown would make such a suggestion. What exactly were the charges?"

"Breaking into the office and vandalism for breaking the little access panel."

"They didn't ask about you erasing Toby's name from the list they had going?"

"They did. I told them that I thought his name had gotten on there by mistake because I talked to him and he said he knew absolutely nothing."

"Is that true?" Dr. Taylor asked.

"Yes." Tim was wasn't sure if he was convincing and Dr. Taylor wasn't sure if she believed him, but she let it go, " I have a meeting in twenty minutes so I have to run. I'll talk to you soon, ok?"

"Yeah. Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome, just don't do it again." She said as she stepped beyond the elevator doors.

Tim decided to take the stairs because that would mean it would take him longer to get to his car, which meant more time before he had to face his mother at home. As he walked through the campus, he looked at all the buildings, the chatter of conversation around him, and the various posters advertising events on campus, and he already began to miss it. He walked through the different rows of cars trying to remember where he parked, when he saw the last person he wanted to see at that moment.

"Oh, I see you're out on bail." Jon smiled maliciously.

"Not now." Tim said starting to walk away.

"Do you want my car keys?"

"What?" Tim said impatiently.

"My car keys."

"My car keys." Tim said, mocking Jon's British accent.

"Sorry, I was just asking cause if you're going to break into my car I'll just give you the keys so I don't have to replace the windows."

"Is that the best you can do?"

"I guess you don't need keys to break in now do you? But with your track record, you'll be in an orange jump suit before long."

"I am so glad that you are no longer with Eric, I can now have contempt for you openly."

"I feel the same way. I'll talk to you soon...that is if you're not on death row."

Tim really wanted to throw his car keys at the back of Jon's head as he walked away, but he figured that an assault charge wouldn't help his situation. As he headed home, he wondered if Jon was right, would he go to jail?


"Toby, my man!"

"Cooper, hey, how's good ole Sunnydale?"

"Shitty as always, how's it hangin?"

"I'm good...well just ok, I actually just got some bad news."

"What about?"

"My tennis scholarship. Apparently because of everything that happened with the girl getting raped, the university isn't all that eager to offer it to me again."

"Are you shitting me?"

"Nope, just talked to Coach about an hour or so ago. He said he'd do what he could, but considering I didn't play that much because of my ankle and now taking some time off, I guess the university thinks I'm expendable."

"I'm sorry to hear that man. Can your parents afford it?"

"I wouldn't ask them anyway. The dorms are way too shitty for them to have to shell out all that money a month."

"So what are you going to do?"

"No idea. Luckily I have a few months to figure it out. Who knows though, maybe something will work out with the coach."

"Yeah, maybe. Are you at least enjoying your time at home?"

"Yeah, it's nice not having to worry about school or tennis. I wonder how it'll set me back though."

"It's only a semester, no one gets out in four years anyway."

"True...have you seen Richard at all?"

"A few times just around here."

"Did he say anything?"

"About you?"


"No." Cooper said as sympathetically as he could.

"It's cool."

"Yeah, Eric told me what happened between you and Tim; I take it Richard wasn't too happy about it."

"No he wasn't...what's going on with you and Eric?"

Cooper was surprised not only by the question, but by how suddenly it had come about, "What do you mean?"

"That night at the police department I could tell there was something with you two, what was going on?"

"We had a fight a few hours before we went with you, that's all."


"You promise not to make fun of me?"

"I promise." Toby said seriously.

"I told him I loved him."

"I knew it!"


"Come on, you two are obviously into each other. You guys practically pushed me out of the friendship."

Cooper wasn't sure how seriously Toby meant that last comment. He knew that sometimes people said things in a joking manner that they really meant somewhere underneath. He decided this wasn't the time to address it, "Well, he doesn't feel the same so..."


"Don't say that."

"No, really Cooper, I'm not kidding. He's into you, I'd bet my life on it. The way you guys argue all the time, I'm glad one of you has at least realized there's some sexual tension there."

"Really stop."

"Why, you know it's true."

"Because I'm trying to forget I have those feelings for him. The way I see it we can't have a friendship if I don't and I need you to not give me false hope, so even if you have to lie and say he vomits every time I walk by, I'd appreciate it if you did that."

"Alright. I'm sorry."

"No biggie, just trying to move on."

"I know the feeling...if Richard does happen..."

"To say anything about you, I'll call you as soon as I can reach a phone." Cooper interrupted his friend.

"Good boy."

Eric waited patiently for someone to come to the door. He was sure it had been at least thirty seconds since he knocked the first time so he knocked again and this time the door was answered very quickly, "Yes?" Tina Henderson said very curtly.

"Hi, Mrs. Henderson. I'm Eric, one of Tim's friends. I was wondering if he was here."

"He's here, but he's not allowed to have guests right now."

Eric wanted to laugh and ask if he had heard her correctly; was she really trying to regulate the guests of her nineteen year old son? But the look on the face of the women in front of him made it quite clear that she was anything but joking at this moment.

"Ok. Well could you just tell him I stopped by?"

"Sure." She said closing the door firmly in his face. He stood there for a few seconds in disbelief before beginning the walk to his car. He smirked as he was positive that Tim would never get the message that he stopped by. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he smiled when he saw it was Tim.

"Hey, I'm outside of your house." Eric laughed.

"I know. Look up to my window."

Eric turned back to the house and saw Tim standing in the middle of his open blinds. Tim waved and Eric returned the wave.

"How are you doing?" Eric asked.

"Ok, I guess. My mom is uber pissed at me. I got kicked out of school today."

"No way!"

"Yep. I have the option of reapplying for the spring, but Dr. Taylor said I shouldn't count on getting back in anytime soon."

"So what happens now?"

"In a few weeks I go before a judge. He decides whether the charges get thrown out or not."

"Tim...stay positive. I'm sure it'll work out."

"Not according to my mom; you'd think I'd murdered someone or something. She was screaming when I told her. She made Tati cry."

"She was pretty intense at the door."

"She'll be okay in a little bit. She'll treat me like shit for a few days and then she'll be over it."

"Is there anything I can do?" Eric asked, sincerely hoping that there was something he could do to help his friend.

"No," he saw Tim shake his head, "I'm fine for now. Thank you for coming over though. I didn't know when I'd see you again."

"I'm sorry I didn't come by sooner."

"It's all good."

"Alright man well I'll call you tomorrow to see if you're still under house arrest." Eric said trying to smile.

Tim laughed, "Thanks. I'll talk to you soon." He said waving from the window.


With only a few weeks left in the semester, many students had realized that if there was going to be any reasonable chance at having decent grades come semester's end, they had better start cracking the books. Richard and Bliss were no different as they had been in the library, books spread across the table, for the last two hours, however they had done little to no studying.

"What about him?" Bliss whispered as a college aged kid walked by with a cowboy hat."


Bliss giggled, "Oh me too I'd like to ride him."

"Yeah, he's definitely a hit it."


"You're a skank you know that? Like thirty people have walked by since we've been playing and you've said hit it to like twenty-eight of them."

"It's ok to be a theoretical whore."

"And I'm sure it's hard not to be with girls like those." Richard said motioning to Bliss' breasts.

"I know. I think if I were a little bit taller I'd be a lesbian."

"What does height have to do with it?"

"I don't know. I just know if I had another inch or two, Dr. Taylor would be my idol."

Richard looked at her waiting for her to smile to indicate she was joking, but she never did. He wouldn't have seen it anyhow as he was being distracted by a guy who was clearly smiling at him. Richard returned the smiled and Bliss looked to see who had captured her friend's attention. "Really?"

"Oh yeah, I'd love to run my hands through that." he said staring at the long haired guy who was entering the bathroom.

"He's like the arty type. Collared shirt, jeans, those pointy little shoes, not to mention the almost shoulder length hair...I never imagined you with that type."

"Did you see the jeans on that guy? Any boy who knows how to wear a pair of jeans like that, I want to get to know."

"Then go after him."

"I can't."

"Why not? You're single now, the world is your smorgasboard."

"What's that?"

"I don't know I just hear people say it all the time." Bliss said.

Richard laughed, "I guess you're right though. I am single now."

"Have you talked to Toby at all since he left?"


"Are you going to talk to him?"

" just pointed out that I'm single again, what's it matter?"

"I was just wondering."

"No, I haven't talked to him, and I don't plan on making any effort to do so, ok?"


For the first time that night, Richard actually started reading his text book to avoid any further questions from Bliss. But as she watched him, she didn't believe for a second that he and Toby were over, in fact she believed it was only a matter of time before they were back together.

"Hey," Cooper said as he opened his door to see Joey standing there, "when did you get in?"

"Last night." Joey said walking into the room.

"How was break?"

"Eh, it was ok. It was nice spending time with my brother, but we didn't do much."

"Sometimes that's nice."

"Yeah, but there weren't even any hot guys to look at, let alone fuck."

"Your brother's pretty hot." Cooper said without thinking.


"I was kidding."

"Yeah right perv. What did you do?"

"Sleep the break away pretty much. It was nice."

"And how are things now?"

"What do you mean?"

"With Eric. Have you guys talked or anything?"

"Yeah," Cooper shrugged, "Of course. We're still friends."

"But that's not what you want."

"What's with everyone? I don't need people in my business, especially about my love life."

"Actually, you do. When's the last time you had sex?"

"When's the last time you had sex?"

"Over the break."

"Lies!! You just said there were no guys to look at or fuck."

Joey laughed, "I meant no cute guys to look at or fuck"

"Wow, you are such a whore."

"And you're such an innocent little school boy, was I really the last one you had?"

"Yeah." Cooper admitted reluctantly.

"Please tell me you've at least made out or felt someone up?"


"How in the world did you get so good at having sex if you never have it?"

"I just have skills like that."

"Not that I believe you, but if you really want to move on from Eric, why not try and date someone?"

"Because, that takes a lot of work and effort. It's easier just to start with people you know."

"Ok, then for goodness sakes at least go put a dick in your mouth or something. Everybody knows if you don't have anal for a year it starts to grow over."

"Mere mortals would have died from how disgusting that statement was. Luckily I'm a god of gods."

"A god who's not getting any. Go have sex!"

"Who's having sex?" Eric said walking through the half closed door."

"Well look who it is," Joey smiled, "I was telling Cooper to go have sex, it's been too long for him. He hasn't had sex since..."

"My dildo. I used the dildo a couple weeks ago." Cooper blurted out.

"Oh, uh, great." Eric stammered.

"I was just going to suggest to our friend here that he should try the cruising spots on campus for a little action." Joey said.

It was in that moment that Eric realized exactly how Cooper had found out about what he had done in the bathroom just a few weeks earlier; Joey had been the person who saw him. He was surprised when he felt the tiniest hint of disappointment at the realization that Cooper didn't see anything that happened. Eric realized he hadn't yet responded to what Joey said so he smiled and simply said, "Oh?"

"Yea, what do you think about that?"

"Alright, that's enough." Cooper said approaching Joey.

"No!" Joey said swatting Cooper's hand away from his ear, "I promise I'll behave."

"Fine then. What's up." Cooper said looking at Eric.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go get dinner?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Can I come?" Joey asked with what he thought was an unreadable expression on his face, but Eric could see that he really wanted someone to go to dinner with.

"Uh...yeah. Why not?"


"You're welcome. Just come by my room when you guys are ready to go."

"Will do." Cooper said.

As soon as he was sure Eric was far enough down the hall not to hear anything, Cooper gave Joey a stern look, "You better behave at dinner."

"I promise," Joey said seriously, "I really want to hang out with you guys."

Now that he didn't have school and he wasn't even allowed on campus, Tim wondered what he would do with his days. He'd probably have to get a job at some point, that is if he wasn't going to jail. He had faith in Dr. Taylor though and was praying to the God he wasn't sure was up above to help him out, even if just a little bit. Tim wanted to call Eric, but he wasn't sure if Eric was still mad at him and Eric hadn't bothered to call him since they had had that ridiculous fight over nothing. Tim was stubborn though, just like his mother, it was a large part of what had gotten him in his current situation, and he decided that Eric should be the one to call him first. That or when Tim got so bored he wanted to kill himself, he would give in and call his friend. He powered on his laptop and signed into his messenger service, he hadn't been online in a while. He saw Toby's screen name was already signed on and he took a deep breath, wondering if he should IM Toby, but Toby beat him to it.

TennisPro12: Hey

RinTinTim: hey

RinTinTim: I'm glad you IM'd me

TennisPro12: we hadn't talked n a while

TennisPro12: I wanted 2 c if u were ok

RinTinTim: I'm doing ok J

TennisPro12: What did the police say

TennisPro12: ?

RinTinTim: tryin not 2 think about it

RinTinTim: how are you?

RinTinTim: dr taylor is helping me

TennisPro12: good she's awesum

RinTinTim: yeah....

TennisPro12: look I'm sorry about everything that happened

RinTinTim: no need it was all my fault

TennisPro12: I feel lucky 2 have some 1 like u n my corner

TennisPro12: even if u r a lil crazy sometimes lol

RinTinTim: uhhhhhh.....

TennisPro12: 2 early to joke about it?

RinTinTim: uh yeah

RinTinTim: I'm not out of the woods yet

TennisPro12: sorry

TennisPro12: how r your parents taken it

RinTinTim: my dad doesn't know what to say

RinTinTim: my mom is just angry and disappointed which I guess I understand

TennisPro12: understandable I guess

RinTinTim: hey don't worry about telling the police what I did

RinTinTim: I'm not mad, you had to do it

TennisPro12: I didn't tell them anything about u

TennisPro12: I swear

RinTinTim: how did they know then?

TennisPro12: I don't know, but I just told them I was the 1 who let the girl n

TennisPro12: nothing else

RinTinTim: I bet it was jack

TennisPro12: probably

RinTinTim: he really is crazy

TennisPro12: I think we were 2 at that age...still are

RinTinTim: lol, yeah

RinTinTim: I know how you feel about me

RinTinTim: or lack thereof

RinTinTim: but I'd like to c u

RinTinTim: a weekday when my parents aren't home

TennisPro12: I'm not in Sunnydale, I'm n LA

RinTinTim: is everything ok, classes already started

TennisPro12: I'm staying home 4 a while

TennisPro12: I need a break

RinTinTim: you're coming back right?

TennisPro12: yeah

TennisPro12: I'll visit

TennisPro12: and b back n the fall

RinTinTim: good J

TennisPro12: how was the 1st day back

TennisPro12: u know with everything that happened

RinTinTim: it was fine

TennisPro12: good

TennisPro12: grandma's gonna get God to forsake me if I don't go get dinner

TennisPro12: so we'll talk later k?

RinTinTim: yeah

RinTinTim: bye J

TennisPro12: late

"Do you need some help with the dishes?" Toby asked his grandmother as she removed his plate from the table.

"Thank you, honey, but there's not that many."

"Ok." Toby said.

He waited a few seconds as his grandmother began washing the dishes. He exhaled loudly and walked over to the sink, "I'll help you. Since it's not that many it'll go even faster."

His grandmother nodded appreciatively. She prided herself in knowing all of her children and grandchildren like the back of her hand; Toby was no different. She knew he wanted to talk about something, but he was rarely ever direct with his emotions. She stayed quiet though and continued her task as if she hadn't noticed anything. When her grandson let out another loud sigh, she finally decided to give her grandson what he wanted, "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm's just that...I feel so thankful."

"What's wrong with feelin thankful?"

"Nothing," he said quickly not wanting to be lectured, "I just feel like I don't deserve it."

"None of us deserves the Lord's mercy, but thankfully He loves us anyway."

"It's almost painful you know. Like I was shit...a jerk to my friends and they were right there for me when I needed them. I have these amazing parents who the minute I was in trouble stopped everything they were doing to come be by my side. I just don't feel I deserve any of this. I cheated on Richard and he loves me more than any...almost as much as anyone," Toby said wary of the look from his grandmother. "I guess I'm just embarrassed by everything that's happened. I used Tim and he'd still be there for me if he thought I needed him."

"You are a very blessed boy. I pray for you everyday. And your mom and dad are praying for you too."

"I know I am."

"Are you sorry for everything you did?"


"Then you need to ask the Lord for forgiveness and you need to make amends. Being sorry ain't just about saying it or feelin bad; someone who is truly sorry makes amends and shows effort in hopes of being forgiven."

Toby nodded but didn't say anything as he reflected on what his grandmother had said.

"What's up?" Cooper asked. The caller I.D. on his phone had told him Eric was the caller.

"I just wanted to say thanks for saying whatever you said to Joey before dinner tonight, he was very well behaved."

"I didn't say much. He's actually pretty mellow a lot of the time. You just have to get to know him."

"I guess."

"I talked to Toby again today and haha you're not here to throw something at me this time bitch."

Eric laughed, "That just means no chance of you climbing on top of me again."

As soon as he said it he wished he hadn't and closed his eyes tightly as he hit himself in the forehead. He was glad that since Cooper's confession, their friendship seemed not to have changed, but it was comments like that, that before were nothing more than harmless jokes, now held so much more meaning, "Did he say anything interesting?" Eric said, trying to move on.

"He's doing good and is relaxing at home. He was a little upset when I talked to him cause his coach said that the University was debating whether or not they were going to give him his scholarship next year."


"Yeah. He may not be able to live on campus. I don't know why he would want to anyway, It's only a matter of time before everyone knows that he let in the rapist."

"His parents can't help him?"

"He said they probably could and the Coach said he would try and help out, but who wants their parents shelling out near a thousand dollars a month for this shithole?"

"Don't your parents pay for you to stay in the dorms?"

"Good point."

"Did you tell him you and me are getting a place together?"

"No, why?"

"Cause it'd be just as easy to find a three bedroom."

"Oh shut the fuck up," Cooper yelled into the phone, "the way you and Toby are wishy washy with your friendship, I'll be stuck in a three bedroom by myself."

"No you won't," Eric said seriously, "I think it'd be a good idea. Plus, he's our friend and needs our help. This is a good way to alleviate his mind of a problem."

"Sleep on it and we'll see what you say in the morning."

"Ok, whatever. It'll still be the same. Call it a leap of faith."

"Or bullshit. I'll call you in the morning and we can talk about it."

"Whatever. I'm getting off the phone now." Eric said a little annoyed.

"Ok, catch ya later player."

Cooper heard the line go dead and couldn't help but smile as he closed his cell phone. He knew that the three of them living together left the potential for lots of drama and fighting, but it also left endless possibilities for fun and entertainment. He hoped that when he talked to Eric in the morning, plans would be made for the boys to find a three bedroom.

Next: Chapter 36

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