Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Dec 2, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

Three Roads Chapter 32: Eric's Bad Mood

The alarm blared in Eric's ear and he was sure, no matter what time he had set the alarm for, that it was too early to be waking up. He turned over, moaning his disappointment as he saw the numbers on the clock read 6:30. He shut the alarm off, but continued to lay in bed. As was usual for him, his thoughts were occupied with all the things he needed to do today, which always included some combination of class, resident advisor duties, and relaxation. He glanced at the clock again and saw that the number had changed to 7:05. His face scrunched into a confused expression. Had he fallen back asleep? He hated when that happened. He counted to three in his head and expected to be on his feet no later than the count of five. By ten, he knew it was hopeless. He finally dragged himself out of bed at 7:20, and that was only because he usually met Cooper for breakfast every morning in the cafeteria. As he moved, very slowly around his room, he became sure that today would not be a good day; he could feel it in his bones, along with the heavy rain falling outside. After staring blankly into his closet for a few seconds he decided on wearing a plain white t shirt with a gray zipped up and hooded sweater over it and a pair of old jeans; he probably wouldn't be doing very much today anyway he thought to himself.

As he walked into the dining commons, he saw Cooper standing very impatiently outside the entrance, "I don't know what your clock says, but mine says you were supposed to be here ten minutes ago."

"Sorry, rough morning." Eric grunted.

"I'm so hungry, it's not even funny."

"You're always hungry and why are you wearing that hat backwards?"

"Huh?" Cooper said staring intently at a large tray of bacon.

"The hat, it's raining outside wouldn't it make more sense for you to have it turned around?"

"The other way makes my head look really big."

"As opposed to...?"

"Wow, you're hysterical when you're in a bitchy mood. Who put a bonfire up your booty?"

"Do you ever wake up in a bad mood where you just hate the world?"

"Right now I do because you're blocking the eggs, keep it moving!"

"I'm serious," Eric said moving out of the way, "I'm so...annoyed right now."

"A lot has happened, lately, and we're at the middle part of the semester anyway, it's about that time to start feeling pissed off. Don't worry it's almost spring break."

"What are you gonna do for spring break?" Eric asked as they sat at a table.

"I'm just going to stay here, no point in going all the way back home for a week. It takes that long to get there."

"I've been thinking about the future..."

"Like 2054?" Cooper interrupted. Eric gave him a very nasty and annoyed look, "Sorry." Cooper muttered.

"Are you planning on being an RA next year?" Eric asked.

"To be honest, no. The job is cool and all, but don't think I could do it another year."

"Exactly. I was thinking the very same thing. Maybe we should get an apartment off campus."

"Together?" Cooper chocked.

"You don't want to?"

"No, no, I mean yeah, I just never thought about it."

"I've been mulling it over the past few weeks and as long as I get a decent paying job, I'd only have to work like 10- 15 hours a week and be able to pay for everything."

"Yeah, my parents would probably swing for an apartment, it's cheaper than these shitty dorms, but I've been thinking of getting a job, myself."

"Yeah, where?"

"You know how we got that letter saying we have to declare a major by the end of the semester?"

"Don't remind me."

"Sorry...well I think I've figured out what I want to study."


"Sociology. I'm taking the intro class now and I really like it, plus it's broad enough where I could do a lot with it, but I'm planning on getting my doctorate anyway."

Eric laughed, "Doctorate? Thinking a little far ahead?"

"Dude, I'm not doing it for an academic purposes. I just want to be known as Dr. Hwang."

Eric rolled his eyes, but couldn't deny he thought it was funny, "What does this have to do with you getting a job though."

"Oh, the department chair is my professor for the intro class and I've been talking to him about declaring Sociology as my major and what I'd have to do. Anyway, the student assistant they have in the office is graduating this year, so he said I could do it if I wanted the job. I'd have to work specific hours during the school day, but he would guarantee me a spot in any sociology class at any time I wanted."

"Sounds like a good deal."

Yeah, I think I might just do it. Have you given any more thought to what major you're going to declare?"

Eric's mood turned sour again, "I have considered sociology and a few others, but I really don't know. Why do I have to declare a major anyway?"

"Maybe you should go to the career center. They have counselors that can maybe turn you in the right direction."


"I'm just trying to help."

"I know, I'm just in a shitty mood."

Cooper raised his eyebrows at the language Eric used, "You never said what you were so pissed off about."

"I'm still thinking about Jon." Eric said looking at Cooper out of the corner of his eye.


"I know you don't like him, but you don't understand...I like almost begged him to take me back and he didn't want to. I'm not exactly high on confidence right now."

"We can talk about it while we walk to class. We have to get going." Cooper said standing up.

"I'm actually not going to class today." Eric said firmly.

"Oh my God. The apocalypse is nigh. Mr. I don't miss a class unless I'm dying and that's only if the illness is contagious is missing a class to forget his troubles by jerking off."

"Cooper, shut up." Eric said even though that's what he intended to do.

"Hey, it's a tried and true formula. Good luck my friend." Cooper said leaving his friend at the table. Eric left the cafeteria ten minutes later and hurried to his room; he was thankful that he had his own room so that he wouldn't have to worry about a roommate barging in while he was in the middle of jerking off. He sat down and realized it had been a while since he had jerked off with anything other than his imagination. He cursed when he found that, besides a few academic sites, his favorites folder had nothing to help him in his current condition. He sulked at his desk for a few minutes before he had a bright idea. He rushed to get his cell phone that he had left in the pocket of his sweater he had worn to breakfast that morning. He quickly wrote a text message to his friend Michael that lived back home that read "give me a good porn site."

He was mortified and extremely annoyed when his phone rang and he saw Michael's name flash across his screen.

"Hello?" Eric tried to say as evenly as possible.

"Was that a typo?" Michael said very sleepily, "Did you ask for porn?"

"I did."

"What happened to the porn I bought you?"

"I left it at phone. I told you my Mom found it."

"Oh yeah, dumb ass." Michael laughed.

"Ok, so about the porn..." Eric said a bit frustrated.

"Oh...uh...what about"

"What's that?"

"It's an erotic story site, it's pretty good for a jerk off."

"Umm...I think I want something a bit more...visual." Eric said closing his eyes in embarrassment.

Michael laughed, fully enjoying this, "More visual huh? What are you into when it comes to porn?"

"Right now, it really doesn't matter, I just want something."

Michael yawned as he gave Eric the address to a site that specialized in "straight" guys experimenting with gay sex for the first time...and then again and again.

"Thank you, were you asleep?"

"Yeah, and normally I would have ignored your text this early in the morning, but this is an opportunity I just couldn't pass up."

"Shut up," Eric laughed, "thanks again."

"That's what friends are for. I'm going back to sleep."

"All right, later."

Twenty minutes went by and Eric was fully aroused. This site was great and he immediately, upon ending his call with Michael, added it to his favorites. The site mostly featured college aged guys, and Eric had chosen a video in which the guy experimenting for the first time, closely resembled one of the residents on his floor. He was trying to pace himself, as he wanted this session to last a while, but by the time the guy was on all fours ready to bottom for the first time, he was ready to blow. A few more strokes and he would have had one of the best orgasms in recent memory, but instead a knock at the door disturbed his rhythm.

"You've got to be fuckin kidding me." He whispered while staring at the door. He fully planned on ignoring it, but the knock was more insistent this time. He cursed himself for ever signing up to be a resident advisor as he pulled up his pants and underwear. He gave himself a quick once over to make sure it wasn't obvious what he had been doing. He opened the door and for some reason wasn't at all surprised to see Joey standing there.

"What took you so long to come to the door?"

"I was hoping you would go away to be honest."


"What do you want?" Eric said trying to get this interaction over with as quickly as possible.

"I'm locked out of my room."


"Yeah, I keep forgetting to take my keys with me when I go to the bathroom."

"Just leave your door unlocked." Eric said impatiently.

"You're the one who told me not to do that so no one would steal all my stuff."

Eric rolled his eyes, "Fine." He grabbed his keys so that he could get into the front desk and grab the master key ring that would allow him to let Joey back into his room. The lobby area was mostly deserted as all the residents had either left the building to attend class or were still asleep as it was still quite early in the morning. He opened the door to the front desk and walked in as he got the keys, "Come in. You have to sign a lockout card."

Joey, who had been holding the door opened walked in and the door closed quietly behind him. Eric pulled out a 3 by 5 sized card and told Joey to fill it out. Eric moved behind him so that Joey could use the desk surface to write. After a few moments, Eric was becoming slowly aroused at the way Joey was positioned. Joey was bent at the waist, leaning over to write which had caused his ass to stick out. Eric admired it closely and was becoming hard once again. Joey was still writing on the card and had no idea he was being admired from behind. Eric had the urge to grab the ass in front of him. He normally would not have even thought to do such a thing, but he realized just how perfect the situation was. They were alone, he was horny, Joey was always horny, and Joey's ass was inviting him to do so. Eric's hand slowly went outward towards Joey's ass. He was just a few short inches from it when Joey turned around to say he was finished. Eric's hand paused in mid air directly in front of Joey's crotch. Joey stopped talking mid sentence.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhhh....making sure you were filling out the card right."

"Is that what they call it now?" Joey smiled.

"Fuck it..." Eric said. He darted his hand forward and began to massage the crotch of the boy in front of him. Joey was taken aback at first, but it was only seconds before Eric could feel the hard on through Joey's jeans.

"Eric, stop." Joey said grabbing his hand.

"What's wrong?"

"'s not right for us to do this."

"Why not?" Eric almost pouted, "You don't think I'm attractive do you?"

"I think you're very attractive, but look where we are and how it would be?" Joey really believed what he was saying. He thought Eric as too good of a guy for a random encounter, plus he knew that Cooper still liked Eric very much, and he didn't want to piss off the only real friend he had made all year.

"Since when did you become so picky?"

"Since when do you think you know me?" Joey fired back.

"I'm sorry, I said that."

"You should be. Can you let me into my room now?"

"Yeah." Eric said not really wanting to be in Joey's presence anymore.

******* Later that night Richard walked into his room to find Toby in nothing but a tank top and a pair of boxers, "Are you trying to turn me on?" Richard smiled as he closed the door behind him.

"No, just trying to kill some pent up energy." Toby got down to the floor and started doing pushups.

"Damn, I'm so lucky. You're fuckin hot right now."

"Just right now?"

" know what I meant."

"I guess."

"Are you ok?" Richard asked seriously.

"I'm fine."

"Oooh, is this about the match with Brian today? Did you lose?"

"Barely. 6-4 on the third. Coach was acting like Brian was the next coming of Christ or something. I've barely played in months and Coach acts like he's got another Andre Agassi on the team."

"It's not a big deal, you'll get him next time."

"No doubt, he doesn't even play real tennis."

Richard laughed, "What does that mean?"

"He uses all these slices and off pace shots, just hit the damn ball, you know."

"Not everyone plays the same way." Richard reminded him.

"All the real players do."

"So you're sure you're ok? You've been a little distant lately."

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?"

"No," Richard said immediately, "I'm just trying to talk to my boyfriend."

"The only reason why you think I've been distant is because we haven't been having sex."

"Come on, Toby. I admit it's part of it, but...I don't know. We haven't been talking to each other and you just haven't been yourself lately."

"I just have a lot on my mind lately." Toby said getting up to go to his desk. He wasn't looking for anything, he just wanted Richard to leave him alone. Richard knew that's what Toby was trying to do, but he continued to pry, "Is it about tennis?"

"Tennis is always on my mind."

"Just relax." Richard said massaging Toby's shoulders. Toby wanted to push Richard off of him, but he let his boyfriend rub his shoulders and it started to feel good and relax him. Toby leaned into his boyfriend and let Richard hold him for a few moments.

"Doesn't this feel good?" Richard asked.

"It does."

"Then tell me what's wrong?"

"Can I tell you anything?" Toby said quickly turning around.

"Of course," Richard said almost offended, "You know that."

"I did something really stupid." Toby said not looking at his boyfriend.

Richard's heart began pounding in his chest, "Ok, what happened."

"I didn't mean for it to happen, I didn't know it would."

Richard was frightened by what Toby was saying, but he persisted, "Tell me what happened, and we can fix it."

"You know how that girl was raped...I'm the one who let the guy in."

Richard was both relieved and shocked at the same time; relieved that Toby hadn't cheated on him, but shocked at what he had just been told, "Are you serious?"

"Yes. This isn't something I would joke about."

"Sorry, I had to ask. Toby, you have to go to the police. There's no other option."

"Richard, I can't just barge in there and tell them everything I know. They're going to ask me what took so long for me to come forward."

"Of course they are! It's been weeks since she's been attacked Toby!"

"I know, but...I'm so scared Richard. I didn't mean for anything to happen to her."

Richard closed his eyes to think, "Toby, I'm trying really hard to see your side, but listen to yourself. A girl was raped, you got to do the right thing. We can go to the police station right now, I'll go with you, and I'll stay by your side the entire time, but you have to do something."

"What about tennis and living here and everything else. People will hate me."

"You've never worried about other people before, don't know. You have to do right by that girl."

"See this is why I didn't tell you beforehand; I knew you wouldn't understand."

"No, I don't understand these sorry excuses you're giving me right now." Richard said moving away from Toby.

"Where are you going?"

"There's a going away party for Brian tonight. Don't wait up."

"Wait! You're just going to leave me?"

I just know I can't be here right now."

******* "Feeling better?" Cooper asked as he and Eric got out of the car and made their way to Bliss' apartment.

"Yeah, I'm excited about this party tonight. I'm hoping it'll be fun."

"Just tell me now, are you goingto drink tonight?"

"No, I really don't plan on it."

Cooper gave him a skeptical look, but let it go, "I swear Bliss throws a party for everything."

"We're the odd ones out, remember. That's what you're supposed to do in college."


They knocked at the door and Bliss let them in, "Welcome guys!" she shrieked. She gave each one of them a hug.

"How are the girls?" Cooper asked, referring to her breasts.

"Oh, just as good as ever. I have a feeling we'll be seeing them tonight; they want to say goodbye to Brian."

"Where is the guest of honor?" Cooper said looking around.

"He's in the kitchen talking to Richard."

Cooper went ahead towards the kitchen, but Eric lingered behind with Bliss, "Hey do you know if Jon is going to be here tonight?" He asked her.

"No, he's not. He said he had to work tonight and had a lot of work to catch up on."

"Oh, ok."

"I'm sorry, my friend."

"It's not a big deal." Eric said perking up.

"Good, I have a present for you. Richard!!!!" Richard appeared moments later from the kitchen smiling, "Yes, darling."

"Let's give Eric his present."

Richard laughed, "Ok." he dug into his pocket and produced a bib, "This is in case you get carried away again." He said handing it to Eric. Everyone laughed and Eric couldn't help but smile, "Yeah, thanks."

He walked in the kitchen to find Cooper and Brian chatting, "No way, so you've never even kissed a guy before?"

"No," Brian blushed, "I just haven't been lucky enough. I assume you have?"

"Oh yeah, tons of..." Out of the corner of his eye Cooper saw Eric coming towards them, "No, I never have."

"You never have what?" Eric asked curiously. "Kissed another guy." Brian said.

Eric looked at Cooper and laughed, "What, this month?"

"Haha, I think I liked you better drunk," Cooper retorted, "but I haven't kissed anyone since..."

"Kevin, really?"

Cooper was thinking Joey, but he still didn't want Eric to know about that, "Yeah, Kevin."

"Who's Kevin?" Brian asked.

"The love of Cooper's life." Eric said sarcastically.

"What's your problem?" Cooper said looking at his friend.

"Sorry, I was just joking."

"It's not funny."

"Ok, I said I was sorry. Do you accept my apology?

"No, I don't." Cooper said walking away.

******* Toby quickly walked to the door. He was praying it was Richard, but was disappointed when Tim appeared smiling.

"Hey." Toby said.

"Hey," Tim said walking into the room, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just stressing out a little bit. Shouldn't you be at a party?"

"I snuck out for a little bit. I got some news that will alleviate some of your stress."

"About the girl?"

"Yes," Tim said smiling widely, "It's all been taken care of."

Toby thought he was joking at first, especially because Tim kept smiling, but when Tim said nothing else, Toby himself began to get excited, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, the police won't be coming your way."

"Oh my God," Toby said hugging Tim, "So someone came forward who also saw the guy?"

"Not exactly." Tim said, the smile now disappearing.

"Then what happened?" Toby said confused.

"I removed your name from the list."


"You asked for my help and this was the only way I knew how to help you."

"By erasing evidence?!"

"Well...what was I supposed to do?"

"Umm how about just giving me any information as you heard it, like I asked." Toby said angrily, "Someone will find out, Tim."

"No, they won't. I did it after hours."

"You hid in the office or something?"

"Or something...I sort of...broke in... and besides," he said over Toby's snort of disbelief, "We're the only two people that know."

"I sort of told Richard that I was the one to let the guy in."

"Why?! Did you tell him I was helping you?"

"No, I didn't mention you at all."

"Good, I can get into a lot of trouble over this."

"No shit. You're making a bad situation worse."

"Hey, I did this for you! What was I supposed to do? I wasn't about to let the man that I love take a bunch of heat for an honest mistake."

"Love? What are you talking about?"

"Are you playing around? Do you really not know that I'm in love with you? What do you think these past several months have been about?"

"I though we were friends."

"Oh, right, because friends blow each other."

"I never asked you..."

"Don't you dare say that! You came to me complaining about your life and tennis and Richard. I would have never done that if you hadn't continuosly hinted around and flirted with me."

"I'm sorry you feel like I miselad you, but..."

Tim interrupted Toby again, "Mislead me? What do you mean?"

"I'm with Richard and..."

"I don't believe this." Tim whispered softly. There was silence between them and Tim continued to repeat, "I don't believe this." over and over with his eyes closed.

"Tim..." Toby said softly, "I'm very..."

"I swear, if you say you're sorry, one of us won't make it out of this room." Tim walked past Toby and to the door.

"Are you ok?" Toby asked sincerely.

"I honestly don't know." Tim said as he closed the door behind him.

********* Brian walked into the bathroom and closed and locked the door behind him. He was surprised to see that someone was standing at the toilet, "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize anyone was in here."

"Wait," the familiar boy said.

"What's wrong?"

"Ummm...I think I need a little help."

Brian laughed uncomfortably, "That's funny, I'll wait outside."

"No, really," the boy said more self assuredly, "I could use a little help here."

Brian hesitated just for a moment, and the boy standing at the toilet knew he had him, "See look..." the boy continued, "My pants have fallen down."

Even though the boy had his face towards Brian, Brian could only see the back of him. He admired the boxer clad ass in front of him and could hear his heart beating wildly in his chest as he walked towards the boy. He stooped quickly though, "Are you drunk?"

"Yes," the boy stammered, "That's it, I am drunk."

Had Brian not been so overwhelmed by the situation, he would have been able to see that the boy was in no way intoxicated, but somehow it made Brian feel a bit more confident that he believed the boy in front of him to be inebriated. Brian walked forward until he was standing directly behind the boy. Brian lightly placed his hands on the hips of the other boy which made the boy tense as if he had been surprised by the touch.

"Am I hurting you?" Brian asked quickly.

"Not at all." The boy whispered. He backed up into Brian and immediately felt just how excited Brian had become by the situation. Brian let the boy take total control of the situation, and as the minutes ticked by, Brian hadn't ever been so aroused in his life and he was surprised by the expertise at which the boy grinding his ass into his crotch."

"You're really good at that." Brian said breathing heavily.

"Yeah...I love when a hard dick grinds into my ass." The boy winced, he hoped that didn't sound really stupid. He was also getting turned on by being able to turn on another guy. He knew that if he didn't act now, he would never be able to take the plunge. He removed Brian's hips from his waist and quickly pulled his boxers down.

"Can I kiss you first?" Brian said, holding the boxers in place.

The boy didn't respond, but instead turned slightly so that their lips met. Brian was on cloud nine as his brain took in exactly what he was doing; he was kissing another boy. The other boy was a lot more aggressive as he invaded Brian's mouth with his tongue. They kissed like this for a few moments before the other boy broke it off.

"You mind if I take these off now?"

"Go ahead." Brian said a little too excitedly. He couldn't wait to see what was under the boxers. All of a sudden, a feeling of guilt washed over Brian. What was he doing? He knew better than to do this, particularly with this person given the situation surrounding this person. He again halted the fall of the boxers.

"What's wrong?" the boy whined.

"I can't do this."

"Is it because of where we are? We can go somewhere else."

"No, I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but..."

A loud knock came at the door, "Eric, are you in there?"

Eric and Brian both gasped, "Shit!" Eric whispered pulling up his pants quickly.

"Eric!" Cooper banged on the door again, "Are you in there? I`m sorry for acting like a douche earlier."

"Uh yeah...just give me a have to stay in here."

`Why?" Brian whispered.

"Because if we both walk out of here, he'll know something was going on."

"Ok, fine."

Eric walked to the bathroom door and opened it just enough for him to get out. He closed the door behind him, "What's up?"

"Were you singing in the bathroom?" Cooper smiled, happy to see that Eric did not appear to be mad at him, "I heard you like whispering or something."

"A little bit, there's some good music tonight."


They had made almost all the way down the hall when Cooper turned around, "I'll meet you out there, I got take a piss."

"Wait...uh don't go in there."

But Cooper hadn't heard him and he opened the door just as Brian thought it was safe for him to come out. They both were surprised to see the other, but Cooper recovered first, "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize..." He stopped and he look down the hall at Eric who was wearing an expression that Cooper knew meant he had interrupted something he wasn't supposed to know about. Eric felt embarrassed enough that Cooper had found out, but as Cooper stared back at him, there was something there that Eric hadn't seen before. Cooper wasn't just annoyed or disappointed that something had obviously happened, Cooper looked as if Eric had betrayed him somehow.

"Cooper, I'm sorry." Eric said. He felt the need to apologize even though he didn't know what exactly he was apologizing for.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Cooper said turning his attention away from Eric.

"Sure." Brian said, just as embarrassed as Eric. They met each other in the hallway.

"Are you ok?" Brian asked Eric as if he too knew something that Eric did not.

"Yeah, um...I'm fine. You should go back to the party, I think I'm going to wait here until he comes out."

"Ok," Brian said. As Brian walked down the hallway, he saw Tim just entering the apartment.

"I know, it's early, but are you ready to go?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling too good." Brian said.

"Alright, we can head back to my place. You want to say bye to everyone?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you in the car."

Brian said his goodbyes, mostly to people that hadn't even tried to get to know him. He wished he could have said goodbye to Eric and Cooper, especially Cooper. He wanted to explain what had happened in the bathroom and how he had tried to stop it, but it was a little too late for that. He said his goodbyes to Bliss and Richard. Bliss actually looked like she was going to cry, "Don't worry," Brian told her, "I'll be back."

"You better, or you'll never get to see these again." She said sticking out her chest.

Brian was pleasantly surprised when Richard stepped forward and gave him a hug, "Hope to see you around next semester." Richard smiled.

"For sure." Brian blushed. In his opinion, Richard was definitely the hottest guy he had met during his time in Sunnydale. He gave one last final goodbye to everyone and went out to meet Tim in the car. Brian looked at the apartment complex longingly as they drove away, "He wouldn't see these people again for almost another six months. He thought about how that was plenty of time to be forgotten.

"Soo...." Tim said breaking his thoughts, "Why are you so mopey?"

"If I tell you something, you promise to keep it a secret?" "Yeah."

"I made out with someone in the bathroom at the party tonight."

"Awesome!" Tim said as excitedly as he could muster, "Who was it?"

"Just some guy. I don't even know his name." Brian lied, he wanted to protect Eric.

"That's cool, it happens. But, why do you look so sad?"

"You mean besides that I'm going to miss everyone?"

"Good point." Tim said.

"But really...I don't know, I never thought my first time kissing a guy I would be in a bathroom with someone I barely knew who was drunk. It was a lot more romantic and perfect in my mind."

Tim gave him a consoling pat on the shoulder, "I'm sorry man."

"It's ok. I guess all dreams don't come true."

Tim nodded, "I guess not."

Thanks for reading this last chapter. That leaves only 2 more updates before a several week hiatus so I can get working on the next season of chapters. Would love to hear from you and where you think it's all going, what you like/dislike, and any other comments (about the story or not) you'd like to make. Feel free to e mail me at

Next: Chapter 33

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