Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Nov 24, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

Three Roads Chapter 31: My All

Toby stepped out into the cold March air and immediately glanced upwards to the sky. It wasn't supposed to rain today, but there were several ominous look clouds in the sky above.

"Please hold off for an hour or two." He muttered to the sky. This was only his second official tennis match of the season and he was so excited about being able to play that he had barely slept the night before. He also had placed a tremendous amount of pressure on himself. Because he had been out most of the season because of his ankle, he had to perform spectacularly in the last few weeks in order to be granted the wild card he had asked for to play in the League Championships. He knew that he had no chance to get it on based on his record, he simply would not have enough matches under his belt, so he was hoping the league officials would grant him the wildcard. He took another quick glance up at the sky, and a thought struck him; his life was almost completely different compared to this time last year. He was with Tim at this time last year, and now he was with Richard. A voice in the back of his mind quietly whispered but Tim is still a problem thanks to that blowjob. Toby pushed the thought aside and realized that this time last year the university and the media were buzzing about the very real prospects about him winning the league championships. He remembered how he lost to Richard and the voice in the back of his head again whispered and now you're pretty much a footnote; no one's talking about you this year. Toby pushed that thought aside as well and smiled when he thought that it would make it an even better story when he won the championships since no one was talking about him. But that insistent voice crept into his thoughts once again and reminded him of one more big difference between this year and the last; he hadn't contributed to the rape of a girl last year.

"I didn't contribute to anything." He said out loud as if someone had actually spoken to him. He looked around, but there was no one walking behind him. He stopped walking for a moment, closed his eyes tightly and exhaled deeply.

"Stay focused, you've got a job to do."

He walked through the gates and saw that he was one of the last of his teammates to arrive. He walked over to Coach Williams to check in.

"I'm ready to go." Toby said confidently.

"How's the ankle?" Coach Williams asked looking down to the black ankle strap that showed for a ways up his leg.

"It's fine Coach. A hundred percent."

"If you feel any pain, any pain at all, I want you to stop, you understand?"


"Go stretch and warm up."

Toby had so much energy that he jogged back to his tennis bag. As he bent down to begin stretching, he saw Tim and another kid he didn't recognize walk up to the gates. He assumed correctly that Tim was looking for him, so he walked in their direction. Tim saw him and pointed him out to the guy standing next to him and said something to him that Toby couldn't make out.

"Hey." Tim said smiling when Toby was in ear shot.

"How's it going?" Toby responded.

"Really good. Toby, I'd like you to meet Brian, he's from Norway."

"Nice to meet you." Toby said. Brian moved his hand toward the fence in a handshake type gesture, but realized that he would not be bale to shake Toby's hand because of the fence. He laughed nervously.

"What brings you guys here?" Toby said.

"I wanted him to see you play, plus he's thinking about transferring here and he wanted to talk to Coach Williams about playing on the team next year."

"Really? How long you been playing?"

"Since I was a little kid."

"Sweet. You should definitely talk to Coach then, he's a pretty good guy."

"I got to run though and stretch, good meeting you Brian, and I'll see you later."

As Toby walked away Tim smiled, "So...."

"He seemed a bit cocky." Brian said in a matter of fact tone.

"He just comes across that way, he's really an awesome guy."

"This is the guy you dated last year right?"


"And you gave him head a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah." Tim said closing his eyes briefly to remember it.

"You let him cum in your mouth right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What's that like? Brian asked curiously.

"To be honest, I'm not a big fan of it, but Toby really wanted to do it."

"I'm afraid of my own cum, I couldn't imagine tasting someone else's."

Tim laughed, "You'd be surprised at the things you're willing to do for someone you love."

"Hopefully, one of these days I'll find out."

"You will. You're a great guy."


"Look," Tim said excitedly, "The match is about to start." ************ Eric threw his backpack into the corner of his room and sighed. Another week completed he thought. He fished his cell phone out of his pocket, as he remembered he hadn't turned the sound back on. He glanced at the screen of his phone and was very annoyed that there were no missed phone calls. He had called Cooper several times today, and several times over the past few days. Cooper had either not answered or quickly gave an excuse as to why he couldn't talk. He had also barely talked to Cooper since the day after the party. Cooper was probably in his room now, so Eric decided to march over there and find out what was going on. Eric knocked on the door, and then decided to take out his frustration that way by continuously knocking on the door until Cooper answered it.

"Yessssssss?" Cooper said.

"Ummm....Can I come in?"

"I'm a little busy right now, can we talk later?"

Eric pushed the door open and it banged Cooper in the knee, "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Are you avoiding me?" Eric said, now inside of the room.

"What do you think?"

"Ok, why?"

Cooper gave him a very hard and stern look and Eric matched his gaze for a few seconds before speaking, "Ok, I'm sorry about getting drunk."

"Thank you!"

"I was jus upset about Jon and the letter from my mom and everything that happened."

"Well he's an asshole, you're better off without him."

"He isn't though. It's my fault, I screwed that up. You think I should try and get back with him?"

Cooper looked Eric directly in the eye. He wanted to say, "No, you should be with me instead." or even just, "No, he's no good for you." Cooper wasn't sure if he really believed that though, and he didn't want to abuse his position as a friend unfairly so he said, "I can't answer that for you."

"I know," Eric said laying on Cooper's bed, "I feel like I should go talk to him or something."

"What would you say?"

"I don't know. I've just been thinking about him since the party, like I should make amends or something."

"You must have been thinking about me too." Cooper said.

"What do you mean?"

"I was barely returning you calls, I must have been on your mind, you know, you wondering why I wasn't."

"Yeah, it was pissing me off. Are we good though?"

"Yeah, I don't think I could stay mad at you for too long."

"Awww. That's good to know, so I can use it to my advantage."

Cooper laughed nervously, until he realized that Eric had not said he wanted to take advantage of him.

"Well, I think I'm gonna head over to the ice cream parlor and see if he's there. You want to come?"

"No, it's too cold for ice cream, but come back and tell me how it goes."

"Ok, hopefully, he'll take me back."

"Or not." thought.

"Huh?" Eric asked.

"Oh nothing." Cooper said hurriedly not realizing he had said it out loud.

"Alright, I'll talk to you soon then."

As his serve zoomed by his competitor untouched, Toby gave a fist pump and jogged to the net. He smiled widely as he looked over and saw Coach Williams give a congratulatory nod. He shook hands with his opponent and immediately walked over to the coach.

"How's the ankle?" Coach asked seriously.

"Not even an ache, I feel really good."

"You didn't play all that well, you made a ton of errors."

"I know, but it was still straight sets and it's my first match in a while, I'll get better."

"You sure will," Coach Williams said patting Toby on the back, "Have you seen that guy play?" Coach Williams asked nodding in the direction of Tim and Brian.

"I haven't, is he any good?"

"I haven't seen him play either, but we talked for a few minutes about him joining the team next year. He's leaving back to Norway at the end of next week, so he's pretty much going to practice for me in a few days. You want the extra practice?"

"Yeah, I think I need it. At the league, I'm sure I'll run into some guys I haven't seen play."

"You know my policy, no playing unless you're 100% fit." Coach Williams reminded Toby.

"I know, I'll be fine. I'm still doing rehab on it with the trainer, every morning after practice, so it'll be ok."

"Alright, good work, and I'll let you know about when you and Brian will play."

"Thanks coach."

"Hey Toby!" Tim yelled from behind the gate. He motioned for Toby to come over and Toby found himself a bit annoyed, but he went over anyway

"What's up?"

"You played really well today."

"Not really, but it was ok for my first match in a while."

"Um, Brian and I are going to go get some pizza, do you want to come with us?"

"I can't, I don't really have the extra money for that."

"It's cool, I'm going to pick up the tab."

"Actually, I think Richard and I are doing something tonight."

"Oh, well...I guess we can hang out some other time."

"Yeah, definitely."

"Alright...well I guess I will see you later." ********

"I really want to know what that was about." Tim said as bit harshly into a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"You mean with Toby?" Brian said patiently.

"Yeah," Tim said annoyed, he had not talked about anything but Toby since the incident happened, "I just don't get it. He just doesn't get it. He's not happy with Richard or he wouldn't have come to me, why won't he just take the final step and be with me."

Brian shrugged his shoulders, "If I knew that, I wouldn't be in the predicament I'm in."

"Refresh my memory." Tim said.

"You know my best friend from back home. He's straight, the kind of straight that he doesn't even think about other guys finding him attractive.

I never told you, but he wanted to stay the night at my house the night before I was leaving to come here. We stayed up pretty late and watched movies. Of course we talked about girls and I pretended like I was interested. Anyway, I fell asleep in my bed first and he was going to sleep on the floor next to me and I could hear him jerking off. I so wanted to move, but I couldn't cause what if he heard me but when he, you know, came he made the cutest little grunt, it was awesome."

"Toby makes a cute grunt too when he cums. I miss him so much. Do you think you have a chance with your friend?"

"No. Plus he's like the brother I never had, if anything actually happened between us, it would probably be too weird anyway."

"So you're in love with someone you consider a brother?" Tim asked confused.

"No, that's the thing," Brian started, "I'm not even sure I'm in love with him. He's just such an amazing guy that, as cliché as it sounds, I'm just lucky to have him in my life. It will be very hard to leave him behind."

"So you've decided for sure to move to the U.S.?"

"There's still a lot to think about, but we'll see."

Eric walked into the Ice Cream parlor and found it as he expected, empty. Apparently Cooper was right, not too many people wanted ice cream in the middle of March. He walked up to the counter and did not see anyone around.

"Hello?" "Sorry, I was in the back. What are you doing here?" Jon asked surprised.

"I wanted to talk, can we go outside?"

"I'm the only one here and as you can see it's pretty empty, so feel free to spill your guts."

Eric took one more quick look around the parlor to be sure that no one was there, "I'm sorry for not calling you and for being an idiot, and for almost throwing up on you..."

"Yeah, my life really did flash before my eyes. Why are you drinking anyway?"

"You drink."


"I was sad." Eric admitted.

"But you're underage." Jon reminded him.

"So are you."

"The legal drinking age in England is 18."

"You're not in England it's the U.S."

"We used to own it though."

"Not California."

They stopped and shared a laugh with each other, "I'm really really sorry about what I did." Eric said.

"I understand."

"So can we go back to where we were?"

"Eric, you're a great guy and to be honest I'm not all that gung ho about the relationship thing, but you're so great, I couldn't pass you by. But now that it's over...I don't do re runs."

"Jon, please...I'll let you kiss me whenever you want...and I promise I'll get better with this whole thing, please forgive me!"

"Eric, you're cool and I still want to hang out, I just think fate has a way of playing out, and I think it has in our case."

Jon came from around the counter and embraced the smaller boy in a hug, "I know how you feel, but trust me it's not the end of the world. I'll never ever admit that I said this, but you'll find some other guy that is way better than me and you'll forget all about me."

"Can he have a British accent?"

Jon laughed, "I don't care as long as I'm hotter than him, which shouldn't be a problem."

Eric broke the embrace, "I should probably get going."

"Yeah, I'll see you around." Jon smiled.

"I hope so." Eric said. ******** "Eric!" Tim said jogging up behind him. Brian also appeared a few seconds later.

"What's up?"

"What's wrong, have you been crying?" Tim asked.

"No, just allergies. Why are you at the halls?"

"I...we wanted to come see Toby."

"Oh," Brian said after a long pause, "yeah, we wanted to come see Toby."

"Right, well I'll let you in."

"You want to hang out after this?" Tim asked, concerned for his friend.

"No, I think I'm just going to sleep. Hey, will you do me a favor, if you see Cooper and he asks if you've seen me, tell him you haven't."

Tim and Brian exchanged a look that Eric couldn't figure out the meaning too, but he didn't care at the moment, "Sure, I won't say anything."

"Alright thanks." Eric said letting them in. *******

"Where's the bathroom?" Brian asked as they walked down the hallway.

"I think it's a few doors down. Just come to room 320 when you're done."


Brian walked casually down the hallway, when he passed a boy who was humming to himself. Brian gave him a side glance and Joey saw it from the corner of his eye and smiled, "Can I help you."

"Yeah, I'm looking for the bathroom."

"It's funny you should say that, I was headed there right now." Joey smiled, even though he was headed in the opposite direction.

"Oh, good." Brian smiled.

"You don't live here, where are you from?"

"Norway, is the accent that obvious?"

"Not really, I just could tell. I take a lot of theatre classes and we have to use accents sometimes, I'm pretty good at it actually."

"I do voices, it's one of the few talents I have." Brian smiled.

"Maybe we'll find out you have another talent in a few seconds."

"I don't understand?" "Nevermind." Joey smiled, "The bathroom, after you." he said holding the door open for Brian.

There were three urinals in the bathroom and Brian decided to take the one on the far right. Joey, a few steps behind him, decided to take the one in the middle. Brian looked over and smiled nervously.

"I like being in the middle." Joey said.

There was silence for a few moments, and Brian, growing more and more uncomfortable with the situation wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. He kept his eyes glued to the tiled wall straight ahead. Joey made no act of being subtle as he looked over at Brian's dick, "We are talented."

Brian hugged the urinal as closely as he could, "Umm...could you not do that please."

"Why, you're hung and you're not even hard yet...even if you're a shower and not a grower, that's still pretty good."

Brian laughed nervously, but didn't say anything.

"You know, I could help you out with that...if you wanted."

"I'm fine thanks." Brian said flushing the toilet. Brian skipped washing his hands as he wanted to get out of the bathroom as fast as possible. He ran into Tim right outside the door, "Did you find Toby?"

"No, but Richard was there. What does he see in him anyway?"

"He's tall, hot, nice lips..."

"Ok, you're not helping." Tim said. Joey wandered out of the bathroom and saw Tim and Brian standing around as if they were lost. Joey laughed, "This is your friend?"

"Yeah, you two have met."

"We have." Joey said obviously looking at Brian's crotch. Brian moved his hands in front of his crotch and Joey again chuckled, "Good times, what are you guys doing?"

"I was looking for Toby have you seen him?"

"I haven't, what did you need him for?"

"Just some stuff." Tim said simply.

Joey raised his eyebrow, "Stuff, huh?"

"Uh yeah."

"You know he has a boyfriend." Joey said glaring at Tim.

"Funny, I was just going to say the same thing to you."

Brian laughed uncomfortably again, "Maybe we should get going, Tim."

"Yeah, we probably should."

"Where'd you get those jeans?" Joey asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Where'd you get those jeans. They have the stripe running down the sides. Those were popular a few years ago, but I haven't seen them around in a while."

"I wouldn't worry about it too much, they're gonna make a comeback."

"What makes you think they're going to make a comeback?"

"Because I'm wearing them!" Brian grabbed Tim by the hand and lead him down the hallway and out of the dorms. ********

"Should I just let it go?" Tim asked Brian once they were back in his room.

"Do you think it's a lost cause?"

"No, I really don't. I honestly feel like I'm on the brink of something. I just need a little gift from the fates and I'm good."

"Then maybe you should hang on a little bit longer." Brian said removing his shirt.

"It can't be that hard right? I've had him before."

"Right." Brian said as he unbuckled his jeans. They slid to the floor to reveal a very short pair of white boxer briefs. Tim laughed, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get you to stop talking about Toby."

"I'm sorry, he's just always on my mind."

"I know how that is...are you horny right now?"

"A little bit." Tim admitted.

"You want me to take them off?" Brian smiled as he stuck his hands inside the waistband of his underwear.

"What's gotten into you?"

"I haven't jerked off in three days and I don't feel like jerking off in your bathroom again."

They both laughed at Brian's last comment, "Plus, I figure...if I can jerk off for you over webcam, I might as well do it for you now that we've met in person."

"I think that's a good idea." Tim smiled.

******** The res of the weekend went by without event, but both Eric and Cooper received a call early Monday morning from the head of Housing and Residential Life requiring them to come to a previously unscheduled meeting in an hour.

"Somebody better have died." Cooper said yawning as he and Eric made their way to the meeting.

"That's not funny, especially with everything that's happened lately." Eric reminded him.

"How are you feeling?"

`Eh, but I'll get over it."


Eric and Cooper were both surprised to see every other resident advisor had been asked to attend the meeting as well, "This doesn't look good." Eric said darkly.

"That's everyone," the director said, "let's get started. This will be very short and straight to the point. I got word from the President's office this morning that a list will be created of all the students who used their access card any time within thirty minutes prior to the rape that occurred. Any student who appeared on the list will go through routine questioning from the police. I am informing you of this in person, in case residents approach you asking for clarification on what is going on. Your job will be to explain to them that no one is being accused of anything and that this is simply the next step in the process."

Cooper raised his hand, "If they already have the guy in custody, why do they need to do this?"

"They need an identification to be made. The girl says she never saw his face. Apparently he had some type of obstruction on his face when he attacked her; the police believe that the only person who saw the attacker's face was whoever let him into the building." ********

"Here's the list we got from the dorms," Tim said handing the list to the President's personal assistant, Nancy, "I put them all in alphabetical order."

"There are five dorm buildings, and only fifteen people used their access card in thirty minutes?"

"It was a Sunday morning, I guess the halls aren't so active."

Nancy stared off into space for a moment as if she was thinking, "We have the lists from the police department right?"

"You mean of the people they checked for I.D. after the attack happened?"


"Delta has them, I think. Do you want to look at them?"

"No, I want you to get them from her and add any students that appear on that list to the list of people the police will interview. Let's not take any chances with this."

Delta had the lists already prepared as Tim walked by her desk, "You heard?"

"Yeah, I already added the lists together. I know how she works by now." Delta sighed, "The girl's father is going to be so disappointed."

"Why do you say that?" Tim asked curiously.

"They're assuming that the whoever let the guy in either did so as they were leaving or came back to the halls soon after he raped her. The police were only there a couple of hours, it's possible that the student who let the guy in isn't on the list at all. This whole situation is so unfortunate. The President doesn't want to get involved with this at all, but because the girl's father is such a major donor to the school and he has influence in the community he has no choice. If he doesn't do it willingly, then the Board of Trustees can force him to do so."

"All our lives would be much easier if the student would just come forward."

"I agree, but who knows what will happen to them for making an honest mistake."

Tim's cell phone began to vibrate in his pocket and he was surprised to see Toby's name flash across the screen.

"Can I take a call?" Tim asked Delta.

"Yeah, but make it quick before Nancy notices."

"Thanks," Tim said walking out into the hallway, "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

"At work, why?"

"I need to see you now."

"Things are really hectic at work, I can't get away until lunch."

"I can't wait that long, is there a bathroom near your office?"

"Yeah, it's a few doors down."

"Meet me there in fifteen minutes."

"Toby, are you ok? You're scaring me."

"No, and you're the only one I can talk to." Toby knew that Tim would have the most knowledge of anyone else he could talk to about what was going on with the police investigation, but he also knew he could guarantee that Tim would show up if he said those words.

"Fine, I'll see you in fifteen."

Tim went back to his office, but his mind was solely concentrated on his conversation with Toby. He had never heard Toby sound like that, he sounded scared and on the verge of tears. Was Toby going to tell Richard what had happened between them? It was the first time Tim had felt even remotely guilty about what happened, but he shook his head furiously at the thought of feeling guilty, "Payback's a bitch."

"Are you ok?" Delta said eyeing him from her desk.

"I'm fine." Tim said. He glanced at the clock and realized it had been almost fifteen minutes, "I think I'm going to splash some water on my face."

Tim was surprised to see the bathroom completely empty. Had he misunderstood what Toby had said? A few seconds later Toby walked quietly into the restroom. He immediately began checking under the stalls to make sure no one else was in the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Tim said alarmed, "There's no one else in here."

"Look, I'm in a lot of trouble, and I need your help. Who exactly are the police investigating?"

"Toby, I don't under..."

"Just tell me!"

"Ok, um...uh...all the people who used their access card thirty minutes before the girl was raped."

"And that's it, you swear that's it?"

" They also want to talk to some of the people they I.D.'d and allowed back into the dorm building she lived in after she was attacked."

"Fuck! I live in that building."

"I know, Eric and Cooper told me you had gone out before it happened. You didn't see anything though, so what's the big deal about answering some questions?"

"Because Tim, I'm the one who let the guy in!"


"It was an accident. Everybody lets strangers in...I didn't know."

"Of course not, but what are you going to do?"

"You're not going to turn me in are you?" Toby asked.

Tim hesitated for a long time before answering, "You've put me in a horrible position, but no, I won't say anything."

"Should I just go to the police?"

"No!" Tim said forcefully. He was surprised at how strongly it came out, "Her father is pretty powerful, who knows what he might do. Give it a few days and maybe it'll all blow over."

"It's not going to blow over! My only chance is to hope someone else saw something and they'll come forward."

"I'm pretty sure you're the only one who saw him, Toby. Besides your name is on that list, you can't lie to the police."

"I'll think of something, promise me if anything changes you'll tell me."

"I promise...I have to go, I've already been gone too long."

"Ok," Toby said, "Thank you." He lifted Tim's chin and kissed him before running out of the bathroom and down the hall.

"It looks like you've seen a ghost." Delta said as he walked back into the office, "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"Ok, well if it gets too much, you can go home, I can handle everything here."

"No," Tim said producing a smile, "I'm fine, really."

The hours ticked by slowly, and Tim felt as though he were glancing up at the clock every two minutes, but he finally made it to the end of the day, "I'm glad this day is over." Delta said as she switched off her computer.

"Me too." Tim said.

"It seems as though you're feeling better."

"I am. I just had a lot on my mind, but I figured it all out."

"Good," Delta smiled, "I like having you around the office more this semester. It keeps me sane."

"Thank you." Tim smiled. He picked up his backpack and hoisted it onto his shoulders, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Have a good rest of the day.' Delta smiled.

Tim walked out of his office and immediately walked to the bathroom him and Toby had met in earlier. He walked into a stall and locked it behind him. He lifted his feet onto the seat so that they would not be visible from below and took a deep breath; he would be here for a while.

The next morning Tim walked as happily as he could into the President's Office. He was sure today would be another hectic and crazy day, but luckily he was only scheduled to work the morning as he had class in the afternoon. He walked in to find the office in a state of disarray. The office itself looked as immaculate as ever, but the people inside of it were all running around, Nancy was in the middle of the madness barking orders, and the phone seemed to be ringing non stop without anyone caring to answer it. Tim found Delta at her desk writing furiously and he was able to skip by unnoticed as he made his way to her desk, as Nancy had retreated to the confines of her office.

"What the hell is going on?" Tim asked her.

"It keeps getting better and better." Delta said with a very tired expression on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"Someone broke into the office last night."

"Oh my God, why?"

"No clue. Everything is in its place, nothing was destroyed or was taken. It's really a mystery."

"Then how do they know someone broke in."

"The access card panel was ripped from the wall. It's how the person got into the office. The weird thing is the police are trying to figure out how the person even got into the building to begin with. The outside doors are locked about thirty minutes after we leave for the day. It had to be someone on the custodial staff."

"Must have been. You think the police will find out who did it?"

"With the luck they've been having? I doubt it." Delta said as she returned to her work. Tim smiled as he went to his desk. Delta's words were exactly what he wanted to hear.

Thanks for reading this latest chapter. There are only 3 more updates before I go on a mini hiatus to start writing for the next season of chapters. Any comments are welcomed and can be e mailed to

Next: Chapter 32

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