Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Nov 15, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Roads Chapter 30: The Big Blue Block ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tim sighed deeply as he walked outside on a late Friday afternoon. The sun was already setting, much to his dismay, he hated when it wasn't Daylight Savings Time, but he decided to look on the bright side, at least it wasn't raining. He was too lazy, and it was a bit too cold to walk across campus, so he decided he would drive his car to the dorms where he was supposed to meet Eric and Cooper for dinner. He took the two or so minutes to drive to the dorms to simply reflect on the week that had passed; he was thankful that it was the weekend and that he would not have to be at the President's Office for a few days. He didn't dwell on it too much as he knew he would be asked to recount the last week over dinner. Eric and Cooper were waiting for him in the lobby area of their hall.

"You look like shit." Cooper said.

"That's not very nice." Tim said.

"The truth shall set you free."

"Ignore him, he's gets this way when he's hungry." Eric said leading the way to the dining commons.

"It's mashed potatoes and gravy night, so you bitches better stay out of my way."

"No more random people walking around the halls?" Tim said, ignoring Cooper.

"No, it's been amazing how cooperative all the resident have been. It sucks something like this had to happen before people decided to follow the rules." Eric said seriously.

"So was she raped?" Cooper asked Tim.

"First, you guys know that you can't repeat anything I say to you because I could get in trouble."

"Yeah, yeah, you're important we got it." Cooper said nonchalantly.

"I'm starting to remember why me and him don't hang out very often." Tim said to Eric. They both shared a laugh at Cooper's expense, but Cooper didn't find it funny.

"Laugh all you want to, but my dick is still bigger than both of yours. So was she raped?"

"She was. I don't have all the details because I'm not important enough to be informed, but apparently she was in the shower when it happened. He walked right up to the second floor and into the bathroom."

"And no one heard anything?" Eric asked.

"On a Sunday morning in the dorms? No way," Cooper interjected, "Half the people on the floor were probably comatose after a night of drinking or not even there. It was perfect timing."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"My God," Cooper said as they entered the dining commons, "It's almost March and they still have the fucking air conditioner on?"

"It's not that bad, and I told you to bring a sweater." Eric scolded him as the three boys split up to make their way around the commons.

"Seriously, though," Tim said, once they had sat down, "the phone's been ringing off the hook non stop all week. Apparently, the girl's father is a huge donor to the university and he's been screaming fire and brimstone because not enough's being done."

"What else can be done?" Eric asked, "The police are pretty sure they have the guy."

"Again, I don't know everything, but it sounds like he wants them to investigate who let the guy in the dorms in the first place."

"They'll never find out." Cooper said, pausing a moment from feeding his face.

"You don't think so?" Eric turned to him.

Cooper felt his heart flutter as Eric looked him directly in the eye, but he quickly recovered, "No. No one was around to see anything and the person certainly isn't going to admit it."

"Yeah, but they saw who the rapist is, they have to come forward, if for no other reason than to make an I.D."

"I think whoever did let him in should come forward, but they're not going to. They're probably scared."

"Why scared?" Tim asked curiously.

"First, they broke a rule and it led to someone getting hurt, that's probably reason enough to get them kicked out of the halls, but if what you say is true and the girl's father is some rich higher up with a shit load of money...I'd probably kick my mouth shut too."

"You really wouldn't say anything?" Eric said surprised.

"Hard to say. I think when people get in situations like that, self preservation becomes the number one goal."

"Hmmm..." Tim said pondering Cooper's comment.

"Supposedly Toby just missed the guy." Eric said.

"What do you mean?" Tim asked.

"He went to go get breakfast for Richard or something," Cooper said, "and he either just missed who let the guy in or he came downstairs right after the guy was let in, he said he didn't see anything weird though."

Eric looked for a reaction from Tim when Cooper had mentioned why Toby had been out of the dorms, but he didn't get one, so he decided to probe a bit, "So how's that going?"

Tim simply replied, "It's going."

"Am I being kept out of the loop?" Cooper said with a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"Just eat." Eric said rolling his eyes in Tim's direction.

"So tomorrow, we're all meeting at the ice cream shop right?"

"Oh yeah," Eric said excitedly, "Your friend is coming."

"Yes he is."

"Have you seen him naked?" Cooper blurted out.

"What kind of question is that?" Eric said more to himself than to Cooper.

"He's a horny gay single college kid with a webcam. It's a completely legitimate question."

Tim began to blush, "I plead the fifth on the grounds that I may incriminate myself."

"Cheers!" Cooper yelled loud enough for a bunch of students to turn in the direction of the outburst.

"I've never done that. I don't even have a webcam." Eric said.

"That's a pity, it's a single homo's best to a dildo anyway."

"So when are you gonna take it up the butt?" Tim said smiling at Eric. Cooper dropped his forked and it clattered on his tray. Eric and Tim glanced at him and he quickly muttered an apology.

"That was crass." Eric said, a bit annoyed. "He's rubbing off on me." Tim said nodding towards Cooper.

Cooper lifted his middle finger, without slowing down on the massive amounts of turkey and mashed potatoes he was now shoveling into his mouth.

"We're kind of not talking right now."

"Still?" Cooper asked.

"Don't sound too excited." Eric said looking at him strangely.

"I'm not excited...I just...thought you'd be over that by now."

"He wants to make out with me in public, that's gross."

"Sounds hot to me...if it wasn't Jon...or you either." Tim added when he saw both Eric and Cooper giving him strange looks.

"So tomorrow, at 6, the ice cream shack right?" Eric said changing the subject.

"You got it. I'm so excited, we have to show him a good time!"

********** "Richie?"

Richard turned to see Bliss smiling and walking towards him, "Hey." He smiled weakly.

"Is it ok for me to approach, does Toby have hidden cameras somewhere?"

Richard chuckled, "I think it's ok."

"Plus we're in public; Any sexual escapades will make the newspaper, so he'll know...Why are you sitting around on campus this later?"

"Uhh...I needed to be by myself for a little while."

"Should I go?"

"No, I'm done reflecting." He said joking.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Today was the last day for candidates who want to run for the school elections to submit their paperwork."


"Seriously, I'd give anything up for Toby..."

"I know, you gave me up."

Richard gave her a heartbreaking look and she giggled, "Jesus, I'm just kidding."

"No, seriously do you really think that?" Richard asked.

"Come on! No, I don't. I wish I loved somebody that much. And plus it's not like we never get to see each other, just not as often."

"You're the best fag hag a half fag could have."

"You know it, especially with these." Bliss said as she gave her chest a shake.

"That is like the funniest thing ever."

"Do you feel better?"

"A little bit, I'll be fine."

"I promise to never say anything about this again, but you don't think what you're doing with Toby is backwards?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you have to give anything up to be with him?" Shouldn't he be the dream."

"Exactly, and he is my dream, so I'm willing to give up almost anything for him. And besides, running in the elections wasn't my dream, just something I really wanted to do."

"But it could be your dream. You changed your major and I know you've been talking to Dr. Taylor about becoming more involved, it's just all a lot to give up."

"I know, but he's worth it. He's so worth it. Seriously, last year when me and him weren't together, I didn't know what to do with myself, I couldn't stand not being around him. And when he told me he wanted to take a break a few weeks ago, I knew that I needed to stop being stupid and appreciate this...incredible guy that I have in my life. It is a lot to give up, but I think he would do the same for me."

"Well as long as you're happy."

"I am, thanks for being concerned."

"Don't mention it."

A cat meowed loudly somewhere very near him and Richard turned to see where the cat was hiding. He laughed in disbelief when he realized it wasn't a real cat, but Bliss' cell phone.

"Hello? Oh hey Tim. Yeah, I'm still coming. You are a smart smart man. Yeah, give me like an hour ok? Good, I'll see you in a bit."

"What was that about?" Richard asked curiously.

"That Norwayian guy is coming in tonight and he just got off the plane. We were going to meet at the ice cream shack but they're just going to come over to my place."

"You mean Norwegian?"

"Norwegian what?" "Nevermind."

"You want to come over?"

"Eh, I'm not sure those guys want me there."

"Shut up, they like you and besides there will be a lot more people there when I get done calling everyone, so you might as well come over."

"I'll get back to you on that, I want to see what Toby's doing first."

"Ok," Bliss said standing up to leave, "Just give the celly a meow."

"So what do you think?" Toby asked cautiously.

"You definitely don't need the crutches anymore." The trainer said


"That doesn't mean though you can go back out and play tennis."

"Why not? It's a twisted ankle, how long can that take to heal?"

"You've had ankle problems before, right now these are isolated problems, but you don't want to develop tendonitis or any kind of a chronic problem by playing on it when it's not 100% ready."

"So are you gonna clear me with Coach Williams to play?"


"Come on, I'm dying! I need to get back out there and help the team."

"Fine, I will, but only if you promise you'll take it easy for the next week or so during practice."

"You got it." Toby got back to his room to find Richard watching some tv.

"Hello lover." Richard said without turning around to look at Toby.

"Hey." Toby walked in front of Richard, blocking his view of the television, and planted a big kiss on him.

"Your crutches are gone!" Richard smiled.

"Yep, and the trainer cleared me, I can play again."

"That's awesome, you might be able to make the game next week."

"There's no might, I fully expect to be there."

"Hey what are you doing tonight?" Richard asked.

"Nothing, just probably hang around here why?"

"Bliss is having a little get together at her house. I know how you feel about me being with her, so if you were up for going...."

"Naw, I'll stay here, but you should go, you guys haven't seen each other in a while."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Toby hadn't at all changed his mind about Richard spending so much time with Bliss, especially alone or when alcohol would most likely be involved, but he was still feeling very guilty about cheating on Richard, and it was a big factor in letting him go to Bliss' apartment.

"Thanks, I promise to be good."

"You better." Toby said as Richard leaned in for another kiss. Toby walked to his computer and decided to sign on instant messenger, he hadn't been online in forever and thought it would be nice to catch up with some old friends back in southern California.

"I feel a little weird going to this party." Richard said.

"Why?" Toby responded, not really paying attention.

"Like a week ago some girl had her life changed forever."

"What are you talking about?" Toby asked, still not catching on.

"The girl who got raped."

This had happened consistently throughout the week to Toby. Every time that he had finally pushed his guilt aside and had forgotten about it, there it was slapping him in the face, "Oh."

"I mean we were upset and concerned for like five minutes and then back to our daily lives we go."

"What else are we supposed to do? Feel guilty?"

Richard shrugged, "You're right, it just seems callous I guess. At least I'm not the bastard who let the guy in."

"Who else is going to be at this party?" Toby asked.

"Oh, ummm...I guess Tim and everybody else. He has a friend coming from Norway so Bliss is throwing him an impromptu welcome party."

"Everybody else?" Toby said confused, "You mean like Cooper and Eric?"

"Yeah, I'm sure they will be."


"You sure you don't want to go?"

"Yeah, I got tons of stuff to do and keep me busy."

"Alright, I'll be back before you go to bed." Richard said as he kissed Toby on the forehead. "Ok, have fun."

Toby exhaled sharply when Richard closed the door behind him, "You're ok, it's not your fault." He whispered to himself. *******

"Hey," Eric said answering the phone when he saw that Tim was calling him, "Yeah, we're still here. Oh, ok, then we'll meet you there, bye."

"What now?" Cooper said impatiently.

"We're going to Bliss' apartment. We're having a party for him now."

"The party don't start until Cooper gets there, so let's go."

As Cooper and Eric were leaving the ice cream parlor, Jon was walking in.

"Oh." Eric said surprised when he saw Jon. Eric still had not returned any of Jon's phone calls.


"Hi," Eric said, finding his voice, "What are you doing here?"

"I work here, remember? Or have you forgotten that along with my phone number."

Eric looked down at the ground, embarrassed, but he didn't say anything, "And apparently he's forgotten how to speak English as well."

"Hey, there's no need to be rude to him." Cooper said.

"I'm not talking to you."

"I don't give a shit, don't talk to him like that."

"Cooper," Eric said handing him the car keys, "can you give us a second and go wait in the car?"

"Are you sure?"


Cooper gave Jon a dirty look as he walked away, "Is he your boyfriend now?" Jon asked.

"Why are you being mean to me?"

"I've called you no less that ten times and you haven't thought to return one of them."

"It's just been a rough and crazy time for me. With everything and the dorms and..."

"no time for your boyfriend." Jon said finishing his sentence.

"I'm sorry, it's just on top of all that, my mom sent me a letter basically saying she thinks I'm going to hell for being gay."

"I don't know what to say." Jon said.

"I know, it threw me for a loop."

"No, I mean Jesus Eric you're almost 20 years old, stop letting your mom tell you what to do."

"She isn' upset me though."

"Eric, coming out doesn't get any easier. No one is going to roll out the red carpet and hold your hand and walk you through it. At some point, you've got to stand on your own two feet and say I'm going to be who I am no matter what."

"You're being insensitive."

"Look, I'm sorry about the letter, your mom did a terrible thing, but I can't be with someone who isn't secure with themselves. If I want to give you a kiss in public, I should be able to. If I want to hold your hand, I should be able to no matter where we are. This is supposed to be a free country, and I don't want to live looking over my shoulder worrying about if I've offended someone or does someone hate me over something I can't change."

"Not everyone can live like that."

Jon shook his head, "Not everyone has the courage to live like that."

"So are you breaking up with me?"

"You didn't give me a choice." Jon said, as he walked into the ice cream parlor.

Eric walked to his car and slid into the driver's seat.

"It's about fucking time," Cooper said handing his friend the car keys, "What's wrong?"

"We broke up."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Cooper was sincerely sorry that Eric was obviously in pain, but he couldn't help but be a bit overjoyed as well.

"Do you think I'm a horrible person?" Eric said.

"Of course not!"

"Then why do I feel like one?"

"You're not. You just feel this way cause you're experiencing your first break up."

"I should have called him. I'm an idiot, he's a great guy and I fucked it up."

"He's British you can do better."

Eric laughed, "You're so dumb."

"I...uh...actually think you're a really awesome person. The best person I know."

"Shut up, you're just saying that to make me feel better."

"No really...I think you're incredible. If Jon can't see that then he doesn't deserve you and maybe you should be with someone who thinks you are great."

"But who else does."

"I do."

"Yeah, but you're my friend."

The moment had been set up perfectly, and Cooper knew he would never get an opportunity better than this to confess to Eric what had been on his mind, "Eric...uh...we don't have to go to the party if you don't want to."

"No, I don't want to go home and sulk. Can you promise me something?"

"Anything." Cooper said.

"Let's have fun tonight. No hang-ups or anything, let's just have fun."

"You got it." *******

"Hey, welcome!" Bliss yelled looking flushed.

"You're drunk already aren't you?" Cooper said matter of factly.

"Noooo...ok, maybe just a little bit," She giggled, "Me casa es en mi pantalones."

Eric and Cooper laughed at the state of Bliss and walked into the apartment.

Eric stepped over a group of about five or six who had started a game of Monopoly, Cooper followed, but knocked over a plastic cup of beer as she tried to clear the game. It seemed as if everyone in the apartment had watched Cooper knock over the drink and they all collectively groaned at what had happened.

"It's not the end of the world." Cooper said as he ran his foot over the stain. It looked as if nothing had been wasted and everyone began to cheer.

"Look, they all love me." Cooper smiled.

"That's because they don't know you." Eric replied.

"Hey guys!" Richard said a little too loudly as he saw Cooper and Eric make their way through the crowd of people, "You guys want some jungle juice Bliss made?"

"No, we're good." Cooper said.

"Actually, I'll take one." Eric said hesitantly.

"Are you serious?" Cooper asked him.

"Yeah, why not? I thought we were going to have fun tonight?"

"You're going to have a lot of fun tonight, my man." Richard said as he handed Eric a red plastic cup.

"Dude, how are we gonna get home?" Cooper said trying to stay calm.

"You're always telling me to loosen up so I am, and it's one drink, I can still drive, plus you can take my car keys if it makes you that uncomfortable."

"I can't drive."

Eric laughed and could see the hurt look on Cooper's face, "I'm sorry, but it makes sense. I thought you were just really stingy and kind of selfish for never offering me a ride, but you can't drive. Is it cause you're Asian?" Eric joked.

"Wow, you haven't even taken a sip and you're already an asshole."

"And that's about to change." Eric said holding up his cup in a cheers gesture. As he sipped his drink, he walked past Cooper and joined some other people on the couch. About half an hour later, a knock came at the door. Richard was the closest, so he got up to open it.

"Wait!" Bliss yelled, although she thought she was whispering, "Turn off the lights, we should yell surprise for Tim and his friend."

"But they're already at the door," Cooper said, "they've seen that all the lights are on, they've heard our voices, the surprise element is pretty much gone."

"Why do you have to be such a party pooper Cooper?" Bliss yelled.

Richard cracked up, "That rhymed."

"Hello!" Tim yelled through the door. Richard finally opened the door and there stood Tim and his friend.

"Everyone, this is Brian." Tim said.

"Hi Brian!" Everyone gathered said.

"Hi." Brian said a little overwhelmed by all the people.

"Hi, Brian!" Eric yelled. Some people giggled and Cooper rolled his eyes. Just as quickly as all the attention had been on Tim and Brian, it was now elsewhere, as everyone returned to their conversations.

"I'll take you to meet some people." Tim said. Tim saw Cooper in the corner looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but here.

"Hey Cooper, this is Brian."

"Hey!" Cooper said smiling and extending his hand, "I think we're the only sober ones left."

"Where's Eric?"

Cooper pointed in the direction of the couch and they all turned to see loud chatting and laughter all around Eric, but Eric was simply staring into space, and every few seconds or so, his cup would come to his mouth and then he would place it back in his lap and once again seemed to be somewhere else.

"We need to keep an eye on him." Cooper said.

"I agree." Tim nodded.

"So that a common Norwegian name?"

"Not really, my Mom is actually half English."

"Sneaky euros!" Cooper yelled in mock anger.

Brian laughed and then looked at Tim, "He's funny."


"So what brings you to the U.S.?" Cooper asked, ignoring Tim's remark.

"I've been wanting to visit this part of the country for a while now. I've seen the East Coast a few years ago, but I'm mainly here to check out the University."

"Good ole Sunnydale University. I hope your expectations aren't too high."

Brian laughed again, "It sounded good online."

"Yeah, but I bet even Timmy here looked good naked online."

Both Brian and Tim blushed, while Cooper laughed. Tim recovered first, "Well, it was nice seeing you again Cooper, we're going to move on now."

"Alright," Cooper said, "Hopefully you don't die amidst all the alkie's in the room."

The two friends walked away and Richard put his arm around Cooper's shoulders, "That guy with Tim is hot."

Cooper checked him out as Tim introduced him to some other people, "He's blond, about 5'10, thin, but not Nicole Richie thin, nice little ass, not bad at all."

"Not bad? Fuck he's hot. I wonder if he likes dick."

"Him and Tim have cammed together."

"Score! Any details on whether the Norwegians are packin?"

"He didn't say, though if he gets drunk, maybe we can get him to strip." Cooper said jokingly.

"Oh he'll strip, he's European." Richard said.

"Right...wait what?"

"You heard me." Richard said walking away.

"Umm...ok." Cooper said, he glanced at the spot on the couch where Eric had been sitting and realized he was no longer there. He made his way through to the kitchen to find Richard and Eric laughing as Richard refilled their cups.

"You don't think you should slow down?" Cooper whispered to Eric.

"No, it's only my third cup."

"Third! Are you shittin me?"

"No, what's your problem? I'm having a good time Cooper. I feel...invincible."

Cooper hit Eric in the shoulder and some of Eric's drink spilled on the kitchen floor, "OW! You made me spill! And what the hell was that for?"

"You're not invincible, it's the alcohol talking, and no more after that I mean it." Cooper said walking away.

"Since when did he become your daddy?"

Eric laughed, "I don't know, but I need a refill since daddy wasted my drink."

"Right on." Richard said.

****** Toby walked out of the bathroom. He made up his mind that he was going to bed. No one was online, he couldn't get his mind off the girl that had been hurt since Richard had brought it up. At least he would be able to find some comfort in his sleep.

"Hey." Joey said from behind Toby.


"No more crutches?"

"Nope, got checked out today."

"Awesome, now you can get back on the court."

"I hope so."

"Do you know where Cooper is? I can't find him."

"I think he's at a party. Tim's friend from Norway was coming in tonight."

"Oh, he didn't mention it."

"You weren't invited?" Toby asked.

"No. Me and Cooper are cool, but I guess I don't really fit into that group."

"Yeah, I don't anymore either...what are you doing right now?"


"You want to hang for a little bit?" Toby offered, "Richard's out at the party too so I'm just by myself."

"Yeah," Joey smiled widely, "That would be great."

As they walked back to Toby's room, Joey was extremely excited. He remembered back to last semester when he first met Toby, and even got to talk to him for an extended period a time or two, how much he liked Toby. He had of course always thought Toby was smoking hot, but underneath all the lust, was a genuine attraction. In many ways, Joey felt like this was a first date, he was going to be alone with a huge crush of his, he didn't know how to act.

"So you and Cooper are pretty good friends?" Toby asked.

"Yeah, he's a cool guy."

"Yeah, he is, I wish me and him hung out more." Toby said taking a seat on his bed. Toby was wearing a pair of loose basketball shorts that when he sat rode high on his legs, exposing quite a bit of thigh. Joey took a quick peek, but worked at keeping his eyes on Toby; He wanted to have a real conversation with him, "How come you guys don't hang out as much as before?"

"Our schedules are a little different, plus him and Eric are kind of a pair."

"Yeah, they're a tight twosome aren't they?"

"Yeah, but it's cool they have each other."

"Don't you miss them?"

"Not really," Toby lied, "Well...yeah I do. But I don't think Eric wants to be my friend."

"Maybe you should go to him. I'm sure you guys can get past whatever it is."

Toby laughed, "Eric can be stubborn." "I've heard you can too. Maybe it's why you guys butt heads?"

Toby nodded, "I never thought of it that way."

"See I'm a genius."

Toby consciously moved his legs in such a way that his shorts were riding even higher on his thighs than before. Joey could now clearly see the underwear Toby was wearing under his shorts, they were a pair of black boxer briefs.

"Can I ask you a question?" Toby said, noticing that Joey was glancing back and forth between his legs and his face.


"You and Cooper and the was that?"

Joey was surprised, "Cooper told you?"

"He didn't have to. I was in the stall next to you guys."

Joey was already half hard, but knowing that he had been having sex, with Toby hearing every thrust, gasp, and moan of pleasure, made him instantly hard, "Did you know it was us?"

"Not at the time, but it was even hotter once I found out."

Joey didn't know what to say, so he just said, "Cool."

"Have you guys done it again?"

"No..."Joey said feeling slightly uncomfortable, "I think it was just a one time thing."

"Really? Bummer...Cooper's a hot guy."

"You think so?"

"Hell yeah. The hottest thing is he doesn't even know it. He jokes around about it sometimes, but he has no idea just how hot he is."

"I can see that."

"You think him and Eric have ever..."

"No. I don't think Eric's interested."

"So Cooper is?"

"I didn't say that."

"You implied it....I do wonder sometimes about those two. They're too close to never have thought about it."

"You're probably right."

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Honestly, a little bit."

"Why?" Toby laughed.

"I don't know, you never showed any interest before...if that's what you're doing now."

"Maybe, maybe not."

Joey smiled, "Usually I do the playing."

"I know, I miss that."

"Me playing with you?" Joey said purposely missing Toby's meaning.

"No...well...the attention is always nice...but I mean like being out there with other guys and just flirting."

"You're crazy. I'd much prefer to be in a relationship." "You don't strike me as the relationship type?"

"Why not?"

"You seem happy being free to fuck whoever you want."

Joey smiled," Isn't the point to look happy even when you're not?"

Toby nodded, "You have no idea how right you are."

"Thanks for throwing this party for me." Brian said walking up to Bliss.

"Oh, you're welcome!" She said very loudly as if she were talking to a hard of hearing person, "How was the flight from Norwegia?"

Brian smiled, ignoring what she said, "It was fine."

"Do you want a beer or something, why are your hands empty?"

"I don't drink too often."

"Wow you might have been speaking another language cause those words didn't make sense to me."


"She's joking," Tim said coming up behind them, "American humor is lost on him."

"Must be."

"Oh my God, do a voice!"

"Huh?" Brian said confused.

"Do one of your voices! Like you would do for me online!"

"What are you talking about?" Bliss said.

"Brian here can do voices! Do one."

"Which one?" Brian said becoming shy as all the attention had turned on him.

"Do Gollum from the Lord of the Rings."

"My precious!" He said sounding just like the character from the movie. He grabbed the cup that was in Bliss' hands, "It's mine! It's all mine!"

Everyone laughed. "That's pretty damn cool," Richard said, "Can you do another one?"

Brian's voice became very high pitched, as if he were imitating a little girl "Mommy? Is that you? Mommy? What's in that cup you're drinking. Can I have some?"

This continued for a while, Brian continued to imitate voices, and there was even a bit of role play as some of the people at the party started to respond to Brian as he voiced these "different characters." Brian had everyone's attention as he performed when he finished with an almost perfect American accent, he bowed dramatically and everyone applauded and whistled.

"Impressive, very impressive," Bliss said, "but still nothing beats this!" She climbed on her coffee table and did her infamous dance of expertly moving her chest. She did this while holding onto her drink and not spilling at all.

"That should be outlawed." Tim said as he watched Richard help her off the table.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be here."

Brian really didn't need to go to the bathroom, he was just feeling a bit overexposed. There were only two doors to choose from. He had seen several people go through the one he assumed was the bathroom, so he chose the other door and walked through it. He saw Cooper sit up quickly on the bed as his eyes were invaded by poster covered walls and more pink then he ever wanted to see.

"Quite a room isn't it?" Cooper joked.

"It is."

"What brings you here?"

"Just needed a little quiet time. Everyone keeps asking dumb questions." Brian laughed.

"Yeah, I bet."

"Your name is Cooper right?"

"Good memory, Brian."

"I think you're the only other person besides me and Tim who will remember my name...or even this night."

"Probably. You speak really good English."

"I've studied it all my life, plus remember my mom is half English."

"Oh yeah, that's right. So you're really thinking about coming all the way out here for school?"

"Yeah. It would be awesome, especially since I know someone who lives here and goes to the school. It'd be a bit easier since I already have a friend."

"I thought our education system sucked ass though, why would anyone want to come to school here?" Cooper said half joking half seriously.

Brian laughed, "It would be an awesome experience, you've never thought about studying abroad or known anyone who's done it?"

Cooper immediately thought of Kevin, "I have a friend who is doing it." "A friend?" Brian smiled, "He seems like more."

Cooper smiled, "It's complicated. He'll back in the fall."

"Maybe I'll get to meet him."

"What about you? Would you be leaving someone special behind?"

"I wish. No one special. How are things with Eric?"

"What do you mean?"

"You two aren't a couple?"


"Sorry, I misunderstood what Tim said."

"What did he say?"

"He referred to you as a couple and said you were attached at the hip."

"Not exactly."

"Good, Eric's really cute, he seems like a nice guy." Brian was looking at Cooper out of the corner of his eye when he made his last comment. Cooper didn't say anything but his body tensed as Brian made his comment, "I was kidding. Does he know?"

"Why am I talking to a stranger about this?"

"Because I've been watching you all night and you're really upset that Eric's drinking, though I can tell it's because you care very much about him."

"I do."

"We don't have to talk about it if it's uncomfortable for you."

"I want to tell him so badly, but as corny as it sounds...I'd rather have him as just a friend forever, than to ever hear no from him. I don't think I could handle it."

"Wouldn't you rather know for sure though?"

"I already do."

Brian put his hand on Cooper's shoulder, but Cooper shrugged it off, "I appreciate it, really, but this party is not the place to cry."

They shared a laugh, "Good idea. I'm so ready to go."

"Where you stayin while you're here?"

"At Tim's house."

Cooper laughed, "How did he explain that one to his parents with all the webcamming going on?"

"Just not mention it." Brian laughed.

"Let's head back out there. I'm gonna ask Tim for a ride since Eric's been drinking."

As soon as Cooper and Brian walked out of the room, everyone else who was still partying at Bliss' apartment hooted and hollered.

"Oh, shut the fuck up nothing happened." Cooper said.

"Then why is Brian blushing?" Bliss yelled. Brian was in fact blushing.

"So how do they make em in Norway?" Richard yelled.

"Nothing happened, I can prove it. How big is my dick?" Cooper said turning to Brian.

"Six inches?"

"See, nothing happened," Cooper said, walking towards Tim, "Hey, you think you can give us a ride home? I don't think Eric should drive."

"Yeah, no problem. You guys ready to go now?"

"Well only if you're ready to go." Brian said.

"No, we're so ready to go," Cooper said, "Just give me a minute to grab Eric."

Cooper walked to the couch where Eric had been sitting, quietly, for almost the entire party.

"Hey," Cooper said softly, "We're ready to go, do you need help getting up?"

"I've been thinking," Eric said as if he were the one starting the conversation, "about a great idea for a show."

"What's that?"

"A big blue block would be the main character."

"Like a children's show?"

"Noooooooo, like a real big blue block. It would be everywhere and it would wear all these different hats and no one would notice that it never talked and there'd be this cape and that would be the only way you ever saw it move, even though you'd never actually see it move."

"That doesn't make any sense at all."

"You don't understand!" Eric said getting up very quickly.

"Woah!" Cooper said catching Eric before he fell forward into the coffee table, "How about you let me help you."

"Cooper, you have to like the big blue block idea. I've been thinking about it all night who I would want in the show?"


"The Golden girls. They'd be great!"

"Isn't one of them dead?"

"No, Bea Arthur is not dead, even though I thought she was. Has that ever happened to you like you remembered something, but forgot what you remembered before you actually remembered it?"

"No, can't say that I have."

As Tim was opening the door for Cooper and Eric, Jon had his hand up preparing to knock.

"Eric, are you ok?"

"I got him." Cooper said quickly.

"What happened?" Jon said.

"You made me do it!" Eric moaned.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Cooper said struggling to hold Eric up.

"Bliss invited me, she said to come over after work."

"Yeah, I didn't know there was something going on." Bliss said from behind them.

"You made me do it!" Eric moaned again, "Let me go Cooper."

"I don't think that's..."

"Let me go." Eric said. Cooper let go of him but stayed close behind. Eric staggered dangerously for a few seconds before he found his balance, "I am very sorry what I did to you. But I have a solution that will fix it all."

"What's that?" Jon said looking at Eric worriedly. "I have this idea for a show about a big blue block. The golden..."

Jon jumped out of the way just in time as Eric puked all over Bliss' front porch.

"Cooper..." Eric started, but he didn't finish as he fell backwards. Cooper stepped up quickly and caught him.

"Oh my God, my life actually flashed before my eyes." Jon said.

"Ok, get out," Bliss said, looking pissed off, "You know my rule; The party is over when somebody pukes. Get out, everyone."

"Do you need some help carrying him to the car?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great."

"Timmy, is this your new boyfriend?"

"Now that you and Eric are no longer together, I guess I can say bite me!"

"You like it rough, just like your mom huh?"

"I've missed this." Tim said.

"Me too, hate ya later?"

"Oh, for sure."

"Will you help me carry him up the stairs?" Cooper whispered to Richard as they stood outside their dorm building.

"Yeah, give me his other leg."

"No no, I'll carry his feet, you carry his head."

"Why are we whispering?" "So that the R.A.'s don't catch us."

"But you two are R.A.'s." Richard reminded him.

"Oh yeah then fuck it," Cooper said in his normal voice, "Let's just go to my room."

They were able to quickly carry Eric up the stairs and to Cooper's room without causing any harm to Eric, "Thanks a lot." Cooper said to Richard as they placed him on Cooper's bed.

"No problem. You think he'll be ok."

"Yeah, he should be. I don't think he had that much to drink, he just has zero tolerance for alcohol."

"Alright, good night."


As Cooper started to close the door, he felt an obstruction blocking the door's path, he turned to see Joey smiling at him.

"Cock blocker!"


"You went to a party and didn't take me with you. You're a cock blocker."

"That's not what that means." Cooper said annoyed.

"It does in my book. You're just worried all the hot guys would be looking at me."

"Bitch, you're not even in my league."

"I see you'll be getting some ass tonight." Joey said motioning to Eric lying on his bed.

"That's not funny."

"All I know is I'm asking him if there was any Vaseline on his asshole when I see him tomorrow."

"You're disgusting, go away." Cooper said slamming the door in Joey's face. He turned to see if the slamming door had stirred Eric at all, but it hadn't, he was out cold. Cooper didn't feel comfortable getting in the bed next to Eric, so he decided he would sleep, albeit uncomfortably, in his big bean bag chair. He couldn't resist the urge, so before he sat in his bean bag chair, he planted a soft kiss on Eric's forehead, "I love you." Cooper wasn't sure when he fell asleep, but he feel asleep watching Eric peacefully sleep, wishing he was keeping him warm. *******

Cooper awoke the next morning before Eric did. It was early on a Sunday morning, and Cooper would still have preferred to be asleep, but he was so uncomfortable in the bean bag chair, he decided to get up and start on some homework. Cooper gave his bed a once over and was glad to see Eric had not thrown up in his bed. About an hour or so later Eric finally begin to stir.

"And the dead awakens."

"Oh my God. I feel like I've been run over by...something really huge."

"It's called a hangover, here." Cooper said handing him two aspirin and a glass of water. He made sure those were ready to go for when Eric finally did wake up.

"Will it go away?"

"I don't know, I've never had a hangover...yeah it will."

"I'll let you have your bed back, I think I need to go lay in complete darkness."

"You do that."

"Thanks for everything Cooper, really. I don't remember everything, but I remember you being there."

"Richard helped carry you up the stairs."

"I'll see you later." Eric said walking very slowly to the door, "You know what's weird? I kept having this dream last night about this big blue block and it kept whispering, I love you, to me."

"You're just a freak is all."

"Maybe." Eric said closing the door.

Cooper smiled to himself. So he took the easy way out and told Eric that he loved him while he was sleeping, but he still felt encouraged by even being able to say it out loud, even if to a sleeping Eric. Maybe he could find the courage to tell Eric face to face, how he was feeling. He would need to think it over more, but as he went back to his homework, he couldn't help but be consumed by thoughts of how exactly to tell Eric he loved him.

Thanks for reading this chapter, and I once again apologize for the delay. It was a rough week for me personally this past week, but by the time you read this I will be 21! I turn 21 on Wednesday, November 15th and I'll be heading to Vegas the following day so I may not return some of our e mails until Sunday night. Hopefully the next time I post, I'll be a couple million dollars richer J Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 31

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