Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Mar 29, 2005


This is a story that contains sexual situations between two males. If you are not supposed to be reading this then do not. THe use of the characters in this story is not allowed without permission from the author.

I hope you guys enjoy the next part. All coments positive or negative are appreciated as this is my first story. They can be sent to

Eric was startled awake by the ringing of his alarm clock. Could it be eight o clock already? It was just hours ago that Eric had pretended to be asleep so that he could hopefully catch a glimpse of Toby changing. Little did he know that part of Toby's plan was to slowly make Eric so horny that he would have no choice but to come out to him. Toby had decided to start his plan this morning, so he had perfectly timed when to be changing into his tennis attire so it would occur right when Eric was waking up. Eric was still trying to wake up. He turned on his side so that he was facing Toby's bed. What Eric saw immediately jolted him awake. Toby had his back towards him, but was wearing a tight pair of white briefs.

Toby had an amazing ass and it was fully evident as the briefs looked as if they were clinging to Toby's ass for dear life. Eric was so hard, but didn't dare move to get out of the bed ; he didn't want to miss the show. It occurred to him though that Toby had heard the alarm go off, so very reluctantly Eric got out of bed trying to maneuver his boner in a downward position.

"How's that morning boner?" Toby asked with his back still towards Eric.

A variety of sounds escaped Eric's throat, but not a single word came out. Toby turned his head to look at Eric.

"Dude, you don't have to sit there trying to hide your boner. Everyone gets them first thing in the morning, nothing to be embarrassed about. Mine just went down. Could barely fit it into my briefs.

Eric felt his dick jump at Toby's last statement. He was a little relieved that Toby thought his boner was just morning wood and not due to the display he had just seen. Toby had now put on some shorts over his briefs much to Eric's disappointment.

"Why are you wearing briefs, what are you seven?" Eric asked playfully.

"Why were you staring at my ass?"

" Yeah cause your ass is the first thing I want to see in the morning." Eric said it with sarcasm but he wouldn't have minded one bit to see Toby's ass first thing every morning.

Toby laughed. " I hate wearing briefs, but I do for tennis. Coach wants us to."

Toby put on his shirt, a visor, grabbed his tennis bag, looked in the mirror, then looked at Eric.

"Later loverboy." and walked out the door.

As soon as the door shut Eric laid back down on his bed, immediately took out his hard cock and began stroking. He was stroking so furiously that he thought he would rip his dick off. That didn't matter to him right now though, his mind was set on one thing, and that was getting off. Eric's mind was being flooded with the image he had just seen. Eric had passed the point of no return and right before he came he put his feet on the wall and pushed off so that his dick was directly over his face. Eric let out a moan and the cum splattered on his chin, forehead and in his hair as well. Eric squeezed the last remains from his now deflating cock and lowered his legs back onto the bed. It had been two minutes since Eric had had the most intense orgasm of his life, but he was still panting heavily. As the panting began to subside, he suddenly began to feel very disgusting. He got up and walked to the mirror on his side of the room. He looked at his face with the cum still on it and had to fight the urge to vomit.

"Disgusting." he muttered to himself.

He used a towel to wipe the cum off his face, but when he looked back into the mirror he realized he still felt like he needed to vomit and he couldn't explain why. After a few more seconds of staring at himself, he pulled away from the mirror and began to get dressed for classes.

Toby walked out of his dorm building and looked up to the sky. It was a beautiful, sunny day, not a cloud in sight. He couldn't stop smiling. The moan that Eric let out when he came made Toby so hard he almost went into the bathroom to jack off, but he didn't have time. He had already risked being late by staying outside the door to listen to Eric. As he rushed to the tennis courts he smiled to himself, his plan to get Eric to come out had been set in motion.

A knock on the door startled Cooper awake. Cooper preferred to sleep in the nude, so he slipped on a pair of boxers and answered the door. Kevin, the resident advisor, was at the door.

"Woah," Kevin said with a smile, " Don't point that thing at me."

Cooper looked down and saw that his dick was hard and pointing outwards towards Kevin, " Sorry about that I just woke up."

"Aw dude I'm sorry, don't you have class?"

"It's cool. I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Kevin had walked into Cooper's room and sat on the opposite bed.

"I came by to tell you that your roommate won't be coming, so at least for a few weeks you'll have your own room."

"Fuckin awesome." Cooper said smiling. Why isn't he coming?

"Turns out a mistake was made, he never intended to come, he's at a school near home."

"Awesome. How about doing me a favor and making sure no one needs the other side of this room?"

Kevin laughed," It's not up to me man, but I can help you with that boner."

Cooper again looked down and realized that his dick had popped through the boxer hole and was now sticking out in plain view. Cooper looked up at Kevin expecting him to be smiling from the joke, but Kevin was biting his lower lip. Kevin took his back off and dropped it on the floor. He moved close to Cooper and dropped to his knees right in front of him. Cooper stood still, he was about to get a blowjob from the RA he had been dreaming about for the last couple of days... but something was off. He pushed it out of his mind. He looked down and saw that Kevin's mouth was open and was moving towards his dick. He could feel the warmness from Kevin's mouth over his dick. Kevin was about to wrap his mouth around Cooper's anticipating cock when Cooper stepped back.

"Wait, what's that knocking?" Cooper asked confused.

A knock on the door startled Cooper awake. He reached over the side of his bed for his boxers, because he usually slept in the nude. He answered the door and saw it was Kevin the RA.

"Woah," Kevin said with a smile, " Don't point that thing at me."

Cooper looked down and saw that his dick was hard and pointing outwards towards Kevin, " Sorry about that I just woke up." For some reason this was sounding eerily familiar to Cooper.

"Aw dude I'm sorry, don't you have class?"

"It's cool. I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Kevin had walked into Cooper's room and sat on the opposite bed.

"I came by to tell you that your roommate won't be coming, so at least for a few weeks you'll have your own room."

"Fuckin awesome." Cooper said smiling. Why isn't he coming?

"Turns out a mistake was made, he never intended to come, he's at a school near home."

"Awesome. How about doing me a favor and making sure no one needs the other side of this room?"

Kevin laughed," It's not up to me man, but I can help you with....."

Cooper knew why this was sounding familiar he had just dreamed this. He couldn't believe that this was actually playing out.

"your room." Kevin finished, " Jesus you've only been here a couple of days and it's already messy as hell."

Cooper was confused. "What?" He looked down to see that his boner was not sticking out of his boxers and that Kevin was looking nowhere in that region.

'You alright there buddy?" Kevin asked.

Cooper gave a half smile, " Yeah, just remembered I had a dream." "Anything good?"

"I was about to get a blowjob when you knocked."

Kevin laughed, "I'm sorry dude. The year is young plenty of time for that. Alright I'm off to class, I'll catch ya later."

"Alright later." Cooper closed the door and leaned up against it, totally confused.

Toby ran up to the net to shake his teammate's hand. It had been an amazing practice. Toby had played three of his teammates and beaten then all easily. He was feeling good about his tennis and his prospects of being an important member of the team.

Toby walked over to his bag and began to put his rackets away. He had just enough time to go back to the dorms, shower, and then head to class. As he was leaving he was stopped by Tim, one of the guys he had beaten easily.

"You played really well today." Tim said smiling.

"Thanks. So did you."

"Yeah and you still kicked my ass." There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Yeah, well I'll see you Wednesday," Toby said and turned to walk away.

"That's it?" Tim asked.

"Is there more?" Toby asked slightly confused.

Tim looked around to make sure no one was in earshot of their conversation, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime." Tim said quietly, almost in a whisper.

Toby rolled his eyes, " I just got out of a relationship I'm not really looking to date anyone, and I don't date people still in the closet." Toby turned to walk away and this time Tim didn't stop him.

Cooper and Toby were in the cafeteria having lunch.

"So I got asked out today." Toby started.

"And......" Cooper inquired.

"I said no."


"Well he's still in the closet, and I can't date someone still in the closet, and besides I just broke up with Richard."

"You're crazy, you need to find someone quick before your dick shrivels up for good." Cooper said with a mouthful of roast beef sandwich in his mouth.

"What are you talking about? I just had sex like 5 days ago. It was the day before I came up here, I told you about how Richard came over..."

"That's way too long."

"You've had sex already?"

"Well technically no, but me and Mr. Happy have had a good time."


"You betcha. A single guy's best friend." Both of them laughed.

"How's the situation with Eric coming along?"

"Pretty good," Toby said, " you should have seen him this morning, I was just in my briefs getting ready for tennis and he was totally freaking out, it was great."

"I wouldn't mind seeing that myself."

" Eric surely didn't. After I walked out, I stood by the door for a few minutes and I heard him cum."

"Damn, you got it like that?"

Toby smiled, "Apparently. At some point I still want you to help me with this."

"I guess." Cooper sounded unsure.

"You've changed your mind?"

"Well, I don't know I just think it's kind of weird to be trying to out someone."

"We're not outing him. We're helping him come to terms with who he is."

"Why can't he come to terms with who he is by himself, not everyone needs to be out and proud."

"Are you shitting me?" Toby was a little annoyed, "of course he needs to be out. With all the right ring crazies out there, everybody needs to be honest about who they are to show that gay people are just like everyone else."

"You can be honest about who you are and not have everyone know."

"This coming from someone who's been too chicken to tell his parents." Toby mumbled under his breath.

"Hey, I'm secure with who I am, I just don't feel the need to go run around campus proclaiming I'm queer. That may be all fine for you, but it's not how everybody works. And that doesn't make them any worse or better than you."

Toby realized he had crossed a line by attacking Cooper about his parents, " Look, I'm just trying to help him."

"Then how about telling him if he ever needed to talk you're there for him. But this...I don't know it just seems so sleazy to me. If you want to help him then fine I'm all for it, but the way you want to doesn't seem right to me."

"Fine, I'll do it myself then."


Toby got up and walked out of the cafeteria leaving Cooper alone at the table.

Half way across campus Eric had finished his classes and was now standing outside of the health center. He really wanted to go in and talk to someone about all the conflicting thoughts in his head. Was it ok to be gay? Could it be changed? He was standing absolutely still in front of the health center, but he felt like he was on a merry go round that was going way too fast for him. He summoned the courage to walk inside the health center and was confused where he should go. Suddenly a girl approached him.

"Can I help you?" she said with a smile.

"Yeah," Eric said trying to get the words out before he lost his nerve, " I think I need some help."

Thanks for reading this part of the story. I'll get the 4th part posted as soon as possible.

Next: Chapter 4

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