Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Nov 3, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill. This chapter contains lyrics to the song "Just My Imagination" by the Temptations.

Three Roads: Chapter 29: Each Day Through My Window

"I'm walking on sunshine. Heyeeyey! And don't it feel good yeah!" Tim sang to himself as he walked across campus to the university coffee shop. It was a glorious day in his opinion. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing in praise and Tim had never felt as good about himself as he did right now. He was proud of himself for being patient and letting things happen as they should. He turned and waved as one of the guys on the tennis team gave him a hello.

"Hello, how are you?!" He smiled. He turned back around before the response came; it didn't matter anyhow, because he was on cloud nine. He was humming quite loudly as he walked into the coffee shop. He saw Eric wave and headed to their favorite spot in the coffee shop.

"Isn't it a wonderful day?" Tim said all smiles.

"No. I barely got any sleep last night. Some of my guys decided to play let's sneak the alcohol past the R.A."

"Bummer. I had the dinner at the President's house last night."

"Oh, how was that?" Eric asked.

"That's not what I want to talk about."

"I'm assuming this is where you tell me why you're so damn happy."

"Toby and I are back together!"

Eric gave him a skeptical look, "Since when?"

"Yesterday. We had sex. It was so amazing, it was better than when we..."

"Wait, when did him and Richard break up?" Tim stopped for a moment, he hadn't thought of that, "I'm not sure. If they haven't then they're probably in the process of it."

"If they haven't broken up? It sounds like Toby cheated on Richard."

"They're going to break up anyway, so it's not a big deal."

"Tim, how do you know that they actually broke up, did he say we're breaking up or I'm going to break up with him or what?"

"Can we not talk about it anymore. You should be happy for me."

"Happy that you might have helped someone cheat?"

"You don't know what you're talking about." Tim said angrily.

"It sounds like you don't either."

"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding." Tim assured himself, "It'll all be fine."

"I hope so."

"Changing the subject," Tim said perking back up, "Did I tell you that Norwegian guy I've been talking to online is coming to America?!"

"Oh yeah the guy you've been talking to online for a while?"

"A while? It's been over two years we've been talking. He wants to go to a school in the U.S., and he's thinking about coming here."

"How do you know he's not like a psycho killer or something?"

"What's with you questioning me today? He's not a psycho killer. I've talked to him for two years there'd be signs or something. And besides, are there even murderers in Norway?"

"Uhh...I'm sure there are."

Tim shrugged his shoulders, "You'll be around to meet him?"

"When's he coming in?"

"A few weeks. I'm so excited."

"Cooper!" Joey's voice echoed off in the shower area of the bathroom.

"Uh yeah?"

"Where are you?"

"On fucking Pluto, I'm in the shower. What do you want?"

"I'm locked out of my room." Joey said stepping closer to the stall Cooper was using.

"Go find Eric."

"I think he's with his boyfriend." Joey said with a chuckle. It was if the word boyfriend echoed in Cooper's mind.

"Fine." Cooper said shutting off the water. Cooper reached out of the stall to grab his towel and Joey got a nice profile of his body. He whistled and Cooper quickly wrapped the towel around his body.

"Who knew I'd see you hear again?" Joey giggled.

Cooper mocked his giggle as he exited the bathroom, "I'm going to my room first to put on some clothes before I let you in."

"Since when have you been shy to show your body?"

"I'm not shy, I just don't want you getting any ideas." Cooper smiled.

"I'm way over you."

They had finally reached Cooper's room and he dropped his towel as he shuffled through his drawers for some clothes.

"You have a really nice body."

"It's ok," Cooper said checking himself over, "I need to get more toned."

"I think you're fine the way you are." Joey insisted.

"Thanks." Cooper said as he pulled a shirt over his head. He turned his head to find the keys he would need to get into the front desk to get the master set of keys to let Joey into his room. He spotted his key sitting on top of his computer. He casually looked out his window as he grabbed his keys and immediately became mesmerized by what he saw. Anyone else would have simply seen Eric causally walking on the residence hall breezeway, but Cooper's heart fluttered as he watched an unknowing Eric. He became enthralled by the way Eric walked and how every few steps or so Eric would shake his wrist to get his watch to fall lower on his wrist. Cooper smiled when he saw Eric playing with a strand of hair that refused to rest behind his ear.

"Hello?! I'd like in my room today."

"Oh, yeah."

"Who were you staring at?"

"No one."

"Cooper Hwang don't lie to me. Have I ever told you that once I have sex with someone I can always tell when they're lying?"

Cooper laughed, "You're a fuckin idiot."

"I'm not kidding. Don't ask me how I can do it, but I can, and you're lying right now so who were you looking at?"


"We're still on that?"

Cooper stuck up his middle finger at Joey's last comment.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help."

"You can't."

"I think I can," Joey said closing the door, "I was saving this for later, but..." before Cooper could object Joey's shirt had been tossed over his head and his jeans dropped to his ankles as revealed a very small pair of red black briefs covered with pink and red hearts.

"Put your clothes back on."

"Why?" Joey said walking towards Cooper, "I bet that big dick of yours is as hard as can be."

Cooper stood still as Joey approached. Joey lifted the waistband of his underwear and smiled seductively at Cooper, "I can take these off if you want."

When Cooper didn't answer, Joey slid to his knees right in front of Cooper. He could tell that Cooper had boned up, an obvious tent had risen in his jeans. Joey slid his hands under his friend's t shirt to grasp the top of Cooper's jeans. He unbuckled them and slowly moved the zipper down.

"No underwear? Hot." Joey said more to himself. He licked his lips and then started giggling uncontrollably.

"I know you can't be laughing because I'm small." Cooper said seriously.

"Dude, you're so easy. All I had to do was get in my underwear and I could have done anything I wanted to you." Joey was now standing up and pulling his pants back up.

"Bitch you're the easy one, you'll blow anything that walks."

"Funny, so does your mom." "Enough of you, let's go open your door."

They walked down the hallway and to the lobby mostly in silence. They struck up some small talk as they headed to Joey's room.

"Open sesame." Cooper said as he kicked open Joey's door.

"Thanks...and I will never admit to saying this but, seriously Cooper you're a great guy and fine just the way you are."

Cooper couldn't help but smile, "Thank you."

"Too bad you're stuck on someone else or I would have to snatch you up, but it's ok, I'm also after someone I've been neglecting lately."

"You think it'll work out for the both of us?"

"Of course."

Cooper wasn't sure if Joey was being sarcastic or sincere, but he decided to leave the conversation where it was.

"I'll see you later."

"Toby?" Richard asked yelling through the door of their dorm room.


"Damn...close your eyes."

"Ok." Toby didn't hear anything for a few seconds, but then keys jingling and the doorknob twisting let him know that Richard was entering the room.

"Ok, open your eyes."

Toby had a wide grinning Richard standing right in front of him with two hand behind his back. Toby couldn't help but laugh, "What are you doing?"

"Pick one."

"Pick what?"

"A hand, pick one."

"Uhhh...the left one."

"No, pick the right one first."

"Ok, then the right one."

"Good choice, happy valentine's day!" From behind him, Richard produced a red and pink bag, "Sorry about the color it's all they had."

"It's fine." Toby peered into the bag and saw an assortment of all of his favorite candies and then there was a small brown bear holding a heart shaped pillow. He smiled as he pulled the bear out of the bag. On the heart shaped pillow, written in yellow cursive lettering was "I want to give you a big bear hug."

"Awwww, thank you so much."

"No problem for my precious Toby pooh." Richard said giving his boyfriend a kiss.

"Don't call me that," Toby laughed, "What's in the other hand?" he asked even though he already knew.

"Your birthday present," Richard smiled, "Do you want it?"

"I do."

"Here." Richard said bringing forth a small case that obviously held a ring inside. Toby's heart began to pound in his chest, "Open it." Richard said quietly. Toby opened it and gasped audibly as he looked at the shiny diamond staring before him.

"Don't get excited it's not real."

" asking me to marry you?" Toby said not quite believing the words.


"Is this a proposal?"

Richard laughed, "No. I want to marry you someday, but this is just a reminder of our commitment."

"You don't think it's...kinda gay?"

"Kinda gay? Commitment is gay?"

"No, I just mean wearing a ring that looks like might be kind of weird."

"If you don't want it..."

"No, I do." Toby said sliding it on, "It's beautiful."

"Just like you." Richard said, again kissing is boyfriend. As he kissed his boyfriend, Toby thought about the irony of his situation. Richard had become the perfect boyfriend, seemingly overnight, and somewhere in the back of his mind, Toby wondered if Richard had somehow found out about him and Tim and was doing this to make him feel guilty. Toby quickly pushed that thought out of his head. Richard hadn't found out, because only two people knew about their indiscretion, him and Tim. Toby had to figure out a way to deal with Tim.

"So..." Richard said, wondering where his gift was.

"Oh, uh with the ankle and everything it was hard for me to get somewhere, so I thought I would just take you out to dinner ; you know that sushi place you've been saying you wanted to go to? We can go there tonight."

"Sounds awesome. ********

Eric walked down the three flights of stairs that would lead him to the lobby area of his front desk. He had decided to change the bulletin board near his room, to what exactly, he wasn't sure, but he thought it'd be a good idea. Just as he came into the lobby, he saw a very large Happy Valentine's Day balloon appear through the glass entrance door to the lobby.

He laughed as the person was obviously struggling between holding the balloon and a bunch of other valentine's related objects in their hands. Eric opened the door for the stranger and smiled, "Do you live here?"

"No," the stranger said, the balloon covering his face, "I'm looking for Eric Johnson."

"Jon?" Eric said moving the balloon out of his face, "What are you doing here?"

"Happy valentine's day!"

"Is this all for me?"

"Yeah, you want to take some of it?"

Eric grabbed some of the boxes out of his boyfriend's hands and sat them on the lobby floor, "I thought we agreed not to do any of this kind of stuff."

"I know, but I really wanted to surprise you." Jon said as he leaned in for a kiss.

Eric quickly ran a check of the lobby area to see if someone was around. There were a few people having a conversation a few feet away in the recreation room, though none of them seemed to be paying attention to Eric.

"I bought you all these gifts and you don't want to kiss me?"

"It's not that, it's just...where we are."

"In California?"

"The lobby."

"What's that got to do with anything?" Jon asked, knowing the answer.

"There are people around, and I think it's gross when two people are kissing in front of others."

"I just wanted a quick one, not a snog fest or anything."

"That sounds disgusting."

"What a snog fest or two men kissing?"

Eric paused, "I'm not doing this right now, I've got stuff to do." He left Jon standing in the lobby area as he went behind the front desk. He did not see when Jon left, even though he stayed down at the front desk to help a fellow resident advisor separate the mail for the day. His peer passed him a letter that was addressed to him ; it was from his mother.

"That's weird. She never sends me mail."

"It's probably like a valentine's day card or something." the guy said nonchalantly. Eric felt through the package and it certainly seemed like it was a letter of some kind. He left the desk and went up to his room, curios of what his mother could be sending him. He opened the letter and at first none of the words seemed to be making sense to him, but as he read on he got more and more angry. He didn't even finish the letter before he was calling Cooper on the phone.

"Cooper's house of cocks, how can I help you?"

"It's me. I need you to come over."

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

Cooper could tell Eric was upset and he never moved faster as he raced down the hall to get to Eric's room.

"No running in the halls!" Joey joked as Cooper ran past him.

"What's wrong?" Cooper asked once he was inside his friend's room.

"Read this shit!"

Cooper read the letter, and he was just as confused as Eric was, "What does living up to your potential have to do with being gay?"

"I have no fuckin idea. I don't...why would she say she was ok with it and then send me this? Do you know what all those Bible verses are?"

"I can guess."

"Yeah, all the ones about going to hell. I hate her."

"You don't hate her."

"Yes, I do."

"No, if you did you wouldn't be upset right now. Your feelings are hurt."

"No shit Sherlock."

"Hey, you called me over here and I'm trying to help, give me a break."

"Sorry. I just don't get it."

"Neither do I, but you have to stop caring what other people think and live your own life."

"Easier said than done, she's my mother."

"I know."

Cooper's phone began to ring and when he didn't make a move to answer it, Eric turned to him and asked, "It's ok for you to answer it."

"Naw, I'd rather stay here and be a good friend to you."

"No, I'm fine," Eric said trying to smile, "I have a boyfriend I can call about this stuff anyway."

Cooper smiled to mask what he was feeling inside, "Yeah, you do. Well ok then, I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, thanks." Eric said.

"Don't mention it." As Cooper walked back to his room, he made up his mind then and there that he needed to do whatever was necessary to stop these feelings he was having for Eric.

Toby stared at his cell phone as the Inspector Gadget theme played along. It was Tim, and even though Toby was in his room alone, he wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to Tim right now. He was conflicted, he knew he had to tell Tim the truth, so he grudgingly picked up the phone.

"Hey Tim."

"Hey, happy valentine's day and happy birthday!"

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"I was wondering if you could stop by in like an hour or so. Tati's at a friend's house and my parents just left to go out to dinner, so I'm here alone."

"Uh...I'm a little pressed for time."

"It'll be quick I promise. I just want to give you your gift."

Toby glanced at the clock; If he left now and didn't stay longer than half an hour at Tim's, he should make it back in plenty of time to go out to dinner with Richard, "Fine, I'll leave in a few minutes."

"Good, I'll see you soon."

Tim smiled as he ended the call. He lit two of the candles he had already sat on the table and took a moment to inhale and think about what had happened in the last twenty -four hours. He laughed when he thought back to last spring and how foolish he had been in breaking up with Toby. He had thought he was doing the right thing, but now he knew better. But that's how life goes he thought. Sometimes things happen to test you, to see how long you're willing to be strong and wait for what you want. A knock at the door startled Tim. There was no way Toby could have made it that fast. He opened the door to see a smiling Jack standing in front of him.

Tim pulled him in the house quickly, "What are you doing here? Your father asked me not to see you for a while."

"I can't stay long. I have to be back before my dad realizes the car is gone."

"You stole the car?"

"It's going to be mine when I get my license."

"Oh my God, I'm taking you home now."

"Don't try and be all mature, you're only like three years older than me."

"And I never stole a car, let's go so you can go home."

"No, you can't take me home! How will I get the car back without my dad finding out? Please, I'm a good driver, really! He's been teaching me every weekend for a month, I have my permit." Jack said showing Tim.

Tim knew that Toby would be here soon and that he probably didn't have enough time to get to the President's house and make it back in time without missing Toby.

"Ok, but don't sneak out of the house again, and you need to not come over anymore, ok?"

"You don't want to see me?"

"Your dad is my boss, I have to respect his wishes."

"Here, I came to give you this," Jack said, handing Tim a small case, "It's a necklace just like the one I'm wearing, except you have the other half."


"You're welcome. Ok, I have to go, but I'll see you around."

"Jack..." Tim started, but Jack was already running down the driveway towards the car, "Call me when you get home!" Tim yelled after him.

Fifteen minutes later, Toby had just arrived at Tim's house. He got a sinking feeling in his stomach as soon as he saw the lighted candles on the dining room table.

"I can't stay very long." Toby said.

"It's fine." Tim said giving Toby a quick kiss on the lips before Toby could react.

"You want to sit?" Tim asked him.

"No, I'm fine."

"How is your ankle anyway?"

"I haven't gone back to see the trainer, but I should be off the crutches in a week, but that doesn't mean it'll hold up for playing."

"I why are you pressed for time?"

"Richard and I are going out to dinner."

"To smooth things over?"

"Sort of."

"Toby, just give it to me straight. I'm a big boy, I can handle it." "I'm going to stay with Richard. We've worked some things out and..."

"Toby, there's no need for you to explain, he's your boyfriend and you guys should continue to work things out."

Toby was relieved, "I'm so glad you said that. I thought because know."

"Hey, it was for old times sake."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Does Richard know about what we did?"

"No, that's the other thing. I don't want to tell him because it was a mistake and it'll never happen again, so I don't want to cause him any unnecessary pain. So can I count on you not to tell him?"

"Consider it done."

Toby could not believe how easily Tim was cooperating with this. Maybe the fates were finally smiling down on him and that he and Richard were meant to stay together this time, "Thank you, Tim. You're an awesome person."

"I know," Tim smiled, "Here, happy birthday, but don't open here, I hate when people open presents in front of me."

Toby laughed, "Weirdo."

"What can I say."

"You think you could carry the gift out to my car for'll be hard with the crutches."

"Oh, sure."

"Thanks for everything," Toby said as he got into his car, "I really meant what I said about you being an awesome person. I'm glad you're in my life." "So am I. Enjoy your night with Richard."

"Good night."

Tim went back into his house and blew out the candles he had lit before Toby arrived. He looked up to his ceiling and smiled. The road was always full of bumps and sometimes you're tested to see how badly you want something and how long you're willing to wait to get that you believe is rightfully yours.

Tim went to bed that night with a feeling that very soon he would get his chance to show Toby just how much he loved him. He didn't know how it would come about, but he knew he was willing to do anything to be with Toby.

It had been a few days since Jon and Eric had there first fight. Jon was never one to hold a grudge and after a few hours, he was over the disagreement and was ready to see Eric again. He thought it best though to wait until the following day before calling Eric. He had called Eric several times, apologizing for what went on, but Eric had yet to return his calls. Eric wasn't really mad about the fight anymore either, but what his mother had written to him in the letter had constantly been on his mind. Since then, he knew he couldn't see Jon and it was hard for him to even hear his voice. He was on his way back to the dorms as he listened to Jon's last message. He erased it and hoped that Jon would soon get the message that he just wanted to be left alone.

"Hey you want to go catch lunch?" Joey asked Cooper as they both washed their hands in the bathroom.

"I can't, I need to catch up on some stuff."

"You could do it after."

"If I don't do it now, then I'll procrastinate and never get it done."

"If you'd rather be a stalker and gaze out of a window slobbering after an unknowing friend instead of spending a delightful hour with me, it'll be your loss."

"I'm not going to be staring out of a window."

"Ok, casually glancing."

"Fuck you."

"Been there, done that." Joey said as he exited the bathroom. Cooper walked back to his room and immediately looked at the clock as he entered.

"Perfect timing." He said out loud to himself. He pulled back the blinds, and even though it was a cloudy day, Cooper didn't notice, he was concentrated on Eric walking by. He was doing something on his cell phone, and Cooper thought he had the most cute and concentrated face he had ever seen. Long after Eric passed, Cooper continued looking out of his window, his mind fantasizing about what it would be like to be with Eric.

Each day through my window I watch him as he passes by. I say to myself, "You`re such a lucky guy." To have a guy like him must surely be a dream come true. Out of all the fellas in the world, he belongs to me.

But it was just my imagination runnin' away with me. It was just my imagination runnin' away with me.

Soon we'll be married and raise a family. A cozy little home out in the country with two children, maybe three.

I tell you, I can visualize it all. This couldn't be a dream How real it all seems.

Ohh, but it was just my imagination, once again runnin' away with me. Tell you it was just my imagination runnin' away with me.

Every night on my knees I pray: Dear Lord, hear my plea. Don't ever let another take his love from me or I will surely, surely die.

His love is heavenly. When his arms enfold me I hear a tender rhapsody. But in reality he doesn't even know me.

It was just my imagination runnin' away with me. It was just my imagination running away with me.

Just my imagination runnin' away with me . . .

Despite assurances from Tim that he would not say anything to Richard, Toby was still feeling guilty about what he had done. He had a nagging voice in the back of his mind that was telling him that honesty was the best policy, and the longer he waited to say something, the worse it would be. But Toby would always push those thoughts out of his mind, he would never tell Richard what happened, because it didn't matter to him, it was a mistake, a big one, but a mistake, and he would never even think about being with another man as long as Richard was by his side. Still, Toby felt he needed to do something nice and spontaneous for Richard. He quietly got out of bed, and put on a sweater and some track pants, which proved to be quite easy. Toby was sure that he could move around, even if slowly without the crutches now, but he though it best to wait until he could talk with the trainer, he didn't want to risk missing anymore of the tennis season. Toby had decided he was going to pick up breakfast for both him and Richard from a small restaurant just a few block away. They'd have breakfast in bed and then Toby would have some desert as he serviced Richard to the best blowjob he could give. Toby was not surprised to see the lobby totally deserted, it was quite early on a Sunday morning. He saw a man standing outside of the lobby doors holding a bouquet of flowers. Toby laughed as he opened the door to let the man in, "Late valentine's gift?"

"You wouldn't believe how many poor suckers forget it. This cheap piece of shit," the man said waving the bouquet, "cost fifty bucks."

"Ouch, and he's still not going to be forgiving."

Toby left the man to find the room he was looking for and walked out into the cold morning air. He smiled as he thanked the heavens he had a boyfriend who remembered Valentine's Day.

******* "Eric?" Cooper said into his cell phone.

"Yeah?" Eric said barely audible. Cooper's call had awakened him.

"I need you to come down stairs immediately, something's happened."

Toby could see before he even entered the lobby that the activity level surrounding his dorm building was much higher than was normal for an early Sunday morning. He walked into the lobby, after having to verify with a police officer that he lived in the building. Cooper walked by right in front of him and Toby was able to grab his shoulder, "Cooper, what's going on?"

"We're not really sure, but it look like a girl was assaulted. I have to go."


"Are you going to the meeting in a few minutes?" Richard asked Toby.

"Yeah, I really want to hear what's going to be said, a lot of people are freaking out."

"Rightfully so, this is the second major attack on campus in what a few weeks."

"You think they're connected?" Toby asked.

"I don't think so. Dr. Taylor hasn't talked about it much, but I don't think the guy tried to rape her."

"So this girl was raped?"

"I guess we'll find out."

The couple headed downstairs and were surprised to find the recreation room packed full of people. Several of the people were residents of the same dorm as Toby and Cooper, but they were just as many residents from the other dorms. As Eric approached the front of the room, everyone immediately quieted down, "Wow," Toby whispered to Richard, "That never happens."

"We have Officer Martin here, and he is head of Campus security for the university. He's going to let us all know what's going on and we'll answer a few questions before going to the other halls and giving the same presentation."

Officer Martin cleared his throat before talking, "I'm sure you all know about the unfortunate event that occurred this morning at approximately 7:36 am. A second floor female resident of this building was sexually assaulted in the female shower room. We have a suspect in a custody, though we will need your help in identifying him. If anyone saw anything suspicious or think they might know something, please let us know, or you can talk to an RA and they know how to get a hold of us."

"You left to go get breakfast, did you see anything?" Richard asked.

"Nothing. I wonder if it happened before or after I left."

"I'll open the floor to questions, but there are some details I am not authorized to share with you and I apologize in advance if I'm not able to answer your questions."

Richard raised his hand first, "Is there any connection between this attack and the one on Dr. Taylor?"

"We're looking into that, but we don't have any reason to believe the two are connected."

One of the female RA's raised her hand, "What is the campus doing to ensure the women are safe?"

"Within the next week we'll be increasing the number of community service officers on campus, but we are encouraging women, especially those who have late classes to always walk with a friend, or to call campus security if you do not feel safe by yourself. We can escort you to your car or have a chaperone walk with you back to the residence halls area. It is better to be safe than sorry."

Joey was the next person to raise his hand, "I don't see any broken glass or anything, so how did this guy get in."

"Someone let him in."

"Someone let in a strange looking creep?"

"Our details on this are still a little sketchy, but apparently he was pretending to be delivering flowers to someone in this building and got in that way."

Toby didn't even raise his hand before he spoke out loud, "Did you say he was pretending to be delivering flowers?"

"Yes, it seems as though he collected some flowers from outside, and was able to get a student to let him in."

Though Toby stayed for the remainder of the session, he did not hear a word of anything that went on. Richard had to bump him to let him know that it was over.

"If people would just follow the rules and not let strange people in, this girl would have never been attacked." Richard said to Toby.

The words seemed to be echoing in Toby's head. He was the one who had let that man into the building and it was his fault that she had been attacked.

Thank you for reading this latest chapter. I'd love to hear what you think, and all constructive criticisms are welcome (especially yays or nays on song lyrics in chapters, is it too corny?) so feel free to send an e mail to Also if you want to be added to the e mail list of people I update about the story, you can also send me an e mail J

Next: Chapter 30

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