Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Oct 27, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

Three Roads Chapter 28- A Little Too Soon

"Fuck!" Toby yelled as water began to drip from the small of his back into his pants. It was hard enough to walk on crutches, even on a beautiful sunny day, but the rainy weather and the fact that he had to walk all the way across campus to get back to his dorm room wasn't helping matters. Toby had been smart enough to look outside his window before leaving for class that morning. He knew, because of the crutches, he would not be able to hold an umbrella, so he wisely wore a hooded sweatshirt to try and keep as dry as possible. His backpack was heavy though and that was pulling the hood of his sweater further down his face. He was having to keep his head down to keep the rain from falling into his face, but that was making it very difficult to see where he was going. On top of that, the cold air on the exposed portion of his back was making him very cold. He was very tempted to sit somewhere dry and wait it out, but he kept going.

"Do you need some help?"

Toby didn't want to turn in the direction of whoever was talking, because that would mean a rain sprayed face.

"No, I'm fine."

"Well, I'm just going to walk beside you to make sure."

"Tim?" Toby said still not looking in the stranger's direction.

"Duh! Who did you think it was?"

"I don't know," Toby said relieved, "I do need help."

"Here give me your backpack."

"I can't I'll fall."

"I'll support your weight. Take it off."

Toby leaned on his smaller friend, as he carefully, and very slowly, took his backpack off of his back and handed it to Tim.

"That's better." Tim said.

"Uh, can I ask you for a favor."

"Of course."

"Can you pull my sweater down over my back?"

Tim walked behind Toby and took a quick glance at the small of his back. He could just barely see the band of Toby's boxer briefs and he smiled to himself. He yanked Toby's sweater down, making sure it completely covered his skin.

"All better." Tim smiled.

"Thanks a lot." Toby said as they continued to walk in the direction of the dorms.

"No problem."

"I can't believe Dr. Taylor is coming back to work tomorrow." Bliss said as she grabbed onto Richard's arm in an effort to combat the hard blowing wind.

The two of them had just spent a good portion of the afternoon studying together in the warm confines of the University coffee shop.

"I know." Richard said, his mind elsewhere.

"It's only been four days since the attack, and I heard that she was pretty bruised up. Do you think she could be ok all ready?"

"I don't know."

"Are you listening to me?"

"I'm sorry," Richard smiled weakly, "I keep thinking about this." He waved the rolled up piece of paper in his hand.

"I really think you should do it." Bliss smiled, "I think you'd do great."

"It's a big decision...I don't..."

"Toby!" Bliss yelled.

Toby rolled his eyes, not even needing to look up, only one person had that voice.

"Hi." Toby said, putting on his best attempt at a smile. He looked up and was surprised to see that Richard was also standing before him, and that Bliss and his boyfriend seemed to be attached at the arm.

"Hi." Toby said to Richard.

"Hi. Hello Tim." Richard said looking directly at Toby.


"What are you guys doing?" Toby asked.

"Richie's just walking me to my car, like a perfect gentleman."

"How nice of Richie." Toby scoffed.

"What are you guys doing?" Richard asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I was helping him get back to his room. He was struggling a bit."

"You could have called me." Richard said.

"I didn't think about it...what's that in your hand?"

"Nothing." Richard said hiding it as if Toby would forget he had seen it."

"Richie is thinking about running for student government." Toby gave Richard a look of disbelief, "No shit?"


"We're getting soaked in the rain." Toby said, "I think we should go."

"Yeah. I'll see you in the room." Richard stepped forward and gave Toby a passionate kiss."

Toby was caught off guard and therefore speechless. Tim, while jealous that Richard was kissing Toby, still had to admit to himself that it was a pretty hot kiss.

Dr. Taylor looked out the window of her house. She wasn't thinking of anything, she was mostly just listening to the rain drops hitting the street. She felt a presence behind her and knew it was her partner, Vanessa. She pretended as if she were deep in thought, but Vanessa spoke to her anyway.

"You should be resting."

"I'll be moving around at work tomorrow."

"I think you should stay home a few more days, the doctor agrees with me too."

"You know I can't just sit around and do nothing."

"Ok, I don't want to fight."

Jill looked away from the window and turned to Vanessa, "I don't want to fight either. It's just that I've already made up my mind."

"Yeah, that's becoming more and more clear."

Richard opened the door to his room and saw Toby sitting at his desk, his crutches propped next to him.



"Can you hand me my backpack? It's by the closet."

"Yeah, sure." Richard picked up the bag and handed it to his boyfriend.


"No problem."

Richard looked at Toby for a moment longer before going to his closet to change out of his school clothes.

"Can we talk?" Toby asked.

"Yes," Richard smiled, relieved that he didn't have to bring it up, "I've been wanting to for a while."

"Are you really going to run for student government?"

Richard was taken aback, "Oh, uh, I'm thinking about it."

"Why, you know school politics is bullshit. It's a bunch of powerless people who have the illusion of having power."

"I really don't want to argue with you. I want to talk, not argue."

"Ok." Toby said.

"Are you mad at me? I really want to know."

"Yes." Toby muttered.


"Because you're leaving me behind!" Toby screamed.

"Toby, come on, I`m making an effort here."

"How can I not be pissed off! You're such a different person from when we were together in high school. Before I was the most important thing in your life, now it's Bliss or QSA, or whatever else you're doing. Coach is about to kick you off the tennis team because you never show up to practice anymore, and you changed your major."

"How did you know that?"

"Tim told me."

"How the hell does he know?"

"He works in the President's office, he has access to everything."

"What the fuck is he looking me up for?"

"I don't know. Probably for one of the ten trillion things that happens on this campus."

"Did you ask him to look me up?" Richard asked, he was starting to get angry himself.

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know Toby, but it's not like you're not the same person either," Richard began, "You're always upset about something or flying off the handle about something that doesn't go your way. You've always been stubborn, but you've reached a new high with it lately. Just let it go Toby!"

"Let what go?"

"Stop resenting me for breaking up with you last year, what happened to starting over, like you said."

"Woah, where did that come from? I don't resent you for that."

"Yes you do! All this not trusting me with Bliss when I swore that nothing happened and nothing would. I told you how unbelievably sorry I am that I hurt you. If I could take it back I would, but you need to stop being angry about it. It was over a year ago."

"You know why I can't just let it go? Because I want to hurt you like you did to me."

"That's unfair. I made a mistake, and I didn't hurt you on purpose. You're being vindictive. And besides let's be real, you let me go without a fight. If it's my fault, it's yours too."


"No, Toby stop blaming everyone else for what goes on. You're the common element in all this shit going on around you! With Eric, with me, why you feel like shit all the time. Maybe you should have stepped up and said how much you loved me and didn't want to be apart instead of letting me go. I thought you were ok with what happened because you never said anything to me."

"You should have known better."

Richard threw his hands in the air, "So then we're both assholes."

There was a long pause between the two. Richard was sitting on their bed now, with his head in his hands, trying to calm himself down. Toby was trying to choose his words carefully, "I'm thinking maybe we should take a break."

"That's not funny."

"I'm not being funny," Toby gulped, "I think we should consider it."

"Why?! We just spent a year apart and you want to take another break?"

"I honestly feel like I don't know who you are sometimes." Toby said staring Richard in the eyes.

"Toby, I know there have been a lot of changes lately. But that's why I'm here. I don't know who I am or what I want to be, but I know I love you and want to be with you more than anything else. You've changed too, and it's hard to adjust, but this is it for me. I can't imagine my life with anyone else."

Richard was kneeling down beside Toby now and lightly caressing his leg, "Are we ok?" Richard asked, almost not wanting to hear the answer.

"I don't know, it just was so much easier with Tim."

Richard was hurt deeply by what Toby had said. Toby had intended for his remark to sting a bit, but he would never know exactly how badly Richard felt after that. Richard stood up and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Toby asked, genuinely concerned.

"You know why it was easier with him," Richard started, ignoring Toby's last question, "Because you were never in love with him. You used him to try and get over me."

Richard paused for a moment, "I don't think I can stay here tonight." Richard grabbed his car keys and a jacket and closed the door softly behind him. *************

Dr. Taylor stood in the elevator that she had stood in countless times before. It was the elevator located in the Health Center, that slowly, and very noisily, took her to her office on the third floor. It had been less than a week since she had been attacked, but it felt like it had been years since she had been on this campus. She had made sure to leave her house earlier than she normally would; she wanted to avoid all of the "how are yous", "how ya feelings", and "good to have you backs". She knew it would be unavoidable, but she wanted to get a handle on all the paperwork that had surely piled up on her desk. She unlocked her office door and was almost disappointed to find that everything in her office was as neat and orderly as before. There were no notes or reminders that had been placed on her door or written anywhere in her office. She walked around her desk that faced the doorway and started rummaging through some papers to figure out what she needed to accomplish first when Richard appeared in the doorway.

"Hi there." Richard smiled.

"Hi," Dr. Taylor smiled, "What are you doing here? It's not even 7 am yet."

"I know, I wanted to be the first to welcome you back. Am I?"

"Thankfully, how'd you know I'd be here?"

"I didn't, but I saw you walk across the path from the parking structure to the health center on my way to the coffee shop so I thought I'd follow you and say hi real quick."

"You followed me? But I didn't see you?" Dr. Taylor said.

"What can I say I'm good."

"Don't do that again." She said seriously.

"Oh, yeah. I'm an ass. I'm sorry I didn't think about the attack."

"It's fine...just don't do it again."

"So how do you feel?"

"Fine," she smiled weakly, "It'll take a few weeks to be back to one hundred percent, but I'm not going to sit around and do nothing, I'm needed here. I hate to be rude, but as you can see I have a lot of work to catch up on, but thank you for coming by, I appreciate it immensely."

To Richard it didn't seem as if Dr. Taylor was behind any significant amount, but he did not voice his doubts, "Alright then, I'll probably stop by later then."

"That's unnecessary." She said, rifling through some papers.

"I know, but I might want to, so maybe I'll see you later." Dr. Taylor sighed as Richard disappeared from her doorway. She was relieved that he was gone. She was not lying when she said she appreciated his visit, but she really wanted to be left alone while she got her work done before everyone else would be stopping by. She sighed heavily and began to do her work.

Dr. Taylor was relieved as the day came to a close. She'd had to smile more today than she probably ever had in her entire life. While she appreciated all the "good to see yous" and "welcome backs" and the back crushing hug that Bliss gave when she saw her, she was glad this day was over and eagerly looked forward to the day, if not tomorrow, when she would go back to being Dr. Taylor, not the woman who was attacked. She was putting some files in her briefcase that she wanted to look over once she got home when she heard a knock on her door. She smiled genuinely when she saw Eric and Cooper standing in her doorway. For some reason, she had been waiting to see Eric all day and had been wanting him to stop by, but she was glad to see Cooper as well.

"It's good to see you guys."

"It's great to see you too. How do you feel?" Eric inquired.

"I'm feeling well. Ribs are still a little sore."

"Have the police said anything?" Cooper asked.

"They're investigating, but I doubt they'd find anything."

"Why?" Eric said alarmed.

"I couldn't tell you how tall my attacker was, the color of his skin, his weight, anything."

"But it's their job," Eric said lamely, "They can't let a person like that walk around."

"It doesn't matter."

"Of course it does, why would someone do this too."

"Who knows? There's so much hatred in the world. It could have been because I'm a lesbian and someone didn't like what I've been doing on campus, it could have been a student who felt I gave them bad advice, it could have some woman hating jerk who just needed to feel powerful by attacking a woman. I'm trying to forget about it, because I refuse to let this attack define me or change what I do or believe."

"Well you don't have to worry about that shit anymore," Cooper started, "Cause we're here to walk you to your car."

"I don't need you guys to walk me to my car."

"You don't have a choice," Cooper smiled, "Let someone come upon you now and I will set it off!"

She smiled in spite of herself, "Fine, but we`re not going to make this an everyday thing." Jill smiled as she closed and locked the door to office.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you, but my mom and I talked about my being gay over the break." Eric said.

"You mean she busted you with it, so you guys talked about it." Cooper interjected.

"Still jealous that my mom knows and yours doesn't? Though to be honest how could she not?" Eric smiled.

"Fuck you."

"I want you tell me all about it," Dr. Taylor said, ignoring Cooper and Eric's exchange, "while my two bodyguards walk me to my car." ******** Across campus at nearly the same time, Tim was preparing to leave work. Delta was out sick and Nancy had left a bit early in order to make a meeting she had to go to, so Tim had been in charge of the front office as well as aiding the President if he needed assistance.

"I'm about to leave," he said walking to the President's door, "Do you need anything before I go?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you very much for all your help today Tim."

"No problem...It's sad what happened to Dr. Taylor."

"Indeed, it's very sad. Granted she should have taken better safety precautions, but she is an important part of this university. I'm surprised she's returned to work so quickly, have you seen her?"

"No, I was probably going to stop by tomorrow."

"When you see her, send her my regards."

"You didn't go see her?"

Dr. Brown chuckled, "We respect each other very much, but she isn't my favorite person, and I'm not hers."

"Yeah, she said you were against the donation to her and the QSA."

The President's smile disappeared quickly from his face, "I think it was inappropriate for her to discuss such sensitive university matters with you, and it would not be wise for us to continue this discussion."

"I'm sorry Dr. Brown, I was just curious if it was true."

"I was against it, yes."

"May I ask why?"

"I felt there were more valuable places to direct money. The residence halls can always use extra money for programming, it could have gone to lowering the costs of books a little bit, it might have gone to building a new parking structure, something that would reach a lot more students than the Pride Center."

"Right." Tim said.

"I don't have to explain myself to you. My job is to do as much as I can for the university and the students that attend. You don't have to agree with my decisions, but you have no control over that. That will be all."

"Sir, I didn't mean to offend you."

"I will see you at dinner tomorrow night at 7."

"Now I really don't want to go to this dinner tonight." Tim said recounting the uncomfortable exit from Dr. Brown's office the day before.

"It'll be fine," Toby said, "I'm sure he's over it."

"Probably, and I hope Jack behaves."

"Who's Jack?"

"Do you listen to me when I talk?" Tim asked, playfully punching Toby in the shoulder, "He's the President's son, who has a crush on me. Dr. Brown doesn't know Jack is gay."

"Ah, right."

"Are you comfortable?" Tim asked eyeing Toby's ankle.

"Yeah, your bed is really comfortable. It's weird, I haven't been in your room in a while."

"Yes, my palace has missed you...So, what's up? When you called you didn't sound happy."

"I needed to get away from the dorms and I didn't know where else to go."

"Did you and Richard fight?"

"No, well we are fighting right now, but that's not why I called. I failed a quiz today and...I don't know, I'm just so unhappy right now. I'm not doing so well in school right now, I can't play tennis because of my fuckin ankle, and I have a boyfriend who never thinks about my feelings."

"I'm sure that's not true." Tim said unconvincingly.

"It is. He just keeps making these decisions and he doesn't even take me into account."

"Maybe you guys are growing apart and becoming different people."

"That's what I said!"

"It happens to even the best of couples."

Toby chuckled, "I told him that things were easier with you."

Tim had a look of surprise on his face, "Is that true?"

Toby shrugged, "It sure did seem easier in a lot of ways."

Tim's heart was beating fast enough to leap out of his chest, "What did he say about that?"

"He left. He said he couldn't be around me that night."

"I think you're an awesome guy, and if you feel unappreciated, why not be with someone who appreciates you?"

"Easier said than done," Toby said simply, "Let's talk about something else.

I shouldn't be telling you all this anyway."

"People do things all the time they shouldn't."

"Yeah, like what?"

"Like this." Tim said rubbing the hair's on Toby's leg. Tim was encouraged that Toby hadn't objected so he continued to run his hand up Toby's leg, until he reached his ex boyfriend's inner thigh. He unbuckled Toby's jeans and slowly, as if trying to savor this moment forever, pulled the zipper down. Toby was hard as evidenced by the bulge stretching his boxer briefs and Tim felt like time had stopped, he couldn't believe that after wanting Toby so badly for the last few months, that he would fall into his hands this easily. Tim pulled the waistband of Toby's underwear away from his skin and smiled when he saw Toby's dick laying against his stomach. He stared at it for a few moments because he hadn't been sure that he would ever see it again. But sure enough, it was there in front of him and as he leaned forward to take it in his mouth, the scent of Toby filled his nostrils and he was sure that not for a second had he stopped loving Toby.

******** Tim drove up the gate and fished through his glove compartment for the series of numbers that Dr. Brown had given him so that he would be able to enter the gate. He found and quickly entered the number. It flashed for a second, before the gate began to slowly roll back.

"All the way down and to the right." He mumbled to himself as he looked for the President's address. He found it rather easily and parked in what he wasn't sure was a real parking spot. As soon as his engine turned off he saw Jack running towards him.

"Oh my God, you're here. I'm so excited. Come on!" Jack said grabbing Tim's hand. Tim barely had enough time to lock all the doors, before he was being pulled away and dragged up the driveway to the house. Tim's parents were no slouches in the income department, but this house blew his completely out of the water. The first thing he noticed were the high ceilings that seemed to be as high as the sky.

"Do you want a tour?"

"Yeah, that would be great, dad's in the kitchen making sure everything is prepared."

It took them a good twenty minutes to circle the house. Tim was enthralled and hoped that he could someday make enough money to have a house this beautiful.

"There they are." Dr. Brown smiled, "Tim, good to see you."

"Good to see you too." Tim was relieved that the President did not seem upset about their encounter yesterday. He was also relaxed by the President's attire. Whenever he was on campus, Dr. Brown always wore suits that were immaculately pressed, but now he was in a nice and obviously expensive collared shirt and a nice pair of black dress pants. "Did Jack show you around?"

"He did, your house is absolutely amazing."

"I love it. A house should be a comfort to come home too, and that's what I feel mine is. Let's sit at the dinner table."

Two hours had passed since Tim had arrived, but he was enjoying himself. He could tell that Dr. Brown had always been a friendly guy, but seeing him "off the record" showed that he had an even greater personality and was really a great guy. Why wasn't he married?

I am very glad you accepted my invitation. I can tell you have been and will be a great influence for my son."

"Thank you so much, that's very kind."

"If you ever need a recommendation for an internship or anything like that, you know where to find me."

Tim smiled, "Wow, thank you!"

"Dad?" Jack spoke up, his voice wavering a bit.


"Don't you think Tim is a really smart guy?"

"Of course, just listen to him talk."

"Well dad he's smart in other ways too... so I'm going to take his advice and be honest with you."

Dr. Brown nodded, he knew what was coming, "Son, as much as I want you to go Sunnydale University, if it's not your dream then you should by all means pursue other colleges."

"No," Jack said shaking his head, "I'm gay and I'm in love with Tim." Tim let out a loud gasp though neither Jack nor the President heard it as Tim's dinner fork fell out of his hand and echoed on the glass table."

"Go to your room."

"Dad, wait..."


Jack raced from the dinner table and Tim could hear doors slamming as Jack made his way through the house.

"Sir, I swear..." Tim started, but Dr. Brown raised his hand to stop him.

"I know you are smart enough not to get involved with someone underage."

"Yes, yes I am. Way too smart for that."

"And I appreciate you telling him to talk to me...I assume that was your advice."

"It was."

"And the being in love part?"

Tim laughed nervously, "He's a teenager, they're all crazy."

"Excuse my lack of hospitality, Tim, but I am sure you understand this is a family matter now, so I'm going to ask you to leave, so I can deal with my son."

"Of course." Tim rose from the table and grabbed his coat before heading to the door. Dr. Brown walked him out to his car, but Tim paused before getting in, "You think he'll be ok?"

The President caught onto the hidden meaning of the question, "Tim, I do not have a problem with my son being gay, though I wish he were not. It's still a very difficult world out there for quote unquote different people. I worry about my son's future because of his sexuality, but he will be ok, he has no other choice."

Tim nodded amazed at how practical Dr. Brown seemed, "Thank you for dinner."

"You are welcome...and Tim...maybe it's best you stayed away from my son until he figures things out. I don't want him more confused than he probably already is.

"Right. Good night."

Toby returned to his room and he was not at all surprised to see Richard sitting on their bed. He almost knew he would see Richard before the night was over, it was a large part of why he avoided the room for the last few hours, but Richard was now smiling.



"I've been thinking about what you said, and I realize that you might be right, maybe I haven't been thinking about your feelings as much as I should."

"It's ok."

"No, let me finish. It's been rough with everything about my parents and me feeling like I don't know what to do with my life, but I realized that you are the constant in my life. Even when we weren't together, you drove all night just to come be with me when I needed you, and I don't know if I can even tell you how much that saved me."


"I need to get it out. Please," Richard begged, "let me finish."


"I made the biggest mistake of my life by breaking up with you when we first went to college. It wasn't because I didn't love you or wanted to fuck around with other people, but I didn't feel it was fair to be with you, until I was sure if I was bisexual, or straight and just experimenting or whatever."

"That's why you broke up with me?"

"Part of why. I also truly believe that we were made for each other. There is no one on Earth I want to be with more than you. And I know that we have been going back and forth lately with weeks of enjoying each other and then weeks of fighting, and I am sorry for my part in that. Something you said struck me though. You want to take a break and I won't let you because you should know I love you. I should have known better when I broke up with you and you should know better now. Like I said, I've been going through a lot lately, but to show you how much I want this with you, I'm not going to run for student government, and I tried to stop the change of my major, but they couldn't find my paperwork. So I have to wait for it to go through and then go back and change it."

"Wow, I can't believe it."

"I'm willing to do what's necessary to make you believe in us again...Even if it means not seeing Bliss anymore."

Toby could tell that this was much harder for Richard to say than the other things, "I love her, but I'm in love with you, and I know what my life is like without her, I still have you, but I don't want to be without you Toby, so I'm asking you to believe in us."

Toby was thoroughly in love with Richard, more in this moment than ever before, and he was also struck by something, that someone was willing to change their life for him. Toby dropped his crutches and literally fell into his boyfriend. Richard caught him and they passionately kissed. They were both holding onto each other tightly, but after a few minutes, Toby could feel Richard pulling away.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you jerk off today?" " What a weird question to ask right now." Toby laughed.

Richard laughed as well, "This is weird, but I swear I can taste your cum right now."

"Oh, I did and just forgot."

"You must have been really horny. You normally don't shoot that far."

"Well yeah. But I was so horny that I shot in my mouth today."

"Really? You were able to do that with your ankle?"

"Wow, what is this 20 questions. You've seen me do it before."

Richard smiled and again tightly embraced Toby. Toby couldn't believed that he had just told Richard a lie, a big one. Richard rarely, if ever, let Toby cum in his mouth so how the hell did he remember what it tasted like? Toby's thoughts flashed back to the kiss he gave Tim after he had climaxed in his mouth; Toby was convinced that some of his cum must have been transferred back to his mouth during the kiss. He would have to talk to Tim and find some way to get to Tim to agree to never telling Richard what had happened between them.

Thanks for reading the chapter. I've decided to do 6 more chapters before ending the season. I want to make sure I have enough space to get everything done before the season is over. A lot happened in this one, and I would love to hear what you're thinking. Send an e mail to I love hearing from you guys, and hope you're staying interested in the story J

Next: Chapter 29

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