Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Oct 6, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

Just bringing special attention to the fact that this is the first chapter of Three Roads where I had a co-writer. The person who inspired the character of Joey wrote this chapter with me and I think it turned out really well. I'll be interested to hear what you guys think J

Three Roads Chapter 25- Morning Showers

Cooper was standing still in the center of his room admiring all of his Christmas decorations. There were red, green, and yellow lights taped to the top of his wall and they ran all the way around the perimeter of his room. He looked to his window and snickered, like he did every time, he saw "ho ho ho" in big red bubble letters with white trim attached to his wall. He did another quarter turn and smiled widely when he saw his small Christmas tree shining brightly from the corner of his room. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he noticed that while he was looking at all the different decorations, he wasn't really taking them in. Also, his legs didn't seem to be working properly. As he was turning and admiring his work around his room, it was as if he were moving around a concentrated point and did not have the ability to mover from that center. But this was all far in the very back of his mind, and he continued to stand there, smiling and appreciating what he had done. His head jerked suddenly towards the direction of the door. Had someone knocked? He wasn't sure if he had heard a knock, but he was absolutely positive that someone was at the door. Regaining full movement of his legs, he walked to the door and was surprised to see Joey standing in front of him.

"Hey Joey."

"Hi, Cooper. What are you doing?"

"Just admiring my work." He said pointing to the various decorations.

"Cool, I want to suck your dick." Joey said, looking at Cooper impassively.


"I said I want to suck your dick." Joey said again with very little emotion in his voice.

"But why?" Cooper said lamely. Joey was no longer there, but he was now looking into Eric eyes and though there didn't seem to be any discernable meaning on Eric's face, Cooper could tell that his eyes were full of passion. "Because," Eric started, "Ever since I saw your dick at the sleepover, it's all I've been dreaming about."

Something triggered in Cooper's brain and he momentarily forgot how surprised he was by Eric's seemingly newfound boldness, "What did you just say?"

"I said I want to suck your dick." Eric said.

"No after that."

"It's all I've been dreaming about."

Cooper opened his eyes to a dark ceiling. The Christmas tree was still there, as were the lights around his wall, and the other decorations he had put up. It took him only a minute longer to realize he had been dreaming. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at the clock; it was 5:45 A.M.

"Great," he said to no one. For the past few nights he had been having similar dreams. He had been spending more time with Joey because Eric had been spending more time with Jon, now that they seemed to be...Cooper couldn't even bring himself to complete the thought. Cooper's thoughts had been consumed by Eric for the past several days now, and he was getting extremely annoyed with himself. Joey kept pressuring him to do something to get his mind off of Eric and that British guy, as Cooper had taken to referring to Jon. He absentmindedly slid his hand down to his crotch and was a bit surprised to find a half hard erection. As much as he loved Eric as a friend, these new found feelings were forcing him to see Eric in a different light, in a sexual light. Cooper playfully teased the base of his cock and before long, Cooper's dick was standing at attention.

Even though it was early in the morning, Cooper's mind was racing. He decided he was going to start taking Joey's advice and stop thinking of Eric. Joey was probably right. He probably had a small, even minor crush on Eric, but it had been blown way out of proportion because of the emotional baggage he was still carrying around from Kevin. Cooper continued to tease himself, as he thought of all the guys he had stood next to at the urinals on campus with their dicks in their hands. He missed the thrill of finding a guy who was willing to shoot his load into the white porcelain of a urinal. Cooper ripped off his boxers and continued to stroke the head of his dick, making it throb. He was already leaking pre cum and his left had caressing his balls was making him feel even better. He stopped jerking off and stared straight ahead. It was 6 o clock in the morning, there was probably no one in the bathroom this early in the morning, why not partake in a bit of nostalgia?

He quickly stood up, his dick pointing straight out in front of him as he walked to his dresser and opened the bottom drawer. He cursed when he found nothing inside of it. He carelessly threw jeans and other dirty garments aside as he looked for a towel. He wrapped it around his waist and adjusted his erection in case there was anyone roaming the halls this early in the morning. Cooper walked across the room and headed towards the door. Cooper entered the bathroom and was relieved to find no one in there. He took the middle urinal and untied the towel to release his restrained dick. Cooper wanted to take his time, and so he slowly stroked his member, while he kept a trained ear for the door. After a few moments, he realized he was having difficulty holding his towel around his waist while jerking off, so he threw the towel over his shoulder and continued pleasuring himself. He never cared anyway, but he particularly didn't care if anyone saw his ass right now.

The smell of the room was overwhelming him; it had the unmistakable smell of boy. With his eyes closed, he took in that smell that was unique to men. He couldn't put it into words, but his dick always responded to it. He was close, his breathing had become louder and more erratic. He could tell that in a few strokes he would be shooting into the urinal. He was almost there, when a shower being turned off caused him to lose his concentration. Cooper stopped and quickly wrapped the towel around his waist again. A cute Italian guy emerged from the shower room holding a bottle of shampoo and a towel around his waist.

"Sergio, what's up man?" Cooper sad a tad nervously.

Sergio gave a nod of acknowledgement but didn't say anything. Cooper enjoyed watching the beads of water run down Sergio's muscled chest and hard abs. Cooper got even harder, if possible, and waited until the door made a thud, before throwing his towel back over his shoulder. He was getting a bit bolder as he stepped back a few steps to look at himself in the mirror. He watched with excitement as his hand feverishly worked his cock.

As if a switch had been turned on, Cooper realized that someone was still showering. He decided that for the utmost privacy, he would be better off finishing his deed, in a shower stall. As he walked through the separating curtain, he noticed that whoever was showering had inadvertently left the curtain to their stall slightly open. He stopped and saw that he could see the showerhead spraying water into the stall. He walked by slowly, as if he were still being affected by morning daze, when he saw him, Joey. Joey's short blonde hair was sticking up in multiple directions and Cooper watched as the soap suds dripped down Joey's neck and slender hips. Cooper hadn't known Joey for that long, but that didn't matter right now as Joey stood unknowingly before him naked. Cooper stroked a little faster as he recalled the stories and details Joey had told him and how unembarrassed and uninhibited Joey seemed to be about sex. Cooper let out a small whimper, and Joey's head turned to face him. Joey smiled and bit his lower lip. He had caught Cooper staring at him, but he didn't mind, and he kept seductively running the soap up and down all over his body.

"You want to have a little fun?" Joey asked.

Cooper hesitated. He was horny and was willing to do numerous things he wouldn't normally do, but he was also aware of his position in the halls.

"Open the curtains some more." Joey whispered to keep his voice from echoing.

Cooper paused for a minute, his mind going back and forth. His mouth was dry, but he slowly pulled the curtain all the way back and Joey's wet body was on complete view. Joey bravely rubbed his own dick; he was clearly enjoying the attention he was getting. For such a small guy, Cooper was impressed with the cock between Joey's legs. Cooper stepped into the shower and when he didn't hear any complains from Joey, he closed the curtain to hide them for anyone that might walk in. Cooper hung his towel on the shower wall and Joey's demeanor broke as he giggled with excitement as Cooper stood naked before him. Cooper was also enjoying being this close to Joey.

"You're hot." Cooper said.

Joey stared at Cooper's face, it was genuine and sweet, and Joey knew what a great guy Cooper was, and it was bothering him to see his friend in so much pain. Instead of saying anything, Joey simply kissed him. It wasn't as rough or as charged as both boys would have probably expected, but a sweet tender kiss of two people, both a little worried about the current state of their lives, and both a little lonely helping each other out in their time of need.

"Nice lips." Cooper said before turning Joey around. Joey could now feel Cooper's manhood behind him and he became even more excited.

"You found my spot." Joey moaned as Cooper kissed the back of Joey's neck. Cooper's hips continuously collided with Joey's ass. Cooper pulled away to admire it.

"Nice ass too."

"You've got a nice ass, cock, hell everything." Joey said in return. Both boys laughed as quietly as they could. Cooper tried to kiss Joey again, but Joey was now teasing him; not allowing his friend to fully kiss him.

"Should I be nice?" Joey teased.

"I think you should."

"You sure?"


Joey pushed Cooper back in the cramped shower stall just enough to allow him to get on his knees. Joey was surprised by how cold the tiles felt on his knees, but that was quickly thrown out of his mind when he felt how rock hard Cooper was in his hands. Joey playfully licked the tip and pulled back just a bit to see Cooper's reaction, leaving a string of precum running from his lips to the head of Cooper's dick. Joey went to task on the boy in front of him taking half of Cooper in easily.

"Fuck yeah." Cooper whispered. He had missed this; fooling around just for the sake of fooling around, no attachments or feeling to get in the way, just sex. He ran his fingers through Joey's dirty blonde hair and slowly started to buck his hips forward. Before long, Cooper had both hands on the back of Joey's head and was pumping hi friend's mouth slowly. Cooper pulled Joey off his dick and Joey let out a whimper.

"I've got something a little more fun." Cooper said. He turned Joey around, got on his knees, and moved Joey's legs apart, spreading his friend's ass. Cooper started to lick and immediately Joey let out a loud moan. It turned Cooper on, Kevin had never been this vocal when they had fooled around, Cooper was getting high off of knowing that someone had no hang ups about being with him, but wanted every part of him they could reach. He spread Joey even farther and buried his face in his ass.

"Don't fucking stop!" Joey said way too loudly.

"Shhh! We can't get caught." Cooper said. He went back to pleasuring Joey and thought it was so cute the way Joey's mouth stayed open as Cooper continued to eat his ass. Soon, Cooper decided to be bold and slide a finger into the smaller boy's ass. Cooper put an arm around Joey's chest to keep him steady, as Joey was starting to slide down the wall from the pleasure he was receiving.

"I need you to fuck me." Joey said loudly enough where it seemed to bounce off the wall.

Cooper was a bit surprised, but he quickly recovered, "You think you can handle it?"

"Make me." Joey said in such a way, that Cooper no longer doubted if this was a good idea or not, he wanted Joey and he was going to have him right here and now in the shower.

Toby entered the bathroom with the towel draped over his naked toothbrush and toothbrush in his hand. He walked over to the center stall and through the curtain. He turned on the water, got it to a satisfactory temperature, and then walked back through the curtain to one of the urinals. Pulling down the elastic of his black tennis shorts, Toby realized his hard on still hadn't gone down fully; there was something about seeing Richard sprawled naked and asleep on the bed that did it for him almost every morning. After flushing, he walked through the curtain, removed his shorts and flung them carelessly on the floor. He sighed as the warm water made contact on his skin. Taking a shower first thing in the morning was always one of the things that woke him plus it allowed him to think about what he wanted to focus on during tennis practice that morning. Toby began absentmindedly soaping his body when he swore he heard voices. He peaked out of the curtain, but saw no one there. For the first time, he noticed that another shower was running; he wasn't sure if it had already been going before he got there, but he shrugged it off and went back to thinking about tennis.

"Fuck yeah...don't stop."


Toby was sure he heard voices this time. He pretended he didn't hear them though to see if they continued.

"Wrap your legs around my waist and hold onto my neck."

Toby smiled, somebody was having sex. He remembered the time he had caught Joey in the shower and his dick responded almost immediately. He looked down in surprise at his dick, but the moans from the other shower stall were becoming more and more insistent and louder and Toby was having a hard time resisting the urge to jerk off while he listened. He wasn't sure if he had enough time, so he started jerking his dick furiously. As he continued, he briefly wondered if Joey was the one who was having a little naughty fun in the shower. Toby had the urge to go over and pull the curtain back and surprise whoever was over there, but he quickly lost his nerve. He continued to jack off and wished that he were having hot sex right now. He paused and smiled when he realized he had a naked boyfriend asleep in his bed right now. He ran is face through the water one last time and then he turned the water off. He grabbed his towel and tried to wrap it in a way where his boner wouldn't be obvious. He smiled maliciously as he picked up the shorts he had discarded earlier and headed out of the shower room. Toby left the shower room just in time as Joey was close to the brink.

"Fuck yeah," he growled, "Slam my ass." Cooper tried in vain to cover Joey's mouth to keep him form being so loud, but after a few moments of that he was too close to think about anything else other than getting off. "I'm gonna cum!" Cooper announced, the sound of his voice bouncing off the walls. He pulled out of Joey and burst all over his back. He leaned some of his body weight on Joey after he finished, because his balance did not seem very steady.

"Oh, yeah, I'm gonna blow!" Joey moaned and writhed, falling into the bigger boy. Joey stayed that way or a few moments before catching his bearings.

"That was..."

"Incredible." Cooper finished.

"I'm probably late for class now." Joey said.

"Yeah, I should probably get going too." Cooper said awkwardly.


"Maybe you should leave first and then I'll leave a few minutes later." Cooper suggested.

"Good idea. Well, I guess I'll see you later then."


Toby had finished drying off and much like his shorts earlier, he had thrown the towel carelessly on the floor of his room. His eyes were on the naked form of Richard laying helplessly on the bed. Toby let his dick lead the way as he approached the bed. He climbed on the back of Richard and straddled him from behind. Toby began aggressively nibbling on his boyfriend's ear and Richard responded immediately as if he hadn't been asleep.

"Mmm, that's good."

"You like that?" Toby said. He began slowly gyrating his hips, his dick sandwiched between Richard's ass. Richard began thrusting upwards to meet Toby's movement's and Toby grabbed a bit of Richard's hair and tugged on it, "You want me to keep doing that?"

"Actually no."

"Huh?" Toby said confused. Before he knew what was happening, Richard had lifted himself on his arms and flung Toby onto the other side of the bed. While he was dazed, Richard climbed on top of his boyfriend and quickly had Toby's legs in the air.

"How do you like that?" Richard said, smiling widely. Toby hit him hard in the chest and quickly got out of bed.

"What's wrong?" Richard said rubbing his chest.

"We're late for tennis get dressed."

"I hate when you do this shit, what's wrong?"

"Sometimes I'd like to fuck you."

"That was crude." Richard said.

"I'm not joking around! Sometimes I'd like to decide what happens to you and not just when you feel like it. A relationship is give and take."

"So you think our relationship will be better if I agreed to take it up the ass more? I think your priorities are screwed up."

"Whenever I try to talk to you about something serious, all you do is make jokes."

"I'm being serious. Why should I agree to something I don't like?"

"Because I always let you pick. If you want to top then I let you."

"But I don't like to bottom very often, and that should be ok." Richard said grabbing a clean pair of underwear.

"It is, I just don't think you should get to make all the decisions." "I don't. You just said you let me top most of the time, that's a decision you make according to you."

"Ugh," Toby yelled, "How are we ever supposed to go anywhere if you don't listen to me when I'm talking to you about something that's bothering me."

"I am Toby, I'm listening to you. Listening doesn't mean I do what you say.

You like to bottom and I like to top so that's what happens most of the time. You can't make me be in the mood for something I'm not in the mood for."

"Fine," Toby said pulling his tennis bag over his shoulder roughly, "You better hurry up, or you'll be late for tennis." Toby walked out the door and Richard sighed heavily. He was almost afraid of what was to come because there was no way in his mind, that Toby would walk away that calmly and easily from an argument.

A few hours later, Toby was knocking on Toby and Richard's door. He could hear the alarm clock blaring annoyingly from inside the room.

"Hello!" Cooper yelled as eh continued to knock. This was typical Resident Advisor protocol before entering a room. You knocked a few times before entering the room. Cooper secretly hoped that Toby and Richard were inside doing unimaginable things to each other as he entered the room. Much to his dismay, he found the room to be empty. He located the alarm clock that was laying on the floor by the bed and clicked the button to the off position.

"Is there a fire or something?" He heard from behind him. He turned to see Toby standing in the doorway.

"Oh, no. Your alarm clock was going off."


"No problem," Cooper said heading towards the door, "I'll see you later then."

Cooper was halfway down the hallway when Toby called his name, "What are you doing right now?"

"Just hanging out."

"You want to grab lunch?"

The two boys sat down at one of the many white long tables that sat in the dining commons.

"Damn that hot chocolate looks good," Toby said zipping up his jacket. Apparently the cafeteria hadn't gotten the memo that it was mid December as cold air was still coming from the vents, "Did you put ice in it?"

"Yeah, it's always so hot."

Toby laughed, "That's kind of the point. I miss that."


Toby felt awkward, "Hanging around you...and Eric too. I just miss how funny you are."

"Don't we all." Cooper said sipping his now only warm chocolate.

"Dude, this morning I was in the shower and I'm pretty sure two guys were going at it in the shower."

Cooper began to choke on his drink. When he finally stopped coughing, he looked at Toby as nonchalantly as he could, "Really?"

Toby wasn't convinced, "You fucker, that was you wasn't it?"

The smile crept on his face and that was enough confirmation for Toby, "No way man. Who was in there with you?" Toby said already half hard.


"I knew it," Toby said adjusting himself, "How was it?"

"That kid knows how to fuck. He took it all."

"Yeah, I could tell by the moans," Toby teased, "As big as you are that takes some talent. I'm not sure I could even deep throat that monster you got."

Cooper had to shake the image of Toby's full lips running down the length of his dick, "Yeah, it was crazy, but don't tell anyone, especially not Eric."

"Of course," Toby nodded, "I'm not exactly on speaking terms with Eric anyway." Cooper was surprised by how sad Toby looked when he said that. He made a mental note to try and get them all to be friends again, so they could laugh and have fun together like they used to.

"Did you guys plan it?" Toby asked, going back to the discussion earlier.

"It just sort of happened." Cooper said.

"Bullshit," Toby laughed, "I assume a condom was just there and waiting to be used by someone."

"A condom?" Cooper said worriedly.

"Haha, good one, I know of all people you know what a condom is."

"No, we didn't use one." Cooper said looking at Toby, "We didn't use a fuckin condom."

Cooper tried to track down Joey later that day and the following day, but apparently he had finished his finals early and had already headed home. Cooper didn't think this was something that could be talked about over the phone, so he sent a hurried e mail to his friend, hoping to get the response that he wanted, that Joey had been tested very recently. As he hit send, a resident knocked on his door, ready to check out for the Christmas holidays.

Down the hallway, Eric had just finished checking out a resident and he yelped in surprise when he saw Tim sitting on his bed. "How'd you get it in?" Eric asked.

"The same way I usually get in, someone let in a perfect stranger." Tim smiled.

"You excited about the break?" Eric asked continuing to pack his belongings.

"No school for almost a month is awesome, but I'll be bored out of my mind, you'll be gone."

"I'm only like an hour away."

"So that means Jon will be coming to visit you then?"

Eric deadpanned, "Hell no. I hope he and my mother never meet."

"Trouble in paradise?" Tim joked.

"I don't want to subject him to her and I prefer my Mom alive."

"Good times," Tim said, "Well, I just came by to say hi and wish you a good vacation."

"Thanks," Eric said, "I will see you soon."

Eric assumed that Tim was leaving the building, but instead he was headed to Toby's room. He knew Toby was probably there, packing for his long drive back to Southern California, but he wanted to avoid an awkward meeting with Richard. So he slipped the envelope underneath the crack of the door and raced down the hallway before the door opened. The door did open, and Richard looked down the hallway, but didn't see anyone. The envelope had Toby's name written on it, but Toby was in the bathroom. He opened the envelope quickly and saw that a Christmas card from Tim was inside with a $50 gift certificate to the tennis store near campus. Richard had just closed the envelope when Toby walked in.

"What's that?"

"Someone dropped it by for you." "Who?"

"I don't know. They just slid it under the door."

"Oooh, a secret admirer." Toby laughed. He opened the card and read its generic message and saw that it was signed by Tim. He also found the %50 gift certificate and felt bad that he hadn't thought to buy Tim anything.

"Who's it from?" Richard asked.


"Did you buy him something?"

"No, I think he's just being nice." Toby lied. He was starting to suspect that Tim wanted him back. Toby didn't want that, but he liked being around Tim, so he lied so that Richard wouldn't try to stop them from hanging out.

"Ok." Richard said, not sure whether to believe Toby or not.

The halls were once again quiet and after their small meeting, the R.A.'s had been let go for the Christmas holidays. Most of them were going home that very night, but both Cooper and Eric had decided to stay that night and head off in the morning.

"What are you gonna do?" Eric asked.

"I need to pack, I haven't done anything."

"But you leave early tomorrow morning!"

"I know, but I can always sleep on the plane. What about you?"

"Probably go to sleep. I'm exhausted. Between all the check outs and my intro psych final, my brain is dead."

"And Jon." Cooper said quietly.

"That's not really stressful." Eric laughed.

"Will you come by my room real fast?" Cooper asked.

"Yeah." Once they reached the third floor landing, they took the familiar walk almost to the very end of the corridor and they both laughed when they saw what appeared to be mistletoe hanging over the top of Cooper's door.

"Residents." Eric said amused. They walked through the threshold and Eric took a seat on Cooper's bed.

"Here," Cooper said handing his friend a package, "Merry Christmas."

"What? Cooper you shouldn't have gotten me anything, I didn't buy you anything."

"I don't buy gifts to get one back, and plus you being my friend is gift enough."

"That was corny." Eric laughed.

"I know." Cooper said going along with it, though he had truly meant it. Eric opened the package to find a very nice looking watch laying inside.

"I noticed you didn't wear one," Cooper explained, "I thought it might be a good idea to buy you one."

"It is, it's awesome. Thank you very much." Eric held his package and stopped over the threshold of the door, "I'll miss you over the next couple of weeks, you better call me." Eric said.

"I will, I can only take so much of Maine before I need to reach out to civilization."

Eric laughed as Cooper walked forward and the two friends gave each other a big warm hug. When it ended, Eric backed out of the door and his eyes instinctively went upwards as he saw the mistletoe still hanging from above.

"You should take that down." Eric said. "Not without a kiss first." Cooper half joked. He was surprised at how quickly Eric leaned forward and their lips met for just a second before Eric was pulling back.

"There, now take it down."

"Scouts honor."

"Bye." Eric smiled.

"I'll see you soon." Eric didn't know, but Cooper watched him walk all the way down the hall before closing the door.

So what did you guys think? I hope you liked it, I think it came out very well and depending on the reactions, it's something I might be interested in having a co-writer somewhere in the future, with future plot points. As always, negative or positive, I love hearing what you guys think about what's going on in the story and where you think it might be headed. Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 26

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