Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jan 24, 2005


This story contains sex between males of legal age if this offends you in anyway or you are not old enough to view such material, please turn back now. No reproductions are allowed without consent of the author. This is part 2, sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy it. You can e mail all comments to

Eric looked around his dorm room and didn't know quite what to think. His clothes were either hanging up or in drawers, the few CD's he had were just laying on his desk, nor did he have any pictures to hang up of his family or friends from school.

It's so plain. He thought. He wondered if his roommate would want to bunk the beds or if his roommate would think he was selfish for already choosing a side of the room. All he knew was that his roommate was named Toby. He wouldn't have to wait long as the door knob jingling made him turn around. Eric had to fight every nerve and hormone in his body to keep his jaw from dropping when he saw Toby. If Eric had been able to take a moment of self reflection at this very moment, he would have known without a shadow of a doubt that he was gay and there was no way that was ever going to change.

"Hey bro I'm Toby," Toby said throwing a box on his side of the room, "you must be Eric, I saw your name above the door."

"Yeah, I'm Eric. Very....nice to meet you."

Eric was finding it hard to formulate thoughts let alone words at this time.

He had hoped that his roommate was unattractive so that they could be friends and that would be it. But Toby was anything but unattractive and even the most straight macho guy on Earth could see that. The beautiful complexion that Toby had, not too dark, not too light, he was tall but not gangly ; he was obviously an athlete of some kind, and the jeans he was wearing seemed to cling to all the right places. Eric realized he had been staring and should probably say something.

"I..I hope you don't mind that I chose a side."

"Oh no, don't worry about it you got here first." With that Toby flashed Eric a smile and Eric felt his head spin.

Ok so you got caught a little off guard cause you didn't expect him to be hot, but get a hold of yourself.

"Do you need some help with the rest of your stuff?"

"Yeah that'd be awesome," Toby beamed, "Let's roll."

Cooper had also arrived to Sunnydale, but he had just made it to his room despite having been there for almost an hour. He had been flirting with one of the resident advisors, Kevin, downstairs. Cooper pretended not to know anything about the school or the area, and Kevin seemed more than eager to answer any questions he had. Cooper did know a lot about the area because he had visited the campus and the surrounding city when he came down for a visit a few months ago.

He'll be sucking my dick by the end of the week. He thought to himself. Cooper had already unpacked everything and he wondered where his roommate was. He was hoping that his roommate was hot and most of all that he wore the "right" kind of underwear. Cooper had a major underwear fetish. To see a guy wearing underwear that fit and looked good was the ultimate turn on for him. Cooper decided that he should go check out the bathroom situation. He had heard that some colleges don't have stalls in between showers and everything is out in the open for people to see. Cooper hoped that the bathroom on his floor was just like that. He left his room and walked down the hallway to the bathroom.

There better be some urinals here or I'm on a one way plane back to Maine.

Cooper walked into the bathroom and a wall separated one side of the bathroom from the other. To the left were sinks to wash your hands and brush your teeth. There was also a small curtain that covered a door way. He peaked his head through the curtain and realized it was the shower room. A smile crept over his face as he examined the room. There were five shower stalls, three on the right and two on the left. The only thing separating the stalls from one another was this glass like material that was obviously see through.

Nice, now this is my kind of bathroom.

He went to the other side of the bathroom and saw four standard issue toilet stalls, but about ten feet away were three urinals. He smiled and walked up to the middle stall.

Might as well give myself the proper welcome. He took out his already rock hard dick and was trying to settle his mind on something to jerk off to.

Kevin....I'll jerk off to Kevin

He started to remember the firm grip Kevin had when he shook his hand, how he looked him dead in the eye when he introduced himself......suddenly the bathroom door opened.

"Fuck," Cooper whispered as he tried to look normal as if he was just taking a leak. Toby walked up to the stall that was to the right of Cooper and immediately smiled.

"Jerking off in the bathroom?"

Cooper smiled," Yeah thought it needed the proper welcome."

"Thinkin about Kevin, the RA?"

"You've met him?"

"Oh yeah." With that Toby let out a whistle.

"'d you know I was gay?"

"The cock ring as a bracelet is a dead give away."

"Good point." They both flushed and washed their hands.

"I'm Cooper....from the great state of Maine."

"Toby," he said grasping Cooper's hand," from sunny southern California."

"Nice to meet you...hey you want to grab some dinner later?"

"Yeah sounds good. Is it cool if my roomie comes?"

"Yeah no problem, I'll invite my roommate whenever he gets in."

"All right, sweet, I'm in 320 so just knock."

"Awesome, I'm the room right across, 321."

"Alright see ya then."

Toby had finally gotten everything of his squared away and was just finishing plugging the wires in their proper places so that his computer could work.

"Yes! I can't believe I actually did it right." Eric gave him a confused look.

"You don't understand man, I am so technologically impaired it's not even funny. Whenever I had computer problems or issues Richard always did it for me."

"Who's Richard?" Eric asked fully expecting Toby to say an older brother or good friend.

"My ex."

"Oh,'re gay?

"Is that a problem?" Toby said a lot stronger than he meant to.

"No, not at all, it's don't look gay at all."

"Right, I left my pink dress and matching high heels at home."

"Sorry." Eric muttered.

Toby instantly felt bad and turned around and looked Eric in the eyes. "Sorry for that it's just there are a lot of stupid prejudice assholes out there and I don't have time for them."

"Is this him in all these pictures?"


"Wow, you guys are the same height, got the same build, wow you guys could be brothers."

We both have a seven inch cock too, Toby thought his own seven incher starting to stir.

"Yeah we get that all the time."

Eric shifted on his bed, his dick was starting to get hard and he didn't want Toby to see anything bulging in his jeans.

"You two still together?"

"Nope." This was harder for Toby to talk about then he realized.

"Why not?"

"We go to separate schools and it'll be too hard."

"You sound like you miss him."

"Oh, I do, we're in love...or at least we were, I don't know we made a clean break two weeks ago and then he came by last night and we......" Toby stopped to look at Eric who had an expressionless look on his face. Toby laughed to break the uncomfortable silence, "Sorry man, too much for you isn't it?"

Eric forced himself to chuckle, "Yeah just a bit. I think I'm gonna go jump in the shower."

"Alright, hey you wanna grab some dinner after you get out?"

"Yeah sounds good."

Eric leaped off his bed making sure to cover any bulge that might be showing, grabbed a towel from his closet and headed to the bathroom.

Eric walked into the bathroom relieved that Toby hadn't figured him out yet. Maybe this whole gaydar thing that he had read about on the internet was false. Eric had to admit it sounded a little ridiculous. Eric pulled back the shower curtain and was frozen where he was standing. An Asian guy was toweling off with his back to him. Eric simply did not have the will power to turn away from the sight in front of him, part of him knew that he wouldn't be able to. The guy was completely preoccupied with drying off and had not realized he was being watched. What was turning Eric on so much was watching someone do something private and them have no idea that someone was looking in on them. The hard on that had just dissipated from hearing Toby was now back at full attention. The guy was now drying his feet and was therefore bent almost completely over. Eric caught a very quick glimpse of the guy's asshole. Eric's tongue instinctively licked the outside of his lips and he could feel his now hard nipples brushing the material of his shirt. The guy suddenly turned around catching Eric staring at him.

"Are you staring at my ass?" Cooper asked the boy standing by the shower curtain.

"No," Eric lied trying to quickly think of a cover, " I'm just surprised that someone would just dry off out in the open like that. No decency or respect for anyone that might come in here. That's what the stalls are for."

"Mmhmm," Cooper didn't believe the story for a second. This guy was staring at him and he had caught him red handed. "The stalls are too small to try and dry off in."

Eric walked to the nearest stall to his left and had to admit that the guy had a point. The stalls were too small to do anything more than shower in. Eric turned back to the guy who still had his back to Eric and still had not put the towel over his bare ass.

"Ok, so you have a point."

Eric turned to his stall and turned the cold water all the way on, between this guy and Toby he needed to cool down.

"Well since you've seen my asshole I guess I should tell you that my name is Cooper." Eric turned again to Cooper's direction and was a little disappointed that he had now securely fastened the towel around his waste.

Eric extended his hand, "Eric." Eric pretended as if he didn't care who this guy was, but he was hoping that this guy would make more conversation, it didn't matter what he said as long as he kept talking. After a few moments of pretending to fiddle with the shower nozzles, Eric wondered where Cooper had gone he turned around and almost jumped out of his skin when he saw that Cooper was directly behind him.

"Jesus, what are you doing?" Eric yelled.

The echo in the shower room made Cooper smile, " Well you saw my ass, it's only fair I get to see yours."

"You're disgusting."

"So is that a yes or a no?"

For a second Eric considered it , but then he stepped into the stall getting his clothes wet. "Disgusting." and he snatched the shower curtain closed.

Cooper laughed to himself and walked out of the shower room.

He'll be sucking my dick in two weeks.

Toby and Cooper were eating dinner in the school cafeteria. Toby was impressed ; he had heard that cafeteria food could be lethal, but this was pretty damn good. And you could go back as many times as you wanted to get more food.

Now this is living the college life.

"Why'd your roommate say he didn't want to come?" Cooper asked interrupting Toby's thoughts.

"Something he wanted to watch on tv." Cooper nodded and then shoveled a mouthful of mashed potatoes in his mouth.

Toby continued, " I think my roommate's a closet case."

"Who's your roommate?"

"Eric. Fairly tall, really skinny white guy."

Cooper laughed," I think I saw this kid when I was taking a shower, he was practically fucking me with his eyes."

Toby laughed," That confirms it then.....I think I got a plan to get him to admit to me that he's gay."

Cooper smiled, putting his napkin down, " I'm all ears let's hear it."

I hope you guys enjoyed the second part, and thank you for the very nice comments so far. Any ideas or other comments are appreciated at

Next: Chapter 3

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