Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jul 20, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

Recurring characters in this chapter:

Michael - High school friend of Eric's who helped him come out to Toby and Cooper on New Years.

Nancy- The University President's personal assistant

Three Roads - Chapter 18- The Sleepover

Tim smiled when he heard the familiar sound that meant his computer was shutting down; It was finally Friday. Not only was that cause for celebration, but he had completed his first week of his new job at the President's Office without getting fired. Now all that was left was to decide what to do over the weekend. He wanted to just relax and have a quiet weekend, but Eric had called him the night before to tell him that the guys were getting together tonight to have a sleepover. Tim immediately said no because it would be awkward with Toby and Richard humping each other all night, but Eric left the invitation open if he were to change his mind. He began locking up the office, but his mind was still on the sleepover. Tim was starting to change his mind because he really didn't have very many people to hang out with. He was still single and there wasn't even a prospect in sight. Of all the boys in the group, he could only consider Eric a true friend. They'd spent time together on and off campus and their friendship was really flourishing. Cooper was ok, but Tim always got the feeling that Cooper was stressed when he was around because he and Eric were so much alike. As he stacked some papers, Tim decided that he would go home, take a nap, and then wake up an hour or so before the sleepover was to begin and decide at that time if he was up for going. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a tall young man walk through the door. He rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath. It seemed to happen almost every day that some student with a useless complaint or ridiculous request to see the president always came a few minutes before closing time. Tim put a smile on his face and looked up to see Jon standing there before him.

"How can I help you?" Tim said as warmly as he could.

"Can you tell me where I could find some brownies?"

"This isn't the time or the place." Tim said seriously.

"I'm just playing around mate."

"Look I don't have time for...wait...did you just call me mate?"

"I sure did. I just came by to say congratulations on your new job...oh here." From his backpack, Jon pulled out a little brown teddy bear that had congratulations written in white lettering over a black shirt. Tim took the bear out of his hands very reluctantly and inspected it carefully.

"What?" Jon asked.

"I'm looking to see where the explosives are."

"It's not like that. Just think of it as a sign of good will. I got to run but I'll catch ya later mate. Have a good weekend."

"Bye." Tim said very confused. He glanced at the clock and realized it was five. He yelled a quick goodbye to Delta and was on his way out.

"Tim!" Nancy yelled when he was halfway down the stairs. He quickly ran back to the office and saw Nancy standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"What's up?"

"Tim, I asked you to clean my keyboard before the week was over. It's not cleaned."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, I'll do it first thing Monday."

"I don`t know if you need to carry a pack of post its or staple something to your head, but when I say things or ask you to do something you need to remember."

"Nancy, I was a little distracted this week. You said the first priority was to have all the files in the file room alphabetized and put where they belong, so that's what I did. Did you want me to stop that to windex a keyboard?" Nancy gave Tim a look that would have killed most mortals, but Tim stood his ground and continued to look at Nancy waiting for an answer. Nancy, not wanting to deal with Tim anymore, simply turned on her heels and closed the office door behind her. Tim smiled as he skipped down the stairs and made his way out the door to freedom.

"But I'm starting to get worried about it." Eric said into his cell phone.

"Why? Isn't being more comfortable with being gay a good thing?" His friend from back home, Michael said from the other end.

"I guess, but the need to tell my mother is getting stronger."

"Again how is that a bad thing?"

"Because I don't want to tell her, I don't know why I want to anyway."

"Because no matter how much we hate to admit it, we want our parents' approval. How do you think your mom would take it?"

"She wouldn't disown me or anything or tell me to never come back home. I just think she'll be disappointed. Her only child is gay."

"That's something she'll have to deal with, it's not for you to worry about."

"Easier said than done." Eric complained.

"Everything is, but it's been almost a year since you told people. You'll soon realize that you really don't care what anyone thinks, even your mom. Of course you want her to approve, but if she doesn't then fuck her and anyone else who doesn`t."

"Ok, ok."

"I'm just saying. I'm a fag and I don't care that people know it, it's who I am and I love cock."

Eric laughed, "Where do I find the people I call friends? Between you and Cooper I hear more things than I ever wanted to hear."

"Good, you'll be a dick sucking, rainbow wearing, disco dancing homo before I'm through with you."


Michael laughed, "I got to go or my Mom will blow a gasket when she sees how expensive my cell bill is. I'll talk to you soon homeboy."

"Yeah, thanks as always Michael."

"It's what I'm here for, bye."

Cooper knocked rapidly on Kevin's door and smiled widely when Kevin opened the door.

"Hi." Cooper said putting his arms around Kevin in a hug.

"Oh...hey." Kevin said awkwardly returning the hug.

"Can I come in for a sec?"

"I'm actually on the phone. Is it important?"

"Oh, no," Cooper said slightly disappointed, "Just wanted to say hey. Hadn't seen you know."

"Since what?"

"You know." Cooper said miming giving a blowjob.

"Oh, right. I've been busy."

"Yeah me too I`m actually having the guys over tonight, so I should head back to my room. But we'll hang soon?"

"Yeah, definitely." Kevin said practically closing the door in Cooper's face. He raced back to his bed and picked up his phone.

"Sorry about that," he said unzipping his pants once again, "Where were we?"

Cooper opened the door and smiled when he saw Richard, Toby, and Eric standing at the doorway, "Welcome to my palace. Come in make yourselves comfortable and get ready for a night of debauchery."

"Hey." Toby said to Joey as he walked in.

"Hey," Joey said smiling, "you want something to drink?"

"Oh, no. I'm fine, thanks. This is my boyfriend Richard."

"Nice to meet you." Joey said looking Richard over. Like most people, Joey thought Richard was incredibly hot and only a few seconds into the sleepover, he had popped what would be the first of many boners as he thought about what a hot scene it would be to walk in on those two having sex. Eric was making his way through the door when Cooper put a hand on his chest to stop him.

"What?" Eric asked confused.

"Tonight is a night where all inhibitions will be left at the door. There will be no judgments, no attitude, and most importantly we are here to have fun."

"Ok, I got it." Cooper moved out of his way so that he could pass and Eric was surprised to see Joey was already there, "Joey, when did you get here?"

"Maybe like twenty minutes before you guys."


"Ok, we need to all get into a circle." Cooper said sitting Indian style on the carpet.

"What are we gonna do some kind of ritual or something?" Toby said teasing.

"Something like that." Cooper quickly reached into a drawer and pulled out his dildo.

"Oh, God." Eric blurted.

"Hey, no judgments!" Cooper retorted, "Everyone needs to be touching some part of the dildo."

"Is it clean?" Richard asked unsure.

"Of course."

"Can you really take the entire thing?" Joey asked, looking at how long and thick the dildo was.

"Hell yeah, I take it like a man." He said pounding on his chest. All the boys laughed, but Cooper again returned to the matter at hand, "No seriously, everyone needs to be touching some part of the dildo." Joey quickly wrapped is hand around it, Toby and Richard looked at each other before reluctantly wrapping their hands around it.

"Eric?" Cooper said glaring at him.

"If I catch anything..."

"You won't catch anything!"

"Fine!" Eric said rolling his eyes.

"Repeat after me," Cooper said, happy that everyone had followed directions so far, "What is said, done, admitted, confessed, or shown tonight and any details surrounding such things stay in this room."

"What is said, done, admitted, confessed, or shown tonight and any details surrounding such things stay in this room." They all replied in unison.

"Or may the vow breaker never know the pleasures of anal sex henceforth."

Someone snickered and that caused everyone, except for Cooper, to laugh, "Come on boys I can be here all night."

"Or may the vow breaker never know the pleasures of anal sex henceforth." They all repeated.

"Good." Cooper smiled. As he reached to put the dildo away, he did not see that all his friends, with the exception of Joey, were wiping the hand that had touched the dildo on their pants. A knock came at the door and Cooper quickly jumped to his feet.

"Pizza's here."

"Man, I'm starving," Toby said, rubbing his stomach, "I haven't eaten since..."

"Twenty minutes before we came over?" Richard said smiling.


"You ate before we came over." Richard said grabbing his crotch.

Toby laughed, "That was my pre dinner snack, I need something a little less salty."

"My cum is salty?"

"You've never tasted it before?"

"I have just not in a while, once you get down there you get greedy." Toby punched him playfully in the arm. Cooper opened the door and his face fell when instead of a good looking pizza guy standing in front of him he saw Tim, "False alarm, it's just Tim."

"That made me feel all warm and welcome," He said closing the door behind him, he sat down and joined the circle in between Eric and Cooper, "Who are you?" he said looking at Joey.


"How do you know these bitches?" Tim said.

"Bitch? I ain't nobody's bitch." Cooper said. Eric gave him an amused look and Cooper looked down at the ground and smiled, "Ok, one person's bitch."

"Really?!" Toby said, "Are you holding out on me?"

"You already know." Eric said to him.

"Oh it's..."

"Wait!!!" Cooper screeched, "We cannot say anything in front of Timothy here because he has not taken the vow." Eric rolled his eyes again and all the others laughed. Tim was curious, "Did I miss nudity?"

"No, just Cooper being Cooper." Toby said. He looked at Tim, afraid at how Tim would react to him speaking directly to him. They hadn't talked or seen each other since they had argued on the first day of school. Toby was relieved when Tim simply smiled back at him, "You have no idea how scary that sentence was."

Cooper once again retrieved the dildo from his drawer and when Tim saw it, he scrunched up his nose, "Ew."

"Come on we all had to do it." Toby said.

"You did it?" Tim said glancing at Eric. Eric nodded. Tim shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his hand around the dildo and repeated the same vow that all the others had been made to say by Cooper.

"So get back to who's pimpin you out." Toby said laughing, "The rest of the boys should know."

"You guys know Kevin, he lives on this floor, my side, hot as hell."

"Not the Kevin that always goes to the shower room in his boxer briefs?" Joey asked.

"That Kevin."

"No way, how did that one slip past the gaydar?" Joey said more to himself than anyone else.

"Apparently," Toby said in an unconvinced tone, "He's not gay or bi, he just doesn't mind getting head from guys."

"Or blowing them." Cooper said quietly.

"No fucking way!" Joey said, his hand over his mouth.

"Oh, yeah." Cooper filled the boys in on what had happened in his last encounter with Kevin and all the boys, even Toby, had to pick their jaws off the floor.

"Ok, so there's no doubt then, he for sure is gay."

"No, he just said he didn't want anyone to know."

"Good going." Eric said.

"Hey, all of us are forbidden from saying anything. And all of you are way too homo to ever say anything and give up taking it up the ass."

"So then you are gay?" Joey said looking directly at Eric. Eric looked around the room and realized he was among friends and he remembered Cooper's stupid vow that all of them had been forced to take. He smiled and simply said, "Yeah."

"Cool." Was all Joey said. Toby reached over and gave Eric a big smile and a pat on the back. Eric exhaled. He had expected some big deal the first time he admitted it to someone who didn't already know, but he was thankful and relieved that Joey didn't really seem to care. Maybe his mother would react the same way.

"I want to go back to something earlier," Richard said, "Who here has tasted their own cum. I already said I have, just not in a while."

"Same here," Toby said, "I used to do it back in high school all the time, now not really."

Joey shrugged, "I'd prefer to swallow someone else's."

"Um, how about that's fuckin nasty." Tim said. "I would have to be like uber in love to even think about it."

"Uber?" Cooper laughed.

"Yeah, like super or really really."

"Why didn't you just say super then?"

"Because uber is a much better word."

"Wait, we have yet to find out if Eric has swallowed his own cum." Joey interrupted. All eyes turned on Eric and he began to blush.

"Wow, I had you pegged all wrong." Cooper said as if he were looking at someone he didn't know. Eric knew that they had all assumed he had tasted his cum just like the others had, jerked off, came on his stomach and then run a cum coated finger through his mouth. He decided since he had already admitted he had, he might as well tell the whole truth, "I can actually do it in my mouth."

Joey let out a moan of surprise and Eric felt enormous pride because he was sure that if the boys hadn't previously been sporting wood, they surely were now.

"I should have made you take a vow a long time ago." Cooper said.

"I need details," Richard interjected, "you can shoot all the way up to your mouth?"

"No, I can...bend that way."

"Holy shit." Joey muttered.

"You've got to show us." Cooper said.

"Absolutely not." Eric said firmly.

"Come on, you can't brag about something like that and not back it up!" Joey screeched.

"I wasn't bragging."

"You could keep your clothes on and show us you can bend that far and the rest we can use our imaginations." Tim piped in.

"Thanks." Eric said sarcastically.

"Do it! Do it!" Toby started to chant. The others followed and soon they had Eric contemplating if it would be so bad if he did it. A loud knock came at the door that they barely heard over the chanting.

"Pizza's here." Eric said, glad for a distraction. Cooper stood up and carefully walked through his group of his friends to make sure that he did not step on anyone's hands or feet.

"Hey Cooper, I dare you to answer the door nude." Toby said to him. Cooper was already chucking his clothes before the other boys had turned around to see if he was really doing it.

"You must really want to see him naked," Eric said looking at Toby, "You know he has no problem being nude. They turned around again and Cooper was dropping his boxers. They all whistled crudely as Cooper's exposed ass came into view.

"Take it all in bitches." Cooper said opening the door. All the boys began laughing heartily as they saw the horrified expression of the delivery person.

"Oh, hi, Monica." Cooper said looking at her namet ag. Monica blushed and kept her eyes directly at Cooper's face, "Three larges?"

"Yeah," Cooper said still not covering himself. He didn't care, guy or girl, who saw him naked.

"That'll be..." Monica gasped as both her and Cooper watched the receipt fall to the ground. "Can you get that?" she pleaded.

As Cooper bent over to pick the receipt up off the hallway floor, the boys hollered and whistled at him. It should have made Cooper blush but instead it made Monica blush an even deeper shade of red and she pleaded to God that the ceiling would cave in on her. Cooper, sensing her embarrassment, gave her the cash and told her she could keep the change. Monica jetted off as fast as her legs would carry her down the hallway. Cooper laughed as he closed the door and attempted to hand the pizza boxes to Eric.

"Do I look like the counter?" Eric said jokingly.

"Take them or I'll put my dick in your face." Eric quickly took the pizza boxes and laid them on the floor.

"How much we owe you?" Tim asked.

"Nada. Compliments of my parents." Cooper said pulling just his boxers back on.

"To go along with the pizza, I have a little present." Richard said, "I'll be right back." He quickly ran out of the room leaving Cooper's door open/

"What's that about?" Cooper asked Toby. Toby shrugged his shoulders and Richard came back a few seconds later with his backpack.

"What are you going to give us a chemistry lesson?" Cooper laughed.

"No, that's just security." Richard unzipped the backpack and turned it upside down and several cans of beer fell onto Cooper's bed.

"Score!" Joey said reaching for one.

"Hey that's against dorm policy." Eric said.

"It's not a big deal, it's just beer, lighten up." Toby said

"Yes, I will remember to tell the police that when they come."

"Stop being dramatic," Toby said, "It'd probably calm you down if you had one."

"You're going to let them drink in your room?" Eric asked Cooper, "You feel the same way I do about drinking."

"It's cool." Cooper said nonchalantly. Eric, realizing he was outnumbered, decided to drop the issue.

After an hour of eating and joking around, all the boys were feeling very full and therefore decidedly less horny after their earlier talk.

"Why don't you like to drink?" Joey asked Cooper. Eric turned his attention to where Cooper was sitting. He had tried to ask the very same question a few weeks ago when they were at the QSA party, but Cooper had not wanted to talk about it then.

"It's not the most happy go lucky story." Cooper said.

"That's fine, I want to hear it." Joey said.

"Me too." Eric said.

"It was like eight years ago. I had a cousin and he had Hepatitis C, since he was a little kid. My aunt claimed not to know how he got it, but we all know she did drugs while she was pregnant with him. He was born at like 6 months and the doctors told her he wouldn't live a very long life. He lived until he was 19 though and, I don't know, it's weird cause like we all forgot anything was wrong with him. He loved to laugh and play video games and he was like always asking someone for a dollar." Cooper chuckled.

"The night he died we were all at my house cause my grandma lived just down the road and my cousin lived with my grandma cause he and my aunt never got along. Anyway, of course we're all sad cause someone we loved just died, and one of my uncle comes in, drunk off his ass asking why we're all sad. He kept saying, `You knew he was sick, why are you sad." Finally Angela had enough and asked him to leave. I love her she was like sixteen then, but she got in his face and told him to get the fuck out. I remember one of my aunt's was sitting in front of me and it looked like my uncle was going to hit Ang, and so my aunt was slowly getting up when my uncle finally left. That and so many other fun situations with family and even some friends just...I can't be casual about drinking like so many other you guys."

Cooper looked around the room and saw that Eric looked like he wanted to cry and Joey, Toby, Richard, and Tim were all looking down at the floor, all feeling very selfish for deciding to drink tonight.

Cooper continued, "That is like the saddest night of my life because it was obvious my uncle was in just as much pain as everyone else was. But instead of using his family and going through it with all of us, alcohol was his way of coping. I don't know it's just so...destructive. Like a few weeks later he apologized to Angela and made it seem like it was the funniest thing in the world." Cooper gave a half smile, "Well, now that we're all sufficiently depressed we might as well keep going with the depressing tales."

"My dad died when I was 5," Eric said staring at the floor, "My mom always said my dad wasn't all that great and that she doesn't know why I get moody about him because if he were still alive, he wouldn't be here to take care of me anyway. But he was walking down the street to the store one night and he saw this man attack this woman, I guess trying to rape her. My father got the guy off of her, but the guy stabbed him in the stomach a bunch of times and he bled to death on a bus stop. The saddest thing is I don't even really remember him now. It's more like a memory of a memory. I know I used to know who he was even though I can't actually remember it." Eric shut his eyes tightly to keep from crying. He had never shed tears over his father and he was not about to start, not with all his friends watching him do it. He felt a hand rub his shoulder and he looked over and saw that Tim was sympathetically smiling at him.

"My mom had an asshole for a boyfriend," Joey said after a few moments of silence, "They were together a very long time all while me and my brother were growing up. He never hit us or anything, he was just a major dick. I guess I just always assumed when it came down to it, she was my mother and would choose her boys over some broke asshole. One of my chores was to wash the towels and my mom wanted me to wash some rugs one day, she said she would put them on top of the towels. She came home and was pissed off about something and asked why I hadn't washed the rugs. I told her it was cause there were no rugs on top of the towels so I thought she had changed her mind. She started saying how I was stupid and never did anything right and all this shit. David came like storming out of the room and called my mom a bitch and was telling her she had no right to talk to me like that. I think he had finally gotten fed up with all the years of their bullshit. It's the only time in my life I've ever seen my brother lose his cool. David's only like 3 years older than me, but we moved out into a studio a month later and that was during his senior year. My mom is still with that guy I think, I'm not sure we've barely seen her since that happened."

"This happened recently?" Eric asked.

"Yeah like 3 or 4 years ago. I was a freshman in high school and I've lived with my brother since then until I came up here. Sometimes I feel guilty because I feel like I robbed him of...I don't know he worked and went to school and then just worked full time after he graduated. I don't even think my mom showed up. And I can't even remember a time, even as kids, that he yelled at me or was mean to me. I love him more than I love myself most times."

"I just wish my parents would get back together." Richard said. " I just don't understand how love goes bad.

"Are they still in separate places?" Tim asked him.

"Yeah, my dad has like a small apartment not far from the house. But it's like they don't even want to try and get back together. They talk when it's something concerning me, but it's always like a word away from Wrestlemania." Richard finished.

"Mine's not like about anything really, just like high school. I never really had any friends in high school cause people thought I was weird. I just wonder how many things I missed out on because of it. It's why I'm glad I met you guys," he said looking at Eric, Toby and Cooper, "It's like the first time I've ever had any real friends. You know how you meet those people that are there out of convenience? I don't think you guys are like that, not even you Toby." Cooper had never really felt all that close to Tim, he liked him enough, but never really considered him a part of the core group, but listening to him talk just then had softened Cooper's heart, and Cooper hoped that Tim would not stay away because of Richard and Toby andwould participate more in the group. All eyes turned to Toby who was the only person left to speak.

"I don't think I have anything to say."

"Now who needs to lighten up." Eric joked.

"No, it's not that, it's just that I've never really had anything like that in my life. Listening to you guys made me think of how lucky I am that I have a supportive family and good friends who care about me."

"Fuck you." Cooper said throwing a pillow at him, "Seriously, you have a family that doesn't care you're gay, a hot boyfriend, good friends, you're hot, got a killer ass, and you don't even fit the dumb jock stereotype, I was hoping that your family would be a little fucked up, but God I guess some people do have all the luck."

Toby decided to deflect all the attention being placed on him by jokingly saying, "Quick Cooper get naked." Everyone laughed.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind you getting naked again." Joey said.

"I've seen his dick a bunch of times and it's nothing special." Eric said. Cooper made a high pitched squeal that made everyone think he was choking, "That is the meanest thing anyone has ever said about me."

Eric rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time that night, "I'm just being honest. It looks the same size as everyone else's."

"It wasn't hard how could you tell?" Cooper yelled back.

"Wait," Toby said, "Why have you seen his dick so many times?"

"Before we were friends he used to think it was funny to like drop his towel in front of me or whatever."

"That's because I could tell you wanted me."

"Oh whatever."

"Who wouldn't want this?" Cooper said pulling the front of his boxers down exposing his 9-inch monster."

"Oh." Joey whimpered.

"My." Tim said.

"God!" Eric said in astonishment. Cooper simply smiled as his friends took in the largest dick any of them had seen in person.

"How in the world did Kevin get that in his mouth?" Toby said, voicing what everyone else was thinking.

"He pretty much just had the head in his mouth, but that was enough for me."

Cooper said popping his dick back into his boxers.

"I've never seen an uncut one that close up before." Joey said.

"All the black boys you've been with? I though a lot of black guys were uncut?" Cooper asked.

"I don't know. Usually they just go straight in my mouth, I'm not really concerned how they look."

"Lovely." Eric said.

"It so is you have no idea, like my ultimate fantasy is to be banged by like four or five black guys at once and then have them all cum on my face after."

"All at once?" Richard asked. "Too many people."

"Why what's your fantasy?" Joey asked curiously.

"I think I'd really like to give a guy head in front of a girl." Richard said.

"Why?" Toby asked.

"It'd be hot, girls are kind of cute."

"Since when?" Toby asked seriously. Richard just shrugged his shoulders.

"Mine surely doesn't involve girls," Tim said laughing, "It would be hot to have sex outdoors, sun beating down on your back while you're getting screwed."

"Mine's similar," Cooper jumped in, "except it's inside, I'd love to have a huge mansion and get fucked in every room of the house before my boyfriend lets me cum. My house would be so big we'd be at it for at hours."

"Jesus christ." Eric said.

"What's yours?" Cooper asked.

"I think it'd just be really cool to jack off with another person. Like jerking off is something people usually do when they are totally alone so it'd be fun to do it with someone else."

"And Toby?" Joey said. Joey had decided that whatever Toby said his fantasy was, he was going to try his absolute best to make it happen, or at the very least, have Toby walk in on him living out the fantasy with someone else.

"Sorry boys, I live in reality." Toby smiled. Cooper threw another pillow at him and Toby threw it back at him There was a knock at the door and they all looked at Cooper, "What did you get us a stripper or something?" Toby laughed.

"Don't I wish." Cooper said getting up, he answered the door and there stood a tall boy, who he assumed to be a resident, "Hey buddy, I'm not on duty this weekend you got to go find someone else."

"Oh, no," he said in his English accent, "I was hoping that Eric was here." Eric and Tim gave each other a glance and Eric took Cooper's place at the door, "What's up?"

"So, I did what you asked and now I want to know if you will go out with me." Jon said smiling in that mischievous way that only he could.

"You did what I asked?" Eric said confused.

"Yeah, I made nice with your friend." He said pointing to Tim, "Hi, mate, how's it going."


"How did he make nice with you?" Eric asked, turning to Tim.

"He gave me a teddy bear and congratulated me on my new job and surprisingly there were not explosives taped to the bear."

"See, I did it for you." Jon said still smiling, "So that means you should go out with me."

"Oh, I don't now Jon..."

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" he heard his friends chanting from behind them. He blushed and turned around and even Tim was chanting with the rest of the gang.

"Ok, one date." Eric blushed. His friends hollered and made kissing sounds making Eric wish the ceiling would cave in on him in much the same way the delivery girl had felt a few hours earlier.

"Awesome!" Jon said excitedly, "We can go out on Halloween , I'll call you later with all the details." Eric closed the door behind him and all the boys clapped.

"Ok, you can stop now." Eric said, though it was an act, he was beyond himself ; he had just been asked a guy... and he had accepted.

"Oh come here," Cooper said reaching across Tim and grabbing Eric into a hug, "My little Eric's all grown up." Cooper said pretending he was crying.

"Get off of me," Eric said pushing Cooper off of him, "You're ok with this?" He asked Tim.

"I think you could do better, but I can tell you like him so you should do it." Tim smiled.

"Thanks." Eric said.

A series of loud beeps made them all look in Richard's direction, "Sorry, text message." It was a message from Bliss asking if he wanted to hang out, "Bliss wants to hang, you guys want to come?"

"This late?" Toby said suspiciously.

"Yeah, maybe something's up, but I'm gonna head over to her place, anyone want to come?"

"No," Toby said answering before anyone else could, "We're having a sleepover, everyone is supposed to stay here."

"Whatever, there's not enough room for us all to sleep here anyway. I'll see you guys later thanks for the good time guys."

The boys stayed up for a few more hours, mostly cracking jokes at the expense of one of the other boys. Toby hardly participated though, he kept glancing at his cell phone every few minutes wondering when Richard would return. When the boys were all getting sleepy and ready to go to bed, Toby decided it was time to make his exit, "I hate to be a party pooper but Richard still isn't back yet, and I'm gonna wait up for him so we can talk. I'll make it up to you guys," he continued when he saw their disappointed faces, "I promise." He walked out the door and it took an enormous amount of self control from Eric not to say anything. A few minutes later the lights were out. Cooper was in his bed, Eric had brought his mattress from his room and laid it right next to Cooper's bed, Tim and Joey were in sleeping bags in the middle of the room.

"Good night." Cooper said sleepily.

"Sweet dreams." Joey said.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite." Tim yawned.

"Good night." Eric smiled. He had a weird sensation running through his body, he was sleepy, but at the same time he had never felt more wide awake.

He drifted off to sleep twenty minutes later with a smile on his face, feeling like he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

Thanks for reading the latest chapter of Three Roads. I appreciate not only that you guys take time to read the story, but to those of you who take the extra time to let me know what you're thinking about the story I appreciate it that much more. It keeps me motivated to write these chapters every week and to try my best to create a story that's realistic, but hopefully also interesting and fun. Just as a heads up, 'll be going on vacation in mid august so there will be a two or three week span of no updates. I apologize in advance, but will continue writing weekly until then. Thanks again for reading and would love to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 19

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