Three Roads

By moc.oohay@selegnacas

Published on Jul 13, 2006


This story contains adult and sexual situations between males. If this is not to your liking....well you know the drill.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Roads - Chapter 17- Sex and the Dorms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Eric sighed heavily as he walked out of the classroom. He was finally done with classes for the day and now he could go back to his room and relax. There were many people behind him, but he had already tuned them all out; he had been paying attention and listening to his professors drone on and on all day long, he was glad to be free. Even though he was in a rush to get back to his room, the walk was long enough to where he decided it would be best to take a leak in the bathroom just up the hall. He made his way inside and took a spot at a urinal. He saw someone standing near one of the stalls and didn't think anything of it until a few seconds later, when the guy still had not moved. He turned, careful not to threaten his aim, and realized it was Joey.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting," Joey said walking up to the urinal right next to Eric, "What are you doing?"

"Using the bathroom."

"Is that all?" Joey said, very obviously trying to take a peak at Eric's goods. Eric moved closer to the urinal, "Ummm...yeah, what else is there to do in a bathroom?"

"I'm sure if one were creative enough they could find something else to do."

"Ok, then. Well I'm gonna go, I'll see you back in the halls."

"See you soon." Joey waited until he heard the door close and then went back to the stall he had been standing near. He peaked into the stall and saw a very attractive guy jerking off.

"You need some help with that?" Joey whispered through the crack. The guy walked towards the door, his boner swinging wildly as he moved, and he opened the stall door just enough for Joey to slip in.

"You want to help me with this?" The guy asked.

"Yeah." Joey said unconsciously licking his lips.

"Only if you help out my buddy over there too." The guy said motioning to the adjoining stall. Joey looked over and saw an even more beautiful and erect cock appear through a hole cut into the stall.

"Are you game?"

"Hell yeah."

"Then get on your knees faggot!"

Cooper stepped out of the shower feeling a lot more wide awake than he did just a few minutes before. He stretched and yawned, in all his naked glory, and then began to dry himself off. He heard the door open but didn't think anything of it as several of his residents had already seen him naked.

"Howdy." Kevin said walking by Cooper in nothing but his boxer briefs.


"How's it going?"

"Oh same old same old...haven't seen you around lately."

"Yeah, I've been busy," Kevin said checking the water, "Haven't seen you either."

"Oh, I've been around." Cooper said, turning to walk out of the shower room.

"Maybe we should hang out this weekend."

"Yeah, we that." Kevin was now completely naked, his body in full view of Cooper. Cooper scanned his body up and down though he didn't need to; he had it fairly well memorized. The smooth chest, the scarce pubic hair, the long scar on Kevin's left thigh from when he tried to climb a fence back in elementary school. The longing for Kevin's body but, more importantly, Kevin, still had control over Cooper. He simply couldn't tear his eyes away. It was as if Kevin knew this because as Cooper stood there looking him over, not saying anything, Kevin turned around to pick up his underwear that he had let carelessly fall to the floor exposing his ass to Cooper.

"Alright, I'll get in touch when I'm available." Kevin climbed into the shower and pulled the curtain closed. Cooper stayed still for a few more moments and then made his way out of the bathroom. Inside the shower, Kevin smiled to himself when he heard the bathroom door close signifying Cooper's exit. They hadn't talked much this year, but it was very satisfying to him that he still had some effect on Cooper.

"What are you looking at?" Coach Williams asked coming from behind Tim who was staring at the same wooden kiosk in which he had found the job for Sammy's Sandwiches.

"Oh, um...just looking for a job."

"Money tight?"

"Oh, no, just something to do, since I...yeah."

"If you're just looking for some money on the side, maybe you should try the President's Office."

"The President's Office?"

"Yeah, they sent a memo a couple of days ago asking all faculty to send any good and hard working students their way who needed a job."

"The President's Office though? It sounds kind of high profile."

"All they're looking for is a student assistant, I think you'd do well...or you know if you wanted to come back..."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'll stay away for now. I'll go give the President's Office a visit after class. It'll be nice to actually find who our President is."

After class, Tim made his way to the President's office. Previously, he never had a reason to go there so he had to ask someone for directions on where exactly to go. He came to the outside of the building and saw that it was simply marked: Administration. The building was only two stories high, but it was evident that a lot of money was spent on the building. The building looked sturdy and capable of withstanding even the harshest of winds, while many of the other building on campus looked like they were a rainy season away from collapsing. There was a small, but beautiful flower garden right outside the structure, with nicely painted benches that almost beckoned you to sit on them.

"Wow, a bench I won't fall through." Tim said out loud. He walked into the building and was immediately greeted by a girl who was sitting at a desk, "How can I help you?"

"Oh, I'm looking for the President's Office."

"Right up the staircase and to the left."

"Thanks." Tim smiled. He made his way up the staircase and again was in disbelief over how clean and sturdy the stairs were. Most of the stairs, especially in the dorms, were either chipped or had pieces sticking out of them dangerously waiting to scratch a resident who was not paying attention. At the top of the staircase, he walked towards the door to the left and saw a an older, but nice looking woman sitting behind a very large desk. A name placard was sitting at the front of the desk with the name Delta engraved on it.

"How can I help you?"

"Hi, Coach Williams sent me here. There's a job or something available."

"Yeah, we're looking for a student assistant, that's the position you're interested in?"

"Yeah, is there like an application or something."

"Yes, right here." Tim quickly filled out the application and handed it back to the woman.

"Is that all?"

"Mmhmm." From somewhere behind them, Tim heard a man clear his throat. He looked at Delta who looked as if she had seen a ghost. Tim turned around and instead of seeing a man saw a small dainty woman standing in the doorway to the office.

"We've gone over this many times. You give them an application, they fill it out, then you set up an interview time right then and there." the woman said in a very low, slightly menacing voice.

"I'm sorry Nancy...I was..."

"I'm just glad I was here." Nancy said looking down at Delta. Nancy quickly turned to Tim and used what she obviously thought was a warm expression to greet him.

"Hi, I'm Nancy Ehlers."

"Nice to meet you."

"Well, now that Delta knows what she's doing, I'll leave you to her." Nancy disappeared behind a door and Tim, after making sure he heard the sound of a closing, door turned his attention back to Delta.

"Wow, who was that biotch?"

"Shhh!" Delta said frantically glancing at the door Nancy had gone through, "That woman has hearing second to none."

"Who is she? Is she the President?" "No, no, she's the President's personal assistant. No one gets to the President unless they've already talked to her. All appointments, meetings, requests to even see the President all have to be approved by her."

"She doesn't seem like a very happy person."

"No, she's nice," Delta said unconvincingly, "but even if she isn't the pay is awesome so you should really consider working here."

"I think I'll go through with the interview and see where that takes me."

"Good," she smiled warmly, "I'll see you soon then."


Later that night, Eric and Cooper were in the Dining Commons having dinner and making small talk.

"Dude, this year needs to be over already." Cooper said.

"What? It's barely the end of September.

"I know but I'm tired."

Across the cafeteria, Joey was carrying a full tray of food and drink. He stopped for a few moments and took a look around the cafeteria. He saw familiar faces and some guys who lived on his floor, but no one who he'd said more than hi too. He saw his R.A., Eric sitting there talking to a good looking Asian guy, an it looked as if Eric were reprimanding the guy about something. He didn't want to bother them, and seeing no one else he knew, he turned around and went back to the counter to ask for a to go plate instead.

Back in his room, Joey was looking through his large DVD collection for a movie to watch hoping that would cure his loneliness. After a few moments, he decided that he didn't have anything good to watch, so he powered up his laptop and signed online to see who was on to keep him entertained. He was disappointed to find that none of his friends from back home were signed in; they must be out having fun he thought to himself. He went into his music folder and decided that he would just chill and relax and listen to some tunes. But he was still bored out of his mind ten minutes later and he wished his roommate was home. Normally, Joey liked having the room all to himself, his roommate was on the soccer team and was hardly ever there because of practices, class, and games were always on the weekends, but lately he hadn't had anyone to talk to. He thought about his older brother, David; they had agreed that they would talk every other night. Joey picked up his cell phone and began scrolling down the list of names to find his brother's. He stopped suddenly when he realized that he had talked to his brother just last night. He threw the phone across the room and watched as the battery went in one direction and his phone the other. He put his pillow over his face and screamed into it. He heard a light knock at the door and took a few minutes to compose himself before opening the door.

"Oh, hey Eric, what's up?"

"Hey, I saw you walk into the dining commons and then leave suddenly I was just making sure everything was alright."

"Yeah, I just...wasn't hungry."

"I see, well just for future reference, you're welcome to join me and my friends anytime you like."

Joey smiled widely, "Thank you, that means a lot."

"No problem, I'll see you later then."

Joey closed the door but continued to smile. That was really nice of Eric and it made him feel good that at least someone wanted to be his friend. He realized that he had to go to the bathroom and made his way down the hallway. He walked in and saw Toby and Cooper talking while washing their hands at the sink.

"Hi, Toby." Joey said blushing as he walked past him.

"Hi...I don't know your name," Toby smiled, "Sorry." The visions of Joey getting fucked and blowing that guy ran through Toby's head and he started to get hard.

"Yeah, I guess we haven't met properly," he blushed again, "My name is Joey."

"Nice to meet you." Toby said shaking his hand. Joey almost creamed his pants right then and there; he would remember this moment forever, the first time he ever touched Toby Black.

"Oh, you're Eric's Joey?" Cooper asked smiling like he was talking to a little baby. In many ways he felt like Joey was a little baby. Cooper was almost a foot taller than him and definitely outweighed him by quite a bit.

"Yeah, he's my RA."

"Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing." Cooper smiled.

"That's him," Toby whispered, "The one I saw in the bathroom."

"What a skank! But I'm intrigued, we're going to go grab ice cream you want to come?" Cooper asked.

"Yeah, just got to take a quick leak."

"We'll wait outside."

"Dude, why'd you invite him?" Toby asked playfully pushing Cooper once they were outside.

"Why not, I want to hear about this fucking in the bathroom."

"Horn dog."

"I'm already hard man. Plus I don't think he has many friends. He didn't have anyone to eat with at dinner and I'm an RA now, I have to look out for those sorts of things."

"Bullshit," Toby laughed, "You just want to hear about his sexcapades.."

"You know me too well."

"All ready." Joey said, coming out of the bathroom.

Because of the height difference, it was very awkward when Cooper put his arm around Joey, "So what's this I hear about you and bathrooms?"

The three of them laughed and made their way down the hall. Eric saw them and became very angry. They had invited him to go, but he had so much work to finish he decided it would be best if he stayed home. He wasn't regretting his decision, he did in fact have a lot of work do you, but why the fuck did Cooper have his arm around Joey?

An hour later, Cooper was thoroughly aroused by hearing Joey's stories, it turns out they both had an appreciation for seeing dicks at urinals. Toby didn't say much, but Cooper could tell he was enjoying hearing what they had to say. Cooper's mood dipped a bit when he saw Kevin standing outside of his door.

"Where you been?"


"I thought we were going to hang." Kevin said.

"You said you'd call me and I didn't get anything." Cooper said holding up his cell phone.

"Can I come in?"


"I was kind of hoping you could help me out." Kevin said.

"I'm not on duty tonight man you need to go find another RA to let you in if you locked yourself out."

"No, no I meant like old times." Kevin smiled weakly.


"It's ok if you don't want to."

"No, I do,'re leaving soon. I wish we were spending more time together."

"I know, me too. I've just been busy, but I promise I'll be around more."

Cooper smiled, "How do you want it?"

"Can I lay down on your bed?"


Cooper watched as Kevin stripped down to some blue briefs with red stripes running across them.

"Are those new?"

"Yeah, I bought them over the summer." Kevin was reaching to pull his underwear down, but Cooper stopped him, "No, I want to do that."

Kevin laid down on the bed and Cooper climbed in between his spread legs. He lifted his ass up just a bit so that Cooper could pull the briefs down his legs. Kevin was already hard and Kevin sighed as Cooper ran his hands up and down Kevin's body.

"You mind if I get naked?" Cooper asked.

"Go ahead." Cooper quickly shucked his clothes into a corner and let his fully erect dick lead him back to the bed. He teased the head of Kevin's cock with his tongue and it made Kevin yelp and then laugh nervously.

"I forgot how good you are at that."

Cooper continued working over the object of his affection, encouraged by the various moans and half words that Kevin was muttering.

"Will you fuck my mouth?"

Without saying a word, Kevin pushed Cooper on his back and got over him in a push up stance, lowering his erect cock down into Cooper mouth. Cooper was enjoying the way Kevin was pumping into his mouth, but he was aware that his hard on was rubbing up against Kevin's leg. It was the first time he remembered his dick touching any part of Kevin's body. Cooper could tell Kevin was starting to get close, so Cooper moved his hands from the side of his body and put them firmly on Kevin's ass and pressed down so that Kevin would get the message that he wanted his mouth pumped even harder. Kevin pumped as fast he could and right before it was too late, he pulled his dick from Cooper's mouth and sprayed him directly in the face. Cooper was surprised by the force in which the cum hit his face, he closed his eyes just in time as his both eyelids became covered in cum. Kevin let out a moan that sounded as if it came from deep within his throat. He finally finished cumming and wiped what was left on Cooper's lips before falling backwards off of Cooper and onto the bed. Kevin was breathing hard and as much as Cooper loved getting shot in the face with cum, he preferred to have his sight. He sat up, his eyes still closed, and crawled across the bed so that he could reach the towel he had placed on his desk. He started wiping off his face with the towel and did not realize that he had inadvertently put his dick just inches away from Kevin's face.

"Damn, you've got a huge dick." Kevin said placing his hand on it as if he was afraid it would recoil and bite him. Cooper stared down in amazement but said nothing as Kevin began lightly stroking him.

"I wish my dick was this big." Kevin said. He continued stroking Cooper, who was still looking down at Kevin intently. He was so hard and ready to cum, but Cooper was concentrating as hard as he could on not cumming; he wanted this moment to last as long a possible. Kevin moved so he could change position and for a moment Cooper thought Kevin was going to suck his dick, but Kevin just wanted better access so he could stroke Cooper a bit more easily. Cooper had his eyes tightly shut now, repeating inside his head, "Do not not cum."

Cooper gasped when he felt warmth engulf the head of his dick. He quickly looked down and saw that Kevin had his dick in his mouth. Cooper couldn't control himself and began lightly pumping Kevin's mouth.

"Oh fuck yeah, I'm going to cum!"

Kevin quickly removed the dick from his mouth and aimed it at his chest just in time as Cooper unloaded. It was the most intense orgasm Cooper had ever had, so much that Cooper couldn't even get any sound to come out as he came all over Kevin's chest. When he finished he collapsed in the opposite direction of Kevin on the bed and put his hands over his eyes. His mind was spinning in a million different directions and plus his body was still feeling the effects of the orgasm, he just needed a few moments to collect himself. After a few minutes of silence both boys had gathered themselves and both sat up on the bed at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

"That was..." Cooper started.

"Incredible." Kevin finished.

"I didn't think you'd do that."

"Neither did I, it was my first time doing that. I was always curious what it would be like to suck a dick."


"I've done worse things." There was a pause as both boys stared down at the floor.

"You're not going to tell anyone about this are you?" Kevin asked seriously.

"What's there to tell? Lots of guys here have sucked a dick, it's not a big deal."

Kevin persisted, "Seriously though, I don't want anyone to know what just happened."


"You swear."

"Yeah, I'm not going to say anything."

"Alright." Kevin climbed off the bed and started to dress quickly.

"Why you in a rush? You want to stay and hang out?"

"I can't. I'm waiting on a phone call and I got some shit to do."

"When we gonna hang again?"

"Soon, I promise. Talk to you later." Kevin said as he closed the door behind him. Cooper plopped back down on his bed and laughed out loud.

"Fuckin A!" He yelled. Things were definitely looking up he thought. That night as he went to bed, he feel asleep wondering what he and Kevin would do the next time they got together.

Thanks guys for reading the latest chapter. I always enjoy hearing from you guys and what you think about the story, where it's going, and any opinions or story ideas you have, or if you just want to drop me a line saying hey, that's cool too. Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 18

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